#yukki mishima
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katsona-the-katsequel · 6 months ago
Persona Characters' Favorite Food
(I didn't manage to find all of them, so some characters might be missing. Plus, they never state favorite foods for most protags. Whomp whomp)
Maki: Strawberries
Nate: Traditional japanese cuisine
Mark: Chicken Combo
Elly: Godiva
Brown: Hamburgers and curry
Yuka: Ikra, horumonyaki, and engawa
Reiji: Mom's home cooking
Yukki: Yakisoba and yakitori
Tatsuya: Medium-rare steak (with the red juice) and salted potato chips
Lisa: Hamburgers, orange mousse, and natto
Michel: Melon and salads
Jun: Tamagoyaki and chocolate
Maya: Crab and ramen
Yukari: Strawberry daifuku (white bean only)
Yosuke: Fruit lozenges
Chie: Meat (is anyone really surprised?)
Yukiko: Japanese food
Kanji: Ottotto and Home Run ice cream bars
Adachi: Sushi (especially uni), beef, and dishes with cabbage
Ryuji: Beef bowl, junk food like hamburgers, and ramen
Mona: High-quality sushi and meat
Ann: Anything that's sweet, especially cake
Yusuke: More concerned about the aesthetics
Makoto: Seafood and healthy foods
Futaba: Curry, instant yakisoba, and sweets
Haru: Very particular about her food. They must make good use of the tastes and ingredients
Akechi: Nothing in particular
Sojiro: Curry, coffee, oysters, and basically any bitter food
Chihaya: Ethnic foods like green curry
Iwai: Shogayaki, yakiniku, and any kind of strong-flavored meat dish
Takemi: Mapo tofu and hot pot
Kawakami: Mildly luxurious food
Ohya: Anything that goes well while drinking alcohol like nuts and pickles
Shinya: Salisbury steak and gyoza
Hifumi: Udon and katsu curry
Mishima: Will eat anything
Yoshida: Beef bowl and oden with eggs
Sae: Miso soup that Makoto makes. Also eggplants
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domingoisfake · 11 months ago
Yukki Mishima is my animal spirit
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ocean--toast · 3 years ago
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Persona 5 as shit me and my friend say part. Whatever
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beetle-persona · 7 years ago
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Poor Mishima...
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xx-satanickid-xx · 6 years ago
So low key a demon kin, a Yukki Mishima kin, and Junko Kin.
I'm also a Tae Takemi kin, a Nine kin (from Zankyou no terror) and a Garry kin (from IB)
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fantasymagicians · 7 years ago
a .  age : 24
b .  birthplace :  Burnsville MN
e .  easiest  person(s)  to  talk  to :  I have only talked to like three people on here so it would have to be @frogsukehanamura @multamuse and @snowheist
c .  current  time :  5:32pm
d .  drink  you  had  last :  Mtn Dew.
f .  favorite  song(s) :   Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park and Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore.
h .  horror  yes  or  horror  no :   Not really... I am a wimp
i .  in  love ? :   Nope. I may have a crush but that doesn't count as I get those far too easy. Besides, it will go away soon and I am not really ready for dating anyway. Even if my brain tells me otherwise
j .  jealous  of  people :   Honestly I do, A lot. It really sucks.
k .  killed  someone :   No.
l .  love  at  first  sight  or  should  i  walk  by  again ? :  I guess???? I mean I believe in love at first sight but I don’t think it has actually happened to me.
m .  middle  name :  Marie
n .  number  of  siblings :  3 half brothers and 2 half-sisters.
o .  one  wish :  Unrealistically: To live in the world of fantasy  Realistically: To be more outgoing and confident in myself.
q .  question  you’re  always  asked :  How old are you?/Are you in school?
r .  reason(s)  to  smile :  My rat Mochi, My cat Angel, Reading a good book (though I haven't done that in a while.), Seeing rp replies and actual messages from people
s .  song  you  sang  last : Can’t remember XD But I was singing not to long ago.
t .  top  3  fictional  characters :  Yosuke Hanamura, Yukki Mishima and Tai/Taichi from Digimon
u .  underwear  &  color :  Boxers. Er, well... They are Pikachu ones >//////>
v .  vacation :  Never been outside of Minnesota. I would love to go to Japan or Germany. As for in the US, I have a dream of going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
w .  when’s  your  birthday :  September 28th
x .  x - rays :  haven’t had any sense I think high school?
y .  your  favorite  food : Pizza, Fruits, and anything sweet.
z .  zodiac  sign :  Libra
Tagged by: @kunaiflourish said the whole dash so I am assuming that included me? Either way, I stole it. XD
Tagging: Steal if you want XD
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ahogehope · 8 years ago
his name is yukki tora
welp looks like him and Mishima are gonna have to fight for the rights to the name Yuki
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soylunica · 7 years ago
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Let Me Join, Phantom Thief Mishima's origin story! I've got the first 2 pages already done. I don't know how long it'll be but I know I'll be enjoying writing this~
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beetle-persona · 7 years ago
Attack on Titan but with Persona Characters
Eren/Akira/Ren - Strong, No surrender, Brave
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Mikasa/Makoto - Heroine, Canon love for protagonist = Scary girl
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Reiner/Kanji - Tough Boi, Nice enough but can Attac when needed
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Armin/Akechi - Cuddlebuns, lovable, Deserving of love
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Annie/Ann - Tough girl, can be cold... but with warm heart inside
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Sasha/Chie - Fud junkies, as bad as noonoo when it comes to leaving leftovers 😅
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Jean/Ryuji - Kool boi, Cocky but brave as well, candidate for best boi
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Marco/Mishima - Snugglemuffin, deserves nothing but the best, super helpful
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Hannes/Sojiro - Witty old fart who can still show these youngsters a thing or two, cares for protagonist secretly
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beetle-persona · 7 years ago
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Persona 5 Arena looking amazing ‘-‘
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beetle-persona · 7 years ago
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soylunica · 7 years ago
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My Phantom Thief Mishi and resilient Shiho. I love them with all my heart.
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