#yukine sounded so mad at me but like there were no cars comin fr
samepicofbabyebi · 3 years
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Weird Noragami Dream 2
This dream was pretty sane in comparison to some of my others. In the dream, I was at my old middle school with Yukine. We weren't students and we weren't supposed to be there. I don't know why we were originally there. We were trying to leave the school without anyone noticing us. The school had all this high tech security and was high class, which is ironic because that's nothing like what my middle school was in real life. Anyways, Yukine got into this strange fight with a janitor because he was mopping trash (yes, mopping trash, the dude was literally using a mop like it was a broom) where we were trying to plan an escape route. The janitor started cursing at us so we had to leave our escape route planning area. But before we left I started crying for the janitor for some reason. After that, we got our plan in action. The plan was to sneak past all the staff at the school who were all chilling in one area next to the exit doors. It was a crappy plan ngl. We were stopped by one of the staff (she was actually an assistant principal at my middle school irl & she was super mean) and she thought we were regular students so she told us to get to class. We pretended to but we ran out the exit doors as soon as she turned around. And she didn't even notice us lol.
So outside was the pickup lane where parents come to pickup their kids. It was also where buses would arrive before kids got on. In real life, it's never allowed for this area to be full of too many cars since it could get dangerous for the students. But in the dream there were so many cars. It looked like rush hour. Cars were blocking almost every area so we couldn't really leave. Most of the cars were vacant though and the people who were in cars were not driving them. There was one bus driving in a loop around the area too. Yukine asked me where I wanted to go once we got outside. I remember the exact words I told him. I said "I wanna go to the ocean, see mountains, visit a forest. I wanna travel all over the world and see all the beautiful places, Yukine. Take me where I want to go" lmao of course I was asking him to take me somewhere. I was probably broke as fuck in this dream just like in real life. So Yukine agrees and then we kinda just stare at the cars wondering how we were going to do that. And then I see two cars that have an opening between them that I could walk through to get the hell out of there. I start running full speed like fucking sonic and Yukine is running after me and screaming at me to stop. I get to the opening and I'm about to run through but Yukine grabs me. He pulls me back to the rush hour looking area and tells me that I need to stop right now, that I'm crazy, that I could have gotten ran over even though no cars were moving, and that he won't travel with me if I act crazy again. I woke up right after that.
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