#yukimachi family drabble
petri808 · 5 years
Starsobafictober Trick or treat & Not Your Typical Halloween Parties prompts @thewritingstar @fortheloveoffandomevents my first Yukimachi story, I hope I wrote them okay 😊 I tried lol
Yukimachi family drabble
Since many of the former zodiacs had families now, and with Akito opening up under Shigure’s influence, the Sohma compound became a new haven of family gatherings for the holiday’s. Halloween was becoming popular not just with adults but with kids. Not surprising because what kid would pass up the chance for sweets or dressing up as their favorite characters.
But there was one person who wasn’t as excited, simply because being around such a large group of people still made her nervous. Yuki had helped his wife Machi to overcome most of those insecurities, but even still, parties sometimes drained her. That being said, she knew how much her son Mutsuki was looking forward to hanging out with his cousins. So, she put on a brave face as they headed out to the compound.
Many of the families around the inside and outside compound prepared sweets for the kids to go around trick or treating in a safe environment. The older children, Hajime and Mutsuki watched out for the younger ones as they walked around gathering treats while the adults hung out in the old banquet room. Everyone was there that year.
Yuki held his wife’s hand giving it a quick squeeze before opening the door. His own past left him somewhat torn about being there, but when everyone rushed up to say hi, those fears were pushed to the back where they belonged.
“Machi!” Tohru hugs her old friend. “I’m so glad you came!”
“H-Hey Tohru,” the woman smiles, “I’m glad to see you here too.”
“Come,” Tohru pulls the woman to sit by her around the table. “Yuki, you too, come sit down with us.”
The food was bountiful and the air in the room lively. Soon enough, Machi relaxed as Tohru chattered away about the boys or the dojo, or anything else going on. Machi had always been amazed at how easily Tohru could make her feel that way. No surprise after she’d learned the whole story of the Sohma’s, the curse, and Tohru’s seeming intervention in breaking it.
“How is Hajime doing in school?” Yuki joins the conversation. “Mutsuki is always telling us stories and,” he chuckles, “it sounds like he’s nothing like his father was back then.”
“No,” Tohru giggles too, “I’m told he’s more like a combination of both of us.”
“Tch,” Kyo plops down next to his wife. “I hear that Mutsuki is a chip off the old block,” he quips back. “Smooth talker. I bet that boy is gonna be a ladies man come high school with a the girls fawning over him.”
“I hear Hajime’s already got the girls fighting over him,” Yuki jests back.
“Boys...” Tohru chimes in to break them up.
Machi chuckles at Tohru effectively cutting them off with just one word. “Tohru is right, I’m sure both boys will turn out just fine.”
More family members join in and the conversation continues. Momiji about his fathers company or how Rin & Haru were holding up raising twins. Hatori’s lack of a life according to Shigure, for which he wanted smack his old friend. They asked how Shiki’s health was doing or about Akito’s.
“Is Hajime excited to start middle school next year?” Machi asks Tohru. “Mutsuki seems a little sad he’ll have to wait a year to join him.”
Tohru smiles and nods, “seems to be. He hasn’t decided if he’d like to join a sports team yet, but his father will surely keep him in martial arts as long as he’s willing.”
“He strikes me as more of an academic child.”
“Yes he is!” Tohru laughs, “though he definitely didn’t get that from me. I have a feeling he’ll end up in student government, and that means Mutsuki is sure to be too.”
Machi laughs too, “your probably right. It’s nice they are close,” chuckling more, “unlike their fathers.”
Sigh, “one day,” Tohru looks at the two men who were currently bickering quietly. “But at least they aren’t as bad as when I first met them.”
Soon enough the kids start funneling in. The middle kids who were fine on their own, followed by the youngest ones being chaperoned by Hajime and Mutsuki. Each parent made sure to get ahold of the candy buckets before the kids started diving in and going into sugar comas.
“A lot of treats?” Yuki asks his son.
“Pretty good score,” the child replies, “but I’m starving for some real food.”
“There’s lots to eat,” Machi responds, “make a plate before its all gone.”
“Yes, mom,” Mutsuki kisses her cheek. “Oh, mom,” he stops before heading over to the buffet table, “someone was handing out your favorite chocolates, they’re in the bucket, you can have them.”
“Thank you Mutsuki,” she beams at her son.
“Aww! He’s such a sweet kid!” Tohru coos, causing Machi to blush. “Do you ever think of having another?”
Machi’s blush darkens, “we haven’t really thought about it.”
“Ah,” Tohru waves her hand with a smile, “doesn’t matter, their a blessing nonetheless whether one or two or three.”
Yuki scoots closer and takes his wife’s hand. “They really are.” He smiles, gaining her attention, “and I feel blessed that we got to experience it for ourselves.”
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