#yuichi ootori
insertpoetryhere · 2 years
Good afternoon, Dilf Yuuichi enjoyers.
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I’m gonna be very real I’d let Yuichi Ootori do very unfeminist things to me for the low low price of absolutely free.
Who wouldn’t?
I mean, he’d likely be very respectful both before and afterwards. But he’d definitely love the power dynamic of getting to put someone down in that way. I doubt he’d like the idea of anyone in *pain* persay, but he’d definitely enjoy feeling superior and in control.
then of course, he’d be so very sweet and praising during aftercare.
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wow-ouran · 2 years
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! I've been thinking about him so much lately.
-Whereas Fuyumi and Kyoya are close, Akito and Yuichi are close. When neither of them are busy with work or class, it's rare not to see them together
-They're a dynamic duo. Akito suggests ridiculous things or makes stupid (inappropriate) jokes and Yuichi goes "no" or something along those lines.
-That being said, Akito has never told him anything about how he feels about being the second son, his position, his other siblings, or any sort of negative feelings about their family. Yuichi's brought it up subtly, giving him a chance to tell him, but he always brushes it off.
-Going back on my previous post about him, Akito is what Kyoya would have become if he hadn't met Tamaki. Bitter, depressed, doing everything his father asks him to do perfectly, but nothing exceeding perfect.
-It's part of the reason he acts the way he does towards Kyoya, the main reason being the Host Club. The reason why Akito always acts Like That towards/about the club is because, to put it simply, he's jealous. Akito is aware that Kyoya is practically running a business already, and he was never even in a club.
-Akito 100% sees the potential in Kyoya. He's got ambition that neither him or Yuichi has, and he has a lot of complicated feelings about it that I don't have the space for here but yeah.
-*smacks the top of his Akito's head* this bad boy can fit so many repressed emotions in it
-Yuichi sees the same thing in Kyoya, and again, he tries to offer it up to Akito to talk about, but he always brushes it off.
-He's accepted his position in life. While he's not bitter TOWARDS that itself, it definitely reflects in his personality.
-He wish he tried, at least, or maybe not- It's complicated.
-Overall he's the most emotionally unpredictable out of all of them- He's still an Ootori, he'd never show out in public, but he doesn't mince his words when it's only family.
-He graduates college at the end of Kyoya's second year in High Shcool.
-After Kyoya starts going to college in the US, he does step out of his box, a little. Kyoya's the first out of all the siblings to study abroad, and again, he'll never admit it to himself, but it inspires him.
-He tells Yuichi it's because he's completely out of the way, now. He doesn't believe him. (It's what he tells himself too)
-This is more a general headcanon about all the Ootori sibs, but when Kyoya gets back from America, he's what unites all four of them. They end up getting close over the years after that point.
-Akito's hobby when Kyoya was in elementary school was to play big brother- AKA bully him. In the sibling way.
-I have this distinct image in my head of Akito pelting him with a snowball one morning while he's on the way to school. Grinning before he does it and Yuichi is just... Standing behind him, watching. Casually telling him not to but not going out of his way, either. He hits him in the back of the head, hard enough to send him face first into the snow.
-You know. Sibling love.
-When Kyoya was still little, Akito eventually realized he could use his adorable baby brother to get girls to fawn over him at parties, and he became a weapon. Suddenly Akito was holding him and toting him around at every party they went to.
-But Kyoya was a smart kid. He figured it out and started telling them embarrassing- and true- things about Akito.
-He stopped shortly after.
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imagine-it-ouran · 4 years
Can I ask for a scene with the Ootori brothers accidentally finding out they all had a common secret hobby or some sort?
I will actually probably write a little drabble of this but I wanna get the idea down right now. 
All three Ootori brothers love watching and critiquing/reviewing movies. Each brother has a certain favorite genre to talk about (Yuichi: Action comedies or straight up action. Akito: Thrillers and contemporary. Kyoya: Horrors and psychological thrillers) but they can all talk about the same movie for hours. 
Now, Kyoya is really good at dissecting every detail and seeing little things that people don’t notice at first, hence his affinity for horror/psychological thrillers. He’s the one that talks about the deeper meanings in the films and the things his brothers may have missed upon their visit to the cinema. Yuichi is better with talking about the characters and their personalities. He’s the one that explains the reasons behind things each character did and whether or not they are a fully developed character or if they were written horribly. Akito is amazing with judging effects and dialog. He is the one that can talk in depth about how good or bad the effects were and heavily judges the story based on the dialog. Their discussions are very interesting to listen to.
Now, how did they find this out? Hereditary.
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This was a movie that every single brother saw the trailer for, felt excited about, saw with their respective group of friends or their dates, and LOVED. This was a movie that incorporated almost every one of their favorite genres into one; psychological thriller, action, horror, and some contemporary vibes. 
Akito had come home from watching the movie. He was the last brother to see it and none of them had talked about it. The next morning, at breakfast, Akito asked Yuichi and their father about it (Kyoya wasn’t awake yet, ya know) and Yuichi seemed to beam. They gushed about it over breakfast while their father sat reading the newspaper. Once Kyoya came down as asked what they were talking about, he quickly joined in the conversation. 
They sat at that table for a long time just talking about this movie and talking about what they liked and what they didn’t like. Kyoya mentioned something about footsteps in a scene where the family hadn’t entered the house yet (Oh god, I really don’t wanna spoil this movie for anyone cause it’s so good so I can’t say much more about things that happen in it) and his brothers were like “What?” The all agreed they’d watch the movie again together because Kyoya swears it’s a film that you have to see more than once. 
They see it in theaters that weekend and they leave the movie with all new points for the conversation. 
Now, whenever a movie comes out, they all go see it together and talk about everything to do with the film. They watch older movies and discuss things about it. Hell, they could get on the topic of some movie without having to watch it together and they’ll talk about everything to do with it. 
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stories-n-things · 5 years
Imagine: Kyoya’s parents die when he is a hapless 6-10 year old. Akito and Fuyumi? In university, adults. Yuichi? Also an adult. In fact, a married adult.
So Yuichi adopts and raises Kyoya, but also has his own children. Kyoya, now the eldest, is also not really Yuichi’s actual son and his position as heir (as the last son of Yoshio and the not son of Yuichi) is even more ambiguous.
His nieces and nephews call him brother, they’re too young to understand that he’s their uncle. When they go out, everyone thinks Kyoya is the eldest son, after all, he looks like Yuichi. And Kyoya barely remembers his parents, but he remembers them enough. Enough to mourn them and enough to remember calling Yuichi big brother and enough to know that he will never really have a well defined place in his family and he’ll definitely never be heir
#Kyoya Ootori#ouran high school host club#oh I now how to#OHSHC#ouran#yuichi ootori#I've had so many AUs like this forever but I really want to write something about like the relationship of them#I think when siblings are a lot older than you they either have this parental feeling towards you or there is a lot of distance#like Fuyumi clearly mothers Kyoya but Yuichi doesn't seem to be involved with Kyoya at all which must be so hard for Kyoya because as a chil#child you don't have the agency or ability to really form these relationships until you're older so by the time he's like Kyoya's like 14-1#form a sibling relationship or friendship and intiate it etc etc#nope and also they are STILL at different life stages and it's so much responsibility to put that on him because he's just a kid#ON THE OTHER HAND I think Fuyumi mothering Kyoya is probably not something he appreciates at the time until he's much older#like Fuyumi is like#'this is a baby I have to protect#and Kyoya is like 'uhhh no' but also doesn't really know what other sibling relationships look like to know how to respond? I guess?#I have so many thoughts about the relationships he has with his siblings and also how his mom like doesn't exist#People are like 'Kyoya DEFINITELY Has a mom because one time someone said he had parents instead of parent'#and it's like THAT'S IT? We know ALL of Kyoya's siblings the inside of his house his SECURITY TEAMS NAMES and that they have kids#I may not 100% remember but even Honey and Mori;s dad mention having wives I think#and we don't have as much backstory for them!#AND what is the deal of that stupid all male family photo#you have a daughter YOSHIO
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ootori-sibs · 2 years
I have been thinking about the Yuichi being Kyoya’s bio dad AU all day and only now have I come to the realization that if Kyoya is Yuichi’s son, then he isn’t the third son of the current head of the Ootori household. He’s the FIRST SON of the next head of household and eventual heir to the company. This fact has put me in a State™️ all morning.
But for that they'd have to tell him, wouldn't they?
Oh and of course yoshio would hold him to such a higher standard than the others in that situation.
Now I'm gonna think about this forever too.
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ohshcscenerios · 4 years
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Characters: Kyoya Ootori & Family Genre: Angst Words: 436 Triggers: None
Yoshio snapped his newspaper upright after turning a page as he crossed his legs beneath the table. He hardly touched his breakfast but that didn’t seem to bother him, apparently more interested in the article he was reading. 
On each his side sat his two eldest sons who seemed to mirror their father, more interested in their high school textbooks and notes than the jellied croissants and flavored coffees. 
However Kyoya didn’t waste time with his plate. With each bite he savored the buttery sweetness between sips of matcha tea. 
Yoshio broke the silence that had settled upon them since they sat down together, “I’ll be traveling this weekend to France.”
Kyoya swallowed his bite and set the pastry down, “But father, Christmas is this Saturday.”
Yoshio lowered his newspaper, just enough to peer over the edge and see the concern in Kyoya’s young eyes. “Christmas is just another holiday. It returns every year. This however, this is work, and it needs to be dealt with immediately. You’ll learn this when you’re older.” He snapped the newspaper back upright and continued reading, hoping that was that. 
It didn’t satisfy Kyoya though. He couldn’t help but think of his classmates before his class dismissed for break. They bustled and giggled about their plans; visiting family, buying imported treats, hosting elegant parties, and of course the mile long lists they created for Santa.
Kyoya already knew there was no Santa but he didn’t care to correct his classmates. He wanted to believe he was too old for such a myth but sometimes he wondered otherwise… if he could actually be jealous. 
“Will you be back before the new year?” Akira asked, not bothering to look up from the paragraph he was reading.
Yoshio shook his head, “I’ll be away for a week or two. Just keep yourselves busy until you return to school.”
“I assume there won’t be a Christmas party then?” Yuichi said, sipping his coffee. 
“There will be a party however it won’t have our usual guests. Since I won’t be in attendance there is no need to have our business partners there. I suppose you can invite your friends.”
Kyoya swirled the matcha in his cup, watching how the liquid sloshed against the porcelain. 
“Kyoya, did you hear me?” Yoshio called out, setting the newspaper flat on the table, “I said you can invite your friends.”
Kyoya nodded, faking an appreciative smile. He pushed his lips into an excited grin while he wracked his mind for one friend - one person - he could invite, or rather who he’d want to invite. 
No one came to mind.
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akito-ootori · 8 years
How is the relation between you an Kyoya ?
He’s my brother? So that’s how we’re related.
If you mean how our relationship, it’s exactly as any other older brother, seven years younger brother. I don’t see him a lot, we’re busy doing our own things, he’s constantly upstaging me. You know just typical brother things.
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insertpoetryhere · 6 months
Hiiiii!!! It’s me the person who first sent you the ‘yuuichi is kyoyas dad’ hc! I’m a little late but it’s officially been a year since i first sent that! Time flies so fast!!! I’ve enjoyed all of the art and write ups I’ve seen you post about the hc/au and I’m glad to see that it’s reached so many people! I never thought that other people would like that hc as much as i did! Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for the “dilf yuuichi” au! 💕
I have been saving this ask for so long, but now I can finally answer it bc I’m ready to actually publish the first dilf Yuuichi chapter in AO3. Thank you so much for the idea, it has literally broken my heart so many times (and come off anon, I wanna be besties)
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insertpoetryhere · 2 years
If Ouran took place in America, the Ootoris would be from Texas.
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insertpoetryhere · 2 years
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“That’s when he started to cry. He held the boy tightly to his chest, one hand feeling the light fuzz of black hair on his son’s still soft head. He could hear the baby’s soft, raspy breaths in his ears as he let the tears fall against the scratchy blue hospital blanket he was swaddled in. Yuichi was a child, in every sense of the word. And now he had a son who with just one look had suddenly grabbed him by his still-small shoulders and drowned him in love and so much fear.
He mourned for his own child as he realized there was no way he could peacefully part with his son now.”
(The AU is coming along swimmingly)
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insertpoetryhere · 2 years
I regret to inform everyone that the Dilf AU has created an offshoot AU in my brain that I’ve been calling the Gilmore Girls AU. It makes me… incredibly sad and also very happy all at once.
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insertpoetryhere · 2 years
I was thinking about the yuuichi is Kyoyas dad au and idk why but i feel like Akito would somehow find out that Kyoya is yuichis and would keep it a secret (only bc of yuuichis begging tho) but he would ask yuichi to tell Kyoya bc idk i just feel like Akito is secretly a softie on the inside and doesn’t like seeing ppl he cares about hurt
Oh god ouch oh my heart, I love thinking about Akito in this context Bc he’s so hard on Kyoya but like he obviously loves and cares about him and I just??? It hurts??? I’m crying????
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insertpoetryhere · 2 years
Update: I have combated the pure, unfiltered pain and grief that the Dilf Yuichi AU has brought upon me by making an AU of an AU where he gets to keeps his baby and raise him. Thinking about it rn while listening to Dear Theodosia.
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insertpoetryhere · 2 years
Oh yeah that shit emotionally devastated me a few days ago :)
Also don’t listen to Never Love An Anchor or Go Easy On Me as they will both cause you to disintegrate
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insertpoetryhere · 2 years
You know Ted Allen from chopped? That’s what i think yuuichi would sound like
How do you walk around being this hot and right all the time?
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