#yugyeom got7 reactions
sweetestofchaos · 3 months
Got7's Scenario of...Tying Your Shoe
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While waiting for the other members to find him, he notices that a pregnant woman is struggling to tie her shoe.
w. SFW, nothing but cute fluff.
p. Got7 x Pregnant!Reader
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a/n: damn! it's been a while huh? i have missed writing for my guys and i thought it was time to show some love. i hope you enjoy this first installment of got7's social experiment.
🍼social experiment masterlist🍼
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Mark - Mark is sitting outside, typing away on his phone to pass the time while he waits on his group mates to join him. While waiting he hears a loud sigh, soon followed by a grunt and when he looks up from his phone, Mark’s eyes widen. Standing a few feet away from him, you are struggling to tie your shoe. Your very pregnant belly makes it hard to grab yet alone tie your shoe strings. 
Fearing that you might topple over head first, Mark stands up and rushes over. He kneels down, telling that he can tie your shoe and he will even double knot it, so that it doesn’t come undone again. He takes his time, making sure your shoe isn’t too loose or tight before he reties the other shoe to match. Standing to his full height, Mark smiles as you thank him and offers to buy you an uber to wherever you need to go.
“Hey, hold on. Can I help? Let me tie that for you, okay?”
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Jaebeom - Outside, Jaebeom holds a camera to his face, trying to get the perfect shot of the storefront across the street. While trying to find the best angle he notices you coming out of the store. You have multiple bags in your hands and you throw your head back as you sigh loudly. Jaebeom watches as you move from in front of the store’s doorway and set your bags on the ground before you kick your right foot, bending at the knee to try and tie your shoe. 
Forgetting about his picture, Jaebeom jogs across the street and clears his throat, speaking softly to not scare you. He offers to tie your shoe, stating that he would feel bad if he just watched you struggle. You agree to let him help and he quickly ties your shoes. Before he stands, he grabs hold of your bags and offers to carry them to your car.
“Excuse me? Sorry -” *smiles shyly* “I saw you from across the street and just wanted to help…”
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Jinyoung - Jinyoung sees when you get off the bus and notices right away that your shoes are untied. You make it all of ten steps before you notice yourself that your laces are untied and look around for something to prop your foot up on. It’s a hassle to tie your shoes and you swore you double knotted them but you guess you didn’t. 
Jinyoung comes over with a kind smile on his face and offers to tie your shoes for you. He knees down and rests your foot on his upper thigh, making sure you have a good balance before he double knots your shoe. He does the same to the other foot and pats your ankle gently before he stands and introduces himself. He offers his good wishes and asks if you would like to grab a drink before you head off. 
He pays for your drink and bids you a farewell before he goes back to his spot, waiting for his members. 
“Would you like some help? I don’t mind tying them for you.”
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Jackson - This man spots you from the corner of his eye. He is mid conversation with one of his bodyguards and full on stops what he is saying. He looks around to see if there is a significant other around before he excuses himself from the conversation and walks over to you. Jackson introduces himself and offers his hand to shake before he asks if it would be okay for him to tie your shoes. He squats down in front of you and speaks softly, asking about your pregnancy and if you are healthy. 
Somehow he convinces you to sit with him and his bodyguard offers you a bottle of water. You sit and chat with Jackson, telling him all about your pregnancy and by the time the other members, Jackson is excitedly telling them all about you and the baby.
“I think you’re doing an amazing job, you know? Let me tie your shoes, so you and baby don’t get hurt, okay? May I?”
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Youngjae - Youngjae is sitting on the wall outside of where he is supposed to meet with the other member, minding his business. He is a little early and is just enjoying the nice weather. You plop down beside him with a huff and he notices that your shoes are untied. You offer him a quick smile when you notice him looking at you and inhale deeply to mentally prepare to tie your shoes. 
Seeing your mental distress, Youngjae clears his throat and offers to tie your shoes. He assures you that he will double knot them so that they don’t come undone and will still be easy to take off once you are home. You smile and accept his help to which Youngjae grins and pulls your ankles into his lap. He makes quick work of tying your shoes and asks if you would like a drink because you seem to be a little out of breath. 
“I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Do you mind?”
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Bambam - Bambam is giggling to himself about what Jackson said in the group chat when you pass by him. He doesn’t notice anything is wrong until he hears you curse loudly. Looking away from his phone, Bambam sees you looking at the ground with a frown on your face. He glances down and sees that one of your shoes is untied. As you start to bend, Bambam jumps to his feet and rushes over to you. He gently stops you, holding onto your shoulders and pushing you upward before he lowers himself to the ground, not caring about his fancy dress pants to tie your shoe.
He scolds you just as lightly once he is finished and reminds you to always double knot your shoes before you leave the house.
“Girl what is you doing? You could hurt yourself. Let me do it!”
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Yugyeom - Having waited long enough, Yugyeom decides to grab a drink from the store across the street. While waiting for the light to change, you come to stand beside him. He glances at you from the corner of his eye since you are standing a little close and the first thing he sees is your round belly before he looks lower and notices that your shoelaces are untied. Yugyeom looks to see how long the light will change and he doesn’t have much time.
He apologizes for bothering you and states that your shoe is untied. You thank him and start to bend but he holds out his hands and offers to tie it for you. With your verbal consent, Yugyeom squats down in front of you and quickly double knots your shoe. He asks if it’s too tight and that he can fix it once you both get across the street. 
“Hey, sorry, um…your shoe is untied a-and we’re about to have the light. Do you mind if I-I tie it for you?”
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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blu-joons · 2 years
When The Boys Tease You After Overhearing You Both ~ Got7 Reaction
You looked in surprise as you noticed Jackson curled up fast asleep on the sofa of the studio as you entered just behind Mark after showing up late.
“He’s a bit tired,” Yugyeom explained to the two of you, “he said something about being disturbed quite a bit through the night.”
“How come?” Mark quizzed as he perched down on the arm of the sofa, “we weren’t disturbed by anything through the night.”
At Mark’s comment, Jackson began to stir, not quite as asleep as you thought he was. “That’s because you guys were the disturbance.”
Mark’s eyes widened as he looked to Jackson in disbelief, “I don’t quite know what disturbed you, but you can’t just blame us.”
“Who else would’ve been having sex last night?” Jackson openly asked, stunning the two of you and making you freeze as neither of you quite knew what to say in reply.
“Oh,” Mark mumbled as Jackson expectantly looked back at you both, folding his arms across his chest as he sat himself back up, letting go of a yawn as he did so too.
“I hope you’re happy,” he scolded, “I’m absolutely knackered.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
Jay B:
The smile on Jinyoung’s face was wide as you and Jaebeom finally walked downstairs, joining the boys in the living room of the house you were renting.
“Did you guys have a good night?” Jinyoung enquired, looking between the two of you. “Did you get up to anything fun last night?”
“We didn’t do too much,” Jaebeom replied as he sat down, “just watched a few things, had a nice relaxing evening for once in our lives.”
Jinyoung’s head nodded as he listened intently, “it sounds like you were very relaxed, although there’s one thing missing from that list.”
Both you and Jaebeom wore furrowed brows as Jinyoung hinted at the two of you. “What else did we do last night then?”
“You’re allowed to tell us you had sex,” Jinyoung assured the two of you, “I mean we all heard the two of you at it so it’s not exactly a secret between you and us anymore.”
“Y-you heard us?” You stuttered, looking between Jaebeom and Jinyoung. “You told me that there was no way that we would end up disturbing any of the boys last night.”
“He lied,” Jinyoung joked, “I bet secretly who knew exactly what he was doing.”
“I really had no idea.”
A groan came from Youngjae as you and Jackson finally appeared, intimidated by the stare that he looked at the two of you with, following you closely.
“Thanks for making me feel super single last night,” Youngjae told you both, “it’s been a while since I heard some of those noises from you.”
“What are you on about? Making you feel single?” Jackson enquired, his brows knitting together in confusion as to what was going on.
A snigger came from Youngjae as he studied Jackson’s expression, “do you have any idea how loud the two of you were last night?”
Jackson’s head shook innocently, but beside him, you stayed pretty still. “I think maybe we were a little bit louder than usual.”
“A little bit?” Youngjae gasped in surprise back across to you, “it almost felt as if the two of you were in the same room as me with how clear some of those noises I was hearing were.”
“That’s enough,” Jackson panicked, noticing how shy you were next to him. “We’re very sorry that we made you feel single, Youngjae, we promise that it won’t happen again.”
“Don’t mock me,” he laughed, “I’m being serious with you.”
“And we are with you.”
You looked to BamBam in confusion as he walked across to you and Jinyoung, handing you a receipt. As you looked through, you noticed what it was for.
“I need these now after last night,” BamBam told you as he brought the ear plugs that he had bought from his pocket to shoe the two of you.
“Why do we need the receipt to know that you’ve brought ear plugs?” Jinyoung quizzed in confusion, “it’s not exactly our problem, is it?”
BamBam’s head shook in reply to Jinyoung’s question, “that’s where you’re wrong. I need them so that I don’t have to listen to you two.
You and Jinyoung met one another with puzzled eyes, looking to BamBam for more explanation. “Why are you listening to us?”
“It was pretty hard not to last night,” he muttered, “you guys can buy me these so that I don’t have to listen to the two of you having sex ever again, I think I’m scarred for life.”
“Stop being so dramatic,” Jinyoung dismissed, pushing against BamBam’s arm. “We weren’t that loud, you just want us to feel sorry for you or something, that’s all.”
“For once,” BamBam admitted, “I’m actually not being dramatic.”
“You’re always dramatic Bam.”
You wanted the ground to swallow you up as Yugyeom asked you about your evening, able to tell from the look in his eyes what he was hinting at.
“I mean Youngjae is loud at the best of times,” Yugyeom pointed out, still noticing how oblivious Youngjae was to what was going on around him.
“That’s mean,” Youngjae responded, slightly offended. “What would suddenly make you say something like that? What did I do to you?”
Yugyeom’s smile dropped as Youngjae asked the question, “what did you do to me? I spent my night listening to your audio of your nice time.”
Youngjae’s narrowed eyes looked at you as he still didn’t quite understand. “Sex,” you whispered across to him, “Yugyeom heard us.”
“I heard every single sound,” Yugyeom made sure to point out to the two of you. “I’ve heard some noises come out of you Jae, but even some of those were interesting ones.”
“Can we stop talking about this now?” You cried out, feeling your heart race in humiliation. “Maybe we can talk about what we’re going to order in for breakfast again.”
“Why so keen Y/N?” Yugyeom teased, “you weren’t shy last night.”
“Literally, shut up now.”
You rolled away from BamBam, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to catch your breath, feeling his hand interlock with yours with a tight grip on you.
“Finally!” You suddenly heard one of the boys yell from just outside your room, “it can’t be that good to need to make that much noise you know.”
“That’s Mark,” BamBam pointed out to you, biting down on his bottom lip. “You don’t think he actually heard us, do you?” He then asked.
Your head nodded immediately in reply to BamBam’s question, “maybe we were a little bit noisier than we usually are, do you think?”
A loud sigh came from BamBam as he looked up to the ceiling too, “I’m never going to hear the end of this if they really heard us.”
“You should’ve been quiet,” you teased, nudging against his side. “Look at it this way, at least the boys now know that you’re doing a good job in bed, that’s quite important.”
“That does actually make me feel better,” BamBam chuckled in surprise, “I’ve never heard any of the boys, so they can’t be anywhere near as good as me, that feels pretty good.”
“See,” you sniggered, “being noisy has its advantages sometimes.”
“This is definitely one of them.”
The sound of Jaebeom yawning made both you and Yugyeom look across to him in confusion, noticing how much more dramatic he was than usual.
“Don’t mind me,” he told the two of you as you sat down across the room from him. “I’ve just not had a very good night of sleep, that’s all.”
“Why?” Yugyeom innocently asked him, hearing several scoffs come from around the room. “Did something keep you awake or anything?”
Jaebeom’s eyebrows raised at Yugyeom’s question, “you could certainly say that someone, or two someones kept me awake last night.”
The look that Jaebeom gave you quickly meant the penny dropped for you. “Gyeom, I think he might’ve been kept up by us.”
“Us?” Yugyeom asked, flustered by what you had told him. He looked across to Jaebeom only to see him nodding his head, struggling to hold back his laughter at your panic.
“Well, this is embarrassing,” you grumbled as once again Jaebeom made sure to let go of a nice, loud noise to get both of your attention. “You can stop doing that as well, idiot.”
“I’m just making sure you know,” he smiled, “my tiredness is your fault.”
“Trust me, we already know.”
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bambikisss · 2 years
Suits: 1
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-> Being a CEO of a big company has its perks, except for meeting the one. After you sign up for a dating app for the elite 1 percent, you match with someone who is just as rich as you. Is love truly in the cards for you both?
Smut warnings: Spit, bitting, slight bondage, slight breeding kink, marking, etc. Rough to Passionate.
"You joined a dating site to not match with anyone?" He asked, taking a sip of his champagne as he listened to you try to explain why you joined, cutting you off as he leaned closer to you, his mint breath gracing your cheek as he made his way to your ear. "So, you don't want me then, Y/N?"
R/N: Random Name.
Love, to some, is a luxury.
Love takes time, energy, and attention. All things that you could afford to give away to anything else but work.
"Ms. L/N, come on. The investors are on line 4 and are desperate to talk to you. Are you sure you can't arrive to this meeting late?" You shook your head as your secretary followed behind you, her own heels trying hard to keep up with your own as you continued to make your way to the meeting you had put off for about a month. You could afford to reschedule this meeting as you had rain-checked them three times already. You turned around to face your secretary, smiling softly as you fixed your outfit. "You've worked for me for far too long to not know how to tell whether or not the investment is good. I'm trusting you to figure it out. Don't disappoint me, R/N. Also, make sure no one contacts me while I'm in this meeting and for two hours after as I can tell I am going to need lunch after this."
You were the CEO of a top entertainment company. You had some of the top stars in the industry underneath you, along with a sub-skin care brand, a clothing line, and you started to dip into cosmetics. You had your foot basically on everyone's necks in every industry you joined.
"Good Afternoon, gentlemen.'' You smiled as you entered the room, shaking hands with the men who were around the room before one ushered over a man wearing a dark blue suit. "This is our CEO: Nam Jikhoon." You shook his hand, ushering for him to take a seat as you thanked him for waiting through the many rain checks. He waved it off before turning and sliding over his business card. "I think it's time we talk business, don't you think Ms. L/N?"
"He wants 20 percent of the company."
You leaned back as your secretary stared back at you in disbelief. "He brought nothing to the table other than his film company. It may be one of the best, it isn't on top." You sipped your wine as your secretary handed you the file she had on the company, shaking her head. "I can't belive he wasted your time three times for something that could've been a quick no over the phone."
"Be nice, R/N. This job is all about getting connections and maintaining them. You need to learn that if you ever want to have your own company. Now, I wish to eat lunch in silence." You winked at her as she left the room, returning your attention to your wine and salad.
You were mid-way through your salad when your phone began to ring, annoying you as you wanted to be left alone while you ate. Your annoyance left your body when you heard the voice. "Good Afternoon, Ms. Y/N. I assume you're having a busy day by the tone of your voice."
"Not anymore, Mrs. Lee. Have you found anyone who matched with me?" While you were busy with your job, you wanted to make an attempt at finding love.
So, you joined a match-making service for the elite: all the top rich people making up the 1 percent. You had a few people vying for you after rumors spread that you were a black card member (top member), but you didn't like any of them.
"Besides Mr. Jikhoon, who you rejected not only on the app, but in person today during your meeting?"
You scoffed as you drank some wine, swirling the wine as you remembered his poor attempt at trying to ask you out on a date with his entourage by his side. You also remembered his face falling after you rejected him in front of all of his entourage.
"Besides him, there is the only other black card holder who joined this morning." You perked up, sitting up as that had gotten your attention. To have a black card, you had to have large enough earnings and have a specific set of guidelines. Basically, you have to be filthy rich.
"I guess I caught your interest. I will set up a dinner for the two of you to meet tonight, so clear your schedule and wear your best." You nodded, placing the now empty wine glass down, and called your secretary back into the office. "Clear my schedule after 4. I have a date."
The date was at a very exclusive restaurant in Seoul, which only allowed certain people in. Call it posh, but it was for the security of the rich people who they let in from the media.
You fixed your dress as you stood in the elevator, going to the top floor. You had to admit, for the first time in a while that you felt nervous. You bit your bottom lip as the elevator reached the floor, opening to show a velvet and romantic-themed dining room, tables spaced out to various areas filled with top stars and politicians. You followed the waitress to a secluded corner, ignoring the eyes of people who watched you. You didn't care whether it was from envy or from who you were being led to sit with, choosing to focus on the man who was making your heart race.
When you reached the table, you mentally thanked Mrs.Lee for her pick. At the table sat a man wearing a red suit with a sheer shirt underneath. His hair was a bit messy but in a neat way that you wanted to run your hands through his hair. As you sat down, you noticed the man's eyes slowly rake up your body to make eye contact with him. He took a sip of his drink as the jazz in the background slowly became white noise as you both made eye contact. It felt electric. You both couldn't rip your eyes from one another, finding not only comfort but lust in each other.
"So this is the famous other black card holder? Pretty." His voice was deep and gravelly as eyed you, making you feel like you wanted to hide in your chair. "Same here. You look amazing Mr-" "Lim. Let's just keep this first meeting to a last-name basis."
Okay, that's fine.
"Alright, Mr. Lim. You look amazing."
"So do you, Ms. L/N. Mrs.Lee worked her magic."
You wondered how his small compliment made your heart race and your cheeks become hot. He had such an effect on you, yet, you both had just met.
That seemed to be the feeling all throughout the date. Small compliments from the other that made you both blush and made the lust that you both tried to hide come to the surface slowly. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, even when his hand held yours, then trailed up your arm to your shoulder, and then to cup your cheek. You cursed softly as goosebumps appeared in his wake, a smirk coming to his lips at it. When you did the same to him, his eyes darkened instead. He bit your thumb before he cursed lowly, leaning back to quickly place a wad of cash onto the table before ushering you to the private bathrooms as he couldn't sit through a car ride; he had to have you right then and there and if it took having sex in a bathroom at an expensive restaurant, then so be it.
He kissed you as he locked the door behind you both, your lips fitting together as he took off your gloves, then removed your dress. He kissed around your neck feverishly, biting you when you began to remove his own suit, making you whine. As you finally got all of his clothes off, his lips left your body to pin you to the wall again, picking you up to wrap your legs around him.
"So sweet baby, letting me take you to the bathroom like this," He whispered into your ear, biting your neck again as he pushed into you. He gave you no warning as he began moving his hips, moaning against your neck as you clenched around him. You ran your hands through his hair, whining as he moved faster.
You had one-night stands before, most ending with an unsatisfying climax, but with the man who was currently cursing and moaning as if his life depended on it, you were sure it was going to have a satisfying end. He tossed his head back to finally meet your gaze, his tongue moving out to wet his dry lips as he panted, his fingers digging into your thighs. "You're so tight, baby. Clutching me like I'm gonna leave you before you cum all over my cock," He hissed as his jaw tightened, kissing you once more, his hips rolling to hers, making you both groan into the kiss.
As he picked up the pace once more, you let your head fall back as he leans down to wrap his lips around your nipple, moaning as you tightened once more, finally cuming as he picked you up, fucking you into the air. He gave you a moment to calm down before dropping to his knees, placing you onto his shoulders as his tongue shoved into you, cleaning you hungrily, making you dig your nails into his shoulders and tug on his hair, the man's eyes looking up at you as he cleaned you before tossing his head back, roughly spitting back onto you before going back in. "Taste so fucking good. Why the fuck do you taste so fucking good, goddam," he asked roughly, kissing up your body before turning you around to face the wall, pushing back into you before kissing your shoulder, moving his hips roughly, snapping into you every time you cursed, which was every time you moaned, which was good for the both for you.
Mr. Lim kept you coming.
Multiple times.
He fucked you around the expensive bathroom, not giving a shit if anyone heard you two or came in on you both. He had to have you constantly screaming on his cock, and then on his face. By the time he had come once, you had come almost six times.
As you calmed down, he held you against his chest as he leaned you both against the sink. He ushered for you to look up at the mirror, chuckling at both of your disheveled appearances and slightly foggy mirror. He leaned forward to draw a cat on it, chuckling as you did the same with a bunny. You found the moment adorable, despite how you both were just fucking like rabbits.
He kissed your shoulder before gathering your clothes, placing them on the counter next to you before putting on his own, you both turned around when your phone rang. You opened your purse to see your driver calling you, asking if you were ready to leave as the restaurant was about to close. You nodded, telling him that you were on your way out now before hanging up.
"Gonna leave me, Cinderella?" Mr.Lim asked, wrapping his arms around you to kiss your cheek, making you lean back into him. You nodded, smiling as he put on your gloves, pulling them up your arm carefully before he handed you a card with his number on it, the front being his business card. You decided to look it up later, patting his suit pocket before walking out of the steamy bathroom, leaving the man speechless and now more interested in you.
As you got into the backseat, you looked at the card the man had given you, smirking at his name.
"Nice to meet you, Lim Jaebeom"
Jae arrived at his own car a few moments after you had left, sighing as he told his driver to take him home. He was honestly tired, tossing his head back to rest on the seat as his mind flashed back to you. You, your body, the beautiful sounds you made- his mind replayed the whole interaction in his mind.
As he felt himself smirk, he reached into his pocket to try and find a piece of gum, only to be met with your panties that you had slipped in there at some point during the makeout session. He bit his lip, asking his driver to drive faster, needing to go home fast to deal with his problem that was now becoming painful.
"Alright, Ms. L/N. Today you have one meeting with the CEO of a popular fashion, music, and art brand. He should be sitting in your office waiting for you." You sighed as you thanked your secretary, tired as you wanted to just kick your heels off and relax before the next company meeting that you had to fly out for.
"Ah, nice to see you again, Ms. L/N." You gripped the doorknob as you turned to face Jaebeom, who was leaning against your desk with some wine you had on your desk now in his hand, a smirk on his lips.
"Do you have a moment?"
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iamyoursinblog · 2 years
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His reaction when you are teasing him in public/in front of members.
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Mark Tuan
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You loved training with Mark. What could be sexy, you thought as your eyes run over your boyfriend's hot body. But even more, you enjoyed teasing him while he taught you the martial arts. You kept casually stroking his ass or thigh, almost reaching his crotch as he taught you a new move. He gave you a warning look every time you kept teasing him. But it turned you on even more. You couldn't concentrate while he explained the new hold to you. You watched as a drop of sweat from his hair flowed down his neck to his chest, which was bare due to the kimono being too open. You chuckled as you walked around him from behind, following his instructions. You wrapped your arms around him, but instead of clasping your hands into a lock on his chest, you slipped your hand into his kimono. You ran your nails across his chest, brushing against his nipple. Mark practically growled at your actions. He grabbed the collar of your kimono, throwing you over it. He stopped you in the air before your back touched the floor. "Baby, don't you think you're in bad position to tease me like that?" he growled, making you chuckle as his eyes darkened with excitement. He let go of you, letting you plop down on the floor as you giggled contentedly at the reaction you received.
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Lim Jaebeom
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You teased him all evening at the family dinner. To say that Jaebeom was overexcited is an understatement. The way he tried his best to calm down only made you want to tease him even more. That's why you smiled widely when you were in the elevator right in front of him, due to the crowd. You move your hand behind your back and squeezed his hard cock with your fingers. He groaned softly as he squeezed your wrist. "Don't you think you've got carried in your game, baby?" he whispered in your ear, squeezing your hand tighter You just giggled softly, continuing to run your fingers along its length. You took your hands off his cock and, making sure no one was looking at you, lifted the hem of your short dress from behind, teasing him with your ass. You heard a low growl that sent goosebumps to your skin. Jaebeom gripped your shoulder tightly, pulling you towards him. His fingers dug into your skin, hurting you as you rubbed your ass against his cock. “Congratulations my kitty, you just hit the jackpot. And don't even think that your safe word can help you tonight!" he said in a low voice, and a chill went down your spine as you realized it wasn't a joke.
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Jacksom Wang
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You sat in a restaurant and had dinner with all the members. You continued to fiddle with the pendant, drawing the eyes of Jackson, who was sitting opposite, to your deep neckline. You practically snorted in frustration as he continued talking to the guys. You smiled as you took your glass of wine. You didn't look away from Jackson, running your glass over your bottom lip. "Daddy" you said wordlessly with just your lips before taking a sip. You chuckled as it made Jackson freeze for a second before he returned to the conversation. You took a slice of the cake, deliberately leaving cream on your lips. You said wordlessly "Daddy" running your tongue over your lips. You bit your lip slightly as Jackson gulped looking at your lips. Perfect, you thought, realizing that your little game was working. You took off your shoe, running your foot along Jackson's ankle. "Daddy," you said again as he looked sharply at you. His jaw tightened as you ran your foot across his crotch. "Daddy" you chuckled, making him squeeze the glass in his hand. You sharply returned your foot back on floor as he slammed hard his palm down on the table. “Are you really could handle it if I turn into your daddy right now?!” he growled glaring at you, causing the guys to stare at Jackson with their mouths open. You smiled broadly as you returned to your cake, getting exactly the reaction you were hoping for.
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Park Jinyoung
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You rested your elbows on the table as Mark and Jaebeom prepared dinner. You turned around and smiled when you saw Jinyoung staring at your ass in short shorts that were barely visible from oversize T-shirt. You turned your head to make sure BamBam and Yugeom were totally into playing on PS. You spread your legs slightly and leaned forward, arching your back just enough for Jinyoung to see your ass and crotch completely. You pulled your shorts up, letting them dig between your folds. You couldn't help but laugh when Jinyoung cleared his throat. You turned slightly towards Jinyoung, meeting his glare. You saw how white his fingers were when he squeezed his phone, tapping his leg nervously. Jinyoung closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. Perfect, you thought as you watched Jinyoung try to keep his arousal under control. You ran your hand down your ass, lightly grabbing the hem of your shorts, completely exposing your buttocks for Jinyoung's gaze. “Baby,” he warned you in a stern voice. "You talking to me?" chuckling asked Mark turning towards Jinyoung before returning to cooking. You were glad that because of the kitchen island you leaned on, Mark couldn't see your little show you put on for Jinyoung. You heard a low growl behind you as you ran your fingers along your crotch. You chuckled when you heard Jinyoung's chair creak as he stood up. “One more move like that and I’ll show the guys how much you love being punished!” Jinyoung growled leaving a hard slap on your half-naked ass before lowering your shorts down, leaving all the guys staring at you practically with their mouths open. “Nerd” you snorted as Jinyoung left the kitchen heading for the restroom, causing Mark and Jaebeom to laugh out loud.
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Choi Youngjae
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You chuckled as Youngjae sat on the floor instead of joining everyone at the table. You knew that he could see your legs under the table, unlike the others. You spread your legs wide, pulling your skirt up your thighs. You noticed how Youngjae's jaw tightened as his eyes caught your movements under the table. You ran your fingers over your crotch and almost laughed as Youngjae's jaw dropped. He turned his gaze to you, completely blushing from your actions under the table. You almost moaned when you saw the pleading in his eyes to stop teasing him. You bit your lower lip, causing him to swallow loudly. "Are you okay?" asked Jaebeom "No!" Youngjae practically groaned. You giggled contentedly as Youngjae fell to the floor, turning his back to the table, trying to hide his boner.
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BamBam didn't react at all to your attempts to seduce him while you were hanging out together with members. But you had a secret weapon that always worked. You selected one of your underwear photos and sent it to BamBam, quickly slipping your phone into your pocket. BamBam gasped loudly making all the members look at him. You barely kept a smile, making the most surprised look, while BamBam drilled you with a look. "Are you okay?" asked Jackson, clapping BamBam on the shoulder. “Yes,” BamBam cleared his throat, slowly blushing without taking his eyes off you. “You seem to blush. Are you sure you're okay?" You asked innocently looking at him. You ran your fingers along the stem of the glass, forcing BamBam to follow your every move. Now whatever you do it will tease him even more. "Yeah, I'm fine," BamBam practically growled looking into your eyes. "Got a notification that I wanted to watch the movie 'Love and Leashes' tonight!" answered BamBam. You bit your lower lip and BamBam unconsciously leaned towards you but quickly stopped when he remembered that you weren't alone. You laughed softly at his angry looks as you continued your little torture to seduce your boyfriend.
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Kim Yugeom
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You couldn't help but laugh as Yugeom watched open-mouthed at you while you sucked on the lollipop. He tried to keep the conversation going with the other members, but his words were constantly confused, making the others laugh at him. “I'd be scared of him if I were you,” Jinyoung said while pushing Yugeom in the shoulder. “He looks at you like he's a maniac... ouff” You laughed at Jinyoung's comment that made Yugeom resent his hyung. “How can I even look at her differently when she does something like this!” Yugeom growled as he snatched the lollipop from your hand. “From now on, lollipops are forbidden for you,” Yugeom snorted as he tossed your lollipop into the bin. You couldn't hide the amusement that your boyfriend's cute reaction caused.
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That ass…
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Got7 as Newly Weds
Hello, everyone. Post two of today. I got a two part post so I decided to just upload both pieces today. It turned out really cute and I hope you all like it. As always, if there's anything you want to see, let me know! Send me whatever requests you might have!
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Request: what's it like being newlyweds?
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Mark would be cute and fluffy. He’s so excited to have you all to himself once the wedding is over. He’s the type to constantly call you his wife while you’re alone, just because he’s excited that it’s a reality. Your honeymoon would be all kinds of fun activities for you to do together. Anything from amusement parks to snorkeling and other fun adventures.
2. Jay B
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Being married makes Jay B more confident. I’m honestly not sure if you guys will be leaving the bedroom much on your first few days of your honeymoon. Your outings would be cute and calm outings, aquariums, art museums, and zoos. Things that are experiences.
3. Jackson
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Jackson is the most excited possible. He would be all over you and wherever you went for your honeymoon, neither of you is driving. You’re the pair that is making the driver uncomfortable because you’re making out in the backseat. The carefree couple that could disappear at the drop of a hat if you have no obligations the next day and no schedule.
4. Jinyoung
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Jinyoung would seem exactly the same as usual in public, but he would be so soft for you when it’s just the two of you. Your honeymoon would be a long affair. You’re the ones disappearing for three months and no one knows where you went but you came back and some point and acted like nothing happened. You experience a ton of new experiences and moments.
5. Youngjae
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Youngjae is the one who probably cried at the wedding so he’s the most happy possible about your new marriage. Your honeymoon isn’t really planned, you decide everything you want to do at the spur of a moment. You just get on the first available plane and go somewhere and live out a new adventure.
6. BamBam
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BamBam is the one who planned your wedding. You thought you would plan it but party planner BamBam took over and he has made the most extravagant wedding possible. The honeymoon is just the same, simply because you won’t be leaving your hotel room so it better be the best.
7. Yugyeom
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Yugyeom is so blushy and almost in shock. He would have a list of everything you need to do for your honeymoon but it’s a long enough list that it really becomes more of a bucket list that you live the rest of your lives by. You would be going places neither of you have ever been. He wants everything you do together to be new and exciting.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Send me any requests you might have!
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clariannahoney · 9 days
Kpop Daddy's Squirting Obsession
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Yugyeom's eyes fluttered open to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. He turned to find Controlled Rida still nestled in his arms, her breathing slow and steady. A soft smile played on his lips as he gently extricated himself from her embrace, careful not to wake her.
Padding silently to the bathroom, Yugyeom splashed cold water on his face, the chill invigorating his senses. Today was about progress, about pushing her limits and exploring the depths of her submission. His cock twitched at the thought, eager for the challenge.
Returning to the bedroom, he found Rida stirring, her eyes blinking open to meet his. "Good morning, Daddy," she murmured, a sleepy smile gracing her lips.
"Morning, baby," he replied, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Time to start your training."
Her smile faded slightly, replaced by a mix of excitement and nervousness. "What are we working on today?"
Yugyeom leaned closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Your squirting abilities. I want to see how far we can push you."
Rida's breath hitched, her body responding instinctively to his words. "I... I don't know if I can do it again so soon," she confessed, her voice trembling.
"That's why it's called training," he teased, his fingers trailing down her arm. "I'll be right here to guide you every step of the way."
He watched as she swallowed hard, her resolve strengthening under his gaze. "Okay, Daddy. Let's do this."
Yugyeom nodded, his expression serious. "First, I need you to relax. Deep breaths, in and out."
Rida followed his instructions, her breathing deepening as she focused on the rhythm. Yugyeom moved behind her, his hands gentle yet firm as he massaged her shoulders, easing the tension from her muscles.
"Good girl," he praised, his lips brushing against her ear. "Now, let's move to the floor."
He helped her stand, guiding her to the plush rug near the bed. Kneeling before her, he looked up, his eyes locking with hers. "Spread your legs for me, baby."
Rida hesitated for a moment, then obeyed, her thighs parting to reveal her glistening core. Yugyeom's mouth watered at the sight, his desire rising like a tide.
"Beautiful," he murmured, his hands cupping her hips. "Now, close your eyes and focus on my touch."
She did as he asked, her eyelids fluttering shut as she surrendered herself to his guidance. Yugyeom leaned in, his tongue darting out to taste her essence, the flavor sweet and tangy on his palate.
Rida gasped, her body arching towards him as his tongue delved deeper, exploring every fold and crevice. "Daddy," she whimpered, her hands gripping his hair.
"Shh, just feel," he instructed, his tongue swirling around her clit, teasing and tormenting the sensitive nub. Her moans filled the room, each sound fueling his arousal.
He changed tactics, his fingers joining the dance, one sliding inside her wet heat while the other circled her clit. Rida's body trembled, her breaths coming in short, sharp gasps.
"You're doing so well," he encouraged, his voice thick with desire. "Let it build, baby. Let it all build."
Her response was a strangled cry, her body tensing as the pressure within her grew unbearable. Yugyeom felt her walls clenching around his finger, the precursor to her release.
"That's it, come for me," he ordered, his tongue flicking faster, his fingers moving in unison. "Show Daddy what you can do."
With a scream that echoed off the walls, Rida shattered, her body convulsing as jets of liquid sprayed forth, coating Yugyeom's face and chest. He drank in the sight, his own orgasm crashing through him as he continued to pleasure her, prolonging her climax.
When at last she lay spent, her body quivering with aftershocks, Yugyeom pulled her into his arms, his voice raw with emotion. "You were incredible, baby. Absolutely incredible."
Rida smiled weakly, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. "Thank you, Daddy. For pushing me."
"Always," he promised, kissing her forehead. "Now rest, my love. We have all day to explore more."
As she drifted off to sleep, Yugyeom's mind raced with possibilities, each one more thrilling than the last. This was just the beginning, he knew. There was so much more they could discover together.
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verytalented · 2 years
What would Got7 do pt.4
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1 2 3 4 A/N: This is the last part of this request If you would like to request anything here is my Master List, and Ask List
Request- At a house party, what kind of person is each GOT7 member? And where would they be?
JB - Jay is the type to not want to go to a party because he would either be going to work or just doesn't wanna waste his time at a party. But at the same time, he wouldn't want to miss out on the fun and he would be the DJ or some shit.
Mark- Mark would be the so would sit in the corner and just watch everything unfold, but somehow he would still contribute to whatever happened at the party. Or would be dragged into the mess at the party.
Yugyeom- He would drink some much to the point where he make the stupidest decisions of his life. I feel when his drunk he would get a tattoo and wouldn't remember how when he got it or how he got it..
BamBam- I feel like bambam would make the party more welcoming and would be talking to everyone there as well as pranking every last one of his friends. Bambam would differently be the type to be so loud even though there is music playing.
Jackson- My man would most likely be the one drinking it up all night but still wouldn't get drunk. Jackson would never get drunk because he has so much experience from so many parties and most likely be the one who started the party from the start.
Youngjae- He would always be late to the party and would always forget that there is a party. Or he would never get invited to the party. And even if he did show up he would be so awkward and wouldn't know what to do.
Jinyoung- I feel like he would be very emotional when drunk. You'll probably find him outside somewhere and he would be thinking about his past actions. And as soon as you start talking to him he starts venting to you even though he's not the type to do things like that. And here's a plus the next day you would ask him about it and he would act like he didn't talk to you about his problems. And he would most likely be awkward for a while.
like and reblog
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yakuly · 1 year
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˒ 🗝️ ..⃗. Key
[🫧] Fluff. [🌨️] Angst.
[🔮] Suggestive. [🫐] smut.
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ꨄ Reactions.
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ꨄ Drabbles.
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ꨄ Timestamps.
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ꨄ Headcanons.
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ꨄ One-Shots
[🔮] "Corset" - K.BHL
↪ [Português] • [English]
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ꨄ Fake texts
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Their best friend coming out as lesbian (GOT7)
This was a request from my OLD GOT7 blog ( @got7paradisejust4u ), bringing the last of the requests from there to here. 
Post Date: 19th March 2023 Content: Fluff(??) TW?: N/A Request?: Yes
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
A.n: Hey guys, I’m so sorry for the lack of posts recently. I’m really struggling with a lot of things at the moment personal wise. That with university work, working and everything, I haven’t had the chance to really sit down and write. I have tried to, and I made progress of almost 1.5K words on a scenario for you but then lost it all so I’m going to give myself another few days just to breathe and try again. So here’s a reaction for you and you’ll get your scenarios ASAP! I love you all <3
Mark: He’d hype them up so much, and reminds them he’d always be their no.1 supporter no matter what.
Jaebum: He’d be so happy for them, promising them that they’ve always have a safe space with him. 
Jackson: He’d be so excited for them, hyping them up and would try not to make a huge deal out of it but the fact he knows they’d be comfortable enough to tell him, he’d be so excited. 
Jinyoung: He’d be so happy for them and will offer his support when it’s needed. Though out of his way of showing respect, he wouldn’t make a huge fuss out of it. 
Youngjae: He’d be another huge supporter, would give them a hug and let them talk about their crushes etc. 
Bambam: He’d be so similar to Mark and Jackson, and would make little jokes here and there just to be playful but comforting.
Yugyeom: He’d be a mix of all of them, just very happy he’d be a comfort person for his best friend and the fact he’s trusted with such information. As well as the fact they’ve figured it out.
Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Got7's Reaction to...Getting Caught In The Rain With You
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Backstory: While out and about you get caught in a sun shower with him.
Warnings: SFW, nothing but cute fluff.
Pairings: Got7 x Reader
a/n: this new tumblr shit sucks, so there are no gifs with this. sorry 😪
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He is mildly annoyed but the moment he hears your laughter he is pulling you farther into the rain and swinging you around. It turns into a wet tee shirt contest where you both win. He pulls you by his side and hurries to the car where he knows for a fact there is a jacket for himself and you to throw on. He doesn’t care that his seats are getting soaked, the smile on your face is worth it and he makes sure to drive with the heat on, so that you don’t end up sick.
“Well that was unexpected…I still think I won.”
He feels dumb for not remembering that it was supposed to rain, but he’s having a good laugh as the two of you run hand in hand, trying to find somewhere to wait it out. One store offers you both some towels and he helps dry your hair and face while you do the same to him. He’s smiling like an idiot and draping the towel around your shoulders to keep warm.
“Let’s get your dry first, yeah?”
A little rain isn’t going to hurt either of you. He would wait in the store with you and the moment the rain let up, he would peck your lips and say that he would be right back. He would run out in the rain and hurry to the car before he jumped in and drove up to the store front. Before you could even think of stepping out in the rain, Jackson would be out of the car with his jacket held high over his head. He would walk you to the car, protect your hair from getting wet and open the car door for you as well.
“Your chariot awaits!”
He might be an actor but Jinyoung will never be caught in the rain, willingly. He came prepared, a simple umbrella tucked away in the pocket of his coat, so the moment it starts to pour, he is pulling you under the awning of a store. He pulls the umbrella from his pocket, shakes it out and wraps his arm around your waist with a smile on his face.
“Let’s get home before it gets worse.”
He wouldn’t be upset just really, really surprised. How did he miss the warning for rain? Did he not double check the weather? Like a true gentleman, he would quickly take off his jacket and hold it over both of your heads as you ran across the parking lot to get into the car. The two of you would be shouting and laughing the whole way as you end up running in puddles and still getting a little wet.
“Yah! Are you okay? Did your shoes get ruined?!”
The pure disrespect he would feel towards Mother Nature. How dare she cry all over his Balenciaga sneakers! They are brand new! Fresh out the box! Best believe, he is grumbling the whole time the two of you run to take shelter in the closest store which just happens to be a café. You tell him to find a seat while you ask for towels and place an order for drinks and some light food. When you return to his side, Bam is pouting and you can’t help but tease him. He sucks his teeth and takes the towel you offer as you sit across from him.
“Man, this isn’t funny! We’re soaked!”
It is what it is. He takes it in stride and somehow the day turns into a music video. He’s dancing in the rain, pushing his hair out of his face and moon walking in puddles. You are recording the whole thing, your laughter caught in 4k as he comes running at you, only to peck your lips and pull you in close before he starts to sway side to side.
“Put the camera down and dance with me!”
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bamdora · 1 year
yugyeom is not gonna live this down among his members
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Ask Him To Buy You Pads ~ Got7 Reaction
A groan came from you as you opened up your cupboard that kept your period necessities in, missing something as you looked around.
“Are you alright?” Mark called through to you as he heard your frustration, looking to where you were across the room.
“No,” you hummed, looking past your shoulder to where Mark was stood. “I don’t suppose you could do me a massive favour, could you? I’ve not got any pads.”
There was a pause from Mark as he let what you had to say sink in, “you want me to go now? Like right this minute?”
Your head shyly nodded back across to Mark, “I’ll pay you back and I’ll do anything that you want if you can just do this for me.”
“You don’t need to do that,” Mark quickly assured you, “I’ll go and grab you some, and I’ll make sure to get you some sweet snacks to stop your period upsetting you too.”
“Mark, have I told you how incredible you are?”
“You might’ve mentioned it.”
Jay B:
Your eyes followed Jaebum as he picked up his phone and then his wallet as he prepared to head down to the shops.
“Is there anything that you need whilst I’m gone?” Jaebum asked you as he walked past you to get to the door.
“There might be one thing,” you whispered, his nervous eyes meeting yours. “I know you’re going to hate me, but I need some pads, I forgot to get some the other day.”
The smile on Jaebum’s face disappeared as he looked to you, “don’t you have anyone else who can buy you some pads?”
Your head immediately shook in reply to Jaebum, “come on, I wouldn’t ask you if I wasn’t desperate for some Jaebum.”
“I thought you were just going to tell me you wanted a bar of chocolate or something,” he lightly chuckled, “I kind of just walked right into this one, didn’t I?”
“You shouldn’t have asked if I wanted anything really.”
“I brought this on myself.”
A shake of the head came from Jackson as he passed across to you what you had asked him to buy with a blank expression.
“Never again,” he warned you as soon as you took the pack of pads out of his hand, unable to hold back your laughter.
“Was it really that bad?” You teasingly asked, sniggering as Jackson nodded back at you, still a little overwhelmed form the experience. “Why? What happened?”
Jackson threw himself down on the sofa with his head in his hands, “I had so many people staring at me Y/N, judging me too.”
You struggled to hold back your laughter as Jackson groaned in despair, “I’m sure that no one was judging you, Jackson.”
“They were,” he called out, “they were probably all watching me, thinking what has this guy done to be so whipped for his girlfriend that he comes and buys her pads.”
“Or how nice of a boyfriend he is to do that for his girlfriend?”
“You should’ve seen their eyes.”
Your smile was sheepish as you walked back into the bedroom, feeling Jinyoung’s eyes watching you closely as you dropped back down.
“Did you start your period?” Jinyoung asked, although he was already sure enough as your hands held onto your tummy.
“It sucks,” you grumbled, curling into his side closely for comfort. “Do you know what’s worse too? I only have two pads left in my drawer; I swore that I had more.”
A hum came from Jinyoung as he quickly picked up on what you were hinting at, “what are you going to do with just two pads?”
Your eyes glanced expectantly back across at Jinyoung. “Please,” you asked of him, “I’m in too much pain to go to the shop.”
“One day you’ll remember to stock up for your period well in advance,” Jinyoung smirked as he pushed the duvet off of himself, “do you need me to get them now?”
“Just today, there’s no rush though. I thought that I had more.”
“You always think you have more.”
A gasp came from you as you remembered one of the other things that you needed, grabbing Youngjae’s hand to stop him walking.
“What is it?” He quizzed with a chuckle, made to jump by your hand suddenly getting him as he walked down another aisle.
“I need pads,” you told him, watching his smile drop. “Do you think you could go back and get some for me whilst I go and get the sauce, you can grab any Youngjae.”
His eyes narrowed in your direction, “why can’t you go and get your pads and I get the sauce? That makes a lot more sense.”
Your head shook as you tried to push him towards the pads, “you always get the wrong sauce, so I need to go and get it.”
“What about if we get the pads and sauce together?” He suggested, “there’s no way that I’m being seen going down that aisle of pads all by myself when you’re here?”
“You’re not shy about having to buy me pads are you, Youngjae?”
“I might be, just a little bit.”
There was a firm shake of the head from BamBam as soon as you asked him to buy you pads, quickly standing his ground against you.
“I draw the line at having to buy you pads,” BamBam told you. “Do you remember how embarrassing it was last time?”
“It wasn’t embarrassing,” you chuckled back across to him, “that old lady thought it was sweet that you were buying my pads for me, you just took it the wrong way.”
BamBam’s head shook stubbornly in reply to you, “you saw the smile that was on her face, she was making fun of me there, Y/N.”
You threw your head back as BamBam continued to grumble, “can’t you just go again, but maybe go to a different shop instead?”
“So, I can get stared at in two shops rather than one?” BamBam challenged, “do you just want me to have a reputation all around Korea for buying my girlfriend pads?”
“You know, people think it’s a nice thing for you to do for me.”
“Well, those people are all wrong.”
He dropped the bag beside you as soon as Yugyeom walked through the front door, holding his hands up despairingly at you.
“I’m never doing that again,” Yugyeom quickly announced, the smile on his enough to draw a laugh out of you.
“Thank you,” you sweetly smiled across to him, taking the pads out of the carrier bag. “Have I ever told you what an incredible boyfriend you are Yugyeom?”
His head shook as you stood up from the sofa, “don’t try and sweet talk me now, I can’t believe you asked me to do that for you.”
Another laugh came from you as you walked across to Yugyeom only for him to step aside, “don’t get pouty like a baby.”
“I’m going to get you back for making me go and buy you pads,” Yugyeom warned you, “I can’t go back to that shop ever again now, everyone was just staring at me Y/N.”
“Stop being so dramatic, I bet no one even noticed you there.”
“I could feel them laughing at me.”
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
L0v3 Us | Choi Yeonjun
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Summary: He finally tells the boys about you and their reaction is... Pairing: Reader x Idol Yeonjun Word Count: 2.1k~ Warnings: No real warnings just fluff a/n: I am so so so sorry to those of you who have been waiting for this! I hope you like how it all came together in the end <3 Read part 1 L0v3 Me and Part 2 L0v3 y0u for more context <3
🟢 Yejun is active 
🟢 y/n is active 
Yejun: Got any other guesses for me today?
y/n: Are you Yugyeom from Got7?
Yejun: Nope, guess again.
y/n: Hmmm...
y/n: This is so difficult :(
y/n: Why are there so many kpop idols :'(
Yejun: Do you want another hint?
y/n: Yes please hehe
Yejun: I work for a really large Kpop label.
y/n: JYP?
Yejun: Nope
y/n: SM?
Yejun: Try again
y/n: Hybe?
Yejun: Yep
y/n: Really! Please don't tell me you're in BTS 
Yejun: Why? Don't you like BTS? :(
y/n: Yes I love BTS!
y/n: But I don't think I could handle it if I found out that you were one of the members.
Yejun: Who is your bias?
y/n: Guess hehe
Yejun: Jimin?
y/n: Nope, although he is my bias wrecker so you were close.
Yejun: Hmmm
Yejun: It's V isn't it
y/n: Nope it's Jungkook
Yejun: Damn, it's hard for me to compete with someone like Jungkook hyung :(
y/n: Hey don't be so hard on yourself. Wait, you never told me if you're in BTS.
y/n: You aren't...right?
Yejun: No I'm not in BTS
y/n: Oh thank God
y/n: I was about to have a heart attack.
Yejun: Okay okay enough about my sunbaes :(
y/n: Alright, back to guessing.
y/n: Are you in Seventeen? 
Yejun: Nope guess again
y/n: Please don't tell me you're lying to me about your age too
Yejun: Wait! Why would you say that?
y/n: Because what if you're in Enhypen or something?!?!
y/n: I'm not against dating younger guys but they're cutting it a little close
Yejun: No I'm not lying about my age and no I'm not in Enhypen
y/n: Okayyyy I was just checking
y/n: Hmm
y/n: TXT?
I take a deep breath before responding to you, knowing that this really is the make or break moment.
Yejun: Yes
y/n: Wait really?
Yejun: Why? Is that a bad thing?
y/n: No no no, nothing like that
y/n: It's just...
y/n: Well...
My heart rate starts to pick up a bit as I watch the bubbles go up and down, showing me that you're still typing.
y/n: You guys are like...really hot...
Yejun: Ya! 
y/n: Don't you 'Ya!' me 
y/n: It's not my fault that you're in a team full of Adonises 
Yejun: :(
y/n: Hey don't pout, I'm just telling the truth.
y/n: But don't worry
y/n: You're the most handsome out of all of them because you're mine <3
My heart can't help but flutter at that message. Even though it's so simple, I never knew that I would love being able to be somebody's someone.
Yejun: Who is your bias?
y/n: Beomgyu :)
y/n: Is that you?
Yejun: Beomgyu? 
Yejun: Are you kidding me? 
Yejun: Out of all of them it had to be Beomgyu?
y/n: Jealous?
Yejun: No...
y/n: Yeonjun, you're my boyfriend. I only have eyes for you now <3
Yejun: How did you know it was me?
I quickly change my screen name to Yeonjun since she finally figured it out.
y/n: Yejun really? You thought that I wouldn't know as soon as you told me you were in TXT?
y/n: Plus from your reaction alone I could tell that it for sure was you
Yeonjun: What's that supposed to mean?
y/n: You two are always teasing each other and play fighting and he is constantly making fun of how you sound when you rap
y/n: Which is hilarious by the way 
Yeonjun: No it's not :(
y/n: Awww cute
Yeonjun: What's cute?
y/n: Now that I really know who you are I can imagine you sulking over there with your pouty lips hehe
Yeonjun: Whatever :/
y/n: Baby come on
y/n: Don't be mad at me :(
Yeonjun: Remind me to never introduce you to Beomgyu
y/n: You really are jealous
Yeonjun: No I'm not jealous
Yeonjun: I just do not want to deal with both of you ganging up on me
y/n: Aww come on! That would be so fun though!
Yeonjun: I'll think about it...
y/n: How do you feel?
y/n: Now that I know who you are
Yeonjun: I feel relieved, relaxed almost
Yeonjun: I hated lying to you :(
y/n: You're lucky I love you
I smile down at my phone at your last message and as soon as I go to respond I end up locking my phone and throwing it on my bed just as Beomgyu walks in.
"Who's got you smiling like that?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest, watching me with a devious smile. "It's that girl isn't it?!?!" he says, clearly waiting for more details. "She's not just that girl okay, she's my girlfriend" I say, finally feeling comfortable telling someone else about us.
"YEONJUN'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND" Beomgyu chants down the hallway getting everyone's attention. By now all of the guys know about you but I never put a clear label on us so it's nice to finally do so since you finally know who I am. I would've preferred to tell the guys differently but oh well. What could I expect when I decided that it would be a good idea telling him first?
"What? No fair! I want a girlfriend too!" Kai says, happy but also pouting. "Have you talked to the company about this?" Taehyun says, coming out with a no nonsense approach. "Yes I told the company about it. We're doing long distance so there isn't really that high of a chance of getting caught in a scandal so they were fine with it. I've of course just gotta keep it on the low and that won't be an issue for me. Now when it comes to you guys though, I really really need you guys on my side so if you're going to talk about my girlfriend then we really can only do it while we're home. I would prefer we don't talk about it at all but-"
"What's her name?" Soobin asks, taking a softer approach. "Y/n" I say while looking down at the floor trying to hide my smile. "Damn you're whipped" Beomgyu teases and I reach my arm out to wack him but he hides behind Kai leaving him out of reach. "You sure you can trust her?" Taehyun says, still wanting to eer on the side of caution. "More than anything" I say firmly, knowing in my heart that you'll stay faithful and keep us a secret. "Well if you trust her then I trust her" Soobin says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks" I say giving him a soft smile. 
"Can we see a picture of her?" Kai asks, all the guys getting closer to me as I pull out my phone and show them a few pictures of you. "She's so pretty!" Kai says, clearly the one who is the most excited for us out of the four. "And you're sure a girl like that wants to be with a guy like you? She's totally out of your league dude" Beomgyu says with a smirk, never letting a chance at teasing me go to waste. I bring my hand up, fully ready to hit him again but Soobin places a hand on my shoulder making me stop. 
"He's going to keep on teasing you if you keep on giving him reactions like that" giving me a logical explanation as to why I should just ignore him. "Fine" I mumble and go back to showing the other guys a few more pictures when they ask for more. "Where is she from?" Kai the ever curious one asks after I've put my phone away. "She's from somewhere in Europe but she's going to college in the states right now" I say walking toward the living room. 
"Does she live near one of the stops on our tour? Maybe she can come?" Beomgyu says, excited at the though of finally meeting this mystery girl he's had to keep secret for all this time. "She does and she actually already bought tickets before she even knew who I was" I say smiling again at the coincidence. "She's a MOA? That's adorable" Kai gushes. "I like her already" Taehyun chimes in, now warming up to the idea. 
"It's probably not the best idea to see her" Soobin says calling me off to the side while the other three talk amongst themselves. "I know" I pause trying to game plan a bit so I can hopefully convince him in the slightest bit. "We could probably bring her backstage at some point right? Even if it were just for a second" I stop again, taking a deep breath and make sure I sound as sincere as possible, "I just really want to see her". 
I watch as he then takes a second to think about it as well before saying the words that I was hoping he would say. "I'll go talk to the company tomorrow and see if we can work something out". "Thanks man" I say softly and give him a pat on the back in thanks. "Can you take care of them for me?" I say nodding towards the three younger members still talking about you. "Sure, hey" he says making me turn back around as I had started to make my way back to my room. "Just, be careful" he says in earnest and I give him a shallow nod, showing that I'll make sure to keep everyone safe.
Walking into my room I look down at my phone and see that there's a notification from you.
🟡 Yeonjun is busy → 🟢 Yeonjun is active
🟢 y/n is active
y/n: So how was your day? 
Yeonjun: It was alright, work wasn't too hectic so that was a nice change.
y/n: I'm glad! You've all been preparing for the comeback and the tour and everything so I could only imagine how swamped you've been!
Yeonjun: Yeah, but anyways I want to talk about you
Yeonjun: How was your day?
y/n: It was pretty chill 
y/n: It looks like the universe wanted to take it easy on us
Yeonjun: I guess so...
Yeonjun: I told the guys about us
y/n: Really? How'd it go?
Yeonjun: Surprisingly well
Yeonjun: Some of them were a bit concerned right off the bat but after we started to talk about things a little more they got a bit more excited and they said that you're really pretty after I showed them a few photos
y/n: Aw yay! I'm glad that they aren't giving you too much of a hard time. 
y/n: I'm definitely not as pretty as those idols you guys are with but I'll take the compliment nonetheless :)
Yeonjun: Hey I thought we talked about this
Yeonjun: Just because I work in the idol industry doesn't mean you get to compare yourself to them.
Yeonjun: Remember what you just told me?
y/n: ...
Yeonjun: Y/n, you're my girlfriend. I only have eyes for you now <3
y/n: Don't use my words against me!
Yeonjun: Oh is that because what you said wasn't true?
y/n: No! I really do mean it!
Yeonjun: Well then I really do mean it too :)
Yeonjun: You wanna know something else that happened today?
y/n: Hmm?
Yeonjun: I convinced Soobin to talk to the company with me about seeing you at the show you're coming too
y/n: Wait really?!?!?
Yeonjun: Really really
y/n: Yeonjun that's amazing!
y/n: I really hope they say yes XD
Yeonjun: Me too :)
y/n: Anyways I should probably let you go to bed
y/n: But please please please tell me what they say as soon as you find out
Yeonjun: You'll be the first one I call
Yeonjun: And if you don't answer I just keep calling over 
Yeonjun: and over
Yeonjun: and over 
Yeonjun : and over
y/n: Okay okay I get it lol
Yeonjun: and over again 
Yeonjun: sorry... that one took too long to send hehe
y/n: You're such a weirdo
Yeonjun: But you love me anyways
y/n: Goodnight Weirdo
Yeonjun: But I wanted to talk to youuuu :(
y/n: Bed
y/n: Now
Yeonjun: I love it when you get all dominant with me ;)
y/n: Keep on running your mouth Yeonjun
Yeonjun: Okay okay
Yeonjun: I'm sorry I'll go to bed :(
Yeonjun: Goodnight love x
y/n: Goodnight
y/n: Weirdo
I close out our chat and get ready to finally settle in for the night and I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face, being a reoccurring theme when it comes to you. "Who's got you smiling like that?" Beomgyu teases again. "Get out of my room" I yell while throwing a pillow at his face. "Okay okay I'm going" he laughs. 
"Goodnight lover boy" he says before walking away leaving my door open, leaving me having to get up and close the door behind him. "When am I ever gonna catch a break from this guy" I mumble to myself. "Probably never" he says poking his head out of his room. I groan and shut my door behind me but I hear how he continues to laugh at my reaction even when it finally closes. 
I take a deep breath hoping to slow the onslaught of a headache and lay down, finally getting some rest. "See you soon" I whisper to myself, knowing that no matter what, I'll do everything I my power to finally meet you. Who knew that that simple 'Hey' I sent you would be the thing that would help me change for the better, leading out hearts to intertwine. 
Although our love is digital, I know I'll love you just the same when we meet in the physical. 
a/n: This will be the last part :) I'll leave the rest of their story up to your imaginations. Feel free to comment or send asks with the ending that you imagine! I would love to know what you think <3
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sneezyminniejo · 4 months
Coffee or Nah-ffee
It's my birthday and I finally was able to get my shit together to finish a fic. Here ya go
It was a fairly exciting day. The group was appearing on Good Mythical Morning with Rhett and Link. It was also the first time in a long time that the group had an American appearance together. It was clear that some of the members were more nervous than the others, but it was also a bit understandable since aside from Jackson, it was the first time for any of them to be appearing on this type of show. Jinyoung and Youngjae were half expecting something similar to Weekly Idol, while Mark and Jaebeom were expecting something closer to one of those late night talk shows.
Jackson had taken the lead in introducing the others to Rhett and Link. Seeing as he had appeared on the show before, he had an idea of what to expect, but still didn’t quite know what to expect. The seven members all happily greeted the two hosts and got themselves situated as they found out exactly what they’d be doing.
All seven men were equally excited and nervous. Mark had been watching their channel to try and get an idea of what they’d be doing, but all the videos were so chaotic. He couldn’t help but hope that they’d be doing something similar to what NCT Dream did when they appeared on the show.
Once everyone was properly situated and filming officially started did the Got7 members find out that they would be taking part in an episode of ‘Will it?’. Specifically ‘Will it coffee?’ It took a couple of minutes to fully explain what exactly would be happening because the hired translator had called in sick at the last possible second, so Mark, Jackson, and BamBam were doing their best to translate what Rhett and Link were saying.
The first coffee was a doughnut coffee because doughnuts and coffee always go together. All nine men seemed to enjoy it, but JayB said something about it being a bit too sweet. The leader had even made a little bit of a face when the sweet coffee first hit his taste buds. Truthfully Jaebeom wasn’t exactly feeling good, and the sugaryness almost wanted to make him gag. He wasn’t sick though. If he was sick, he wouldn’t have come to the schedule today.
The next two coffees that were tried are actual coffees, but Rhett and Link wanted an excuse to try them. The first one was butter coffee. The second one was cheese coffee. Both coffees were liked by everyone, and almost everyone had multiple sips of both.
It was the next coffee that really got a reaction. The coffee was blood coffee. Seeing as Rhett and Link have a history of tasting questionable concoctions, they were able to school their reactions pretty well. However, more than one member of Got7 was making a disgusted face when they heard what they'd be trying. 
When it came time to actually taste the coffee, there were mixed reactions. Jackson and Youngjae both seemed to enjoy it. Jinyoung, Mark, and BamBam all seemed to not care for it. However they all finished their small cup. JayB and Yugyeom however, both went for the barf bucket. Yugyeom gagged a couple of times and spat out the blood coffee. However, Jaebeom threw up. He was bent over his barf bucket for almost a minute, emptying his stomach of all the coffees he’s already drunk so far. Link had a similar reaction to Jaebeom and Rhett laughed at Link.
Jackson rubbed Jaebeom’s back and leaned in to the slightly older man. “Are you okay? That reaction was kind of intense.” Jaebeom nodded his head in response. “I’m fine Jackson. My brain just kind of wigged out when they said it was blood coffee.” Jaebeom lied. Truthfully, the sweet coffees from before had made him feel a bit nauseated and he had been having trouble keeping down the blood coffee as soon as it went past his lips. It was just a coincidence that he threw up right after the reveal of the ingredient.
The next coffee that was tried was one that Rhett and Link have had on the show previously, civet coffee. Six of the seven men had no problem drinking the coffee, even after the reveal. Jaebeom audibly gagged when the group was told how the beans are harvested, but that was about it.
It wouldn’t be a true Rhett and Link ‘will it’ episode without something off the wall. The final coffee that was served was, in classic Rhett and Link fashion, bull testicle coffee. The scent was more pungent in a bad way compared to the other coffees. Everyone gagged at the scent. Rhett and Link, who are more accustomed to trying this stuff, had a less severe reaction.
As each man brought the mug of coffee up to their mouths, Jaebeom knew there was no way he’d be able to get the liquid down. His stomach was already on the verge of sending more of its contents up through his mouth. The Got7 leader just barely touched the mug to his lips before his body went into full rejection mode. He didn’t even manage half a sip before he was once again bent over the barf bucket.Fortunately, Jaebeom wasn’t the only one to use their barf bucket to spit out the liquid. Unfortunately, he was the only one that was actively throwing up for more than a few seconds.
There were looks of concern on several members’ faces when Jaebeom was bent over the bucket for longer than what should be necessary. Mark was quick to ask for a bottle of water and handed it to the younger man and helped him sip. Jaebeom took a moment before sitting upright.
“That did not taste good.” He said. He placed the bucket on the ground and smiled, hoping that it looked more genuine than it felt. He did his best at not rubbing his stomach, which still felt like it was rolling. Clearly the coffee still wasn’t agreeing with him, but to be fair, it tasted disgusting.
Shortly thereafter, filming wrapped up. Rhett and Link were the first ones to stand up. “It was nice to meet you guys.” Rhett said to the group. “Sorry about some of the coffees, we never truly know what’s being served to us during these food episodes.” Rhett apologized and mostly looked at Jaebeom, who still looked a bit off.
“It’s fine. Just didn’t expect it.” Jaebeom said. He smiled and did his best to stand up straight, but truthfully his stomach was still cramping. It was obvious that all the coffee he drank was not sitting well, even though he already threw up the majority if not all of it. However, he’s sure the feeling will subside within the hour.
The group has rented a minivan to save on gas money while they traveled between their hotel and their schedules in the area. Mark was in the driver's seat with Jackson riding shotgun. BabBam and Yugyeom took the seats directly behind them. Leaving Jaebeom, Youngjae and Jinyoung to share the very back. As soon as everyone was buckled in, Jaebeom placed his head on the side of the car in a vain attempt to get his stomach to calm down.
They were driving to a restaurant to get some lunch. There was an Italian place nearby that BamBam wanted to try. Unfortunately the group got stuck in traffic, so it was going to be a little bit before they actually got to where they were going. Apparently somewhere up ahead there had been a car crash, and traffic was currently bumper to bumper.
Jaebeom listened as the others either complained about the traffic or talked excitedly about what they wanted to do while they were in the states. He zoned out a little bit and closed his eyes as he focused on his stomach. “I’m not sick.” He whispered to himself repeatedly, although he wasn’t sure how much he believed that statement.
Ten minutes had passed and the car had barely moved two car lengths. Mark said something about an accident farther up and that’s why they were barely moving. Yugyeom had managed to fall asleep and everyone else was essentially just scrolling on their phones. The leader had given up keeping his eyes closed and was looking at his phone like all of his dongsaengs were.
Jaebeom’s stomach had seemingly relaxed a little bit, so he relaxed as well. Clearly it had just taken a little bit for his stomach to calm down after drinking those coffees. Unfortunately he burped a minute later. He managed to stifle the burp, but some stuff definitely came up. He swallowed it back down before looking up from his phone.
“Does anyone have a bag?” Jaebeom asked a little too quietly. Jinyoung quirked his eyebrow and looked at the leader when he spoke. “What was that Jae?” He asked. Jaebeom visibly gagged into his closed fist. “I need a bag.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening.
Unfortunately, neither Jinyoung nor Yougjae had a bag and it didn’t look like there was enough time to even ask if any of the others just so happened to have a bag handy. What Jinyoung did have however, was an empty large coffee cup from Dunkin Doughnuts that was from early that morning. He quickly took the lid off and thrust it under Jaebeom’s mouth, pushing his hand away in the process.
It was only two seconds later that a throat wrenching retch was heard through the van. Only slightly muffled by the cup being cupped over Jaebeom’s mouth. Jaebeom spent roughly a minute being sick into the cup. Eventually the man sat up straight, panting a little. He had tears running down his face and snot coming from his nose. He cringed a little when he looked at the cup and saw that he had filled it halfway.
“Hyung, are you okay?” Youngjae asked as Jinyoung handed Jaebeom the lid to the cup to minimize the smell. Both BamBam and Jackson had turned around to see and hear what was going on. Surprisingly, Yugyeom was still asleep.
“I’m okay, that gross coffee just fucked up my stomach.” Jaebeom said. The leader ignored the look he knew Jinyoung was giving him. A moment later, Jaebeom found himself burping wetly. Although nothing came from it.
A couple minutes later, Mark pulled the van onto the shoulder and Jackson got out of the vehicle. He then opened the side door and poked his head in. “Jaebeom, let's switch seats. Your stomach might settle more easily if you’re in the front.” Jaebeom nodded his head, truthfully, the vibrations of the van were causing his stomach to rumble uncomfortably. He made his way out of the van, makinging sure to bring the cup of sick with him. He wasn’t about to let Jackson, or any of the others sit next to it. He briefly thought about chucking the thing on the side of the road, but changed his mind. He also thought about dumping it out before getting into the front of the car, but didn’t want to leave that nastiness on the side of the road. He brought the puke filled cup to the front seat with him.
The car once again fell into silence, although it wasn’t a calm silence. The windows had been cracked to help rid the enclosed space of the foul odor. “You sure you’re okay? We can go to the hotel easily enough.” Mark said.
“I’m fine, hyung. As I said, the coffee just really messed with my stomach.” Jaebeom smiled or tried to smile at his hyung as he pulled back into traffic, although it likely came out as more of a grimace. He couldn’t help but place the palm of his hand under his shirt, in hopes that the pressure and heat from his hand might help in some way.
Several minutes later, the van travelled roughly a mile. It was still going to be a while before the group got to their destination. Jaebeom’s stomach hadn’t really settled in the time since he had last thrown up, and he could feel his stomach beginning to get angry again. He shifted in his seat and groaned a little.
Mark noticed Jaebeom’s discomfort in his periphery. He reached his arm over and slightly awkwardly pat the younger man’s leg. “You good or do I need to try to pull over?” He asked. With how slow traffic is, it would be a tad difficult to get over again. So it would be good to get some notice.
Jaebeom shook his head. “I’m fine hyung. My stomach just needs a chance to settle.” The sick man looks out the window to avoid his hyung’s gaze, which he knows will be judging him. Thankfully, Mark doesn’t say anything more, and the van settles back into a relative silence.
It was only a few minutes later that Jaebeom felt his mouth begin to fill with saliva. He began to breathe more heavily and he was swallowing more frequently to try to keep himself from puking. However, he grabbed the cup just in case. He decided to take the lid off of the cup as well so that in the event that he does wind up getting sick again, it’ll be ready.
The leader barely took the lid off of the cup when he caught a whiff of acrid stench of vomit. He instantly lost the battle with his stomach and loudly gagged right before placing his mouth over the cup.
He felt his stomach contract to push the acid and whatever else that might still be in his stomach. He vaguely felt Mark’s hand return to his leg as he continued to heave. His stomach painfully contracted with dry heaves several times before more liquid came up. He puked into the cup for a few seconds before running into a predicament.
It was only a matter of seconds before the cup filled up and Jaebeom was not done puking. He didn’t have any time to even think about trying to find a new receptacle for his vomit. He had no choice but to let the cup overflow and allow the vomit to spill onto his hands and the floor. He could hear a disgusted noise, but was too busy to figure out which member was making it.
“Okay guys. Change of plans. I’m taking us back to the hotel.” Mark called. He removed his hand from Jaebeom’s knee as soon as he felt a splash of puke hit it. He also immediately put on his turn signal so that he could begin merging. Hopefully he could get off on one of the next exits and take a different, less congested route back to the hotel.
Meanwhile, Yugyeom finally woke up to the loud sounds of Jaebeom throwing up and BamBam filled him in. Yugyeom tiredly rubbed his eyes then sat up a bit. “Hyung’s been sick since last night.” The maknae grabs his water bottle and passes it to the front so Jaebeom can rinse his mouth out. He doesn’t notice that the van somehow got quieter.
Jaebeom stopped throwing up right before Yugyeom stated that he’d been sick since last night. He cleared his throat and took a swig of water from the bottle. “Yug, I’m not sick. The coffee just messed with my stomach.” The leader said firmly.
“Hyung, you always talk in your sleep when you’re sick. Last night you kept saying something about platypus milk? I don’t know, but you kept me up half the night with your ramblings.” Yugyeom said.
“He’s right, hyung. You do have a tendency to sleep talk when you’re sick regardless of ailment.” Youngjae added. The other members also chimed in and agreed with Yugyeom.
“I’m sorry for keeping you up, Gyeomie. But I’ve already told all of you that I’m not sick. The sleep talking was probably nerves or something.” Jaebeom tried to brush off.
“Hyung, you also barely ate any breakfast.” The maknae countered. Jaebeom huffed. “It was just some indigestion. Like I said before, that nasty coffee just didn’t agree with me.” Suddenly Jaebeom felt a hand touch his forehead from behind.
“Hyung, you have a fever. Are you going to try to challenge that?” BamBam challenged. There was silence from the leader for a good minute.
“Fuck, I am sick aren’t I? I didn’t know I have a fever.” The leader sighed. He suddenly gagged loudly. There was a moment where both BamBam and Yugyeom frantically searched for a plastic bag. Yugyeom ultimately dumped out his backpack and kind of threw it at Jaebeom.
“Thanks Yug, but I think I’m good for now. That was more gas than it was a gag.” Jaebeom tried to reassure. He was decently sure that he wasn’t about to hurl again. Instead, he leaned back against the chair and closed his eyes, eventually falling asleep.
Some time later, Jaebeom was being shaken awake by Jackson. He groaned as he woke up and got out of the car. Unfortunately, the act of standing up made him dizzy and he started to fall over. Jackson caught him and helped him back to the room with Yugyeom.
“Alright Jaebeom-ah, BamBam and Jinyoung are running to the gas station down the street to get some things for you. I’m going to call room service and see if they can send up some chicken soup or something. Your job is to stay in bed unless you’re going to the toilet. We’ll figure out the fanmeet and other schedule logistics when everyone gets back.” Jackson said. Yugyeom grabbed one of the trash cans in the room and placed it next to Jaebeom’s bed.
Jackson disappeared to the bathroom and reappeared a moment later with a damp washcloth. He placed it on Jaebeom’s forehead. “Mark texted, the rental company said they’re going to charge an extra cleaning fee, even if we get the car cleaned ourselves.” The Chinese man said.
Jaebeom’s eyes widened at that. “Fuck, I’m sorry I got sick in the car.” He began to sit up, only to be forced back down by the maknae. “It’ll be fine hyung. Obviously you didn’t mean to get sick in the van. And you did try to contain your mess. It just wasn’t enough.” Yugyeom placates while he gets his hyung a glass of water. Jaebeom took a couple small sips of the water, but immediately leaned over the trash can and coughed up the small amount of liquid. He tiredly leaned back against the pillows just as BamBam and Jinyoung returned.
“Okay, we got some pepto bismol, a thermometer, gatorade, and some fever reducers.” Jinyoung said as he brought the thermometer over to Jaebeom. BamBam unloaded the bag on the small table. Unsurprisingly, the thermometer gave a reading of 102.3 and Jinyoung had to look up a converter online to figure out what the temperature was in Celsius. He sighed when he saw the number.
“Jaebeom-ah, your fever is 39. Did you seriously not realize that you were sick when you woke up this morning?” Jinyoung sounded a bit incredulous because with a fever like that, most people would probably feel quite miserable. Jaebeom looked stunned that his fever was that high.
“It honestly didn’t even occur to me that I might be sick. Aside from the slight queasiness I woke up with this morning, I was feeling fine.” Jaebeom said. “I was sure it was jet lag or something.” The leader sounded frustrated. With how high his fever is, he was going to be bed bound for at least two days. All he could hope is that it’s just a 24 hour stomach bug and that he’ll stop puking by tomorrow.
Jackson sat on the bed next to the leader. “Obviously you're not leaving the hotel room for the rest of the day. But you need to make a decision about tonight's interview and tomorrow's interview and show.” Jaebeom sighed. He had forgotten about the fact that the group still had schedules today.
He glanced at the clock. It was one in the afternoon. The group has an appearance on a late night show and then tomorrow they're appearing on a daytime talk show and they have a concert tomorrow night. He had maybe three hours to decide whether he wanted to try to go to the late night show.
“I think right now, I want to sleep. Wake me up before you guys leave, and we'll see how I'm feeling.” Jaebeom said as he got himself comfortable on the hotel bed. The other men moved to the connected room so that the sick man could rest more peacefully.
Jaebeom slept for around one hour and forty five minutes before his stomach woke him up. He didn't even have time to think about getting out of the bed. He only had time to lean over the side and hope that his head was over the trash can. Jaebeom coughed and gagged a few times as he tried to control his breathing and his stomach. He felt one of his members but a hand on his back, but he was too busy to see who it was.
After a minute of puking followed by another minute of dry heaving, Jaebeom was able to sit back up. He accepted some tissues and wiped his face before looking down at the trash can. Thankfully, he hadn't missed and everything he brought up made it into the trash can. Mark handed him an electrolyte drink.
“I already contacted the people in charge of tonight's interview and told them only six of us are going to be there. We'll play tomorrow by ear, but I suggest taking it easy.” The eldest said. Jaebeom nodded in response and took some slow sips of the drink.
“Honestly, with how I feel right now, I don’t think I’ll feel up to much of anything tomorrow. Even if my fever does break.” Jaebeom said. He slumped back against the bed and let his members get ready to go.
A while later, Jaebeom was maybe feeling vaguely better. At the very least he had enough energy to turn on the tv and watch the interview his members were doing without him. The group introduction had gone smoothly, and Mark explained that Jaebeom was sick and that’s why he wasn’t attending. The group also performed one of their songs.
About halfway through the show, the host, to make for improved conversation, started asking what the members drink to stay energized. The host then had a crew member bring out a tray with coffee mugs and a pot on it. The crew member poured each member a cup of coffee and walked off stage before any of them could try to politely refuse.
Jaebeom laughed before running to the bathroom.
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Got7 Hopeless Romantic vs. Serious About Love
Hey everyone! It's me, ya girl, back at it again to make another post. Yeah, I still don't have a schedule. I pulled two twelve hour shifts in a row and was exhausted. It's my weekend so now I can finally do some writing. As always, if there's anything you want to read, let me know! Send me whatever requests you might have!
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Request: who do you think is a hopeless romantic vs serious about love?
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Mark is a hopeless romantic. He’s one of the more emotional members and we’ve seen that on multiple occasions. He really seems like the type to fall hard and fall fast. He’s a sweetheart and would be totally all in on his relationships.
2. Jay B
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Jay B is serious about love. I mean, he can be a total goofball but I feel like love and relationships are really important to him. He would work hard to cultivate a relationship built on balance and trust and love.
3. Jackson
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Jackson is serious about love. This might be a surprise to some people but he takes family and relationships super seriously and he dedicates himself wholly to them. He’s a sweetheart but he would be super serious in how he handles relationships.
4. Jinyoung
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Jinyoung is serious about love. I don’t think this comes as a surprise to anyone. He is serious about everything that is important to him. Yeah, he likes to tease and make fun of the members in light hearted manners but he also makes sure to maintain good and healthy relationships.
5. Youngjae
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Youngjae is a hopeless romantic. He’s a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve and emotions hit him hard. He would be such a cute and playful partner who would be just an adorable little romantic. He’s full of cuddles and laughter and kisses. He wants nothing more than to be in a loving, committed relationship.
6. BamBam
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BamBam is a hopeless romantic. This as a hard choice for me. Bam could really go either way. I’m going with hopeless romantic because he’s the type to act blasé in relationships but is actually super committed and the type to find one person he loves and sticking with them for the rest of time.
7. Yugyeom
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Yugyeom is a hopeless romantic. No one is surprised. He’s adorable and would fall hard for the right person. He would do his best to be the most loving and committed and boyfriend ever. He’s a total sweetheart and the largest, cutest bean.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please send me any requests you might have!
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