#ysbw ask
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
What’s your take on Deku if I may ask? To some he’s obsessive or delusional or sadistic or excruciatingly gentle, and it would depend greatly on the darling, but how do you think he’d be a like... a darling that’s scared of him? Like he kidnaps his darling and they’re afraid and crying and panicked and very distressed all the time, no end in sight? Ilysm, your writing makes quarantine a lot easier to go through 💖💘
Thank you so much, I love you too! It makes me happy to hear that my writing makes quarantine more bearable for you.
I see Deku as a mix of obsessive, delusional, and more of a masochist with slightly sadistic tendencies. (I don’t know if I can explain this well, but let's try)
Having a darling that’s afraid of him will break him. All he’ll be thinking is, he loves you so much, and would never hurt you, so you have no reason to be afraid in the first place. At first, he’ll just try to convince himself that it’s only because it’s a new environment. But the longer your behavior continues, the more frustrated he’ll get. He’ll pester you constantly. “I’m taking such good care of you, protecting you from the big bad world. All I want is to hold you a little. Does that make me evil?”
I always see Deku as extremely manipulative in the sense that, he’ll always flip things to make it seem like you’re at fault for your own emotions. He’ll definitely take advantage of your emotional state to try to worm his way into your heart. “Oh no, poor baby. You’re so scared. Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
He won’t stop pushing in order to get you to see that he’s on your side. He’ll cook, clean, encourage you to come sit in his lap and watch a movie with him. As much as he wants to run his hands up and down your body. He knows he has to restrain himself, but it’s so hard when watching you cry is such a turn on. 
Now, as much as he may hate seeing you so sad, and afraid. The redness in your eyes, and the slight sniffle of your adorable nose, that, has him feeling some kind of way. You’re just so adorable! How you shake and quiver. What he wouldn’t give to have you shaking from pure pleasure underneath him. To have you cry out his hero name when he pushes you over the edge...but not yet. First, he has to earn your trust. Whatever he needs to in order for you to see that he’s not the bad guy.
Something that would probably turn Deku on more than your crying would be the thought of you yelling at him or degrading him. So he might encourage you to do that instead. “Stop crying. I didn’t do anything wrong. Why are you so upset.” And just keep pushing and pushing until you snap.
This is where the manipulation comes more into play. Because when you finally break, yelling and screaming at him. Calling him a freak, a pervert. Whatever your little heart desires. It doesn’t phase him. You just did exactly what he wanted. Played right into his hand. And the best part is you don’t even know it.
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sleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
They call you sleepy because you know what death note is and you're sleeping on the fact that Iida would most definitely do what Light did
I got this genius request on my yan! Blog and I am definitely here for it. It’s in my drafts right now because I wanted to get to it when I was fully awake, because I loved it so much! Also, that was a really clever line and has me cracking up 😂
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
How would Yandere Bakugou react to his crush eating the food he makes? Also Y/N says as she finish the food, "Damn! That was so delicious! It makes me want to marry you."
“Then why don’t you.”
Honestly, you had no other option than to say you liked it, not unless you wanted to get your ass chewed out. You’re just confirming what he knew, and that’s the fact that he’s a great cook. That being said, the praise is still appreciated, especially when coming from you. Although he feels entitled too it, hearing you talk about how great his food is, makes him feel even more confident in himself.
But make a note, if you were his, you could have his cooking every day. Just something to think about... not that you have a choice
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
:D Yay! I wonder how Bakugou would react to a quirkless darlings baby looking nothing like /him/. Like. Not gonna say any specific hair but 👀 the baby didn’t have red eyes. They could be brown or blue or green or black or hazel, or literally any eye color in bnha, but they’re not red? His are red. His mom’s are red. It’s likely that his grandparents had red eyes. He sees traits in them that aren’t from him o r their mother, and it must get hard to ignore sometimes... your thoughts? 💓💗
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Hi, bb. How have you been? Sorry, it took me a while to get to this ask, but let me see what I can do.
The person he would blame most is his darlings ex. In his mind, your ex is the one who took advantage of you. You were too sweet and naive to understand what you were getting yourself into. It’s not your fault you were manipulated. Although, he will be very pissed. He’ll hold back from taking out that anger on his ‘perfect family,’ for the fear of ruining what he worked so hard for. Instead, he’ll take that anger out on the person deserving. Your ex.
Whoever, your ex is. He’s now Bakugo’s target. It may pain him to see no resemblance of himself within your kid, but as long as your ex is out of the picture, he’ll have nothing to fear. You're his. And that kid is his too. And if anyone wants to question that, he’ll take care of it. Even if the person asking the questions is your kid.
“Daddy? Why don’t I look like you?”
“Because you’re lucky. Why would you want to look like daddy kiddo? When you look so perfect as you are.”
(Besides. There’s no harm in making more kids. Right? This time the right way, with the right man)
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
Oohhh... what if Dabi’s emotionally detached darling was the one to try to commit suicide? Like he thought since they couldn’t bring themselves to move, they’d be ok for a little bit while he needed to go out for some reason, and then he comes home to that... darling just breaks down and is so physically and mentally exhausted that they can’t do much other than lay there quietly and cry after all Dabi’s done, not eating or drinking water or anything. 🤭 I’m sorry, I love angst.-Denki anon
Emotionally Detached Fic
Suicide Fic
Hey, you won’t hear me complain! Especially since I love this idea.
Overall, his main emotion is betrayal. Since you we’re going on almost three days now with barely any sleep, he decided he had no choice left other than to drug you. If you weren't going to do it yourself then he would have no problem forcing you. Since the pharmacy was only a few blocks away, and you still we’re unable to bring yourself to move on your own, he didn’t see the harm. Little did he know you would use his absence as a way of trying to escape him.
He hates himself for trusting you enough to leave you on your own, but he hates you more for attempting it. Of course, this probably goes without saying, but you’re on a tight leash after your little ‘accident’. Even if you were well enough to start taking care of yourself, he won’t let you. You’re not allowed to eat without his permission, you’re not allowed to sleep without his permission, and don’t even think for a second you’re allowed in that bathroom without him. Anytime he leaves the house, you’re chained to the bed, on 24/7 surveillance with the security cameras he set up. He’s on you after that. And there’s no shaking him off.
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
Top 10 bnha yandere ladies?
10?? Dang, this going to be a toughie, but let me do my best. Alright, in no particular order
Himiko Toga: this girl is a legitimate yandere who won’t hesitate to kill for you. Aww, did someone make you cry? What’s there name? I just want to talk. 
Momo Yaoyorozu: She will spoil you like the queen she sees you as. Just name whatever it is you want and she’ll make it just for you. She prefers to make you things because to her it's more personal and meaningful.
Kyoka Jiro: She always seems so cool, but never hesitates to freak out around you. You’re just so amazing and incredible, how could she ever stay calm in your presence. When she decides to take you, she’ll make sure to sing to you every night with songs she wrote specifically for you, no matter how nervous she gets. She just wants her lyrics to touch your heart the way you touched hers.
Rumi Usagiyami: She loves the thrill of the chase when it comes to you. No matter how many times you turn her down, she won’t take no for an answer. The two of you are meant to be, so it’s easier of you just give in.
Mina Ashido: She’s the perfect yandere in the sense that you won’t even know she’s a yandere until she strikes. She has the perception of this perfectly cheerful easygoing person, that you don’t even realize what happened until you’re locked in her basement.
Mei Hatsume: Lord help you if you manage to catch this woman's eye. She is so incredibly smart and cunning, that once she has you in her grasp, there's no possible way you could ever hope to escape. All the locks, your chains, your cage. Everything. All hand made by her to ensure you’ll never escape.
Fuyumi Todoroki: Now hear me out. I think she has a lot of potential as the mothering type yandere. Constantly cooing, and coddling you. Making you feel loved and completely dependent on her. She’ll give you so much love and attention that you won’t want to go on without it. Just the way she wants it.
Ochaco Uraraka: You know how Uraraka is usually all cheerful and sweet. Unless there's a competition, then she gets really competitive and determined and gets this really intimidating Aura. The same goes for when it comes to you. She sees you as a prize to be won, and she doesn't plan on losing.
Nemuri Kayama: This girl will go from zero to one hundred whenever you’re involved. Hates when your name is even mentioned by others. Will take you out to party together, but will gouge anyone eyes out if their looks linger longer than she likes.
Cow Lady: Ye-Haw. Literally no other reason other than I think she’s cute
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
☹️😖😫😩 I’m so sorry if this ask makes you uncomfortable and if it does please ignore it but it’s organ losing week and which Yanderes would coddle darling on her period? Like which Yanderes would be less harsh/more coddling? 💓💗
It doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all! Here you go, period week starring these two classic softies.
Midoriya: This boy has done so much research on the female body and the suffering that is their periods. He was all stocked up on supplies before you came over. He has ten different kinds of pads and tampons because he would hate to have gotten the wrong kind, and he didn’t know which you would have preferred. He knows cramps vary in severity depending on each person, but his darling being in pain, and him not having anything on hand to help ease it. Shameful. He couldn’t live with himself. So you bet your ass he has Advil, Tylenol, Aleve, Midol. Pretty much an entire pharmacy of pain relievers behind a (tightly locked, because he’s not risking you taking too many) cabinet. He makes you take them in moderation. No more than two a day. If the pain continues, he has many other on hand items to help. Of course, his favorite is himself.
“Aww, my poor darling. Is the pain medication not working still? Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”
He has you lay on him as he gently places the heating pad over your lower stomach. Even if you fall asleep he won’t move a muscle. Even if his arm starts to cramp, he’ll stay right in place. As long as he needs to stay there until you feel better, he will.
Kirishima: This clueless little dummy has no idea what he’s getting himself into. He forgot girls even got periods. He doesn’t know a thing about them, why they happen, how frustrating they are, but he’ll do his best to figure it out. He’ll be at the store in a panic because he has no idea what the hell he’s doing. He has to ask one of the workers or Mina for help, which only leaves him more confused. They ask him a ton of questions like “tampons or pads? Is her flow heavy or light? Do you know what size she needs?” Size throws him completely off and he just stands there like an idiot. He’ll make it back about an hour later with your supplies and a few chocolate bars because “Mina said it would help.” If you start getting moody, he doesn’t let it phase him (if he can deal with Bakugo’s mood swings, he can deal with anyones). He doesn’t take anything you say personally and will continue to care for you no matter how hard you may try to push him away.
“I don’t want you around me right now. Just leave me alone!”
“No can do princess. What kind of man would I be if I left you alone while you’re suffering so much?”
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
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I’m not sure if this is what you’re thinking of, but I wrote something kinda similar right here. But anyways I enjoyed this concept.
Bakugo is a yandere that thrives off of your attention. Whether that attention is positive or negative, he doesn't care as long as its from you. So as much as he appreciates you obeying him like the good little doll you are, he hates the fact that it’s so easy. The fact that you don’t really put up a fight gives him the slight impression like you don’t care. And god help you if he thinks that you don’t care about him.
He wants you to be submissive, not a zombie. He’s start being kinder to you, just to try to bring your old self back. Even if it’s a small part of who you used to be. He won’t apologize for how he treated you, but he’ll make up for it in other ways. He’ll cook you dinner. Do some of the household chores so you don’t have to. Just non verbal ways of expressing his guilt.
If it goes on for long enough, yeah he’s going to snap. He won’t want to take it out on you, for fear of making your situation worse. So instead he’ll go out an pummel some villains to release all his pent up anger and frustration. 
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
I don't know if you've ever watched death note, but Iida gives of STRONG Light Yagami vibes
I love this so much because it fits so well. Iida definitely fits in that hardworking, genius, with a temper category. Because as we’ve seen first hand. Iida can lose his cool from time to time when pushed too far. After he loses his cool though, he’ll try to calm himself down and approach the situation more rationally, and even end up feeling guilty if he reacted more violently than he wanted. He’ll show you he’s sorry by taking care of your injuries and offering a quiet, almost ashamed, apology.
“I apologize for losing my temper. I will do better to control my emotions in the future.”
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
I had a THOUGHT and I needed to get it off of my heavily weighed down chest. I have 3 categories of anemia. I get dizzy and nauseous and faint randomly if I don’t take my iron supplements and eat some protein. Himiko Toga- stabby stabby Yandere girl from bnha- with an anemic darling. Darling can’t get stabbed without being in impending danger, Toga can’t stab without permanently losing her favorite little blood bag. Quite a dilemma 🤔💓💞💕💘💗💝♥️💋❣️💖
Let me tell you, Toga is not the best cook, but she’s not really focusing on flavor when cooking for you. It’s for your health, so no matter how bad it is, you’re eating it. Eggs, Spinach, Milk, Meat, Seafood, it’s gross, but you’re not getting out of it. 
She makes sure you take your pills. Standing over you as you drink it down, finishing off the glass of water she was kind enough to supply you with this time. Usually, she prefers to shove the pill down your throat with her tongue to ensure you
A good way to help with your anemia would be if this girl would just stop drinking your blood, but unfortunately for you, that’s not going to happen. Ever. It could be her deepened love for you, but for some reason, a single drop of your blood fills her with pure euphoria.  She loves you, and the thought of bringing the both of you closer by drinking your blood is just too addicting for her to quit.
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 4 years ago
hiiiii is there gonna be a part two of pain without love?
Yeah, if you guys really wanted one, I can give it my best shot!
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 4 years ago
Merry Christmas!! -🥜👶
Merry Christmas, peanut butter baby! I hope you had a great day and had a lot of fun.
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
I see you have tdlosk in ur master list but no works👀 I have nothing to request but I love the show. Who would u wanna write for? Or thoughts/hcs on the characters being yanderes (sorry if this is annoying I hoped you have a good day/night!)
You’re not annoying at all! I appreciate you for asking.
Well, I’d be willing to write for Saiki for sure. I did some headcanons for him right here if you’re craving something there. (I just never transferred them over because I never got a lot of requests for yandere saiki and didn’t think people would be interested, but I’m definitely still willing to write for him)
I’d definitely be open to writing for the Jet Black Wings himself (who has delusional yandere written all over him) or Kubayasu (I see him as the possessive and overprotective type known for losing his cool)
But if you have another specific character in mind. I’m willing to give anyone a chance (even if you want female Saiki or female characters, in general, that's fine too).
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
I’m reopening my inbox for requests. I’m not sure what happened but I lost all my drafts with my previous requests on it so I’m just going to start fresh. Feel free to send stuff in and I’ll do my best to get to all of them. I can’t guarantee I’ll be able too because my schedule is all over the place, but I’ll try to get to as many as I can. Love you guys!
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
This is so random but are you color blind?
No worries, I like random! And no, I’m not colorblind. Why?
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yanderesleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
Um... I wanted to ask since it’s not really specified in your rules and I don’t wanna just send in an ask that’ll make you uncomfortable or that could be potentially harmful, is it ok/would you be ok if certain asks about health and intense feelings (darling hated themself when younger and still struggles with their self image/darling struggled with bulimia/darling has a hard time letting feelings and thoughts go/etc) were asked? I completely understand if it isn’t, I just wanted to make sure💗
Thank you for taking the time to ask, that’s really kind and considerate of you. I’m completely comfortable with writing this stuff if you want to request anything along those lines. I am always flexible with you guys as my readers, when considering what you would like written. I understand that reading fanfics with these situations is a coping mechanism for some people (in the same way writing is a coping mechanism for me). So yes, of course I’d be willing to listen and consider whatever you guys would like to request. Just let me know!
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