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#kjmorris #WeWillNotLetHateWin #Orlando #Pulse #PulseOrlando #YouWillLiveForever #ASymbolOfLove
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“PADRE CHARLES” . In those days of darkness we slough Behold! A man with the light we see Come along the gathering gloom And liberate from house to house . Lo! Padre Charles with the brightness Kings and clans draw to our light Confessions and testimonies we hear As Jehovah’s glory glow on Oboama - . See more at: http://www.voicesnet.com/displayonepoem.aspx?poemid=176239#sthash.oPDrNpKL.dpuf . Seven years ago, I's suicidal young and depressed. . I wrote poems, read books, tried everything to cool off nay! . This man of the cloth helped me. I prayed, fasted and found some balance. I scribbled some lines in his honor. "Padre Charles". I wanted the world to know the good work this reverend gentle man has done. Not just me... . Live forever Rev. Dr. Charles Anyanwu. #frcharles #padre #ourinspiration #deathwhy #yousavedme #youwillliveforever
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thank you!
ship: matt
click here and subscribe to my youtube channel, tell me, and i'll ship you!
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Vegas, guts, remembering Sunday, therapy and daydream away?
~Guess my top five favorite ALL TIME LOW songs in my ask for a chance to be my BOTW!~
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Your posts are really cute. If you posted all magcon i'd follow you. But I still really like your posts :) You seem like you are super nice!
I ship you with Matt :)
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Your eyes are so pretty omg
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I was tagged in a thing..
I was tagged by: KingofBastille (bitch ily) Rule one: always post the rules Rule two: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones Rule three: tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule four: actually tell them you tagged them
Why do you love Bastille so much? Probably because they have stayed so down to earth and their lyrics hit me every single time.
2) favorite thing about each of the members? Dan: the fact that he is so shy and always playing with is shoelaces in an interview. Kyle: that he is always stuttering, because he can’t find words. Woody: his high voice when he says ‘shoppinggg’ or ‘santaaa’. Will: He always acts like he doesn’t give a f***, but i think he actually does.
3) You have one shot to say something to any of them. What do you say? That they should keep doing what they do, because they inspire so many people, but when they feel they need a rest, they should.. But when I meet them I probably can’t get anything out of my mouth. 4) What is your favorite thing about the Stormer Fandom? Umm.. idk everyone is so nice and we have a lot in common??
5) Do you think Bastille will forever be your favorite band? Umm, of course I can’t predict the future, but now.. I think they will.
6) What Bastille lyrics have the strongest impact on you? Why? "Oh you go to sleep on your own, And you wake each day with you thoughts, And it scares you being alone, Its a last resort" from Sleepsong, because this describes me pretty much. And the last chorus of The Draw, idk how to explain this.
7) How has Bastille made your life better/worse? Worse in the way that I can’t focus on less more important stuff. Better because those idiots can make me happier than anything.
8) Who would you want to spend a day at an amusement park with? I think with Kyle, because he is up to anything, or with Dan (just because you could spend a day with him)
9) Which member do you think you have the most in common with? I think with Dan, because I’m also quite shy and rambling all the time. And I absolutely can’t dance haha!
10) Ever had a weird Bastille-related dream?? I’ve never dreamt about them tbh.. Wish I had! 11) Favorite hair/facial hair in the group? Hair absolutely Dan. Facial hair KYLE!
These are my questions:
1) Which song (of Bastille) means the most to you and why?
2) Have you ever been to one of their gigs?
3) If yes, have you met them?
4) What habbit do you like most of each member?
5) Always hearing radio in your head (you can’t choose the station, so you’re hearing everything what comes up) OR never hearing anything?
6)If you could choose one shirt you could have (of the members), which one one would you choose?
7)Which song do you like least?
8) How long do you know about them?
9) If you didn’t know them what would you be doing (or listening) now?
10) If you had to choose another name than “stormer” which one would you choose?
11) Are you never getting tired of awnsering these questions?
I’m tagging:
Soitcouldbebetter thesearemybonesbroken its-sempiternal-darling itsdayofthedead ronysweety youwillliveforever xchiyang indieang badlaurapalmerblood dig-them-up foetroughthetrees
(you don’t have to do these if you’ve done one already)
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aw thank u so much!!!! :*
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With this quote, I was able to get a scholarship!! So not only ur legacy will live forever. I ,as a beneficiary of your work and words, will forever appreciate everything u've done for us!#mandela#southafrice#legend#youwillliveforever
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Answer this with ten random facts about yourself and then pass it on to your ten favorite followers :D
Hiya!! Thank you!!
Oddly enough, I was listening to Poet *just* as I saw this message
I’m a twin
I LOVE Doctor Who (I’m sure you know that lol)
I’m finding this really difficult
Sorry, I can’t think of anything else :/
But thanks again for having me as a favourite follower! :D
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