#youtube twin flames
loveisnotfinite · 3 months
I ain’t pulling any stops on this train
Also, where was I when this was posted? And why aren’t there enough gifs around? Are there? Where? I NEED GIFS!!!
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bubbleonice · 3 months
Twinflame reading for Timothee Chalamet and Armie Hammer
This is a requested reading from some of my followers on Tumblr. We have pulled twinflame cards on these two in several occasions and we are here to see where they are on their twinflame journey at this moment.
PS! Keep an outlook for the exclusive twinflame version I am going to post for them on Patreon one of the upcoming days as well. We will be taking it a step further to look at their sexual twinflame energy. It will be a 18+ erotic twinflame reading for Patreon members, but also available for purchase for those who wish to have access.
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paperlovesadness · 2 years
Miles Kane & Alex Turner as the actual definition of Twin Flames
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So I read about twin flames and couldn't get these two out of my mind while doing so. Because of how the article seemed to be specifically about them. So here we are. Miles Kane and Alex Turner fitting all 11 signs of finding your "mirror soul" / twin flame (based on this arcticle. Quotes taken directly) I linked most sources within the screenshots/images themselves. This post could go on forever - so I had to stop at some point. Still, welcome to my most unhinged post yet! Enjoy!
Definition: A twin flame is an intense soul connection with someone thought to be a person's other half, sometimes called a "mirror soul." It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies.
1. When you met, there was instant recognition
When you first encounter your twin flame, Spinelli says there will be an intense sense of attraction, recognition, and longing. "Meeting a twin flame often feels like home," she notes. "They feel familiar—an undeniably intense bond as though you have known them before."
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[screenshot / translation from the lovely @i-m-a-leaf-on-the-wind's post / linked in the image] ____
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____ 2. You're very similar
You and your twin flame may find that you have a lot in common as far as values, past experiences, and interests, Spinelli adds. "Both of you will find that your past story has a lot of coincidences and similar experiences."
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And of course: similar taste in music, similar interests, similar goals & dreams & approach to life (still no wives / children? [Alex as the only one in AM] -> Oriented around their own lives/dreams/hobbies), similar sense of humor, kind of similar sense of style honestly (or complimentary) & tons more.
3. You complement each other
In those areas that you aren't similar, you'll find your differences complement each other, almost like yin and yang. Their shadow, for example, will be complemented by your light, and vice versa. And because a twin flame mirrors you, you're likely very aware of how your relationship highlights your shadows, and theirs.
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I know they've probably spoken about this / shown it much more. But this post is long enough on it's own. I think we all see they match / complete each other very well with their differences. Very well shown in TLSP - their music and lyrics are normally disctinctly their own style - but they come together and those differences make up something really magical (aka some of my very favorite music). And overall in personalities - where Miles is much more extraverted, outgoing. More talkative in interviews, a charmer with tons of friends. A performer first and foremost. Alex is more of a self-proclaimed introvert, on the calm, quieter side. Didn't even want to be the lead singer - wanted to write and play. Seems to enjoy process/studio more than performing.
4. Your insecurities and doubts are amplified
"The purpose of your twin flame is to support and help you with your divine mission and purpose," notes spiritual author Shannon Kaiser. "So, often this type of relationship will reflect your problems and deepest insecurities so you can work through them to heal and grow."
so obviously we don't know much about their private conversations and such. But honestly the way their differences complement one another (more on that below) - the way they've been friends for years (and close ones - constantly in contact/visiting each othert etc.) and have mentioned they can talk to each other about anything in their lives and also what I take away from some of their lyrics; with all that I just know this is true. Also quite literally they do support one another beautifully in their journeys and purpose in life (which yeah. I believe in big part is music and art). Truly believe there wouldn't be a TBHC or The Car without TLSP influences. Same with Miles' new stuff. (Also TLSP in itself is to me - their most valuable work of all). Also Imma leave some Miles Kane lyrics here. Make of them what you will.
Miscommunication Tailored altercations Sing to yourself at night So come a little closer, dear You know I find it kinda hard to hear When you are whispering like that And you're diving in the deep The world at your feet An oyster but you can't break the shell We're sitting on the carousel, bang, bang My God, I know this all too well
So let me save you from yourself because
Caroline, you're living on the edge this time But it ain't nothing personal, no, no It's something that you need to know It's problematic cosmological
Take my hand And go and lead the life that you've planned 'Cause you're gonna be just fine My Caroline My Caroline
5. They feel magnetic
From the moment you met and still to this day, you feel drawn to them physically when they're near you, as well as magnetically, when you're apart. It's as though their energy is always with you, always wanting to be closer.
UM... Do we even need me to even put any examples here? But ok, ok. Just a few little ones to not leave it empty
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and then, for the being apart part, of course:
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6. The relationship is tumultuous
Twin flame relationships aren't all smooth sailing, and actually, they're usually not. Being with a twin flame is like constantly being confronted by yourself, namely the parts of yourself you may not like. It can be incredibly challenging, but it's facilitating major growth for both of you.
Well there's:
which people say shows some tension between them (kind od agree) there's Miles' lyrics from his last two albums, which I am convinced are about Alex and could be taken as light diss tracks honestly. Either way - there've been theories about some tensions between the two around 2018ish? And maybe later. Seems like they've smoothed it out. But song lyrics can say a lot about potential hurt and love between the two. Also if you believe this twin flame thing is about romance - well then the fact they keep being in other relationships is the biggest thing (but still can't keep their hands off each other? potentially?) If you choose to see it as a deep platonic connection only - then just ignore the girlfriend-reference part above. For a bite-size example I'll leave you with some more Miles Kane lyrics here (I think these are most commonly & widely agreed upon to be about Alex). I'm gearing up to start doing some thorough MK lyric dissections / crazy theories soon!
You're walking around, your head in the clouds You're acting as if you're Mr. Johnny know-it-all Mister come and watch me fall
You're feeling alive, a Jekyll and Hyde You're riding the tides and everybody's just doing fine Leading that double life
I'll be right here, I'll see ya when I see ya I'll wait right here, I'll see ya when I see ya You're dancing with death in a bulletproof vest There's no other way to say it, brother Better watch your step Before all goes west
The king and the queen, the milk in your tea The partner in crime you only ever found once in life Don't let it pass you by
7. The relationship is very intense
There's a definite emotional charge between twin flames, says Spinelli, and they often develop quickly because you already feel so familiar. And as Kaiser adds, "Because you are so connected at a soul level, you feel things deeper together, which often makes for more intensity and passion."
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I mean here's another one where we don't really need much material, do we? It's just there. And also previous quotes are examples for this one too. About how quickly they became the closest of friends: long conversations on the phone, sleeping at each others houses, getting to know each other's parents etc. And then they write music together (stating that if they met earlier they'd have been a band together for sure) and hop onto a plane to record an album in the French countryside, spending all their time together there. As still relatively fresh friends at that point.
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I also needed to include this somewhere because I 100% also perceive Lennon/McCartney as twin flames - and think that this is where many of the comparisons between them lay (and also big part of why Miles & Alex can relate to the two on a deeper level) (we're not gonna talk about the sad ending for those two though. Okay? No).
-- And yeah. Also all that chemistry.
8. You keep coming back together
"The chase" is most definitely a part of the twin flame relationship. At some point, one of you may walk away, out of fear, anger—you name it. But you'll often come back.
"If you're in an 'on and off'-again-type relationship, it could be with your twin flame," Kaiser says. "You'll find that things just keep bringing you together in random ways. Could be months, years, even decades; you just always find your way back to one another."
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+See: many of the other things already stated above - but especially under point 6. Also the fact they're in each others lives since they were pretty much kids and still after years chose/choose to spend so much time together, practically living next to one another at one point (Miles moving to LA partially for Alex) and talking about how they never do more than 2 months without seeing each other (and that's caused by big stuff, like tours). Also... I think if someone belives there's more going on bewteen the two then yeah... This seems like a description of what it seems like from the outside (with one of the bigger "on-agains" being around EYCTE era? And off- around TBHC / CDG album eras?)
9. Your connection feels divine
When you find your twin flame, there's a certain larger-than-life quality that likely feels divine or predestined.
"There is a feeling that you have been brought together by a higher power," Spinelli notes, and that creates a very strong bond between the two of you. (These can also sometimes be karmic relationships.)
See stuff from other points: esp. 1 and 2 I guess. All of them though. And just the way they read each others minds... But that's for the next point.
10. You have an almost psychic connection
You and your twin flame can likely communicate with just a glance, and you always know what the other is thinking. You may even feel each other's emotions or symptoms, Spinelli adds.
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The way they finish each others sentences, connect via eye contact (like just glancing at the other and suddenly laughing knowingly?) all the mirroring and inside jokes. Yup. We all know all that, there's a lot. Too much. So just a symbolic amount of examples here.
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11. They push you to be and do better
Because twin flames act as mirrors, they challenge us to do better, and oftentimes, your purposes are aligned in a way that pushes both of you to new heights. It's a very expansive relationship that promotes a lot of growth.
“Sometimes it can be a pressure being the fella in the band who writes the songs. Getting together with Miles I’ve got someone to bounce ideas off and that is something new for me. Also, it gives me somewhere to hide because he’s up there singing with me. In the Arctic Monkeys, there’s nowhere for me to hide.” - Alex As stated in another point - Miles is the more extraverted / loud / cheerful one, while Alex seems calmer, more reserved and on the serious-or-even-sad side. Well guess what - when they're together they balance each other out - and Alex is much more happy and outgoing. Even in interviews - which he famously doesn't really enjoy/do well in. (Take this from a fellow anxious/shy/quiet person. It's a GIFT to find a peron who opens you up this way). Miles also definitely gains a lot from Alex's presence and contrasting way of being.
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I know that I could put so much more in here and it's driving me a little mad. There's quotes I have in my head but couldn't place and gave up on the search and stuff I probably just forgot too. But Imma let go of my perfectionism and leave this as is - because I believe it gets the message across. Hope you enjoy my insanity with me! XO
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astro-royale · 6 months
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thewisecheerio · 2 months
Elden Ring's Soundtrack
I'm in love with the Elden Ring soundtrack, DLC and base game alike. I think every track does a great job of evoking imagery and feelings of the boss or environment it was designed for.
The post will cover the following soundtracks with more to come in other posts: Divine Beast Dancing Lion The Twin Moon Knight The Lord of Frenzied Flame
Part 2 contains Shaman Village/Elden Ring, The Putrescent Knight, and Messmer, the Impaler: https://www.tumblr.com/thewisecheerio/757701649550704640/elden-rings-soundtrack-part-2
Divine Beast Dancing Lion
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The Divine Beast Dancing Lion is first and foremost an incarnation of storms. In its later phase, it deftly swaps between lightning and ice, pummeling the battlefield with frostbite and thunder.
The woodwind you can hear just as the music begins remind me of flurries of snow, zipping about in winter winds. The music's grandeur reminds me of the overpowering force of a blizzard or a hurricane.
Much of the soundtrack is in 3- or 6-counts, but this piece is in rapidly-paced 3-count timing. This is the same structure and tempo used for the Viennese waltz, a dance of frenzied spirals and turns. With the spiral being a sacred shape to the Hornsent, I find the use of music that evokes such a shape highly appropriate. Not just this, but look at how the Divine Beast moves during its breath attacks and just try to tell me that it isn't waltzing (1:38 if the timestamp doesn't take you right to it):
The punctuated bass voices that come in during the Phase 2 music transition at 1:30 bring the booming depths of thunder and lightning.
The pause at 2:37 brings a clarity reminiscent of clouds parting, perhaps as the eye of the storm passes over, only to close back up and bring forth more wind and rain.
The ending of the song is sudden. This is a storm that comes and goes with equal violence—not a gentle summer rain, but ferocious outpouring of the heavens that leaves destruction in its wake.
The Twin Moon Knight
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Delicate percussion open this track, evoking a fine mist of starry glintstone sparkling through the air.
Like the Divine Beast Dancing Lion soundtrack, this song is composed in a 3-count, creating a sense of circular movement. But here I think we are bearing witness to the grace and elegance with which Rellana moves instead of a rapid waltz. She dances across the battlefield in a pattern carefully woven from her twirling body and swords.
I like to think that the gentleness of the Phase 2 transition that begins at 2:01 is a moment of contemplation for this highly intelligent Carian royal. In this instant, she dances out of the way to assess her options as she prepares for Phase 2 of the battle.
At 2:13, we are met with a powerful drumroll that signals the ignition of her swords with flame and sorcery. The music becomes more energetic to match her increased aggression.
I like to think that we can hear the dropping of her twin moons in the music at 2:55 with the delicately pealing bells.
The ending of her soundtrack is long, signaled by rolling strings and percussion, finally fading into nothingness. At least for me, this is how the end of her fight felt: not a sudden finale, but a victory slowly earned by chipping away carefully between her long combos. The adrenaline of the fight slowly fades out, just as the soundtrack rolls into a final goodbye.
The Lord of Frenzied Flame
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Midra's soundtrack opens with a choral line, evoking a sense of beauty and the celestial. But only 17 seconds into the song, the chorus skews off-key. Something eldritch has entered the chat. The next phrase is rife with discord and cacophony as horrors ooze forth from the shadows.
A horrifying string motif begins at 0:31, but never really finds resolution. The lack of payoff creates a sense of unimaginable horror, a constant building of adrenaline as you wait for an unseen but easily sensed terror to stop chasing and finally catch you. Instead of resolving, it is overtaken by an eerie cello 10 seconds later, reminding you to fear that which is right in front of you—the Lord of Frenzied Flame—as well.
The music begins to respond to its own horrors: at 1:18, shrill strings mimic high-pitched screams of terror. At 1:55, these high-pitched strings decay into a sharp descending phrase, evoking a sense of something cracking or falling apart. Frenzy runs this business; the sane need not apply.
After the Phase 2 transition at 2:55, a violent and cacophonous sound ushers in Midra's Big Flame Explosion. The disruptive Chase Scene violins are back, this time amplified by brass, echoing the fight as Midra closes in on the Tarnished with increased fervor.
A supremely intrusive, distorted violin enters at 3:35 reminding us that something isn't quite right about this onslaught—as if we could forget while being swatted across the battlefield by the Frenzied Flame's chosen. I wonder if this sad, solo violin is meant to represent the crying of Midra's and Nanaya's child as the Inquisitors invaded.
The end of the soundtrack returns to the opening choral line, but this time dominated by tenors. Compared to the onslaught of the rest of the soundtrack, they almost sound peaceful. They echo the quiet that death brings for the long-suffering Midra, who so endured at Nanaya's request. Now, he can rest.
Access the Soundtracks
You can listen to the entire DLC soundtrack here:
You can listen to the entire base game soundtrack here:
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Sufi Love Through the Lens of Bollywood Music
Bollywood music is heavily influenced by Sufism and Sufi notions of love permeate the lyrics of most romantic songs. I want to explore some important Sufi concepts and how they manifest themselves in these songs and within the context of these movies.
Chand Sifarish from the movie Fanaa
"Zid hain ab toh hain khud ko mitaana, hona hain tujh mein fanaa"
trans: "I insist on ridding myself of me, I want to annihilate myself in you"
Bollywood romantic songs often emphasize on yearning, seeking and longing for the lover and Sufi poetry which speaks of a soul's yearning to unite with God serves as a useful metaphor to speak of the same. The intense, maddening, spiritual kind of love, although seldom portrayed accurately on screen is ever present in song lyrics. The concept of "twin flames" has been popular in the West for the last couple of years and is by and large, very misunderstood. From a purely spiritual perspective, The Lover and The Beloved are in each other all along (similar to the Jungian concept of anima & animus but slightly different) and yearn to unite with each other. In order for union to be possible however, one must first destroy their "ego" which they call "self".
2. Raabta from Agent Vinod
"Tera milna hai us rab ka ishaara maanu, Mujhko banaya tere jaise hi kisi ke liye"
trans: Meeting you was a signal from God, that he had made me for someone like you
There is a lot of emphasis on the soul's innate knowing and its longing for love which is its longing for God and how seeking union with the Beloved is the inner knowing to realise one's God nature and unite with God in Sufism. This song captures that feeling of things being "destined" and how God has always guided your union.
3. Katra Katra from Alone
"Khud se khaali ho jaoon, aaja tujhse bhar jaoon. Tinka, tinka jal jaoon. Aise jala do"
trans: "let me empty myself, let me fill myself with you. i want to burn up, twig by twig and you burn me."
This is a very erotic song and speaks of love in a very carnal way. However, this idea of dissolving yourself in your lover is a very Sufi one. What is love, if not absolute submersion in the object of your desire?
4. Satrangi Re from Dil Se
This movie itself is very deeply spiritual and I suggest watching it. However this song beautifully captures the 7 stages of love and two people going through it, in a very poetic and profound way. Go watch it!!
Some poignant lyrics include:
Dil ka saaya humsaaya
trans: The shadow of my heart is your shadow
(In my post about twin flames, I had touched upon this but I'll make another post about how the Jungian concept of shadow work and integrating your shadow is to understand your twin and merge them within your consciousness)
Koi noor hai tu (Are you a light?)
Kyun door hai tu (Why are you so far away)
Jab paas hai tu (When you're near me)
Ehsaas hai tu (Then you're a feeling itself)
Koi khwaab hai ya parchai hai (Are you a dream or a shadow?)
These lines alone capture the bittersweet, all consuming, indescribable and maddening feelings that a twin triggers in us.
I also highly suggest reading the lyric translation of this song as a whole because it captures the twin flame experience so exquisitely.
5. Tujh mein rab dikhta hai from Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
"Tujh mein rab dikhta hai
Yaara main kya karoon
Sajde sar jhukta hai
Yaara main kya karoon"
trans: I see God in you my beloved, what do I do? My head bows down in worship to you my beloved, what do I do?
in my post I had mentioned the 7 stages of love, one of which is worship for the beloved. this song beautifully captures that feeling, of being absolutely devoted and enraptured by the beloved, that nothing less than worship could equate to how you feel for them. its beyond love, beyond admiration, its a holy kind of emotion, its devotion.
i wanted to keep this post brief so that it can be an accessible entry point but lmk if you want more posts of this kind!! i hope this was interesting💛💛
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officialdrbones · 8 days
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leoandraphssoulmate · 3 months
Leo, Raph and Star's Playlist
More to come !!!
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tarotreadingsarefun · 5 months
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jupitermoontarot24 · 14 days
18+ 👄 Their Current Sexual Thoughts 🫦
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Piles 1-5
Pile 1 👄
Your person's sexual fantasies currently could be to discover different sides of you. this person could have known you for a long time so they've seen you in different elements but I .think they want to see this sexually. it could be a big emphasis on how you smell. so they might want to see how you smell on a daytime date versus a nighttime date versus a second date and on and on. yeah you smell really good to this person or at least they imagine you to smell really good. they would collect your perfume if they could. like they definitely want your body bottled up .I don't think this person's sexual fantasies are too crazy. I think they really genuinely like you and they don't over sexualize you because of this. it's like almost a best friend type of vibe but of course they're in love with you. but they have a lot of respect for you so when they fantasize about you it's not about your body, it's more about your essence and your smile, the way you smell the way you dress, the way you walk into the room. they think about you a lot at work, especially when they drink they think about you heavily. I think they really fantasize the most about going on different dates with you. like how you would dress on these different dates, how you would wear your hair and style your makeup stuff like that. They actually could be asking for advice; they could be talking to different people about what they should do. they probably shown your pictures to their friends or their family. they're very fond of you and they love to show you off but I think that they're so in love with you that it kind of makes them shy a little bit. They love you a lot pile one this is beyond a crush you are the love of this person's life. I think they fantasize about running into you at a party or at a club and you guys going home together off the spur of the moment. I think this person fantasize about having sex that transmutes time and energy. they could already have sex with you in the 5D if you allow it. but it's something really magical about the sex that you guys will have at least that's what they think about. it's very nourishing on a soul level. but they really just fantasize about slow sensual groundbreaking sex. even if it does get rough it's still very loving and reassuring. This person could also have a breeding King but for you so they  fantasize about getting you pregnant like 100%. or just having a child with you but you guys mixing your DNA together and become parents. and then providing for you they're coming up as a king of Pentacles so they actually do want to like be a father/mother and actually provide financially. yeah they want to have baby with you bad. I feel like they feel as tho a baby with you it's not just for control but I think they would feel like outside sources would be cut off. like nobody will be able to tell them how to navigate this relationship with you because now you guys have a baby together so only you guys can make the decisions because now you're a family and it's different than you just being two single people trying to navigate a relationship. yeah that's their sexual fantasies. 
Pile 2 💙
This person's current sexual fantasies is having angry sex? or make up sex? so like maybe you guys have not been seeing eye to eye so when you get together you guys sex out the anger and then it turns to make up sex. It may even get emotional to some degree is what they fantasize about. Yeah this person could have done something that pissed you off. but they still are so attracted to you they still think that you guys make a really good couple and that you guys are good together but right now it's something that is not matching up. Whatever this is is really weighing down on this person. this person is not taking this lightly at all; they might even have cried about it. I feel like they will definitely cry during the sex as well are or they fantasize about crying during sex or before. this person is really emotional about you. they love you and I think that maybe you're on the the brink of leaving or breaking up and maybe they feel like there's stuff that they didn't get to tell you or stuff they didn't get to show you before this ended something like that. You might have a lot of suitors or just somebody else that you like and this person is afraid that you're breaking up with them and you're going to go to somebody else. so their current sexual fantasy is to have a conversation and talk about it and that leads to sex very passionate love making. If you do have another person this person might even agree to being a side piece? or you having both suitors, like they'll agree to sharing you if that's what it takes.  they really don't want to lose you. This person is really sad right now I'm not going to lie to you. but I think they do fantasize about seeing you bath or your body being wet fresh out the shower. they definitely want to drink with you smoke with you, have dinner with you and have this conversation and then get really nasty in the bedroom. yeah they want you to pack a spend the night bag and stay with them and they just dominate you. they want to be tied to you in some type of way. This person is not going to let you go, they love you too much, they love you too deeply so whatever they got to do they're just going to do it. it's not really sexual because I feel like their emotions are overpowering the sexual nature of this but they definitely do want to have sex with you. they do want to make love with you and I feel like even the sex is going to be very emotional. you guys are going to cry, laugh, smile just bear it all. so that's their current sexual fantasies for you. If this is same sex and you're into both sexes say if you have a boyfriend this person wants to be your girlfriend lol.
Pile 3 💗
This person's current sexual fantasies is to call you up and ask you why you been wilding out on social media. I don't know if you've been trolling or you just been saying things online but this person has been watching you very much so. I think it's been turning them on not going to lie but what's turning them on even more is them confronting you about it. so you know those memes  when people text their partner and they be like take that down off of social media this is what this person is giving. I just heard you acting too single so maybe this person feels like you doing too much or you going off like you single and you're not. even if you are lol this person wants you to dial it back a little bit but not really. it's like it turns this person on but at the same time it makes them angry so yeah. It's something about you like you could pose differently every day or it's just something to where you morph into different versions of yourself and they love watching that.  I think they really want to hear how you're going to respond to them. That's what's really turning them on.  hearing what you're going to say to explain yourself, the explanations you're going to give and the excuses to get out of it. There could be a age difference here. cuz it almost gives me like having to call your parents and tell them why you got suspended or something. this person is really turned on though. it's like they like the fact that you've been a bad girl / boy so they can take it out on you and belike“yeah what's all that stuff that you was saying?” .You guys could be playing this game of cat and dog and I feel like I just said that in my previous reading about somebody and their soulmate. it might have even been pile 3 honestly.  there's this Chase like you've been running from this person and they've been chasing you so hard and it's like they're not going to stop. it's almost addicting alluring like they can't stop even if they try like this siren energy. This person their sexual fantasies right now is to catch you and make you perform for them. they feel like you've been performing and acting on social media so they want to see that in person. they want you to back up all that you've been talking if you know what I mean. it's like if you've been acting really sexual online that's what they want and not even sexually vulgar but just if you've been teasing them online or just teasing at all that's what they want to see, but in a very intimate way. like they want it to be special and natural and forthcoming.  not forced or rough or anything like that they just want you guys to be happy around each other and be your true self. so if you like to sing they want you to sing for them they want you to dance for them if that's what you've been hinting at like maybe if you put a lot of songs on your social media they want you to sing these songs to them and dance to these songs for them. Yeah this person feels like you've been putting them off, you've been dissing them a little bit and they're going to pop up. I'm not sure in what way but this person is going to pop up on you and in a way you least expect it. 
Tyla - Breathe Me (Official Music Video)
J'calm - Call My Name (fficial Video)
Pile 4 💌
Your person's current sexual fantasies could be to stare at you in the face. you're very beautiful this person just likes the structure of your face. like with makeup without makeup you just have a very appeasing face.  I feel like it doesn't even matter what you wear whether you're dressed up, dressed down, like a tomboy, very feminine you're just so gorgeous. you're Aura is crazy.This person's sexual fantasy could be to hear you sing, they might feel like you can sing very well or dance very well. Okay so this person feels like your face card does not decline that might scare them a little bit. You can get anything from them and they cant even say no if they tried. This person sexual fantasy might be to spend money on you in order to keep you around. Yes  this person feels like you are so attractive that you could just easily go meet anybody else and they could do anything for you. so this person spends money on you even though they know that you might have other suitors. so you might have other ppl spending money on you and they're okay with that. it's like they might feel some type of way about it but they're still going to pursue you and still spend money on you because they don't want to be out the loop.Yeah I find this does make this person kind of intimated but they only show this by spending more time with you and money at least that's what their sexual fantasy is. honestly as I'm going through these different piles it seems like these are real life situations and not even fantasies anymore lol. if you go through moments of not talking to this person, you might block this person or just ignore them for a while they could feel like you're talking to other people you're going to see other people.  this person feels like you definitely have the World in Your Hands and you probably spin it when you are not around them. Yeah it's like they know that if they really left that you wouldn't care and you could just get somebody else and that kind of turns them on at the same time. it's like fomo like they have a fear of missing out so they don't really want to leave but they know that you're not going to be a Simp over them. So I think the current sexual fantasy is to continue to simp over you but in the end game they want you to be possessive over them eventually. like that's what they're manifesting that one day you'll become a queen of cups for them and you want them around guarding you to make sure that you don't be with nobody else or nobody else approaches you but honestly I don't think that will happen.Like I don't think that they want to switch roles necessarily I think their sexual fantasy is that in the end that you'll just choose them and that you guys will be happy.
DDG - Trickin' [Official Video]
Ann Marie - The One [Official Music Video]
Pile 5 🤍
So for you I think this person wants to have fun with you. they could want to have a conversation And tell you how they really feel. They really like your eyes and could fantasize about staring into them. Maybe while you give them oral or vice versa. this person might actually want to have children with you Or at least they fantasize about it. There might be a third party situation. it doesn't have to be a relationship but it could be.  this person could be a mother or they could just have responsibilities that make them more prone to being like a housewife or a mommy/daddy.  they might have to be in the house more, they might have to do chores, stuff like that so this person definitely could be somebody's parents. So you might only be able to see this person at night or at least that's their current fantasy is that you would pull up at night because during the day they might be dealing with their ex spouse or their children. If you DMed this person. They fantasize about DMing you back or they're going to DM you soon. I think you love this person and they love you too. I think this person thinks about the future with you. Tbh you might be thinking about right now and just getting with them but they daydream about how it would be to live with you or to have kids with you? or how you would be as a parent. Yeah this is somebody who definitely got hurt by their ex. their last relationship didn't end well. Their ex could have already moved on for some people. or they could have cheated, they could be seeing other people. I think they have some type of tie with them so they might have children with this person because there's something that keeps them tied together but whatever it is it makes your person angry. So this person's sexual fantasies is to escape to you. so they might live with this person or have a child with this person so they interact with them a lot but their sexual fantasies is to be with you instead. I think this person Daydreams a lot about you like your this person escape in their daily life. I think even if this person does get intimate with their ex they think about you during or after the sex they think about what it would have been like to have sex with you instead. while they're kissing on your person they can think about you or how you will look with your clothes off.  they lowkey get aroused by thinking of you. This person could be a Pisces. they don't have to be but they're really good at escaping in their mind. so while this person is kissing on them they could be thinking about you, while this person is having sex with them they can be thinking about you. and it's like almost like they are in their mind? This person's third eye is so strong that they can really disassociate mentally out of the sex. Tbh the only reason this person might have sex with them is because they're not having sex with you or to imagine you instead.  yeah I feel like this person only has sex with their partner when they can't take it anymore. so they might masturbate a lot to you but once  that doesn't satisfy them anymore they have sex with their partner and just think about you and it feels like they're having sex with you. Or maybe sometimes when this person is on good terms with their ex they submit to it but they still think about you either way.
Lola Brooke - No One Else (Official Video) ft. Jeremih
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bubbleonice · 5 months
Welocme to my tumlbr account. I am your go-to celebrity tarot reader. You can also find me on:
Introduction to my youtube channel:
Hello everyone, it’s me Jasmine. Also known as BubblesOnIce on Tumblr. I am an experieneced tarot and intuitive reader. I use oracle cards and tarotcards when I do my readings. Occasionally I also use my pendant and other supporive spiritual stuff to work on readings. I am not a native English speaker, so please excuse my grammatic errors, and sometimes struggle with words. This is my celebrity tarot reading channel just 4 fun and entertainment purposes. I do readings per request. If you like my content, please give me a thumbs up. And I would appreciate if you suscribe and recommend me to others as well. As for now I am doing free celebrity readings. I sometimes do twinflamw readings and also zodiac readings. I will be opening up for personal readings as well once I have things set up for me. Keep up for more updates❤️
For requests for personal readings and access to extended celebrity readings, please head to my Patreon.
Intorduction to my Patreon:
Welcome to my patreon. My name is Jasmine, also known as BubblesOnIce on Tumblr. I am here to assist you with requests from the spiritual world through my tarot and oracle cards. Check out my free suscription as well as paid memberships. I offer a range of tarot readings as well as masterclasses you can join to learn more about tarot and intuitive work. Much love
(colorcodes: Dec, Jan, Feb, March, April, May)
Here are my previous readings:
Alex Turner:
Alex Turner (Dec 2023):
Shawn Mendes
Shawn Mendes (Dec 2023)
Shawn Mendes (May 2024)
Justin Herbert:
Justin Herbert (Dec 2023):
Cody Fern:
Cody Fern (Dec 2023):
Armie Hammer (Dec 2023)
part one
part two
part three
Armie Hammer and Timothee Chalamet (April 2024)
Even Peters (Jan 2024)
part 1
part 2
Evan Peters (May 2024)
Bill Skarsgård (Jan 2024)
Part 1
Part 2
Bill Skarsgård (Feb 2024)
short reading
part 3
part 4
Bill Skarsgård (March 2024)
Additional reading
Bill Skarsgård (April 2024)
Bill Skargård (May 2024)
Alex and Bill May 2024
Exclusive reading
Harry styles:
Harry Styles (Jan 2024)
Vladimir Klitschko:
Vladimir Klitschko (jan 2024)
Carlos Sainz:
Carlos Sainz (feb 2024)
Charles Leclerc
feb 2024
march 2024
Lee Dong Hae:
Lee Dong Hae (march 2024)
Yesung (march 2024)
Cillian Murphy:
Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy (march 2024)
Tom Hardy:
Tom Hardy (march 2024)
Tom Welling
march 2024
additional reading
Henry Cavill (march 2024)
part 1
part 2
Joe Burrow:
Joe Burrow (march 2024)
Joe Burrow (May 2024)
Max Verstappen:
Max Verstappen (march 2024)
Checo Perez:
Checo Perez (march 2024)
Taz Skylar:
Taz Skylar (march 2024)
Taylor Swift:
Taylor Swift (March 2024)
Taylor Swift June 2024
Omar Rudberg and Edvin Ryding;
Omar Rudberg and Edvin Ryding (March 2024)
Emma Roberts (April 2024)
part 1
part 2
Tom Blyth:
Tom Blyth (april 2024)
Lucky Blue Smith and Nara Smith:
Lucky Blue Smith and Nara Smith (april 2024)
Esteban Ocon:
Esteban Ocon (april 2024)
Matty Healy:
Matty Healy (april 2024)
Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse:
Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse (april 2024)
Timothee Chalamet (May 2024)
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
Timothee and Kylie update May 2024
Blackpink Jisoo (May 2024)
superjunior (May2024)
Alexander Skarsgard:
Alexander Skarsgard part one (May 2024)
Alexander Skarsgard part two (May 2024)
Q&A Alexander Skarsgard part one
Q&A Alexander Skarsgard part 2
The Kardashian Saga /Diddy conncection:
Kris Jenner
Kim Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian
The Kardashians - Family Dynamic June 2024
Lewis Hamilton:
Lewis Hamilton (May 2024)
Q&A Lewis Hamilton part 1
Chris Evans:
Chris Evans May 2024
Paul Mescal:
Paul Mescal May 2024
Tom and Zendaya:
Tom and Zendaya June 2024
Austin Butler:
Austin Butler June 2024
Hailey and Justin Bieber:
Hailey and Justin June 2024
Jonathan Bailey and Matt Bomer:
Jonathan and Matt June 2024
Special readings:
Twinflame reading May 2024
Message from your spiritguides May 2024
Why do you feel connected to your favourite celebrity? May 2024
Use of a pendulum - teaser
If you are single, this is what is coming for you, May 2024
Pendulum special - celebrity edition May 2024
The concept of Twin Flame
Tarot readings gone wrong - Scary stories
Myth about Tarots
zodiac readings:
June 2024
Get all your desires within a week
A manifesting guide
Videos of my spiritguides being naughty (Behind the Scenes)
part 1
part 2
Tarot lessons: (the basics of Tarot)
How to choose your tarot deck?
How to keep your deck from negativity?
How to get to know your tarot deck?
Ethics of a tarot reader.
Major Arcana 0-2
Tarot card spreads:
Celtic cross spread
Pride - Tarot spread
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mastertarotreaderblog · 2 months
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poesiaincompresa · 1 year
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Fiamma gemella...🔥
È così complessa questa parola vero? Eppure non si parla d'altro ormai. Solo adesso mi rendo conto di quanto sia importante questo legame.
Beh, volevo iniziare questa dedica proprio così.
Ti ho sempre percepita dentro di me, come un incessante sensazione che ti lega al destino, due corpi separati che dal primo momento stringono un patto animico, una condivisione di anima, due percorsi simili combacianti, un percome guardarsi allo specchio e avere davanti la versione migliore e peggiore di te stessa, un percorso di resa, di guarigione personale concentrandoti sull'origine delle tue ferite, delle tue paure, dei tuoi blocchi, dei tuoi demoni interiori, la difficoltà nell'accettare di amare prima se stessi che la controparte perché non esiste un "duo" esisti solo tu, lei ti appartiene da sempre, è un percorso evolutivo che ti fa soffrire, ti fa stare male, ad un certo punto tutto questo dolore ti spinge ad uscire dalla tua zona di comfort, armarti di tutta la forza che possiedi per affrontare le debolezze che ti sta mostrando il tuo specchio, ed esporsi all'esterno una volta superato il riconoscimento d'anima, non è facile, credetemi, non augurerei a nessuno un rapporto di fiamma, nemmeno al mio peggior nemico. Avrei preferito non incrociarlo mai quello sguardo, è cambiato tutto dal momento in cui l'ho conosciuta. Ebbene si, non avrei mai pensato di potermi scontrare con i miei demoni attraverso lei e invece eccoci qui.
Tu ed io, come ai vecchi tempi, lo so che mi riconosci, non puoi mentirmi, riesco a comunicare con i tuoi pensieri, ormai questo è il nostro modo di parlare, attraverso i sogni e lo so che mi visualizzi in ogni atteggiamento di te stessa che adesso rinneghi, mi visualizzi in quella bambina di un tempo che è cresciuta prima del dovuto e non se lo meritava, che aveva bisogno di continue rassicurazioni, di qualcuno che le desse certezze che la facesse sentire apprezzata, protetta, amata, sicura di sè, aveva bisogno di qualcuno in grado di scioglierle quel gelo intorno al cuore, qualcuno in grado di restare con lei nonostante fosse piena di scarabocchi. Sono l'esatta sagoma descritta, lo percepisci, avverti questa diversità per questo fuggi via...ti rifletto una parte che non hai ancora imparato ad accettare, hai paura, non puoi permetterti di lasciarti andare, preferisci accontentarti dell'immagine finta che ti sei creata, difendendo le tue emozioni con uno scudo, tenendo il tuo cuore rinchiuso, privandolo di una vera e propria possibilità di essere felice, non puoi permetterti di cambiare di nuovo c'è troppo in ballo e rischiare che qualcuno possa amarti veramente ti terrorizza. Ho imparato a capire le nostre dinamiche, ho passato nottate intere a studiarti, analizzarti, adesso ne ho la certezza, tu ed io siamo la stessa anima, nel bene o nel male non saremo mai separate, il termine "separazione" è solo un'illusione della mente che ti vincola all'ego e non ti permette di andare oltre, perché tu ed io siamo più vicine di quanto pensi. Non esiste separazione. E non importa il tempo, lo spazio, le circostanze, noi ce la faremo, te lo prometto, perché prima di tutto sei mia sorella, la mia migliore amica, la mia famiglia, il mio punto di riferimento, la mia vita, il mio tutto, la mia felicità, e ti prometto che per nessuna ragione al mondo affronterai tutto questo da sola, riesci a vedermi? Sono ad un millimetro di cuore, ascoltalo e vedrai che riuscirai a sentirmi, riuscirai a prendermi per mano e proverò con tutte le mie forze a tirarti dall'altro lato dello specchio, dove finalmente ci uniremo e da quel momento in poi non esisterà più nessun dubbio, nessuna paura nessuna restrizione, saremo al punto di provare un amore incondizionato perché finalmente abbiamo permesso alla nostra anima di sentirsi in pace con se stessa. Ce la faremo ne sono sicura piccola mia. Le tue battaglie mi appartengono, i tuoi abbandoni, le tue attenzioni mancate, tutto di te mi appartiene, non ho nessuna intenzione di lasciarti andare, voglio consumarmi fino alla fine, voglio salvarci entrambe da questa assurdità, voglio lottarci fino all'ultima speranza perché so di non sbagliarmi, non stavolta non con te. Sei la cosa più importante. Voglio che tu sia felice,che guarisca da ciò che stai vivendo,dal dolore che ti porti dentro e che non meriti,anche se alcune cicatrici rimarranno un po’ sempre aperte. Voglio che tu possa conservare il nostro ricordo come un qualcosa di bello,di unico,irripetibile e che ti faccia battere tutto dentro.
Ti voglio bene e giuro che mi troverai qui sempre, in ogni momento in ogni istante, spingiti oltre quelle che sono le credenze limitanti e credi in me, non ti ferirò, non ti giudicherò, cercherò di capirti e ascoltarti, aggrappati a me, devi solo crederci...perché io credo in te, mi fido di te, so che sarai in grado di accettare ciò che siamo ricordati di non essere sola. Parlerò a me stessa qualora dovessi cedere al pensiero torbido che non ci sia nessuno accanto a te. Io ti starò già tenendo per mano e vedrai andrà tutto bene, con una timida carezza trasportata dal vento asciugherò le tue lacrime, non vedrai tracce di tristezza perché sarò io a guardarti attraverso i miei occhi castani e farò in modo di regalarti il più bel sorriso che tu abbia mai posseduto. Io sono la tua ombra, i tuoi lati nascosti belli e brutti, sono qui proprio per farteli affrontare e insieme a te devo affrontarli anch'io, non sei da sola, Io lo so chi sei, lo so che questa Roberta qui è forte, lo so che lei può farcela, abbi fiducia in ciò che senti perché la mia anima aspetta solo di vederti trionfare. ❤
Sono qui, ti tengo stretta. Stai tranquilla, va tutto bene. Non ti lascio.
Voglio rimanere con te, quindi smettila di allontanarmi razza di idiota. Smettila di opporre resistenza, facendomi del male a tutti i costi senza volerlo fare sul serio, perché so che non vuoi, so che questa situazione tormenta anche te. Smettila di comportarti da stronza quando in realtà l'unica cosa che vorresti è un abbraccio sincero, e io potrei dartelo, mi permetti di provarci? vorrei stringerti ancora una volta come quella sera lì...sentirmi a casa, nel mio posto sicuro, farti sentire esattamente nello stesso modo se solo me ne dessi occasione, una "vera" occasione. Quindi...Smettila! perché tanto a me non fai paura, io voglio affrontarti, non evitarti, non voglio lasciarti perdere, voglio perdere la mia integrità mentale per leggerti dentro e riuscirti a capire sul serio, ho scelto io tutto questo e adesso scelgo di morire con la consapevolezza di portarti dentro il cuore per sempre. Per me è la cosa più bella. Non chiedo altro. Solo tenerti qui dentro. 👉🏼❤ Non importa cosa tu faccia io sono qui che ti aspetto, mi devi ancora dire che INSIEME ce la faremo. 🤷🏻‍♀🐿
Ricorda anima mia: "fiamme gemelle" 👭🔥 un legame antichissimo, veniamo dall'infinito passato e per quanto la nostra mente possa illudersi di una separazione, non succederà mai. Ci rincorreremo, ci prenderemo e come tutte le volte ci lasceremo andare ma non smetteremo mai di cercarci. Non smetteremo mai di essere meravigliosamente anime dannate.
Ti amo.🦋
@occhicastanitristi-blog @cuoregelidoo-blog @delusa-da-tutti
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juice--girl · 3 months
Hey guys! I don’t really make many posts, but I wanted to start sharing my Tarot readings on here ☺️ This one is a love reading, but I do all different kinds!
If this resonated, please feel free to reblog so more people can see it 😁
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
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officialdrbones · 25 days
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Is it #halloween yet? #HappyLaborDay #LaborDay2024
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