#youse are pissing me off so much I need team Roman ppl to be normal or at least learn to separate kieran and Roman lol
akajustmerry · 1 year
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hey guys uhhhhhh........do you think Roman Roy was "truly" caring for gerri when he refused to stop sending her dick pics without her consent?? how about when he attempted to FIRE HER TWICE over the fallout from his sexual harassment of her??
do you guys think that Roman Roy is being "non-judgemental" of people's sex lives when he constantly makes inappropriate jokes about his sister having sex to her and her husband's faces??? what about, like, when he made jokes to Marcia and Kerri about their private sex lives?? was he being sooooo non-judgemental then???
was Roman going into bat for people when he backed a neo nazi fascist to be president so he could beat out his sister in being their dad's favourite? How about when he knifed Gerri because his dad wanted him to?? what about when he went to Kendall's party and said all that shit to him AND shiv?? Was he batting for his siblings when he went to rat them out on the Pierce deal behind their back??
I know these articles are meant to be funny or whatever, but it feels like such a gross disservice to misinterpret the very meticulous commentary on institutionalised misogyny that Roman represents, especially relating to his harassment of Gerri and how he treats Shiv. Too many people fall for the funny guy energy and ignore the abuse Roman perpetrates while simultaneously being a victim of abuse.
Roman isn't empathetic. He's just emotionally vulnerable which can look like empathy but it fucking isn't. at the end of the day people who have empathy aren't out here sexually harassing their co-workers and sister. and they sure as hell aren't putting nazis in the whitehouse for validation. like sure there are moments where he cares but so the fuck what??
Like, I am a Roman girlie (not a girl) but fuck, you can just say you think Roman is hot or whatever. You don't have to make a fool of yourself cherry picking the show to oblivion and ignoring the core political context. just either have conviction in your horniness for shitty people or shut the fuck up. So tired of these takes that are so obviously written by white straight people who wouldn't know what empathy was if it slapped them across their exposed frontal lobe. Y'all saying shit like "this character who harasses women and flirts with nazis is soooo sexy and empathetic actually" is why poc are made to feel unsafe in fandom spaces.
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