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widefiveaaron · 6 years ago
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Bound for #senecarocks #westvirginia Ni cell service there, so I'll catch up with you all on Monday! #widefive #widefivellc #widefivedotnet #driveyoursplitbus #seneca2019 #daddydaughtertime #vwfamily #yourvanagonsucksruss (at Wide Five, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1yafXzJVCo/?igshid=11rqt50xwy45r
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widefiveaaron · 6 years ago
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These non #woodsbuggy exhausts don't hold up too well. Threw this engine together from junk I had laying around the shop. It's pretty hardcore#buggyfuck to the bone. Long block has wallered out dowel pins and the #1 intake valve had a broken spring and pounded retainer. Swapped out the spring, retainer and ground down the keepers so they grab the valve end. Cylinder tins are for pussies Actually runs decent. #singlecarbsareforlawnmowers #dellsarefordorks #hillbillyrazer #lowbuckoverlander #cheapthrills #litchfield #yourvanagonsucksruss (at Wide Five, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hPwZ7JoIO/?igshid=14cjz5r0zaujg
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widefiveaaron · 6 years ago
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Some kid from DC stopped by today. Thought he was going to have me werk on his kit car, but turns out he just wanted to buy my rusty Chevy truck collection. I offered to trade but he's got some big #fiberglassdreams that need to be fulfilled. #touchnickslaser #kitcarsarethenextsplitbus #pussyhauler #stayaheadofthehipsters #socoolyoudontevenrealiseityet #yourvanagonsucksruss (at Wide Five, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv4o2TVh2oG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9g8atwfor4nm
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widefiveaaron · 5 years ago
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Some #droppedspindles and #offsets for Rob out in Glenn Allen, VA. #widefive #widefivellc #widefivedotnet #driveyourshit #trailersareforboats #driveemdonthideem #yourvanagonsucksruss (at Wide Five, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Mjl0kpnQu/?igshid=my5ppurjmnhj
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widefiveaaron · 6 years ago
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Two pairs of #offsets available #outright If you want a set contact me with your address they always go quick! $300 plus shipping. Includes $100 core charge, cable spacers made by the talented and forever sexy @64_ragtop_volks plus mounting hardware. Most complete offsets on the market. The shock mounts keep your shocks from getting jacked up! #roadproven #widefive #widefivellc #widefivedotnet #trailersareforboats #yourvanagonsucksruss (at Wide Five, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2352m3JZEk/?igshid=pt76x0x51x3a
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widefiveaaron · 6 years ago
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Finished up a #stockrebuild this morning for Rob C. In Mass. #widefive #widefivellc #widefivedotnet #driveyourshit #fuckyourtrailerqueen #yourvanagonsucksruss (at Wide Five, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZlQrQJcA9/?igshid=1f08siczk1q1a
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