kingvin16 · 4 years
Unfailing Love of the Lord
O Lord, your unfailing love is as vast as the heavens. Your unfailing love, O Lord , is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Psalms 36:5 NLT All the glory, praises and honor be to the Holy Father in Jesus Christ's precious name ! The subject verse from the Book of Psalms presents before us two divinely qualities of the Almighty God. The two qualities are indeed divine for they are not unlike those found in the mankind. For man is limited in his love and faithfulness. Man's love and faithfulness are ever changing with times and people. The psalmist here expresses the greatness and the magnitude of God's qualities in his limited words of knowledge. Since, nobody knows the extent of God's grandeur or immensity, the never changing love of God is equaled to the vastness of the heavens. God is love The Holy Scriptures says that God is love. The statement is more than loving others. Very importantly it says that He himself is love. God's love is pure and unconditional. Unconditional in the sense that we cannot do anything to make Him love us more or less. We love God, for He loved us first. And also we love others, for it had come from the God. As the following verse says, those who loves others is a child of God and those who does not love does not know Him. 'Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. Read the full article
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kingvin16 · 4 years
Gave Me Life
God gave me life and showed me His unfailing love. You gave me life and showed me your unfailing love. My life was preserved by your care. Job 10:12 NLT All the glory, praises and honor to the Holy Father in Jesus Christ's loving name ! The subject verse is from the Book of Job. An intense argument between the protagonist Job and one of his three friends forms the context. Here Job answers Bildad who had accused him of sinning against God. And the whole chapter talks of Job pleading his innocence and seeking God's intervention and deliverance. Brethren, let us study the verse and apply it in our lives for the glory of the Living God. Further, we shall give all the glory to the Omnipotent God, because of all the good things that He is continually doing in our lives. The very life that we are living is what God has granted to us. Also, let not the momentary hurdles deviate us from our path. Above all, let us fully seek to live according to the will of Heavenly Father. Life and Unfailing Love Indeed, you may be going great or leading a dull or very troublesome lives. Whatever maybe the circumstances that you might be going through; we are to thank the Living God for His divine presence. The Almighty God's unfailing love sustains his children and never allow them to fall. Whether we acknowledge or not, the truth is — we are under his constant protection right from our birth. Very truly, God preserves our life by His continual favor, love and care. Read the full article
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