miracleznshi · 1 year
Sucking on the dick of contact name “YourPathetic IfYouTextHim”
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
several are stuckout there and bja jambed all the intel on all the macs into the Pyramids. and sits wondering what to do.  cant gomyself it is a saw.  and then oh this..and more.  and Pyramids control things and ghwb had passcodes and keys to tons of robots taken stolen used and more.  they all worked...he said. died and then i plasticizedhim bg got it from me.  and i say bja is a fag and liar you die every day weakling and i dont have to relish it or have you know only to shut yourpathetic mouth bg tries to get there and you can see him in a couple movies. my grandaddy an old pro got it out. and he knows the asian style..the are around himagain as they were last year. this time ghwb went to town on you and your on her couch theone who raped you all took your intelover and over.  and momsays hiand you were great...terrific.  took it all dna and more.  tonsof you fight your kids who look like you but arenot who are robot sof ghwb and used it to get intoyour robot piles. took them all huge brigades and strike now your towers to take them not destroy adn asiaisonus ghwb dee caa lol
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skinnerbah · 10 years
you'll be happy when i goes and don't come back, didn't i do that once and you cried like a pathetic fucking bitch till i returned .. oh when i take my sick father to st.johns your going to sell off all my stuff and get rid of my cat and fuck off.. good at least then we won't have to hear your fucking shit. i should kill myself to get rid of all your problems? bit your every single fucking one of my problems, starting with the fact that your the one who gave fucking birth to me..  i caused my fathers stroke, bitch.. he wouldn't of been half as stress out if you actually knew how to fucking go outside and do something for your fucking self. god, you must of got your parenting skills out of a goddamn cracker jacks box. you don't have to live her like this and you can move into a boarding house tomorrow, do it fucking do it so you can watch someone else get sick of you and your pathetic fucking ways. everythings about you? bitch nothing is about you.. you don't care if you does anything and the places rots to the ground good you can rot with it god your fucked, im sure your mother raised you more decent than what you turned out... best year of my life was the one where i got abused and harrased somewhere else,cause at least then it wasn't happening at home with my own mother.... you keep being too afraid to go outside to find a new house to leave in, to spend money to love someone other than yourself. just sit there, drink your beer and fuck off.. 
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tleolion-blog · 11 years
Go Away
Seriously, now that I've moved on
Now that you don't have a place in my life anymore
Now that I'm with someone who makes me happy
You have a new interest in what's going on in my life?
You need to talk about my girlfriend like you know anything about her?
You want to act like i'm still the bad guy
Well reality check...
You mean nothing to me
The thought of you makes me anger as hell
The fact that you talk about me and check on my girlfriends and my profiles makes me want to fucking punch you.
I even hate the fact that i'm in your thoughts.
You don't deserve to think about me after what you did to me. 
Your lips don't have the right to speak my name
And I don't see how you can say you still care when you "never loved me" in the first place. 
So go suck yet another dick and get the fuck out of my business. 
PS. My girlfriend and I have only been together for about 2 weeks and she already treats me better than you ever have! PEACE OUT
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angelic-smiles-blog · 11 years
It's funny how you still act like you care about me when I know your talking to her....Just stop.
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lalibbee · 11 years
Tumblr media
#FUCkOFF #DEVASTATED #MiSERABLE #BiTCHEx ! #yourpathetic #iwillcutyou #cuttroatz
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liketoysoildersbree · 11 years
Most pathetic person I've met in my entire life. You may now go fuck yourself you piece of fucking shit.
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