mstiless-blog · 8 years
In Wonderland // Hatter
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     “Good you are right on time.” Stiles stood from his chair when the beautiful girl approached his party. Some party. There was a total of three people. Himself, the local hatter. The hare, his best friend. And the smaller but angrier dormouse Liam. Needless to say it wasn’t much of a part. When he saw this familiar woman he was quick to include her. “Now are you gonna have a seat or not?” He spoke as if her response was supposed to be a definite yes.
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@your-lydia-martin liked for a starter Based on X
Derek hadn’t been back in Beacon Hills very long. He’d gone to New York for school when he graduated from high school, and he’d found a job there for a couple years after that. But he missed his family and Beacon Hills High had a hard time keeping English teachers it seemed, so he applied and moved home.
He’d been at his job for only a few weeks and surprisingly hadn’t yet met half his colleagues. He’d made his way to the teacher’s break room during his free period to get himself a mug of coffee. 
He peered over at the only other teacher in the room with him and he offered her a small smile.
“You’re Miss Martin, right?”
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@your-lydia-martin liked for a starter
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Cora exhaled before staring at the strawberry blonde. “So... are you and Stiles a thing or... What’s been going on?”
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needtoprotect · 9 years
Lydia thanked the adrenalin which helped her to carry Scott out of the bathtub, without it, he would probably still be there until another member of the pack could have helped her. They didn’t have that time to waste, with the the kind of wounds he was indulged at the moment, they were deep and bloody. But most of all, he should have already healed by now.
Placing him on the desk chair, since wooden floor was easier to wash then sheets, she made sure he wouldn’t fall before she seeked for the first-aid kit. The strawberry blond found it quickly in the main bathroom and came back in the room, noticing that his eyes were closed but he was still counscious. The young woman then started to clean and to bandaged his wounds. “You’re welcome Scotty.”
Scott smiled at the nickname. It probably came out more of a wince by it was the best he could do. “You’ve been spending way too much time with Stiles.” The mention of his best friend just reminded him of how angry Stiles would be when he found out about this. Scott probably deserved it. He was reckless.
He should get up. Get out of his boxers and wear something that reveals less of his injuries. And sleep. He should get some sleep. Derek said once that werewolves can’t stop themselves from healing when they’re unconscious. Maybe if he fell asleep his mind will stop itself from worrying and his body can  repair itself. The alpha took a moment to brace himself for the exertion he is going to put his body through. He pushed himself up using the armrests as support. His movements were wobbly at best.
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salmonladderexpert · 9 years
@your-lydia-martin continue from x
Oliver closed the window after he peeked outside, making sure no one was there, “Well, you know... The usual. Tommy threw a party, inviting these sorority girls and they all found out I’ve been dating four of them at the same time,” he sure use the term dating loosely since he was just banging them.
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@your-lydia-martin continue from x
“Okay, that doesn’t make me feel better at all,” Felicity shook her head with a soft laugh, “But seeing how you can make a mean drink, I guess your tolerance is pretty high and I don’t have to worry about that,” she shrugged her shoulders before sipping her water. “So how long is your time left with us?” Felicity asked.
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nobilityprince · 9 years
               Halloween is such an odd festive to be celebrating. While the creation was set in place where he was present, he never truly understood the celebration that these humans have set in place. Over the years, the festive becomes more & more popular, thus prompting his family to blend into the mortal's lifestyle. They've studied, tested & carried out such celebration until they truly did blend into the mortal's world. Now in the 21st Century, the event seems to have absolutely NO MEANING. Dressing up to present something so TERRIFIC has no meaning. These mortals have no fear over the supernatural. The way the display themselves with frilly costumes, making the most dangerous of all creatures to be something SEXY & ALLURING. Perhaps 'tis the reason why he sees nothing more to dress himself up in a gentleman-like manner, even when he is supposed to dress up as anything but his usual self.
               Descending from the stairs leading to the balcony, ebony eyes flickering back & forth between the mass bodies gathering below. The French Quarters have opened itself up to become the venue of all entertainment. Vampires dress up as something that they're not, although it does seem a little refreshing to see them enjoying themselves. However, something seems to be off, as the party is restricted for those with an invitation only ----VAMPIRES & HYBRIDS ONLY. There's a sweet, intoxication scent that seems to try to blend in with the undead. A HUMAN has gotten themselves inside --& with an invitation, too. He opens up his senses & begins his search for this particular human. Not long after, he overhears a woman inquiring about the Mikaelson. Sometimes, he has forgotten that not many people would have heard of his family --especially those OUTSIDE of the supernatural world. Before long, he finds himself situated not too far from her. Velvety red locks, RED PLUMP LIPS & a body of a GODDESS; a perfect MEAL for a hungry vampire. Straightening his posture, he makes his way over to where she is, lips moving to ask the question that he could guess what it may be.
     ❝ i'll take it from here. ❞
               He spoke, lips curling upward into a small smile as he acknowledges the other's retreating form. His attention, then, sets on her as his mind tries to find a logical reason as to HOW she has gotten herself inside this private party. While he comes up with no explanation of her presence within the French Quarters & the fact that HE KNOWS her screams would never be heard OUTSIDE of these walls, he needs to make sure that she would be safe. A polite smile forces itself upon his lips before they part to deliver words.
     ❝ you've been asking for the Mikaelson, i suppose it would be rude to make a lady wait                     my name is Elijah Mikaelson, how may i be of a service? ❞
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needtoprotect · 9 years
Your muse walks in on mine in the bathtub. My muse is covered in wounds. Send me “Bandages” for my muses reaction to yours pulling them out of the tub and beginning to bandage their wounds.
Lydia was dragging him out of the bathtub. He would be amazed by her strength if he could concentrate on something other than the pain all over his body. His healing wasn’t kicking in and Scott didn’t know what to make of it. He was lucky that Lydia came by when she did because it wasn’t likely that he would make it out of the bathroom alone.
She placed him on his desk chair. He was grateful for that. He didn’t want to have to change the sheets in the condition he was in. She disappeared for a a few minutes. He hadn’t realized that his eyes were closed in that time not until they opened at the stinging at one of his wounds. Oddly enough the unexpected sting allowed his mind to see past the pain. Lydia was cleaning and dressing his wounds, something he probably should have done so it wouldn’t get infected. ”Thank you.”
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@elijahmillenniummikaelson & @your-lydia-martin: omg *blushes* you guiseee that’s so sweet of you to say :3 thank you<3<3<3
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[text]:This guy is passed out on my bathroom floor and I'm kinda scared to wake him up. This your boyfriend?
[text] What?[text] I don’t think so...[text] wait! send me a picture!
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frenchxwolf · 9 years
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
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[31.08.2015 | 08:58 PM]You know that the Eiffel Tower at night reminds me of you?
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thechiyonosakenyc · 9 years
your-lydia-martin replied to your post “Cookies!”
You better share !
The struggle is real XD
here’s my answer though.
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