#your new entertainment is whatever the fuck you kid likes of that's barney then fuck it your watching barney
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And the title of "Was so amusing I forgot he was supposed to represent a ruthless villain" goes to: ✨Beast Wars Megatron (1996)✨
[Show spoilers below, but you probably know that already.]
Extra note: I am a TF newbie. This is my opinion and I don't have all the details for the many continuities that exist. I just need to scream about a purple T-Rex.
As the shows main villain, he seems more comical than threatening, but during the second and third season he:
Cut out an immortal spark from a failed Maximal science experiment, and continuously used it to torture said experiment (both for his amusement AND practicality, since Rampage would destroy him otherwise)
Called a deformed protoform ugly, "with an ugly name to match its appearance", and called it useless since it is unable to transform.
(Yeah, the above doesn't sound bad or unusual by villain standards, but these are things that had me go "What the fuck, aren't you the theatre kid of a villain? What is this?!", so if it made me react like that it's on the list. The following things also contribute to my reaction)
Set up the before mentioned protoform to an impossible task of essentially killing all Maximals and bringing proof of their deactivation as a test of its competence (bring me their heads... Dramatic✨)
By calling it useless since "It can't even transform!", he is spitting on the name of his predecessor, the original Megatron
(I am atleast 90% certain that G1 Megatron (and any other Megatron really) would take a look at it, figure out if it can hold a gun/fight/be useful and let it fight. Can't even transform my ass, as long as it can be manipulated and/or fight for the Cons it doesn't matter if it can or can't transform you copper bitch!)
Decided to cut the Maximal science experiment's immortal spark in half to create a new Frankensteined transmetal super soldier.
In order to obtain more power he took the original Megatron's spark and "mingled" it with his. And by mingled, I mean he inserted it into his own spark chamber with his own spark and kept it there. Not intending to return it to the original frame most likely.
Until the very last episode of the third season, until the last 10 or so minutes, it looked like he was going to win. I am talking the whole "Are the good guys going to win?" kind of doubt on my end.
But the real kicker and the reason why I'm so shocked?
He was in character through all of this! He didn't get "more evil" or "crazier" or "ruthless" as the seasons progressed. He wasn't "meaner" or "less charismatic". He behaved precisely as he did in the first season, same dramatics in his movements and speech and all of that!
The only difference was that he was doing something actually threatening and villainous in front of us viewers!
That's what had me staring at the screen with wide eyes; the fact I got fooled by his personality and didn't perceive him as an actual threat.
From the 3 shows I finished watching so far (Prime, Animated, Beast Wars) he threw me in for the biggest fucking loop.
Because with other Megatrons it's very clear what kind of a villain they are from the start:
Prime Megatron looks like a threat, moves like a threat, and while he has charisma, we don't see it that often. And he has dramatics, but those are mostly reserved for fights with Optimus or Unicron-poprock-crystal-candy induced hallucinations. And even then it's more like grand, over the top speeches, not silliness.
Animated Megatron has class. He is charismatic and uses this to his advantage to the extreme. He manipulates everyone and anyone, his followers are ready to fight eachother for a crumb of his praise, and a chance to be called "most loyal". He has dramatics (more than just the fact he twists his oil barrels into goblets) and he has embarassing moments infront of his troops, but those are due to circumstances, not him being silly.
I am in the process of watching Cyberverse, and so far this Megatron is a threat, doesn't seem like much of a threat when fighting the autobots, and to my limited spoiler-fueled knowledge, will become a bigger threat later on.
Take another look at Beast Wars Megatron and tell me if you'd consider this guy a threat:
He monologues and laughs TheVillainLaugh so often, you start to expect it and just wait for it most episodes. At one point he laughs so hard he ends up choking on it. And after his coughing fit he resumes his plan monologue as if nothing happened. And it's not like the other Predacons don't acknowledge their boss' behaviour:
That doesn't mean he doesn't have some loyal Predacons; Scorponok, Waspinator and Inferno being the ones that come to mind (also the ones that crave his approval and praise the most), with the other Preds leaning more towards treachery. But how he handles treachery or disobedience or even talking back, where it seems like he's bantering, not threatening them,
His personality just doesn't fit with the traits and behaviours the other two Megatrons exibit, the kind of traits that I started to expect of Megatron as a character.
He doesn't fit my perception of a Megatron that is a threat.
Which, considering the narrative of transformers, says alot about me and the way I essentially placed the character into a mold and went "alright, angry, commands and demands attention, can be ruthless, is stupid enough to keep a guy as his SIC/ on his team, despite multiple murder attempts and scheming".
Now, if we get into actual details, Beast Wars Megatron wouldn't count as "an actual Megatron", since the show itself is set after the Great War between the autobots and decepticons, G1 timeline. This Megatron took his predecessors name, so for all we know his name could be Joe before he changed it.
But his actions and the "destroy and conquer and lay the groundwork for future plans while you're causing mayhem" thing he has going on? That is Megatron behaviour as far as I can see.
And, granted, Beast Wars is the oldest out of the three shows I've watched (Animated 2007, Prime 2011), and so he is older than both of them, his characterization might be much closer to G1 than both Prime and Animated!
But before this becomes a full on essay full of misinformation (and more spelling mistakes), I'll just give my thanks to each continuity being it's own thing, with enough variety to keep you on your toes, while expecting how the general plot might go.
I hate that I can't even fully hate him, because he is so incredibly entertaining, so I am stuck looking @ the screen, cursing the fucking prehistoric grape lizard fidget spinner of the future, because he is so vile but he does it in style.
Here's a flattering picture of him as I seethe.

🎉Congratulations you metal Barney on rollerskates!🎉 You are truly despicable, the worst! I hope you choke on a rubber ducky💕
[He also gets a smaller trophy for his Transmetal MegaMode (or whatever it is called officially), because its a fucking dragon. He went from a bubblegum T-rex, to a copper rollerskating T-rex that can fly, to a red and gold dragon that can breathe fire and ice. So yeah, drastic transformation wise, no competition here, as well as levels of drama that came with each alt.]
#Moca talks#transformers#beast wars megatron#I simultainously love AND hate the bitch#(and I forgot to post this rant as soon as it was drafted so egh)#moca screeches
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alright let’s go lads time to inform u on the bois
viviette delacour
yall know her
she’s a model who’s almost finished her senior year and she’s gonna continue modelling as a career for as long as she can
it doesn’t really matter either way cause her family is fucking Stacked
she’s also a superhero because 1) she wants to help people but also 2) it’s an escape from the pressures of always being in the spotlight. even though being a hero gives her a lot of attention, no one knows it’s her, so she can pretty much act how she wants
her hero-self is a bee theme and the public took to calling her queen bee so she just went along with it
she wears a ring that she uses to transform and she’s super stressed whenever she has to take it off for modelling but she makes sure it’s on her person if she can help it. the ring is magic obviously so if the argenti got their hands on that ?? uh yikes
vivi is super anal about keeping her secret identity an actual secret and isn’t about to go telling anyone, even her closest friends if she can help it unlike some people we know
she lives in the downtown area in a place called glaycier which one of her mothers is the mayor of. the place is very classic france in terms of architecture and just general vibe. it’s the place she usually keeps safe and doesn’t usually need to leave for other areas for whatever reason
with the impending war, of course, she’s been making an effort on the frontlines in all areas, but she sometimes isn’t available as her modelling work continues and she also needs to make sure her identity is still intact
she’s the type of hero that doesn’t get super angry easily, but when she’s angry at you, even if she’s in the middle of saving you, you’ll Know
possible connections & stuff
pls give me her fellow heroes they can know each other’s identity or not i don’t mind, i just need a squad for her to get exasperated at
colleagues !! modelling friends or even just people in entertainment she’d probs know of them at least
hestia seasonaire
yall know her too lbr
she’s a demon and a faery or was anyway which can be a Bad combination but she never used her powers for evil she inherited her mother’s niceness much to the dismay of daddy demon
she preferred not to spend time at home and would instead go out and pretend she was a normal human or something and get a taste of regular society and all that fun stuff. as much as she loved her powers she thought living on the surface would be waaaaaay better
very enthusiastic and preppy and loves gossip so she’s always just “tell me eVERYTHING” and genuinely likes to listen to people
was probably a cheerleader at demon high school
she’s super nice and everything thinks she’s incapable of harming anyone or anything but she would probs gladly roast her father alive
when the aliens first invaded, hestia and rosie went out to see if they could stop them since they’re powerful demons and all, but they were unprepared and so they’re pretty much dead now but still live on as ghosts
bold of the argenti to assume that’d stop hestia tho
she tries to help as much as she can from the afterlife, like seeing if missing people are dead or not and passing that information on
the gossiper inside is still alive and so she’s always finding out everything about everybody, like your grandma ?? yeah she’s telling her how you used to shove gummy bears up your nose while watching barney
possible connections & stuff
ghost friends !! people she spends time with in the afterlife
old demon buddies she knew from school or something if she can she’d probs come and visit !!
people she met when she was gallivanting around on the surface who didn’t know she was a demon faery princess and just thought she was a cool human girl but sURPRISE she died and now you’re just finding out who she really is
noire seasonaire
aforementioned daddy demon is her uncle
her own father has always vied for the title despite being the younger brother but noire isn’t interested in any of that stuff, she just wants to make potions and do magic and live her life
is very fascinated by the world on the surface but has never been allowed to leave home for very long at a time, and so she’s probably only met a few people once or twice
everyone sorta assumes she’s the “normal” seasonaire but surprise bitches she’s making love potions and practicing resurrection rituals in her basement
her mother ?? isn’t around anymore. she was used to conceive a child and once noire was born was just sorta tossed away
her entire room is like a giant library. need something obscure ?? noire probably has a book for that
when the argenti invaded she wanted to go help hestia and rosie but hestia was just “hONEY NO IT’S OK WE’VE GOT THIS” and now feels super bad like she could have done something if she was there even tho she would’ve just died too
and so she’s dedicated to resurrecting hestia and rosie. it’s mostly just bc she loves them and doesn’t want them dead, but also bc she feels responsible
she’s also put her foot down against her father and basically had a giant demon tantrum in order to be allowed on the surface to help the fight. she still mostly helps from home but a lot of people know about the tiny demon princess who’s ready to die for them
possible connections & stuff
demon buddies !! people she knew growing up basically
people on the surface that she’s starting to get to know by helping everyone, she’s a pretty friendly person sO
remy maxwell
oh look a new one
he’s just a normal uni student tbh, like he’s aware that a lot of the other cities have superheroes and magical creatures and just all-around crazy people, but he prefers his quiet life
or at least he dID, the argenti kinda changed that and now his life is a Mess and he wants it to end
the cul-de-sac he lives in has become a prime safe-area that doesn’t have any monsters for whatever reason so there’s all these people taking a break from fighting there and he’s just internally “gET OFFA MY LAWN”
he’s kinda uncooperative and just gives one-word answers to a lot of people unless he knows you, which he probably doesn’t because he has the social graces of a toenail
he’s a psychology major who minors in literature so his skillset isn’t all that useful in combat but he has a weapon from sb laboratories he can use and he likes to think he’s pretty skilled at it
he lives at home, but his parents aren’t around much bc they’re always travelling, like people ask where they’ve gone now and he’s just “yeah i think this is their...................fifth or sixth honeymoon idk”
he’s not even scared of the argenti he’s just annoyed by them like he sees a creature lurking on his roof and he gets the broom and is just “fUCK OFF”
he just wants to go the grocery store without infected trees trying to kill him man
possible connections & stuff
give him his neighbours !! i headcanon that he and the other kids on the street he lives on are kinda close and have always played together since they were young and they’re still always around each other even tho they’re older now
someone young in the fight who stops by the cul-de-sac regularly who remy’s sorta taken in as his fake younger sibling
fellow uni students !! even tho school is probably cancelled bc u know..............evil aliens he probs still sees them from time to time
ginerva starkweather
BDE -- big dumbass energy
she lives in the wilds in a magic-ish type forest that i haven’t named yet i’ll get back to you on that in a witchy cottage that’s sorta hidden but ?? it’s not exactly a secret it’s just how the location is
she’s a witch and has been for her entire life, but she’s also been kind of alone for her entire life ?? like she’s just always Known she’s had magical powers but she sorta had to train herself and raise herself she was raised by the woodland creatures
she’s a disney princess but a really fucking stupid one
her best friend is a fox called mitzy who has been her loyal companion since the two of them were wee babs
she thinks magic is the solution to most things and doesn’t really see the appeal of science and modern shit and all that fun stuff, like she doesn’t have a phone or a tv, has never been to the suburbs or the downtown area really, she just chills and often forgets more modern places exist
her magic is what pays the bills as she advertises herself as “your own personal witch!!” so people can hire her for her to use her magic however they want, though there are limitations
she heard about the argenti by encountering some monsters herself and, after that, by her clients telling her and asking if she can do anything, so now she’s dedicated herself to finding a way to blast those damn aliens away once and for all
the main problem is that she hasn’t even thought of teaming up with the scientists to discover a solution, thinking she has to do everything herself because she’s just ?? never had to depend on anyone else before so it’s not something she’s even thinking about
possible connections & stuff
clients !! people who ask things of her magic-wise and pay her to carry out what they want and all that fun stuff, she’s super nice and social if that’s relevant at all
someone pls tell her that she should go and join forces with the scientists and shit. and give her a phone
the woodland creatures who grew up with her or helped raise her !!
siwoo bae
siwoo grew up in the suburbs with parents who had high expectations for their kids and siwoo was no exception, but that wasn’t a problem for him since he was a genius from the get-go really
he was initially very proud of himself and what he achieved, and for a while his parents were, too. but as he started growing older they assumed that his inventions and experiments would become bigger and greater and soon their expectations were far too high for such a young kid
it was then that he started to just ?? slip off the radar in a way ?? let his siblings take the lead while he kept everything to himself and he would avoid family dinners and just isolate himself in his room and the lab it had become
when he was in his early teens taking away his 39045830490th science fair prize, he was offered the chance to start up his own science lab/company. at first he thought it was too good to be true and that this person was fucking with him but nOPE it was true
and so he became the ceo of SB Labs downtown, and he moved out there without his parents knowing so he wouldn’t be disturbed by them bc he kNEW they’d want a cut of his profits and he’s just like “pls no”
the older he became the more he shut himself in his lab and now he rarely ever leaves, relaying messages via his androids (woo-bots) or video message, but even the latter is rare
he’s a very shy person and has little to no social skills tbh he’s hopeless
when the argenti invaded he was On That Shit, studying any samples he could get his hands on and making weapons that were as effective as possible against the monsters, but still only showing his face when absolutely necessary
most people are kinda Shook that this 22 year old dude is the ceo
possible connections & stuff
his siblings !! idk how many there are i didn’t think that far ahead but basically they’d have the pressure against them that he did and he isolated himself from Everyone which includes them probs rip
someone pls drag him outside for once in his life
just people he would interact with for the war he needs to be social
briar kang
yeah that’s not her real name
briar is the lead singer of a band called acantha, but when she was growing up her parents told her that she couldn’t pursue music and had to follow a career path that would “actually lead somewhere”
she didn’t give up though, and when she was sixteen she told her parents that she wasn’t intending to go to university, instead wanting to head to the downtown area to make it in the music industry
she was promptly disowned, so in retaliation she changed her name
she and her band members struggled for a little bit until they played at a battle of the bands and were scouted and the rest was history pretty much
their band is known for being “larger than life” the type of people who like to hype up a crowd and just live in the moment rather than thinking too much about the past or fretting about the future. obviously, they have to be business-savvy and professional, but they like to keep it real, which is why a lot of their fans appreciate them aside from their music
briar can be kinda petty. i can confirm that they held a concert in her hometown in the suburbs just to piss her parents off
she’s an artistic person and gets inspiration from just about everything, but she’s also kind of unwavering when it comes to her artistic vision. she’s willing to compromise with her bandmates but pretty much no one else. she doesn’t want to go against her ideal sound/vision/concept/whatever solely because it’ll “make them more popular” as she feels like she’d be lying that way
the argenti haven’t broken her spirit, and she’s taken to using her fame to tell her fans that they need to step up and fight
acantha totally holds charity concerts and stuff to help fund anti-argenti programs and stuff
possible connections & stuff
PWEATHE.................GIMME HER BANDMATES.......................PWE A TH E
any other people in the industry she knows, ‘cause she would
elythe varelle
we been knew
the princess of the faeries, one would expect elythe to be spoiled and set up for life, and in some ways, she was. she was given everything she wanted by the servants, but never her parents, who were “far too busy” to deal with her
in her family, the title of ‘heir to the throne’ is something that has to be earned and not something one is born into, something eli’s been told since the beginning
but alas no matter what she does she’s just not good enough and her parents still won’t look at her, plus the people believe that she’s just a brat due to the sneaky and snarky way she acts and they’re not totally wrong but i mEAN
she’s a very difficult person to get along with and so she prefers to keep the staff members who work with her the same as when she was young since they know her and how her mind works, plus they see the good in her
the epitome of “can you blame me, i never got no love”
now that the argenti have come, she’s decided to see their invasion as an opportunity rather than a threat, which would be fine if she was rEALLY helping humanity, but she’s probs choosing the wrong way of doing things
aka she wants to resurrect 2 of the argenti’s first victims -- hestia and ambrose seasonaire, to show off that she has the magical prowess to be the next fae queen
aka she’s a dumbass who doesn’t see the bigger picture
she also kinda doesn’t understand exactly how the world outside of the land of the fae works ?? like she’s got all the magical sections of the wilds down, but the rest ?? probs not
possible connections & stuff
other faeries !! people who work in the castle or anything else really
people she meets during her journey to resurrect the seasonaires yeet skeet
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