#your majesty please don't kill me again
manhwa-animated-cover · 7 months
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kahixxi · 2 years
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My fav crossdressing manhwa:
Finding Camellia (Soye Jin, Surreuk Comics)
Your Majesty, Please Spare Me This Time (eclair, Hayeon)
My Fair Footman (Jaa Lee, Ggory)
The Empire's Hidden Hope (Heiryun, Dagu)
Mystic Prince (Aheuredal)
Caught By the Villain (Cha Sohee, Chara)
His Majesty's Secret Heroine (Han Soo Young, Lee Do Kyung)
Queen Cecia's Shorts (Saedle, Jagyum)
From Today On, I’m a Boy (Jelack)
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cherryblossomssmash · 2 years
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Excuse me but Rupert killed me with his handsomeness and cuteness this Season 3. After all the rollercoaster emotion in Season 2, we got this! 😍
Oh but Lari, you got it hard. Ahem. 😏😁🥴
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kingconia · 1 year
Riddle Rosehearts. ❤️
— You are something between his protector, and, basically, a... Tutor? Governess? It is hard to tell, but his mother insisted on keeping him safe and controlled;
— You tried to do that, by the way. But it killed you to see him struggling, being stripped away from a proper childhood;
— From the other side, there wasn't much you could do. If his mother noticed some strangeness, she would find him a new guard, and you wasn't sure that they will be as kind as you;
— You secretly left him some chocolate and other tokens, writing him about how proud you are. He figured out that it was you, of course, but both of you never discussed it;
— You follow him to the NRC, and that is where you could finally act freely around him. Though, you still follow a strict rules—knowing how much Riddle values them—you still try to prove him that life is much more than that.
”Lady Y/n, I hope you understand that I could get you fired,” Riddle says, voice coming so small that it is hardly threatening. ”You are crossing lines.”
You smile, lowering your head instinctively, as you kneel in front of him.
”Of course.”
”You are disobedient,” he continues, his bottom lip trembling. ”It is against rules, and you know that. You should be punished according to them.”
”I understand. That will be done,” your eyes are meeting his. ”But for now, my majesty... Will you blow your candles?”
Riddle stares at the little cake that you made yourself, quietly and secretively, while he studied throughout the day, and lets out a very quiet sob. His eyes are watery, when he nods.
”And, please, don't forget about your wish.”
He nods again, still not trusting his voice. When he finishes, you are clapping at him proudly, rushing to serve him a cake.
I can have everything I want, but all I would ask, it is for you to stay by my side, Lady Y/n.
He never punishes you for that, in the end.
Kalim Al-Asim. 💛
— A sworn protector? Oh, please, he thinks you are his friend from the very beginning. And your attempts to explain to him that you are here for completely another thing, fail;
— You are really fond of him, but you feel like allowing him to see you as a friend is a direct threat to his safety, and therefore, you always deny him and his attempts to become friends;
— Kalim is really reckless, and sometimes naive. It gives you a heart attack all the time, and you can't help but be clued to him, just in case if anything happens;
— Kalim doesn't really take you seriously, though? Yes, he knows you are powerful, and you can fight and kill, but, eh, what else? You are sweet, and you are his friend anyway;
— Still, it hurts him when you so actively refuse to be called as one, insisting that you are a mere guard. Not because of himself. He just thinks it is sad that you consider yourself to be just a tool under the royal family.
You walk soundlessly, as you move behind Kalim, keeping the distance in ten steps, following the common royal code.
Neither of you speak, and Kalim seems to be not in the spirit. Which is rare and disturbing, but you assume it is something related to Jamil.
”Am I allowed to ask a question?” You dare to murmur, voice so quiet that it is barely heard.
”...Yes, Y/n,” he answers immediately.
Sometimes, you don't speak for days, mere being his shadow, nodding and shrugging if questions asked, trusting Kalim to understand. That is why your voice is always a music to his ears, a very awaited sound.
”Had something happened between you and Jamil, my prince?”
He stops, and you stop as well. Your brows furrowing, waiting for the answer.
”Why would you care, Y/n?” He wonders suddenly. ”Jamil is clearly not a threat to my well-being. If anything, he keeps me alive simply by cooking.”
You know that as well. Yet, you can't help but worry about his state.
”Because...” Your voice trails off, as you can't say a true reason behind your question. ”No, you are right, of course.”
Kalim ignores your last sentence, before finally turning to face you. His expression is thoughtful, with a slight curiousity on the bottom of his eyes.
”Could it be... That you care about me as a friend?”
You gulp, and he notices that. But you can't deny it. Lying to him wasn't something you could do, anyway.
”...It could.”
His face brightens.
You can't take it back now.
Malleus Draconia. 💚
— His grandmother chose the fairest, the strongest fae to the role of his sworn protector, of course. She loves him, she wants to make sure he is safe, all the time;
— Malleus was a quite likeable person, and you grow fond of him in an instant, promising yourself to keep him safe all the time;
— But who would've thought that it is not murder attempts that you will ought to protect him, but evil words of his peers?;
— Watching him being lonely, mistreated and misunderstood made you sick. More than anything in the world, you want Malleus to be happy and fit in the society, but it is a hard task, even for you;
— Unlike Kalim, he doesn't call you friend, but he really wants too. He is too shy, and fears that he mistook your responsibility as a guardian as kindness.
”Please, be careful, my prince,” you mutter, eyes fixated on Malleus's back as he works on making gargoyle, working with a stone and carved knife. “You put too much strength, and it can hurt you.”
Malleus sighs, but slows down as you asked him to. Your shoulders relax, and contained with his pace, you return to reading a book you brought with you.
”I am fae, lady Y/n,” he says. ”Just as you, I am quite immortal and very hard to hurt. You shouldn't be worried about little scratches.”
You are aware that Malleus will not die from a single cut. Yet, you are genuinely concerned about his state in every possible way, starting with physical well-being, and finishing with mental one.
”Perhaps,” you agree reluctantly. ”But, my prince, I care about you deeply. Not just as your sworn protector, but as a... Ah, how Lilia says that? A part of the family, right. You are a part of my family, my prince. It is only natural for me to— Oh! My prince!”
You can't even finish your sentence as the stone cracks in two pieces from careless, too nervous, hit from Malleus. You run to him, so worried, instantly taking his bleeding hand in your own, that can't notice the redness of his cheeks.
”Family...” He whispers.
”I told you to be careful!” You hiss, completely forgetting about subordination. “Ugh...”
Yet, he manages to give you a little smile.
Now, he knows more.
Leona Kingscholar. 🧡
— As a second to the throne, Leona might or might not be in danger all the time, and, of course, Farena found him a sworn protector eventually. In fact, he found a kid, to grow up around Leona as his guard;
— In the childhood, he always fought between an urge to send you away and humiliate, and to talk with you about his interests, because no one cared about him;
— But the fact that it is your job to be around him, made him to stop most of the time. He couldn't consider your interest in him as a sincere one;
— It didn't get better later. Quite opposite. When both of you became a part of NRC, he dismissed you completely, telling you that from now, his only servant is Ruggie;
— You felt betrayed. Not just because you was replaced, and it was your only job, but because you genuinely cared about him all these years, despite everything.
”Huh?” Leona glances at a fancy box on his table. ”Ruggie, whose gift is that?”
His birthday was a mess—in a good way—and he spent a lot of time on accepting gifts from his mates and other housewardens. But just as he thought that he finished, he finds another one! Ugh. Just his luck.
”Oh... It is from Y/n.”
Leona frowns.
You hardly speak nowadays, and though he misses you—it is hard not to, when both of you were together for decades—he will never admit that aloud. You stopped trying to contact him too, after he ignored you fully a three times. Which is fair, but, maybe, if you pushed harder, he would gave up...
”Why would she gift me something?” He mutters, hands coming to unwrap it.
It takes from him some time to understand what you got on his birthday.
A self-made chess set from the wood, where every single figure means something to him. But most importantly... The King one has his face on it.
His chest tightens instantly.
He misses you. He really does.
When the postcard falls out of the box, he loses it completely.
It is an old photo of both of you, still as a kids. It has you, smiling softly as you do Leona's little braids, who is settled between your legs, looking drowsy.
It makes him smile instinctively.
«To my king, and to my prince. But most importantly, to my first friend, and to the kid, who loved taking care of his mother's garden. Happy birthday, Leona Kingscholar. May you will be always happy.»
He presses a postcard to his chest.
Your birthday is in three weeks. And Leona knows what he is going to gift you this year. He only hopes you will accept him back.
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harunayuuka2060 · 9 months
MC: I hope your daughter will enjoy these flowers.
The customer: She surely will.
MC: Have a great day. Please come again soon.
*The customer left.*
*The door opens.*
Gabriel: So this is the kind of place you're staying in.
MC: Oh dear. I should've hired a security. *in a calm tone*
Gabriel: *slowly approaches them* I've been looking for you everywhere.
Gabriel: It seems that you have finally let your guard down.
MC: Did I? *chuckles*
Gabriel: Come with me.
MC: I refuse.
Gabriel: You worship god. You're one of us.
MC: I'm no angel.
Gabriel: But you have devoted yourself to him. Hoping that you'll be an angel in heaven. Is it not?
MC: Not until you've shown me your true nature. I would rather be a devil... if fate allows me.
Gabriel: *swings his scythe towards them*
MC: ...
Gabriel: ...
MC: I must remind you- *smiles*-that you have used your chances on me.
MC: However, you could try asking Raphael to kill me instead.
MC: He hasn't used his weapon on me yet.
Gabriel: *clicks his tongue* I will come back. Stay where you are. *disappears*
MC: ...
Foras: *appears behind them* Are you alright?
MC: Why are you here, Foras?
Foras: His Majesty Leviathan felt you were in danger.
MC: I'm fine. As you can see, he had already left.
Foras: MC, I hope you can join us soon.
MC: Don't worry. I will after I fulfill my agreement with Leviathan.
Mammon: What did you say? Gabriel attacked MC?
Bimet: Yes.
Mammon: *immediately stood up*
Bimet: However, your human was left unscathed.
Mammon: ...
Mammon: What do you mean?
Bimet: It seems they can't be attacked by an angel.
Bimet: And if I may add, this Gabriel even asked them to come with him.
Bimet: Your Majesty, is your human, perhaps, his acquaintance?
Mammon: Don't be ridiculous.
Bimet: But still-
Mammon: I will visit them myself. I must know if they're hurt.
Bimet: ...
Mammon: MC, how are you?
MC: *is in the middle of writing in their journal* I'm doing fine.
MC: Why are you here?
Mammon: I've heard you were attacked by Gabriel.
MC: Yes. But you needn't to worry. Nothing happened.
Mammon: ...
Mammon: That is good to hear.
MC: *smiles*
MC: Why don't you sit here with me for a moment?
Mammon: ...
Mammon: That's the first.
MC: *chuckles* You made it sound like I was an awful friend.
Mammon: You're not. However, you like keeping secrets.
MC: It's called confidentiality.
Mammon: ...
Mammon: Human terms such as that should not exist.
MC: *chuckles*
Barbatos: Your Majesty-
Leviathan: I know, Barbatos. You don't have to tell me. *looking at the roses*
Leviathan: If they do manage to fulfill their promise, they will have a place here in Hades.
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mcflymemes · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM SHREK 2 *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film, adjust as necessary
quick! tell a lie!
i can't believe you're just gonna walk away from the best thing that ever happened to you.
say something crazy, like "i'm wearing ladies underwear!"
i most certainly am not!
it's a thong!
i don't feel any different. do i look any different?
you still look like an ass to me.
nobody said i have the right to remain silent!
you have the right to remain silent. what you lack is the capacity.
stop. i have misjudged you.
join the club. we got jackets.
look, she's not seeing any clients today.
we're from the union.
we represent the workers in all magical industries, both evil and benign.
are you feeling at all degraded or oppressed?
okay, we're going to have a look around.
think of the saddest thing that's ever happened to you.
oh man. where do i begin?
they all got drunk and started hitting me with sticks, yelling "piñata! piñata!"
i need you to cry!
all i got in my room was shampoo.
i hate mondays.
who on earth are they?
that's not little. that's a really big problem.
we came, we saw them, now let's go before they light the torches.
they're my parents!
good! now's our chance! let's go back inside and pretend we're not home.
quick, while they're not looking, we can make a run for it.
you can do this.
i don't want to die!
oh sweet sister mother of mercy! i'm melting! i'm melting!
i'm sorry, the position of annoying talking animal has already been taken.
oh look! a little cat!
look out! he's got a piece!
are we there yet?
oh god help me! please!
tell the truth. will i ever be able to play the violin again?
i drank the potion and well, now... i'm sexy.
oh pick me! i'll be your true love!
someday i will repay you, unless of course i can't find you, or if i forget.
fear me, if you dare.
i had hoped you would never see me like this.
i'm sorry to both of you.
i just wish i could be the man that you deserve.
go! your lady needs you!
today, i repay my debt.
who dares enter my room?
i hope i'm not interrupting anything.
you are told correct, but for this i charge a great deal of money.
for five minutes, could you not be yourself?
it wasn't my fault! he didn't get there in time!
are you kidding? he's gorgeous! his face looks like it was carved by angels?
i see london! i see france!
why don't we drop in for a spell?
oh mexican food! my favorite!
you have forced me to do something i really don't want to do.
my diet is ruined! i hope you're happy.
they just want to give us their blessing.
who said i want to be part of this family?
look out! here comes the new me!
first things first. we need to get you out of those clothes.
did i miss?
pardon me. would you mind letting me go?
quit messing around!
almost everybody who meets you wants to kill you.
whatever happens... i must not cry.
can i help you, your majesty?
tell us about where you live.
i guess that will be a fine place to raise the children.
oh, stop being such a drama king.
i don't care whose fault this was, just get this place cleaned up.
i'm not going.
he's completely lost his mind!
we can't be lost.
i wasn't the one who refused to stop for directions.
you're so tense.
do you think you could get up there?
i've made changes for you. think about that.
i guess i gave her the wrong tea.
sorry. i thought that question was directed at me.
uh... FYI. not my fault.
we just need to work out something smarter, that's all.
i need to have someone "taken care of."
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ngl kinda curious what happens if mc gets shipped with one of the nobles more often than the kings instead?
You know the AO3 ship popularity chart? Let's say they did one of those for the "child of Solomon" fandom.
Mod Jjok: The most popular ship with Mc for this month is... Mc x Sitri! With over 20k words in the longest running fanfiction on the ship reaching peak popularity in the middle of the month!
Dantalian: Sitri? Isn't that his majesty Satan's blood bag?
Glasylabolas: It turns out he has a name.
Paimon: I think this must be mistakeeeeen. I just recently wrote in collaboration with Astaroth a 25k words fanfic about Mc x Satan
Eligos: Oh, I mass-reported that one. I would apologise about that, but demons can't lie
Paimon: You're so sillyyyyy
Paimon: You just lost cuteness session priveledgessss
Eligos: :'(
Eligos: It was for the greater good of Tartaros
Bimet: Very noble of you, Eligos
Dantalian: Bimet! You fucking bitch, where's my MC body pillow????
Eligos: @Dantalian please take this in private we don't vibe with this negative energy here
Dantalian: Speak for yourself, I vibe with it!
Gamigin: Guys, what happened????? I was asleep, it's like 5 AM in here.
Gamigin: HOLY FUCK
Gamigin: How did Sitri of all people win????
Paimon: I mean, he's not that baaaaaaad
Gamigin: 20k words isn't even that long! How?!
Gamigin: I think we all have to come together to break the two up
Gamigin: Sitri is a common enemy and we shall stop him!
Dantalian: I'm sharpening my knife as we speak.
Gamigin: His Majesty Lucifer said I'm not allowed to leave Paradise Lost :'(
Dantalian: And?
Gamigin: And ... what?
Dantalian: He's not your dad! Even if he was, you don't have to listen to him. Do you think I listen to everything his majesty Asmodeus tells me to do? No. He may be my dad and my king, but I am in control of my own future.
Glasylabolas: Preach brother, preach
Gamigin: But I don't want to go against Lucifer's orders
Dantalian: Pussy
Glasylabolas: Pussy
Dantalian: First! Suck it old man!
Gamigin: Wait, doesn't Paimon live in the same country as Sitri?????
Gamigin: @Paimon, dearest, could you please kill Sitri for us? At least tranquillise him or something. Make sure he doesn't move anymore.
Paimon: I'm not murdering Sitri over thisssss
Paimon: I'll just ask him if it's true he's dating Mccccc
Dantalian: I think we should vote on Sitri's fate
Glasylabolas: Absolutely. I am for democracy.
Dantalian: Knife or gun death?
Glasylabolas: I prefere knife. Gun's make everything messier. How am I supposed to get arroused by a pile of guts?
Dantalian: Ask Ronové or Phenix and they'll tell you
Dantalian: I once saw Ronové remove an angel's intenstines and fucking them
Eligos: That's why nobody wants to visit Abaddon.
Dantalian: In his defence, it was kind of hot
Glasylabolas: I can imagine
Glasylabolas: I should call Ronové again...
Dantalian: He charges for one night stands now cause Abaddon lost its health care recently
Gamigin: Yeah, Morax told me about how you started getting curious about his eye hole.
Dantalian: I don't even blame Ronové for that one. I'm also curious what happens if you cum down someone's eye socket.
Paimon: Ok guyssssss
Paimon: I talked with himmmm
Paimon: It turns out that he just had a lot of black tea recently and wrote 20k words in a dayyyyy
Paimon: And a lot of people read it because Asteroth recomended it on his bloggggg
Dantalian: ah, yeah, shipping
Dantalian: Asmodeus x Mc for the win
Eligos: In your dreams
Dantalian: Yes. I do dream about that often.
Dantalian: I don't even know why y'all care so much for Mc's sex life
Dantalian: Having sex with only one partner is boring
Gamigin: Keep your shitty opinions to yourself.
Dantalian: Only if you make me
Eligos: I'm going to mass report it
Gamigin: I already did <3
Sitri: All of you are so mean
[Mod Jjok stopped comments on this post]
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riniworld · 6 months
my perfect soldier
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yandere!emperor x general!f!reader
warnings// mention of blood+injury, that much it.
reference// you,general, woman/girl, y/n, she/her.
remake of this hcs
a/n// i was having a bad wi-fi and when i wanted to save the draft it didn't save, i had a damn long heart attack, then when i was about to cry it said that it had been saved, man the scare!
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born and raised as the heir of the throne,in a luxurious life,some people will dream to live like his life, but he hated it.
Baron hated how he shouldn't act like a child because he's the heir, hated the boring meeting he has to attend with his father, hated how he didn't get attention,but he hated his parents more than anything.
a small light lightened his life,his brother,who came to him after 8 years from suffering alone,as he grew up,baron took his responsibility upon himself,he won't let his brother live like him.
in the night of his eighteenth birthday, instead of hearing clapping and partying for him,what the castle heard was a scream, echo in every corner of it.
in that day the death of the emperor and his wife was confirmed and he stood there without guilt or shame "i did it." was Baron's first words on that night.
he did it,he got rid of his misery, he got his revenge for his shattered childhood, for his brother's tears.
he got rid of his misery and gave the people a new misery.
And who can prosecute him? he is the law after all,he put it and he eras it.
as a young boy it wasn't professional to give him the throne but he insisted and killed everyone that was against it.
as the years passed,baron was expanding his empire taking as much kingdoms as he please, starting with small ones to the large ones.
however,Yale,baron's brother,didn't like all the blood that was sacrifice for his brother's pleasure,hence he left the whole empire at age 18,and has never communicate his brother again.
This got on Taron's,as he named himself, nerves, wich lead him to take out his anger on the civilians,the smallest mistake lead to getting killed.
life started to get boring for him until he heard about you,a powerful general that no one had defeated,not like the kingdom you were in was under too much pressure or popular,but it won't hurt him to take it anyway.
anxiety kicking in as you hurry to the throne room, the king asked for you to come,it's not everyday he want to see you so it's must be something important.
a loud thud was heard as you open the door aggressively.
you bow your head a little as you see the prince standing in the room,he smiled at you softly in return,when you get closer to the king you kneeled down on one knee and bowing your head down in front of him.
"your majesty." you said steadily.
"Excuse me for bringing you from your duties in a hurry,general, however we received information that you should hear." the king explain "I'm sure you've heard about the falling kingdoms by now?"
you stood up "i did,your majesty, apparently the new emperor isn't as peaceful as his father."
after a minute of silent the king spoke again "i don't know what is his purpose by this.." he walked to a close table and took a latter that was on it "but it seems we're next." he handed it to you. "I'm counting on you about this."
you opened your mouth to speak but the prince cut you off.
"pardon me but what! you're saying the emperor wants to take our kingdom and you still want to fight? father no one happen to stop him!." he said irritated but didn't rise his voice.
"what do you suggest then? giving up easily? so everyone can call us cowards?" the king said calmly (dumbledore said calmly)
"It is better than wasting the blood of soldiers in vain."
the king sighed in frustration and motion for you to go.
you bow your head and headed out immediately.
planning to call every battalion commander to discuss the plan for the battle.
the day of the battle came,everyone was anxious even you,you'll fight the emperor how can you not?
but as the general you need to keep a steady expression as you check on every soldier,recuse the frightened ones and reassure the ones that has a slight anxiety.
The promised hour has come, you wear your armor, it wasn't alot but it did just enough.
you arrive at the place at the same time taron's has arrive, you two were at the head of your army.
taron scoff as soon as he sees you "a woman? is that what your king could bring? what a joke."
you got irritated, you've always hated when someone talks about you because you were a woman, You extended your hand to the side and someone gave you a bow, you throw the arrow at taron, it didn't land on him as you knew this was a big move to do first but it did scratch his cheek and killed one behind him,you return the bow and say"i didn't laugh" in a calm manner.
taron put his finger on the scratch and look at his blood, he smiled crazily. This was the signal for the beginning of the war.
Two hours have passed since the start of the battle، and it did not go well in your favor. Many of your soldiers were dying, but that does not mean that you were not advancing as well.
you were against the emperor the whole time and the first thing you learned about him is that he's not a silent type because he was talking the whole damn fight.
in a quick motion his blade was at your neck,you expected your head to chop off, but instead taron was smiling widely as he looked in your eyes "it would be such a waste to kill you now." he said.
then he removed the blade away from you as he announced to his army to withdraw.
you wanted to yell after him to come back,to end things, you couldn't return to the kingdom with such shame, even if you didn't lose you know deep down that you would have if he didn't do that.
when you return to the kingdom the king received you with clapping hand and congratulation, you didn't even left your head up you don't know how to tell him what happened in the field.
you were sitting on a bench at the practice ground, your head between your hand thinking about everything.
you felt someone sitting beside you, you were ready to kick out whoever was there but when you left your head up you shut your mouth close, it was the prince "your royal highness!."
the prince was smiling slightly at you,like always, "why are you here alone?."
"I'm just...resting." you say turning your head away.
"you don't seem like usual, what happened at the battle?."
you pause don't know how to say it, "i-..wouldn't have won if the emperor took it seriously," the prince hummed "he was an inch away from killing me but he just backdown..i don't count this as a won." you continue.
"well,what were you expecting from an emperor?, i respect your power but as much as you've been in the army he must have been practicing more, I'm just happy you're alive." he put his hand on yours.
you looked at him with soft eyes like you were about to cry, in return he looked in your eyes as he spoke "how about you accompany me to the town,hm? like old days."
right,in one point of your serving here you were his personal knight wich made you two so close to each other, even if you treat him as a royal prince he always has treated you as a friend, wich made you,as much as you don't want to admit it,falling for him.
"that would be an honor,your highness."
"great." the prince took your hand and drag you outside.
seeing all the people in the town safe, smiling and laughing was enough to make you smile and forget about the battle.
on the other side,at taron's castle.
"she's incredible." taron was lying on the bed, smiling staring at the roof.
His personal advisor was standing at the door inside "if you say so,your majesty."
taron sighed dreamly "i can't wait for our next battle,y/n, was it?."
"it is,your majesty."
"Gather as much information of her as possible."
"as you wish,your majesty."
the battles continued to happen,Day after day, taron becames quicker to announce the second battle,he start,what you consider it as,flirting in the middle of your fight, saying things such as, "you look gorgeous with blood." , "you make me more insane in your love,dear" , "won't you consider becoming my personal soldier? oh,or maid!." you nearly cut his arm off when he said that, he sometimes cross the lines saying some personal information no one knows.
you got enough with his playing, always announce a battle then backdown when he's close to knocking you off.
it all changed though at that fateful day.
after every fight the prince,keith,would come to you, talking or taking you out with him, the civilians noticed that as much as the servants did, and the rumors spread quickly about you two being in some sort of relationship.
it eventually reached taron's empire.
"what is this fucking thing i hear?! what do you mean there's a rumor about my woman being in a relationship?!" taron was holding his personal adviser by his collar.
"i-i don't know your maje-it what I've heard!." the man says frightened.
taron throws him away making him hit the ground "oh,i know what I'll do, if that shame of a man wants to take my girl away, then I'll just have to make him to never see her again, prepare the army, we'll go get what's mine."
and that's how you end up looking at him standing above while you bleed on the ground.
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finally ending this
have a good day/night♡
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sunnycanvas · 11 months
Could you make one where fem! was blackmailed to leave Baldwin?
"Please you can't do this to me, I love him so much" (Y/N) said with tears streaming down her eyes. The Byzantine princess scoffed annoyed and grabbed (Y/N)'s throat. (Y/N) gasped in fear and the Byzantine princess smirked sadistically. "Say one more word and you will be begging for air instead". Angry (Y/N) tried to claw her hands out.
"Oh no! Don't even try to think about it". "You will be in more trouble" "After all you are no longer queen" Fearful (Y/N) handed her annulment papers (Y/N) couldn't help but think about events while back she said to her husband king Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
"What do you mean you have fallen in love with another man" Baldwin IV yelled in anger. (Y/N) let out frustrated sigh and said "Just what you heard". Baldwin IV got up so fast from his chair that his chair fell and table moved. (Y/N) backed up against the wall in fear. With Baldwin IV cowering her. (Y/N) gulped in fear staring wide eyed to her husband who said "Moment a man lust after some one else in heart that moment itself they have committed adultery" . (Y/N) retorated "You can't control whom you fall in love with". (Y/N) looked him strongly in eyes daring him to challenge her. (Y/N) was confused when she heard him laughing "You think a Leper like me, who was fortunate enough to marry you a commoner because of love would simply divorce you. "(Y/N), you are lying. I can tell" (Y/N) didn't let disappointment noticable in face and scoffed and said "Suite yourself". As (Y/N) left the hall. (Y/N) was grabbed by a noble man who dragged her to isolated room. "Did you convince him for an annulment". (Y/N) couldn't help the tears streaming down her eyes. That man was Byzantine ambassador whom she recognised had originally orchestrated the plan. The noble man let out frustrated sigh and warned her again "This alliance is important for both empires" "A useless commoner like you will ruin everything" "Do us all a favour and leave him, or else we will kill that little boy in the palace with whom you have grown attached to". "Countess Agnes was smart to accept annulment unlike you " (Y/N) red faced with trembling voice cried out in anger "I am trying my best" "You don't understand how difficult it is for me as well". The noble man covered her mouth with his hand and warned her "Don't you dare yell or else consequences will be severe". Their conversation with a knock on the door. Both of them separated from each other. The noble gave a glare to (Y/N) one last time before saying "Come in". The maid hesitantly entered the room and could sence the tension in the air. She nervously looked at (Y/N) and said "Your Grace, his majesty has asked for your presence in hall".
Your thoughts were interrupted and brought back to present. When you heard the sound of glass and wine. You recalled the next thing you knew that before entering the hall and metting the king and high court of Jerusalem the noble man asked to you meet the princess. Byzantine princess who was drinking wine smiled in victory and said "I will finally get to marry a king and get to be queen of Jerusalem". "Don't worry I will ensure to give you place as a maid in palace, I am sure your ex husband would agree as well me". The Byzantine princess smiled as she watched your face flush in embarrassment
Just then then the door was opened with loud thud.
"Who the hell dares to interru-Oh your majesty". The princess quickly composed herself and stood gracefully. You watched in amazement how quickly her character changed. "Nobody would believe that she is so cruel". You thought sadly. Baldwin IV was quick to recognise your change in mood. He quickly addressed the princess "You are under arrest for threatening and blackmailing the queen". The princess looked at Baldwin IV in shock. Before she could defend herself. The king presented beaten up noble man and continued his statement from before "With your ambassador". The princess shed crocodile tears and pleaded her innocence. Baldwin IV not hearing her cries signalled her to stop
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Baldwin IV continued saying "I knew my wife appeared to be distressed by quite some time" "So I asked my spies to follow her". "When she said that she fell in love with someone else I knew for sure that she was being threatened and I secretly followed her as well". "I hope God forgives you because I sure won't for how you treated my wife". "We have enough evidence to convict you" The princess was forcefully dragged away shouted "You won't get away with this, my relative Emperor manuel Ī will ensure that". King Baldwin IV calmly replied as he watched the princess and the noble man being dragged away. "We have enough allies to defend ourselves". Baldwin IV soon turned his attention to (Y/N) who refused to meet his gaze. Baldwin IV slowly approached her. He gently put his hand on her shoulder and said "As much I am angry with you, I am willing to forgive you since I knew you were scared but next time if someone threatens you please let me know about it first". (Y/N) finally turned her gaze to her husband and nodded shyly before both of them embraced each other. Finally happy that they are together again
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amethystpath-writes · 3 months
P2 Spare Him
Part 1 here
HIII HOW R U? SORRY, IT'S JUST YOUR NEWEST WRITING THE "Spare him" ONE WAS JUST SO LOVELY (Actually, all of your writings are ✨amazing✨) AND MY CURIOSITY IS PEAKED- PLEASE MAKE A PT 2?? (If you don't want to that's okay!)
Hope you're doing well, Thank you and have a great day <333
omg hi! so i just read your snippet “spare him” and it’s sooo good! i was wondering if you could continue it?
(A/N): Thank you both!! You guys are too sweet <3 Buckle in, this is a long one :)
Hero was silent as Villain led her down various corridors of his palace. He had left his audience of council members without a word, and cued his guard to follow along with his free hand. Now, Hero just wondered where they were going. She expected Villain would keep her locked up with the petty thieves and criminals, but they were going up stairs, not down.
She focused on Villain's fingers as they walked, and it wasn't until now that she noticed his knuckles were pink instead of white. He loosened his grip. When? Hero wasn't sure, but this sight was more familiar than the calloused king in the throne room. This touch, this lead, was welcoming, but she couldn't become accustomed to it again. It would be too foolish.
"You may leave us," Villain stated as the three of them approached a door on the right side of a long hall. There were four more doors past the one they stood at, and two behind, while the left side of the hall held the same seven doors.
"Your Majesty-"
"You may leave." Not a request, a demand. This tone would never be usual to Hero. It would never be the tone she expected to hear. His tone hurt, a quill against the drum of her ear, sharp and stinging and sudden. It made her stomach turn.
The guard didn't attempt to argue further. Hero wanted to ask, Would you have hurt him if he didn't leave? Would you have killed him for disobeying? Alas, she remained silent.
Anger would have better suit her situation. Screaming and demanding, beating Villain's chest with her fists. She wished to have her childlike rage back, when her brothers would mix mud into her perfumes or ripping her teabag when she wasn't looking so she would get a mouthful of herbs upon her next drink. Oh, they made her furious.
More than nothing else, she wanted this fury. Instead, she had become tame over the years, questioning her emotions before responding to them. Sometimes, she pondered so long that she couldn't even react in the face of her brother's murder. Sometimes, that was today.
She strode through the now-open door, not even noticing that Villain had entirely released her, walking in alone and leaving her alone in the hall. He didn't demand she follow, just waited with his back against a bedframe that stretched to the ceiling.
Walking into the room further, she noticed an abundance of decorations: tapestries on the walls, rugs beneath the bed and desk, and wooden knickknacks...knickknacks. Those were from Hero; she gave them to him during his last visit, before...
"You kept them."
Looking to Villain, he only nodded. In the throne room, amusement lit Villain's eyes. Now, Hero couldn't see his eyes at all. He wouldn't look at her, much less meet her curious gaze. "He asked me to," he finally said, ignoring her remark about his knickknacks altogether.
"Close the door."
Hero obliged, shutting it with a soft thunk. She stood by the door, still, feeling safer by it than being any closer to Villain than need be. He was going to have me executed.
"Your brother. It was the only way to stall your father."
"Villain, what are you talking about?" Whatever it was, could she even trust what he said? Her palms were sweating with anticipation of what he would say next.
"I didn't believe him at first- i didn't want to, but he had these letters, and they had your faither's stamp." Villain's back left the bedpost as he began pacing about the room. His demeanor was panicked, and Hero felt her emotions arising without the time to process them. Tears welled in her eyes, and in her confusion, she wasn't sure why.
"Villain, stop. Stop, I don't know what you're saying." Hero reached behind her to touch the door, to feel anything solid.
"Do you remember my father falling ill." Hero shook her head, despite her recollections. Villain's father had fallen ill upon their last visit to Hero's kingdom. The king came down with fevers and hallucinations. He spoke of his heart beating as quickly as horses' hooves running into battle. He fell into a sleep one day, and though Hero expected a sweat to break across his forehead, one never did. Her own father grimaced and cold it a case of bad weather. It had been dreary and cold, after all.
"My father was poisoned. It wasn't the rain, Hero."
"Did you see it happen?"
"No, but your brother-"
Horror clutched Hero's heart. "Is that why you killed him. You thought he killed your father?" Hero didn't doubt that his father may have been killed, but by her older brother? "You are despicable and you..." She was already pushing the door open, ready to leave, to dart down any hall she had to in order to leave. Learning her brother was killed for nothing almost felt as though he was being killed again.
"Hero, listen to me." His body was in front of her in a flash and his arm held the door. "It was your father, and your brother knew it."
"Nothing you are saying is making any sense. My father would never kill the king of another country without good reason. We were betrothed, Villain." Betrothed since Hero was born; they're kingdoms were always meant to become allies. It wouldn't make since for her father to kill Villain's. There was already an alliance.
"I know, I know. The pieces are scattered. Your brother's words were lost on me, too, but come here. I have the letters from your father."
Hero was reluctant to leave the door she stood by. She didn't trust Villain well enough to leave her one and only escape behind. But then...where would she escape to? Villain had always been faster than her when growing up, and that was as children playing games, not kings chasing runaway prisoners.
Villain seemed to pick up on her hesitancy because he volunteered, "I can bring them to you?" He was already at his desk, clutching papers between trembling hands. His gaze was soft, and Hero found her own gaze meeting the knickknacks on his desk again. Was it possible he was the same boy now that Hero gave those to then?
She nodded.
Villain's jaw clenched as he turned his head to the side with closed eyes. His expression spoke of pain. Hero watched the lump in his throat bob before he gently shook his head, opened his eyes, and began to walk over.
Her palms were hot as she clenched her fists and her shoulders ached with the tenseness strung between them. A knot formed in her throat, as large as Villain's adam's apple. She thought she was going to choke on it as Villain's arm brushed her own. He was leaning in, holding the papers out in front of either of them.
"I'm going to share these with you, but you can't speak about it outside of this room." He paused before gently asking, "Do you understand?"
Again, Hero nodded voicelessly. She felt as though she was in a dream, a sick dream which haunted her, gripped her throat, and wouldn't let her go. Was this real? Was any of this real?
"Your brother found these, trying to play a harmless prank on your father- stuff feathers in his boots; you know how he was."
And so Hero did. She almost felt a smile tug at her lips. She could imagine the scene:
Everyone would be in their chambers, bathing, and dressing for the night. Hero would be on her balcony, looking at the moon, stars, and clouds. Her sweet and mischievous brother would poke his head out of his own door and warn her to stay inside.
‘What did you do now?’ she would ask him.
He would smile and say, ‘Stop worrying, won’t you?’
‘Father is going to have enough of you one of these days.’ Did he? Was Villain telling the truth? It wouldn't explain why villain was the one that killed her brother, but maybe there trily was more to the story than a senseless betrayal.
"-council is fitting for my style of ruling. You are blunt, unlike my own family and council.”
"Wait, wait I wasn't listening." Without thinking, she took the papers from Villain's hands, brushing her fingers against his own. She read and read until, “One of my lords has a garden for the Assassin’s Keep. My wife has always found the flowers unknowingly pretty; it would not be difficult to harvest some…But the lord’s garden is poison.” This last sentence was Hero’s own. “He has been keeping poison in his chambers so acclimate her to their beauty. She would have never thought differently of them.”
“Keep reading,” Villain encouraged.
“I don’t-” Hero couldn’t read any more. Where would it lead? If she kept reading and learned her father really did want to kill Hero family off- “I left my brother, Villain. I have to go back for him.”
Hero turned on a heel, papers clutched tightly in her fist. As her hand reached the door, Villain’s hand stopped her.
“I can’t let you go back.”
“I will send someone to search for your brother, but it’s not safe for you to return.”
“But he has no one to-”
“For all we know, your father has already started a search party, and what do you think they will do when they find you?”
Well, Hero hadn’t considered that. If her father did want her dead, whatever soldier was in charge of finding her wouldn’t bring her home; they would kill her on the spot, say they found her dead in the woods- much like her own father possibly blaming the king’s death on the weather. It reminded her…She circled back to Villain’s desk with the papers still in hand. Hero thought now, if Villain truly was the nefarious one in all this, well, she was alive now, wasn’t she? Maybe there was some truth behind his words.
“What does your father have to do with this?” she mumbled as she skimmed. “Here.” Hero wasn’t sure why she was pointing it out as if Villain didn’t already know. In any case, she began to read aloud again. “The king is soft- focused too heavily on friendliness than actually protecting his people…Who is this even addressed to?” In her frenzy, Hero didn’t even think to look until now.
Gods, where was her mind? She was once a child full of reactions, then a young lady with a reserved mind, then a daughter- now sister- in mourning, then a prisoner kneeling beneath a sword, and now a woman so desperate for the truth that she couldn’t think straight to retrieve it.
She skimmed the words as she flipped back to the beginning. Surely, the papers were out of order by now. Hero certainly wasn’t keeping track.
“Villain, you killed him.” She slammed the papers down. Hero couldn’t let herself forget this no matter who was involved. Villain still killed her brother. None of these letters could explain that.
Villain drew a breath at this time. “How about I leave you here tonight? You can look at your father’s letters without me breathing down your neck.”
Hero looked up. “Will you be back?”
“Before morning.” Villain nodded to the vastness of the room. “It’s not appropriate to emerge from a room that is not his.”
This was Villain’s room. It made sense; he had a nice desk, rugs, wall decor, a large bed, the knick-knacks Hero gifted him, amongst many other things. It looked much like Hero’s room back at home. But, “Why have the king’s chambers in the middle of the hall?”
“My council said it’s an unpredictable location. Among their own hall, I’ll never be expected.” His lips drew tight and his nose wrinkled as his brows pinched. “Personally, I think it puts me more at risk. After all, a council is not made up of soldiers.”
“Why would your own council put you in that position?”
He shrugged. “Keep reading. I will see you before sunrise. Best you lock the door when you leave.”
“Where will you sleep?”
“Recently, it’s easier for me to sleep with my eyes open. Rummage as you will. My room was always meant to be yours anyway.”
Betrothed. Villain and Hero were always meant to marry. It was meant to unite their kingdoms. If it was already agreed upon, and Hero and Villain were even in agreement, why would her father throw it all away?
She looked to the papers on the desk, sprawled out where she had thrown them. “The key?”
“Look around what you’re familiar with.”
Thoughtlessly, she lifted two of the three knick-knacks. Under one was a small key.
“I’ll slide a clover under the door when I’m ready to come in. Don’t open the door for anyone else.” He turned his back to her, and left with a final, “Sleep well, Hero,” in his wake.
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bean-bean2000 · 6 months
The Maid - Part 5
Pairing: Loki x reader (on going series)
Warnings: Angst, abuse, mental health (depression, mentions of suicidal thoughts), swearing, mentions of torture and rape. Loki being an ass.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Author's note: Sorry for the wait! Work and school got hectic. Hope you enjoy!!
Part 4
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Your head is pounding as you begin to stir awake. You groan as your hands sink into the soft sheets. You stop abruptly.
This isn't my cot.
Your heart is racing in panic. Your head is laying on the fluffiest pillow you've ever touched and the silk from the sheets slide smoothly across your skin.
You become acutely aware that you're lying face down again and feel the shiver from the cold across your back. You jolt up and groan out loudly in pain as your wounds on your back stretch from the sudden movement. You’re breathing heavily and shaking as you sit up, feet dangling off the bed.
You take in your surroundings, realizing the room seems very familiar, as you scan the room and notice the emerald green sheets on the bed and the book on the night stand.
I'm in the king’s chambers.
You gasp and your eyes go wide as you fumble off the bed. Your chest is exposed, and you grab onto the first green blanket you spot and cover yourself, so you're decent enough.
You're alone. It's quiet. You turn to the large mirror that is up against the wall facing the bed and examine your back. You notice that it has almost healed completely, leaving thick, ragged scars across your back.
How long have I been out? This should have taken at least one month to fully heal… the wounds are completely closed, the scars are white and red.
You're staring them, realizing that they will forever be there marking your skin of the trauma you've endured.
"You're up." you hear a voice from behind you say.
You scream in surprise and jump in the air, backing away from the sound.
You look up at lock eyes with the king.
"Your majesty, I'm - I don't - I woke up…" you stumble over your words trying to explain yourself. You notice that you are indecently exposed within the kings chambers, uninvited, and hug the blanket closer to your chest.
You decide to stop talking and stare at the floor.
He smirks as he crosses his arms, evaluating the scene before him "I requested Banner clean your wounds after our conversation in the kitchen."
You look up at him confused. Why would he care? He ordered I get whipped for my retaliation… for defending myself… You feel the anger bubbling inside you.
How dare he pretend to care? To make up this act before me when all he has done is make me suffer since the day I arrived.
You say nothing as you bite the inside of your cheek to prevent the words from spilling out. You know the consequences of speaking to a royal in such manner, let alone a king, would land you in much more dire situations than before.
The king takes a tentative step forward and you take a step back. He notices this and stops in his tracks, folding his hands together behind his back.
"You fear me. You despise me." He declares matter of fact.
You say nothing again. I'm much better off keeping my mouth shut. You stare at him with a fire in your eyes. Anger which you can never act upon.
He steps forward again, and you step back.
"I healed you. Your wounds were very badly infected. Banner thought you wouldn't make it past the night. I used my magic but couldn't get rid of the scars… they are too deep." he explains to you.
Because of you, you spoiled sheltered asshole! Oh, fuck it. If he kills me now it will be better than living this so-called life.
You straighten your posture and stare at him directly in the eyes. A sign of confidence and defiance. You think you see a spark behind his eyes as you do this and a small smirk tugging at his lips.
"Why?" you say stoically.
"Why, what? Be specific, darling." he says smugly.
"Why did you heal me?" you ask angrily, voice rising slightly from frustration.
"Because you were hurt."
Your jaw ticks. He's doing it on purpose to piss me off.
"Why do you care that I am hurt?" you push further.
"Hmmmm….." he taps his foot and lifts his chin in thought.
Pompous prick.
"I missed your work as my maid. You were rather thorough." he replies, head tilting to the side in challenge.
That's it. I've had enough. Fuck the consequences.
Your voice rises as you let go of your pent-up anger "Are you kidding me?! You missed my work as your MAID? Am I just an object? A toy you can fuck around with when you're bored?!"
He says nothing as he lets you continue your rant.
"You send those disgusting rats you call guards to beat, rape and abuse the staff all they want. We can't say a damn word about it without getting beaten to a pulp to keep our mouths shut. I have succumbed to MONTHS of this fucking treatment, beaten down like a dog when I refused to submit to the Snake's desires. Every time he said it was a special message from YOU as a result of my defiance.” You point your finger at him and approach him challengingly, eyes seething with rage and pain.
“I don't regret a single thing I did. I wish I would have gouged his fucking eyes out when I had a chance! I defend myself from being forced onto and you order them to whip me because of it?!” What kind a monster are you? I've heard the stories, and I believed them when it came to war, but I never thought you to be so callous towards your own people, your own staff.”
You’re waving your arm in the air and your eyes and stinging, tears forming. You swallow hard and blink them away, refusing to let him see how much pain he has truly inflicted upon you internally. Feeling the anger bubbling up again, you continue.
“Then! THEN, YOU come to MY aid like I'm some damsel in distress? I DON'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS SHIT!" you’re panting and your voice is raw from screaming out your rant.
You realize your breathing heavily and look down at the floor, taking some slow breaths to calm down. The reality of what you’ve just done dawns on you, and you accept your fate. Your eyes become void of everything. When you lift your gaze up to his and lock eyes, you see something flash across his face. Pain? Worry?
"Just kill me now. I don't care what or how you do it just end it already. I will not be treated as a toy you can bend to your own desires and beat for your own pleasure. This isn't a life worth living. I would rather die than live another day inside these palace walls." Your voice calm and stoic.
You stare at him and notice all smugness has disappeared. Now, his jaw is locked, fists tightly at his side making his knuckles turn white. The anger in his eyes terrifies you.
You have nothing left in you to start begging he spare your life. "I understand the consequences of my actions." you say while slowly getting to your knees and maintain eye contact "Nothing I said was a lie, I regret nothing. I only ask for one thing: End it quickly."
You hear him approach you when he stops mere inches away. You close your eyes in anticipation, expecting the inevitable and let out a deep sigh.
You begin to smile, realizing your pain will be over soon and you will be able to join your family again among the stars. You feel a single tear fall down your cheek.
"Get up." he commands. Your brows furrow in confusion as you open your eyes and look up at him.
"Do not make me repeat myself." he says sternly.
You slowly get up and face him. Your neck slightly craned up from his imposing height, to meet his gaze.
“Here. Change in the bathroom. I will be waiting. There is much to discuss.”
You stare at him quizzically, brows furrowing in confusion. What is going on? In your confused and shocked state, you grab the clothes he has outstretched to you and walk to the bathroom. You look at your reflection, your bruises and cuts are gone but the look in your own eyes surprises you. Apathy. You realize you feel nothing, you care for nothing anymore.
Sighing heavily, you throw on the green pyjamas he provided. They are clearly too big for you, but you manage to tighten the shorts as much as possible around your frame with an elastic and the short-sleeve shirt cascades down to your knees.
What will he do to me? Fear courses through you, adrenaline kicks in and you start flinging the cabinets open.
There has to be something in here, please. Your breathing is heavy as you shakily throw things around until you spot the scissors and snatch them.
This is it. Do I do it? I can’t win against him. He’s a god for fuck’s sake! This is my only chance to escape. I know what he is capable of, he will hold me hostage and bend me at his will. I would rather die than let that happen again. I’ll be damned before I let a man control me again.
Your back is facing the door ,wrist outstretched as you raise the scissors. As you begin to lower them towards your wrist, you feel a strong hand grab onto yours, stopping it mid-air.
Suddenly you’re spun around and pinned against the wall, facing the king.
You stare into his eyes and notice the shocking swirl of emotions in his bright emerald eyes as they bore into yours. You don’t understand what it is. It looks like hurt?
His nostrils are flaring, his hand harshly holding yours above your head.
You gulp heavily. Suddenly aware of your proximity to him, your chest only inches apart.
“Drop it.” He commands.
You’re breathing heavily out of… fear? Adrenaline?
Before you can decipher your emotions you feel his hand place pressure over yours as your hand reflexively opens and the scissors scatter across the tile.
“You forget I am a God. I see all, I hear all, I know all.” He says, leaning in closer.
You realise there is no way out. Might as well go out with a bang.
“Do you? Hear all? See all? Know all? Almighty god”. You see his eyes flash and a smirk form across his face.
“Watch your mouth, maid.” He hisses.
“Or what?” you challenged. “You’ll kill me? Throw me to the dungeons? Be my guest. I’ll just try killing myself again until I succeed. I don’t care about this world, it has brought nothing but pain into my life. I don’t care what you do to me, but I’ll be damned before I let another man control me. God or not.” You say through gritted teeth.
He sees your eyes flash with emotions you can’t place.
There she is. Loki thinks to himself.
“I have more fitting plans for a woman such as yourself.” He says as he backs away from you, dropping your hand.
“Try that again, and I won’t stop you.” He says sternly.
“Is that supposed to be a threat? Sounds like a gift to me. By all means…. Please don’t, your highness…” you say as you mockingly curtsy to him.
His grits his teeth as he corners you against the wall once again. His hands begin to glow green.
Momentarily, your eyes flash with fear, then amazement. You turn your head and admire the glow.
“Let me reiterate.” His voice, breaks you from your trance as you look up at him again. He approaches you even closer, your chests barely inches apart.
“Try that again, and I’ll make you wish you were truly dead. Don’t push your luck.” He threatens.
You gulp heavily.
You see satisfaction cross his features as he realizes he has won this argument. He backs away and looks you up down and nods with a smirk.
“Now, as I said, we have much to discuss.” He steps to side and to the bedroom with one arm. You sigh heavily, defeated and with no other choice, you make your way out of the bathroom.
Fucking prick.
Let me know what you all think of the story so far!! Feedback is welcome!
Part 6
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sleepytwilight · 4 months
Right person, right time.
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"Lilith... Run while you still can." Said Hael. "I promise I'll take care of your son so please... Please I don't want you to end up like this." He cried.
Lilith let out a faint smile as she glance at outside of her tower. The place where she was locked up since she arrived back to her world.
"I'm sorry." She smiles, "I don't think I can leave my baby alone... If I leave, they'll kill him and you. Humans, they are more dangerous than you thought. They may have no magic but together they formed a great soldier to defeat you."
"..." Hael frowns. "... This is not fair. He just want to use you for the throne, once he gets what he want, a heir from you. He'll kill you." Said Hael. "Don't tell me you're giving up. Lilith, you survived for 20 years, you can't just give up!"
"... I'm tired, Hael." She confessed. "Throne, wars and getting used. I'm tired of it, if he just want a heir from me then fine. I'll give what he want and he'll free me by killing me." She cried. "... I'm such a bad mother for wanting to die. My son, Astral... ... Hael, as my guardian, please... Take Astral far away from this empire." She ordered. "Please help me before I lost my mind."
"... As you wish... My empress." Hael nodded. "... Your son, I will make sure he knows how much you love him."
Lilith smiles at Hael comfort. Once the bell rings, it's the sign that she is soon to be wed.
"Go now, take Astral far away from here while everyone are distracted." Said Lilith.
Hael nodded, he turned into his cat form and sneaked out from the tower.
The maids entered the tower, as well with Lilith's stepmother, Evelyn.
"Well well well, our little Valentine's wedding day has come." She smirks. "What's with the long face, dear? Shocked that you're going to marry someone you don't know?"
"... I'm not sure, mother. Tell me about it." Replied Lilith. "Is this how I'm going to die?"
"... ..." Evelyn sighed. "You really an idiot... You could've run away when you get the chance. You have magic and a shape shifter by your side yet you still stay."
Lilith was taken aback that her stepmother knew about Hael.
"What you think I didn't realize that? A cat that been with you for 20 years, plus he's your mother's pet..." Evelyn scoffed, she grabbed Lilith hair and force her head out of the window. "Look around you, my dear. Everyone is celebrating your wedding. Funny enough they are also was the one who celebrated your death too..."
"Pathetic isn't it? This is how we live, my dear. If only your mother stay on her place, none of this wouldn't happen... We could've have a nice relationship." Evelyn huffed as she let go of Lilith's hair. "Despite having a blind eye and burn mark, you're going to be very beautiful on your wedding day." Said Evelyn. "I'll spare your son and your cat as wedding gift. I'm hoping I don't need to get rid of them."
Thus, Evelyn left the tower. Lilith pathetically cried, wondering why she's so weak. If only she was brave enough to fight back, despite all the abuse she still love her parents.
The maids tend Lilith, they helps Lilith gets ready for her wedding. She looks like a perfect princess.
"Your majesty, let me do your hair." Offer one of the maid.
Lilith looks over the mirror, her hair got longer while she was locked away.
"Cut it." Ordered Lilith. "I... Really hates long hair."
"I see... I understand, your majesty." The maid obediently obligated to Lilith order.
Lilith's hair once again are short, just like the day she arrived at Neb Aula. If Arcturus was here, he would love to put accessories on her hair.
"Thank you." Smiles Lilith.
Lilith took an earring from her drawer. A gift from Vega, her best friend. She slightly chuckles to herself, remember the good time. She wore the earring, a star shaped one.
"Your majesty, you have to take off your ring." Said one of the maid. "It's against the protocol, your majesty have to wear the ring that given by the groom only."
Lilith huffed, she look over her ring. The ring that Sirius gave her, she never take it off even after everything he had done.
"I'm going to die soon, won't it be just cruel to not let me do what I want?"
"That's... ... Alright, your majesty. We understand." The maid sighed, she pities Lilith. "We will escort you to your wedding."
"My father won't be escorting me, huh?" She smiles faintly. "I expected it."
As Lilith walked alone down the aisle, while her father the former emperor watched as she getting humiliated by the gossips.
Lilith gaze shifted to her groom, Adam. The famous Duke and the witch hunter. She never understand how he could proposed to her when he barely know her.
She could feel her half sister, Eve is glaring at her. Her little sister used to talk about Adam all the time.
'ah... This is already tiresome.' Lilith thought to herself.
"You look gorgeous." Complimented Adam. "No need to be shy, we're soon to be husband and wife."
"Ah... Right." Lilith forced herself to smile.
She recalled the day Pollux shot the fake Sirius on her wedding day in Neb Aula. She had no idea that fake Sirius proposed to her- anyway... She hopes Pollux is here to shoot Adam.
Spica if he was here, he would love to nag her. Asking why she's all gloomy on her wedding day but bought every expensive gift for her. It's his way to worry, Lilith imaged Spica will be the one who walked her to her wedding, he would shows off to everyone.
Alpheratz, the man she never bother to say his name properly and only call him 'Phera'. She missed him already, he wouldn't hesitate to save her. He always saved her.
Arcturus, Spica, Pollux, Alpheratz, Vega and Sirius...
She was very happy to be able to experienced her own life.
Giana, Rigel, Thuban, Schedar and Altair. She hopes they're fine without having Polaris.
Lilith snapped back from her thoughts, realizing the pope has almost finish his recital.
"And you, Lilith Valentine. Will you take Adam Roosevelt as your husband?" Asked the pope.
Lilith hesitated. "... I—..."
"Her answer is no as her actual husband is standing right here." A familiar voice came out from the crowds.
Lilith turns around and the man is none other but Sirius. She dropped her bouquet of flowers, as tears rolling down from her cheeks.
"Pardon, but you are interfering a royal wedding. Who are you?!" Adam raised his voice.
"Don't you hear him? He is Lilith only husband! Sirius, the first sorcerer of Canis major!" Pollux join in. "Now bow down you bastard!" He took his gun and aimed it on Adam.
"Uh- Poll, we want to avoid bloodshed." Arcturus joins in. "Lilith you're very beautiful but we're saving you now!"
Lilith's stepmother got upset by sorcerers who disturb the wedding.
"Lilith dear, who the hell are these men?!" Asked Evelyn.
"We are her friends." Said Vega. "Hello, Lady Evelyn. Long time no see, did you had your fun after you executed my parents?"
"Y-you—!" Evelyn suddenly fell into fear. "It can't be, I thought you're dead!"
Vega smirks as Evelyn misery.
"Well, guess you didn't did a good job on killing me. Too bad I'm here to save my best friend, consider yourself lucky that I hold myself for her."
"Okay, I got the kid and Hael." Alpheratz entered the hall, already feels tired as he saw Pollux aiming to shoot Adam. "Okay kiddo, how about we go out so you don't have to see bloodshed-" and Alpheratz walked out once again.
"Haha... This is real, right?" Lilith muttered to herself. "Sirius, everyone... Is that really you guys?"
"... Yes," replied Sirius. "Sorry for taking too long to rescue you." He apologized.
"Better late than never.." Lilith ran into Sirius embrace, "you're really real..."
"Of course we are." Join Pollux. "Now shall I shot him and your ass mother?" Asked Pollux.
"No Poll, we should go now." Said Arcturus. "Spica can't hold the portal forever."
"I see you're still wearing the ring.." smiled Sirius. "Let's go home now, Lilith."
"Yes!" She smile as she wipe her tears. "Let's go now."
"Wait Lilith, are you seriously going to run with these bunch of men?! They're—" Adam was quick to shut up when Pollux shot the ceiling making a loud noise.
"Shut the hell up-" said Pollux.
"Well, we gotta make our run." Added Arcturus.
"This kid take a lot after Sirius..." Said Spica as he pokes Astral cheeks.
"Well I'm praying to God that he takes after Lilith personality-" replied Alpheratz. "Hael is sleeping, that old cat is probably relief that everything is alright now."
"Guys, we're here!" Arcturus ran as he wave at Spica.
"Talk about time." Spica smiles out of relief. "Seems like Sirius is carrying Lilith. Don't get jealous, Alpheratz."
"Are you teasing me right now?" Scoffed Alpheratz. "Now, I just want to support Lilith all I can and wish her happiness with Sirius as she deserves."
"You're... Getting matured. I'm proud." Add Spica.
Once again, Lilith's back to Neb Aula. The towers are long gone yet everything seems peaceful.
"Did you like it?" Asked Sirius. "While... I was recovering, I fixed everything. Monsters has been erased from this world." Said Sirius.
"It's... Beautiful." She smiles.
"Yeah you lovebirds-" Alpheratz faked a cough as he handed Astral to Sirius. "Your son, don't cry in front of me-"
"... I won't." Sirius gently caress his son. "God... I really messed up, didn't I?"
"I said don't cry in front of me—" Alpheratz sighed. "I'll just leave you guys be... Family bonding.."
"It's okay, Sirius... I'm here now." Said Lilith.
"How... How can you still be waiting for me? I caused you a lot of pain yet you...." He cried as he hug his child gently. "And I abandoned our son because I was so selfish..."
"Because I love you, Sirius. You came back, didn't you? You came back for us." Lilith smile softly as she hold Sirius face. "I don't mind waiting for thousand years for you because I know you'll come back to me."
Sirius smiles, he gently took Lilith and embrace her along with their son.
"... I really don't deserve you.." whispered Sirius.
"But I deserve you." Replied Lilith. "You're my everything, Sirius."
"Heh... You're making me cry." Sirius slightly chuckles. "Our son... What did you named him?"
"Astral." Answered Lilith. "It's the name you chose."
"Ah... I'm pretty good with name, hmm?" He smiles. "Astral my son... I promise I'll be a good father to you."
"You will be the perfect father." Said Lilith.
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cherryblossomssmash · 2 years
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14 notes · View notes
Manhwa's I have read this year
Pink means it's my favourite ones.
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The remarried empress
Men of harem
Lady and the beast.
Royal Shop of Young Lady.
Forget My Husband I'Il Go Make Money.
I Want To Become The Emperor, So I Need A Divorce.
I tamed my ex husband's madog.
The Villainess Debuts Gorgeously.
I Will Fall With The Emperor.
I Failed To Throw The Villain Away.
your regrets mean nothing to me.
my in-laws are obsessed with me.
A Divorce evil lady bakes cake.
The price of braking up.
The tree are living a married life.
Dangerous Fiancée.
My Husband is a antisocial count.
Baked by the barones.
Who kidnapped the empress.
the villainess tames the beast.
if you desire my despair.
the abandoned princess secret Bedroom.
The Mistress Runs away.
It's not your child.
The monstrous dukes adopted daughter.
The Saintes returns as a vilian.
Regina Rena.
You never meet a villainess like me.
Tru education.
As the Villainess I rejected these happy bad endings.
The archduke gorgeous wedding was a fraud.
I will take the dutchy from today.
Isn't being a wicked woman much better.
Flirting with the villain's dad.
Goddess emila wants to escape.
My goal is to achieve success on my own
I refuse to be executed a second time.
Romance is dead.
I'm devorsed but I'm a chaebol.
I'm in trouble because my husband is so cute.
I'm the queen in this life.
Go away romeo.
If you want a fake sister.
I'm being raised by villain's.
I'm the fake saintess but the gods are obsessed with me.
The heat of the reincarnated villainess.
Attic princess.
The older sister of a maniac.
I thought it was a common Isekai story.
The abandoned bachelorette enjoys her simple life.
Love doesn't matter.
I've become the villainous emperor.
The way to protect the female leads older brother.
I have become the heroes rival.
Death is The only ending for the villainess.
Who made me a princess.
Marriage of Convenience:95
Royal marriage.
The Obsessive second male lead has gone wild.
I am the real one.
I don't love you anymore.
I'm ingaged to the Obsessive male lead.
Lies become you.
You go marry my husband.
How to get my husband on my side.
Empress simulation.
I'll be the matriarch in this life.
The dukes dark lady.
In to the light once again.
My body has been possessed by someone.
Depths of malice
Becoming the villain's family.
My destiny to be the hero's saviour.
The real daughter is back.
A noble pirate.
The world without my sister.
I'm devorseing my tyrant husband.
Even if I'm the villainess I'll become the heroine.
Beast's Flower.
Once Wicked always wicked.
Crownless queen.
I thought I didn't have long to live.
I tamed a Tyrant and Ran Away.
Beloved in-laws.
The villainess revenge.
Your Majesty please don't kill me again.
And Unseemly lady.
Baby tryant.
The tyrant wants to be good.
I will politely decline the male lead.
I'm the villainess but so famous.
Crazy princess renia.
The gangster baby of the dukes.
Surving as an illegitimate child.
It's useless to hang on.
Empress cesia wears shorts.
Of all things i became a crow.
No more turning a blind eye.
I became the Ugly lady.
A Stepmother's Marche.
While you are in love.
Devine inconvenience.
After I cured his insomnia, Tyrant became Obsessive.
Revenge is sweeter than honey.
My Unexpected Marriage.
From Duty to Devotion.
Hated It Even More.
I'm to lazy to be the villainess.
The tyrant princess wants to get married.
Stella the star princess.
Please support my revenge.
Reasons to Protect the Witch's son.
The Reason Why The Twin Lady Crossdresses.
Why Do You Love Me When Refuse Your Request.
Finding Camilla.
I Don't Want to Be Loved.
The Villainess has Fun.
Surviving as an Obsessed Servant.
A Saintess adopted by the grand Duke.
I Adopted a Villainous dad.
No Place for the Fake Princess.
Villainess need a Tyrant.
Tamed a blackened slave.
Princess hundreds ways of martyrdom.
A Perfect Ending of the Villain.
Beast within.
I will seduce the male lead for my older brother.
I've become the true villainess.
I became the obsessive villain's babysitter.
I'll change my fate to be executed.
The tyrants tranquillizer.
Crow dutchess.
The Male Leaď's Nephew Loves Me So Much.
Falling for a Dying Princess.
I Am the Villain.
Why Do You Love Me When Refuse Your Request.
The betrayed queen is devoted to by the beautiful baron.
Baby Pharmacist Princess.
The Runaway Lead Lives Next Door.
The villains life l'Il live it once.
La Dolce Vita de Adelaide.
Why Would a Villainess Have Virtue.
My Childhood Friend Became an Obsessive Husband.
10 ways to get rejected by the tyrant.
I Became the Villainess in an Anticlimactic Novel.
To Those Who Long for My Destruction.
Becoming the obsessive male lead's ex-wife.
How to survive as a maid in a horror game.
the fake saint waits to leave.
Obsidian Bride.
Rosalyn Vogart.
Let's take a bath Duke.
The Precious Girl Does Not Shed Tears.
Father i don't want to get married.
The Priest Dreaming of a Dragon.
She No Longer Wields Her Sword.
I am the Male Lead’s Ex-Girlfriend.
Red Laurel Flowers to My Emperor.
I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend.
Please Don’t Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store.
In This Life, I Will Raise You Well, Your Majesty.
Vengeance from a Saint Full of Wounds.
The Duke’s Daughter is Going on Strike.
The daughter of evil.
The Villainous grand Duke sister.
Beware the Villainess.
A wicked tale of Cinderella's step mom.
The devil raised a lady.
Reborn As a Character That Never Existed.
The Precious Sister of the Villainous Grand Duke.
I Didn't Save You To Get Proposed To.
I took away the tyrant's virginity.
The dutchess has a death wish.
Heaven official's blessing.
I'm being chased by my husband.
Why she lives as a villainess.
I'll just live on as a villainess.
I created a harm to avoid the male lead.
I became the sultans precious cat.
I'm a villain but I saved the female lead.
I will divorce the female leads brother.
Let's live together.
I became the greatest heiress of the empire.
I raised my younger sister beautyfully .
I Accidentally Saved the Male Lead’s Brother.
I Didn’t Mean to Seduce the Male Lead.
Here reigns the vengeful villainess.
I Am Selling the Main Character’s Shares.
The villainess reverse hourglass.
The price is your everything.
I became the mother of the bloody male lead.
I think it would be better for me to become king.
The Villainess is a Marionette.
As My Husband Said, I Brought in A Lover.
How a Villainess Survives as a Saint.
The Empress Wants To Avoid the Emperor.
The glamours life of the fake mistress.
The villainess reverse hourglass.
I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead.
Cinderella Wasn’t Me.
The Crown Prince’s Fiancée.
Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom.
Marriage Alliance for Revenge.
To My Husband’s Mistress.
The reason why raeliana ended up in the Dukes mansion.
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93 notes · View notes
wonryllis · 7 months
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( NOTES ) I WILL KEEP ADDING MORE AS I FIND NEW GOOD ONES!! as you can see i seem to have a certain taste for historical and transmigration aus lmao but they're legit all really good i swear i'm super picky when it comes to these things especially with the art style so trust me my recs all have good art if not bombastically fantastic! IM OPEN TO NEW RECS PLS SUGGEST SOME GOOD ONES!! 📌 - very good , 📌📌 - must read , 📌📌📌 - haven't read then die!
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LOVE LIKE CHERRY BLOSSOMS: modern school setting, male lead helps fem lead to score points with the guy she has a crush on and they end up falling for each other, kinda bad boy x good girl, there is also a side couple whose story is absolutely cute, the fem lead's bestie x male lead's older cousin. art and plot is realllyy good. completed, 92 chapters, happy ever after ending. 📌
HIDDEN LOVE: modern, brother's best friend, age gap (5 years i think) fem lead falls for her brother's best friend at first sight, her one sided crush goes on for years until she gets into uni and they both stay in the same city and start hanging out together. he slowly falls for her and boom they get into a relationship!! super cute and art style is top notch(i find the brother so much hotter honestly), ongoing i think. 📌
ONCE MORE: high school love reunion kinda, used to like each other due to misunderstandings couldn't confess and later reunite as teachers in their high school. adorable story full of fluff. tomboyish fem x popular guy. the second lead couple is to die for, cute girl x tsundere guy, she's a teacher too and guy is fem lead's childhood friend. completed, 156 chapters, happy ever after ending. 📌
PHARAOH'S CONCUBINE: isekai, royal/historical au, girl is a history major and like really fascinated with ancient egypt so her brother gets her an ancient relic (a snake bracelet) which gets her sucked back 3000 years in ancient egypt and the powerful pharaoh ends up falling deep in love with her. literally the best thing ever the plot is the most interesting and connected in a circle one i have ever read my all time favourite the top one! there are a lot of heart fluttering scenes but also heartbreaking scenes and it's just so damn good! READ IT NOW!! completed season 1 (around 70 chapters) for further seasons there's only novel so far which is in chinese. FAVOURITE!!!!!!.📌📌📌
HOW TO GET MY HUSBAND ON MY SIDE: transmigation, royal/historical au, girlie wakes up in another body who is like set to be the villian of the novel so for the sake of survival portrays herself as a harmless character and throws herself at her husband at any chance to make him think she could never do anything evil to him because she loves him a lot. there's so much fluff and heart fluttering moments but there are some incidents which are kinda angsty but it's worth it! male lead is smitten, crazy over his wife!!! and he's hot! super hot! the best married couple duo ever! he's so protective of her it's crazy. ongoing! one of my favourites. 📌📌📌
YOUR MAJESTY PLEASE DON'T KILL ME AGAIN: transmigation, historical/royal au, girlie wakes up in a noble lady's body in a novel where the male lead is a ruthless ruler who kills all family for the throne, so she becomes his maid/lady in waiting and ends up winning his heart lmao first as a friend when they're literally kids and more as they grow up. plot is interesting becuz girl is always under the threat of being killed by the prince where as he doesn't really have those intentions and just actually treasures her sorta? ongoing.
ACTUALLY, I WAS THE REAL ONE: rebirth/going back in time?, royal/historical au, fantasy, fem lead is killed by her father, the emperor when another girl appears and claims to be the real princess and he believes her because she looks more like the late empress than the fem lead. before her death she finds out she actually is the real daughter. when she opens her eyes she's back years before and this time tries her best to prove the fact she's the actual one, male lead is like not decided between two guys, one is a hot blond magician helping her and the other a head royal knight. ongoing.
I BECAME THE WIFE OF THE MALE LEAD: transmigation, fantasy, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up in the body of a really power girl with magic, the villainess. does her best to change her role and it starts with saving the male lead and becoming his friend but oh god he ends up falling for her so hard and girlie is so oblivious. they're a power couple in terms of strength like her magic powers are undisputable and the male lead strength and skills in sword fighting are exceptional. they both are a pair of beauties and male lead is hottttt!! the fem lead's so called father is also super hot man. really interesting storyline with twists, ongoing. one of my favourites. 📌📌📌
MY SECRETLY HOT HUSBAND/MY HUSBAND HIDES HIS BEAUTY: transmigration, historical, fantasy au, fem lead wakes up as the bride of the powerful demon hunter duke known to hide a hideous face behind a mask, she helps him get rid of the curse of family, and helps the dukedom grow and have a name in the kingdom. husband wife who are down bad for each other. completed, 109 chapters, happy ever after ending. one of my favorites. 📌📌
NO PLACE FOR THE FAKE PRINCESS: foretelling fantasy?, historical/royal au, fem lead reads a book where she's the villainness and the fake princess turns out the book shows future events if she continues to live the same way so she changes her attitude and gains the love of her father by being an obedient and capable daughter so when the real princess arrives she will not be killed by her father and get the chance to run away to live a peaceful life but when the time comes and she elopes her father goes crazy trying to find her because he loves her and the same goes for the male lead!! ongoing.
SECRET LADY: reincarnation, transmigration, historical/royal au, fem lead could see ghosts in her original body and even after reincarnation as a noble lady of a powerful family she can still see ghosts, these ghosts help her know that the second prince is going to be assassinated so she offers to help him under a guise of a poor maiden. she falls for him while he has always loved her but because of a curse in the royal family their love faces many obstacles. super amazing plot, really really interesting. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌
WHO MADE ME A PRINCESS: transmigration, royal/historical au, fem lead wakes up inside a novel in the body of the only princess of the cruel emperor who hates her because the empress died giving birth to her. originally the princess is killed by him but the fem lead tries her best to change the story and her father's feelings towards her by being an adorable daughter who apparently loves her dad a lot. the male lead is a renowned magician like the best one from legends and also the son of a duke, she doesn't choose one by the end but it is heavily shown who she prefers. really great plot, so many twists and turns but so worth it! completed, 125 chapters. happy ending, one of my favorites. 📌📌
BEING A WICKED WOMAN IS COMFORTABLE AND PLEASANT: transmigration, historical/royal au, fantasy, magic, fem lead enters the body of the villianous and decides to live comfortably by using that role and collecting more money and as said living comfortably without disturbing the main couples. (it's a reverse harem for the original fem lead of the novel but now girlie takes her place) she is known as a stupid person not knowing how to use magic but as a person from modern world magic formulae become his forte and she literally changes so many things and becomes an icon. ongoing.
THE VILLIANESS IS A MARIONETTE: transmigration, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up in the body of the villian's sister who is known as the her brother's (villian) puppet, she decides to change it all by changing her behaviour towards him and gaining his favor and affection trying to make him the puppet, this gets the male lead, a powerful duke who previously hated her and she had been forcing herself on him romantically(the original character) ends up falling for the new her. plot and art and characters are to die for. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌📌
BABY TYRANT: transmigration, historical/royal au, after dying the fem lead wakes up in the body of the beloved princess of a powerful empire. now she has everything she's wanted but it's hard to accept and with people trying to undo the prophecy of her birth her father makes her the emperor oh god, also the male lead is a like a demon or something i don't remember. ongoing.
INTO THE LIGHT, ONCE AGAIN: rebirth, new family, historical/royal au, fantasy, magic, fem lead was previously a princess who was killed by her own family because another sister falsely accused her of trying to kill her. betrayed by everyone she loved and thought who loved her, she wakes up as the beloved princess of the neighbouring kingdom where her new family loves her to death, with the help of her brother and the male lead who is the light king, she embarks on her journey of revenge against the evil sister. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌
THE SIREN: BECOMING THE VILLAIN'S FAMILY: rebirth/travelling back in time?, kinda historical au? but not, fantasy, the fem lead is one of the last surviving sirens, her father sells her to the emperor who cages her makes her sing till death. before dying though, the male lead goes on a killing spree and kills everyone in the palace and rescues her just because no reason no he doesn't love her at that point. upon going back in time she tries to change things and this time ends up as the male lead's wife and he falls for her hard. ongoing, the art is everything literally the best ever you either hate it or love it, and the plot is sooo good too, ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌📌📌
FOR MY DERELICT FAVORITE: transmigration, rebirth/travel back in time?, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up as a noble woman background character in her favorite novel. however after watching her favorite character die of heartbreak she kills herself and when she wakes up she's years back and this time makes sure to help her favorite character live a happy life and move on from the past, by becoming his wife and getting him justice. fan x idol couple lmao she's crazy about him. ongoing. 📌📌📌
SERENA/SELENA: somewhere between modern and historical au, marriage of convience, arranged marriage, the fem lead loses her parents and brother in an accident and then later on married off to a guy of opponent family by her grandmother who passes the family business to him. enraged she's determined he plans to destroy her but later the truth comes ot and they fall in love and oh she takes over her family business a girl boss!! both play hard to get, stubborn characters, enemies to lovers, age gap (5 years) art is so damn good you'll drool, ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌📌📌
I TAMED MY EX HUSBAND'S MAD DOG: rebirth/travelling back in time?, historical/royal au, fem lead lives a miserable first life because of her husband who indirectly kills her father, cheats on her, and basically ruins her life. after going back in time she makes sure to do everything to take her revenge and this time she finds and makes allies with her husband's pet like right hand man who is also the male lead, they end up falling in love!! age gap but not much ig i don't remember, ongoing.
I'LL BE THE MATRIARCH IN THIS LIFE: rebirth/travelling back in time?, not kinda historical?, fem lead watches her grandfather die and leave the family business to ruins by handing it to her brothers while she was the most capable one but he realised it too late. after rebirth? she makes sure to make him aware of her skills from early on in childhood so that she can succeed him and take care of the family business herself, her skills from handling the affairs in past life gain her lots of advantage including supporting the second prince who'll become a ruthless king in future by becoming his friend and who also ends up falling for her. ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌
CRY, EVEN BETTER IF YOU BEG: somewhere between historical and modern?, age gap(6 years i think), enemies to lovers kinda?, red flag male lead, he's crazy, so after girlie's parents die she ends up living with her uncle who works as a gardener for the male lead's family. he comes home very summer and everytime they have encounters which screammm red flag but i still love the story. he loves making her suffer. anyway ongoing, one of my favorites.📌
I CAN'T WAIT TO EAT YOU: modern, office au, one sided enemies to lovers, the male lead's parents die in an accident because of fem lead's dad when they're both kids so he hates her while girlie has no idea. later as grown ups she works in his family company. events lead to them interacting with each other falling in loveee yay. ongoing.
AGE OF ARROGANCE: historical/royal au, marriage of convience, the knight commander fem lead marries the crown prince to get the resources to rebuild her region and help her people live well. while he agrees so that he can build up a support group for his succession to throne against his stepbrother. they make a deal to help each other but end up in love. ongoing.
I WILL SEDUCE THE NORTHERN DUKE: isekai, historical/royal au, fantasy?, fem lead finds herself in a different world after falling off a cliff while filming(she's a star actress) things happen and she makes a deal with the northern territory duke to play as his lover for certain reasons while he helps her stay in this world. really really fun story. ongoing.
STAR DREAM IDOL PROJECT: modern, survival show, revenge, and slight but visible romance between contestant and judge. fem lead is the secret daughter of a famous singer (mom, parents are separated) after her mom's death she participates in a famous survival show under a guise to chase her dreams as an idol along road of revenge involving her public power figure father. the romance hints at her and the blunt famous singer judge who keeps criticising her skills because he believes in her exceptional potential. ongoing. 📌
A SIGN OF AFFECTION: modern, college au, opposites attract, real wholesome just fem lead has been deaf since birth and meets male lead on the subway, he somehow makes her feel so warm and different and it's like love at first sight for her. he learns sign language for her and falls for how cute she is. a simple and pure love story? ongoing, anime has 12 eps and really good too. 📌
SEASONS OF BLOSSOM: HAMIN'S FLOWER: modern, high school au, major character death, summer love? so fem lead and male lead are two opposite kind of students at school ml is popular and a topper while fl is kinda average and very interested in arts and painting. for a long while they meet up in the art room during lunch because fl does not have friends and spends the break painting while ml wants to escape the fake people have some time alone. they become friends and ml realizes he really likes painting because it makes him feel free so during summer break he joins her art club outside school and they have their romance? phase after his parents find out he stops and things happen and he commits suicide. fl after years comes as teacher in the same school and through his younger brother finds the truth which is heartbreaking and finally gets her closure. completed, there's a kdrama on this with the same name highly recommend checking it out, though prepare your tissues. 📌📌
ETERNAL LOVE: hidden love brother's story, modern, kinda like frenemies to roomates to lovers?, i don't remember much fem lead and male lead are classmates in high school who used to not be fond of each other and later as adults things happen and he becomes her roommate because his apartment is like undergoing renovations or something? there's some misunderstandings and miscommunications but it's a really good read though the art is changed in this from hidden love. ongoing.
BRIDE OF HABAEK: fantasy, god falls for human sacrifice au??? do not remember much i read it long back but like the fem lead is offered as bride sacrifice to the water god and thrown into some well or something and when she wakes up she's in his realm and he's like a child? he also has his adult form but around her he's in child form and she does come across him in adult form but does not know it's him. i don't remember more details but it's slow burnnnn and interesting pretty different from the kdrama. ongoing or completed? no idea but there's a hella lot of chapters and it's black and white.
GIRL AND HER GUARD DOG: first of all this is not for everyone help,, pls don't judge me for liking it (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) modern, she falls first and he falls harder trope, age gap like 5 years. fem lead parents die in an accident and she is brought to her grandpa's house whose a gangster and he gets one of his beloved men to take care of her. later when she grows up and goes to a distant city for school that man(male lead) follows becuz he's worried she might get in danger alone and enrolls as a student too through connections.
MY IN-LAWS ARE OBSESSED WITH ME: historical/royal, travelling back in time/rebirth, contract marriage, magic/curse. fem lead is killed by her family and husband for father's inheritance by a mysterious poison and when she wakes up again she has travelled back to two months. to protect herself and her inheritance she offers the powerful duke of the kingdom a marriage contract for one year but during that time her actions make her in-laws fall in love with her, everyone just adores her and refuses to let her go after a year. oh and male lead, the duke's family has a curse and she's immune to it somehow? ongoing.📌
will elaborate later on!
broken ring: this marriage will fail anyway 📌📌📌
flirting with the villain's dad
obsidian bride 📌
why are you obsessed with your fake wife 📌📌
i will be queen in this life
the world without my sister who everyone loved
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wordsbyrian · 2 years
Royal Navy - Alessia Russo x Reader
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Summary: Royal Navy!R was childhood friends with Less and things ended sort of poorly between them, they meet again. years later.
A/N: Alright so I don't know a lot about the Royal Navy but I do know a lot about the US Navy so everything in here is a combination of research and filling in the blanks with American military knowledge.
Sometimes, life doesn’t give you everything you want.
Correction, most of the time life doesn’t give you anything you want. This explains the conversation that you’re currently having while sitting in your girlfriend’s room.
“I just don’t know why you would want to volunteer to join the army,” she says, flopping back onto her bed.
“I’m joining the Navy, Less,” you tell her for what must be the one-thousandth time. “Besides, there's not anything for you to understand. I don’t understand why you're going to school in America but I’m not trying to stop you.”
“I’m going to play football and learn,” Alessia says, “Not signing up to get myself killed.”
“Yea, well, we all can’t be the next Kelly Smith, can we?”
“Don’t get smart with me Y/N, I don’t want to argue with you,” she says, finally sitting up to look at you.
“But you do, because if you didn’t we’d be making out not having this conversation the day before I leave for Dartmouth,” you respond, getting up from your seat at her desk, “I won’t be able to use my mobile so often I’ll  write you but don’t bother answering if you’re gonna keep at it like this.”
With that, you walk out of Alessia’s room and as a result her life.
You do hear her calling after you but you know she hasn’t changed her mind so you don’t bother turning around.
That was over 5 years ago and while you did keep your promise of writing and calling her; after your first three letters received no response, you gave up.
That doesn’t mean that you stopped cheering her on, you’ve seen all her major moments, no matter how far away you were.
Over the summer, you along with practically every other sailor on your ship watched as she along with the rest of the Lionesses conquered Europe.
And now, you’re standing on the touchline at Kingsmeadow in your dress uniform for some surprise your sister planned with Chelsea.
But if you had known they scheduled it for the weekend the Blues welcome United, you probably would’ve waited a little longer to take some leave time.
Anything would be better than having Alessia attempt to burn holes in you with only her eyes as you carry the ball out for the coin toss.
You can’t tell if she recognizes you with your hair cut so short and your body so stiff but when you hear the PA ask everyone to turn their attention to you, you know that she’ll figure it out soon if she hasn’t already.
“Everyone please join us in a round of applause,” the voice says over the speakers, “as we welcome back former Chelsea youth player, Lieutenant Commander in His Majesty’s Royal Navy, Y/N Y/L/N. Thank you for your service.”
You allow yourself to smile slightly as Emma Hayes hands you a Chelsea shirt with your name on it before a stadium hand comes to lead you to your seat.
The match is good and you enjoy it as much as you can with strangers coming up to you every two minutes.
When it ends, 2-1 Chelsea, you make your back pitchside having agreed to speak with the players in the small window of time Hayes and Skinner have managed to get them to give up.
When you're led to a back room you’re shocked to see both teams there intermingled but you quickly remember that women's football has always been much more cordial than the men’s game.
After another quick introduction from the assistant who led you there, you stand alone in front of the two teams.
“Hello,” you say, standing pretty stiffly with your hands clutching your cover behind your back. “I’m not going to introduce myself again but now seems like a good time to mention that since my dad is from Newburn, I’m a Newcastle fan.”
That gets a few scattered laughs that help to break some of the tension and ease your nerves.
“I’m supposed to be talking to you about leadership, team building, and morale but I watched the game and I can definitely say that neither team needs to hear from someone whose idea of team building is sticking people in the middle of the ocean for months at a time and seeing who can get passed their problems long enough to survive,” you say plainly, not bothering to hide your disinterest for the situation. “So I figured you can just ask me questions until they let us leave.”
Murmurs of agreement go through the group so you press on, alternating between teams to ensure you’re being fair.
Most of the questions are the normal ones you get when people find out you're in the Navy. So you explain what it means to be both a Lieutenant Commander and a Surface Warfare Officer.
There are a couple of shocked faces when you tell them that you’re trained to operate all the heavy artillery on the ships and a couple of faces that fill you with more than a bit of concern because of how glee-filled they are.
When you tell them that you joined the Navy because of family tradition you can see Alessia roll her eyes and whisper something to Toone but you divert your attention to Millie Bright, who you recognize from the time you spent training with the full team.
And based on her question it seems like she recognizes you too.
“You made some appearances with the full team, why’d you choose the Navy over football,” she asks.
Laughing a little you answer her, “I played 30 minutes in the Conti Cup and was in Hayes’ office the next day quitting. That was literally the worst half hour of my life and I almost drowned in the sinking ship exercise.”
It’s then that you notice Alessia put her hand up to ask a question and considering you want nothing more than to not have to interact with her, you ignore it getting through a few others before you notice Ella with her hand up as well.
So you make the mistake of calling on her.
“Are you ever going to let Less ask a question,” she says with an unbelievable amount of sass.
“I suppose I have to now,” you say, “Crack on, Russo.”
Alessia doesn’t take this well because she glares at you and asks in the coldest voice you’ve ever heard from her, “How’s your sister?”
Never one to be outdone when it comes to being petty you respond in kind.
“She’s fine. Your family?”
It's your words that seem to spark a realization in some of the players’ faces that the two of you know each other but before any of them have a chance to say anything the same assistant from earlier comes to tell you that you’ve completed your time agreement.
For your part, you can’t get out of the building fast enough, barely stopping by the manager's office to tell Emma bye.
Getting to your car, you rush home probably breaking a few minor traffic laws in your haste.
When you do get home, you rush past your sister, Sarah, and her husband straight to your room, where you make quick work of changing into comfy clothes so that you can hide away for the foreseeable future.
You manage to go a full two days before your sister gets sick of your bullshit and barges in opening the blinds to let light into your cave of despair.
“Alright, it’s time to get up,” she says, pulling the blankets from on top of your head.
“Fuck off,” you say, turning away from her.
“I won’t," she replies, "You’ve been locked away in here, not eating, for days. All because you had to see the girl who broke your heart at 17. Grow up.”
Rolling back over you glare at her harshly but she continues speaking before you get the chance to tell her to go away again.
“Don’t make that face at me, it won’t work,” Sarah says, plainly, “Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to take a shower and then when you’re done, you’ll come eat lunch before going to walk Magpie.”
Her tone leaves no room for argument and if we’re being honest, you’ve always been appropriately cautious of pissing her off. She did practically raise you after all.
So you did what she asked.
You showered, you ate with her and her goofball husband, and now you're sitting at the park with her idiot dog that is named after a bird.
“Oi, Magpie,” you call out, getting the dog’s attention, “Stop trying to eat that rock you berk, it’s bigger than you are.”
Somewhere to your left, you hear a familiar burst of laughter that has you panicking more than a little bit.
You do your best to ignore it, hoping that she would choose any of the other benches to go sit on. But that doesn’t seem to be in the cards for you as Alessia takes a seat right next to you, her dad’s dog coming to rest at her feet.
“Hey,” you say to her, not wanting to be rude before you turn your attention to the dog, “Sup Rocco, getting up there in age, aren’t you old boy?”
Alessia laughs again and you feel your heart skip a beat and a fluttering feeling begins in your stomach.
The two of you sit in relative silence for a while, the only words spoken are from you, usually a shout at your sister’s idiot dog.
You get so used to the silence that you almost miss it when she starts speaking.
“I owe you an apology for the way I treated you at the game,” Alessia begins, “It wasn’t fair of me to treat you like that, especially in front of so many people. -So, I’m sorry I did that.”
You’re not sure what you were expecting her to say but it definitely wasn’t that, so it takes you a moment before you respond.
“I can’t accept your apology,” you tell her after you finish processing. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see her shocked reaction so you continue before she can spiral too far. “Mostly because I was definitely a bigger dick than you were that day. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted that way, not in front of your team.”
You can see a small smile tug at her lips and you grin at her in response.
“We were both pretty big idiots, huh,” she says.
“Proper bellends,” you respond, “You’d think we would’ve done some growing up I guess not.”
A comfortable silence falls over the two of you and you let it stay for a few moments before you speak again.
“I think if we had been better at communicating, we probably would’ve been back on speaking terms at least four years ago,” you tell her seriously albeit with a joking tone.
“Are we?”
“Are we what?”
“Back on speaking terms,” Alessia clarifies.
“Obviously,” you say, “I don’t watch Magpie try to eat all the inedible things in sight with just anybody.”
The smile that had been threatening to break out on Alessia’s face is out in full force now and you can feel the fluttery sensation in your gut get stronger.
With that seemingly settled, the two of you fall into a pattern of conversation that is both familiar yet different.
In the past, most of your conversations centered around school, football, and making weekend plans. Now, it’s more of a catch up session but the vibes are the same.
It's perfect.
You don’t know how long you sit there but you’re eventually interrupted by the sound of both of your phones going off.
Your’s a call from Sarah telling you to bring her dog back and her’s a reminder from her dad about family dinner.
You stand up ready to try and catch Magpie and go when Alessia stops you.
“Y/N,” she begins, “Do you know where you’ll be stationed once your vacation ends?”
“Headed back to Dartmouth for five months to train the next batch of SWOs,” you tell her, “Then probably gonna be on shore duty for a while so might end up in command of a URNU. Depends.”
“On what?”
“Lots of things but mostly where the open postings are,” you explain.
“Two more questions but one relies on your answer to the other.”
“Will you be able to make and receive phone calls while at Dartmouth this time around,” she asks with a slight blush.
“I’ll be in charge so I can do what I want.”
“So would you be opposed to giving me your number so I can call you?”
Unable to resist teasing her a little bit, you let a coy grin spread across your face.
“Alessia Russo, are you trying to get back in my pants,” you ask her.
You watch as the blush on her deepens and she begins to sputter trying to defend herself.
You laugh a little and continue, “I mean it’s fine if you are but I’d prefer to know so that I don’t fuck it up like I did last time.”
“Y/N/N,” she says, still blushing and stuttering.
“My number is the same,” you say, taking pity on her, “so you better call me.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“I am but now I’m an asshole that you’ve got to call.”
“It’d take the entire Royal Navy to stop me.”
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