#your honor valgrace is too silly
izzyfizzykitty · 2 months
i dont ship jasper and idc if other people do. what i do care about is when people say “you cant ship valgrace, jasons dead and leo is dating calypso!!” well you ship jasper when jason is dead and piper is dating shel..?
and please im not hatting on ppl who ship it but like how u gonna say that i cant ship valgrace for reasons that apply to jasper??💔💔
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manygeese · 2 months
the fifth and final part of my valgrace sleeping beauty au. this is just them getting married bc they deserve it
Five years later, Jason was this close to punching his sister in the face. Thalia had abdicated her role as heir to the throne almost as soon as she had turned eighteen, and had since spent her time being a pain in the ass.
“Are you going to ask me if your dress makes you look bad? Because it does,” she commented with a sneer.
“I’m not wearing a dress,” Jason stated, turning away from the mirror to give her an annoyed stare.
“That’s because you’re a coward.”
Jason sighed, poking his head out of the door to find a messenger. Finding only Piper, he settled for her. “Can you ask Leo when he’ll be ready? Thanks, Pipes.” He ducked back into the room.
“Clingy much? Jason, man, you gotta work on this. Your precious fiancé’s gonna get sick of you if you keep it up.” She cackled, finding herself endlessly funny.
“I’m going to hit you.”
Leo was studying himself in the mirror, trying to decide if he looked good in white or not. He jumped when he heard the knock at the door, seeing as Beckendorf had promised not to let anyone in. “Come in,” he called anyways.
Piper barged in and flopped onto his bed. “You need to hurry up,” she said.
Leo sighed. “I thought I was supposed to be the dramatic one today.” He sat on the bed next to her. “Two questions: why do I need to hurry and do I look good in white?”
Piper sat up urgently. “Of course you look good in white. White is your color.”
“You say that about every color.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Be stubborn. But Thalia’s being annoying and I think your fiancé is gonna go into cardiac arrest if he has to deal with her any longer. And if he dares to have a heart attack today of all days, you know Hera is going to kill him even if he survives.”
“True. But consider the following-“
“If you say you’re not going through with this, Hera’s gonna kill you.”
“Of course I’m going through with it!” He held a hand to his chest dramatically. “I was going to say that I think my hair could use some work.”
Piper scoffed and motioned for him to turn around so she could do his hair. “Is that it? We’ll have you ready in no time.”
Jason was impossibly closer to punching his sister and father in the face. Maybe his mother too, if he was feeling ambitious.
Thalia was, in her words, “hyping him up” as his best man. By that, she meant she was making fun of him in front of both their kingdom and Leo’s. He was fairly certain no one could hear her, but it didn’t make the situation any better. Meanwhile, his father was asleep in his chair, no doubt because of his hangover from the rehearsal dinner.
His mother was fussing in her caring, if chaotic, way. She had tightened his tie more times than he could count, and wiped imaginary dirt off his face even more. Currently, she was prepping the altar where she would officiate for the wedding and discussing the number of chairs with King Hephaestus. Jason was impatiently waiting for the moment his “bride,” as Thalia affectionately called him, would walk down the aisle.
As if on cue, which it most definitely was, organ music started and the audience quieted. “Aren’t you supposed to be with them?” Jason whispered to Thalia as the people of honor walked towards them.
“That’s for losers,” she said like it was obvious.
Piper and Hazel walked arm in arm to the altar, splitting off once they got there. Hazel elbowed Thalia when she got into her place. Thalia didn’t straighten up, only leaning on the flower arch more heavily.
Next was Annabeth. She gave Thalia a serious glare as she passed, which was quickly transformed into a hesitant smile when Thalia replied with a silly face.
A couple more of Jason’s cousins and Leo’s friends walked down after, rounding out the lines on both sides. He tapped his foot as he waited for the last, most eagerly awaited person to arrive.
Finally, Leo proceeded down the walkway, arm in arm with his mother. The other prince was positively beaming, like he almost always was, but there was something special about it today. It was contagious- by the time he made it to the altar, Jason was smiling ear to ear like an idiot. Thalia was gonna make so much fun of him for this.
Sure enough, he heard an annoying giggle from behind him. Deciding to be the bigger person, Jason took a deep breath and tried to keep the frustration off his face. He was barely aware of his mother talking beside him.
“I do,” Leo chirped, probably in response to whatever Queen Hera said. Jason was too busy admiring at his soon-to-be-husband’s smile.
“And do you, Jason Grace, take Leo Valdez to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do,” Jason sighed happily, without a doubt in his mind.
The three good fairies watched as the happy couple finished their first dance and disappeared into the crowd.
“All thanks to me,” Piper said as she sipped her champagne.
“Thanks to you?” Annabeth asked incredulously. “How is it thanks to you?”
“I put the spell on him that allowed him to find his true love.”
“By that logic, this is all thanks to Gaea,” Hazel piped up.
“Gaea?” Annabeth was getting surprisingly frustrated for a day as happy as that one.
“She put the first curse on the baby, and that was the only reason Piper had to put a spell on Leo, so he never would’ve found his true love if not for Gaea.” Hazel flagged the waiter down for more champagne. She had a feeling Annabeth might need it.
“How do you know that I wasn’t going to give him the true love spell as my original gift, Hazel?” Piper retorted.
Hazel scoffed. “Because no one in their right mind would tell a literal newborn who they’re gonna grow up to marry. Especially with no good reason. That’s creepy, Piper.”
Piper made to grab the new bottle of champagne to refill her glass. “Well, I think it’s sweet-“ Annabeth snatched the bottle away to use for her own nefarious purposes.
“Do you think they’re arguing?” Leo looked over his husband’s- he couldn’t get over the fact he could call Jason his husband now- shoulder to the three good fairies in the balcony. His eyes widened when he saw Annabeth drink her alcohol straight from the bottle.
“Can’t see ‘em. I only have eyes for you,” Jason whispered into his ear. Leo could hear the smile in his husband’s- there it was again- voice. He couldn’t help but match it.
Leo giggled giddily. “Well, Annabeth just chugged a whole pitcher of champagne, and Piper is at Hazel’s neck for some reason.” Jason snorted.
Out of the blue, Piper appeared in a cloud of glitter next to them. Leo looked at her exasperatedly as he wiped the sparkles off of his suit. “Don’t look at me like that, this is important!” She cried.
He swished his champagne around in his glass. “Well, go ahead and enlighten us, Pipes.”
“Who do you think is responsible for all this?” She wagged her finger between the two of them.
They stood in a baffled silence for a moment before Jason spoke. “By ‘all this’, do you mean our marriage?” He asked. He sighed when she nodded.
Leo barked out a laugh. He shook his head disbelievingly as he considered the answer to Piper’s question. “Um, besides us, probably Hera.”
His husband hummed as he nodded. “She is something of a matchmaker,” Jason agreed.
Piper groaned. “Goddamnit. Annabeth is going to laugh so hard at me.”
Author’s Note
We OFFICIALLY did it! Yayyyyy. Not going to lie I hate this with a burning passion 🤗 I think I could’ve done better ❤️❤️❤️ especially the last segment 😃 but Thalia is surprisingly fun to write and I love her. Thank you @scentednightdonut for helping me edit :)) and thank all of y’all for reading!!! Now my purpose is completed and I can finally find peace
The people who wanted tags from my original post (let me know if you want to be untagged):
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izzyfizzykitty · 22 days
i made like a highschool/modern lost trio/valgrace au so heres it. okay so basically, leo and piper are childhood best friends. since they were like three. they were neighbors and stuff. well when leos house burned down and his mother died, he went to live with piper and her dad. and they lived tg like siblings. leo had a stuffed animal that had a matching pair. his mother had the matching one but it unfortunately burned (leo still kept the remains tho). so off to highschool, in the car there leo is looking out the window. piper is arguing with her dad. “dad can you please not go out? i dont want people swarming us!” leo, sees this REALLY CUTE guy talking to someone (its reyna) but he doesnt say anything. he loves pipers dad and sees him as a guardian but hes still iffy abt dads since his left. now him and piper are walking in the halls and piper sees jason. shes like “oh my gosh, leo, i have never seen such a beautiful man before.” and leo being the guy that he is, supports her. well then they have a freshman relationship. leo gets close with jason since hes over a bunch. at lunch, leo, jason, piper, and other people sit at a table. well technically its just the lost trio but other girls and guys join them bc one; piper is absolutely gorgeous and everyone wants to either, be her or get with her. (she has perfect skin and hair (leo has acne and can barely take care of his curls)) so piper is like forced to talk to them but she tries to talk to jason and leo. well while piper is busy with the others, jason and leo talk. leo is yapping and jason is listening.
okay so now its like end of freshman and piper and jason break up. piper is chill abt it and so is jason. so they have a sleepover. when leo first moved in he had really bad separation anxiety and he and piper shared a bed (at first, mr mclean was iffy about this but then he realized that they were basically siblings so he didnt care) but he had an extra room his kept for leo in case he ever wanted to like move out and stuff. (he does eventually cuz once they start having other ppl over it was a bit embarrassing) so thalia is aroace in this (she looks after jason) shes like “could u please ask to like share a room with leo.” “why?” “well piper is ur ex and it would be awkward also, girl stuff” so jason does. well once jason comes over and leo shows him the room they will be sharing, he forgot to hide the stuffed animal he sleeps with (he cant sleep without it) and jason is like “…i have the other matching one.” (backstory time: he and thalia have the same matching stuffed animals that leo does w his mom and jason has the one leos mom did) and jason cant sleep without his. SO THEY HAVE MATCHING STUFFED ANIMALS. and then once jason leaves in the morning or wtv, leo is like “piper. i think i like jason” and then yk piper is SUPER supportive.
okay so more going back in time. once mr mclean like basically forced leo to his own room since they both were getting older and could barely share a bed, he allowed them to have sleepovers on the weekends (also that both leo and piper got zero sleep cuz they would js be laughing all night) and yk thats when they would have those deep talks. thats when piper came out to leo and leo came out to piper.
piper and shel now. piper and shel are also childhood best friends. piper was born in olkahoma then moved to LA cuz of her dad. (leo was born in texas (i believe) then moved to LA cuz of his mom) shel and piper were like besties in olkahoma. well when piper moved away her and shel stayed in contact. and so then, once leo and jason started dating she was like (during one of those deep sleepover talks) “i think i like shel” then they started dating
the voices are telling me to write this bc i have lots of ideas for percabeth, solangelo, and other ships :3
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