#your brain is humongous anon i adore u
theloveinc · 2 years
Deaf short king!bakugou who is your husband and y’all have been married for 15-20+ years and have a HOUSE FULL of children who is always up to no good. The oldest twin girls are always arguing about something stupid or trying to convince their 40+ grumpy old bastard of a dad to let them drive his EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE work car and he just literally takes his hearing aids out when they aren’t paying attention and the twins always get so dramatic when they find out. They literally act just like him when it comes to being dramatic and explosive emotions-
Or he is in the kitchen cooking for the 7-8+ kids and you see your teen son trying to put his phone at his fathers forehead to make that weird looking .5 angle on his forehead as if his kid doesn’t have a huge ass forehead like their daddy and bakugou is always threatening them with asl and his voice that if he doesn’t like them cook he’s gonna shove his foot up their ass and outside people will think he’s being mean but the kids love it. Especially his son- he loves to rough house with his dad and is constantly trying to shove his short king number two hero dad. Bakugou is shorter than his eldest son but will still pick him up when he’s getting on his nerves and throw him on the couch or just throw him around in general while his son is wildly laughing and trying to get out of his grip.
Or the youngest: the triplets. They are all girls and only 3-5 and they are also loud and expressive like their daddy. They are all always climbing on him and all glued to his hips and back. He’s always literally PEELING them off of him by their ankles or wrists because they just have to be on him and know exactly what he’s doing 24/7. He also is the one who dresses them as well and they look as if they are grown from the way he dresses them. They are literal little fashion models!
Bakugou can’t do anything without his kids following him or bothering him. If he’s napping they are either A) gonna join him or B) record him snoring or bother him in some type of way like jumping on top of him full on belly flopping or trying to see if they can get away with messing with him before he wakes up. If bakugou is shitting one of them is gonna be pounding on the door asking him what’s he doing in there and they will make a big deal about him using the bathroom like spraying the whole house down in air freshener or yelling about him shitting. Even if he’s at fucking work they will call him just to tell him they took a shit in his bathroom in his and his wife’s bathroom or that he’s short or just something in that annoying picking type stuff but he loves it.
They literally do it cause he’s done it to them since they were babies and they all love it so so much. Like it’s always so chaotic in the house. Like there’s never a moment of peace so there’s a lot of times you’ll find bakugou without his aids in
no bc why did this literally make me laugh out loud. like... full on covering my mouth so i don't start snorting-laughing. everything about this has me dead asf, esp the short king part because adkjhfkdskjfakj true!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he really had no idea that teasing them when they were younger would create such monsters😭😭😭 his first two fighting like literal DOGS to the point where he has to get in there w/ them to break it up, and then they're just getting mad and yelling at HIM for interrupting!!!
and his boys w/ camera rolls full of him looking so goddamn ugly. the forehead angle (LMAOOO), the snores, him blowing his nose, his face right in the middle of yelling or a sequence of him trying to take away their phones, even maybe a few of him pinching your butt, which they try to use as blackmail occasionally and then get. Grounded.
and you know his kids do that thing where, when they don't wanna listen to him they just close their eyes. makes him SO mad lmfao he just starts yelling, like "you idiots know i can talk" and they're still just sat there giggling pretending not to see or understand him.
(it's kinda funny bc when they mess with him, like when they want to roughhouse or whatever, he'll sign for them to stop, and then he'll sign again when they don't, and then he'll sign again... up until you're across the house and just hear the loudest STOPPIT you've ever heard in your life... and then laughing as your kids run away trying not to get spanked by the wooden spoon he swats at them)
and him trying to keep your youngest three from turning out like their oldest siblings🥺 they're definitely sassy, but given they like their dad and aren't mean to him or you (still very cuddly and sweet)... he kinda lets them do whatever cuz he's scared of making them turn on him, too.
all your older kids are lowkey salty abt it lmaoo (esp since they get the brunt of the little ones' attitudes) and pull that whole "dad wasn't like that w/ us!!!!!" while bakugo is literally just turning into a forehead vein, all. "please give me a break. please." (to which you get yelled at then, too, "WHY DID YOU GIVE THAT MAN SO MANY KIDS???" it's honestly funny lol.)
god. i literally wanna comment on everything here but.i know i am / would just be repeating, i'm so sorry. them calling his office every single day to ask for something. him being mad when they use your bathroom and touch all your products. dragging kids out of the front seat of his car... only to come back and find another in their place. them turning off his hearing aids while they're still in his ears just to confuse him. being so gorgeous😭😭😭
at the end of the day though, they're still his babies :'))). hurt his back so often it makes him glad he's close to retirement BUT there's still not a thing he wouldn't do for them. you usually wake up with at least 3-4 kids trying to fit in your bed at a time. have your movie interrupted by arguing about who gets to sit next to who. them beaming even at the smallest bit of attention from dad. they just love each other so much🖤🖤🖤
and probably become even better, crazier heroes than him (even if it takes him 20 years + a grandbaby to admit it).
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