#your boyfriend Don
solaria5 · 1 year
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Oh no... They are fighting for Y/N
I LOVE both of them
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joonie7007 · 6 months
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Me to Don:
Don't make unnecessary journeys!? Don't take risks on treacherous roads and don't swim in the sea!? 😭‼️‼️‼️WHY DID WE GO TO THE APARTMENT AND NOT THE COPS BRUV
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meke57o9 · 2 years
I am a Your boyfriend Game fan. I like the characters. However I can't relate to Y/N and I wish the game was more interesting. While playing, it seem the onky options are either "stay with peter" or "peter will kill you and everyone close to you". The visual novel in my opinion could be so much better.
Here me out. In the game, it's canon Peter's therapist is making his condition worst. And it's canon that if the player wanted him to change therapist he wouldn't hesitate. I think making Peter have little resistance towards changing therapist is a miss opportunity for the game.
If the player truly want to have a romantic relationship with Peter. The therapist could be antagonist. Y/N like Peter and their relationship seems to go good. Until one day, Peter become a little too obsessive and shout at Y/N for having a conversation with TK. Y/N calms Peter down. Y/N ask him what wrong and this is when Peter reveals that he going to a therapist. The therapist suggest to Peter that if he isn't "careful" someone will take Y/N from him. Y/N feels that something wrong with Peter's therapist. Y/N suggest Peter should find a new therapist but Peter hesitate.
Knowing about Peter history a little bit, he probably went through several therapist before he meet his recent therapist. This therapist is the only one that didn't try to make hi. take medicine or make him think he is crazy. He can talk for hours about Y/N and the therapist would listen to him. The therapist encourages hi. to be "himself". This therapist made Peter feel safe and comfortable. Peter likes this therapist. This therapist have made a emotional bond to Peter. Probably became a parental figure to him as well.
The therapist on the other hand is sadistic and is manipulator. The therapist wants Peter to do horrible things to Y/N and to others. The therapist love having control over Peter. And the therapist can possibly make Peter into a monster. The therapist would become the main obstacles for the Y/N to have a true happy ending with Peter. Y/N try finding ways for Peter to see how horrible his therapist is. Maybe Y/N find evidence that make the therapist goes to jail. But while Y/N trys to defeat the therapist. The therapist is manipulating Peter or other characters to stop Y/N.
Just a random idea. I had. I think it make the game more interesting. [Apologize for the grammar mistake] thanks for reading.
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laz-exe · 7 months
ughhh art from 2022 🥲
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smutberryarts · 2 months
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5 & 6 of ???
I’m trying to draw more often. But this pregnancy is beating the sheet outta me. But I’m trying, I promise.
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peter-muerte · 9 months
//TW BLOOD MURDER [WIP] bust your kneecaps animatic
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chxrrybonbon · 2 years
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male yb characters pin-ups
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my-quirk-is-fred · 1 year
Y’all Fuboo deadass sent a C&D to Sera… for talking about things that are already public
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eldritchtea · 1 year
My Your Boyfriend charms are currently up for preorder until May 06! 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
The first 12 buyers will receive an additional secret Peter charm and all buyers will receive a mini print of my hide-n-seek Peter, a Peter sticker and a themed character bracelet!
Please click this segment here to be taken to my shop! Favorites also really help out so thank you all so much!!
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eclipsa-paint · 2 years
Happy Halloween (somewhat late where I live 😅, but it doesn't matter) here I bring you the comic (I still have pages to go but I couldn't finish it due to time 🥲)
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I'm missing a few pages, so what's scary about this comic is that they'll have to wait until next year for the story to continue 😈
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art-samirka · 1 year
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Day 5 (Sleepy) 💛🤎
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joonie7007 · 6 months
I can’t seem to stop playing…
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Nah cuz fr yell at him in lower case (I ain’t trying to cause a scene/me saying this knowing I will click “AYO YOU WATCHING ME!?”🗣️‼️❓)
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And…I wouldnt even get him especially if his name is Peter (that only name pops up to me cuz there was this dude that used to bully me when I was in elementary…I literally lend him my color pencils then the next thing he saying that bro was gonna MURK my family) HUHH‼️❓
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HOLY SO MUCH CONTENT LUCYYY 😭😭♥️♥️‼️‼️(even tho I would be on her ahh on the rent) at first I thought she didn’t care but AHHH SHE MY WOMAN IM SORRY LULU
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Also to the songs GRRR my broski is literally Simon Curtis/aventura fr (im just yapping atp…) or idk what other songs would he fit
Why was my 8yr old self hearing these songs 😭😭‼️‼️🗣️🗣️
But if I also say…eres mia by Romeo Santos WOULD I BE THE BAD GUY🗣️🗣️‼️❓
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meke57o9 · 1 year
I'm back and ready to indulge in the Your Boyfriend fandom. I decided to make my y/n-sona.
Disclaimer ⚠️: I like the fandom (basically the concept and ideas of Your Boyfriend), but I do not support the artist. If you want to know why, here is a link to a Twitter account/user who will explain the recent controversy of the creator of Your Boyfriend [Your Boyfriend Creater]
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Name: Jaya Newton
Gender: Female
Like: Supernatural, Documentaries, outer space, and baking.
Dislike: cliche Romance films, working at the Diner, and rude customers, and sour candy.
First glance, Jaya is a nice, polite, and quiet girl. She tries to keep conversations to a minimum when talking to customers/strangers. She keep to herself and daydream at lot.
Once you get to know her and become a good friend of hers, She is talkative and loves to learn about her friends. She is a little bit unhinged, too. Lucy walked into the living room to see Jaya seated on the couch, eating a box of uncooked pasta. Jaya said she wanted chips but didn't want to walk to the convenience store. Or the time TK saw Jaya feeding a horde of raccoons outside the diner during their night shift. Jaya calls the horde of raccoons The Midnight Crew.
Jaya works at the diner as a waitress to pay for culinary art class in community college. She always wanted to be a baker since she was a young kid and planned to have her own bakery. She even makes dessert in the diner when the diner is busy, and TK can't keep up with orders.
Jaya doesn't have a good relationship with her parents, but she have a good relationship with her younger sister, Laila. They both love outer-space, but her sister focus on stars and planets rather than aliens.
Jaya loves for outer space, and supernatural obsession comes from when she believes she meets an alien as a kid. No one believes her, except Lucy.
TK: Jaya considers TK as a good friend and coworker. She likes how she can be herself with him without him judging her about her obsession with aliens and supernatural.
Lucy: Jaya didn't talk with Lucy for the first few weeks when they became roommates. However, after having a rough day at work and Lucy offering Jaya a hit of her blunt. They talk for hours about weird philosophical stuff, supernatural, terriable exs, and ate two whole pizza together. Let's just say these two became best of friends. Jaya even got Lucy a job at the diner, too.
Don: Jaya doesn't talk to Don much. She says a simple greeting and goodbye when she goes to him to pay rent.
Thanks for reading. I will make a part 2 soon as possible. Part 2 will include how Jaya and Peter meet.
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xx-s3lf-ship-xx · 5 months
Brony !! (YB game)
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Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye
Don't worry, he actually okay with bronies uwu
⚠ I don't support the creators of this game! I only like the characters (expect for Peter)!
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smutberryarts · 4 months
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Page 4 of ?
I know what you’re thinking; if she stopped seeing Peter, how the f is she not kidnapped? It’s comin’. Later. If I don’t get tired of drawing these 2 and move on to some other characters.
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rttnpnkpmpkn · 1 year
Who was that with Vio Pumpkin?!?! (* ̄∇ ̄*)
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Pfffft! You’re so persistent! xD Alright, the reveal!!
Don: You. Don’t breathe a word to anyone about this
Vio: I don’t make promises. Only pleasure, old man.
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