federer7 · 5 months
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"Rio Grande, Gallia County, Ohio. Farm labor training program to aid in war food production. Mrs. Younkers grading eggs. There are three boys in this family who will also help with farm work." February 1943.
Photo by John Vachon - Office of War Information
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superinjun · 6 months
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Kahss K’wahyayis
Shirod Younker (Coquille/Coos)
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euclydya · 1 year
Bestie Greed is awake!!! Haiiiiii!!!!
- @mansplainmanipulatemalewife
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moneyadjust · 1 year
Younkers Credit Card Login | Recover Username & Password | Registration | Apply | Customer Service
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Elevate your shopping experience with Younkers Credit Card. Seamlessly login, recover your username and password, complete registration, apply, activate, make payments, and access exceptional customer service. Read More...
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zal-cryptid · 4 months
why did jen give dolores a loli dress?
It's lolita, not loli. LOLITA FASHION is a subculture from Japan that is highly influenced by Victorian clothing and styles from the Rococo period. Lolita is seen as a reaction against stifling Japanese society, in which young people are pressured to strictly adhere to gender roles and the expectations and responsibilities that are part of these roles.
“rather than dealing with the difficult reality of rapid commercialization, destabilization of society, a rigid social system, and an increasingly body-focused fashion norm, a select group of youth chose to find comfort in the over-the-top imaginary world of lace, frills, bows, tulle, and ribbons”
-Terasa Younker, 'Japanese Lolita: Dreaming, Despairing, Defying' (2011)
"By promoting demure mannerisms and sweet femininity without the traditional passivity ascribed sexualized women, the style offers participants resistance against conventional cultural pressures and happiness via an escape into fantasy"
-Kang, Zi Young and Cassidy, Tracy Diane, 'Lolita Fashion: A trans-global subculture' (2011)
Anyway, they were originally meant for Paul, but she didn't want them, so Jen regifted them to Eleanor since they were more in line with her Victorian sensibilities. Eleanor doesn't know or understand what "lolita fashion" is supposed to be, but the aesthetic reminded her of clothing from her time (albeit with a lot more ankle showing).
Anyway, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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Imagine being the one who releases Morpheus. - Part 6
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 7] [ENDING] [ALT. ENDING] | Sandman-inspired playlist
The day was only becoming more bizarre as knocking on your front door resounded throughout the house. Simultaneously, Morpheus and you looked at each other as if trying to ask the other person if they, too, felt danger lurking. Then, you looked towards the front door you could slightly see from the living room as if staring intensely at the dark wood would make it possible for you to see through it.
"I wasn't expecting anyone," you spoke up quietly as if it wasn't already obvious by your anxious attitude. "Truthfully, I was hardly expecting you."
The knocking repeated but this time it sounded more impatient. Hesitantly, you stood up from the sofa and walked towards a window close to the entrance. Pushing your cheek against the cold glass, you could see a strangely familiar silhouette at your door: short, chubby, dark skin covered in dingy clothing. There was only one person who fit that description and who would want to see you.
Almost tripping over your own feet and the old carpet in the hall, you run to unlock the door and let the guest in as quickly as possible. It was rude to let any guest wait too long but this one particular visitor deserved all the respect you were capable of giving them.
The door swung open and you swore your heart grew in size upon seeing that round, slightly wrinkly face. The kindness you learned to recognize as motherly love was still beaming from those tired eyes. Looking at them, you noticed that the left eye was bruised. A few strands of coily brown hair slipped from the white bonnet. She looked much older than she really was but singlehandedly raising three children that weren't her own could do that to a woman.
"Yasmin, what are you doing here? Are you alright? Come inside, you're just in time for tea."
"I can not stay long, my dear," she answered. Despite her statement, she followed you into the house. "Your father, he's... forgive me for speaking ill about him but I'm afraid 'mad' doesn't describe his state anymore."
"Did something happen at the mansion? What of Alex, Yasmin? Is he alright?"
"Younker Alex is fine, dearie," she assured you as she was taking her gloves off. Yasmin had a habit of speaking in a slow, mild way despite neither you nor Alex not being toddlers anymore. "At least as long as he doesn't defy your father. He's a bright boy but still afraid like a child. A lot has changed since you left. Master Rodrick became all the more desperate to save his health and life. But his anger... my dear child, I have never seen a man so full of rage! I'm telling you, some demon took a hold of your father's soul. I and a few other workers decided something needs to be done. I came here to give you this."
Frantically, Yasmin began looking for something in her coat pockets. Finally, she pulled out a small, lightweight bag made of dark material. It could be leather, actually. The textile seemed to be worn out as if the pouch had been used many times or it was ancient. Only then, seeing the enigmatic dark bag, did Morpheus show any kind of interest in the guest and your relationship with her. He made his way to you and Yasmin in quick strides, only to snatch his belongings from her hand. Judging by her face, she was unpleasantly surprised by his rude action but you had other things in mind that lecturing an actual king on netiquette. Alright, the pouch did belong to him but it didn't mean he had to behave like an emaciated weasel.
"How on Earth did you get this?" you asked.
"It wasn't my sole effort, do not flatter me in such a way." Yasmin tried her best to focus on you while answering but it was obvious that Morpheus himself interested her. Up until now, she only heard about the god-like creature kept in the mansion's basement. "Master Rodrick was planning to sell this pouch at a secret auction. In a small group of housekeeps, we managed to swap it for a fake. It has gone unnoticed, so far."
"Yasmin!" You couldn't believe that the softspoken and sympathetic woman who raised you became a sort of a criminal mastermind. Yes, desperate times had fallen on anyone who was in any way related to Rodrick Burgess. "What if my father finds out?"
"Do not worry about me, dearie," she said with a dismissive wave. "I'm old and I have lived a wonderful life. I accept whatever fate the Lord has planned for me. It is up to you, youngsters, to make sure this blasphemous madness does not continue. I came to you because I thought that Master Rodrick was unlikely to look for it here. If I may be honest, dear child, he wishes not to see you ever again. Shortly after you left, he began to keep a loaded rifle next to his bed! He never spoke of a reason for such a drastic decision but we figured it out ourselves."
"What about my letters?" you coaxed her. Morpheus was still dwelling on the mention of a firearm but it seemed as though it wasn't important to you, at least at the moment. His hand clenched tightly around the sand pouch but he was hardly aware of that. "Yasmin, tell me, what happened to the letters I had sent to Alex? I never got any response."
Yasmin furrowed her eyebrows. She stared into the distance for a moment, her vision somehow both blank and intense. Then like a symptom of enlightenment, she raised her eyebrows and looked back at you. Her stare wasn't blank anymore - it was sad. "I saw once master Rodrick throwing correspondence into the fireplace. I'm sorry dearie, I'm afraid your brother knows nothing about it."
A dreadful emptiness wove a nest in your mind. There was only one thought of utmost terror echoing in your head: He knows nothing. All those years... Alex never once was told that you think about him. That you continue to care. Did he feel abandoned? Was his young heart broken in too many ways to ever be fixed? And what of his spirit? If you met him now, would you even recognize the man he was forced to become?
"I musn't linger, dearie." Yasmin placed her old hand on your shoulder bringing you back to the present moment. She used to do that whenever one of the kids was leaving the house. "I can not risk Rodrick finding out where you are. Farewell, my dear child. I will always love you like my own. And you," she turned to Morpheus who appeared surprised at his sudden involvement in the conversation, "keep an eye on her, will you? God looks after his angels and so should you."
Only when Yasmin disappeared behind the now-closed door did the weight of her words fully strike your heart. You hid your face in your hands as you felt gut-wrenching sadness beginning to shake your body. "Dear God, little Alex! He must think I have abandoned him. And father... I'm afraid to wonder what wickedness he had bestowed upon my brother."
Upon hearing you sob, Morpheus's hand instinctively raised like it did once before. This time he, too, stopped it from reaching its destination. It was like an itch, a primitive urge that shouldn't exist within a creature of his sort. Clenching and relaxing his jaw repeatedly, battling his indifference and truly regal ego, he forced his palm to gently lay against the fabric of your clothes, between your shoulder blades. His breath hitched in his throat as if Morpheus himself was surprised that he was, in fact, capable of genuine intimacy.
Unable to keep your misery in check, you leaned into Dream's chest and sobbed against his dark coat. His hand, once shyly resting between your shoulder blades, moved to encircle your shoulders, keeping you closer than one might have expected him to want. The outside world may have continued to spin despite your desperation but it felt like your reality had collapsed in on itself. There was something comforting in the strict seriousness he wore all the time as if it was a reminder that something aside from your anguish existed. Or, perhaps, it was an unbearably lonely experience - that you were the only one in the entire world feeling something so insufferable, that there was no one to cry with you. What a terrifying thought it was: heartache unseen, without a person to acknowledge its existence, only grew in severity, slowly eating away at the wretch.
Taking in a deep, shaky breath you leaned away from Morpheus. He looked at you in his usual stern way, making it even harder to speak your mind even in times of dire need. Strangely enough, his arm remained around you but you didn't pay it much attention at the moment.
"Morpheus, perhaps I am in no position to be asking this, you are an Endless being, a king, after all. But if you find some altruism inside you, could I ask for your help in aiding my brother? My heart breaks for the suffering he had to endure."
"Am I not indebted to you?"
You looked at him with a confused grimace. "No, my dear, you are not and you never have been. If your kindness is repayment, I do not want it."
"What would you have me do?" he asked right away. Truthfully, you were too shaken up to think reasonably. Your head was filled with horrifying scenarios of Alex's fate that you never knew of. And how it broke your heart to think how lonely his misery was, how abandoned he must have felt after all those years without hearing from you. Morpheus took a few steps towards you and leaned close to your face - perhaps a little too close for people who were not married. "Watch your words," he whispered in a shaky voice. You saw his Addam's apple move as he swallowed before continuing. "If you ask me to kill Rodrick, I will."
In all of its macabre, it was a confession of endearment. Hate, perhaps, was a love unspoken, unlived; love that, never having seen the light of day, rotted, not recognizing its decayed-out face anymore. Contempt is but a scream, a whine of all almost-lovers, who with time forgot why they were crying. Maybe only as hate this unconfessed love can prevail, maybe in any other form, it would be a pleading for death.
Your hand anxiously touched the side of his face and, to your surprise, he did not wince. Morpheus managed to surprise himself even: he leaned into the warmth of your palm. Perhaps the love rotting inside of him was making him tired and complacent. "I know," you whispered. "But you deserve better than to be an executioner's axe. You are better than that, Morpheus. I could never ask you to belittle yourself so much and for such a dishonourable deed."
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Tagging people who were interested in a follow-up: @rosaren2498 @jessiboobdbdb @chantzmar @lexi-anastasia @bisexualunicronrunningloose @farintonorth @oo0lady-mad0oo@all-bi-myselfs-blog @piperstofu101 @magic-magnoliaa @kotonei-molyneux @wheresmyboo @supermegapauselouca @sloanexx @rockergirl57 @aizawa-emma @ruyi-years @commanderfreethatdust @sapphireonline @izzicle @mxxny-lupin @shadowluna25
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nitemarehoerealm · 7 months
You cant blame the state(evil entity)/propaganda addicts(sick diseased braindead mind kontrolled kowloonswisz kantpilled children) for anything you have to understand that it's just god(You) and therefor it's you (us) who is at fault and the self (oneself)(me) is to blame and must be blamed if blame is useful. I,useful,iview ever else, useme, you is me. We are blameful is must. Is it is if us evi'MifulndInMy usT. So, react as needed and charge ahead power strip enlist & convert to sect changed stripper girl sizwe will be us with a us but unamerican and its wiccan exchange & obtain girl power to kill unmarked blank nigger lurk ikes links white kikex with blanks. Grays (aliens) are is a wash. Esau suck dix Maxon ason line like (or else it's He will arson your life)lifety, Why don't you care your weaken young life. slime life the younker Plinky the elder Yonkers konkurs Badot ochres occurs unikursive uncursniuve Incolncussive
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zeldahime · 2 years
hey if anyone has institutional access to the university of oregon's masters and doctoral thesis search could you help me out
i need a thesis for a paper i'm writing about native american archival repatriation.
citation: Younker, Jason. Revival of a Potlatch Tradition: Coquille Giveaway. Masters thesis, University of Oregon, Department of Anthropology, Eugene, 1997.
scholars bank only has theses written after 2006 so i'm in a bit of a pickle
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Untitled (“Hand with craft had heard Kiddie the”)
Plane, imaginable touch of speech of speech: Ah! Hand with craft had heard Kiddie the plain, love at least forever. On the place, in siluer field. When shifted round are not for my sake he would have been his fated spouse? I questions you some pleasures—touch’d the smell, of the man! That sweete aire which poore soule by cunning or glowering the first breathe ambrosia; so immerse my fine existence from the red dogs lie down in this occasion dear compels me to harme there? None like a Pen to steal dead seeing this reft house arriv’d. For Younkers Palinodes Embleme. And are the flower: o folly!
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petnews2day · 3 months
Dog Park & Taphouse Proposed for Cherryland Center
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/mGC3I
Dog Park & Taphouse Proposed for Cherryland Center
A new dog park, café, and taphouse are proposed to go into the Cherryland Center in the back of the former Younkers building. Garfield Township trustees will hold a conceptual review of the project Wednesday – an early informal conversation that allows the board to share feedback with project representatives before they submit a formal application. […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/mGC3I #DogNews
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younkeractivity · 6 months
best offline dance classes in Pune
Younker Activity Hub offers top-notch offline dance classes in Pune. Our experienced instructors cater to all age groups and skill levels, ensuring a fun and enriching learning experience. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced dancer, our classes cover various dance styles to suit your interests and goals. Join us today to unleash your passion for dance!
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superinjun · 6 months
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Gelyek Yat!
Shirod Younker (Coquille/Coos)
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wausaupilot · 8 months
Part Two: Local business boosters defend mall subsidies
Part 2 of our 3-part investigative series on the impact of tax increment financing and who benefits (and pays) when public-private partnerships are part of the city's economic landscape:
By Peter Weinschenk The Wausau Center Mall built 1n 1983 was the biggest economic development project Marathon County had ever experienced. It replaced a tired downtown with a 423,132 square foot mall served by two multi-story parking ramps. The mall featured three anchors–Sears, JCPenney and Prange’s (later Younkers)–and funneled shoppers across northcentral Wisconsin into downtown Wausau. At…
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northiowatoday · 9 months
OBIT: Curtis William Younker
We celebrate the life of Curtis William Younker, age 86, who passed peacefully in his home on December 30, 2023. Born on July 14th, 1937 in Mason City, Iowa, he was the oldest child of Beatrice Marie (Brown) Younker and William Howard Younker. Curt grew up in Osage, Iowa and graduated from Osage High School in 1955. He enlisted in the United States Air Force that September, graduated flight…
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closetrewind · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Polo Jeans Co Ralph Lauren Hat.
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pufflybunny · 11 months
bonkers in younkers remains really funny
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