#younger eren
karizard-ao3 · 11 months
Continue your WIPs on your own pacing!! Don’t rush, we wait patiently! But if in the meantime you’d like to share any thoughts or ideas about older Mikasa and younger Eren, I’m here to support and brainrot with you, Kar, we’re your dedicated fanbase after all 🫶🏻🫡
Thank you! It's very strange to think of myself as someone with a fanbase but I appreciate that there are people who like my writing enough to stick around!
As for older Mikasa and younger Eren, I don't have a whole lot at this point but I do think there was a point where Mikasa told Eren he was bf material not knowing that his goal was to be hers! I'm thinking maybe she was sick during a school break and her parents were at work so young Eren came over and microwaved some soup for her and made her tea and hung out with her on the couch while she watched TV and she was like, "You're going to make someone a really good boyfriend one day."
Eren clings to that and brings it up after they finally start dating and she doesn't even remember it but she does remember thinking he was nicer to her than her actual boyfriends and wondering what it would be like if they were the same age. Of course, now that they're in their 20s that three year age difference is barely anything but back then it seemed like a lot. Like, picture 12-year-old Eren with one of those ratty little moustaches like they get at the start of puberty and his voice cracking and Mikasa is 15, has her learner's permit, and is several inches taller than him. She likes hanging out with him when her friends aren't available but she's in high school and he's still in middle school and that's not a bridge she's even considered crossing.
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grondds-and-roses · 2 months
My favourite thing about AOT is that when Eren first met Armin and Mikasa, he scared the hell out of them
Like imagine this: You just had the worst day of your life. A bunch of kids beat you up/ you watched your parents get killed then you got kidnapped and out of nowhere a creepy little kid in a red scarf shows up and he is like “yo, wanna tatakae and be my bestie forever :)”
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digitalxana · 9 months
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love myself a lil bit of angst a lil bit of misery
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 3 months
Eren who’s slightly younger than Mikasa and wanted her all his life finally gets to fuck her?
cw: slight age gap, light voyeurism
omg imagine if he’s not only slightly younger (let’s say, three years younger?), but they’re also next-door neighbors and the reason they get so close is because mikasa is the same age as zeke and she gets to know eren because she’s zeke’s friend first.
like eren tries to tag along with them when they’re all kids (eren is 9, zeke and mikasa are 12). and zeke hates it bc he doesn’t want his kid brother ruining his time with his friends. but mikasa is sweet to him. “aw zeke,” she says. “let him tag along! eren won’t cause any trouble, will he?” and she winks at him and lets him have a bite of her ice cream bar that they bought from the truck driving through their neighborhood.
eren is obviously so smitten, but he doesn’t understand what his feelings are until he’s 12-13 years old and he stumbles upon zeke and mikasa kissing because their friendship has unsurprisingly blossomed into something more. it drives eren insane with jealousy, and it’s only then that he realizes that he’s in love with mikasa, has been for as long as he can remember, and loathes the fact that his stupid fucking half-brother got her first.
eren nurses this unrequited crush for years, during zeke and mikasa’s two-year relationship and even after they break up when they graduate high school and go their separate ways. but mikasa tells him that she’s gonna miss him when she goes off to college and that she’ll say hi whenever she comes home for break.
and eren is over the moon when she adds him on snap. and he doesn’t ever interact with her much but he can barely contain himself whenever he gets a peek into mikasa’s life as an undergrad: what her dorm room looks like, where she studies, who she hangs out with, what she looks like when she’s drunk and partying…
a part of him feels like he should stop following her bc he feels guilty of having access to her life like this… but he doesn’t want to because he swears that he just falls deeper and deeper in love with her. he fantasizes about her constantly and he can’t wait until he turns 18 and graduates high school so that maybe (just maybe!) she’d give him a chance. 😫😫
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anibanannie · 1 year
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cadet days
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madmanwonder · 9 months
Crossover AU
Even Yeager X Sindel
Crossover Crack Pairing Meme
Screaming Titan/Edenian Titan
Eren Yeager:
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feelings-whore · 1 year
I sent @liquorisce an ask about Mikasa being the young mistress of the wealthy, older Eren Yeager and then becoming his new wife when his dies. Ever since my brain has not let me rest, and now it has become a monster of its own in my google docs!! So here is a very rough outline of one of my favourite interactions: drunk Mikasa watching her fiancé talk to a girl even younger than her.
[for context Mikasa is 22 and Eren is 37. Their relationship started when Mikasa was 20]
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softjaegerhours · 1 year
my dad was watching the home run derby earlier, and i couldn’t help but notice how damn FINE the players were 😭😭 makes me think of baseball player!connie…maybe i’ll actually write some headcanons instead of just daydreaming to myself lmao
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murasakiyuzu · 11 months
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i think the one mistake wit studio made (and the one thing they Were kinda bad at in the beginning) was in showing the younger characters physical growth here
u have the scene where eren, armin and mikasa vow to join the military NEXT YEAR, and then theres the one-year time skip, at the entrance ceremony (and in this scene post-ceremony) wherein theyre supposed to be 12yo, and they look Considerably older than the year before
and then theres the three-year time skip of sorts when they graduate at 15, but they look The Same as when they were 12 lol
i was p confused w this and i Know ive seen other people getting lost in the timeline in part bc of this lol
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anothanobody · 2 years
Younger Eren comforting and assuring a pregnant older Mikasa perhaps? After she heard parts of the argument that happened between Eren and Carla
Short drabble for Older!Mikasa x Younger!Eren because it will take some time to write the fic so I need to feed the scraps we have lol
Warning: light angst.
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She couldn't help but sob silently a little as she heard the argument between mother and son.
She remembered Eren telling her how he was close to his mother, how she was the woman that made him the man he is and that could love deeply... she felt guilty of being the reason this wall was built, the reason now they were fighting.
As her hand rubbed against her swollen belly she heard the voices fading, the argument must've been over then.
Her other hand cleaned her face of tears, she wanted to apologize to Carla once again, tell her for hundredth time that this wasn't meant to happen, that their baby wasn't something they planned but it wasn't something they wanted to get rid of.
Unfortunately she had fallen in love with him before she ever knew that he was her boss's son.
She scolded herself for not accepting that dinner invitation the first time she was offered, if she did only a few weeks after starting to sleep with him things wouldn't have gotten so far.
He could've moved on and lived his youth instead of being the father of a family at 20 with a 32 year-old woman who was his mother's employee, while she could've found someone that was meant to settle down, someone her age to have as the father of her child, but at the same time she loathed the thought of it.
Her breathing stopped when she heard the door opening, looking up to see the reason of her happiness and condemnetation.
He frowned at the sight of her wet cheeks, he entered their room, closing the door behind him with a sigh. "You heard us, didn't you?"
Her lips trembled, hands into fists as she nodded rapidly. "I'm sorry, Eren." She cried a little more. She didn't even think it was hormones if not her genuine feelings. "I'm sorry, I did this."
He walked up to her, climbing onto the bed and pulling her into his arms. A hand rubbing her stomach and the other her hair while his lips left light kisses on her forehead.
"Don't cry, don't cry love. None of this is your fault." He whispered into her skin as her shoulders shook from her tears.
It wasn't something out of the ordinary, Eren had comforted her from arguments with his mother or from his arguments with her more times than he'd like to admit.
That's why he tried to keep it out of her ears, but apparently what he needed to do was to make their room sound proof to not hear the frustration of his mother's voice everytime she felt petty about their current situation.
It's something he brought onto them, he's the one that poked the condoms knowing she wasn't on birth control. He purposefully did it to tie her to him forever and she was hurting because of it, he felt the guilt to some extent but it would've been worse to not have her at all.
He needed her more than anything.
"If only- if only I was careful-" He loathed those words.
His hand rubbed the belly swollen with his child with a bit of possessiveness and anger. "Don't say it." He said soft and demanding at the same time. "Our baby was meant to be here, we were meant to be together and have our family, nothing else matters."
"'ren, you're still young-"
"It doesn't matter."
"It does, that's why she's angry, because you are."
His jaw clenched, Mikasa often brought up this argument, he hated it, he hated that she was partially right. "There's till time to arrange coparenting, have a 50-50 custody-"
"So what? We have our child in a broken home? So you can find someone else when you know you love me? When I love you? Do you want to see another woman beside me? See our child call her mom? Because I don't want that, I don't want to see another man beside you playing house with you two. " He said with a noticeable anger.
She whimpered, hiding into his chest as she shook her head vehemently. As much as she wanted the best for him, she was selfish, she would die and break down if she ever saw him with someone else, it would destroy her. "I want you. I don't want anyone else and I-I don't want you with anybody else but I can't help but think you're going to waste years and resent us for it."
"I would never... never..." He told her, rocking her in his arms, holding her tighter than before.
"Don't cry, darling, as soon as we can, we will be away from them, I need you to keep tight till then." He felt her head nod.
"Good girl... now stop crying and stressing, mhmm, it's not good for our baby." He hold her face, cupping her cheeks, brushing the tears with his thumbs.
"Okay... okay, I'm sorry for bringing it up again." She muttered, referring to the age matter. "I just want you to know I want the best for you."
"You are." He pecked her lips with a smile. "Our baby is. Let's sleep a little, I'll be here studying, you need to rest." He said, helping her into the sheets of the bed while he reached for his laptop.
He cuddled her till she fell asleep beside him, into his waist, while he resumed his university work, checking his bank account as well and building the future for the two of them. There was a reason why Mikasa is pregnant and he won't let his mother get in the way of it, if it meant going away from his family he will do it.
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karizard-ao3 · 6 months
Older Mikasa sees younger Eren all muscled up, taller than her and sporting a manbun and she’s like 🥵 “I wish I could babysit him again”
But really, it's got to be such a mindfuck for her to go from, "He is my dear younger friend who is always trying to impress me with tricks," to "He is a grown ass man who intends to disrespect me in the most respectful way."
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bbytamaki · 11 months
when armin mentions having a younger brother, everyone expects only a few years in age difference. literally everyone’s jaws hit the FLOOR when 22 year old armin says his brother is 5.
and he’s such a cool little guy. whenever their mom can’t find a babysitter in time, armin brings him to hang out with him and his friends. eren gets into super heated mario kart tournaments with him 😭 (everybody boos eren). mikasa let’s him paint her nails & connie and jean teach him bad words and eat all the snacks with him. ony does indeed go all out in dance battles against a five year old but you didn’t hear that from me.
he absolutely loves you though. whenever he gets to hang out with all his brothers friends, he always asks “is y/n here?” everyone has so many cute pictures of you two napping & matching halloween costumes & anything else you can think of. that’s basically your son now.
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ayeyolooo · 9 months
"MS.L/N you know who you'd look good with?" One of your students asked. You were a highschool teacher,and you were 24 so you were on the younger side. "Who?" You asked sitting at your desk preparing for the class to start. "Mr.Yeager." She says. Your eyes widened as you began laughing. The class laughed right along with you as they all agreed.
"Omgggg isn't he like 25?" One of them asked. "Yeah,ms.l/n yall would be so cute together." You shook your head no. "Girl that is my colleague." You said pulling up a PowerPoint on the promethean board. "Okayyy so do this bell ringer and then we gone get into the lesson." You said pulling out your phone to text your husband.
Whatchu want to eat ma? I'm running
A lil late. So imma get some food.
It don't matter,and why you late?
Cause all of the traffic I'm stuck in.
Mmmhm that's what you get , I told you to wake up when I woke up 😂🫵🏾
Yeah yeah.
"Ms.l/n can you help me with this?" You looked up from your phone and nodded. "Of course boo,what's the question?" She read the question aloud and you nodded. "Okay so, the reactants of photosynthesis is water,sunlight and carbon dioxide,don't let the 6's infront of the equations confuse you." She nodded before there was a knock on the door. Someone stood up and opened the door and eren walked in with food in his hand.
Your face went hot as the class 'ooued' and made noise. "Here you go ms. L/n." He said handing you your food. "Mannnn mr.Yeager yall lying cause ain't no wait hell ain't together." Eren just shook his head and laughed
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leviismybby · 6 months
Would Levi let these people babysit your kid?
Erwin: He would but only for a few hours, he trusts Erwin with a lot of things but his kid? Not so much. Erwin never held a baby, he wouldn't be able to handle a toddler and Levi is afraid thay Erwin would forget about your kids since he is busy with work.
Hange: He trusts them too just not with his kid, even if his kid has fun anytime they babysit them, he has to explain to them that they can't experiment anywhere near his kid.
Nanaba: Yes and surprisingly she is good with kids. Although it takes her a bit to get comfortable around the kid, she manages. You have to ask her twice, it is kind of hard to convince her.
Miche: So so, unlike Nanaba, Miche isn't good with kids, he would be like a silent guardian watching over the kid like a hwak.
Moblit: Out of everyone, Levi would definitely let Moblit babysit. He knows how caring Moblit can be, he still warns him not to drink around your child tho.
His squad: Yes, they don't let him down in anything so he has no problem leaving them to look after his child. Petra is especially sweet with the kid.
Eren: Actually he would but would check up every 15 minutes to make sure that Eren's dumb ass isn't messing up.
Mikasa: He would, she would care and be careful with his kid more than anyone in that squad. She is also has a soft spot for the kid despite denying so.
Connie, Jean: You have to beg him for this if there is no other option. Levi explains to them 300 times what they can and can't do. Connie is also good with kids, he has siblings too so he can handle the little Ackerman, most of the time at least.
Sasha: Yes, she knows how to handle kids because she has younger siblings and is funny so your kid would have fun. Levi isn't surprised that the lunch box from his kid is empty for once.
Historia: He would, she is sweet and besides, she can use it as training when she has her own.
Ymir: Nope. She said "Fuck them kids" and Levi doesn't even try asking.
Kenny: Absolutely not. Do I even need to explain why not?
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jeansplaytoy · 9 months
detailed aot boy hc’s
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cursing , fluff , real life chronicles , proof read later .
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connie would most definitely be one of those boyfriends that when you would be like “bae, you wanna watch baddies east wit me?” he’ll be like “hell naw girl.” next minute you be watching it, his ass know everything, everybody. “rollie big ass pissin me off bruh.”
ony makes the jersey club remixes.
but eren and connie get tf down and make most of the jersey club dances.
armins obsessed with gypsy rose. don’t even ask.
connie and ony used to get tore tf up by them switches from outside. they moms have each other permission to whoop them. that’s how bad they was.
eren was a clumsy ass kid. he got scars from when he was a toddler.
armin got into so many secret bathroom fights that nobody knows about.
connie is not friendly fr. he friendly to people he know but he really mean asf to people he don’t know. and that goes for girls too. (only if they try to act all hard and shit.)
jeans teeth are highly sensitive to cold things. he lowkey hates cold water and can only eat ice cream really carefully.
connie used to have a head full of hair when he was little but his mom got tired of doing it was cut it off.
eren was (and lowkey still is) tender headed asf.
ony wasn’t able to watch dennis the menace, rarely able to watch home alone, or problem child because every time he did, he’d try to copy what they did.
armin rage quits a lot. like… a lot. so he always has a new set up or console every month.
jean bites his tongue every day on accident.
y’all know them knew scars them bad kids be having? yeah, connie got bout three of em.
armin cant keep a girlfriend 💀 the only girlfriend he could keep was you.
jean used to be scared of the cat in the hat live action.
eren greened out a LOT in highschool. nigga was a whole marijuana plant his self. he just calmed down after he graduated.
ony got chased by so many damn dogs when he was younger.
connie tried to fight the principal one time because he tried to suspend him because someone lied like connie got in a bathroom fight.
armin got the attitude of a divorced wife. when i tell you he gets mad so damn quick when people that ain’t his friends try to fuck wit him.
connie get smoked every time he eat freedos around the group because they his favorite chips and nobody knows why he like em.
eren got his door took off the frame one time.
jean tried to sneak out his parents window because they permanently locked his. he broke his arm that same night.
armin loves playing in your hair. like he really loves it.
ony got caught skipping school one day when he was in elementary 💀 that ass whoopin was one he’ll never forget.
eren talks so sweet to you but talks mean irl.
armin hates other girls for real, other than sasha and mikasa, and you of course.
connie dyed his happy trail grey.
y’all know them “play fights” boys be having and then they start hitting hard asf and then be breathing heavy asf when they done acting like nothing happened? connie and ony got into one of them in highschool. also armin and eren, and armin and connie.
eren used to have a bald spot from trying to cut his own hair with a razor.
last but not least, jean used to have that sad simpson pfp in middle school. 😭
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anothanobody · 2 years
Mikasa crying won’t sway emperor Eren really easily 😭 tbh even yandere Eren too. Those two are master manipulator.
Younger Eren? A slight percentage maybe
Risks Eren? He’s such a gonner when she’s crying
exactly. mikasa will be able to sway him in certain moments but for sure not when someone tries to hurt her or offends him directly. yandere will probably use her crying into his advantage like when she tried to escape after the misunderstanding, they even had sex after.
younger eren, his love for her is higher than his psycopathy and knowing he stuck her to him for life he'll do anything for her.
risks eren, he can see the little veil of glossiness in her eyes and he's automatically gone, unless he's blacking out. but right after he'd do anything, apologize, beg, everything.
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