#younger Aliyaa aepel
roselyn-writing · 1 year
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A unique trainee chapter 9
“Aliyaa’s mission”
A/N: I completely forgot about this fanfic lol 😂I guess I need to start remembering that I have other fanfics to write! ❤️❤️🖤
It is a sunny beautiful day as the breeze gently blows the trees. Younger Aliyaa woke up from her sleep, she got up from her bed. She washes her face and brushed her hair and teeth.
“It is a lovely day today,” she muttered to herself happily.
Today the Grandmaster woke up early like he usually does. He sat on a mat waiting for Aliyaa to come and eat her breakfast with him.
Today is very important for her, today is the day of her first mission!
The Grandmaster had been thinking these days, he had been thinking if he did the right thing; Is sending Aliyaa safe for her? What if she got killed? The older Aliyaa will never forgive and thus he will lose two Aliyaas, But from what he has seen Aliyaa is doing progress in everything. Her training, her ability, and her strength.
He trusts Younger Aliyaa to get the job done and so must the older Aliyaa!
“I know that I’m doing the right thing!” Hanzo stated he is certain in his decision.
Finally, younger Aliyaa came to him, she sat near him. Then she poured tea for herself and her grandmaster.
“Good morning Grandmaster!” Younger Aliyaa greeted joyfully.
“Good morning, Sakura~,” The Grandmaster greeted back with a smile on his face.
As he is sipping his tea, he is looking at Aliyaa, he can’t help but to ponders at her. She is so cute and innocent.
It would hurt him if he made a monster out of her, he knows that the life of a ninja is cruel and merciless. He would be damn if he taught her how to become one. She will lose her virtues and innocence, she will be left with only blood on her hands and the unquenchable blood lust.
She would be a feminine version of himself. He would be doomed if he let her become like him, He can’t lose sweet young Aliyaa; She is the light of his life.
“Aliyaa,” The Grandmaster called her. “Are you sure about this?”
“Yes!” She affirmed brightly to him.
“I will not send you alone, there will be a squad going with you,” The Grandmaster stated.
“My decision is final!” The Grandmaster declared.
“Yes... Grandmaster” She murmured.
He thought about this matter through and through. The decision is hard for him more than it is for her, but it is for her safety.
“Be ready for your mission” He reminded, “And, please be safe,”.
“Yes, Grandmaster!” She reassured.
Younger Aliyaa's mission is to hunt one of the lowly-ranked gang members and his name is Lazlo.
Lazlo is a young man lowly-ranked member of his gang.
Grandmaster Hasashi had Aliyaa hunting him down because he won’t be much of a threat to Aliyaa.
Once Aliyaa finds this Lazlo guy. He wanted to assault her, because of how beautiful she is.
“Hello~ Girl,” Lazlo called lustfully.
“Not interested,” she coldly told.
With a swift move of her feet, she tackled him and started punching him in the face, he cried in pain, he tried desperately to shake her off of him but he failed. He barely got up and took a good footing but he stammered due to unbalance.
Younger Aliyaa decided that she will beat him senselessly so that he end up in the hospital. She doesn’t want to kill him.
“What the hell is wrong with you lady!” He cried as he spits blood.
But Aliyaa didn’t reply at all instead she kicked him in the face and she punches him in the back of his head, His body lay there he isn’t dead, he is just unconscious.
“I did my mission!” She brightly said to herself.
Then she went to the Shirai Ryu Temple, she told the Grandmaster of her mission and he congratulated her.
“Good work!” The Grandmaster exclaimed.
“Thank you, Grandmaster!” Aliyaa replied.
Older Aliyaa came to congratulate her on her mission. “Congratulations on your mission!” Aliyaa exclaimed happily.
“Thank you!” Younger Aliyaa answered.
Older Aliyaa magically prepared tea and cups for them to drink and celebrate together.
“Let’s celebrate,” Older Aliyaa suggested. “Who wants black tea? Or green tea?”
“Green tea for me,” Grandmaster Hasashi specified.
“Sure,” Aliyaa uttered.
Aliyaa magically poured tea for Hanzo and younger Aliyaa, All of them enjoyed sipping their tea. It is one of the lovely times when they gather together and drink tea.
That’s all for today! Thank you for reading you can give me feedback if you want 🖤
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lorabeyc · 1 year
Selena Thatcher, My OC 🌊🌊
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Selena Maeve Thatcher (or Just Selena) 
First Name: Selena
Last name: Thatcher ( Her Earth family name) 
Name Origins: Greek Origin, Goddess Of the moon, From Selene Goddess of moon 🌕
Date of birth: 15 June 
Age: 38 Y.O
Gender: Female 
Siblings: Morgana (younger sister) 
Sexuality: Heterosexual. 
Zodiac: Gemini. 
Species: Embophidian, Hydromancer. 
Skin colour: Medium
Body type: Slim woman, Slender too. 
Phobias: Thanatophobia (fear of losing someone you care about) 
FOMO: Fear of missing out.
Ambiguphobia: fear of being misunderstood. 
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders. 
Fear of Water being polluted or dirty. 
Thalassophile: lover of the sea. 
Aquaphilia: Lover of water 
Lover of quietness (sadly that has no term) 
Lover of Aquariums. 
Lover of sea-creatures. 
Caeruleaphile: lover of blue colour. 
Porphyrophile: lover of purple colour. 
Hair colour: Pink.
Eye colour: deep Blue.
Current location: Moirvdonne, UK.  
Face claims: Noami Scott.
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VA: Esmé Bianco, (The VA of Eclipsta in svfoe)
Alignment: Good.
Status: Alive.
Moirvdonne Police, Sheriff. 
Wartb Gang. 
playing chess set
watching TV
reading a book.
Mediating in water.
Casual clothes, Grunge too. 
Water aesthetics, sea aesthetics, and such.
Fighting crimes.
Helping others.
Healing others.
Stand and fight for justice. 
Friends and family.
Water, everything that is water-form.
Loving, compassionate, Understanding, and helpful if others need her. 
Loves  to play Video games with Selviya.
Loves to Learn Magic with Aliyaa. 
Glamours gowns.
Glamours tiaras. 
Sushi, Pesto Pasta.
Using religion for one’s profit. 
Bad manners.
Hates Slither to the core.
Hates autumn. 
Her friends and loved ones getting harmed or killed.
When someone is rude.
using magic for evil purposes.
She is quick to anger and she hates it. 
Hates bobba tea, don’t ask her why. 🤫
Speed: 9.5/10.
Agility: 10/10.
Intelligence: 9/10.
Strength: 10/10.
Stamina 9/10.
Stealth: 10/10.
Cooperation: 10/10.
Durability: 10/10.
Flexibility: 10/10.
Reflexes: 10/10.
Instincts: 10/10.
Kung Lao (Alive).
Thomas Lao Older son (Alive).
Layla Lao's second child (Alive).
Friends and Allies:
Aliyaa Aepel @aliyaaaepel3
Selviya Levsloky @aliyaaaepel3
Scylla Aepel @aliyaaaepel3
Arouj Roman @aliyaaaepel3
Hadi Aepel @aliyaaaepel3
Derek Monrik @aliyaaaepel3
Eveie Al’shayle. @aliyaaaepel3
Layla Buyunii. @aliyaaaepel3
Sailor Mona. @monapome
Jayce Nilson @kyd35
Sphinx. @aliyaaaepel3
Sarah @alexapenz
Heynois. @aliyaaaepel3
Mila. @mollyb9
Molly. @melissalix
Lana. @noelle9
Eliena De Vil. @lisadelise
William Mo’lain (Mayor of Moirvdonne) 
Cecila Smith. 
Anthony Mccbride. 
Cassie Cage.
Johnny Cage.
Sonya blade.
Jacqui Briggs.
Jax Briggs.
Kuai Liang.
Kung Lao (Husband). 
Liu Kang.
Takeda Takahashi
Hydro (Malibu Comic Character 😭) 
Not Friends or enemies: 
Scorpion/ Hanzo Hasashi.
Kung Jin.
The Oshh-tek Guards
The Kahn-Guards. 
Rain (Arch-enemy, In MK)
Silther (Arch-enemy, In Moirvdonne)
Shao Kahn
Kotal Kahn
Erron Black
Shang Tsung
In relationship with Kung Lao. 
Status: Married to Kung Lao (Canon, Because I Said So 🫸) 
Wave manipulation.
Water manipulation. 
Water generation. 
Water detection.
Water purification. 
Whirlpool generation. 
Water absorption.
Can control Water and Sea, If she is angry the sea is becoming rough and angry too like her. 
She caused a horrible Tsunami once because she was angry and she is still regretting this. 
Levitation, (Can fly only in her magical girl form) 
She can easily heal people, any type of illness, and damage. 
She is very skilled in Muay Thai and Judo. 
Has magical girl abilities
She is a very strong and skilled Hydromancer, that’s why Rain is after her. 
Create whips out of the water and they are dangerously sharp. 
Creates Storm blades too.
magical girl outfit:
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Selena is nice to people who are nice to her, she helps anyone in need, she is generous, and kind, she is very monstrous when it comes to fighting, she is humble, loving, and understanding of others, she is a stylish woman, she likes etiquette too. And a huge consumer of coffee ☕️. 
Finally, it took from me forever to finish this! That’s all of Selena Thatcher 🌊
@aliyaaaepel3 @lisadelise @melissalix @alexapenz @noelle9 @loryeenb @monapome @florafoom @kyd35 @kuaifan
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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A unique trainee chapter 8
(Just another day, same routine in the shirai-ryu), such a long title for a chapter eh?. Its been a while since i wrote the 7th chapter of this fanfic. Anyway! I am back to writing chapters and i will post chapter 5 and 6 of wartb! Just stay tuned!! :D
Young Aliyaa wakes up earlier, She washes her face, brushes her teeth, then goes to take a quick shower to freshen herself up in the bathtub but before she do that, she pulls up her hair into a bun then goes to the bathtub.She carefully puts her feet to test the water if its too hot or too cold turns out its warm then she gets inside the bathtub,As warm water tickles her body,She gently rubs every part of her smooth,Soft alluring body. She pours the soap on her palm and Scrubs every part of her body. As the alluring scent of the Body-soap fondles her nostrils. She breaths in. She enjoys this.After its rosy and sweet scent.
After half an hour she got out of the bathtub. She takes a pink long robe to Dry her body and to never catch a cold. She sits on the chair that is in front of the vanity/table dresser. She takes off the clip that was holding her hair up, she again brushes hair, Putting lotion on her body and a cream to her face. After that she quickly goes to her large closet that looks like another room in the same room. She takes a beautiful pink Rose decorations Kimono, she quickly wears it. Then she goes back to her vanity. Doing her hair into a Half up half down hairstyles (two buns at the top and her hair is down). She applied some pink lipstick. And finally she wears her favourite perfume. She goes out of her room to see if the Grandmaster Hasashi had wake up. Turns out he is still asleep. She quickly goes to her Kitchen to make breakfast. She makes pancakes with nutella and fruits. She makes 15 pancakes, for her, and for two hanzos. She also makes tea with Her vintage british cup set and pot.
She puts the breakfast in a tray and the tea pot and cups into another tray. She first carries the breakfast tray and goes to her Grandmaster. As she is heading there she is surprised to see her grandmaster had woke up.
“Good morning Grandmaster! I made breakfast!” She greeted him.
The Grandmaster looks at her and greeted her back, he is not surprised to see her always woken up earlier than him and Happily Greeting the morning. He came to a conclusion that she is a morning person. He liked this about her.
“Good morning to you too Sakura, i see that you had made a very delicious breakfast!” He greeted back. She smiled to him.
He opens the door for her, she goes there gently putting the tray in the table. She quickly goes back to her kitchen to fetch the Tea tray.
“I also made tea! I’m going to get it!” She added, he nodded
“Thank you for the delicious breakfast Sakura!” He thanked her. She left to fetch the tea.
Moments later the younger hanzo woken up. He sniffed the scent of the room. He loved the scent.
“Good morning! Did you slept well?” The grandmaster asked him
“G-good morning! And yes i slept well thank you for asking!” The younger Hanzo replied. He quickly gets up from the bed.
Younger Aliyaa came with the tea. She gently placed it beside the breakfast tray. She looks to see the younger hanzo is waken up. As its her nature to be shy. She nervously puts both of her hand on her lap as the moment she sat down. The Grandmaster noticed this and chuckles. He knew that she is getting nervous.
“Thank you for the breakfast and the tea sakura!” He thanked her again. She didn’t say anything she just smiled shyly.
“Thank you for the meal!” Younger Hanzos says.
“Y-you’re welcome!” She uttered calmly.
They all started to eat. Younger Aliyaa silently munching her food so that she doesn’t annoy them. She continues to eat her food silently and calmly after she had finished she pours herself tea. She pours for them too. She quickly Drank her tea. Then she excused herself to leave.
The Grandmaster let her leave, because she has a lot to do and also to train. But he knew that part of him knew that she left because she feels very nervous and shy and that is not comforting for her. He understands that after all she is a very shy girl and he wanted to teach her some things that will let her to overcome her shyness.
After an hour. The training began. The Grandmaster had gathered all the students for a new lesson, Takeda wasn’t here. Like the usual, he is in the SF. And developing his Relationship with his future Fiancé. Both she and the grandmaster had missed him. He is annoying for sure but still he is a wonderful friend. Younger Aliyaa minds slowly drift to thinks about her Older-self and her others friend. She is in deep daydream. That she didn’t notice one of the students had collided with her. The collision made her fall a few feet away. As she moans in pain
“Watch it stupid wench!!” The student says, clenching his teeth in anger, its the same student who had collided into her.
“You watch it! And you are the one who is stupid!” She talked back, not afraid of him.
The student wanted to slap her in the face,but Grandmaster Hasashi stopped him, giving him a terrifying glares that made him stutter in fear.
“Its her fault grandmaster! She is so stupid and idiotic!” The student uttered while pointing to her
“We both know its not her fault and you are the one who collided into her!” The grandmaster says. Not believing any word the student says. And he can’t lie to the grandmaster because he saw everything.
“But!” The student got cuts off
“No buts! Go run extra rounds and don’t you ever lay your hands on a woman!” The Grandmaster scolded him. He obeyed the grandmaster
“Are you okay sakura?” He asks Younger Aliyaa, she nodded
“Yes grandmaster and thank you for helping me!” She thanked him, he nodded the continue the training.
After the training, she goes to relax in the bathtub. She undressed herself, she took a white silk robe and a black hair clip. She turns the tap of the bathtub on, it pours warm water on the bathtub she quickly puts her feet on the water to see if its cold or hot. Warm like earlier in the morning. She smile in satisfaction as she gets in the bathtub. Enjoy the warm water gently fondles her body. She squeezes the soap bottle and it pours richly on her palm. She gently scrubs her body of the filth and sweat of the day. She deeply inhales sweet scents of roses and Sweets. After all its her older-Self taste in things and she just loves it. She spent half an hour there. She gets out of the bathtub and wears her silk white robe.
She chooses a red and white kimono. She takes off her silk white robe, She puts lotion on her body then wears her kimono. She applied some pink lipstick and wears her favourite perfume again.
She heard a knock on the door. She goes there to see who, it turns out, its the grandmaster. She smiled and open the door for him. He came back with the tea tray. He gently placed it on the table. And sat besides her. She quickly brushes her hair, and now she is done. She only need to face him now.
“Yes Grandmaster! Need anything?” She sweetly asks. He chuckles and shakes his head no.
“No Sakura! I just want you to be ready! Cause after two days it will be your first mission!” He says. She nodded, she curls her hair with her finger as she gently plays with it.
“Its very easy, all you have to do is to watch someone, there will be partners with you in the mission you won’t be alone my dear!” He declared, she nodded
“Okay! I’ll do my best!” She promised, he smiled softly to her.
Its like he is talking with Harumi, but younger and more shy, he still remembers that she is only shy when she talks to new people, but if she was with her husband she is not shy, she is calm and bold too. But he is glad that younger Aliyaa is not shy with him too she started to get a little bold. But nonetheless he loves younger Aliyaa and older Aliyaa and his dead wife Harumi. Its just that he sees his wife in them. All of them are so similar. Despite Older Aliyaa being really scary and goth. Yet in his eyes she is beautiful and she is his wife and lover. And so does the younger one.
“Be ready for it sakura!” He reminded, softly smiling to her and rubbing her head softly too.
“I am ready! And I won’t fail you grandmaster!” She solemnly promised.
He smiles kindly, and patted her head. She smiles and hugs him. He hugs back too.
After a moment of hugging, she lets go and pours tea to him, there is a knock on the door and it was younger Hanzo. He seems oblivious to what happend. She pours him a tea too.
“Am I interrupting something?” Younger Hanzo asks, as he is cocking his eyebrow
“Hehe you didn’t interrupt anything come and drink tea!” The Grandmaster offers, he comes to them and sit between them.
They talk and drink tea together. Its fun to Talk and have a British black tea as a beverage..
Younger Aliyaa is happy, she is grateful for everything and especially to Older Aliyaa when she rescued her that day.
Thats all for the chapter 8 of a unique trainee, thanks to all who supported me with positivity and lovely messages! Thanks for giving me the inspiration to write again! Thanks again ❤️
@loryeenb @loryeen @lorabeyc @melissalix @lisadelise @monapome @mollyb9 @noelle9 @florafoom @dumbgaming @kyd35
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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When a rose turns black chapter 5
Hey! Its been a while since i post something, i took a Break from tumblr! Here i am now! I missed you guys! 🖤🖤. This is just a filler chapter.
Mostly are thoughts but i hope you like it! 🖤
Farrah The wife of Hadi Aepel and the mother of Aliyaa, she had waken up from her sleep. She Goes to drinks two glasses of water. Then she goes to prepare breakfast for her family. She goes to the kitchen to makes scrambled eggs with cheese. for her and her husband. She takes a pan drawer, she buttered it with butter, then breaking 4 eggs. And mixing it up tell its done then she puts cheese before she put the meal in a dish.
Hadi Aepel woken up, smelling a delicious smell of breakfast and tea. He quickly changes his clothes into a White robe and yellow robe. He Greets the morning with happiness and energy. He quickly goes to See Aliyaa. He found her asleep. He lets her sleep. Then he goes to see his wife.
After eating breakfast, he goes straight to his work and that is shepherding the sheeps and lambs. He met his friends there and among them Mister peitz. They greeted each other and talked to each other. But Hadi always feel something wrong with Mister peitz like he is hiding something. Something eerie.. but he gave him the shadow of the doubt. He had brushed this dark feeling aside and focused on his work. Hadi Loves his job so much and he will always love it he even wanted his daughter Aliyaa to be a shepherd like him. He will teach her his job and she will love it. Hadi is a pacifist man who loves to help people in need and he loves pretty much everything in his life. He is understanding guy. He is a helpful too. His mother and father secretly prefer him to his brother but they didn’t show it or tell either. They keep it in their hearts.
Massoud, the younger brother of Hadi came, he came with a tea tray. He put it on the table and sat down to talk his brother and friends. He pours for them all tea. And handed them snacks. Hadi Loves massoud so much. He is his younger brother. He always loves him and will watch over him. Even beyond from the grave. The day Continues like the boring daily days. Its nothing new. But its still alright. Better routine than not something good happening at all.
“Here is the tea, and the snacks I brought from A store nearby.” Massoud says. Handing them the snacks and refilling their tea cups.
“Thanks for the lovely snacks!” Hadi Thanked him. Drinking his tea, enjoying the flavour.
Deep down inside his heart, Hadi Questions his decision about taking Aliyaa. He always did. But he always wanted to have a child. Yet he couldn’t because of his wife. She is infertile but he still loves her. He never cheated on her and never will. He loves her. He only sees Farrah. His heart is not big enough for another woman. Nor is his mind. Its like a true love. A lot of people were impressed by this. A man only loves and see one woman? That is something new to them. Most men love a lot of woman at the same time. And they are willing to leave Virginia to find the brothels. Because in Virginia there are no brothels. And the women are satisfied with this. Hadi questions this. If a man and a woman love each other shouldn’t they be enough for each other? Hadi heard stories of both sides cheats woman do and men do.He is neutral he doesn’t chose a side to be with but. He is neutral. But he is faithful to his wife and that is all what matter.
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In a dark Castle, there stood a demonic figure. His hair is black,His Eyes are red, like blood. His teeth clinched in anger.
“So they did it huh.” He seethed in pure anger “these stupid sorcerers Lucifier worshippers”He continues in Pure Rage. That Much of anger is sure going to explode a blood vessel inside of him. But he calmed down. Begrudgingly did. Because he doesn’t want to waste his time in anger.
He noticed a very fast movement, like a shadow moves fast in the corners, he hummed in amusement. But it quickly faded.
“Ah Vamonessyia” Raquol greeted, not amused after finding about the intruder identity.
“Didn’t you miss me, My dearie” She Says in her sweet tone. Trying her best to sense some emotions in him, but she found none. He is incapable of such thing.
“Get out of my castle” He muttered, turning his back on his guest.
“Aawh! Thats a no way to treat a fellow demon!” She giggles, her sweet lovely face turn into a demonic face, reddish like blood and fangs of a beast. Her Black hair flowing like a river and her wings are much more huger than bat.
She kept giggling and using her feminine assets on him. But it does not work. She is angered by this. All her feminine assets work perfectly on men but except him. She seething in anger.
“Brother of mine why do you ignore me!” Vamonessyia faked sadness in her tone, she is not sad but she merely toys with him to find some emotion in Raquol. Her brother from Souma side. Souma is the previous leader of demons but now its lucifier.
“Don’t you dare to call me brother!” He replied angrily, Facing her with a scary Face, His perfect handsome face turned into something of a vile demonic Face. His fangs are long and sharp, his eyes are redder than their previous colour. And his wings much huger than their previous size and his claws are longer too. Pretty much everything change about him.
“Still upset about with Luckifier? Ha!” She giggles.
Only to be punched in the face, the force of the strike is strong enough to sent her flying into the other side of the room. She moans in pain, but that only made her angerier. She wanted to hit back but she will surely lose. Unexpectedly Vamonessyia laughs. She laughs her Face looked Crazed, she looks like a lunatic woman. Raquol did is ubfazed by this. He only looks at her with a cold eyes. She kept laughing then flew away from the window. As he heard her laughs fade away.
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There are times Ashure enjoyed his work. And that is hunting the lost treasure that is buried underground. He dedicated his life to this. Finding those children who are called the “Zoris” those are not so rare children but. They are different and special. He has every book that describe them or wrote about them in particular. He still did not found one Kid that is a zory. He fear that he will not find them. That he will die trying. Ashure is bad man that is obsessed with magic and wealth. But surprisingly Ashure father is a good man. He only wanted the best for his sons. His sons loved him so much. But only Ashure he didn’t love him. Nor showed any emotion towards him. He simply does not like him because Once His father found out about his weird obsession with magic and hunting children this angered his father and vowed to disown him if he didn’t let go of this weird stuff that he is practicing. Ashure replied was to burn him with fire. As his father wailed in pain, Ashure only laugh he laughed like a demon is laughing not His son. Its pretty dark. He burned his father and his reaction was laughing and that is pretty messed up and dark too. Ashure did not regret this. As soon he did this. He took his books and scrolls and left the house.
“I have no regrets” he darkly muttered to himself. He remembers all to well.. he continues doing his work. His unspeakable dark deeds. That in time will backfire terribly at him.
And that is all for chapter 5, mostly its thoughts about the characters but. There will be more! Just stay tuned!!
@lorabeyc @loryeenb @loryeen @lisadelise @melissalix @monapome @mollyb9 @kyd35 @noelle9 @luxluxx34 @florafoom @yns-world
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
A unique trainee, the prologue
Good morning! 🌞 This chapter will be only prologue. I won’t talk much in it .. and i just i want to tell something, It is not Aliyaa who will confess her feelings, It is Hanzo to be more specific, She is happy and she trains and thus. but she thinks it is just training and so.. After years to training together he begans to have feelings for the younger Aliyaa, Although having trouble that she won’t accept him or to be One-sided, She just seems unpredictable to him, He fears that she would reject him, Sometimes it hurts him to fall in love he didn’t want it to be like the past .. You know the massacre .. and thus But little did he know, Aliyaa has a wild will especially if she’s threatened, In all Aliyaa’s Versions she is unpredictable and wild and thus, Lots of Actions will happen and so I will not spoil the surprise, I don’t how many chapters i will post, But i hope it is satisfying to you and me, Yes lost In another dimension is Offically Finished! Anymore questions?, If you want me to make a comic chapters of my version i will as someone asked in my email and this it is a good idea, and i will also Create a new unpredictable chapters if you want just stay tuned!! Chapters will be (not sure) Between 28 and 35 .. Just don’t worry the plots and the events will be satisfying like (Lost in another dimension) But it will include more plot-twist and unexpected Things and i hope that you will be ready to Read and stay tuned 😃, You don’t know how that makes me happy ! If you’re talking how would Little Aliyaa looks wearing a Shirai-ryu Costume and a mask, Hehe don’t worry she will design her own uniform, And mask .. (only in important mission) and thus, Hmm I will not include Shao kahn or Kotal kahn why? (Because both are dead), Before the older Aliyaa left she made sure that little Aliyaa or sonya blade won’t Fight each-other (like the older Aliyaa) And thus older Aliyaa made peace with her .. You know to break evil (xD), Just forget what I Said .. Selviya? Hmm yes she will train with Lin-kuei but won’t be a permanent member, She just wishes to train with them and learn more about her Ice ability (Ice magic) and thus, Takeda and jacqui will continue they’re relationship, I Don’t know if Aliyaa wants to find about her real parents, The older Aliyaa is trying desperately to Reach them until she find one, Her Real father Is Guivara abraham Darkwell, But that does Not mean she did not like her father who took care of her when she was young .. No No she still loves him And miss him everyday .. But she did not find her mother, I still didn’t made a scenario about the mother in wattpad or the father to be honest but I will nonetheless!, Hmm . Some emojies for you 🖤 ☾☪︎☽☀︎✧✰✯❍✪︎︎❏༄★☆☔︎☂︎❆︎☃︎❅◌✩◈⬚︎♬⚓︎❀シ✌︎☠︎♪♫
“ i am creature of pain and sadness and bitter Longings, I used to sough Vengeance above everything, when i forgot the Most important thing which is to forgive and move on ..____ Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
“plant a Rose in the Darkness, It will surely grows slowly, But eventually it turns black..” ___Aliyaa Aepel
“It doesn’t matter whether i am borned or cloned, I am still a human, a living creature and i have a heart, better not to break it ..”___ Scylla aepel
“I know that all of us have a shameful dark past, we can overcomes it, and I won’t stop until i am redeemed of it ..___ Arouj Aepel (Jaroud)
“I am a telepathic, I Inherited it from my Father. i am still resenting him, But If Wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have met my mentor Hanzo Hasashi ..___ Takeda Takahashi
“It doesn’t matter that you fail or succeed, The only thing matters that you keep on, Even if you feel doesn’t matter just keep going, Life won’t stop at your failure, Only at those who envy your success, and so that I won’t stop fighting in my life, Even IF i am literally sitting on my wreckage..” ___Hadi Aepel
“ I used to be a frightened little girl, until i Met a cool and wonderful person, I called him a hero, And he advised me To always put on my armor ..” ___Selviya Ivy Blanche
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