#young john garrett oneshots
romanova-natalia · 4 years
Peanut Butter and Jelly
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Pairing: Young!John Garrett x Reader
Request: Reader patches up John’s wounds, takes place in 7x11
A/N: As my name states, I am the CEO of Mini Garrett, would give my soul up for James Paxton and his big toothy smile. Bless him, bless his heart. Also! I’m gonna imagine that everything was good and fine after this and he lived, and if you want a part two where he lived and didn’t die just because that’s MY vision for this fic, just let me know!
Word Count: About 1.8k 
Warnings: Minor Season 7 spoilers, Blood, Wounds, Bandages, Bad Language Words - James was 25 while shooting this so both he and reader are 25 :) 
“You know I’m not the person that they described to you, right?” Garrett questioned, watching as you opened up a bag in front of him.
With a sigh, you set down the medical supplies. “No, you’re very much the same.” You mumbled, focusing on pulling out the correct medical supplies. It’s not like you were an expert, but you had picked up a few things from your mother - who had been a field medic in the war. 
“No, see I haven’t tried to end the world because there’s something wrong with me, that’s different. And, I’m currently alive.” He responded, that large grin of his covering his face. 
“I didn’t know that version of you, doesn’t make you any less of a giant dickhead.” You commented as you sat in front of Garrett, pouring some antiseptic onto a cloth as you glanced at his wounds to figure out which one you should take care of first. “And, you’re going to do that stuff in the future, anyway.” You said, finally deciding where to place your cloth, setting it lightly on his skin so as to not cause any pain - of course, there would be some pain, but you had hoped to keep it as gentle as possible.
The two of you had been friends for a while, your minimal experience with first aid and John’s willingness to get into dangerous situations made him feel the need to have you on his side. Though his eccentric personality was often a lot for you, as well as his lack of general morals on most fronts. You had taken a great liking to the man, despite both of those things. He was the same age as you, tall, attractive, funny in a cynical and mad type of way. 
Had it not been for the liking that you took to the man you most likely wouldn’t be sitting there with him at that very moment, dealing with SHIELD agents from the future and him doing more than evil things. You weren’t being manipulated into this by any means, though you didn’t know what he’d do if you left, you had no desire to leave. Although you had no idea why or how, you cared about the man in front of you - more than you were willing to admit. 
You were drawn back to reality as you heard a sharp intake of breath, most likely from the antiseptic. “I don’t have to do that stuff in the future, I can do something else.” John reasoned, mostly trying to distract himself from the stinging - though you’d patched up his wounds countless times, he was probably used to it in most capacities. 
“I don’t care what you do in the future, it’s not like you’re an angel now.” You responded, only half-into the conversation as you cleaned the blood off of his face, not really taking note of how close you were sitting since you were so focused on cleaning up the wounds as quickly as possible before they could become especially harmful. “I’ve stuck with you for a while, I’m not too sure I’ll ever have a desire to leave.” 
“Yeah, why is that anyway? Is it because I’m so charming?” Garrett questioned, raising an eyebrow as you moved your hand down to clean the blood off of his chin. “Because I’ve fucked you over a lot, and I never forced you to stay. Unless you thought I was forcing you... because I wasn’t.” He commented as he watched you work.
You paused for a second, not really knowing how to answer his question, before continuing to wipe off the blood. “I know you weren’t forcing me to stay, and if you tried to I would have kicked your ass.” You replied, moving to clean the blood from his ear out before setting the cloth down beside you. “I just… care about you.” You finally mumbled out as you grabbed the package of butterfly bandages from beside you.
“You care about me?” He questioned, watching as you opened up one of the bandages and applied it to one of the wounds on his face. “Well, that’s a relief.” He replied.
As soon as you finished applying the band-aid you dropped your hands, your face going deadpan as you met the man’s eyes. “Do you seriously just say, ‘that’s a relief’ as I spend my time unfucking the wounds on your face?” You questioned. “This is what I meant when I called you a giant dickhead.” You replied, poking the man in the forehead and picking up one last band-aid, noting another wound that was still slightly bleeding.
“I care about you too, obviously, or I wouldn’t insist that I bring you everywhere with me.” He replied, watching as you scoffed and went to open the band-aid.
“You bring me everywhere with you because you don’t know what to do if you get a bruise.” You teased as you lightly pressed the band-aid to John’s wound, making sure to keep it as closed as possible without hurting him.
“That’s not true, you’re my closest friend-”
“I’m your only friend-”
“That’s true, but I’m being serious, I really do care about you.” He finally said, watching as your eyes snapped to meet his, trying to detect some sort of lie within them. 
Despite your best efforts, you didn’t find a lie within his expression; your hand presently rested on the wound on his face seemingly wasn’t dropping. It was then that you finally noticed how close the two of you were sitting, that if you were to inch forward a tiny bit you would be sitting in the man’s lap rather than in front of him, that you would be able to feel his breath fanning over your face. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have sprung caring about you onto you, I have no idea how to respond to that.” You finally breathed out, your voice wavering a tiny bit as your eyes flickered over John’s face.
“You could kiss me, just because you know we might di-” There wasn’t much thought going through your brain as you took his offer, interrupting his sentence to press your lips against his as you felt his hands rest on your hips - as best as they could with the handcuffs still on - and pull you to sit on top of his legs, seemingly to make it easier. Of course, you couldn’t resist letting a hand rest within that floppy dark hair that you had come to admire so much.
As you both pulled away, you panting and your partner’s face twitching back into that giant grin of his that you also admired a lot, you finally noticed one more thing. You noticed how Garrett had made you feel from the moment that you had met him, and how you had-oh-so-willingly followed every single thing he did like a groupie. You noticed that you were in love with the man, which was why you refused to watch his future when you were given the chance. 
“I think I’m in love with you-” You mumbled out before you could stop yourself, second away from jerking back and running off so you didn’t have to deal with the fallout of what you had just said, but he just pulled you closer.
“That’s really cool because I’m in love with you too, you can… you can be the peanut butter to my jelly.” He said, the toothy-grin only expanding as he watched your concerned face break into laughter.
“Fine, that just makes you the sticky one that you rush to the sink to clean off.” You mumbled, rather playfully as you finally collected yourself from the incredibly odd way he had decided to label your relationship. “But that does prove to me one thing, you know.” You finally said, letting your hand that was still resting over the wound move to cup John’s cheek. 
“What’s that?” He questioned, watching you with the smile still ever-present on his face.
“It proves that you’re still the version you I know, because nobody over the age of twenty-five would ever say ‘you’re the peanut butter to my jelly’ under any circumstance.” You said with another laugh.
He laughed along with you for a moment before pressing another light kiss to your lips. “You know we’ve gotta go out there at some point.” 
“No, you can just teleport, they’ll never know. We can find an abandoned cottage, pretend we’re French farmers. They’ll never find us.” You commented dreamily, only half-joking.
“As nice as your plan to elope is, I can’t really teleport with these on.” He said, you finally taking note once again of the fact that you were both essentially being held as prisoners at the moment. You hadn’t done anything, but you were complicit in him doing things, and you weren’t really willing to leave the man’s side under any circumstance.
With a sigh, you rested your head against his, even for just a moment. “Why don’t you just break that?” You proposed, fiddling with the device only to have your hands slapped away.
“That could hurt me, stop it.” He whined, not really understanding what the advanced handcuffs could really do to him, or you, if you tried to break him out of them. “You know,” He started, completely changing the subject from the matter as if to keep you from trying to break him out. “I could tell you what happens to us in the future because I’m pretty sure that you’ll lo-”
Your hand covered his mouth, shaking your head rapidly. “I don’t want to know, because I’m pretty sure I know enough,” you responded, watching his head tilt in confusion. You lowered your hand from his mouth and continued, “SHIELD left you for dead, and you joined a shitty organization to retaliate. They both fucked you over, which is why, once this whole thing is over, I think we should do something different.” You finally concluded, watching his confused face turn into yet another smile. 
“You really wanna elope with me, huh?” He teased, pressing another kiss to the corner of your lips as they formed into a pout. “Maybe once this is all over - from what I can tell, you were the only good part of my future anyway.” He finally said, maybe he would have continued to but Phil and May had come through the door - you were out of time. 
Reluctantly, you stood up, helping John stand up with his handcuffed state and walking with him out to where everyone else currently was, God you just hoped that this was going to work.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Arte’s Writer Wednesday entries | Updated list
A03: Artemiseamoon
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Works prior to 8.23.22 ⬅️
Works after 8.23.22 listed below.
Snippets will be shared on tumblr, follow A03 link for the full work 💕
1. One day at a time | multi chapter | TF | Santiago Pope Garcia | (snippet) | A03 link ✔️
2. Venice at Midnight | oneshot | UMWOT | Javi G x woc f reader | (snippet) | A03 link ✔️
3. A fall getaway | oneshot | Triple Frontier | Benny Miller x f reader | (snippet) | A03 link ✔️
4. A hermits Journey | oneshot | SOA | Jax & brother omc (Garrett Hedlund) | (snippet) | A03 link ✔️
5. So much for a hot date | oneshot | Young Santi x f reader | TF x The Blob | (snippet) | A03 link ✔️
6. Decided by Fate | 2 shot | Tyler Rake x ofc | Extraction | (pt 1 snippet) | pt 2 snippet | A03 link ✔️
7. Neptunium pt 2 | pt 3 | Vampire John Wick x f reader/ or oc | (snippet)| A03 link ✔️
8. Desire | drabble | Desire of the endless x GN reader | (snippet) | A03 link ✔️
9. The Wedding Date | oneshot | Santi x ofc (TF) | (snippet) | A03 link ✔️
10. Love you, endlessly | oneshot| Ezra x ofc (Prospect) | (snippet) | A03 link ✔️
11. Indigo | oneshot | Prince Fennec x Sophie | black! Cinderella au | draft release -tumblr | a03 ✔️
Feels like home | drabble within an existing universe | Jon Bernthal as Blake | (snippet) | A03 link - up next
Sweet bread | short drabble | The Gray Man | Sierra Six | (snippet) | A03 link
Midnight storm | preview of one shot | Arte original with some familiar faces | tumblr preview | A03 link
Steve Murphy x wife reader for week 24
TF guys, Rick flag, f reader for week 22
Jax Teller x black tattoo artist f reader for week 21
Sierra Six week 19
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seaside-stories · 4 years
March 8, 2020-The Interview
This is the interview portion from the most recent oneshot, here
March 8, 2020
James had spent the evening hours of the previous day asking the team if they wanted to be there for the interview. Of course, they wouldn’t be present, they’d be watching via A/V. They all said yes.
James slipped into the room where he was going to watch the live feed. Kira was right outside in the hall, and on the other side of the wall was Cheif Agent Alexis Jett’s office. Before taking a seat, he saw how interested everyone else on the team was. Even Isabel, who had originally been opposed. James wasn’t sure to think about her thoughts. Everyone was there. Logan, Scott, Claire, Eli, and Isabel. Everyone was watching.
Mark was up first. He sat in a chair across from the Chief Agent’s desk. He glanced at the nameplate. “Alexis B. Jett.”. She was currently looking at her computer screen. She turned to look at Mark.
“Hey there, champ.”
Mark was taken aback by her introduction but didn’t let it shock him.
“Hey. Hello. Ms–Ma’am. Hello.” Okay, maybe he was a bit anxious. Maybe a bit shocked. The Chief Agent chuckled.
“Feel free to call me Agent Jett, why don’t you.” She brushed some of her short blonde hair out of her face.
“So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to ask you a few questions. I expect you to answer truthfully. Don’t worry, by the way. The government is the last people who will have their hands on this information.”
Mark tried to give her a reassuring grin, but it ended up as more of a grimace.
“Your full name?”
“Mark Thomas Garrett.”
“Your parent’s names?”
“Eva Lucy Garrett.”
The Chief Agent looked up at Mark, expecting him to continue. When he did not, she continued with her questions.
“You have no health issues, according to this very small file we have on you. Would you like to change that statement?”
“Great. It also says, that you’re very bright and that you’ve been doing exactly what we do here but by yourself, and with your own homemade tech, is that true as well?”
“Yes. I never knew this place existed.”
“I’d assumed. Would you mind telling me your birthdate, and your current age, please?”
“October 14, 2004. I’m currently 15.”
“Great.” The Chief Agent smiled at him. “I’m assuming you want to do the same thing you’ve been doing, but with us now, am I right?”
The Chief Agent made a few notes on her computer, and then looked back at Mark.
“Thank you for your time. If you don’t mind, please send your sister in. I believe she is also here for an interview.”
“She’s my cousin.”
James chuckled at the exchange, but everyone else was apprehensive. He could have blown the whole interview.
“She had do have done that on purpose.” Eli Sands said, breaking the tension.
“Maybe, man. I don’t know.” Scott Hayes replied.
“Well, I want to see how the girl does, so please be quiet.” Isabel Kennedy told the pair.
As soon as Mark emerged through the door, Kira shot up. She was excited, and still riding the high that she was right (which is a great feeling). Of course, there were nerves, but she chose to ignore them.
“You must be Mark’s cousin.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Please, take a seat.” The Chief Agent indicated a chair in front of her desk. Kira noticed a plaque that read “Alexis B. Jett”.
“Is that your name?” Kira asked, pointing to the plaque. Alexis nodded.
“May I ask yours?”
“Kira H. Garrett”
“Can I ask what the H stands for?”
“Can I ask what the B stands for?”
There was a very tense pause, between everyone who heard that exchange. Then, Alexis cocked her head at Kira.
“I asked you first, but I will tell you.”
“Bea. B-E-A.”
“That’s pretty.”
“Same to you.”
The two exchanged smiles.
“I need to ask you a few more questions if you don’t mind.” Alexis clicked a few times on her computer.
“What are the names of your parents?”
“Marcus Leon Garret and Elaina Lila Garrett, formerly Johns.”
There was a pause. Kira looked around the room. The blinds were open. There was natural light, but it appeared that they were so high up that all you could see was the sky.
“It doesn’t appear that you have any health issues. Is that correct?” Alexis continued.
“That is true,” Kira said, having to restrain herself from adding another comment on how much she hates running.
“Good. Now, you decided to start working with Mr. James Chance because of your cousin, is that correct?”
“Yes, but I have been interested in robotics and electronics and technology in general from a young age. It’s just that I haven’t been in contact with Mark for a long time before recently.”
“I see.”
There was another pause. Alexis glanced at her computer screen.
“When is your birthdate, and what is your current age?”
“August 31, 2004. I’m 15. That makes me older than Mark, by the way. Not that it matters.”
“Of course not. Now, what would you be interested in doing with Caduceus, Kira?”
Kira thought for a moment. Of course nothing with running. It was a pretty quick decision. She didn’t even think to ask about what type of jobs they were offering to her.
“Some sort of intelligence position would be nice. Just, something where I don’t have to be there. And where I don’t have to run.” She added that last part under her breath.
“And you would still be interested in working on materials with Mr. Chance and your cousin, Mark?”
Alexis made a few more notes on her computer screen.
“Well, then, thank you for your time.”
“Thank you, Ms.–Agent? Agent Jett.”
The two exchanged smiles, and Kira slipped out the door.
James caught up with the cousins very soon after their interviews ended. He patted them on the back and offered them reassurance that everything went fine. When they both protested, James just asked them, “Come on, don’t you trust me?”
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