#young debra is giving me the feelings(tm)
jcllyfisn · 6 years
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“ he was the brighest of his sons, the commander everyone loved, always willing to put his heart and best face, to cross oceans and skies just for his father --- a man who’s charisma gave him the name of Smiling Jack. ” 
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kazosa · 7 years
Secrets - SoA: Chapter 2
Summary: Reader has lived in a life full of secrets. When her father dies unexpectedly and sends her on a trip all over the country, she finds out just how much like her father she really is. The end of her trip brings her to Charming, CA where she finally gets some big pieces of her family puzzle put back in place and form new relationships with the people there. Chapter 2: Chibs and reader go to Scoops and have dinner together. Warnings: language A/N: If it wasn’t clear before, this takes place after the events of the final episode, so SPOILERS Word Count:  2900 Tags: @telford-ortiz-teller  @sam-samcro  @tstieff IF YOU WISH TO BE TAGGED, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IN SOME WAY. ASK BOX IS SAFEST WAY, BUT I DO TRY TO LOOK AT ALL COMMENTS AND REBLOGS. COMMENTS WELCOME! Secrets Masterlist
     He took his hand away slowly like he didn’t want to break that one point of skin to skin contact. You let him get situated and restart the engine before you retightened your hold on him. Over the rumble of the engine, he asked if you were ready to go and you patted him on the chest in answer. He pulled away from the side of the road easily then he really opened it up, forcing you to tighten your hold on him even more. You giggled at the rush of power. It was exhilarating every time. You didn’t know where Chibs was taking you but you didn’t much care. It felt good to ride with Chibs. Every time you loosened your hold on him, he’d make a sudden turn forcing you to squeeze him again. You would have thought it were a coincidence if you hadn’t felt his chest rumble each time.      He seemed to take you on a little ride around Charming just for a little fun, probably. Any other day you would have been fine to keep going, but, as it was, it had been a very long day. Eventually Chibs brought you back around to the side of town where you thought the motel was, instead, he stopped across from a store that still had lights on inside. The green lettering on the glass read “Scoops and Sweets.”      There were people inside that looked like families and young couples. You didn’t picture Chibs as milkshakes and burgers kind of guy. Your body had gotten stiff from just the short ride around Charming. You put your hands on Chibs shoulders and braced yourself as you gingerly got off the motorcycle.      “Ye alrigh’, lass?” he asked you seeming genuinely concerned.      You stretched out and leaned over to touch your toes. You groaned with pleasure as all of the right muscles stretched out. Standing back up straight, “Yeah. When I first started this little odyssey, I was riding twelve hours or more a day, it did a number on my back. I rode hard today and sometimes I don’t know when to take it easy. I also hurt my back when I was a kid and sometimes it bothers me.” You put your hands on your lower back and leaned backward to stretch again. “Scoops huh? They have a shower?”      Chibs chuckled as he got off his bike. “Aye, there’s an apartment upstairs and two other rooms. We now have THREE, proper functioning showers,” he said trying to sound convincing and you thought maybe it wasn’t just for you.      He led you across the street and held the door for you to go inside Scoops. You felt all of the eyes turn to you and Chibs. You must have looked like hell. Some of the girls inside were giving you the once over. You were about to ask Chibs what the hell was going on, when you finally saw the front of his kutte. He had a President patch. Shit. You knew the Sons of Anarchy were a motorcycle club and you knew that there was a hierarchy, you just didn’t know that the guy you had been hard-core flirting with was the head of said club.      “Chuckie!” Chibs bellowed as he slapped the counter a few times. “Chuckie will make whatever you want. He’s a little… odd, but good cook and a good guy.”      A squirrely looking guy came bursting through swinging doors you assumed went to a kitchen. It was hard to miss his prosthetic hands. “Hey boss!” he said with more exuberance than you cared for on an empty stomach. His eyes went to you and you registered a small nod before he turned back to Chibs.      “Chuckie, I need you to make whatever the lady likes and my usual,” Chibs told him.      The man named Chuckie took a step toward you. You leaned on the counter to talk to him, “What’s his usual?”      “Steak, medium-rare and roasted potatoes with a butter and chive drizzle. Whiskey, neat,” he said quickly.      You thought that over a minute. “I like grilled chicken. Can you work me some magic? I’m kinda starving. I’d love some potatoes, too. Ice water and a double of whatever spiced rum you have and Coke.”      “Rum preference?” the squirrely man asked.      “Sailor Jerry, if you don’t have it Captain works just right, too,” you told him.      “You got it,” he smiled.      Chuckie looked back to Chibs for direction. He gave him a slight nod. “She’s a friend of the club, Bud’s girl. How long?”      That you were “Bud’s girl” seemed to mean something, “Uh, I gotta check to see what’s thawed, but twenty-five minutes or so?”      You were still leaning on the counter when Chibs spoke to you. “That enough time?”      “Plenty,” you nodded.      Chibs motioned for you to follow him, “Bring it up, Chuckie.”      The small man nodded at Chibs, smiled at you and buzzed back into the kitchen.      Chibs led you up the stairs. When you reached the upper floor, there was an option of going into a large area that you guessed was the clubhouse or you could go around the stairs to the back to what looked like it could be an apartment. Chibs led you around to the back side. He pulled out keys to unlock the door that led into a small hall. At the end of the hall, there were three doors. Chibs went to the one in the middle, which also required a key.      Once inside the final door, you were inside the apartment he had told you about. The two windows in the room were made of solid glass bricks. The room still had the smell of fresh paint and drywall mud. The furnishings were sparse and the room itself could barely be called a living room, but there was a carpet remnant on the tile floor and some older than dirt armchairs centered in front of a tv that was attached to a wall. Behind this living space was a tiny kitchenette complete with a range, microwave, sink and a small refrigerator.      You suddenly got a weird feeling, like you were intruding. “Should I be up here? Aren’t there rules about this? I don’t know about MC’s very much, but… people were staring at me downstairs. And now I’m up here, in private space. It’s all very…intimate.”      “Aye, well, being President of the club has its perks. Don’t worry about it, lass, being Bud’s daughter makes you a friend of the club by default. If you get TM through this audit relatively unscathed, you’ll have earned it on your own.” He reached his hand around a door jamb and flicked on a light to reveal a bedroom. He stepped inside to get the light for the bathroom.      “Use what ye need, won’t bother me any,” he said leaning against the bathroom jamb. “Don’t have anything for lassies, though.”      You tentatively stepped inside his room. It was a little nicer than you had expected. Queen-sized bed, comfortable bedding, a dresser and night stand. The stark white interior of the bathroom had shone brightly. He let you pass by him. Your flirtation earlier all but forgotten as the call of his shower and hot water drowned out everything else.      “Thanks for this,” you managed to say.      He nodded, “I’ll wait for ye in the living room.”      You stopped him, “If you don’t mind, would you stay close? Talk to me?”
     “You sure about that, lass?” he asked her. Awfully ballsy to ask a stranger to do such a thing.      “Yeah, you coulda taken advantage long before we got here,” she said, “I’m sure.”      He wasn’t about to say no to the lass so he stood outside the door to give her a little privacy. He heard her looking for the towels then rustling inside the bag she’d worn in. He’d felt guilty for lusting after her earlier. She was Bud’s daughter, after all. His goddamned Catholic guilt was coming after him already. She was a good bit younger than himself, he’d thought. Had to be. He knew Bud left in ’84. (Y|N) had said she turned five in Iowa. Jesus, that made her…      “So how well did you know my dad?” she called. The water was finally running.      “Oh, pretty well. Saw him at least once a year, sometimes more. Would stay a week or so,” he answered. He didn’t know how much he should tell her. Bud had always been very careful not to mix California with Iowa. “What does your ma say about all this?”     “Haaaa,” she stepped into the shower and closed the curtain, “Well, DEBRA was less than pleased. Told me I was just like my father and to not come crying to her when it all went to shit.”      Chibs chuckled, “Aye, that sounds like Debbie.”      “Know her, too, do ya?” she called out.      He could smell his shampoo. “Aye, salty one, yer ma.”      “Yeah… salty. Hey, I can barely hear you, could you step in?” she called.      He didn’t know what to think of her. She should have been scared of him. A normal person would have been scared or insisted on privacy, but here she was in his shower and using his shampoo, door wide open and inviting him in. He stepped around the corner to stand by the sink in the bathroom.      “How long have ye been on the road?” he asked.      “Long time. Almost a year,” she said. “God, this shower is awesome.”      A year was a long time to do anything, in his book. It impressed him that she’d been on the road that long to fulfill her father’s last wish. If Bud sent her on this trip, he must have wanted her to know what it was like, being on the road, the life. He guessed there was a lot she didn’t know.      “You still there?” she called.      Chibs could smell his soap now. He told himself it wasn’t a turn on that there was a pretty woman in his dorm, using his things, in his shower… “Aye.”
     “You went quiet on me,” you quickly drug your razor over your soapy legs hoping to Christ you didn’t slice your leg open. “Sorry, I’m trying to hurry.”      “No rush,” he said.      “Hey, I’m sorry about earlier,” you said.      “Sorry? For what?” he asked.      “It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to talk to anyone,” you tried to explain away your blatant flirting. Hell, it was more than that, you’d practically offered to have sex on his bike. “I tend to run my mouth a little too much around people I like, or when I’m nervous.” Like now, shut up, dumbass.      He looked at the floor and smiled, “Flirting never hurt anyone, lass.”      He was being very sweet with you. He was probably trying to forget you even said it. You were never so bold with men, but… he’d responded to it… you thought. You finished the other leg and rinsed off.      “Chibs?” you turned off the water.      “Aye?”      “Could you hand me the towel? I left it on the counter,” you asked.      He turned around and grabbed the towel to hand to you. The opaque curtain hid everything from view as he handed the towel over the top.      “I’ll wait for you outside now,” he told you.      It didn’t take you long to get ready after that. You toweled off and wrapped your hair up in the towel when your body was dry. You had one, precious, bottle of your favorite lotion, which you slathered all over your body. It had been so long, your body just soaked it up. You pulled out your clean set of clothes and put them on. If you stayed any length of time in Charming, you were going to need more clothes. You combed through your hair and checked yourself out in the mirror. You wouldn’t win any beauty contests, but at least you were clean. After you gathered your things and stuffed them back into your bag, you turned off the light and went to find Chibs.
     He was in the small kitchenette with Chuckie. A card table had been set up and there were mouthwatering smells coming from the tray Chuckie had brought up. Your stomach rumbled in answer. It took you a moment to remember when you ate last and it was sometime the night before. You’d left for Charming before 5 that morning and had only stopped for gas. You guessed it was somewhere close to 7 or 7:15 pm.      You stepped out into the small living room wearing your skinny jeans and Led Zeppelin t-shirt when the men finally noticed your presence. You dropped your bag on the floor near one of the armchairs and went to the card table and just smelled the food. It was heavenly.      “Hi (Y|N)! I hope you like it!” Chuckie spoke to you first.      You leaned on one of the folding chairs and breathed in deeply. It was even better up close. “If it’s half as good as it smells, I’m sure I’ll love it. Thank you, Chuckie,” you said sincerely and touched his shoulder. He’d even remembered to bring your ice water and double rum and coke.      Chuckie must have followed your gaze, “We only have Captain but if you plan on staying a while, I can order Sailor Jerry.”      “No, that’s fine, Chuckie. Don’t trouble yourself over it,” you told him      “No, it’s no trouble. Maybe I can find some around Charming,” he said.      “Oh, let me give you some cash,” you turned and moved to go back to your bag for your wallet.      Chibs finally spoke up, “No, you’re a friend of the club. It’s on us.”      Chibs waived Chuckie off. You watched as the door closed behind Chuckie. It was just you and Chibs again and your mind flashed back to your flirty exchange on Chibs’ bike.      “It’s gonna get cold, love,” he said gently.      You turned to see him standing near your chair waiting for you. It warmed your heart a little to see him waiting for you. Most men you’d encountered had lost any sense of chivalry and you rarely, if ever in your life, had been on the receiving end of it. The men you’d come across either ignored you completely or were intimidated by you. Having a bunch of bikers be sweet and kind to you was something you were not used to at all.      Chibs even helped you with your chair and you checked off something on your list of things you never thought would happen. You waited for him to sit before you dug in. You took a bite of potatoes and immediately were rewarded. Chuckie was a genius. You savored the taste a moment before taking a long drink of water.      You and Chibs got a few bites into your meals before you broke the ice.      “Charming seems like a town where people are born, raised and die.” Chibs nodded. “So, how does a guy like you get here?”      He looked up at you from under his eyebrows, “A guy like me?”
     He wasn’t sure what to make of (Y|N), or what she meant by ‘a guy like him’. Her straightforward way could be off-putting to some people, but he rather appreciated it. There had been too much lying and conspiring in the club. The way she took everything in stride reminded him of her da. Hell, she barely batted an eye at Chuckie and his hands, and she’d ridden in the truck cab with Happy and Tig and wasn’t running for the hills.      “Yeah, a guy from Scotland. It’s a bit of a stark contrast,” she elaborated. “This part of California definitely isn’t lush and green like Scotland.”      “Aye, well, I was a member of a charter in Belfast. A worthless piece of shite got me thrown out and since I knew some of the Redwood Originals, I decided to come here, get patched over,” he explained. He wasn’t quite ready to tell her about Fi and Jimmy O. She seemed cool, but there was no telling what she could or couldn’t handle yet.      “But across an ocean?” she wasn’t going to let it go.      “If I stayed in Ireland, my family could have been used against me,” he said.      He could almost see the gears in her head spinning. There were a lot of questions in there roiling just below the surface. She wanted to dig deeper, but she chose a different route.      “Is that why my parents moved to Iowa? Were they hiding from something, protecting me?”      Yeah, he liked (Y|N), alright. She coulda asked about his family, but she probably saw that he didn’t want to talk about it. She went straight to the point bothering her most. It was goddamned refreshing. “I didn’t know your da when he ran nomad. Yer ma was JT’s sister. She begged JT to let Buddy out, no strings. JT and the club eventually agreed to it and Buddy’s way of paying back was working the books for the club. He would come out when he was needed… for projects and whatnot.”      He took a swig of his whiskey and watched her gears spin some more.
     “You mean to tell me that MY dad was a member of SAMCRO?!”
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