I try
I try my damnedest to be "happy", even when shit gets to me. I thought of the word happy, but I really just mean "nice" as in "don't make everyone else feel like shit". I don't mean that I feel it's my responsibility to make people feel good... I mean just be fucking nice....because we're all feeling stressed/alone/etc. Just try to respond to people in ways that won't make them feel like crap. It's that fucking simple: just be neutral or nice. Damn. So don't come at me with some shit about how I'm being negative or salty (how??), when we all know you're just tryna make ME feel bad, just because you don't wanna talk....about anything. And yes: I've had my fucking share of rock bottom. Just fucking be nice to people. I don't care if you're sick or whatever. I've been in the hospital and could still be nice... Life is short for everyone...just be nice.
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