#you're awesome and talented and gorgeous and they/him/her need to get a life
lonelylonelyghost · 5 months
In Blossom: a fun mystery Cdrama
Once upon a time in Heyang city, there lived a kind girl Yang Caiwei with a scar on her face, who respected the dead and distrusted the living. Then she met a man Pan Yue, who was as beautiful as he was dangerous, and her life became a total shit show.
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There is a proverb about marriage being good for men's health but terrible for women's. And in this particular case the saying was proven to be correct, because Yang Caiwei dies literally on her wedding day...
... but actually not really.
You see, right before the ceremony she was kidnapped by Shangguan Zhi, a rich woman fixated on two things and two things only: her own beauty and Pan Yue.
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Shangguan Zhi swapped her own face for Yang Caiwei's in order to marry the object of her obsession. The procedure was finished just in time for the wedding (insert a joke about miraculous plastic surgeons in Ancient China here), but unfortunately the only thing this stunt brought this poor delusional girl was her own brain splattered on the stairs. Woops.
So now Yang Caiwei, with the face of her almost-husband's stalker forced upon her, has to investigate her own murder. The biggest suspect is Pan Yue, who conveniently returns from the capital to Heyang city a couple of months later after the "death" of his wife, engaged to a princess and with white streaks in his hair that could not possibly be due to grief.
And thus the shenanigans ensue!
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And I liked this drama a lot!
The pacing
is great. This is a crime solving drama, and the cases that our characters investigate are actually quite unique (and messed up), there's no dragging out the details. The general flow of the drama is fast too, and while there is tension and mystery where it needs to be, the kinds of misunderstandings that usually are getting on the viewers nerves are resolved quickly. As an extremely anxious person, I appreciate this on a spiritual level.
The cinematography
is absolutely gorgeous. It's main character in its own right. It's gorgeous, gothic and brooding, just like our ML.
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(the screenshots I have are mainly of ML, but what can I say except you're welcome)
The characters
are also great.
Yang Caiwei is a mortician, and the fact that she is now in a body of a spoiled rich girl doesn't deter her from continuing doing her job and finding out the truth behind her case and many others that she encounters on the way.
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Pan Yue is a magistrate in Heyang, which is kind of like a head of a government investigation agency or something. He's cold, two-faced, smart as hell and terrifying when you get in his way (especially at the start), but is ready to do anything for a person he loves - which are the most attractive qualities a fictional man can have, fight me.
Also, look at him
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Once the actual story begins, those two go through several stages of their relationship - from mutual suspicion to respecting each other as fellow justice-driven professionals to working together but this time as a couple. And all of the stages are enjoyable to watch in their own ways. I loved how they respected and trusted each other's judgements and abilities. A power couple with a surprisingly healthy dynamic between them. Awesome.
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Other characters are interesting as well. There are many people that we encounter in Heyang and beyond, good, bad and something in between, each with their own goals and motivations.
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The episodic characters featuring in the cases are not flat cardboard cutouts either, and as much as Chinese censorship would permit, even the villains are allowed to be people with justifiable reasons to be the way they are.
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To be completely honest, I hesitated to even start watching this drama because of all the negative stuff I've heard. But thanks to talented gif-makers on here and @hils79's watch parties, I was tempted enough and finally clicked on the first episode. And well, I didn't regret my decision! And I actually finished the whole drama without any breaks, which is a very rare thing for me.
If you try you can pinpoint many faults in this drama, no doubts. But I'm personally just looking for a good time. For me the characters were great, I vibed with the acting, and the cases were an appropriate amount of bonkers, so...
It's up to you, dear reader
This has been your friendly ghost from Abyss, with some recommendations on how to distract yourself from the horrors of existing(*^-^*)
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hello sexy brain!! your modern!daemon nonnie's here! first of all, i feel so special you gave me a name?? can i use it from now on? and i SCREAMED so loud when i saw part 2! god bless my poor bestie who listened to my outburst. what about this part. (i've just started reading and this parallelism with 'too used' in the first paragraph?? fuck how'd you know it's my fav thing in literature??) VISERYS AND AEMMA, i'm in love with them! you're genius for adding them! it feels so much more domestic and lovely and real?? like a real royal family, the complete image. ok i'm DONE. i've just read the whole thing and i'm done in every sense. i literally can't breath right now. it is breathtaking (sorry i needed to-). no but really. i'm mesmerized. my favourite plot (?) points: 1) royal family. as i've said, it feels so real. it completes the image so good. the sibling quarrels? i've never had a sibling but i felt. my heart's been broken as if i was the one viserys forbade to marry the love of my love. the daemon's inner conflict based on the relationships with the brother? hurts. the viserys' inner conflict based on the same damn thing? and 'He cannot do that to him.'? HURTS EVEN MORE. aemma is such a cutie i want to kiss her forehead. all this thing with 'I know you only want the approval of your brother' is SO good. you made his character so whole i can cry. and yesyes i've just seen that reply but a million of yes!! it's so daemon but in the modern setting!! again! you made his character so whole!! *kissing your sexy brain* 2) all this thing in the reader's office. okay. so. WHAT IS THIS?? it's so chaotic, so emotional, soso making me absolutely choke?? it's so fast in comparison with the previous events? and it's divinely good. like you're just chilling, reading an awesome fic and then ??? you wanna feel loved?? felt. you wanna crumble?? felt. you wanna feel numb because it is overwhelming?? yes bitch felt. (or maybe it's me feeling dizzy bc of the lack of the sleep) i felt so much reading it, you have no clue!! i believe this fidgety and nervousness of the reader before the meeting so much. it feels like, yes, it's the love of her long ass life she's finally going to have. but the ways she denies him?? divine. i'm amazed. like the continuation of her own inner conflict but the understanding of his and his family's problems out of the purest adoration? god bless your sexy brain, i love how you break my heart. the desperate daemon?? this happy puppy wiggling his tail in the beginning and the dragon it tears, probably frustrated and absolutely devoted to his 'mate' who's the only one to tame the beast in the ending? GORGEOUS. (i'm such a sucker for all this thing with 'taming the dragon' it's ridiculous. it may be toxic and unholy and wrong but it's my guilty pleasure) and how miserable he is when the reader denies him? (as the one who requested 'it takes two' i felt blessed. i'm still sorry for how it felt for you with the part 2) how he's so desperate to have the wife he had lost so much time ago? how he neither remember nor know about this magical connection but still the death related lines AND 'ever again' in the very end (this got me crying like a bitch and loosing my ability to breath)? ridiculously heartbreaking. and tears never tasted so good. you made all this bond not known but felt. and it's much better than describing it. you're so talented it hurts. !it's the first part bc tumblr doesn't let me send the whole thing!
MODERN!DAEMON NONNIE 😭😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖 HIIIIIIII YOU CAN 100% use it forever as long as you want to 💖
i have a really long love letter for you so here you go
You like me for real with the screaming. Praying for your bestie.
(i've just started reading and this parallelism with 'too used' in the first paragraph?? fuck how'd you know it's my fav thing in literature??)
im not sure what you mean by this T_T i mean i get the parallelism 🥴 did i even put parallelism in this part AHAHHAHAH ok i guess you mean people were too used to him running around and he's too used to running around T_T AHHAHAHAHAH is that what you mean? asdklha;lkshaslh whatever its fine if i dont get it all that matters is that you liked it HIHIHH
AND YES!!!! VISERYS AND AEMMA! I LOVE THEM TOO. genius move for real i think HAHA it's my rewrite for them minus the traumatic death of the queen because MODERN MEDICINE also FEMENISM. 😭😭😭 i'm so happy that you find them domestic and lovely and real. that's all i could ever want for them (aemma especially she was such a beautiful woman in the show and she was gutted [literally]) I really did want to add them to make that royal family image you're so smart for that im glad that even if everyone else doesnt get it, i now know you do 🫶🫶🫶
ok i'm DONE. i've just read the whole thing and i'm done in every sense. i literally can't breath right now. it is breathtaking (sorry i needed to-). no but really. i'm mesmerized.
so dramatic
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i'm overjoyed i stole your breath. im keeping it in a jar and putting it on my desk. i can only hope to keep mesmerizing you and create things worthy of being deemed breathtaking by you
my favourite plot (?) points: 1) royal family. as i've said, it feels so real. it completes the image so good.
same. <3 we love a completed image.
the sibling quarrels? i've never had a sibling but i felt.
HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAH lol you remind me of this post i saw that was telling off only child writers for writing sibling dynamics wrong HAHAHH (i tried looking for it and instead laughed at sibling memes for 5 minutes then called it quits) i mean im the 2 out of 4 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i can only hope i know what im doing
my heart's been broken as if i was the one viserys forbade to marry the love of my love. the daemon's inner conflict based on the relationships with the brother? hurts.
HIHIHIHIHIHI IM SO GLAD YOU EMPATHIZED WITH DAEMON WITH HIS STRUGGLE. I am heavily fascinated by daemon's relationship and regard with his older brother, and so i really wanted to show how Daemon daemon is as in daemon who is not caring, cold, calculating, hot tempered and yet these things play into how much he actually cares, especially for his family.
the viserys' inner conflict based on the same damn thing? and 'He cannot do that to him.'? HURTS EVEN MORE.
same if daemon feels like that, viserys feels the same, if not a little different in his own way, as he is the heir, the king, and thus has learned to be more mature, or i guess, calmed about his emotions
aemma is such a cutie i want to kiss her forehead.
all this thing with 'I know you only want the approval of your brother' is SO good. you made his character so whole i can cry. and yesyes i've just seen that reply but a million of yes!! it's so daemon but in the modern setting!! again! you made his character so whole!! *kissing your sexy brain*
im glad you liked that line!!!! it is pretty cliche, but it hurts cos its true, i have felt that way more times than i can count, although not with my older brother🙄😐🤨 he can choke. its more on my parents and my grandma lol. And Im so happy that you think i made daemon so fleshed out T_T i will say i still imagine actual daemon like this, even outside the modern setting. i accept the brain kiss
2) all this thing in the reader's office. okay. so. WHAT IS THIS?? it's so chaotic, so emotional, soso making me absolutely choke?? it's so fast in comparison with the previous events? and it's divinely good.
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like you're just chilling, reading an awesome fic and then ??? you wanna feel loved?? felt. you wanna crumble?? felt. you wanna feel numb because it is overwhelming?? yes bitch felt. (or maybe it's me feeling dizzy bc of the lack of the sleep)
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Second of all T_T i cannot tell you how my heart is soaring over the fact my fic made you feel these things. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i am so honored and overjoyed to be hearing this
i felt so much reading it, you have no clue!! i believe this fidgety and nervousness of the reader before the meeting so much. it feels like, yes, it's the love of her long ass life she's finally going to have.
as someone who is fidgety and nervous irl, i thought it would be a good idea to add this to her personality, so that she seems more real ya know. i know first hand how it feels to be anxious about things so i just made her me AHHAAH. i mean i feel like anyone would be nervous i think after waiting 2k stinking years for their love my gosh.
but the ways she denies him?? divine. i'm amazed. like the continuation of her own inner conflict but the understanding of his and his family's problems out of the purest adoration? god bless your sexy brain, i love how you break my heart.
T_T HAHAAHHHA SHE DENIES HIM i mean ok ok ur right she did but also ??? not really??? ok she did but it was like not really denying him per se, its really more of what you said, understanding daemon's family problems. girl duh they were married before !!!! she knows these things. YES AND OUT OF PURE ADORATION SO REAL SO TRUE IM SO GLAD YOU CAUGHT ONTO THAT. and yes yes her inner conflict is still ongoing and will never end self vs self for the win
the desperate daemon?? this happy puppy wiggling his tail in the beginning and the dragon it tears, probably frustrated and absolutely devoted to his 'mate' who's the only one to tame the beast in the ending? GORGEOUS.
i love desperate!daemon too. i really like the it when animals are alluded to as well, like being called puppy and dragon and all. I really really enjoyed the devoted mate part as well!!!
(i'm such a sucker for all this thing with 'taming the dragon' it's ridiculous. it may be toxic and unholy and wrong but it's my guilty pleasure)
T_T WAIT IS THIS TOXIC I LOVE THIS TOO HOLD ON WHY IS IT TOXIC ASLHFLAHS is it because dragons are not meant to be tamed i- im so confused a;slfhalsfhas
and how miserable he is when the reader denies him? (as the one who requested 'it takes two' i felt blessed. i'm still sorry for how it felt for you with the part 2)
you a masochist huh, you love the pain AHHAHAHA and HOLLUP HOLLUP YOU WERE THE NONNIE WHO REQUESTED IT TAKES TWO?!!??! OMG THATS WHY THE LANGAUGE OF THE TWO ANONS WERE SIMILAR HAHAHAHAHA dw about that fic!!! i was only slightly spiteful cos thats how i am AHAHHA but i swear i wasn't forced or anything.
how he's so desperate to have the wife he had lost so much time ago? how he neither remember nor know about this magical connection but still the death related lines AND 'ever again' in the very end (this got me crying like a bitch and loosing my ability to breath)?
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NO BUT YOU TOTALLY GOT IT!!!!!! YOU GOT IT AND IM SO GLAD YOU DID. He IS so desperate to have his love and does not remember or know about her YET HE SAYS ALMOST THE EXACT SAME THING ABOUT HER ON THE DAY SHE DIED SLAFHASFH YOURE SO BIG BRAIN FOR GETTING THAT !!! T_T YOU GOT IT YOU GOT IT AND I LOVE YOU FOR IT. yes he will never lose her ever again because daemon is possessive and fiercely loving and you deserve to cry about it and lose your breath imma administer CPR!!!! [siren noises]
ridiculously heartbreaking. and tears never tasted so good. you made all this bond not known but felt. and it's much better than describing it. you're so talented it hurts.
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T_T thank you so much my love. im glad you think so. enjoy your tears. im glad you saw their unseen bond. im honored you think so highly of my skills <3
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amongsthewavesff · 6 years
 Morning light hited my face warmily. I opened slowly the eyes, Eddie was beside me, sleeping. I remember I thought: "I'm so fucking lucky" 
Couple minutes after, he opened the eyes, those blue oceans and stare directly at mine, again, my heart was happy: 
  -Good morning, angel- I loved his voice after waking up. 
-Hi, sweetheart! Are you ok? 
-Sure, was a fun night, huh? 
-Yeah, your new friends are actually very kind and funny... 
-Well, you like them, so I think was a cool first meeting, right? 
-Yeah! So what's next, what are we gonna do today?  
-I have a practice with the band, we'll testing some new stuff that Matt got for us 
-Can I go? 
-Sure, babe. But first, let's take a shower, we stink! 
-Ok, come on!- I got up from bed and opened my suitcase, need some clean clothes. 
-You're so gorgeous! Come here! Let's stay in bed a little more longer...-he graped my hips and pull me into his arms. 
-Ok, but, what's this?- I smiled after feel his boner. 
-It's because of this...- he touched my breast and my ass. 
-Ask for it... 
-Ask for it, Belle... 
-I want you right now inside of me...-I was so blushed. 
-Come here, my dear! 
 After taking a shower and have some breakfast, we went to his practice...All that talent, was amazing have been noticed it. 
The band was called "Mookie Blaylock", and they were too good. Matt was this kinda bandmanager.  They practiced really hard, almost 5 hours, trying over and over again, new chords, new lyrics, new bass...I mean, they were really into it. 
That week became amazing, Eddie showed to me a lot of cool and awesome places of the city, at same time he share the pictures and records that he made along four months. By the next friday, Mookie Baylock had a show in a really big rock music bar place. 
The guys gave a incredible show, the crowd were crazy about them! Honestly, they did their best and the fact was that I wasn't the only one who thought it. Everyone were talking about their performance, and were all cool things. 
Back to Stone's place and in the middle of a chat, this girl Sasha was drunk and kind of cheeky.  
She took me by the arm and asked me to speak alone. I agreed, without much encouragement to endure her drunkenness. 
-So, Isabelle, right? 
-Yes, Sasha. What happens? What do you want to talk to me about? 
-Well, I'm just very curious. I mean, Eddie talks about you in a very ... how can I say it? ... in a very different way, you know? You're like a mystery, but I see you and you don't look like that. You look very ordinary, don't get offended. 
-Oh thanks. I suppose. And what you need to be explain? 
-Okay. You have the right to be offended, although it was not my intention, Isabelle ... 
-Look, Sasha, I don't know what's wrong with you, you can't be nice with me since the moment you met me. I don't know what's going on ... let's cope with this situation. 
-Isabelle, I just want you to know that what I'm going to tell you is an act of bravery ...- she said and then made a strange grimace. 
-Of course, no problem.- I said a little confused. 
-I'm falling in love with Eddie ... we're roommates and it's not like we have anything, we're just friends, but I'm feeling things for him ... I'm not trying to get in the meddle of your relationship. Just, from girl to girl, you are very lucky. 
-Oh thanks... 
 -Babe! Here you are! - Eddie hugged me from behind. -Are you having fun? 
-Yep! - I hugged his arms. 
-So, Sash, how you doing, buddy? 
-Everything, Eddie. We just talked a little, girls stuff. - she took a big sip of her drink. 
-I interrupted something? - He kissed me on the cheek 
- Not at all, Edd.- Sasha was ahead to answer 
-You smell so good- Eddie said kissing my neck. 
-Honey! - I laughed a little uncomfortable at the presence of Sasha. 
-I'm sorry, it's just that I miss you so much already 
-Don't be exaggerated, it's still here- Sasha smiled genuinely. 
-Oh, if you knew how much I need her here. Her smile, her arms, her voice before sleeping ... never leave, Belle... 
-Ok, guys. See you later- she walks away. 
-So. What were you talking about?- he suddenly asked. 
-Well- I stopped- Did you like her? 
-Uhm, she's a nice girl. Sometimes she's a little quiet, but we're kind of friends now, she trust a lot on me...I don't know, I guess I like her, why? 
-Just, I was wondering how was your relation with her... 
-Are you jealous, baby?  
-No, at all. I have to admit that she's a very pretty girl. But, nothing more... 
-Ok...she's just a friend, babe. Besides, you're the most beautiful girl on earth- he kissed my nose. - And I will not cheating you yet, 'cause I'm not a rockstar already...I'm so poor to make something like that. 
-Aww- I laughed 
After two beautiful weeks in Seattle, I had to return to reality,  university and job.  
I didn't feel uneasy when I left, after all Eddie was fine and everything seemed to go well with the band, in two months they would have their first presentation, they still worked on the name of the band and on the songs of the first demo that they would promote in some bars in the city. 
At the airport we were joined by Stone (I had a good friendly chemistry with him), Mike, Liz and Sasha (with whom I couldn't speak because she always seemed indisposed) 
While we were driving there, Stone asked Eddie something: 
-So Eddie, do you plan to get married?I mean, with the wedding, the priest and all those stuff ... 
-Do you believe in marriage? - Mike asked. 
-Well, buddy. There is only one person in the entire universe with whom I could try that, the only one, that if she asked me to, I would renounce any belief I had. On the other hand, I don't know if I believe in traditional marriage, I believe in commitment and in celebrating it. - Eddie gently squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek. 
- Aww, come on, Edd! Why you have to be so perfect together! - Liz was so cute. 
-So, would you marry him? - Mike joked 
-With him I would go to the end of the world- I squeezed his arm with some gratitude. 
-How old are you, Isabelle? - Sasha suddenly asked 
-I'm 20- I answered kindly.- And you? 
-24, same as Eddie. In fact my birthday is two weeks before his. 
-Can celebrate together this year! - I smiled- true, honey? 
-Wait ... 20??? Eddie, did you make her your girlfriend at age 15?! I mean, you were 20!! - Stone was incredulous. 
-16! And I want to clear up that! I'm not a pervert, nothing happened with Belle until she was 18! 
-What !? - the others seemed not to believe him.  
Sasha looked at me with a strange strange gaze. 
-Guys, please! - Eddie laughed- when I met her I knew that she would be the woman who would steal my sleep all my life, and that's how it was. And I was lucky that she looked at me. And she deserved all the waiting and patience of the world. This beautiful woman who holds my hand and my back is the nicest and most beautiful spirit that has ever crossed my life. So those 2 years waiting were worth every second ...- he added looking at me with some tenderness. 
-I like you, guys- Mike said with a funny grimace on his face. 
I left Seattle with a huge smile on my face. My confidence in Eddie was still clear and definitely the time we spent together was valuable to both of us, we were able to fully enjoy it. 
It had been another two months since that time. I went back to stay for a weekend and everything went well, however, when I got back home, something strange began to happen in the next few days.  
The presentations of the band began, now with the name of "Mookie Blaylock", the favorite player of the boys. His repertoire was short 5 own songs and 2 covers. Apparently they were drawing public attention and Matt, his representative was moving fast in the flourishing industry of the area.  
Something was happening, I soon felt that the distance between Eddie and me was huge, when I needed him he was not, and deep inside I understood that the band demanded a lot of his time in those moments, I swear, I really understood it, but what I couldn't explain was the fact that he didn't have 10 minutes to call and hear from me. 
  Things in school and in the job were very difficult, also with dad's crisis. The girls tried to be with me, but come on! they also had a life ... 
I began to have doubts about ourselves, it was the first indicator that something was failing, and that was my fear. At night my head was filled with doubts and twisted thoughts. Is he with another girl? He loves me or he don't love me anymore? And if everything was a youthful fantasy? 
Why he has not called? 
  When we were talking on phone everything seemed fine, until the moment of hanging up, sometimes neither of us knew what to say, that was another alert that I knew how to face in time ... 
Days gone really hard and slow...my head was about to explote and my chest felt cold... 
He was living a stage of adventure and perhaps the most supportive thing that I could do for him was to give him the space to enjoy it to the fullest. 
I had been thinking for days about how to say it, how to speak it without looking like a crazy jealous, I knew it was not insecurity, it was letting him enjoy freely, I mean, doing everything he had to do without thinking about how it would affect me...was har to find words. 
 Finally my phone rang:  
 -Eddie! - I was happy to hear it.  
 -Belle! Hi! - He seemed a little discouraged.  
 -Hello, babe! How are you? How is everything? 
 -Well, I'm a little tired, you know ... But everything is going well, we are very excited. There are many talented people everywhere, but there is no competition, you know? It's more like a huge musical studio, with alcohol and drugs everywhere ...  
 -I can imagine, there are many young people. And you? Do you join those parties of uncontrolled alcohol and drugs?  
 - Not really, I just don't use hard drugs, you know that.  
 -I'm glad, honey. You're not a rockstar yet, you cannot waste the money on that way...- I laughed.  
 -Belle, what's wrong? Something in your voice is killing me... - he fired.  
 I felt a seething fear rising from my stomach to my chest.  
 -It's not easy, baby...  
 -Come on, Bellie, tell me...  
 -You know I love you, right?  
 -I know and I love you too, my love... now tell me what's wrong?  
 -Edd. I want to talk about something I thought... - I hesitated to say it. 
 -Tell me... 
 -Well, do you remember when you told me that a girl got naked in your bed, and those girls who wanted you? 
 -Yes, nothing important. Belle. Are you ok? 
 -Eddie, I think we need to give us a time. I mean, before something bad happens... you know? I have doubts at night and it is unfair to overshadow this fantastic moment in your life... 
 -What are you talking about, Isabelle? 
 -Eddie, maybe you need to live alone this moment. It's costing me a lot of effort to endure all this. I'm finishing with the uni and everything is very busy, the job, everything is complicated at home. I need you, but you're not here. You never pick the phone...think about it, I don't want to destroy what we have... 
  -You're feeling something for another man? - He interrupted abruptly. 
  -No! God, Edd! Don't say that, my dear. Just, maybe we should just have a little rest of all this madness ... 
  -Belle, I know this is not an excuse, but ... if sometimes I don't call you, it's because I'm really tired and I just want to rest and write ... please don't take it in the wrong way. I think you also understand that we must continue doing things in our personal space ... Honey, everything is happening very fast, but that doesn't mean that this care less to me, or that you stop being that person who gives meaning to everything, angel... . 
  -Eddie...did you hear me? Are you listening to me?- I couldn't contain the crying. 
  -Belle, dear ... please, forgive me ... I'm a fool. Don't make a decision for both. 
  -Eddie, don't get rid of the best we have, please, babe ... 
  -Darling, don't say that. Please, give me the opportunity to repair it ... 
  -Eddie, no. Listen, we need this. If we continue with this, we will hurt ourselves, honey. 
  -Are you leaving me, Belle? 
  -Eddie ... 
  -Are you leaving me, Isabelle? Tell me... 
  -Just lets take a break, there's a lot happening around us. 
  -Belle, please, sweetheart ... there's someone else, right? 
  -No, my love. Don't go with those twisted thoughts. 
  -So? I cannot understand what is happening! I did something... Belle, there's no sense in what you've told me ... 
  -Eddie, it's just a time ... if we don't stop we'll stumble. I am beginning to feel jealousy and doubts. You too! Open your eyes, please. If we don't take some time, we will destroy it. 
  -Are you talking about that guy in the office? Belle don't compare, he told you that he is in love with you and works with you, you eat together, daily! ... it's not the same, my dear... 
  -Can you see it now? Eddie... we need this. 
  -No... you need it. And you clearly don't need me to make a decision ... 
  -Eddie, please. Let's do this in the best way, the right way. 
  -What are we doing right, Belle? Throw you into the arms of another man? Honey, think about it... you're going to break my heart if you don't come back ... 
  -We'll be fine, you can always talk to me when you want, and we can talk about everything... you can have fun, Edd... live your moment. I will be here, forever, for you. 
  -I love you, Isabelle, but stop saying bullshit! Fun???  what kind of fun?  
 -I don't know babe, there's a lot of parties and girls and... 
 -Really, Belle?- he interrupted me with some anger. 
 -Eddie, don't be so rude withe me, I'm trying to think of both and the best for us, for this... 
 -Belle, I don't need that kind of fun with any other girl... don't need any space. But I will respect your decision ... 
  -Eddie, we love each other, right? 
  -I do, but I'm not sure about what that means to you now- He was hurt. 
  -Edd, I love you. So much. 
  -Belle ... goodbye- he hung up. 
  I called again, a lot of times. Eddie never picked up the phone again. 
I left a message on his answering machine: 
  "Eddie, I love you, I will always be there for you, no matter the time or the distance, my heart and my soul belongs to you. 
What I did was for both of us, you will see that time will prove it. Take care and keep reaping the success you deserve. 
 You are the love of my life, Edd. And I swear to you that we will hold our hands again in another moment of our lives. 
  I know it hurts, but it was not a goodbye, darling. 
Be a good boy and enjoy the days that run in your heart. " 
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