#you're “aligned with bigots” as in
msexcelfractal · 1 year
If you disagree with me it's probably because you're actually just a bigot. Be kind <3
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aroace-ventplace · 5 months
…can’t believe i need to say this in 2024, but if you see a tumblr blog that’s an obvious sockpuppet, just block them. don’t give them any attention.
for those who weren’t aware, a sockpuppet is an account that someone uses to pretend to be someone they aren't, usually for the sake of accomplishing a particular goal. "asexual" sockpuppets were used extensively in tumblr's ace discourse years (which reached their peak in 2016-2019). aphobes and exclusionists made blogs where they roleplayed as exaggerated aspec caricatures, trying to paint asexuals as childish, ignorant, bigoted, etc - in a word, "cringey." crazey-acey-in-spacey was an especially notorious example of a sockpuppet that a lot of people took at face value, since their deliberately outrageous behavior (falsely) confirmed a lot of the biases tumblr users already had about aspecs. it's NEVER worth engaging with any of these accounts - don't feed the trolls, as they used to say.
ways to spot an "asexual" sockpuppet:
makes a lot of statements that are intentionally tone-deaf and offensive. especially look out for sudden mentions of race/analogies to racism ("ace genocide," "ace reparations") - a common tactic in the acecourse days was to paint asexuality as a "white" orientation, and to suggest asexuals were racist.
references other infamous sockpuppets like crazy-acey and the "warm milk aceggot" post.
makes claims about famous people being aspec, especially people who are known for bigoted beliefs. it was very common for aphobes to make asexual moodboards of people like thatcher or trump; they did this to paint aspecs as out of touch with reality and the wider queer community, and to strengthen the association between asexuality and bigotry.
use of the words "acey" or "asexy." some people do use these words in a positive sense now, but anti-aspec shit-stirrers used them a lot back in the day to imply asexuals were stupid and childish. (and if we're being honest? autistic, too. the aphobic parts of tumblr had a VERY strong undercurrent of ableism.)
this one's a bit less common, but watch out for references to christianity. one widespread aphobic talking point is calling asexuals "puritans" and suggesting that they're aligned more with conservative christianity than the rest of the queer community. aspec christians certainly exist, but given the history of this site, it's just better to double-check aspec accounts that bring up christianity out of the blue when they're engaging with other blogs.
it can be hard to tell the difference between a sockpuppet and a genuine aspec account if you don't have the exact same amount of 2016 tumblr brainrot as me, so feel free to message me and ask about anything you're not sure about - my dms are always open 👍
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hilacopter · 3 months
y'all have no fucking right to whine about how israeli leftists and pro-peace activists DoN'T aCtuALLy cARe AbOUt PaLEsTine because we don't spread fucking antisemitc misinfo and don't want our country bombed. perhaps we'd be willing to work with you if you haven't made it abundantly clear you don't want our support, you don't want our work and effort. in fact don't want us to exist at all. our existence infuriates you, it contradicts the black and white narrative you've made up for comfort in which all israelis are genocidal bigoted colonizers who's deaths are justified and welcome in the name of resistance. in which the big brave westerners get to play white savior and cleanse the evil israeli hivemind. you aren't willing to acknowledge us or ally with us because we refuse to work on your terms in which we have to disregard our own history in favor of your own false antisemitc narrative, we have to loathe our existence and grovel for repentance over the sin of being born, or we have to actively cheer for our own deaths. if you want help from the people who can make the most of an actual difference, who can protest the israeli government and military directly, then you're going to have to listen, you're going to have to apologise and you're going to have to compromise. you're going to have to hear stuff you might not like hearing and you'll have to make drastic changes to your movement of terrorist stans. but you've made it abundantly clear you don't actually want that. you only make us more reactionary and bitter by spitting in our faces. I've talked to fellow peaceniks who have lost the motivation to protest or donate out of spite for the western pro-palestine movement. I myself have become much more wary of it all. you're causing us to be resentful and then you complain like we were the problem all along when guess what, human beings (surprise, we are ones despite how much you want to think otherwise) don't have that kind of mental tolerance and you can't expect us to keep advocating for your cause while simultaneously having to tolerate your bullshit. in the end I think you're the ones who don't actually care about palestine, when you're actively rejecting movements and protests that are actually helpful as soon as they don't align with your worldview or your ego or your fantasies of a glorious violent revolution. your standards for what's considered pro-palestine and not "both-sidesing" are absurd, hostile and only harm everyone in the long run. peace is the ideal solution for all but you have made it clear you don't want that, you want "justice" based on your own misconceptions about a 2000 year old conflict you knew nothing about before and know nothing about now. you're in this to feel good about yourselves. I said what I said.
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systemrestart · 7 months
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From Alison Bechdel's "Dykes to Watch Out For". Strip name "Au Courant", from 1994
I'd never seen this strip get posted, so I want others to see it. Mo, the character expressing 'concern' over the inclusion of trans women (as well as bisexuals) in lesbian culture, is often portrayed as being overly self-righteous, jumping to conclusions about others, and not critically examining her own biases and worldview. She was also the character in the comic commissioned for Transgender Warriors, where she learns she was wrong for being anxious about sharing a bathroom with a trans woman.
Mo is often either the butt of the joke, or receives a stark lesson in these interactions (whether by confrontation or just becoming socially isolated, because she's difficult to be around). And I found this framing important, especially as I've heard discussion of TERFs trying to claim Bechdel as one of them.
This comic was not made to validate Mo's opinions or feelings. The characters in Bechdel's comics are often messy, short-sighted, even bigoted. They're human. This comic does not valorize or 'condone' these flaws, merely shows them for what they are, as well as the consequences that come with them, and the effects they can have on your communities.
[Update Note: Recently learned some new things about Bechdel's feelings/choices regarding trans issues (particularly transmisogyny), link here if you're interested in reading. It seems that beyond DTWOF, Bechdel 'supports' trans people in an esoteric sort of way, but is seemingly unwilling to unpack deeper transphobic feelings/views, or her ties with TERF-aligned people. Deeply disappointing.
I don't think that impacts DTWOF itself much (except the framing of the character Janis, may make a post about that someday), as again all of the characters in DTWOF have wildly varying views, and that's The Point, but, it's something I think people ought to know if we're going to have a discussion about Bechdel in connection to TERFs and transmisogyny]
Transcript of the comic below the cut:
[ID: A "Dykes to Watch Out For" comic strip by Alison Bechdel, featuring the characters Mo and Lois. The conversation is as follows:
MO: Oh, jeez. Here's a submission for "Madwimmin Read" from someone named Jillian who identifies as a transsexual lesbian.
LOIS: Cool.
MO: The cover letter says, "I hope you'll consider changing the name of your reading series for local lesbian writers to be inclusive of transgender and bisexual women writers too." Oh, man!
LOIS: Guess it's time to get with the program, huh?
MO: What am I supposed to do? Have bi women and drag queens come in here and read about schtupping their boyfriends?
LOIS: Why not? I'm sure they'd have a unique perspective on the topic.
MO: Lois, I'm still trying to adjust to lesbians using dildos! What am I supposed to make of a man who became a woman who's attracted to women?!
LOIS: Love is a many gendered thing, pal. Get used to it.
MO: Well fine. Let people do what they want. But I'm not gonna add this unwieldy "bisexual and transgender" business to the name of my reading series. I don't even know what transgender means!
LOIS: It's sort of an evolving concept. I mean, we haven't had any language for people you can't neatly peg as either boy or girl.
LOIS: Like cross-dressers, transsexuals, people who live as the opposite sex but don't have surgery, drag queens and kings, and all kinds of other transgressive folks. "Transgender" is a way to unite everyone into a group, even though all these people might not self-identify as transgender.
LOIS: In fact, the point is that we're all just ourselves, and not categories. Instead of two rigid genders, there's an infinite sexual continuum! Cool, huh?
MO: How do you know all this stuff?
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xclowniex · 4 months
I think people really need to fight against the idea that all of your opinions must 100% align with whatever side of the political spectrum you're on.
A person's opinions don't all just go out the window when they have one opinion which doesn't align to other leftist or right wing ideology.
I've been seeing it happen a lot when it comes to jews. If a jew doesn't want a one state solution of Palestine, even if they do want peace and self determination for Palestinians, they will get harassed and abandoned by the left due to having one (1) non "leftist" opinion.
And it really just creates a vicious cycle really. The left has antisemitism which is refuses to address, kicks out all the jews from the left due to them having one non "leftist" opinion, and now there is no jews or only a few left, to address antisemitism so that then gets left unchecked because God knows goyim as a whole don't do it (we do love our goyische allies who do try <3) and then more jews are now in harms way from the left due to the increase in unchecked antisemitism.
And I put leftist in quotations when talking about it as it's not really a leftist opinion. The left supposedly cares about self determination for all indigenous folk and not being bigots, yet when it comes to jews suddenly leftist values just exit the room.
Going back to the general topic at hand, enforcing the idea that you need to have 100% of your opinions to be left to call yourself a leftist, harms the left. It makes good actor allies to causes, feel unwelcome.
What jews are experiencing also signals that to other groups that they too could be at risk of being kicked out of the left by virtue of being that group if an intracommunity discussion were to not align with leftist values.
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bloggingboutburgers · 4 months
Hey love your comics can I ask something ?
Is it normal to be a bisexual aromantic because that is now I feel like and some people are saying that I can't . They saying I'm just adding additional labels "for fun" with my whole identity being a genderless aromantic bisexual. (If you are not gonna answer I understand and thank you for your time)
Oh god, bean... Of COURSE you can be both bisexual and aromantic. Sexual orientation and romantic orientation aren't the same, sometimes they align but sometimes not, and the only people who'll say you can't are those who are so hellbent on the illusion that sex=necessary and romance=necessary therefore sex=romance for some reason. They're just projecting their narrow-mindedness on the matter, whether it's intentional or not.
Also... Labels aren't "for fun". When people use labels it's because it helps them define and affirm their identity. The only people who'd use it "for fun" are disrespectful bigots trying to get a rise out of others or take advantage of something they have no place in, and... That doesn't sound like you. (I'm biased, but... I don't think anyone would identify as genderless and aromantic "for fun". These identites can be hard crosses to bear and defend, so for someone to affirm them for themselves, it'd really have to be the one thing that fits them.)
...So yeah, don't believe people who try to dismiss you, I think you're very valid and nobody but yourself has a right to decide on what your orientations and identity are.
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buriedpentacles · 2 months
Buried Pentacles - Introduction
Hello Lovelies!! I'm Buried Pentacles, but you can come up with any shorter nickname that you want! I use any pronouns (but mainly she/they) and am 20 years old. I'm very new to the online witch community, but I've been reading tarot for myself and others for almost 5 years now and have considered myself a witch for about the same time. I'm a devotee of Mother Nature, and I don't really label myself or my practice beyond that as it all changes with the seasons!
On this blog I want to share any wisdom I might have picked up while working with Mother Nature, as well as share and offer some readings and of course learn from and connect to others!! 🪲
I'll talk about my practice, a lot about Mother Nature and my relationship with her, tarot and other divination as well as anything and everything witchy or pagan related!!
I would love to connect to others and hear about your practices and beliefs, even if they don't align with mine. As long as you're not culturally approprating or a bigot, I would love to get to know you and your craft!! 💚🌱🪲
Free Personal Readings - One card, one question! TEMPORARILY CLOSED
Posted Collective Readings - PACs or collective readings posted as and when I feel up to it!
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nekropsii · 4 months
do you still do session analysis?
I've never really done that, so no.
I appreciate the value placed in my opinion, truly, but I guarantee you it will be way more fun and satisfying to write things like that on your own than it is to get some stranger to do it for you. I don't feel good depriving someone the joy and learning experience of figuring out Character + Classpect Dynamics on your own. It's hard, for sure, but it's completely worth it. I'll give my thoughts on Individual Classes, Aspects, and Classpects now and then, if the mood strikes me, but the way that will affect a Group Dynamic is far more dependent on the individual characters involved and the narrative they're in than a lot of people seem to give credit for. Yes, the Classpect of a character says a lot about them, but it doesn't really express their Moral Alignment, the full breadth of their Personality, any specific Traumas or Neuroses that may afflict them and affect their relationship with their life, surroundings, and the people around them, et cetera, et cetera...
Basically, a Classpect says a lot, and a Group of Classpects can also say a lot, but I find it personally difficult to make very solid statements on the Viability of a Session or the Dynamics within it without having a deep understanding of not only the characters involved but also what kind of story is being aimed for. What a Classpect can mean or entail depends a lot on the Hero in question, and the specific Meta of the Session. You can keep the Meaning of all Classes and Aspects nigh completely Canon Compliant, but still have them imply and result in totally different things within a Session, purely because the Story and Character demands something that isn't, like... Just a straight up repeat of things already tread upon in source material. You could have a Seer of Light that's evil. You could have Bard of Rage that's a pretty good guy, all things considered.
For example, Sovereignstuck has a very particular Meta with its Classpects, and it's going for a very particular narrative. The characters in it are also very much so their own beasts - though their Classpects may say a lot about them, it doesn't really tell you anything about their morality, or how willing they are to hurt people or even just ascend to godhood in the first place, which is a really big deal in what is essentially a literal Deus Ex Machina Death Game Horror/Drama RPG setting especially. To use a particular example from Sovereignstuck - Bards of Mind tend to be billed as chaotic forces and, due to being a Bard, inherently bad people, with some even suggesting the best way to write a Bard of Mind is to write a straight up Bigot. We've got a Bard of Mind in the Player Session, Emeric Sargas, and while she is a complicated person - as is the truth for everyone ever - she is, generally speaking, a very child-like ball of sunshine that basically no one has beef with because she's just very sweet. Odd, yes, definitely, she does have a litany of very strange beliefs about how the world works, but overall a nice person. We have two Maids of Space, even, and they're extremely, extremely different people.
It's not as simple as saying "Princes of Void and Witches of Heart are guaranteed to not get along!", or "This Session will fail because it has an insufficient Player count!". Hell, it's difficult for me to even say a Session is doomed to fail if they have no Time and/or Space Players. Maybe the Meta of your Session simply doesn't abide by typical SBURB rules. I know my Fanventure sure doesn't, it's running on a fucking spinoff game with no Universe Building aspects to it - it's just a God-Making Machine. Maybe you don't need a Time or Space Player. Maybe you don't need a Knight, or an Heir. Maybe you can have five Pages. I literally don't know. Write whatever you want. Get creative. You truly do not have to abide by the rules set by SBURB if you don't want to write a Creation Myth. My only recommendation is that if you're breaking the mold, make that clear - explain what the purpose of your game is. Hell, explain the purpose even if it's just SBURB 2. The Characters are gonna have to learn what it is, even if the reader is aware of it already.
I could talk more, but this is already a long enough response to a pretty simple one sentence yes or no question.
TL;DR: No, I don't, sorry.
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tumblerosestudios · 5 months
I have a simple rule for life that can be applied to anything and anyone:
You can't gatekeep someone's existence
This rule applies to a wide range of identities and people, here, let's give a few examples;
Bi Lesbians are harmful beca-
You can't gatekeep someone's existence
Aspec people aren't LGBT+ becau-
You can't gatekeep someone's existence
A lesbian can't use he/him pronouns bec-
You can't gatekeep someone's existence
If someone says they're X but you don't like X so you try to undermine their identity or somehow call it "harmful" then you're the problem, it's hard enough trying to just exist while openly not a cishet white guy and if someone finds a label that fits it is not your job to tell that person that Um Akshually That Label Which Aligns With Your Lived Experience is harmful because blah blah blah, it is your job to say I'm happy you're figuring yourself out and then move on with your day.
The only "identities" that are harmful are bigoted ones that actively attack others, so basically only Super straight morons and terfs. anyone else, it's not your fuckin problem. If someone says the split attraction model helps them articulate their feelings and experiences even when not aspec, you don't get to be the final say in telling them they're not "allowed" to use it, I'll say it one more time for the people in the back:
You can't gatekeep someone's existence
Thanks for coming to my fuckin Ted talk if you have to bitch my inbox is open so I can easily block you have a nice day
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stranger-rants · 5 months
Genuinely, what is going on with this fandom? I've not been as active as I'd like to be, because this year I've been incredibly busy with work. I would love to spend more time enjoying this space with my peers, especially the fanworks you all spend a great deal of time and energy doing with minimal compensation. I feel guilty at times that I'm not able to do that.
With that said, every time I come back for a little bit it's as if someone has completely lost the plot as to why we're here. We are here to support those who are constantly beat down by the narratives that are supposed to entertain us. We are supposed to be the ones subverting those narratives and helping other people see that people are complicated.
I get that we all can be a bit messy, too. I know that we're not all perfect - but continually, I find out that there are people here more concerned with clout chasing or associating one's self with "the right people" rather than getting to know and understand that PEOPLE make up this fandom with their own thoughts and feelings.
It is not acceptable to enter into these spaces with prejudices against any marginalized person. It is not acceptable to coerce people into saying or doing something for you, especially berating them in the process. It's not acceptable to make people out to be bullies for simply disagreeing with you. It is not acceptable to create a toxic environment.
TERFs aren't welcome. Anyone dedicated to the systematic oppression of any one of our peers isn't welcome here. These are hard rules. We cannot. We cannot. We cannot tolerate intolerance. This is just common sense. As soon as you align yourself with these kinds of people, we all lose. Stop giving them space in this fandom.
I think people must get confused because we try our best to understand why people say and do what they do, but we shouldn't let our empathy make us vulnerable to fundamentally changing who we are to benefit bigots. If you are a bigot and/or you're only here to make yourself look more powerful and important then I have two words for you:
Fuck off.
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baeddel-txt · 6 months
it's very concerning to me when i see people denounce baeddelism but not analyze any of the reasons why it's such a harmful ideology and instead pivot it back to how the original baeddels were cultlike.
like, yes, that's an extremely important thing to acknowledge. but we also need to take a step back and analyze how it's a flawed ideology that does nothing but hurt people.
trans people, as a whole, are almost never in a place of gender-based privilege in our modern society. never. it doesn't matter what sex you were assigned at birth or what gender you transitioned to. ultimately, none of us fit within the bounds of cisnormative society. it is impossible to transition into privilege because the act of transitioning itself ensures that, once again, you will never fit into what is deemed acceptable within these societal standards. it doesn't matter if you're fifty years down the line from the start of your transition- if the wrong person finds out your assigned sex at birth you still run the risk of violence. there are hundreds and hundreds of cases of trans people freely living their lives in stealth only to be outed and erased posthumously.
the entire baeddel movement hinges on the idea that, as opposed to the currently existing systems that perpetuate violence against trans people, the ultimate enemy of transgender women is AFAB trans people. this is absolutely untrue. the only world in which transgender men would hold any kind of gender-based privilege is in a hypothetical in which trans people are always treated as their preferred gender post-transition- and in this world, it's doubtful that transphobia would even exist in the first place. bigots do not look at a transgender person and determine what direction they are transitioning in before enacting prejudice. and while yes, some of this can definitely stem from misplaced transmisogyny, we also need to acknowledge that transgender men face their own unique form of oppression that serves as an intersection of transphobia and misogyny. the infantilization, erasure, and corrective violence that transgender men and similarly-aligned trans people face are, in fact, a form of prejudiced oppression!
this isn’t to say that afab trans people can't perpetuate transmisogyny. anyone can, because our society is inherently transmisogynistic and it falls on the individual to recognize and analyze their own unconscious prejudices. (this goes for all forms of bigotry.) what i'm saying is that this is absolutely not something unique to afab trans people. and once again the systems in place to perpetuate violence against trans people are a much bigger threat.
i think the reason i haven't seen much deconstruction of this is how this sort of rhetoric still echoes around online trans spaces to this day, with the most prevalent example being the established TME/TMA binary and scaremongering about any discussions of transandrophobia as inherently transmisogynistic. i never thought that i would have to explain in the year of our lord 2024 that transgender men do, in fact, face misogyny, but here we are.
other trans people are not your enemy. stop drinking the radfem kool-aid and fight alongside your brothers, sisters and siblings for a better future for us all. amen.
(apologies for any bad wording, this was written very late at night. i hope this was a good analysis of this topic.)
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tododeku-or-bust · 6 months
Idk, y'all. Y'all can't be out here going "I hate TERFs/TERFs unwelcome!" And then share their same inherently white supremacist rhetoric. Like sure, you're not a transphobe, but you're still being a bigot and your beliefs align with their ends far more than you may want to admit 🤷🏾‍♀️ I would take the time to check that.
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lemotmo · 2 months
I love it when people who at least have an idea of how these things work get questions like this.
Q. Did you hear Ryan's podcast? I'm vibrating at this point 👀👀👀
A. Haha, I did listen to it, anon. It was a good reminder of why podcasts usually turn out to be the better interviews. If you're not aware, in 99% of print interviews the questions have been pre screened by the actors/show so they go into the interview already knowing pretty much everything they're going to say. It's why so many of them are repetitive. Podcasts tend to have a little more leeway. They usually only have to get topics pre-approved. So even though they know what topics are going to be discussed they don't usually know the specific questions. Now obviously those interviews come with greater risks because if your actor doesn't know how to edit themselves they could say something epically bad. Obviously this one was pre-recorded so he had a little bit of a safety cushion but it didn't appear to be heavily edited content wise. I love that he touched on the racist/bigoted thing. Even though this came prior to the entire Gerard nonsense, I'm glad he got a chance to tell those people how incredibly wrong they are where he is concerned. I hope he hasn't seen most of it, but given everything he has been tagged in I fear he has seen more than he should have ever had too.
He's in the position now that Oliver was last year. He's the one doing the promotional interviews, but he's just out of canned answers he can give, lol. There's nothing left for him to say except the 'thing' he can't yet say. So you can tell he's trying to make the same answers sound somewhat new and for the most part he was able to do that. It was though just one more thing that kind of made you go, yeah it's going where we think it's going. I just think the show is all out of later. They can't keep pushing the story to 'next season'. And I think that's why we're seeing so many winks and nods from ABC and the show. The comments they replied to yesterday were intentional. Yes, they deleted them but they knew the people who they were intended for would see them and remember them. It's time. Let's go.
Thanks Nonny!
Ah yes! Hard agree on everything here! I haven't seen/heard the whole podcast yet (I'm planning to listen tomorrow when I'm relaxing), but I've seen all of the videos, snippets and quotes about 911 and Eddie that were posted online.
Everything is aligning and people are noticing the change. There is this tentative surge of emotion of 'Oh wow, this is it. It's actually happening this time. No more clowning,' going around in fandom and even beyond the fandom. Love that for us.
So yeah, the time is right.
The time is now.
Let's go!
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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Yeah I loved good omens...but fuck Neil Gaiman idgaf - it's not just "believe victims"
Its the fact that he responded! They said rape, he said it was "cuddling." but even if it all blows over and he does end up innocent it doesn't matter. Theres so many bad news people can take and so much mental exhaustion to deal with petty bullshit. So even if it blows over how can I sit and watch anything he makes without thinking back on these allegations and feeling disgust? Well most will either seperate art from the artist, or learn not to have parasocial relationships and put them on a pedestal.
And that goes for david tenent too, he's just a guy. But the more people paint him up and make memes that he's oh so much better then it's a matter of time before he gets the spotlight and the cycle repeats.
Another is conflating the LGBT community alongside him, that bigots say "Of course he ended up being a sexual devient by writing gay porn for the woke mob." which is another headache within itself that lgbt are now dragged into it and he is used as an example to encourage homophobia [thats on the bigots not neil but given that lgbt is now in the crossfire is both a headache AND a distraction people look at a MAN assualting a WOMEN and make the whole argument into LGBT = Pedophiles as if that type of logic makes sense? but its twiiter what should i expect.]
But I have to admit to human weakness as well, personally I think most fans ruin shows or opinions on people. that point when a show is ruined it's not the author or the show it's the bad takes fans make and the hate is directed at them. So I can't help but laugh and think on that time I made a post about how Good Omens comes across as queerbait only because before season 2 it had similair patterns to other shows and movies that queerbaited and I was just pointing out those patterns- not to mention I tried to say since day one:
Just because an author alignes themselves with your type of politics doesn't make them a good person. JK rowling said dumbeldore was gay and hermione was black she was an ally of the LGBT look at her now. And when I said just because Neil is an ally he could end up the same as JK rowling. And by a fan was told "Just because a couple authors did similair things doesn't mean this would happen again, you're crazy."
So to all those 'fans' who dogpiled me on that post, send threatening messages and put words in my mouth and treating me like shit while in the same breath saying "The good omens fandom is a positive fandom." I am laughing now. The patterns I noticed and pointed out that PISSED you off so much.
I can now say with relish delight.
"I. Fucking. Told. you. So."
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
hi there! i love your work! i have a request for a cod fic💕💕
so i actually just learned there is ONE(1) all-female spec ops team in the world, and it's norway's jegertroppen("hunter troop"), so maybe how the 141(plus alejandro, rudy and könig) would react to meeting the leader of (or being in a relationship with) jegertroppen who is a no-nonsense, absolute bamf who can, in no uncertain terms, take care of herself
again, love your work and thank you for reading my random 2 am thoughts💕💕💕
task force 141 + bamf!reader
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, König, Valeria Garza
Warnings: explicit language, reader is referred to as a woman/girl
A/N: yes i realize like half of these ppl aren't part of tf141 hush. also this is why i love u guys bc i would've never learned about this w/o u anon. also srry these are short we have a lot of characters and not a lot of time
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simon "ghost" riley:
alright so when ghost first met you he's pretty impressed ngl
like he knows how hard it is to be in special ops and he can only imagine how hard it is when you're a girl
like task force 141 is all men and most, if not all, of the people he works with on a daily basis are men
so yeah he has a lot of respect for you for making it to your position
he also has a lot of respect for your entire crew and he honestly really supports the idea of an all female special ops group
off topic but in the comics we see simon go through an attempted brainwashing (really pared down explanation sorry) where roba essentially tries to make him like a misogynist/rapist which obviously simon is disgusted by so yes simon is canonically a feminist
he's also in love with your strict no-nonsense style of work because it aligns really well with his
together you're pretty much unstoppable
literally the definition of a power couple
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so soap is honestly wowed the first time he meets you (and a little lovestruck too)
what can i say women in charge do things to him
he's definitely sorta intimidated by you at first though
idk it's like imagine ghostsoap but ghost is you
like he's always trying to fool around with you which maybe you tend to shut down
but honestly he doesn't mind and sometimes he'll keep going just to get a rise out of you/hear you talk
idk man he honestly just has so much respect for you
like if he could he would stop in the middle of an active warzone just to watch you work
also if you guys are dating he takes every chance possible to brag about you to anyone who'll listen
he just thinks you deserve a lot more recognition than you get
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright so the first time gaz meets you he's honestly a little shocked
it sucks but women are a pretty rare sight to see especially in his level/field of work so an all female special ops team is like finding a needle in a haystack
that being said he has nothing but respect for you and what you do
he knows how bigoted people in the military can be and so he's glad to see that you've found a space for yourself where you're relatively unbothered by it
also it makes him happy to see more gender representation because it reminds him of his younger siblings and it makes him happy that they can have someone to look up to
like soap he also really likes watching you work
and when he's not fighting or falling out of helicopters he likes to just spend his time with you or watching you train or do menial tasks
maybe he's just too in love with you but you can make doing the dishes seem badass
john price:
alright so like pretty much everyone else here when price first met you the only thing in his mind was respect
he's read up on you and he knows a lot about your work and honestly he just really admires you
he's a leader and so he knows how tough it can be to have that job
plus to do that while being a woman in a male dominated space
yeah that earns you major points in his book
honestly he's hesitant to make a move because he doesn't want to feel like he's disrespecting you by initiating something romantic
but like you're literally such a badass motherfucker he really can't help but catch feelings
plus you're literally stunning so that's not helping the growing crush he has either
he loves to work alongside you whenever he can because you're literally inspiring on the field
plus he knows he doesn't have to worry about you or your forces which takes a lot of stress off his shoulders
alejandro vargas:
okie so like price alejandro really really respects you
again he's also a leader and he knows how taxing that can be which is why he respects you so much for it
i mean alejandro has a history with bamf women (valeria) so it's no surprise he falls for you too
idk man seeing a woman who can take care of herself just gets alejandro going
honestly you kind of remind alejandro of valeria but like in a good way
like not a "he can't get over his ex" kind of way but like a "damn he definitely has a type and his type is hot, badass women who really don't need a man but hopefully will date him despite it" kind of way
he'll also make sure that all of his forces treat you and your troops with the respect you deserve because he's not about to let you guys deal with that on his watch
that being said whenever someone is being a hassle he knows you can handle it yourself
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
alright so when rudy first meets you it's sorta like a mix between awe and also nervousness
like on one hand he's like "omg this woman is literally like the definition of badass motherfucker"
and on the other hand he's like "omg this woman is so pretty i hope she picks me omg can she tell im nervous gahdhshs"
you make his heart flutter what can i say
he's definitely a lot more shy asking you out than he might be with someone else
but that's because he really respects you and he doesn't want to come off as rude or disrespectful if he's too assertive
that being said when you do let him know you reciprocate his feelings he is over the fucking moon
he just can't believe that someone as independent and no-nonsense as you would choose to be in a relationship with him
like soap he will always find an opportunity to brag about you
and honestly he'll compliment you like there's no tomorrow
idk man he's just crazy about you like he respects you so much and so it's mind-blowing to him that you actually picked him
okay quick disclaimer but i've never written for könig so umm yeah
anyways könig is definitely really really impressed when he first meets you
you definitely make him nervous just because you're really good looking but he'll still talk/engage with you
even though it can be pretty nerve-wracking for him because of his social anxiety he'll suck it up because ultimately the anxiety of wrongly being perceived as a misogynist/sexist who won't talk to women is worse
but he's definitely a lot shyer and less inclined to talk to you outside of work
even though he really wants to
that being said if he's given enough time he will open up eventually
and even though you're no-nonsense you're more than happy to take things slow with him to make him feel comfortable
which honestly just makes him fall in love with you more
i mean i feel like this is obvious but you're definitely the "he asked for no pickles" couple
with you being the one saying it ofc and him being the one asking for no pickles
valeria garza:
ughh valeria is sooo hyped to see you oml
um don't ask how it works out with her being el sin nombre and you technically being in the military
love finds a way okay
anyways as a woman in a male dominated space herself it is so refreshing to not only see you, but to see your whole troop
honestly valeria definitely wishes she could have been a part of it
and tbh if she wasn't el sin nombre i could definitely see her considering joining
like in a way it kind of makes her sad because she knows how different her life would be if she had a group like this in mexico
also im just know realizing the connection to artemis' huntresses (is that what it's called?)
anyways valeria is not shy about flirting with you
like you tick all of her boxes
you're hot, you're a natural leader, you're more than capable of taking care of yourself
win win win
and if you let her she will treat you like a god damn queen
and also she absolutely loves seeing you work if she could she would just perch on some treetop with a pair of binoculars and watch you while you work
i realize that sounds creepy but um it's not
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Fall Drabbles, Day 6
prompt: beanie
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader
summary: Matt takes an interest in your knitting.
warnings: swearing, sweet fluff as always
a/n: This one is all over the place because I'm thinking through a new fic for later this year, but it's still cute (I think). Hope you all enjoy!
w/c: <1k
“Let the marathon commence!” Foggy exclaimed, turning out the lights with a malicious laugh, before immediately lighting a few candles (that he claimed were for “the vibe”, but you were pretty sure it was because he was too chicken to sit in the dark while watching scary movies.)
Tilting your head towards Matt, you shook your head ”Remind me how the two of us got roped into a movie marathon?” 
Though you and Foggy got along really well, your interests aligned more closely with Matt's. Whether that was because you'd known the blind lawyer since he was picking fights at St. Agnes, or because you were an introvert who preferred a good book to the cheesy special effects of Foggy's favorite films, it was unclear. Yet here you were, planted comfortably next to Matt on Foggy's worn out couch, about to work your way through his top five scary movies. 
While you had little interest in the activity, you had no idea why Matt had signed up to take part in it. Not only were movies not something he regularly indulged in, for obvious reasons, but he had previously admitted to you that horror movies were some of his least favorite because all of the jump scares were ruined by the audio descriptions. 
Shifting so that his shoulder pressed up against yours, Matt chuckled. “Because Fog asked us to, and we would do just about anything for him.”
You grumbled in dejected acceptance, unzipping the large pocket of your bag and pulling out your crafting supplies. 
“Woah, what's all that?” Foggy wondered aloud as he sat on Matt's other side.
“Knitting stuff,” You shrugged, unspooling the color you were holding and threading the giant needles. “I'm behind on Christmas gifts.”
“I don't know what I want to know more about: the fact that you're handmaking holiday gifts or that October 6th is considered 'behind' schedule.“ Matt scoffed, tucking an arm over your legs as you threw them across his lap to start knitting.
“I make winter hats for my young cousins and the members of my aunt's assisted living facility. They usually appreciate them and I like having something to do with my hands.” You shrugged, explaining the tradition indifferently. 
“That's really nice!” Foggy smiled, elbowing Matt in the ribs. “You should make some for us.” 
Matt rolled his eyes, “Fog, it sounds like she's got her work cut out for her without us adding to it. Besides, you already have a stack of very ugly hats from your late grandmother.” Turning his attention back towards you, he grinned, “'Have you seen the one with the giant flower attached to it?”
Smiling roguishly, you looked expectantly at the blushing blond, “No I have not. Foggy, care to model that one for me?” 
“Ok, FIRST of all,” Foggy glared at his business partner, “Things that you see when I am drunk off my ass in college should be kept in confidence. Secondly, she had dementia and forgot that I was 19. And a boy.” 
“What, boys can't like flowers?” You asked with mock offense, biting the inside of your lip to keep from giggling at Foggy's evident frustration.
“I WASN'T SAYING THAT!” He spluttered, “I was just explaining why I own that hat.” 
“Don't worry, Fog. We won't tell anyone you're a bigot.” Matt smirked.
Foggy huffed as you laughed openly. “Whatever. Next time, I'll watch these on my own.”
“No you won't.” You giggled. 
Stony face breaking into a toothy grin, Foggy agreed. “No I won't.”
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While you were definitely paying more attention to the movement of your darning needles than the characters on the screen, you were enjoying yourself. Foggy's eyes were glued to the screen, still flinching at every jumpscare despite the automated verbal warnings. Matt was alternating between laughing at his friend's reactions and listening to the movie, all the while running his fingers over the feather soft yarn you were working with. 
Usually, knit products bothered his skin—the wool or polyester blends scratching at every available nerve with vigor—but this material was downy and comforting. He wondered if the recipients of your painstakingly crafted gifts were as appreciative as you deserved. It was unlikely.
The quiet, consistent clicks of your needles were soothing, slowly lulling him to sleep. His eyelids must have been drooping noticeably because you adjusted your position to allow his head to pillow on your shoulder. Inhaling deeply, he tuned out the movie—choosing instead to focus on the lullaby composed by your steady pulse and kind hands. 
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A few weeks later, Matt was returning to his office after running an errand for a client. It was just as he left it, save for the paper box tied with a ribbon sitting in the middle of his desk. 
“Fog, what’s this?” He called across the empty space. 
“A gift for you from a special someone!” The response he received did not answer his question. 
Unraveling the bow cautiously, Matt slid the top off the box and ran his hands around the contents inside. It was a hat, woven together with strands of that marvelous yarn you’d been working with. 
“Fog,” He called to his partner, who had followed his curiosity straight into Matt’s office. “Did she make me a hat?”
“Looks that way,” Foggy chuckled, stroking the delicate material. “It’s…beautiful. Deep red, like your suit.”
“Oh,” Matt’s voice was strangled with emotion. 
“Still think your feelings aren’t reciprocated?” Foggy asked coyly. 
“Shut up,” Matt murmured, clenching the heartfelt gesture in his hands.
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