#you'll have to rip my drafts from my cold dead hands :)
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blizzardfluffykpop · 8 months ago
today's plan: to clear drafts of misc. that is funny- and reblog all the fanfics that remain in here- (has one been in here since jan of this year- yes dw about it) I'll delete this if i remember
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weareallfallengods · 5 years ago
Writing Advice?
Ok I'm gonna answer these.
Nothing is perfect. This is a misnomer- perfection doesnt actually exist, so the concept is flawed from the outset. What is perfect to one is deeply flawed to another. Strive for "complete" instead.
You can pry adverbs from my cold, dead hands.
No. Without trying, EVERYTHING you write is going to be from your learned perspective, so learn new things, research, study, and expand your repetoire.
Avoid repetition? Well depends what you mean. Using the same word over and over really close together? Yeah avoid that. Callbacks are technically "repetition", but when done well, *muah* fabulous.
Write every day. Sure. Doesnt have to be words on paper every single day. I spend days or weeks hashing out the look and plotlines, character arcs, etc in my head, AND THAT COUNTS!
This is just...wrong. Every artist has inspirations and influences that work together to form their own style. Borrowing tropes and concepts is what makes a Genre, but outright copying? Yeah no. Readers should be able to see what inspired you, but it shouldnt be a straight rip off.
Yeah, we try to.
See number 6.
The more you read, the more things, ideas, styles and words you'll be exposed to. All that is like your writer's toolkit. And you can do more with more tools. Dont get me wrong, it's still possible to create great art with limited tools...but it's way easier with more.
When initially writing your first draft, yes, dont think too much, just let the story take you where it wants to go. Thinking and planning is for later.
If you dont like it you wont want to write it.
WRONG. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. So much wrong. If you like long words, USE THEM. How the hell do you think other writers developed such awesome vocabularies? They were reading, saw a big-ass word, and then looked it up! Never apologize for writing in a way that forces people to think, learn, or expand their mind in any way.
Victor Hugo would like to argue that with you.
Passive voice absolutely SUCKS. It's like unseasoned grits. Abomination.
Yes and no. Showing, by immersing the reader in the action is usually best, but occasionally, telling can be quite useful and effective. Especially if your narrator is an actual character. Lemony Snicket is a great example of how to do both.
Just because a trope is difficult to execute well, doesnt mean you shouldnt do it. Start on a train if you like. In fact, I have a short story that starts on a train (well, subway). It can be done.
Not all rules. Grammar, punctuation, etc. for example. Then again, paste a copy of a paragraph from Les Mis into a word doc and watch it light up with "grammatical errors".
No, 1st drafts arent shit. They're the raw gemstone you pulled from the muck of ideas in your head when everyone else just saw a muddy rock. Now go polish it.
All drinking does is lower the inhibitions you've built up over the years. Let those go and write.
Yeah, dont do this. Seriously, just dont.
Going out of your typical locationnfor writing can be helpful for some. For me, it's a disaster because I cant concentrate at all if I go out.
I. Freaking. LOVE. SEMICOLONS. Just learn how to use them correctly.
Kill your darling characters? Sometimes. Not everyone loves trauma.
Yeah, not editing during the writing process is very hard, but its important not to because it interrupts your flow. However, it is occasionally necessary.
Nope. I write faster by typing, even on my phone, than I do by hand. The key is to jot down your ideas as they come.
See above.
YES! The internet as a whole is at once helpful when you need to research something, but because it's functionally endless, will suck up your time and make you less productive.
No, if you're proud of the thing, show it. Just remember that it's a first draft, but positive reinforcement will motivate you to make it better.
Yes. Only trusted reviewers early on. See above.
Mmmmm, meh, in moderation, go for it.
Yes, read it out loud! It forces you to use different parts of your brain, and thus hear things differently than when you read them silently. Great way to pick out issues with structure and flow.
No, you dont always have to have an end point in mind. Just start, the ending will reveal itself in time.
Yes, structure is key. Dont worry about chapters, etc, but bear in mind what scenes/acts look and feel like.
Not just dialogue, every part of your story should be part of telling that story.
You need characters with heart. Even if it's just one. People need to emotionally connect with your story, and portraying empathy is the best way to do that.
I will kick you if you ONLY use "said". Hard. Somewhere tender. Use "said", sure, but change it up a bit.
Depends on your style of writing or dialogue. As long as it's consistent, starting sentences that way can give an off-beat lilt, and more natural sounding flow to your writing.
Yep, pretty much.
The ending is where you can safely close the book.
Only if you have severe anxiety.
By hand? Who are you, Skakespeare? Dude, use the tech you have! Hell, I use voice-to-text to do the broad sketches of the story.
Well, if you dont challenge yourself, who will?
Hmmm. Possibly. Depends on whether they're a storyteller or not. I would say everyone probably has at least a concept for some kind of book/writing/art in them.
Rhythmic dialogue? Not always.
Dialogue by definition should SOUND like talking. If your character is really stilted in the way they communicate, their dialogue should reflect that. Star Trek is a really great example of this. All the characters have dramatically different dialogue styles, but they flow together in what feels like a natural conversation.
Wow that was a lot of answers to type out!
Let me know if any of this was helpful or if youd like to hear more.
Writer ask meme!
Assess the following writing advice (do you like it, how do you interpret it etc)
Nothing is perfect
Don't use adverbs
Write what you know
Avoid repetition
Write every day
Good writers borrow from other writers, great writers steal from them outright
Just write
There's nothing new under the sun
Don't think!
Write what you love
Never use a long word where a short one will do
Less is more
Never use the passive when you can use the active voice
Show don't tell
Start your story on a train
Rules are made to be broken
The first draft of everything is shit
Write drunk edit sober
Write stoned edit stoneder
Leave home
Do not use semicolons
Kill your darlings
Don't edit as you write
Always carry a notebook and pen
If you have an idea, write it down, you are not going to remember it
Get off the Internet
Do not show an early draft to anyone
Do not show an early draft to anyone that you do not really trust
Don't drink and write
Read your story aloud
Start with the end in mind
Embrace structure
Dialogue should be purposeful
Be empathetic
Never use a verb other than 'said' to tag dialogue
Do not start a sentence with a conjunction
A new speaker always gets a new paragraph
If there's a story you want to read but it hasn't been written yet, you must write it
The ending is just the place where you stop your story
The only way you can write the truth is to assume that what you set down will never be read
Write your first draft by hand
Challenge yourself
Everyone has a book in them
Dialogue should be rhythmic
Dialogue should be natural
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