#you'd have to hold yourself back from bursting a lung laughing your ass off
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livitaexe ¡ 5 days ago
I honestly don't think Kobato would be a good singer; in fact, whenever I picture him singing, I automatically just think of this one video, so I hope to goodness FURYU ends up not having the second generation Go-Home Club members singing the Musician songs, if only so I can keep my headcanon of Kobato being a bad singer intact. At the same time, though, Uchiyama Kouki singing Designed Desires would definitely go so hard... in fact, I could see myself hyperfixating over Ryuto's rendition of it for months.
0 notes
mazuwii ¡ 3 years ago
AOT characters when you hurt yourself
This is an improved second chapter of the first because the last one was shit (all the beginning chapters are shit lol)
My job interview is tomorrow so this was a great way to distress, I'm so scared, but I need the bag...
He's like a strict mum who only knows what tough love is. Sure he has a straight face but man his eyes widened and he let out the funniest gasp when he witnessed you fall from such a height. You couldn't help but giggle upon hearing it.
On the other hand, he didn't find it so funny, he thought you'd be dead, knocked unconscious, but thank god you were only whining about the pain, grateful for landing on the soft grass.
He's always attentive and watchful but after you get treated for your minor injuries, prepare to always have his nagging voice around you anytime you want to do anything wreck-less.
"Y/n L/n, where are your knee pads and elbow pads at?!" Like gees, you're riding a bicycle not a damned dragon. Besides, he makes you wear the ugliest helmet. It was Dora the explorer themed, heaven knows where he got it from.
He'll first laugh his ass off about your major failure of a backflip, landing on all fours with the pain electrocuting you from the knee above. While you may be squealing in pain, he'll take his sweet time in coming to you with help. And by that I mean he'll sling your arm over your shoulder and help you back inside all while wheezing his lungs out.
One you two go inside, he'll play doctor by tapping the places that hurt and kissing them. Even going as far as to wear a pink maid headband and speak with a high pitched NPC anime baby voice. "There! Now Y/n all betteeer!" You'll hold in the urge to laugh and roll your eyes at how annoying he's being.
"Eren, I love you but these kisses aren't doing shit."
He gasped, hand on his chest as if you had insulted his entire bloodline. "How dare you doubt my kisses?!" He coughed, "I mean- Y/n san has made Eren Chan awll sad~"
"Quit that discord mod shit and fetch me an ice pack or something.." you shooed him off, watching victoriously as a petty Eren got off and mumbled under his breath, something about not being appreciated enough and how certain people have been spoilt rotten.
You ignored your sassy boyfriend and threw a pillow at him to speed him up. "Oh and fetch some ice cream too!"
It was a chill Saturday, in which you and all your friends were playing rounders in the park. Zeke aimed the ball towards you, throwing it perfectly. With a clean hit of your bat, the ball flew straight into the air.
Before anyone could catch it, you took off, hoping to get this round. However, your chances were outnumbered when a rock strongly embedded into the ground had decided to ruin your day.
Bertholdt had seen it a second before you tripped over it, his panicked squeak was two seconds late as you had already landed in a painful position. While your friends laughed their asses off at your pain, he rushed over to you, arms flailing like a rare breed of anime girl.
"Y/n, you alright? Can you walk?"
"No..." you hissed under your breath, holding onto your throbbing ankle, the pain was irritating, but not as irritating as the suppressed laughter in the background. "QUIT LAUGHIN AT ME YOU DEGENERATES!" You wailed angrily. It didn't prove to be intimidating since everyone just burst out hysterically- except for Bertholdt, who ran to get his small bag.
From there you could see him pull out a few bandages.
"Oh come on Bert, she sprained an ankle she didn't lose one!" Reiner's comment only made you glare daggers towards him. "You wouldn't understand the pain so shut up, imbecile."
"It's okay, Y/n." Bertholdt kneeled in front of you, "I'll take you home, I can put an ice pack on your ankle, it'll feel better in no time!" He offered you a kind smile.
"Thanks Bert." You suddenly grabbed his face and kissed his cheek, making him slightly lose composure. Despite his obvious shyness, he gave you a flustered grin. "Anything f-for you... here, get on."
The both of you were on a hunt to find your pet cat, the one who ran off into the woods while you both were admiring a small blue flower in the midst of all the dirt and crumbled leaves.
Reiner had spotted the cats furry tail, his face lit up, taking off to catch her before she goes rogue again. However, you were so shocked and excited that you two had leapt to capture her- not seeing the barely hidden hole buried deep into the forest floor.
With a terrified shriek, you fell to your misery- and your agonised legs. Who would do this?! Your brows furrowed in anger, quickly knitting together in pain again. "Reinerrr!"
"Hey Y/n! Look who I got! Ehehe..." he grinned, holding onto the grey unbothered cat. "I didn't even need to grab her or anything she jumped on me." His giggling slowly faded as he arrived back where he left you, failing to find your out-of-breath silhouette anywhere.
"REINERRRR!" You cried, "Help!"
"Dove?" He squatted over by the hole, only to be met with your soaked puppy eyes. "It hurts..." you whimpered.
His confused expression rose into mischievous smirk, which quickly escalated into loud chortles when you yelled at him for laughing at your pain.
"Calm down sweetheart, I've got you."
It was no surprise that he managed to lift you out of there using his outstretched arms, only heaving once you made it onto his lap. Your cat curled on your chest, licking at your dirty cheek.
Even through the pain, your little kitty forced a laugh out of you with her little paws kneading your body. "Not now Tootsie-pie." Reiner gently lifted her off. Gazing back at you. In those golden eyes, you could see a glint of comedy in them, his lips pursed tightly. He wanted to laugh again, didn't he?
"Stop that!" You hit his arm as he burst out hysterically again. "How did you even end up in there?" He wiped an oncoming tear.
"Some dumbass must've laid a trap, now come on... take me home... my legs hurt."
"That's just an excuse for me to carry you isn't it." He bluntly cocked a brow.
You gasped in return, "Why would you accuse me of doing something so- yes, yes it is- BUT DON't ACT LIKE YOU DON'T ENJOY IT!"
His cocky smirk carved back onto his handsome face, scooping you up into his arms while he stood up. "Lucky for you, I do."
And so the both of you returned back home with Tootsie on your trail, not without Reiner's small joking threats. "What if I tossed you back in there?" You could tell he was going to make a swift body movement to scare you, so you held tightly onto him and held tightly onto you.
"Reiner don't you dare- AH!" Your squeals were like music to his ears, fuelling his loud and hearty laughter. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!"
Jean could see it coming, but he really didn't want to miss out on such a funny moment. You were texting on your phone, as you were all day, depriving Jean of any attention. What was so important that you couldn't see him- or even worse, the incoming poll right in front of you.
However, you somehow dodged it. Jean eternally sighed, for some reason wishing you had hit it. "Haha." He heard you suddenly say. "You bastard, why didn't you warn me?! I know you could tell! What if I hurt my head?"
He rolled his eyes, "because you didn't"-
Before he could finish his sentence, you tripped over a faulty pavement brick, falling straight onto your naked knees. Jean couldn't tell whether he wanted to chant the word Karma at you or laugh and point at you. So he did both at the same time.
"You little fucklet!" You yelled in defeat, rubbing the small stones off of your bleeding knees. It hadn't hurt like this since you were 10 years old. "That's what you get for ignoring me all day!"
"I wasn't ignoring you damn it!" You sighed. Your lack of argument had slightly taken away his humour. Instead, he felt bad.
"Here let me help..." he squatted in front of you, only to have you push him over. "Go away! Mean bastard." You slightly teared up, the small scars stung, you weren't used to sliding your bare skin against the rough pavement.
"Baby, I'm sorry! Don't cry! I'll make it ip to you!"
You raised a brow in suspicion, putting him on edge. "I promise!" He added.
And so, you allowed him to give you a piggy back ride home, not minding the pain so much anymore.
Armin had been explaining a theory while you two take a walk down the street, you had heard something so shocking that you didn't notice the upcoming stairs and tripped.
He didn't even notice until he heard you grunt distantly, turning around to see you hunched over to hold onto your leg.
To him, the best giveaway that you're in pain is tears, so he immediately checks to see if you're crying, huffing out in relief that you're okay.
Limping back home, you insisted that he was overreacting as you didn't need help walking- or hospital.
Bad things always seem to happen when Erwin disappears. It was only a few minutes when he went back inside to fetch some seeds, ones he wanted to plant on the side of the garden.
While you were working on trimming some high hedges, having to use a ladder to do it. It wasn't a difficult job, it wouldn't be- if the sun wasn't so vibrant today. As you squinted and removed your focus for one second, you could feel your balance start to wobble, the ladder failing to hold its ground.
Before you knew it, you had fallen right on your back, forcing a loud cough out of you. The grass was soft enough to not do too much damage- still, you couldn't deny that it hurt.
You glance to your side to find the gardening tool had stabbed into the dirt, terrifying you about the other outcomes of your dumb accident.
By the time Erwin comes back, he's shocked to find you sprawled out on the grass with the ladder shut close on the floor. He puts everything down and rushes over to you, holding out a number of fingers. "How many fingers do you see?"
"Erwin, I'm okay, I don't have a concussion." You reassured, groaning slightly when he helped you sit up. "Let's take you back inside, you may have been hurt severely." He bluntly picked you up and carried you inside, calmly suggesting that he calls your doctor. You quickly shut him down though, telling him that you were okay
This was important to both you and Zeke, and your prides. A bet in which that if you both won this race, you wouldn't be the couple that takes part in a humiliating challenge.
With Zeke's leg tied to yours, and his arm sling over your shoulders, you could feel the overwhelming confidence that you'd both win. So much that you could ignore Porco's bragging and insults as he held onto his girlfriends torso.
Not Zeke though, he was making jokes out of it, infuriating Porco. Those two would argue all day if it weren't for Marcel loudly clearing his throat.
"Now now..." you could tell he was trying his hardest to not insult the living hell out of Zeke and Porco, but like an older brother, he kept it in. "This is a three legged race, so are all of you sure the knot is strong and tied safely?"
"Yes." You all whined, wanting to get it over and done with.
"Right then..." he lifted the whistle to his mouth, "on your marks... get set... GO!" As soon as the whistle went off, so did you and Zeke.
Except, like two idiots, you both took off with your right legs, causing the both of you to collapse into an awkward yet painful position.
At this point, you didn't care about how Porcos team was well ahead, all you could do was cry in pain as your ankle bent over, your knee twisted against the floor.
"Fuck! We lost- oh shit Y/n! Are you okay?!" He quickly untied the knot, rubbing your ankle with his warm hand. "It hurts it hurts!" You whined, weakly pulling it away from him.
"We should have said which leg to use first.. ah for the love of..." he winced as he stared at you moaning, clenching the grass with your clammy palm.
"Hey calm down, we'll get it sorted out, there's no need to cry"-
"I'm not crying damn it! You are!"
"Only because we're going to have to do that stupid dance together now! And film it too on top of that!" Zeke growled towards Porco, whom stood at the finishing line with a proud smirk.
"You're really blaming me?" You whimpered, "you gorilla bastard."
"Of course not sweetheart." He kissed your head. "Here... let's take you home... Marcel, a bit of help?" He called over the brunette.
They both helped you to a bench, where Zeke observed your ankle, touching it gently despite the deep frown on his face. "It's not injured or anything, you're fine, thank goodness... here, get on my back." he sighed.
You guys were doing an early morning jog just for training and because he refused to slow down you had to catch up breathlessly, your legs shaking every time you took a two-second break.
Somehow, without realising. the final step you had taken came out wonky and your feet slightly bent to the side, starting up a loud wail in your throat.
Meanwhile Porco was about to tell you to hurry up, resulting in him turning around to find you on the floor, barely holding back tears.
"Shit Y/n!" He ran to you, wondering what went wrong. "You can't take care of yourself for one day huh?" He sighed, leaning closer to help you up.
"This was your fault! Why did you run so fast ahead of me!" You cried, "Like shit, who do you think you are?! Sonic the hedgehog?!"
"Shut up and lean on me." He grumbled, slinging your arm over his shoulders and holding onto your waist. "I'm never training with you again, this is so humiliating." You sniffled, limping along with him.
"I'm sorry... it's not my fault you're so slow but I'm sorry, I'll go at your pace next time..."
"Promise." He sighed, kissing your cheek once he set you down.
-hello??? Mum friend?! -she carries bandages around everywhere she goes -Quite a headcannon but it seems like it -the moment the harsh football fit your face she ran to your side to check for anything and a cut on your cheek had developed -blowing on it before patting down a plaster on the booboo -when you get home it'll get treated properly with a nice healing booboo kiss
You didn't notice your shoe laces undone and your dumb self was glaring at the grey sky. Pieck tried to warm you to not take another step but it was too late as you had already landed on your naked knee.
"Aw Y/n..." she knelt beside you, "I tried to warn you, silly klutz." She giggled softly, "here, get up, let's fix that knee up, hm?" She held her hand out.
Once you had gotten home, she had completely babied you, pinching your cheeks softly and kissing you all over. "Did me falling over turn me into a child or something?" You sarcastically joked."
"What's so wrong about treating my little klutz right?" She kissed you again.
-you were pushing a wheelbarrow full of the weird compost dirt shit Mikasa told you to help around with. -it was so heavy though you didn't realise you were going at a high hill and before you knew it you slipped and the wheelbarrow tipped over with the stinky dirt going everywhere -"Y/N!!" She gets worried fast even if you're sitting there seriously like ಠ_ಠ -will carry you home and does not take no for an answer -is serious until you explain you just scraped your knee but she thinks it can lead to a bad infection so she'd take you straight home from there -very gentle with applying disinfectant, it stings but it isn't as bad as always.
You were getting period cramps, horrible period cramps. It was so late in the afternoon, you were sure you'd make it to the night without any pain but alas, here you were, rolling into a foetal position in your bed.
"Miche!" You cried out, clutching onto your stomach. "MICHE!"
Somehow, the large man showed up in front of the bed in under ten seconds, a worried frown plastered to his face.
"Help me." You panted, "I'm dying... help me..." you held your hand out, asking for some support.
Miche took your hand and laid you into a less curled position, huffing out a small laugh through his nose. "You'll be fine, the pain will go in under ten seconds." His palm gently squeezed yours.
"Can I get you some painkillers and water?" He mumbled, his thumb stroking your cheek, wiping the small beads of tears away.
"Pleasennngh..." You could barely nod, or even speak without groaning in between words.
After you took the meds, the pain slowly wafted away, the soft air from the windows washing your painful warmth away, at last, you could black out after such a long time of pain.
The last thing you felt was a kiss on your forehead and being tucked into bed.
-She doesn't even know that you tumbled down that small cliff in the forest you were taking a walk on until 5 seconds after when she turns around and panics -"Y/N?!" She screams until she hears a distant grunt from the very bottom. You landed on grass and hit a few rocks on the way down so you were fine -runs down the cliff no problem and ends up falling on top of you by accident.
-both you and her were cooking something and you were chopping lemons when you noticed annie making funny faces with orange slices as her eyes which she only does when you're both alone -you were giggling and all until you felt a sharp cut pierce through your index finger, you quickly yelped and sucked on it -the fact that you got lemon juice inside the wound didn't help💀 -the girl blames you for not paying attention and holds your hand while running it under water, gently wrapping a plaster around your finger.
-He yelled from downstairs about how you needed to come quick and so you practically leaped off of your office chair and ran down the stairs, tripping over your own feet on the eighth step and tumbling down -you could hear a small wheeze from above you and you glared at the old man barely holding in his laughter -probably makes you lay down in the same place for a while so that you don't hurt yourself further and proceeds to take out his phone to show you a picture of Levi with kitten ears. -"Is this what you wanted to show me?!" You gasp, frowning. He nods his head with a mischevious smirk. -"just wait till my headache heals you sucker." You hiss at him.
-He was trying to teach you how to ride a bike when you had gone on pilot mode the moment he let go of you, foolishly assuming you learnt how to ride a bike but instead of riding in a circle, you rammed into a tree -"Y/N! Y/N!" He'd clumsily rush towards you like a mother, "Oh lord- Y/n you're such an idiot! C'mon, get up." He slung your arm over his shoulder and helped you back inside. -You guys ever seen how an Asian mom behaves? He'd start force-feeding you tea because it has 'healing purposes' and treats you like a dumb baby
-"Y/n!" He chuckles at your mini mistake which had led to you sprawled out on the floor. "Sorryyy I didn't see your untied laces- shit, here let me help you"- -He's very helpful and manages to make you laugh at your silly stumble -If it was that bad he'd 100% let you on his back and ask if he can make it up to you.
-She slowly turned around at the sound of your small grunt when you hit a pole, holding your head like an idiot. -"I always told you Y/n." She says as she comes closer to check if it's red, very obviously holding back a laugh, "Pay attention to your surr"- she starts wheezing at you, earning a glare.
-He does not waste any time in messily sprinting towards you with the most scared look on his face after you had fallen off of the tree trunk. It wasn't that high but it was high enough to give Moblit a scare -Probably does that doctor thing where they pat certain areas and ask if it hurts before being sure he can help you back inside.
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the-lady-of-stars ¡ 4 years ago
Honey, Honey
Javier PeĂąa x Reader x Steve Murphy
Warnings: A sickening amount of fluff maybe but that's about it.
Summary: It's your turn to pick the film for movie night, so naturally you go with a classic- Mamma Mia
Request: "Hi! Can i request poly Javi x reader x Steve where the reader makes the boys watch her favorite movie (maybe like twilight or something cheesy) and they make remarks and jokes about it the whole time to mess with her and she jokingly starts a pillow fight to shut them up and just something really fluffy? thank youuu❤️ ~nonie🦋"
A/N: Hope you enjoy nonnie! Thank you for such a sweet request! Also I went with Mamma Mia bc for some reason I've never gotten around to watching Twilight
[My Narcos requests are still open for Steve and Javi- I write fluff and angst :) ]
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The rules were set. You, Steve and Javi would alternate turns to pick the movie for movie night, and when someone picked one the others weren't allowed to complain about it. Of course, the no complaining rule was never abided but still- it was your turn to pick and your boys would have to deal with it.
While they were getting together beer and snacks you rummaged through your handbag for the tape of tonight's rental - a classic- Mamma Mia. Rom-com, musical, what more could you ask for. Sure, you could have picked some heavy fast-paced action film with an in-depth plot, but extensive hours at the DEA lead to you long for a temporary escape from gunfire and car chases- so Mamma Mia it was.
You slid the tape into the player before retreating to the plush couch and settling down next to Steve. His eyes softened and the stress visibly melted from his face as he looked down at you, a warm smile tugging at his lips. He moved his hand to your chin, tracing a thumb along your bottom lip tenderly before leaning down to repeat the action with his lips, capturing them in his own.
"Hey," Javi's gruff voice interrupted, "no funny business, it's movie night."
"Aww, y' jealous, PeĂąa?" Steve drawled, not lifting his eyes from your gaze as he caressed your skin.
The last thing you heard was a huff before you found yourself tilting backwars with a yelp, Javi bending you back from Steve and pulling you into a passionate kiss. Where Steve's was soft and calming, Javier's was rough and possessive, claiming your lips with a swipe of his tongue. He pulled away with a smirk, leaving you panting breathlessly.
"Me? No, 'course not."
You watched, slightly dazed, as Murph rolled his eyes and flicked a piece of popcorn in Javi's direction, the latter catching it in his mouth with a wink.
"Stop distracting me, it's movie night," you whined, settling back into your space in the middle of the couch.
"What'd you pick, anyway?" Steve asked.
You smirked as you hit the play button, knowing they'd be suffering for your enjoyment for the next two hours.
"Ugh, God" Javier groaned, palming over his face, "another fucking musical."
Steve burst out laughing at the grin on your face, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and squeezing you closer against him.
"Shhhhh- no complaining, Jav, you know the rules," you laughed at the pained expression on his face as he turned his eyes to you from over his hand.
"Fine, fine- okay, just- get it over with."
You grinned, shifting to lie with your head in Javi's lap and your legs in Steve's. You watched as Javi tried to keep up his façade of being grumpy, failing miserably at the sight of your excited eyes beaming up at him, a smile pulling at his mouth.
Three sets of eyes turned to the telivision as the opening number played. You made it about 15 seconds in before Javier began to complain.
"See, why does everyone have to start singing, like what's that about-"
"Shh!" you hushed him, feeling Steve's chest shake as he laughed.
Javier groaned as he took in the lyrics of the song, eyes squinting as he shook his head.
"A love machine? Hells that supposed to mean? I feel like if you're being mechanical in bed it can't be that go-"
"JAVI!" you whined, swatting at his chest.
"Okay, okay, fine, I'll shut up," he raised his hands in surrender.
You got about ten seconds of blissful silence before-
"I think I'd describe myself as a love machine-" Steve started.
"That's not a good thing, Murph, like I said-"
"OHH, will you two please just let me watch the film in peace," you groaned, tipping your head back in defeat.
"Yes ma'am," Steve grinned, petting your thigh lovingly with soft strokes and squeezes.
For the next little while the boys were quiet, Steve still stroking your thigh while Javier played with your hair.
Until Javier once again...
"Why'd they hire that guy, he really can't sing- I mean listen to him!"
"Ah ah ah, I will not accept any Pierce Brosnan slander, thank you very much." You quickly interrupted him, poking a finger up at his chin.
"He is good lookin' though, I mean look at those eyes-" Steve rose his eyebrows and motioned to the screen.
"Isn't that guy almost 70 now?" Javier complained, looking at Steve in disbelief.
"And? Your point is?" you objected. "He's a total DILF!"
Javi sighed deeply, throwing his head back and shaking it lightly.
"Yeah, I'm with her on this one," Steve agreed.
"'Course you are," Javi stated before mumbling "ass-kisser" under his breath.
Javier resigned himself to suffering in silence for the rest of the film, grumpily shovelling handfuls of popcorn into his mouth.
Meanwhile you and Steve were working at the drinks, downing more and more until you became so invested in the musical it became a karaoke. Meryl Streep, as much as you loved her, couldn't hold a candle to Murph's drunken and off-key rendition of 'The Winner takes it all', Javier pretending not to be entertained as you rolled in laughter in his lap with tears streaming from your eyes.
Two hours later the credits finally rolled, causing Javi to sigh in relief. That was, naturally, until the post-credits tune Waterloo began, invoking yet another karaoke rendition from Steve and yourself, Steve holding you upright on your knees on the couch chest to chest.
"Please, no more, you two sound like street cats fighting over the last scrap of meat."
Steve gasped in mock offense before lifting on of the throw pillows and lobbing it in Javier's direction.
"Oh you wanna play it that way, huh? Pillow fight? Like a little girls' sleepover? Well if you're gonna be like that-" Javi leapt up and whacked the pillow against the top of Steve's head. Steve retaliated by launching his body on top of Javi to lie on his chest, taking you with him. Sandwiched between the two play-fighting men you could do little but laugh as they wrestled each other.
Steve grinned as he caught the sensitive spot on Javi's side, causing the latter to laugh heartily at the ticklish feeling. At the look of amusement on your face, Javier turned his attention to you, an idea forming in his head.
"Oh, yeah? Think that's funny do you, baby?" Javi made eye contact with Steve, gesturing for the two of them to shift their attention to their girl. Steve caught the hint, a smirk spreading across his face.
"Guess we'll have to show you just how funny it can be, huh?" Steve simpered.
Javi rolled so that you fell from his chest onto the couch, the two men now resting in a push-up position above you.
"No, no, no- please-" you begged, but it was too late. Two sets of hands skimmed across your skin, instantly locating all of the most ticklish spots as you wailed. Your chest convulsed in laughter, the sound of it mingling with theirs as tears sprang to your eyes.
"Okay- I surrender- please, please!" you sobbed. They finally took mercy on you, stopping their attack and leaning down to lie almost on top of you.
Both boys pressed kisses to all the flesh they could reach around your face and neck, allowing you to feel their smiles against your skin.
You raised both hands and laid one on each of their heads, petting them with all the love you held.
Javi shifted to hold his face over yours, a tender look in his eyes which stole the breath from your lungs. He sent a knowing smile at you then leaned down to capture your lips, the kiss slow and deep. He stroked your cheek, slanting his mouth to meet yours even further. A whimper interrupted your kiss, a jealous Steve nuzzling your jaw with his nose. You laughed breathlessly, beckoning him towards you with a gentle "C'mere, Murph."
Steve headbutted a grumbling Javi out of the way before stealing your lips for himself, the kiss just as meaningful and passionate as the first. He whined into your mouth as you tugged lightly at his hair, his tongue flicking against your lip. His breath brushed against your mouth as he panted longingly.
"Stop hogging, asshole," Javi fussed, trying to wedge his way back to your mouth.
It was going to be a long night, but you'd never complain. You loved them, and you could feel just how much they loved you.
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slayxwolf ¡ 8 years ago
Liam Dunbar Imagine- Nervous
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Request: Hello love! Don't know if you're taking requests but I really loved your last Liam imagine so I was wondering if you could please write a Liam imagine where he once saved the reader who is a werewolf too, so she starts being protective with him and then he's starts to act weird in front of her because he likes her. like, she wonders why his heart raises when she's around, thanks! 
Word Count: 1,832
One Week Ago
“Y/n move!” Mason shouted, after noticing Tracy behind you. You didn't hear in time. You turned around and felt sharp claws penetrate your side, making your eyes glow gold. You fell to the ground paralysed after the Kanima venom worked its way into your bloodstream. You couldn't do anything but stare above you, seeing Tracy’s face as she towered above you. At this point, you really regretted calling her a dread doctor dickhead in biology that morning. You then saw a figure push her to the ground with pure animosity. After hearing a few more punches and tables being broken, you felt someone lift you up, as your legs were clearly failing you in that moment. He tilted your head so you could see him. You smiled weakly and let out a sigh of relief, “She only got one up on me this time because I skipped breakfast this morning” you remarked in response to his smug expression. “Yeah yeah I know, you would have beat her ass” he laughed, carrying you. Thank god for Liam Dunbar.
Liam picked up a tray and examined the food options in the dinner queue. “Move Dunbar” one of his teammates said playfully, pushing in front of him. “Come on man, that's the third time this week” Liam groaned. “Fuck. Off.” you smiled sarcastically, picking up a tray and positing yourself next to Liam. He looked at you in disbelief for a moment, before coming up with the intellectual response of “Tell your girl to chill out”. “She’s not my-” Liam began awkwardly, before you interrupted. “Apologise and go to the back of the queue before I shove this tray so far up your arse that you-” you began to threaten, until Liam covered your mouth. “I guess I’ll see you at practice- sorry for the inconvenience” his teammate backed away, slightly terrified. You simply turned away and began to casually browse the food selection. “What was that?” he asked, with a slight smirk on his face. “Come on, he was being a total dick” you stated, pouting at the sight of the dreadful food your school was serving. “Y/n” he said, trying to contain his laugh. “Huh?” you glanced up, slightly nervous at the thought of him laughing at you. “You do realise, that you just also pushed in the queue” he said, looking at all of the students behind you that were complaining to one another. “Oh right” you realised the pure irony in that situation. “I think- I'm just going to go” you began to back away, attempting to avoid any more embarrassment for that matter. He grabbed your wrist and you both couldn't ignore the thud of your hearts beating. He assumed that yours increased purely because he shocked you, you on the other hand were confused as to why his did too. You looked as him quizzically, before he quickly let go. “I was just going to say you may as well stay now, we’re almost at the front” he mumbled with that lost expression he does. “I guess so” you moved back into the queue, smiling to the person you were currently squeezing in front of. Neither of you spoke another word for the remanding time you spent there and you barely talked while at the lunch table. It was just weird.
Later on, you all met up at Scott’s house for your weekly pack meeting. Liam had made an excuse not to walk with you like he usually did, he instead arranged for Stiles to come and pick you up. “Y/n!” Stiles beamed as you got into the front seat of his jeep. “Stiles!” you retuned the energy. “Let’s floor it” he said, putting it into reverse. “How many coffees have you had?” you asked with wide eyes, looking down to see all of the empty Starbucks cups. “Today? Only like two or twelve- I can’t remember” he shrugged, speaking a little too energetically. “I better not die in this piece of scrap metal” you whined. “Never insult Roscoe like that” he pointed at you, while still focusing the road. “And you've named it” you laughed. “Don't listen to her, I love you just the way you are” he kissed his steering wheel as you pulled up at Scott’s. When you arrived, everyone else was already waiting for the pair of you. You sat next to Liam, once again hearing his heart beat out of his chest. You turned to look at him with furrowed brows, but he proceeded to stare straight ahead of him. Scott began to speak before you could say anything about his shady behaviour. There wasn't long left of the meeting thankfully, it was one of the most awkward things you'd experienced for some unknown reason. Liam’s heart would randomly race whenever your shoulders brushed or every time he felt you glance at him, which would automatically send your heart into overdrive in response. Normally he would groan when he got bored, but he sat there and barely blinked the whole time. With about ten minutes left, Stiles got a call from his dad and had to leave early, so unfortunately for Liam, that meant walking home with you. The highlight of his week now scaring the total shit out of him.
“Liam will you slow down?” you whined, walking ten steps behind him. “You’re a werewolf now, you cant use the ‘I'm not into sport’ excuse anymore” he called back, referring to how lazy you used to be, before you received the bite. He stopped suddenly, after he could no longer hear the noise of you walking and sighing loudly. He turned around to see you were no longer there and feeling panicked was an understatement, he swiftly turned back around to look for you and practically screamed when he saw you in front of him. “Wow Liam, who knew you had lungs like that” you teased jokingly. “It's not funny, I thought you’d been kidnapped” he breathed half in relief, half in annoyance. “I'm a werewolf, remember?” you said, your eyes then widened at the sight of a flashing neon sign. “Really? That place again” he complained, as you pulled him along smiling. That was the thing you loved about small towns, old school diners with cheap burgers and overpriced milkshakes. Liam groaned but hesitantly followed behind you. You sat in your usual booth and he sat opposite you with a grumpy expression. “What are we doing here?” he asked, crossing his arms. “I'm hungry” you said innocently. He looked relieved for a second, until you continued. “And also to find out why you're avoiding me” you also crossed your arms. “Usual?” the waitress asked, while Liam sunk into his chair. “Please” you smiled. She then looked over at him. “Just a coke” he mumbled. She looked surprised, normally Liam ordered half the menu but she simply nod and walked to the kitchen.
“You’re being weird, tell me what’s up” you raised an eyebrow after a few minutes of watching him pretend to read the menu he was holding, that was upside down. “I'm not being weird” he scoffed, looking anywhere but at you. “I know when you’re lying” you claimed, leaning forward. His eyes flickered for a minute, while he raised his hand to bite his fingernails. “Why are you doing that?” you asked with a slight look of disgust. “Nervous” he replied simply. “There’s no reason for you to be nervous?” you said, focusing on the food that the waitress placed in front of you. “There is when you’re trying to tell your best friend you’re in love with her” he accidently blurted out. Your eyes widened in shock as you quickly looked from your plate to him. The waitress awkwardly backed away after hearing that, trying to supress the smile on her face. “Oh god” he suddenly said in horror, realising what he just done. You sat there with your mouth parted open looking at him. “It just slipped out” he added, rubbing the back of his neck. “Please say something” he squeaked, after you didn't reply. “You love me” you simply repeated. “As a friend-” he tried to lie, “As more than a friend” he admitted straight after. “I-I-” you began to stutter. Liam waited in anticipation for your response, not sure if he had just made the biggest mistake of his life. “I cant do this right now” you said, picking up your bag and exiting the diner. He sat there, his head in his hands, feeling a mixture of crushed and guilty for doing that to you- putting you in that position, knowing your childhood best friend had developed more feelings than he should have.
“Y/n you fucking idiot” you said out loud to yourself in your bedroom. You had been pacing for half an hour. “Why didn't you tell him that you feel the same” you groaned. “Oh god” you sighed in frustration, running your hands through your hair. You heard your phone, you picked it up to see a message from Liam; ‘I'm sorry, just forget I said anything. I don’t want to ruin us’. You exhaled and attempted to conjure a response. “Fuck this” you said, shoving your phone into your pocket. You didn't slowly approach the situation like any normal human being would, in fact you stormed from your house back to the diner impulsively. You knew he would still be there, his head resting on the table . You burst into the doors and walked over to your booth, it didn't take long for him to recognise the smell of your perfume or the sound of your heartbeat. He lifted himself up, but before either of you could say anything, you sat beside him and pressed your lips to his harshly. He was surprised at first, to say the least. The only reason you pulled away from one another was to catch your breath. You stared at each other, examining every detail. “I owe you ten bucks” the chef whispered to the waitress. Both of your werewolf hearings picked up on that from across the room. “I told you, they were meant to be together from the first time they came here” the waitress beamed. You and Liam laughed in unison, “I guess this means you like me back?” he asked. “I don't like you- I love you” you corrected, putting your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you. God you’d imagined this moment for years, brushing it off as some stupid fantasy. “I'm hungry” you eventually spoke. “Yeah me too” he agreed. You both glanced over to the waitress and chef. “Its on the house” they spoke at the same time, accidently giving away that they were listening to your conversation. Y/f/n and Liam Dunbar, who’d have thought you’d ever be more than best friends? Well everyone apart from the pair of you, but regardless the feelings you had for him were mutual.
Not my best work, I will admit x
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trekking-for-logic-and-stars ¡ 8 years ago
Captain courts Vulcan
Jim: *hanging halfway over the right arm of his Captain's chair, a bright and flirtatious smile on his face* Hey, Spock!
Spock: *turns around from where he is jotting notes on his electronic notepad* Yes, Captain?
Jim: *bites his lip to hide his laugh* Can I tie your shoes? Cause I don't want you falling for anyone else.
McCoy: *in the background: rolls his eyes, shakes his head and throws his arms up in the air before covering his eyes with his hand* [He is 1,701% done]
Spock: *confused* Captain, I do not understand. My boots do not contain any sort of laces with which you can- *closes his mouth when Jim bursts out laughing, Jim doubling over in his chair*
Spock: *narrows his eyes, squinting*
McCoy: Oh, for the love of- he just used a pick-up line on you, Spock. *narrows his eyes grumpily* God awful one at that...
Spock: A...'pick-up line'? *raises eyebrow* I do not understand. In what way is a line meant to 'pick me up?'
Jim: *roars with laughter*
McCoy: *gets up* Alright, that's it! No more damned pick-up lines on this bridge or I'm hauling your ass down to the MedBay under reasonable cause to believe you've gone delirious!
Spock: Doctor, explain to me the function of a 'pick-up line;' I request that you-
McCoy: No! You're not requesting me to do squat! Look it up yourself if you really want to know, you damned green-blooded hobgoblin!
Jim: *adopts a mischievous smile* Spock, baby; if you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple.
Spock: *green flush spreads across his face and the tips of his pointed ears*
Jim: *throws himself out of his chair as Bones lunges for him*
McCoy: JIM!!! GET OVER HERE!! *chases him about the bridge* *the other crewman scramble in an attempt to try and stay out of the way*
Jim: *jumps over one of the control stations and keeps in line with Bones on the other side of it, matching the doctor's movements and ready to dart out of the way if he needs to*
McCoy: *scowls*
Jim: *grins* Bones, did you sit in a pile of sugar?
McCoy: NO.
Jim: You sure?
*the bridge becomes silent, everyone holding their breath as seconds pass, and then...*
Jim: Cause you have a pretty sweet ass. *darts off with Bones hot on his tail, the two leaving the bridge with the chase*
Spock: *watches them leave in a ruckus, surprised and still mildly confused; takes over the conn and gives out a few orders, sitting in the Captain's chair and starting up his PADD; researches 'pick-up lines' before flushing green again and firmly putting the device down* *staring @ the chair's armrest he places his hand upon it fondly* Most illogical... *a smile escapes him*
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