#you were the paedo shipper as well right
now that i got your attention sasuke-kun when are you coming home? you weren't replying to my texts and our daughter misses you
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astharoshebarvon · 4 years
Coming across Steve/Tony art in vampire knight tag is just so —surprising. Seeing the art pieces remind me of the time I used to enjoy reading Steve/Tony fics, about three years ago.
But now, that horrid film has made me so angry that I can’t even read stony fics or stucky for that matter without remembering how they ruined Steve’s character and turned him into a freakin pendulum who was oscillating between aunt and niece then went back to aunt.
I get it, I totally do that these people were so scared of Steve/Bucky popularity that they had to show Steve with a woman no matter what. Seriously, I get the homophobia, it literally jumped out with this forced steggy crap.
But why the overhyped, annoying, aunty carter?
Sharon was right there, their relationship was established in CW, but no they had to turn Steve into a disgusting weirdo who went back to aunt after saying to Sharon that it was late. This is coming from a person who doesn’t like either her or her dumb aunty. Steve going back to aunty is just so creepy.
This bullshit of forced hetero crap is just so annoying! No one expected Steve/Bucky to happen, but you didn’t have to butcher Steve’s character and turn him into some gross individual. You wanna show him with a woman, Sharon, Natasha, hell, that café lady in avengers 1 were right there.
Why aunty carter? To make him a gross fellow? Well, you succeeded, only steggy shippers and homophobes liked that shit, no one else liked that bull. It’s like these people’s goals is to make fm couples as gross and vile as possible.
I have to say though, it was satisfying to see that even after being so called canon, that shitty ship never made it top ships on Tumblr. Stucky, Stony and Steve/Nat all made it in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Well, Steve /Nat didn’t last year but point still stands, the gross ship didn’t.
This forced hetero bullshit is ruining everything.
Another stellar example is the vile fanfic sequel.
What was done to one of my favourite characters ever is just too horrifying to contemplate. At least Steve wasn’t turned into a full-fledged paedophile like the bitch from that fanfic garbage sequel.
Same bull of forced heteronormativity was done to the silver haired dude, the man who must not be named, Inu no Taishou’s first loser son. They wanted to show him so badly with a female, with babies and all that cringe worthy crap that they turned him into a paedo.
Even though the man has no romantic bone in his body. Him being in love with Tetsusaiga made more sense than whatever fuckery is shown in that vile sequel.
If they wanted a female that badly, well, kagura was right there. There was no need to turn him into a bitch and show him with a kid.
I suppose I should be happy. Sweet Kohaku dodged a bullet since he was a boy. I shudder to think what nastiness would have come out of this bullshit sequel if Kohaku was a girl too.
Kohaku, dear, you are safe since this author and creators and a large part of this fandom are homophobic as hell. The vile ship wouldn’t exist if the child bride had been a boy too.
It’s actually hilarious that all these paedo ships are fm/straight. I guess they should keep this shit up and at some point people will just stop seeing these rotten shows. It’s painfully obvious that the only people enjoying the garbage show are lovers of that vile ship.
Sorry, Kirinmaru, Moroha, Inu no Taishou, you are not enough to save this horrendous show.
Great Dog Demon, please stay dead, you are not a piece of garbage or a goddamn pedo enabler till now, don’t come back from dead. Have a great afterlife with your lovely wife Izayoi!
Nothing will make this right since they have turned Inu no taishou’s first son into a full-fledged child predator.
And, Zero, please, just take a hint and fuck off! You are a creepy stalker! The man had more romantic moments with Kirinmaru than with your creepy, ugly ass.
Funny, on one hand you have top class shows with stunning visuals, heartwarming love stories, great music and brilliant animation like : Given, Maria watches over us, Akatsuki no yona, Tsubasa reservoir chronicle, Junjou romantica, Sekaiichi hatsukoi, Snow white with red hair, Betrayal knows my name, Kamisama kiss, Kobato,
Then you have fanfic garbage sequels which glorifies paedophilia with oc Mary sue bullshit, the show I don’t even want to write the name of since it gives me the fucking creeps.
Shishinki from afterlife really must be like : Oh, ew!!! He is a vile pedo! No wonder his father favoured his younger son. This bitch deserves to be humiliated in every way.
And, he even touched me that one time, gross!
Ten Count, Sasaki to Miyano, Tokyo Babylon, Given movie, please come soon so I can forget this shit show ever existed. My love for OG Inukag, Inu no taishou/Izayoi, Naraku can only stretch so far.
Wow, it hurt so much to not include sesshoumaru in the list. Well, that’s what you get for being a vile bitch.
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orenonahaichigoda · 5 years
I would post this on my shiny new personal, but this is actually super-relevant to RP.
I think in fanwork, there's a certain amount of"OOC" to be *expected,* because the whole point of fanworks, particularly written ones like RP or fic, or even visual/written blends like fan comics, is us writing something that didn't happen in canon.
I have a massive dual-prong project that eventually becomes a crossover (16 years into the story. No timeskips. Epic not by coolness definition, which is subjective, but by original definition. Not sure if I'll ever be able to complete it)
In the Bleach end, the former Espada are stabilised (goes into Urahara's original motive that I made up that led to the Hogyoku) and are given a new chance at life in 2002. So they spend most of the project away from the enslavement and otherwise abuse of Aizen, and with Hueco Mundo and its necessary cannibalism behind them (not to say that hasn't definitely scarred them, which I explore in-depth) So when you're not a canon-fodder slave for an abusive coloniser any more, naturally, you will be able to calm down to some extent.
I'm just gonna say Grimmjow's character definitely morphs over time. Coyote, too. Yammy, even. A lot. Ulquiorra, totally. Given hope and family will definitely change most people. Not all. That's where Noitora comes in.
And if you held what I have for, say, 2010 (eight years into the story) up to episode 160 without context, most of them would seem pretty OOC.
But fan-stories are literally our alterations of canon, and so, change the characters' trajectories. I mean, shoot, you *should* be behaving differently at an interview than you would in a fight! And you will hopefully always be different at age 40 than you were at age 15.
And that's exactly why this new fandom wave of "you must never go against canon" is frankly nonsensical. Just by existing, fan-stories are a fan's alteration of canon. It's been like that since the first Kirk/Spock shippers sat down at their typewriters. There are shows I think canon is perfect just the way it is. So I don't make my own stories about it. I don't read others', either. I stick to watching canon and looking at gifsets and"behind the scenes" articles, etc.
Now, I mean, I've seen stuff where Ichigo is Noitora with Ichigo's face, or Ichigo is hurt and wants to watch the world burn. That's definitely a different character, but the work isn't hurting anyone (assuming there's no bigotry upheld by the narrative in it) and they're free to write it and I just don't read because I find it at odds with the character over the point I personally find reasonable. A *personal* level.
But my point in mentioning it is to demonstrate that there's extents to what even truly constitutes OOC-- it's a gradient, not a switch, and if you're radically changing the character's situation, yes, they will act differently to an extent. People do that. Sentient beings in general do. I've seen a same dog that adored me become very hostile to someone he didn't trust. He was in two different situations.
So, I think maybe don't be super hard on yourself about it. I plan to have my epilogue for this project set in 2302A.D., Gundam 00, and they're basically part of the Resistance vs. an Empire. At 318 years old, Ichigo IS going to be very different than he was at 16. Even in 2019, where I'm fleshing out about March right now, he's 35, 15 years married, and his eldest is 21. He's much calmer than he was in canon, because he's older. He's learned some problems cannot be solved alone or by sword, like institutionalised bigotry, which needs mass social change and is intangible, even though he does fight neo-Nazis physically. Plot point, written with experience, obviously.
But the standard of what IC/ OOC consists of is really not super rigorous.
Don't freak--you're doing fine.
Also, seriously, stop bashing people for not adhering to some arbitrary amount of canon. If you want canon adherence, stick to gifsets and get out of the writing side of fandom. By writing, we're *all* altering canon to some extent. We're literally here to alter it with our "what-if"s and "I wanted to see X and it never happened, so I'll make it happen"s. Canon purism in fandom is nonsense. Doesn't belong in this type of fandom.
I have legitimate gripes with fanfic when it's all "I'm not Asian so let me garnish my human default English with strange and exotic Japanese because unlike Asians, who are just toys, I won't get my face bashed in for it ain't I cute!" any other racism, or misogyny, or any range of queerphobic stuff I've seen. As well as spreading false and harmful information about Japan (age of consent is 18 and not 13, paedos), etc. Because being a fan creator is not an excuse to treat oppressed demographs like dirt. Same has applied to canon works for *hundreds of years.* (Canon Bleach itself has a queerphobia problem) Same with reblogs without permission from Japanese fans, who then fold up and quit because their stuff keeps being stolen (I have a copy paste form letter to alert Japanese fans to theft *and* encourage them to fight for takedown instead of giving up, but it's too late a good bit of the time, and this is reprehensible)
But something like the character adapting to a new situation? That's what sentient beings do! And fanworks don't follow canon by *definition.* So don't be hard on yourself, and definitely don't attack other people for being slightly OOC when they've made a mage an astronaut, or, well, writing fanworks at all.
If their stuff is bigoted, yeah, bigots don't deserve to feel accepted. But what I'm talking about? Characters would be strange if they did *not* adapt. You can't write fanwork without bending canon, which is literally what it's meant for.
So, as long as you're not being a bigot, you're doing fine, and it's OK. Relax. You're doing good. I'm glad you're having fun, because that's what we all came here to do.
Now get out there, be nice, and have fun.
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