#you wanted crygi
The one where One Thing goes wrong
The anatomy room was dead silent. No one spoke a word, no one even dared to sneeze. The only sounds were the scribbling of pencil and coals on paper and their professors instructions for the model in front of them. It was some middle aged guy, nothing too interesting of a motif to sketch. Also nothing Crystal hadn’t sketched before. Of course, their professor tried to hire models of a variety of sizes, age and ethnicity, but if most of the people who volunteered for the job were guys from the nearest city looking for the easiest way to gain some cash, there was only so much they could do.
Crystal knew Bosco had applied for the part at least three times, but Thorgy (the eccentric lady let her students use her first name) had turned them down each time, reminding them that while she would certainly let them, it was against school guidelines. Bosco always gave in, not without complaining to their friends over a joint or two though. It was kind of funny, because Crystal was well aware how some of the sketches in Willows portfolio were definitely Daya and Bosco posing for her, even if she didn’t put much detail into their faces.
The memory of that project forced a little sigh out of Crystals mouth. She had meant to ask Gigi if she would pose for her final project of junior year, but each time they had sat together at lunch Crystal had freaked out over it. In the end she had sketched Nicky, for two reasons: It was a safe option, they were close enough friends to stay remotely serious as Crystal sketched and two, they had smoked multiple joints before and Crystal had kept making Titanic jokes, cracking up at herself more than Nicky did. The sketch turned out well, Thorgy had been very impressed, but Crystal still couldn’t help but wonder what might have happened if she had just asked Gigi …
A sharp, short lived pain in her ribs brought Crystal back to reality. She looked up from her sketch to glance over at Willow, who had rammed her elbow right between her ribs. The shorter girl nodded towards the desk, shaking her head at Crystal. Between the two of them was a little notebook, a messy little note written in the corner of the page. Crystal checked whether Thorgy was looking over at them before pulling it closer. Heavens, she always forgot how bad Willow‘s handwriting was.
Stop daydreaming and draw Mr Santaclaus here, we have like 40 mins left.
Biting her bottom lip in frustration, Crystal quickly scribbled an answer.
Wiiiillow :( I wanna go to Lagoona’s partyyyy
Furrowing their eyes in confusion, Willow shot her a questioning glance.
Why? Barely anyone is going, it’s mostly for her rich music friends. We chasing clout now?
Rolling her eyes, Crystal shoved Willows elbow, earning them a sharp hiss from Thorgy. Quickly, both of them leaned back over their sketches, playing innocent until they were sure the professors eyes had trailed off again.
I know Gigi is going though :(
Willow took her time with the answer, actually adding a little bit of shading to her sketch first. For Crystal, that was not an option right now, her mind was too filled with Gigi. She wondered if Symone was going too and if they’d wear matching outfits. Handmade of course, maybe even something Gigi had made in her design class? Sometimes, when the others were out and it was just Gigi and Crystal in the Lake House, Crystal would come over to Gigi‘s room and they’d both work on their projects. Gigi sitting at her desk, the sewing machine rattling along as Crystal laid on her bed, legs kicked up and her sketchbook in front of her. More often than not would Crystal find herself using the same colours of Gigi’s fabrics, or asking for scraps to make a collage out of them. They were some of her most cherished works …
Another shove into her ribs. This time, Crystal gasped out in surprise. Again, Thorgy hissed at them, this time raising a finger in a silent warning. Crystal nodded apologetically before looking back down onto the notebook.
Ask Denali if she has a Plus One. I know she got invited because Olivia won’t shut up about it in the dorms.
Thinking about it, Crystal furrowed her brows.
Are you sure? I haven’t really talked to her …
Willow had to visibly suppress a laugh, wincing as if Crystal was making her physically upset. They wouldn’t stop shaking their head as they worded their answer.
Crys, did you take in a word I said? Barely no one from school is going and Nali swears she would rather chew on her own foot than spend the night with Rosé. She’s gonna be glad for every familiar face there. You’d totally help each other out!
Willow let her read the whole thing, barely able to contain their grin as she finished up her sketch. Thinking about the idea, Crystal tried to save her own drawing, which was still in a way too early stage when they had to hand them in. It was okay though, because she totally had a plan now.
„Jesus Christ“, Denali gasped when they climbed out of the Uber. She stared up at the rows of clean white walls and window fronts climbing up to the stars in front of them. Not only did the three sisters live in the middle of downtown, they also lived in one of the few penthouses around. Bright, neon lights flooded the sidewalk through a full glass wall on of the upper floors, long shadows of the people upstairs.
Crystal stayed silent, but she felt Denali‘s awe in her core. However, the buzzing of her fluttering heart was stronger. Pulling down the skirt of her tight, frilly dress, Crystal tippy-toed her way to the front door. „What name?“, she asked as she scanned the two rows of shiny little golden door bells.
„Sport“, Denali answered, „Like Jan“.
The ride in the elevator was silent. While Crystal wasn’t sure why, Denali seemed just as nervous as she was, if not more. As if she had any reason to. In her pale pink, velvet mini dress and two little braided buns, she looked just like the fancy models and influencers that Crystal expected to see tonight, if not better. The two of them kind of clashed, Crystal in bright red frill with stiletto boots and her hair curled and Denali a vision in pastel. It didn’t stop Denali from interlocking their arms as the elevator came to a halt. „Okay“, she mumbled, „We’ll look for people we know and for booze, right? Liv said Mik and her arrived early …“
Nodding along, Crystal was left to wonder if Gigi had already arrived. She did not have the courage to text her, neither earlier as they got ready in Denali‘s dorm or right now. Willow had sent them off with a roll of her eyes, declaring Crystal useless and the wishing them a good time. God, she loved that little gremlin.
The apartment of the three sisters was just about as opulent as the outside of the place. White surfaces, fancy art on the wall, a whole collection of guitars and a remarkable sound system that blasted Christina Aguilera as the two of them walked in. The open kitchen had a bar, an actual bar, crowded by people and with a tall, dark haired girl with pitch black eyeshadow behind it.
„Adore Delano“, Crystal whispered, „Got her record deal before even graduating.“ Denali‘s eyes were wide, staring around the room. „I know her Crys“, she mumbled, „I watched American Idol.“
„Sorry“, Crystal quickly replied, „I‘m just nervous.“
„Hey“, Denali suddenly looped her arm out of Crystals, „How about I go get us something to drink and you look for Liv or someone? Or Jan maybe, so they know we’re here?“
Sure, that made sense. Olivia or Jan, or maybe Gigi. With a nod, Crystal dove head first into the crowd.
Finding specific people in an apartment packed with strangers turned out to be a lot harder than it sounded. Before she knew it, Crystal had not only lost sight of Denali, who had disappeared somewhere in the little crowd around the bar, but she also couldn’t find anyone else either. For a few minutes, all Crystal did was stand there, somewhat awkwardly, not quite in the center of the room but far from the corners as well.
Then, a single tap on her shoulder. Crystal turned around and almost choked on her own breath. Gigi. And she was gorgeous. Several inches taller than her, even more so now in her stilettos, platforms higher than anything Crystal could ever walk in. She had been right with her assumptions, Gigi did indeed dress matching with Symone, who was talking to some other group of older girls just a few steps behind her sister. Symone was clad in babyblue silk, matching shoes and butterfly clips in her hair, while Gigi was a vision in pale green, perfectly complimenting the rosy blush on her face, the deep forest of her eyes and the sea of autumn cascading down her back, perfectly straightened into one shiny curtain, almost reaching her hips by now. She had a gentle shine on her, and it was not just Crystals heart shaped vision. There was highlight gently tapped onto her cheeks, under her brow, the tip of her nose and all over the length of her collarbones. She looked absolutely ethereal, otherworldly. The most beautiful thing Crystal had ever laid eyes on. And she smiled. Gigi smiled at her.
„Hi“, her eyes crinkled up in her excitement, two perfect rows of teeth flashing at Crystal.
„Hi“, was all Crystal managed to reply, her grin so wide, she must look absolutely dumbfounded. But it didn’t matter right now, it wasn’t like she was capable of changing anything about it anyways. For several seconds, all they did was stare at each other, one smile wider than the other. And Crystal probably would have continued like this for the rest of the night. Eventually, though, Gigi‘s eyes wandered down to where their toes were almost touching, clearing her throat. „I didn’t know you‘d be here! Why didn’t you tell me?“
„Oh!“, Crystal tried her best not to stare at Gigi as she talked, but the mossy green shimmer on her eye lids and the pale pink of her lips were just so nice to look at…
„I’m here with Denali!“, she finally spluttered out, „She needed a plus one!“
„Oh“, Gigi seemed surprised, „I didn’t know you were that close.“
We’re not! Crystal felt like screaming it, but no words left her mouth. Instead, all she managed was an oddly robotic shrug, mustering up a smile. Gigi chuckled, vaguely gesturing over her shoulder. „We were just about to go check out the dancefloor. Monét said the AAA Girls are here tonight! Are you coming?“
„I-“, Crystal seriously struggled to form a sentence, her eyes scanning the bar area. „I really shouldn’t leave Denali like that, she wanted to get us drinks … But we’ll follow you guys right after, okay?“
Something fizzled out in Gigi’s eyes, and Crystal was close to panicking. Did she say something wrong? Was everything alright? She could take it back-
„No okay, that makes sense.“ Gigi smiled at her, but it was less bright than before. Crystal felt her heart sink. The other girl gave her another smile before taking a step back. „See you around, Crys!“ She was swallowed by her group swarming into the next room before Crystal had the chance to answer.
Denali did not come back. Neither did Gigi, and there was still no sign of Mik and Olivia. Crystal couldn’t help but sigh, leaning against a bar stool. The only person who had acknowledged her since Gigi had been Jan, giving her a quick hug and promising to send Denali her way if she saw her, as well as a little wave from Lagoona, before the blue haired queen of the night disappeared in the other room where the music was blasting. She was accompanied by Adore Delano, whose movements had begun to get sloppy and voice was loud and slurred, even in the room full of people. Crystal waved back awkwardly, hesitating a moment before leaving her spot to follow them. If Denali hadn’t come back now, she wasn’t going to. So why not have some fun of her own? After all, Gigi said she would be on the dancefloor …
And she sure was. The room was less crowded than the kitchen, everyone having at least some space to move around. Lagoona stood behind a little DJ table, a tall, lanky blonde by her side waving her arms around to the music. The face seemed familiar, but this time Crystal couldn’t put a finger on it. Right in front of them, amidst the swaying and jumping people, Crystal spotted her favourite redhead, a little taller than most people around her, just like in class.
But she immediately wished she hadn’t. Gigi was dancing, moving her hips around, hands over he head. That wasn’t the problem, no that alone would have been marvellous actually. Sadly, it wasn’t the whole picture. No, the whole picture was way, way worse. Because her front was pressed against some slimy, wide-chested guy with slicked back hair and a smile of such satisfaction, Crystal felt the urge to throw up. Her heart sank into the deepest pits of her stomach and the room seemed to spin around her, the only thing in focus was Gigi. And him.
His hands snaked up Gigi‘s sides, over the silky green fabric Crystal had just stared at a while ago. Gigi didn’t look at him, but her arms found their way around his neck, the two of them swaying around in sync now. And then, as if it wasn’t enough already, the slimeball leaned forward. And kissed Gigi.
Crystal didn’t know what ran first, her legs towards the exit or the tears down her face.
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thecollectionsof · 4 months
oh ho ho!!!! i actually finished a fic !!!! and i'm proud of how it turned out, i think this world is fun and i have so many thoughts about it
Gigi Goode, daughter of Viscount Goode, has always dreamed about the kiss that would make color bloom across her skin. It used to be a faceless person, just something to project her current childhood crushes onto. And then she met Crystal Methyd, her lady's maid, and suddenly her dream soulmate takes a different form. Not that she could ever tell her that, of course, especially since they're such close friends. Still, she lets herself dream. Maybe one day a kiss from her soulmate (that she really should stop imagining as Crystal) will change her life completely, and her aimless fantasies of love, companionship, and a beautiful mosaic of color across her skin will become reality. But until then, she'll keep dreaming.
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sexynetra · 1 year
don’t tempt you??? i would love to tempt you, how can i tempt you more ??? pictures? ideas? a trade ?? i will do it
(here are some more pictures just in case <3)
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Saving these pictures for reference 🤔
I literally have like 5-6 different skating themed starters in my notes that I could theoretically swap in crygi for… 🤔
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 4 months
crygi for fruit stands pleaseeeeee <3
No idea why fruit stands made me think of this plot, but here's a (somewhat chaotic) little crygi meet-cute ugly
"Wouldn't this be the perfect place to meet someone?"
"Like who, the farmer who owns this place?"
"No, like a meet-cute,"
There was a pause between the two women, Gigi continuing to pick out the best cherries.
"What the hell is a meet-cute?" Nicky asked with a raised eyebrow.
Gigi zipped her reusable produce bag before placing it in her canvas tote. "You know, like in the movies? Like when two strangers meet and fall in love?"
Nicky slowly tilted her head, "No, no I don't know that," She looked over the bin full of ripened cantaloupes. "Why, do you want a meet-cute, or whatever that is?"
Gigi shrugged with one shoulder as she looked through the oranges., "I dunno, maybe." she smiled at the thought of possibly meeting a cute girl as they both reached for the same bananas.
Then she and the mystery girl would share banana bread recipes, and then a few years later, they plan a beautiful tropical wedding.
Okay, maybe not exactly like that, but Gigi could still have her daydreams about it.
"Are you good at picking watermelons? I can never get the good, sweet ones." Nicky asked from the next stall.
"Yeah, let me take a look-" Gigi tried to turn away from the oranges, but couldn't get far. She tried stepping away again, but no luck.
At a closer look, one of the chain loops on her bracelet was hooked tight on a screw inside the display. Gigi tried to pull herself away, but the screw wouldn't let her free.
"What are you doing?" Nicky asked.
"I'm stuck," Gigi said in defeat. "I need some help."
Nicky carefully examined Gigi's wrist, looking to see how to unhook the bracelet without breaking it. After a few attempts of unlatching, Gigi was still stuck on the stall.
"There's a hardware store across the street, I'll go get some pliers," Nicky said as she started walking away. "Don't go anywhere," she sarcastically said before finding the pedestrian crossing.
Gigi rolled her eyes, feeling defeated. She looked around at the people around her. The only other person at the fruit stand was a woman about her age with dyed curly red hair dressed in colorful overalls. A taller woman walked behind her, dressed in a leather jacket and tall boots.
"Oh, excuse me," The first woman stood next to her, looking at the oranges. Gigi noticed that she had a light dusting of freckles across her nose, barely seen against her tanned skin.
"Sorry, I'm a little stuck here," Gigi sheepishly said. Embarrassing herself in front of a cute girl was not something she wanted right now.
Gigi felt the woman's hands over her wrist, feeling soft palms and calloused fingertips. "You don't have to help me, my friend is getting pliers," Gigi quickly said, hoping her face heating up wasn't noticeable.
"No, it's okay, I can help." the woman said, before turning her head to the other woman. "Daya, I think there's a toolbox in the truck. Could you bring it over?" she asked, tossing over the car keys.
As Daya walked towards the parking lot, the other woman tugged at the chain. "Okay, how about we pull on three?" she asked.
Gigi nodded, not caring about her bracelet anymore.
"Okay...One...Two...and Three!"
After a strong tug from both of them, Gigi felt her wrist finally become moveable again. But before she could register that, she heard the woman yelp and the sound of fruit hitting the floor.
Then the feeling of a warm liquid was suddenly on the back of her hand. Gigi felt her heart drop when she saw the woman clutching her nose with a shocked expression.
She was about to muster up an apology before Daya came running back.
"Crystal, what the hell happened?!"
Well, at least the cute girl had a pretty name. But having a tropical wedding future seemed like the most farfetched daydream possible.
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stillmumu · 9 months
hello hello hello, here's a question: what do you think is your best fic, and why? you can pick more than one, and i really want you to compliment yourself!
hi babe!!! now that DTIE is (basically) wrapped, i'm honestly SO proud of it as a fully realised multichap. there's still a few cut scenes that i might release as oneshots or worm into the epilogue, but even those 13 chapters on their own own make me so happy... i'm just in love with the world and my little lesbian popstars
oneshot-wise, it has to be and for once, you let go. i had so much fun leaning into the idea that jan is so in love with jackie that she kind of gets into her own way?
also songfics are everything to me and i adore writing jankie. right after s12 crygi was def my bread and butter, but i miss writing jankie all the time nowadays! might have to bring them back honestly
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lady-assnali · 1 year
SOME sentences Sunday…SEVERAL sentences Sunday…you get the idea.
Have this baby model Crygi that wrote itself yesterday for my dear @thecollectionsof bc I’ve been really holding out on the Crygi lately and I can only say soon or one day so many times before I feel guilty for abandoning my children
Crystal shifts her weight between her feet as she stands in line, an exuberant smile on her face. She clutches a magazine close to her chest, occasionally glancing down at it. But she can’t look long, or she’ll lose it right here in the line at this local bookshop between the woman with five beach reads and the young mother and her child balancing stacks of Pete the Cat books in their hands. Instead, she concentrates her energy on living in the moment; the shop smells like robust coffee beans and the undeniable fragrance of books. The playlist is folksy and she recognizes the Noah Kahan song playing because Gigi had been singing it all summer after they’d taken a coastal weekend away just a month before. The trip had been a surprise, and they’d spent an entire day driving up and down the gorgeous, ritzy coastline of Massachusetts listening to lyrics about how everything’s alright when she calls me back. It couldn’t be more true.
Right now, Gigi’s in a timezone five hours ahead of her filming content for a brand Crystal has never heard of but Gigi absolutely idolizes. She’s been working like crazy, but the constant flow of it all has really helped her boost her name. She offhandedly mentions more than once that Crystal can even quit her just in case job now that Gigi has a steady following, but she hasn’t been able to do that yet. She doesn’t want Gigi to think she’s using her for her newfound money (even though they still bulk shop at Costco and get the cheap takeaway they like on Friday nights Gigi is home).
She gets to the front of the line and reluctantly lets go of the magazine, only long enough to let the cashier scan it.
“I don’t need a bag.” She waves her reusable tote in the air, but the magazine just goes right back into her hands. She holds the cover up for the cashier to see and in a loud, giddy voice she announces “This is my girlfriend.”
Gigi’s the front cover of Vogue, an idea she’d held on to since the start of her accidental modeling career and hadn’t stopped thinking about since. She’d told Crystal the moment she’d found out, sobbing on the phone in the middle of LAX. Crystal had met her at JFK with a bouquet of flowers and a sign that read Vogue cover model Gigi Goode.
Now, she gets to hold the magazine in her hand. Everything her girlfriend has worked so hard for in one binding of glossy papers. Well, two-Crystal’s bought one to keep and the other to cut apart so she can carefully frame the actual cover.
She’s absolutely mooning over the photo; Gigi, clad in a beautiful champagne colored dress that she’d made herself from something she’d gotten off the rack. She’d shortened it, added boning, and restructured the entire thing to turn it from Little House on the Prairie to Real Housewives (or something like that; Crystal’s still workshopping the joke). In the cover photograph the old dress hangs in the background like a ghost. The headline? Farewell, Fast Fashion.
“She made this dress.” Crystal points to the photo, turns around so the woman with the romance novels can see the cover too. “She’s so talented, and just the most beautiful soul you’ll ever meet. And this is just…it’s a lifetime of hard work.”
Crystal’s so close to crying now that she has to peel one hand away from her magazines to wipe at the corner of her eye, but she’s not embarrassed. She can’t feel anything but proud.
On her way out (after stopping to show a few other patrons of the book shop, pointing them to where they keep their magazines) she calls Gigi, who picks up on the first ring.
“My brilliant, talented, beautiful girlfriend, I have a copy of Vogue in my hands as we speak.”
On the other side of the phone, Gigi squeals.
“I haven’t seen it in person yet!” Crystal imagines her jumping up and down, her loose curls bouncing and her smile absolutely illuminating the room.
“I’ll send you a picture. It’s incredible, Geege. You look gorgeous. And I might’ve told everyone in the store that you were my girlfriend because I still can’t believe it.”
“Believe it, Crys. You’re stuck with me for life.”
They speak a little bit longer, Gigi reeling as the photos Crystal scoots over on the sidewalk to take of the magazine come through. It’s even better than she imagined, and she’s dying to see it in person.
“Two days!” She cheers. “One sleep! And then I’ll be home for weeks and we can cuddle and lay around and I can use my fancy Vogue money to take my girlfriend somewhere with the best dessert in the city.”
“Where’s that?”
Gigi laughs.
“I don’t know! But we’ll have two whole weeks to find it!”
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petitmonde · 1 year
Jealousy, jealousy
More than anyone, Crystal admired Gigi. She was the ideal showgirl, able to lie like no one else. When Gigi told the crowd that she loved them, they believed her. At their meet and greets, it was always Gigi who sold the story that each and every fan was special – that she remembered it when a fan came to see her again. If only they knew it was a facade, maybe then they wouldn't fawn over her like she was god made flesh.
Or maybe they would. Crystal knew it all was a lie, yet she couldn't help herself either. There was something special about Gigi that drew you in until it dragged you down to drown in it.
Crystal hated that part of herself. Despite becoming coworkers last year, she would still jump through hoops of fire at the bat of Gigi's long eyelashes. She wanted it, she got it.
Time and time again, Gigi came to her needing something. Some requests reasonable, others outlandish like driving Gigi 13 hours to go see a band that was playing that night. Crystal had to sit out in the cold while Gigi played them with her charms, and had it been anyone else, the door would have been closed shut before the first attempt was made.
Crystal had half a mind to tell her off the next morning, to really let Gigi have it for abusing her kindness. But of course she couldn't do that. Never could do that. Gigi smiled at her with that million watt light that blinded her, and they were on the road again listening to a playlist featuring the band Gigi had spent the night with.
The kiss on her cheek still burned, the thank you unsaid as Gigi went on with her life, unaware of the natural disasters she left behind her in her wake.
Crystal looked upon Gigi from the shadows, bright as ever on the stage alone. Four minutes left, and it'd be herself up there with some of the newbies. She had to calm herself, put on the brightest smile Crystal Methyd could ever put on. Even without a solo, Crystal could do her part in tiding everyone over until someone more popular took centre stage.
Even on the best of nights, the bitter taste in her mouth never waned. So, in a way, Crystal was also a liar.
A little something for @thecollectionsof who desperately needed some Crygi. I don't do happy, so I hope this suffices.
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discogoode · 1 year
crygi and “how does it feel to be in love?” !!! how fun is that
“Hey Crystal, Can I ask you something?” Gigi inquired as the two were sitting on the couch sharing a bowl of popcorn and binge-watching Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
“Yeah, of course. Always.” Crystal smiled, pausing the TV and turning to look at her best friend.
“How does it feel to be in love?” Gigi asked, seeming a little more nervous than before.
Crystal froze in her tracks. Gigi had no idea how ironic it was to ask her a question like that, not knowing Crystal had been in love with the other girl since the moment Jan introduced them to each other.
“I guess, well, everyone always says love feels like butterflies in your stomach, but I don’t think it feels like that at all.”
“What do you think love feels like?”
“Warmth. Like coming home after a long day at work and curling under the blankets in your bed. It feels like smiling and laughing with someone when all you wanted to do was cry. It feels like this constant hug of safety, like you finally feel secure and wanted.”
“Sorry, that was a lot.”
“No it wasn’t. That was beautiful. I could only dream of someone feeling that way about me.”
Crystal stared at the ground for a moment, before realizing she couldn’t just leave Gigi thinking that no one felt that way about her.
“You’re my warmth.”
Gigi looked up into Crystal’s eyes and stared for a moment, a small nervous smile poking up at the corners of her mouth.
“You mean…?”
“Yeah, for like forever. I’ve been in love with you sense the moment I laid eyes on you at that party Jan had.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was nervous you wouldn’t feel the same way. You’re important to me, Gigi. I didn’t want to lose you.”
“You could never lose me.”
Gigi leaned forward, placing a slightly shaky hand on the back of Crystal’s neck and pulling her forward until their lips softly met.
And Gigi felt warm.
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Brooke is broken. Former golden child of the National Ballet of Canada, forced into retirement by a broken ankle. Lost and defeated, she takes an old friend's invitation to come to New York. A simple job, an opportunity to get back on stage on her own terms. She has nothing left to lose. Or so she thinks.
Nicky is the Star of New York’s finest Cabaret, the Velvet Velour. She’s worked hard to get where she is, she’s stepped over other career opportunities, her mothers expectations, past lovers… And it’s all coming back to her the moment an all too familiar blonde steps foot into her empire, her home.
But she will not let Brooke mess with her head a second time! At least, that’s what she’s telling herself…
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thecollectionsof · 5 months
happy crystal day!!!!!! i wrote a fic :)
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sexynetra · 11 months
today is a good day for a little bit of fun and love and whimsy :) !!!! post a snippet where characters are being silly/teasing/playful :)
This snippet is in honor of my beloved @lady-assnali who I am absolutely commissioning to write the rosenali companion side fic once I post the story :)
Denali had a reputation among the skating community for always falling for a fellow athlete at every competition she went to. And as her friend, Gigi knew this better than anyone. But that didn’t stop it from being annoying as hell to get kicked out of her own room at nearly every competition.
“She’s this Scottish snowboarder, I think her name is Rosé? Oh my god, she’s so hot, I think I’m in love. And that accent. I almost proposed on the spot, I swear on my life,” Denali gushed, turning to look at Gigi with a wide smile lighting up her face.
Gigi pursed her lips to hide her smile. “Wow, proposing already. That's quite a vote of confidence for this competition's girl of the week,” She hummed, cracking up as she dodged the pillow Denali chucked at her in lieu of a response. “How long are you expecting her to stay? I need my beauty sleep, you two can’t have the room all night.”
“But I need post-sex cuddles, Geeg. You should see her arms, she's so strong. I bet she could lift both of us without breaking a sweat.”
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 9 months
28 - German christmas market - Crygi
only if you’re into that idea ofc, no pressure!
Ooooh i love reading Crygi, so let's give writing a shot! (and a Jasya mention bc well, I’m me) Also, I've never been to a German Christmas market before, so a lot of this comes from talking to friends and internet research.
"What are we doing in this neighborhood?" Gigi asked as she looked out the passenger side window. The street was lined with different decorations than where she and Crystal lived.
"I told you, you'll see what it is soon," Crystal said as she turned left at the stoplight.
Gigi tried to look closer at the pedestrians walking along the lit sidewalk, but none looked like they were giving her any clues about this surprise.
She thought she and her girlfriend would just go out to a nice dinner and then watch The Polar Express at home in their pajamas, but now she had no clue where Crystal was taking her.
"Here we are," Crystal said as she pulled into a line of cars that led into a paid parking lot. As she waited for the cars to pull forward, she fumbled in the dark car to look for her wallet.
Eventually, as Crystal paid the fee and they were allowed in, Gigi recognized they were at a park on the other side of the city. She watched some families and couples that were walking to the main entrance.
"I still have no idea why you brought me here," Gigi said as she got out of the car. She rebuttoned her crisp, white faux fur coat as the chilly air hit her.
"You don't see those lights?" Crystal pointed out as she reached into the backseat to get two pairs of gloves, passing one pair to the other.
As she pulled on the baby pink pair of gloves, Gigi looked in the direction the strangers were walking toward. In the short distance, there was a tunnel entrance made of small lights to the park.
"Are we looking at Christmas lights?" Gigi guessed as she and Crystal joined hands.
"Kinda?" Crystal said as they entered the mesmerizing light entrance. The lights were all bright white, and some even made patterns of detailed snowflakes along the sides.
As the couple reached the main section of the park, the walkways were surrounded by different stalls selling food and trinkets. The smell of sweet roasted nuts and balsam welcomed them as they joined the market crowd.
After window shopping and looking through the main row of stalls, the couple sipped Belgian hot chocolate as they sat close to the playground.
“How did you find this place?” Gigi asked as she warmed her hands on the hot paper cup.
Crystal took a long sip before speaking, “Daya told me about it when she and Jasmine came here last week. Jasmine’s uncle is one of the pierogi vendors and she said the market was worth the drive.”
“She was right, this place was worth the drive out here.” Gigi smiled before taking another sip.
“I’m surprised you haven’t even taken any pictures yet.” Crystal pointed out. Which was surprising to Gigi too, since she was the type who always wanted to capture the moment.
“Maybe later, but I don’t think my phone camera can do all the lights any justice.”
As the couple finished their drinks and continued shopping, the young families of the market slowly left. The night was growing older, and some stalls were starting to close for the night.
“I don’t think my bag can hold anything else,” Gigi said as they made their last round of the stalls. Her canvas tote bag barely holding onto her shoulder.
Crystal led her to the next row of stalls, missing the exit they were heading towards. “We just need to pick up one last thing.”
“What’s that?” Gigi asked as they stepped in front of a booth with displayed ornaments. Some wooden, some ceramic, and a few glass.
Crystal gave the booth attendant her name, and they dug through a box under the table. The person pulled out a small gift bag with tissue paper peeking out. She thanked the attendant before leading Gigi off to the side, away from the crowd.
“Open it.” She said as she passed the bag to Gigi. As she carefully peeled back the tissue paper, she found a ceramic ornament of three leaves of green ivy placed in a triangle. In cursive red writing, the top leaves said Crystal and Gigi, respectively, and the bottom had the current year.
“It’s beautiful, I love it.” Gigi smiled as she held the ornament by the red ribbon. “I thought we weren’t much of a traditions type of couple?” She asked with a playful smile.
“It wouldn’t hurt to have a couple of annual things to look forward to,” Crystal said as she gave a quick peck to Gigi’s cheek.
Gigi couldn’t wait to show her friends and close family the magic of this Christmas market. But for this year, it was just meant for them.
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lady-assnali · 2 years
This is Pancakes for Dinner, which is just the product of me being absolutely sappy over the Lizzie McAlpine song of the same name that I cried hearing live this year. It’s baby best friends Crygi and it’s just self-indulgent and plotless, really. Happy Sunday everyone!
          The winter night is cozy and particularly quiet; Gigi’s roommate is out of state for the week, which means she and Crystal are finally able to have the entirety of her apartment to themselves. Gigi’s usually quiet about her-other than the fact that she’s been waiting for the lease to be up to room so she can move to a model apartment with her new friends. Crystal had offered her own place, but Gigi had been nervous, having heard horror stories about the possibility of moving in together ruining their friendship. That option had flown right out the door. Living separate meant that they’d hop between each other’s apartments depending on whose was more empty, or who was able to have company over, or who wasn’t in the mood to stay at their own place. Ideally, it worked just fine. They had each other still, but in two separate houses.
          Gigi’s roommate being gone meant that Crystal was able to stay longer-at first, it was meant to be just one night in celebration. Then the next day, it had been snowy and she hadn’t wanted to leave. When she finally did leave on the third day to get work done at the studio, Gigi called after her own work had been done to complain about the quiet and Crystal had packed Tic Tac and some necessities and made herself at home at Gigi’s. By this day, the fourth in their week-long sleepover, they’d come into a routine. Gigi wakes first and puts things in order, organizing and brewing coffee and pretending to know how to make more than various kind of toast or cut up fruit. Crystal doesn’t stay in bed much longer, often rolling over at the sound of cabinets opening or the smell of coffee or the feeling of emptiness next to her. From there, they eat together and Gigi leaves for meetings or bookings while Crystal cleans up and packs her things for the studio.
     They come home at varying times, neither working on a 9-5 schedule, which makes for a lot of planning.
     What time will you be home?
     Do you want to meet me at the show or come home first and go together?
     Should I just pick up takeout since I’ll be home last and I know you don’t want to cook either?
     It works better than it should, Crystal muses over coffee with Jan. It feels better than it should, less lonely. Living with Daya is fun, and they’re practically sisters, but nothing feels more like home to Crystal than sitting at the table to eat every night, or waiting to watch the latest episode of Love Island together.
     “I don’t want Daya to think that I don’t want to spend time with her, or that I don’t like being home or anything like that.” She frets to Jan, who’s listening intently while stirring a sugary iced drink across the table.
   “Ok, well did you say that to her? She’s been posting on her stories about having friends over, I’m pretty sure she’s not mad about it.”
     “I know. And it’s not like they don’t get along or anything but it’s just been nice to have just the two of us hanging out-no offense, I don’t mean it like that, and I’m not trying to kick her out because Gigi and I already talked about not living together, so,”
     “-You know what I think?” Jan’s smiling, but rolling her eyes and attempting to be stern. It comes out in more of a jesting tone than anything. “You need to stop worrying about making everyone happy all the time. You have a best friend, that’s fine. Everyone on this planet knows that you and Geege are best friends and literally nobody is hurt by it. And you’re just trying to spend time together before she has to leave again, which is also justified. You don’t have to explain yourself to anybody.”
     “Yeah, I needed to hear that.”
           “You don’t need to put a long, complicated label on wanting to spend time with someone. It’s okay to like someone’s company more than another person’s. You can love people in different ways. For example,” She reaches over to steal a chunk of Crystal’s croissant from her napkin, smirking. “I could not live five whole days with you. I know that, and you know it too. Our energy wouldn’t survive that long under the same roof. My Gemini mixed with your Aries as a friendship? Fine. Great. I have a lot of you in my life, I’m used to it. But something about my energy and your energy in a room is already a lot, I don’t think our brands of chaos would fit. She’s just a better match for you, and I have to accept that.
           She feigns heartbreak by slumping down in her chair dramatically, but not before sneaking another bite of the pastry despite Crystal’s protests. They end the coffee date with Crystal feeling a greatly lessened sense of anxiety.
           The fifth day is difficult.
           Aside from an early morning shoot, Gigi has quite a bit of work to do for her apprenticeship involving a very large, billowing dress made of holographic organza that the redhead had previously deemed the absolute bane of my existence. The dress is essentially a showpiece, a red carpet look tasked solely to Gigi while her mentor had taken on the accompanying tuxedo. (Not made out of the devil’s fabric, which she’d ranted about over dinner the past two nights). With this being one of the final work days before the first fitting, Gigi had been struggling to get the dress in a working condition. On the fifth night of their week-long sleepover, she comes home around eleven with a dehydrated presence; bags under her eyes, a scarf haphazardly slung over her shoulders, and her long hair pulled up into a truly messy bun. Crystal gawks from the couch for a moment before turning to pity, jumping to the door to take Gigi’s bag and unpack it at her desk.
           “Rough day?”
           “I’m exhausted. I had to leave because I was so tired I couldn’t stop accidentally pricking myself, and I knew it was all over when I had to rip an entire seam and start over. I was sitting there with stupid Fergie on and I couldn’t even hear any of the album over my own frustration. So I have to go back tomorrow and deal with the mess I left literally everywhere because I didn’t even really clean up, I just left it all there.”
           “Tomorrow’s a new day-it’s a new day, and you’ll get to go there with a clear head.” She leads Gigi over to the counter by her shoulders and pats one of the bar stools. “Water or alcohol?”
           “Maybe both.”
           She comes back with a glass of water and an open bottle of wine. Gigi takes it thankfully and sips straight from the bottle, leaning on her elbows and closing her eyes.
           “It’ll turn out.” Crystal sips from the bottle too, resting her hand on Gigi’s shoulder, then down her arm affectionately. Then, an idea forms. She walks to the cupboards and starts pulling things out, arranging them on the countertop in her own form of organization. The shuffling brings the ginger out of her exhaustion long enough to leave her watching Crystal with curiosity. She moves about the kitchen with ease, not once faltering to find an ingredient or a bowl. Her stomach flips, turns itself over and flutters, and she thinks she must’ve just forgotten how hungry she is-that’s all. She picks up the wine bottle and moves herself to sit on the counter, closer to Crystal’s center of action.
           She’s mixing a slightly thick batter, the sink full of measuring cups and spoons and a handful of chocolate chips scattered along the countertop haphazardly. Gigi sneaks one, smiling, as Crystal pours batter into a pan on the stove.
           “It’s pancakes for dinner,” Crystal watches the edges of the pancakes begin to bubble, flipping them to reveal a beautiful golden brown on one side. “My mom always used to let us eat breakfast for dinner when things got rough. It was her cure for a bad day, and I think it worked every time. It’s like our version of chicken noodle soup because your body isn’t the only thing that can get sick. So I think it’s that kind of night.”
           It makes Gigi tear up a bit, and she wipes at the corners of her eyes with the edge of her sleeve before letting out an almost whispered thanks. She allows the silence to linger for a moment, the two of them and the sizzling of the pan, the whir of cars outside. It’s almost meditative, watching Crystal work diligently, and she doesn’t know how much time has passed until she’s being nudged.
“Try this.” Crystal orders, holding out a steaming piece of pancake. Gigi bends down and eats it directly from her hand, lips grazing Crystal’s fingers.
“Are you kidding me?” The sentence comes in the form of a satisfied moan as she chews, eyes widening in delight. “Crystal Elizabeth, these are a work of art.”
“I forgot the chocolate chips.”
“Shhh, you’re doubting yourself again. Don’t downplay your success. Unless you really think they’re bad, which means you need to try them too.” She scoots a bit closer to the stove, leaning over to pluck another finished pancake from the plate. She rips it delicately and holds it out to Crystal with a commanding glare.
“Eat that and tell me they’re not the best pancakes you’re ever had.” She follows Gigi’s lead and eats from her hand, ignoring how awkward she feels having done it and the way her brain nearly short circuits at the contact.
“It’s good!” She stammers. “It’s not my mama’s, but it’s something.”
“Well then, it’s the best ‘something’ I’ve ever had.” She sips from the bottle again before urging Crystal to do the same, swinging her legs on the counter and watching her intently.
“Thank you, Crys.”
“Tomorrow’s a new day.”
“A new day.” She tilts her head and pouts a bit, sighing. “Does pancakes for dinner also include letting me pick the show tonight?”
           Crystal couldn’t have said no if she tried.
           Gigi falls asleep on top of her ten minutes in and Crystal shuts her laptop, carefully maneuvering it to some kind of safety on the edge of the nightstand. It’s as far as she can go without disturbing her best friend, so it’ll have to do for the night. She lays awake and sleepy, the wine and the feeling of Gigi practically snoring against her making her a bit dizzy.
           There’s only two more days until Gigi’s roommate comes back from her trip. Two more days until they’re back to texting and FaceTime and scheduling hangouts.
           With a sigh, Crystal realizes that she’s really going to miss this.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 8 months
i don’t wanna pressure you to write in any way so please don’t take this like that but i think about your writing a lot !!!! ava au is still the first and last thing i think about when i hear jasya, and getting to reread the crygi christmas fic you wrote is so fun :) (on a related note i think about “why is she only my cat when she does something bad???” so much that’s so real)
i love your writing and i very much do miss it but i also understand if it’s something you don’t wanna do anymore <3<3
gi you're making me tear up🥹🥹 !! it really means so much to hear all of these words from you and i really do cherish it. i do still want to write, i really do but i see everything you and others post and i just feel like what's the point in me posting something that's not nearly as good as anything you guys do. there's also like the lack of notes and things like that but it's just like self doubt and pressure making me think that i don't really need to add to the community but i so badly want to
but thank you so so so much for this gi, i really mean it. im obviously still going to think about it but i know i do still want to write i just have to push myself to do it
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missjanjie · 2 years
crygi + 35 please !!!
35. “I’m just saying we’d make a cute couple.”
Gigi looked over Crystal’s shoulder, peering close to see what he was looking at. “Are you reading fanfic about us again?”
“What? This one’s good!” Crystal defended with a pout. “I feel like I learn more about myself, like I would be a really cool lesbian.”
“You are a really cool lesbian,” she joked as she sat beside him on the couch. “But I’m starting to think you’re reading these for inspiration. Is there something you’d like to tell me?” she playfully accused, bumping her shoulder against his.
He laughed, though he couldn’t deny the grains of truth in the accusation. “Not no,” he hummed, “I’m just saying we’d make a cute couple.”
“You and most of our fans seem to agree on that,” she hummed, though there was a tenseness in her tone. “Maybe if you hadn’t strung me along for a year, we’d know for ourselves.” Even though they had moved past their ‘situationship’ and remained friends, she couldn’t deny the pang of hurt that would make her chest clench whenever someone – especially Crystal – joked about it.
Crystal winced. He knew he’d been in the wrong, though a lot of it was figured out retroactively. He’d thought they had been on the same page, though neither of them had been the best at communicating, which undoubtedly led to the tension and brief falling out they had. “Geege… You know I still regret that…”
“I know, I know,” Gigi briskly waved it off. “Forget it, I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“I just didn’t realize you were still hurting.”
She pressed her lips into a fine line, tilting her head back and letting out a deep exhale. “Of course I’m still hurting,” she muttered, shaking her head. “I never got over you, Crys. And it’s fucking embarrassing.”
“I thought I was too late,” he admitted quietly. “I thought I ruined my chance with you, and I’d come to terms with just being friends. But by the time I worked my shit out and realized I wanted to be with you, I’d already hurt you so much, it didn’t seem fair to you.”
Gigi sat up properly, facing him. “Part of me wants to save my pride and turn you down for good, but I think we both know that isn’t happening,” she shook her head with a dry laugh. “One last try, no more fucking around.”
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artificialqueens · 2 years
[WIP] Error Code (Crygi) – PetitMonde
A/N: Hello lovelies, on V's request I decided to kick off Wip Wednesdays on AQ with a little snippet to my sequel of Mechanical Hearts – set 15 years into the future. 
The bell rang a familiar chime, one Crystal had gotten used to over the years, followed by an assault to her nose of the various baked goods that filled the bakery. Rows of pastries behind a glass counter, the bread stacked against the wall, all tempting her senses to make her want to buy them all.
In the brightly lit bakery, an elderly couple was being rung up by their newest assistant. Barely 16 years old, and already working in her mother's bakery. She was the spitting image of Jackie, brown curls and dimples in her smile. 
Time flies when you aren't careful, Crystal mused to herself. 
"Oh hi Crystal, long time no see," the girl greeted. No, not the girl, she had a name. Delphine, if she remembered correctly. 
"Yeah, it has. Say, is your mother in? I'd like to say hi," Crystal said, her hand thrown into her mess of a hair. Everything was so familiar, yet it also wasn't. "Oh, and to get some pastries on the way." 
Delphine suppressed a snort, not one interaction with Doctor Methyd had been the same. 
"She's out in the back decorating cakes with Sara. Said it was important she not be disturbed." 
"I see, I see." 
Crystal let her eyes wander around the numerous delicacies, each more decadent than the last. Choosing had always been difficult, and thus it had been Gigi's job to do so. She insisted it was the optimal way of doing things, despite not being able to taste any of them herself. 
"It's strange seeing you here alone. Is there something wrong with Gigi?"
Trust a kid to be that observant, hitting the nail on their first try. 
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