#you want your throne back i want your jedi boyfriend let's make a deal
maulfucker · 1 year
[starts writing an au]
my brain: but what if. different au
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Bucky Barnes/ Plus size reader Time of the Month
Word count: 4K+ Warnings: lots of swearing, mentions of blood and smut Was heavily inspired by a Harry Styles imagine I read a while back! It had been a long. Fucking. Day. You'd been dragging yourself around, grumbling and feeling heavy, since early this morning. It was your time of the month, the beginning of your seven day walk through hell, and you had done all in your power to keep professional for the last twelve or so hours. You wish you were one of those women, you know, the ones who make statements like "Oh yeah, my period only lasts a few days and I don't even bleed that much" or "I haven't had cramps since I was a teenager" but unfortunately, you think bitterly, you are not. Your period had always been heavy and painful, ever since you we're thirteen. You had cramps that we're so intense they had caused blackouts in the past and you bled heavily for the entirety of the week. Plus your mood swings...they were killer. It was something you'd been forced to become accustomed to. "I cant fucking wait to go through menopause" was something anyone close to you was used to hearing during this time of the month. So, at the start of they day you'd popped four Ibprofen and forced yourself to go and be the professional, get your work done. Paper work. Piles and piles of paperwork, so much that it made your eyes cross. You weren't a fan of the mundane aspcets of your job to begin with but today you want to slam your head repeatedly against the glass surface of your desk. No days off, you unfortunately have to make that your mantra. Working PR for the Avengers was a full time thing, between making sure that there were no Governments pissed that one of their national land marks had been destroyed and attempting to keep them all in line; make sure they were working with the UN so that homeland security didn't come knocking at your door you were a busy woman. You had come to love them though, been adopted into this second family. Bonded with each of them over the last ten months that you'd been assigned at Avengers Tower. Yes, assigned. Well guilted, really. When you'd gotten a call from Sharon, Carter, close to a year ago, begging you to take on the assignment of glorified "babysitting" the group, you'd at first blatantly said no. You had no shortage of job offers, but with a little begging and some strong Jedi mind tricks on Sharons end you'd accepted. You we're happy you did(even though you most definitely wanted to fucking kill them sometimes). More then happy because it had united you with Bucky, the sharp talking puppy dog of a super soldier. Poor guy was totally nuts for you, you pitied him for it. Especially on days like today. When you we're the biggest raving bitch this side of the equator. You snapped at Maria, not able to stomach her dry humor that usually made you laugh. You'd told Tony to go fuck himself, well you did that almost everyday but you had done it three times already today and for some reason you couldn't bare to be touched. Everytime Bucky would try to do simple things that you usually loved like put his warm, flesh arm around your shoulder or kiss your cheek you'd flinch away. He didn't make a big deal out of it, you'd been with him for close to four months and it wasn't like he didn't know what was going on but you felt like total and complete shit every time. You just couldn't. Everything seemed to grate your gears. You just wanted to bury your self in your bed and die. So after you had gotten all(most) of your work done that's exactly what you did. You grabbed a quick dinner, keeping the small talk with Wanda, Bruce and Vision light and timely and then made your way to your room where you intended to pamper the fuck out of yourself and then rot. Boling yourself in a bath was first. Dropping in a LUSH Honeybee bathbomb, a sprinkle of Epsom salt to relax your muscles and a healthy drizzle of lavender oil you had proceeded to soak. For at least thirty minutes, until the hot water had begun warmed you from the inside out. Making you all gooey and pliable. As you sat in the multi colored tub, relaxed, you cant get your mind of Bucky. How much of a ice cunt you'd been to him. How well he'd dealt with it, not once complaining and giving you your space to make it through your day. You truly didn't deserve that man. He was everything you'd never knew you wanted. Beyond being angularly handsome in a sort of timeless way, with that 40's charm and that lopsided smile, he was kind. And patient- the kind of patient that every man you'd ever come across had not even an ounce of. He was so damn good to you, he made you so happy. And yet you did shit like shrug him off when he tried to be there for you? "What the hell is wrong with you, Y/N" you ask your self, bring your wet hands out of the water to cup your forehead. You felt like you could cry, your eyes stung and waves of dejection rolled over you. Ugh. Stupid period hormones. You got so damn emotional. Happy, irritated, sad. They jumped so fast you couldn't catch them, slipped through your fingers at a rate that was almost scary. After your bath, you slathered yourself with your shea butter, using a special hydrating serum on your face before you shrugged into a pair of not so cute black brief "period panties", a pair of high waisted sleep shorts that we're printed with flamingos and a little black tank top that clung you your meaty sides, rose up a bit so that your mid drift was exposed. You brushed out your (h/l), (h/c) hair, that you had tied up before your bath so it was still dry, and threw it up into a messy bun on top of your head. You'd missed a large chunk in the back but you couldn't be bothered to care. You go to your bed and unassemble it, tossing your many throw pillows to the foot of the bed so that you could climb under the thick comforter, you sigh as you sink down a little into the mattress and the warmth and comfort of being surrounded fills you up. You're missing something though, you notice that nagging feeling. You'd dreamed of your bed all day long and now that you we're in it- it didn't feel as good as you thought it would. Don't get me wrong, you felt like jelly in the soft sheets. But lonely jelly...jelly that wanted to be held... You reach over and grab your phone from it's place on the bedside table, scrolling through your messages, composing a new one. -Where are you? Come to bed?- You send a text to Bucky, chewing a little on your lip. You wanted him next to you, you selfish bitch. You wanted his hands on you, wanted to feel the cool metal of his prosthetic arm on your skin. Wanted him to grab you tight, to nuzzle his scruffy chin against your chest like you loved. Beep. Your phone chimes with a text from Bucky. - I'll be up soon, kitten. I have to finish up training with Steve and Sam. Keep the bed warm for me- He'd even used a little winky emoji at the end. You bark out a laugh, look at your little old, young, man of a boyfriend. Getting good with technology and stuff. You miss him so much it almost hurts. How could you miss him so terribly when you'd just seen him, hours ago? I will. Hurry3 You then reach for the remote, looking for something to watch, to keep your attention on until your man got there. You're about half way through your second episode of Game of Thrones when Bucky comes through the door. His hair is tied up in a untidy bun at the base of his neck and he has on a pair of gray sweat pants and a tight, black pullover. He smiles, that mega watt smile of his when he sees you all curled up in bed and you smile back. God he's so sexy. So...perfect. Because in his hand there is a plate. And on that plate, there is two large slices of cheesecake. "I come baring treats" "Buck" You dramatically whine, closing your eyes and jutting out your lip. He comes over to the bed, leaning down to put the plate on the nightstand and you sit up to meet him, kissing his lips and gripping the side of his neck, your fingers sliding under the collar of his sweater. "Mmm" He mumbles, his lips meeting yours just as enthusiastically, if not a little amused. You'd been so stand offish all day, which he got(he was fully aware of what date it was) and to have you so eager to see him now made him chuckle. Especially when you begin to recline, snaking an arm around his shoulder and attempting to pull him down on top of you. "Y/N" He pulls away, just far enough that he can get the words out. "I've been working out for hours, Sam had us running god damn suicides. I smell something awful" You shake your head, gripping at the hair at the back of his neck, unraveling his bun a bit. "I don't care, I missed you. I'm sorry I've been such a cunt all day" He's gotten used to how harsh your vocabulary is, but he still isn't a fan of the horrible names you call yourself. Even if you did use the word cunt as though it was a normal term and not the wicked insult he'd grown up knowing it to be. "No, kitten" you adore that nickname he had only for you "you had an off day. We all have them, don't apologize for shit you cant control" Your heart swells and you peck his lips again, and then his chin, his nose, his cheeks. Any where you can reach. He takes your affection, basking in your overwhelming light for a moment. In the way what you loved him. He has to force himself to pry away from you. "I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick, okay? Don't pout- I'll be back in a jiffy. Eat some cheese cake and finish your dragon show" He instructs you and you sigh theatrically, but let him go and wash off his day. You watch like a hawk as he peels off the sweater, his bare, muscular back in your line of vison just for a moment before the bathroom light flips on and he goes to start the shower, shuffling out of view. You eat spoonful's of turtle cheesecake and watch the events Westeros play out on the TV...but your distracted. By the ache that you feel in your lower stomach. By the way every hair on your body seems to be standing alert. All you can think about is Bucky pounding the living life out of you, of him making you cum. Trysts from the past, him making your eyes cross with the kind of pleasure you thought you'd only ever get from your vibrator makes you squirm a little bit, your plush thighs pressing together in an attempt to soothe the ache that was only growing. You're thinking of nothing but sex, in all its many amazing shape and forms when Bucky exits the bathroom, flicking off the light behind him, only a towel hanging low on his hips as he goes to your dresser to pull out the clothes he kept there. Oh fuck. You watch him, your eyes drinking in everything about him as he goes to get dressed in his pajamas. His broad shoulders and strong sculpted torso, the way that the muscles move under his skin as he pulls a pair of boxers up his big, muscled thighs before he throws on a muscle tank. It's such a simple action, putting on clothes but to your horny, foggy brain it's the most beautifully erotic thing you think you've ever seen. Does he even know how gorgeous he is? "Y/N!" He calls you from your ogling as he walks over, beginning to climb into bed next to you. "Huh?" you wonder, holding open the layers of bedding so that he can settle in next to you. "I asked has the dragon queen lady and the dwarf guy gotten to the country where the incest twin queen is yet?" He reiterates the question that he had asked you twice before while he was getting dressed. You smiled. He tried with Game of Thrones, he really did for you. He just couldn't get into it, he'd whine. But he still kept up fairly well with the story lines. You raise up so that he can slide his mechanical arm under you, scooting up close so that your skin is touching. His hand is splayed across your shoulder, the metal of his fingers feeling cool against your over heated skin. You throw one of your legs over his and rest your head on the place where his shoulder meets chest. The closeness is killing you; from the heat radiating off his body to the slightly spicy smell of his body wash. And he's holding you, nonchalantly, as though he cant sense the wildfire inside of you. "Mmmhmm, a buncha' fucked up shit happened though" you tell him distractedly as you bite your bottom lip, letting your right hand draw little patterns on his chest, your nails ghosting at the exposed skin there. He scoffs "That's all that ever happens in this show" Why is he not noticing how crazy bad you want him? You wonder as you nuzzle your head into his neck, rubbing your face against his clean skin prickly with his scruff. He pulls you in closer, his head reclining slightly so that he can give you more access to his neck as your drag your open lips up to his jaw, your body is shifting, moving closer. He kisses your hairline, down your temple and then slides his steel hand under the thin, barley there material of your cami, his big palm spreading over the small of you back and the small roll there. You groan at the feeling, at his hands on you finally and he smiles slyly, knowing exactly what you want. "Ahh" Bucky hums, rubbing your back as your leg curls over his thigh more, spreading yourself wider over him, needing to feel something between you legs other then the empty ache. "You need something, kitten?" "Bucky, I'm so horny" You whine and his hand slips even lower, gripping your squishy ass hard and pulling you even closer. You're shaking at how overwhelmingly good it all feels, you grinding onto his thigh, the feeling of his dick fattening more and more everytime your rub against it. "Pretty sure I can help you with that, sweets" He reassures your, his gruff voice breathy as he goes to shift your position, intending to climb on top of you. It hits you then, what time of the month it is. And although you weren't against the idea of period sex, and you knew he wasn't either, you weren't in the mood to deal with any of that right now. You push hard against his chest, stopping his movements and he shoots you a questioning look. "Buck-" He knows what you're going to say already "I know, and you know I don't care" he peppers kisses all over your jaw, down your neck as he whispers it in your ear. You're so tempted...but your also both so clean. "I don't want to deal with the mess" "We'll clean it up after" He pushes on, you haven't stopped grinding against his thigh and his erection is now straining against the front his boxers. "No" you protest, the thought of all that work not appealing in the least "We'll have to change the sheets, and we both just showered" At that very moment, you've never hated having your period more. Your hand is fisted in his hair and his fingers are gripping your ass so firmly, you think he might leave bruises. No matter how hard you grind yourself onto his thick, taut thigh at this angle you cant get enough friction. You're starting to drive him crazy, you've gotten him up there with you, his mind swirling with lust and yet you wont let him do anything about it. "What do you wanna' do then?" The strain in his voice is clear and you bite your lip. Knowing exactly what you wanted. "Lay on your back, baby?" You ask him and he obliges almost instantly, rolling onto his back so that you could strattle his waist. There was a time when you hated being on top, hated the feeling of supporting all of your weight on your knees because you were scared to put it on him. Felt self conscious because you were worried he was looking at your belly while you rode him...yeah, that time had passed. Bucky loved you on top and he let you know it, let you know that no matter how hard you tried you'd never be able to crush him( "I'm a super soldier, kitten) That he loved the way you looked perched above of him. That was no different tonight. That tight little tank top hugged your curves so prettily, your big, yet perky breasts sat in a way that had him groaning and leaning forward so that he could capture one of your nipples that strained against the fabric in his mouth. You yelp as he sucks hard on one of your pebbled nipples through the tank top, grabbing at the root of his still wet hair as he nibbles, his teeth tugging it hard. Like he knows you love. His arms are tight around you, hugging you tight, keeping you immobile. "Baby, ugh" You pull his head to lay back on the pillows by his hair and he looks up at you, the pupils of his baby blues blown. You let go of his hair and wiggle a little so that his arms loosen from around you before you start to move on top of him. It wasn't the ideal...in a perfect world his cock would be buried deep inside of your right now, but you had to manage. You spread your thighs as far as they will go so that your clothed core is pressed right against his covered hard on and start to ride, rubbing yourself down against him as hard as you can. "Fuck yes" you hiss because your finally getting the stimulation you need and it feels so amazing. Buckys hands are holding your love handle laden hips, grinding you down firmly as his hips snap up to meet every movement. It's hypnotic, watching you with your head thrown back, your mouth open and sweet little desperate sounds escaping your lips as you work himself over him frantically. Your tits bounce and he reaches up so that he can thread his fingers in your hair, taking it out of its bun so that it tumbles around your shoulders wildly, leaving you with a halo. He could watch you like this forever. When his hand leaves your hair and glides under your shirt to pinch and tug at your nipples you lose control of your snapping hips, the rhythm of your dry humping going crazy and sporadic as you flail on top of him. "Come on, kitty, just like that" "I'm cumming. Fuck, oh fuck" You whine in a high pitched, desperate tone as you spasm on top of him and he helps steady you, watching you ride out, literally, your orgasm. When you come down, he lets you fall against his chest, your face is pressed against the side of his neck, your gasps as your try to catch your breath in his ear, he groans at the heavenly sounds. You're not a selfish lover. You never have been. Even in the dizzy bliss of post orgasm you know he didn't cum with you so you snake your hand down his chest and into his boxers. "Y/N, ungh, yes" He cant form a complete sentence, can only grunt as you take his hard cock in your hand and rub the precum at the tip with your thumb before you start to pump him. It doesn't take long for your super solider to cum tumbling down beside you. You love the sound of his orgasms, how raw his moans are. You pepper kisses all over his neck, giving his Addams Apple a little lick before you slide off him and back on to your side of the bed. "That was so good" you smile, sated and content "I feel so much better" "I'm glad, kitten" he kisses the top of your hair "you know I love it when you ride me like that, right?" You bite your lip to stifle a giddy little laugh "Yeah, Buck, you've told me" "Mmm, well I'll tell you again. Feel free to climb on and take a ride whenever you want" "I'll keep that in mind" you hug his chest, contentment filling your every pore, you both share the last of the turtle cheesecake before you go to bed and you love your man so god damn much. Cheesecake and orgasms? Isn't that all we need when we're on our period? Oh yeah and our own personal Bucky Barnes. I'm obsessed with him and his man bun.
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