#you want me to write an essay? impossible. you want me to write 100k words dissecting my writing? sure no problem.
casekt · 10 months
I've been busy, not busy in the typical sense but I've been quite occupied with many things, writing, reading, jerking off, learning German, crocheting, looking at other kinds of art, focusing so much brain power on character analysis all god damn day, little bit of bideo game, seeing extended family, brushing my teeth every day, hard pressed to fit in a whole lot else in there as much as I would love to engage in every god damn creative outlet and the like, I'm completely driven by divine inspiration and sudden bursts of motivation and energy, otherwise I'm a corpse who can't do anything hashtag adhd
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effei-s · 3 years
anderson and his paradox:
about the duality of a man.
(aka see me rambling in this 1500-words long essay about how much i love him)
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the first half of his paradox: he’s more than capable of love. i would even dare to say that love is a driving force behind 99% of his actions.
let’s look at examples:
adam’s mom (aurora):
i’ve said it before, i’ll say it again: he worshiped the ground she walked on. it’s a fact. it’s what adam said about him in unravel me: i know he loved my mom. it was always her, everything was about her.
her death was probably the worst thing that happened to him, the loss that made him truly suffer, hence him constantly talking about how he wants to shield warner from it. that whole thing with lena is not about control itself, it’s about warner not making his own mistakes. there’s a genuine desire to protect there.
considering how little information is given about them it’s honestly amazing how much there lies between the lines (can mafi write everything the way she’s written them, please?).
they’re the perfect example of my favourite type of soulmates. he’s actually second worst person on this planet, because first place is already taken by her. there’s no one who knows him better then her (she knew about adam = she knew about aurora). there’s no one who understands him better than her (them being two vital parts of the RE from the very beginning). it doesn’t matter how much they fight, he trusts her with his life no questions asked: he comes to her before ignite me and asks her to make him immortal. considering evie’s words in defy me about how she was ready to kill him for trying to kill juliette in unravel me it was very risky of him (because if there’s one person that could slit open his throat and kill him for good, because he let his guard down, it would be evie). he trusts her to do her job and has no doubts about her capability to succeed. his first reaction to her death is ‘what? it can’t be real!’ because evie for him is almost untouchable entity ‘if they couldn’t hurt me, they sure as hell won’t be able to hurt her’. when he realizes that it’s true he’s terrified.
and anderson doesn’t do terrified.
/i really don’t know what can scream LOVE louder than this/
we can’t not talk about warner here.
warner betrays him and he still saves warner life. you need to remember that the only reason why warner is still alive in defy me, after he committed treason, is because anderson protects him.
by that time in restore me/defy me anderson, who technically lost his position as a supreme, still managed to save warner’s life /because he’s cool like that/.
“I had to call in a number of favors to have you transported here unharmed. The council was going to vote to have you executed for treason, and I was able to convince them otherwise.”
even evie doesn’t dare to fuck with warner because she knows anderson will come at them with the wrath of god.
“If Aaron were anyone else’s son,” she says, “I would’ve had him executed. I’d have him executed right now, if I could. Unfortunately, I alone do not have the authority.”
anyone else’s son.
so yeah the problem here is not that warner is one of the heirs of the RE. the problem here is that he’s anderson’s son.
plus his entire conflict with juliette is rooted in the fact that she
a) tried to hurt warner
unravel me:
I cannot allow him to protect a person who has attempted to kill him.
restore me:
The monster we’ve bred has tried to kill my own son.
b) tried to take warner from him.
restore me:
Worse, she’s become a distraction for Aaron. He’s become—in a toxic turn of events—impossibly drawn to her, with no apparent regard for his own safety. I have no idea what she’s done to his mind.
and then in imagine me he declines warner’s offer.
“You would be willing to sacrifice yourself—your youth and your health and your entire life—to let that damaged, deranged girl continue to walk the earth? Do you even understand what you’re saying? You have every opportunity—all the potential—and you’d be willing to throw it all away? In exchange for what?Do you even know the kind of life to which you’d be sentencing yourself ?”
/i dare you to tell me he didn’t love warner, i dare you/
as a cherry on top, there’s juliette, of course.
when we’re talking about hate we’re talking about juliette, no questions asked. i truly believe that his hatred for her was stronger than his love for aurora and evie combined. and still what brings him down for good is not hate for her but adoration of her (oh irony, my irony).
after 12 years of hatred, after 12 years of her being ‘the bane of his existence’, he still ended up spending his dying breath to make sure she will be safe.
“I ordered you to remain silent,” he says, glancing back at her. “And I am now ordering you to remain safe, at all costs. Do you hear me, Juliette? Do y—”
“Kill them,” Anderson gasps, blood staining the edges of his lips. “Kill them all. Kill anyone who stands in your way.”
just like defy-me warner, imagine-me juliette survives ONLY because of anderson.
he even apologized to her at one point.
“You know, I realize now that I’ve been too hard on you. I’ve put you through too much. Tested your loyalty perhaps too much. But you and I have a long history, Juliette. And it’s not easy for me to forgive. I certainly don’t forget.”
anderson??? admitting??? that??? what??? he??? did??? was??? wrong???
and not because he needs to get off the hook, but because he actually feels like it was too much???
btw, do my eyes deceive me, or did this ‘not easy to forgive’ mean that he actually already FORGAVE her for trying to kill him?
anyhow if that wasn’t enough look at this:
“What could possibly go wrong?” Anderson asks. “She’s more powerful than any of them, and completely obedient to me. To us. To the movement. You all know as well as I do that she’s proven her loyalty again and again. She’d be able to capture them in a matter of minutes.”
do you see it?
it’s the same thing that happened with evie: no one here is strong enough to hurt her (oh, i can see some PROJECTIONS here happening).
it’s funny how the way Anderson acts is EXACTLY what I expected from Warner. he isn't just talking about how she can do anything, when moment comes he ACTS.
Anderson is guarding Juliette. The same Anderson who’s spent so much of his energy trying to murder her—is now standing in front of her with his arms out, guarding her with his life.
i’d still prefer for her or him to kill ibrahim but even without it... he says you can burn this place to the ground, I don’t care as long as you’re safe, he chooses her over not only the RE, he chooses her over WARNER.
/and you expect me not to ship this??? sure, jen, i’m not gonna/
conclusion number 1: yes, my beautiful people, everything Anderson does in one way or another tied to love.
the second half of his paradox: love doesn’t make him a better person, it doesn’t even make him fully human. you’d think that if person capable of such strong feelings there’s supposed to be something worth saving, just like castle’s said:
“Of course he’s a regular person, son. That’s exactly the point. We’re all just regular people, when you strip us down. There’s nothing to be afraid of when you look at Anderson; he’s just as human as you or me. Just as terrified. And I’m sure if he could go back and do his life over again, he’d make very different decisions.”
(castle is a fucking idiot, never listen to people like him or you’re gonna end up neck-deep in shit)
but at the end of the day anderson remains a fucking monster.
his love for aurora doesn’t stop him from marrying another woman and having a child with her because it’s the easiest way to social climb.
his love and devotion to evie and re (mostly evie, because evie is the reestablishment) doesn’t stop him from playing games with juliette and putting everything and everyone at risk just because he’s bored.
i won’t even start commenting on warner’s situation, because otherwise we’re gonna sit here for days and i’ll end up with 100k words essay about them.
and even his enamourment with juliette doesn’t actually protect her from his violent nature. even this perfect, absolutely perfect juliette still has to prove herself (cut off her finger to show her loyalty). it still very easy for him to hurt her.
conclusion number 2: him being in love, him caring about someone, him trusting someone doesn’t change his fundamental nature. he still remains a destructive force put into a human body.
he’s a fucking satan.
and that’s exactly why i love him.
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Pluralistic: 17 Mar 2020 (Punch Brothers and Masque of the Red Death, 2020 Census (ACT NOW!), Disaster Socialism, Scalzi's canceled tour, my Twitter account was (briefly) nuked, writing advice, Our Plague Year, Inception-level patent troll covid fuckery, tips for parenting kids stuck at home, Brave files GDPR complaint against Google)
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Today's links
The Masque of the Red Death and Punch Brothers Punch: My latest podcast is Poe/Twain bathos crossover.
Fill in your census online: Otherwise you and people you care about literally won't count.
Naomi Klein: this disaster has no room for disaster capitalism: It's our moment to seize.
Scalzi's canceled bookstore: Support your local indie bookseller, especially now.
My Twitter account was suspended: I got in trouble for putting trolls on a list called "Colossal Assholes."
Talking digital writing careers with the Writing Excuses podcast: Covering a lot of ground in 15 minutes.
A new anxiety podcast from Nightvale's Joseph Fink: Proud to be in the debut episode.
Patent trolls try to shut down covid testing: Monkey-selfies, Theranos, Softbank – it's a garbage matrioshke!
How to live with your kids: "Working and Learning from Home with Young Children."
Brave files GDPR complaint against Google: Sharing data between Google services is a no-no.
This day in history: 2005, 2015, 2019
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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The Masque of the Red Death and Punch Brothers Punch (permalink)
My last podcast featured the Macmillan audiobook of my novella "The Masque of the Red Death."
For this week's podcast, I decided to read Poe's original 1842 story, "The Masque of the Red Death. It's some next-level gothic stuff. Neil Gaiman is right: Poe must be read aloud!
As a chaser, I close this week's podcast with a reading of Twain's classic, gothic, comedic "Literary Nightmare," better known as "Punch, Brothers, Punch," easily the best story ever written about an earworm.
Warning: earworms.
The two pieces work incredibly well together, making a bathetic cocktail!
Here's where to get the podcast:
Direct MP3 link:
Here's the RSS for my podcasts:
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Fill in your census online (permalink)
Guess what's happening on April 1, whether or not the nation is on virus lockdown? The 2020 edition of the decennial census, arguably the most consequential administrative task in the US government.
You don't have to wait until April 1. Here's that URL again. Whether or not you've gotten a census card with a code, you can and should fill it in.
From danah boyd: "Everyone who lives in the US (regardless of nationality or visa status) is required to fill this out. Children under 5 are often forgotten. Same with long-term house guests. Immigrants, black men, and indigenous communities are often undercounted too. If you want to make sure that your community gets its fair share of funding and political power, make sure to get everyone in your community to fill this out. The more people missing, the more you lose out."
If digital isn't your thing, call:
English 844-330-2020 Español 844-468-2020 普通话 844-391-2020 粤语 844-398-2020 tiếng Việt 844-461-2020 한국어 844-392-2020 pусский 844-417-2020 العربية:844-416-2020 Tagalog 844-478-2020 Polish 844-479-2020 Français 844-494-2020 Kreyòl Ayisyen 844-477-2020 Português 844-474-2020 日本語 844-460-2020
If you're reading this, you're on a device that can be used to fill it out.
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Naomi Klein: this disaster has no room for disaster capitalism (permalink)
In The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein coined "disaster capitalism" to describe how, during a crisis, "ideas lying around" about how to enrich the few and take away our rights come to the fore.
In this short doc, she applies the theory to coronavirus.
The shock doctrine is well underway: privatizing social security, closing borders, maybe canceling elections.
But as Klein points out, disasters don't always precipitate oligarchy. The Great Depression catalyzed the New Deal and transformative change.
This is moment to seize. We have "ideas lying around" that are better than exploitation and oligarchy: ideas like a $15 minimum wage, an inclusive government, evidence-based policy free from corporate influence, Medicare for All, and, most of all, the Green New Deal.
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Scalzi's canceled bookstore (permalink)
John Scalzi has had to cancel his tour for for The Last Emperox, a book in The Collapsing Empire series. It was the right call for him (and Tor Books to make).
Even though it was the right call, it comes at a cost – to John, to Tor, and, especially, to the indie bookstores that rely on author events to keep the lights on. That's why John has urged his readers to "Keep your pre-order at your local bookstore, or make that pre-order at your local bookstore. Your local bookstore needs you right now."
He also suggests that you consider ordering a signed limited edition hardcover from Subterranean:
And John will be going into his local indie to sign books for mail order for so long as it's permitted:
Indie booksellers aren't the most endangered or hardest-hit among those who will be devastated by the virus, by official incompetence and indifference, and by monopolism and corruption, but they will still be VERY endangered and VERY hard-hit. They need your support.
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My Twitter account was suspended (permalink)
My Twitter account is back!
Here's what happened:
I woke up yesterday morning and discovered that my account was locked. There was no explanation, either in the app, the site or my email for this. I contacted everyone I knew at Twitter, and everyone who knew anyone at Twitter. At 830AM Pacific – about 5h after the suspension – I got an email from support – saying I'd been suspended for having a list to which I add trolls called "colossal assholes."
I'm not sure that this qualifies as a ToS violation (I gave up reporting trolls who called me much worse, because Twitter inevitably replied that these epithets were not prohibited), but it's super-weird that they suspended me without warning or explanation. Also weird: I could not rename the list while suspended, only delete it (I tried to rename it "thoroughly unpleasant individuals").
Weirder: "Colossal assholes" got me suspended, but not its companion list, "Toe-faced shitweasels"
Thanks to everyone who contacted Twitter on my behalf, and for the Twitter folks who lit a fire to get that suspension explanation email sent my way.
All of my followers were deleted. Twitter tells me they'll reappear over 24h or so, but more than 100k are still missing. If you're interested in seeing my future tweets, please double-check that you're subscribed.
Also, in response to Twitter's sensitivity about "colossal assholes" as a listname, I've renamed and expanded my lists.
Potent emetics
Tissue-thin bad faith
Foolish timewasters
Beneath contempt
Odious nonsense-spewers
Confederate gravy-eaters
Toe-faced stenchweasels
Hilariously inept lackwits
Probably bots
Thick as two short planks
Raving conspiracists
Sociopath climate deniers
Dim bulb centrists
Inept MAGA trolls
Red scare bedwetters
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Talking digital writing careers with the Writing Excuses podcast (permalink)
Back when cruise ships were a thing, I went out on the Writing Excuses Cruise as an instructor with Mary Robinette Kowal and friends. While there, we recorded an episode of the Writing Excuses podcast.
In a mere 25 minutes, we pack in a lot of material: how to break into the field, what a publisher's job is, how "digital is different," self-promotion, not being an unlikable weirdo when you're self-promoting, technology's role in shaping artistic success, and more.
Here's an MP3:
And here's the RSS to subscribe to the podcast:
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A new anxiety podcast from Nightvale's Joseph Fink (permalink)
Our Plague Year is a new podcast from Joseph Fink of Welcome to Nightvale fame. It features short spoken-word essays about this extraordinary, scary, uncertain time.
The debut installment just went live and I was proud to contribute a piece to it, "Don't Look for the Helpers," which PM Press will be publishing in text form shortly.
Also in this episode: "Social Distances" by Nisi Shawl.
MP3 here:
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Patent trolls try to shut down covid testing (permalink)
It's nearly impossible to sum up all the terrible in this story about a patent troll who is attacking America's ability to make and distribute coronovirus test-kits.
Labrador Diagnostics LLC is a patent troll (💩) that bought two of Theranos's patents (💩💩). They're a shell company spun up by Fortress Investment Group, Softbank's (💩💩💩) giant patent troll (💩💩💩💩). They're suing Biofire, a company that actually makes things (as opposed to Labrador, which only makes lawsuits). Which things are Biofire making? Covid-19 tests (💩💩💩💩💩).
They're represented by Irell & Manella, a lawfirm that previously claimed to represent a monkey. No, really. (💩💩💩💩💩💩)
It's inception-level terrible, a grifty shit burrito encased in a shit-flour tortilla, wrapped in a layer of shit-foil, and served in a go-bag of shitty, shitty, shit.
This is the kind of shit-matrioshke that could wipe out our species.
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How to live with your kids (permalink)
I'm really impressed with Erin Kissane's "Working and Learning from Home with Young Children" – an important sanity check for anyone ramping up a new way of relating to our kids.
"Don't be Captain Homeschool on day one" is definitely a lesson we've already learned the hard way, and I'm excited to try out its antidote, "Rhythms > schedules":
"A simple rhythm is resilient, so when something goes sideways, recovery is much simpler."
Also impressed by the accompanying "rhythm chart" (something something "rhythm method" something something "parenting").
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"Hold a morning household meeting" is something we're definitely doing, albeit awkwardly because we're taking advantage of the school break to let our kid do the sleeping in she never gets to do otherwise, so we're already up and about by the time she's ready for this.
Also impressed by the recco for the Raising Free People podcast, for unschoolers, free schoolers, Adlerians and democratic parents.
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Brave files GDPR complaint against Google (permalink)
It's long been obvious that US Big Tech companies are unserious about their GDPR compliance, taking cosmetic, pro-forma measures that don't really engage with the substance of the rules (those rules demand nothing less than a top-to-bottom industry restructure).
EU regulators have been slow to punish them for this, but the GDRP affords standing to many private actors to demand action for noncompliance, which is how it is that Brave has filed GDPR action against Google.
The complaint's substance is that Google is collecting data through its many products, divisions and services and merging that data on the back-end, which the GDPR expressly prohibits without meaningful, opt-in consent (and you can't deny service those who don't consent).
Brave published a study that analyzed Google's communications with users, partners, regulators and customers and showed that these are effectively an admission of the kind of "data-tying" that the GDPR bans.
I continue to use Brave and Firefox as my daily-driver browsers; I'm impressed with the quality of both, and how much better they make the web.
This action by Brave might trigger the kind of reckoning that the GDPR was meant to provoke — at long last.
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This day in history (permalink)
#15yrsago ETECH Notes: Life Hacks Live! (Danny O'Brien and Merlin Mann) https://craphound.com/etech2005-lifehacks.txt
#15yrago Sterling and Steffen's SXSW keynote https://web.archive.org/web/20050318074350/http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/002353.html
#5yrsago The Glorkian Warrior Eats Adventure Pie https://boingboing.net/2015/03/17/the-glorkian-warrior-eats-adve.html
#1yrago China's "pawn shops" have loaned $43B, mostly secured by real-estate https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-03-12/china-is-said-to-scrutinize-43-billion-pawn-shop-lending-boom
#1yrago Chinese enthusiasts are serving global Thinkpad fans by making modern motherboards that fit in classic chassis from the Golden Age of the Thinkpad https://geoff.greer.fm/2019/03/04/thinkpad-x210/
#1yrago Majority of London's newly built luxury flats are unsold, raising the spectre of "posh ghost towers" https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/jan/26/ghost-towers-half-of-new-build-luxury-london-flats-fail-to-sell
#1yrago Myspace lost all the music its users uploaded between 2003 and 2015 https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/7uiv8b/myspace_player_wont_play_songs_and_i_want_to/
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: Kottke (https://kottke.org), Slashdot (https://slashdot.org).
Currently writing: I've just finished rewrites on a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I've also just completed "Baby Twitter," a piece of design fiction also set in The Lost Cause's prehistory, for a British think-tank. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel next.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: The Masque of the Red Death and Punch Brothers Punch https://craphound.com/podcast/2020/03/16/the-masque-of-the-red-death-and-punch-brothers-punch/
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250757531
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a new introduction by Edward Snowden: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250774583
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justkeeptrekkin · 5 years
How can I improve my writing? I really love the way you describe things—so specifically—that it’s like a perfect movie. Anyways yeah descriptions h e l p
Hello lovely anon.
I wanted to write a response to this when I had the chance to sit down and think about it, rather than reply on my commute to work or in my lunch break or whatever. Firstly, thank you for coming to say hi!
I really find it impossible to imagine myself a writer that people aspire to emulate, and so it’s wonderful/crazy to me that I’ve been asked this question. So, please do take anything I advise with a pinch of salt; after all, I’m constantly trying to improve my writing, too. 
When it comes right down to it, I know it’s cliche, but the thing that I do is practice. I mean, just keep writing. Anything. Whether it’s just, a paragraph about an idea you have in your head, and that’s it. Or maybe a bit ol’ rant about something you’re passionate in. An essay. A one-shot, or a 100k slow burn fic, it doesn’t matter! Just write whatever your heart desires. Because if your heart desires it, that’s when it’ll come out in it’s best, most authentic form. 
My best writing comes to me when I’m just- burning to write it. I get home from a long day at work (in a job I don’t particularly like), make a cup of tea and just fuckin’ beast it. And so the reason I practice so much and publish a lot is because it’s a stress relief and creative outlet. That being said, sometimes you aren’t inspired. Sometimes I come home from work exhausted, sometimes it’s harder, and if I have a deadline for something that I’m writing, I can’t always wait for inspiration to walk up to me and tap me on the shoulder. And sometimes, I just need to rest and come back to it all, recharge before starting again. 
I didn’t do a creative writing course or anything, so I’m anxious of advising you on how to improve describing things. But- I suppose, the best way I can explain my process in this area- like describing a feeling, or a view- is don’t be afraid to write down something that doesn’t make any sense. 
Actually, I think that’s valid for most writing, regardless of what you’re writing. In the moment that you’re writing it down for the first time, don’t be afraid of whether it makes sense, or how it sounds. 
If I’m putting myself in my character’s shoes- or rather, if my character’s in my head and telling me how they feel- I write down my gut-reaction, the instinctive words that come to mind. At first, it might not make sense. For example I might be describing a feeling as soft or cold or burning or, in the case of the prompt i did, like a glass floating in a sink of water. I mean, that simile makes no sense at all. 
But it also, apparently, does resonate with some people. The thing that pops immediately into your head that you immediately dismiss and immediately think- no, that’s cliche, no, that’s silly- that’s probably the most authentic and convincing thing you could write. That’s also, I think, when you start developing your fingerprint as a writer. Even if, at first, it’s messy. 
What I’m basically describing to you is word vomit. The best way to improve writing is to word vomit and not give a shit. 
And after practice, and editing- and time to learn how you write, as an individual- then the word vomit turns into something a little neater. 
Considering that this has all come from a Neil Gaiman book, I recommend you go by his advice which is put far more eloquently than mine: “Try things out. Enjoy yourself... Write anything. Don’t worry about it being good or read by other people. Just play, and play a lot.”
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gehayi · 8 years
What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? What are the best things about your current fandom? Any NoTPs? Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? What inspires you to write? Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world!
So many questions, @idealai!
What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
I think that the most welcoming one and the one with the fewest gatekeepers was Highlander: The Series–this would have been around 1998-2003. That’s the one where I learned the most about research; the series wasn’t big on historical accuracy, but the fans that I ran with were…and they were vocal about it. It’s also the fandom where I learned about writing crack taken seriously, roleplaying with characters, and so on. 
What are the best things about your current fandom?
For A Song of Ice and Fire? The meta, hands down. I learn a lot about world-building from people’s detailed constructions (and deconstructions) of backstory for the books and for the show (and I’ve written about them in an essay in Fan Phenomena: Game of Thrones).
For Harry Potter? The inclusive headcanons about established characters, original characters, and wizarding schools around the world, most of which beat both Rowling’s canon and the ghostwritten Pottermore essays all hollow. There are so many great ideas in the Potter fandom about how to make fantasy richer and better, and I love drinking them in.
Rewritten fairy tales? T. Kingfisher, a.k.a Ursula Vernon.  You NEED to read the Kingfisher books, OMG.
Elsewhere University for the style.
Sabaa Tahir’s An Ember in the Ashes and A Torch in the Night? THE WRITING. The story will break your heart a thousand times, but for God’s sake, read it.
Any NoTPs? 
Oh, yes. I don’t like Remus/Tonks because I didn’t like its setup. It would have been fine if they had been unashamedly in love, but I disliked Tonks pining for Remus to the point where she lost her powers and Remus deciding shortly after his marriage that he was going to desert his wife. I always thought that those two would have gotten divorced within a matter of months if they hadn’t died in the war; there didn’t seem to be enough there to glue their relationship together. (And my impression that Rowling created the ship to negate Remus/Sirius–forgetting that bisexuality exists–does not help.) 
Bottom line…it’s a NOTP because it’s so poorly crafted that I can’t believe it. It feels shoehorned in.
I tend to regard incest ships as NOTPs–like Pevensie-cest in the Chronicles of Narnia fandom, Jon Snow/Sansa Stark in ASOIAF and GoT (actually cousins, but raised as half-brother and half-sister), or Circlecest in the Emelan fandom (Circlecest involves a circle of four mage prodigies, all of whom have been foster siblings since they were ten or eleven and all of whom consider themselves to be one brother and three sisters). 
I freely admit that the Pevensies and the Circle kids are emotionally closer to each other than anyone else (though I don’t feel that Jon and Sansa are in that position); I just don’t think that this means that the Pevensies or the Circle kids have to fuck. Instead, I want Tris Chandler to come to terms with her asexuality (a popular headcanon)  while smacking down everyone else’s fatphobia (canon) while her sister Daja Kisubo finds herself a nice, understanding girlfriend (yes, she’s explicitly and canonically lesbian).
Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Harry/Draco. I’ve always seen Draco as a bully who got in over his head, and that hasn’t changed. I also don’t like Jaime Lannister/Brienne the Blue. No matter how much Jaime appears to change, he still threw a seven-year-old out a window, permanently disabling him, because the kid saw Jaime having sex with his sister. I feel that both Harry and Brienne deserve better.
If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Honestly, I don’t know. I’d be too busy being flabbergasted that anyone wanted to do so.
What inspires you to write? 
As a rule, the juxtaposition of an impossibly difficult situation and how Character X would try to change it, improve it, escape it, etc.–I’m a big fan of plot arising out of a character’s personality and actions–or a piece of canon that is in dire need of fixing or explaining. I also love AUs and crossovers, and taking a cracktastic situation and finding a way to make it make sense.
Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? 
I write both one-shots and multi-chapter fics. I’ve never managed anything of epic length, which I’d define as being 100K words or more
Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? 
Sometimes. It depends on how much energy I have that day, as writing reviews (or answering them) generally takes me hours. If I don’t have the energy to review or if I’m in pain that day, I just leave kudos.  And I always feel bad about not providing a long and detailed, because I love to hear from readers myself…even if I do get embarrassed and have a hard time answering reviews.
Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world!
Uh...can I take a rain check on that? Thanks to political and economic stress, I’m feeling exhausted at the moment, and ranting and gushing both cost a lot in energy. Sorry.
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