#you tried to cook him and gain immortality with your parents
Okay, Red Boy did some bad things. I know that.
He grew up in a space where doing these things is what he was taught, what he was raised to do. (Mixed in that natural childish lack of understanding that what he was doing wasn't OK. I mean, for him, this was basically playing pretend and trying to be like his parents(imagine a child insisting that they're such a big boy now, look they even got their own minions, and their own mountain))
But yknow he's really young, so he can still learn to be better, and see that what he did isn't good
Torturing and imprisoning this literal small child is NOT a cool move. (I mean, you can't really leave if you got the bands on ya)
There had to be a better way to go about this.
No matter the bad things he did, this depth of punishment (on a CHILD) is not the way, like, Guanyin, girl, were the swords really necessary? Was it necessary to use the torture band activating spell first when there was one that could just immobilize him?
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tigerseye46 · 4 years
Can I ask for another prompt? A double if you're ok with it, 21 and 23 with FreeNoodleshipping (but you can change it to Shadowpeach if you want)
Of course you can! Woooo, this is my 10,000 post (wanted to make sure this one is my 10,000th), including all the reblogs. Here you go! Enjoy!
(Ngl, I imagine Tang using “dude” and stuff like that to appear cool)
Prompt List
21. “I’m in love with an idiot.” 23. “Dude… I’m right here.” Freenoodleshipping 
  Pigsy loved his husband, he really did but gods could his husband be foolish at times, idiotic he would say. What did his husband do to deserve such a title? Well…. Aside from getting captured a million times (no thanks to Pigsy) and almost eaten, there was the “simple” fact his husband decided to reveal himself as Tripitaka on accident and Pigsy having to go into his true form revealing himself as Zhu Bajie and… it was just this whole mess.
   How did this happen? Even Pigsy was trying to process it, they were fighting a demon with the kids and Sandy then the demon managed to get some good hits on their kids, the sight of his kids pausing to take deep breaths and various injuries on their body made him tremble in fear. The demon came there because he heard Tripitaka was on Earth and was looking for a way to eat him to gain immortality. Pigsy had originally told Tang to stay back, couldn’t risk him getting hurt but Tang was stubborn, a quality Pigsy had always found both hot and infuriating so Tang ended up showing in the midst of battle.
   Tang yelled at the demon to go away and leave his family alone. The demon laughed at him and was about to charge him when his kids stepped in the way first to continue battling the demon. Tang’s fist clenched at the sight of his kids, his eyes searching the ground as he questioned what to do. He told the attacker to fight the person he was actually looking for as he pointed at himself, the demon asked him “Are you saying that a pipsqueak like you is Tripitaka?” Tang used the heart sutra, the thing that would hypothetically keep him safe from harm as proof. After that, the demon became fully invested in Tang, he didn’t have time to get to Tang long before Bajie transformed into his large demon form and fought the demon, managing to ward them off.
   Now here they were, resting in the noodle shop, repairing their injuries as Pigsy tried to explain to the kids everything. He was taking moments in between to scold Tang for his recklessness. He bent down to hold Tang’s face after explaining another bit to his enthusiastic kids. “I can’t believe ya did that! Do y’know how stupid that was?” He scolded.
   Tang rolled his eyes. “So you’ve told me, it was to keep our kids safe.” He leaned into his husband’s large hands as he gave him puppy eyes and pleaded, “Please don’t be mad.”
   The pig blushed but didn’t falter as he exclaimed, “How am I not supposed to be mad?! You gave away your identity!”
   “It was to protect the kids.”
   “I knew you would protect me.”
   Wujing spoke up, “Big brother, master is perfectly fine. He knew what he was doing.”
   “Thank you Wujing.”
   “Quiet, Sandy! He could have gotten hurt!”
   MK and Mei’s eyes sparkled as they both mumbled, “So cool…” They stared at the pig’s true form in awe.
   The pig sighed and went back to his smaller form. He rubbed a hand down his face as he muttered, “Didn’t want this to be the way they found out…”
   MK tilted his head and commented, “Wait… so we’ve been interacting with the whole Journey to the West crew aside from the Monkey King this entire time?”
   The pig sighed again as he squinted his eyes while looking towards Xiaotian. “You’re just now realizin’ this?”
   “Well yea!”
   “When were you going to tell us?” Mei asked.
   Tang replied, “Eventually. We were just waiting for the right time.”
   “Wow! So my dads are not only the greatest dads ever but they’re also Zhu Bajie and Tripitaka!” Xiaotian stepped forward and gave them both a hug, Pigsy and Tang cooed at their son and daughter once Mei joined in. Sandy scooped them all up into one giant hug, they all laughed.
   “Yep, kid. You two are really special.” He ruffled both of their hair.
   Sandy let them down gently and MK’s eyes sparkled once again as he leaned forward to ask his dads questions. “SO… SO how long have you two been married? How did you get together? Is there anything you’ve collected on your travels that you kept? AND… AND-”
   Pigsy laughed. “Slow down, kid.”
   “Oops, sorry!”
   The scholar replied, “It’s fine, MK. Been married for a long time.”
   “Too long.” Bajie chuckled and Tang nudged him.
   “You act like that’s a bad thing.”
   “Course not. I’m still mad at ya for puttin’ yourself in danger like that.” Tang kissed his cheek and Pigsy huffed.
   “I am usually careful. It was to protect the kids.”
   “Doesn’t mean I have to like it and you could have protected the kids without all that.”
   “I know. I’m sorry.”
   Xiaotian smiled at his parents. “It does make sense why both Zhu Bajie and Tripitaka would get together. I mean you were always listening to Pigsy with the whole White Bone Spirit and other stuff.”
   Pigsy chuckled. “Yea, he believed me a lot back then.”
   “Hey! You were very convincing! You can’t blame me for that! You were the one who tried to run away at first!” He hit husband on the shoulder.
   “Hey! I’ve changed!” They rolled their eyes at each other. Pigsy gestured at Tang. “As you can see, kid.”
   “As you can see, MK.”
   “I’m in love with an idiot.” They proclaimed in unison.
   Tang hit his husband on the shoulder then placed a hand over his heart. “Dude… I’m right here.”
   Bajie slapped his thighs and shook with laughter. “Did… did you just call me ‘dude’?”
   The Buddhist crossed his arms and looked away. “I was trying to be cool,” he defended.
   “Oh yea, so cool,” he nudged his husband. “Please never use ‘dude’ again.”
   “At least I’m cooler than you, Bajie.”
   “Oh that is so not true!”
   Wujing smiled at his brother and master, he nudged Mei and MK outside. “Let’s let them have their moment. More questions can come afterwards.” The kids nodded as they all went outside.
   The two hadn’t noticed in the midst of their playful bickering. “It is so.”
   “It’s not. I’m not the one who fell for the same trick over and over again,” Bajie mocked.
   “Can you blame me? You were convincing and charming, still are.” The Buddhist lifted his husband’s chin up and stroked it, Pigsy purred.
   “And you’re still beautiful. Ya okay?” He wrapped his arms around his husband.
   “I’m fine. I promise.”
   “Okay… just please don’t do that again. I know ya want to protect the kids but I need ya to be safe as well. We had to save ya a lot on the journey and you almost got eaten a couple times, I… I don’t want that to happen again.” He moved his hand to clutched his husband’s shirt as he stared down at the ground.
   “Love… nothing is going to happen. I have you, don’t I? I know you’ll protect me.”
   “I know… but what if one day I’m not strong enough? What if one day I can’t protect you?”
   “You are.” He tilted his husband’s chin up and gazed into his eyes. “You’ve protected me for a long time and I know you’re capable. You haven’t failed and you never will.”
   Bajie’s pupils dilated and he rubbed a thumb over his husband’s cheek. He beamed. “Okay… don’t make a stupid decision like revealin’ your identity again, my little freeloader.”
   “I’ll try not to.” He gave his husband a kiss. Bajie eagerly kissed back, he made the kiss rather passionate.
   They separated with hints of red on their faces. “We should go check on Sandy,” Bajie remarked as he gave his husband another quick kiss.
   Tang raised his eyebrow. “And our kids?”
   The cook rolled his eyes. “Yea, them too. Not doubt their overwhelmin’ Sandy with questions.”
   His husband giggled. “You’re right. We should go save him.”
   The cook started guiding him out of the shop, leaning up against his taller husband. “Also, you’re gonna be the one explainin’ everythin’.”
    “What? Why me?”
    “You’re the reason this happened in the first place. Plus I know ya want an opportunity to talk about adventures again anyway.”
   “Do I have to?”
   Pigsy kissed him on the cheek. “If ya want a free bowl of noodles for once.”
   That was enough to convince Tang. He yelled “Yes! I’ll do it then.”
   Pigsy rolled his eyes. “Of course you will.” They smooched again. “I love you, my sometimes idiotic master.”
   His husband elbowed him. “Hey!” He nuzzled him. “I love you too.”
   There were times his husband’s sometimes idiotic nature got them in trouble but Pigsy would protect him every step of the way for the rest of eternity. Every kiss, every declaration of love, every moment empowered him enough to protect his husband and no matter what, no matter the trouble, he would do it.
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agentlemuse · 4 years
Dea!!! I am so in love with your Buddie the old guard fic I've read it so many times now I LOVE IT could you maybe write a little sequel to it with Eddie whitnessing Buck dying and coming back to life for the first time! No pressure obvs but you'd make me super happy! thanks again for writing the buddie old guard au fic ITS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
Hayley I am so sorry for making you wait!
Also on AO3
“How much are you willing to wager,” Hen challenges, her own stack of bills being dropped on the table like a declaration of war.
Chim eyes everyone carefully, emptying out all the money in his wallet with a confident pop of his gum. “I’m all in. Buck?”
“All in. Eddie?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Oh, come on! It’s tradition,” Buck begs, practically pouting as he tries to get Eddie to join in on the bet. He refuses every time and every time Buck acts surprised.
“Pretty sure the only tradition here is them getting all of your money,” Eddie points out with a smirk, earning a sharp laugh from Athena.
“You are too young to be this lame,” Buck sighs dramatically as Eddie rolls his eyes. He might be lame, but at least he will keep his money.
Just like that Hen is crowing as Buck laments his defeat. He looks to him with wide eyes in hopes of sympathy but all Eddie can do is laugh. He did warn him.
Athena and Bobby were chuckling fondly from their spot in the corner, speaking to each other without saying a word as they do often do. After one night of partaking in too much of Hen’s sangria he asked Buck if they had developed telepathic powers and Buck laughed so hard he snorted red wine out his nose. Considering their immortal status he didn’t think it was quite that funny, but Buck disagreed.
Looking at them now he still says it was a valid question.
“Okay everyone listen up,” Athena announces, drawing the attention of everyone with the simple command. “We have some news.”
“New job,” Buck asks eagerly, already wanting to speed ahead.
Bobby and Athena share a sad look and for the first time since Eddie has known them they look like they’re struggling to find the words to say. Athena stands, picking at a scab on her arm.
A scab.
She shouldn’t have a—
“I’m mortal.”
It’s funny how you can live for a millennia and a single moment can still knock you to your knees.
Athena could still have three, maybe even four, decades with them, but suddenly each moment is finite. He knew this was possible, Buck had told him about Abby, but it wasn’t real until now.
He may not know her as well as the others; hasn’t watched dynasties rise and fall with her, but she’s his family now. He foolishly thought he’d have more time before saying goodbye to family again.
But it’s not about him. It’s about Athena. It’s about the people who have loved her for centuries trying to wrap their minds around life without her.
Eddie doesn’t know much about Buck’s parents, partly because there isn’t much worth remembering from the way Buck tells it, but Athena is his mother for all intents and purposes. Now that she’s - not vulnerable (she’d stab him for even thinking it) - mortal, Buck has been like an overprotective mother hen. Athena has looked ready to strangle him on more than one occasion and he’s pretty sure the fussing is more likely to take years off her life than anything else.
And it’s sweet. Funny even, how Athena looks at him with such exasperated fondness.
Only that overprotectiveness makes a reckless Buck even more reckless.
Which, fine, Buck’s immortal. For now. Because that’s the thing, isn’t it? The idea that immortality just ends was hypothetical before now.
And Buck is—
Buck is—
Buck is his family. His person. The only reason he doesn’t spend this eternity of his lamenting every new day.
Buck has been on this earth for nearly a millennia without him, but Eddie doesn’t want to live without him. Not for a thousand years or a thousand days or even a thousand minutes. Not because he needs Buck, but because he wants him. He wants his kind eyes and infectious laughter beside his side. He wants the feel of his breath on the back of his neck as he lays curled in behind him. He’s not sure he can go back to sleeping alone.
A shame he’ll need roughly a thousand years to figure out a way to finally tell him, which is not going to happen with Buck being so eager to get himself killed.
Buck insists on throwing himself into danger, which means Eddie has to throw himself further. He’s younger, newer, he can take more hits. He knows logically that Buck must have died hundreds of times before him, but he hasn’t died since Eddie killed him. Maybe he can’t keep him alive forever, but he can certainly try.
Bobby catches on first.
“Nasty hit you took today.”
“I’ve had worse,” Eddie says nonchalantly, fingers flexing against a phantom wound long since healed. Buck stormed out earlier, pissed he jumped in front of a bullet for him only to bleed out slowly. Tonight Buck will hold him closer, making sure he’s still in one piece; a bittersweet ritual they’ve formed together. He’ll take the anger if it keeps Buck safe.
“You’ve been taking a lot of hits lately.”
“Saying I should work on my ducking skills?”
“Saying you can’t take them all,” Bobby replies, cutting off whatever comment he might be opening his mouth to say with a look. “When is the last time Buck died?”
“You should ask—“
“When I shot him,” Eddie admits, jaw clenching.
“He’s had a good run, but good runs end. He knows what’s at stake just like everyone else. We can’t outrun the inevitable. You’ll drive yourself crazy if you try,” Bobby says softly, an unspoken pain behind his eyes. “Don’t miss out on the good worrying about the bad.”
“Wouldn’t have to if he wasn’t so eager to put himself in harm’s way,” Eddie deflects, no real malice in his words.
“Funny, that’s what Buck said about Athena.”
That was hardly the same. Buck is being reckless, Eddie is just—
Well it’s not like he can take care of him through his cooking, now can he?
The next few months they take it easy on the missions, focusing on time together as a family. It’s good, great even, but it’s only a matter of time before the world has a need for their set of skills.
Which is how they find themselves in this dimly lit warehouse in what is clearly a trap.
He and Buck have taken the front, trying to clear a path to the escape route so they can’t get pinned in. The sharp pops of bullets flood his ears, a fog of plaster dust filling the air as bullets lodge in walls instead of bone.
There are too many blind spots and not enough cover.
There’s shouting, cries of pain, but none of them familiar. They’re gaining ground, they’re getting out, they’re—
The sick sound of a bullet striking flesh, muscle, bone enters his ear. A spray of blood hits his cheek.
Eddie turns to see Buck crumple against the ground.
Suddenly there is no noise, no friends or foes. There was only Buck lifeless on the floor, his head a gaping wound of brain matter and skull.
He falls to his knees beside him, blood soaking his trousers as he reaches out to help him. Only, he doesn’t know how to fix this.
“Buck, wake up. Buck. Buck.” He doesn’t recognize his voice, doesn’t recognize the frantic panic of this strange sound coming out of his mouth.
He thinks of all those zombie movies he used to watch with his sisters when he was young. The only way to kill them was to take out the brain. They couldn’t come back from that. Buck couldn’t—
Eddie shot him in the head once, but this was different. There hadn’t been this hole. There hadn’t been brain matter scattered across the floor. Buck hadn’t taken this long to wake up.
He can’t do this without him. He doesn’t want to do this without him.
“Wake up, wake up, you have to wake up,” Eddie demands, then begs.
“Eddie, we have to keep going,” Chim says from across the room, providing cover from enemies he couldn’t care less about. “He’ll catch up.”
He ignores him. Of course he ignores him. He can’t leave Buck. He’s going to wake up, he has to, so why is it taking so long?
The team moves on, because there is no other choice if they want to get out of here, but Eddie doesn’t move. He waits for a sign of life, anything, but Buck stays perfectly still. He should be healing already, blue eyes fluttering and a smile on his lips. He shouldn’t be so still and pale under the stark stream of red.
He’s so lost waiting for puffs of air that aren’t coming he misses the footsteps behind him. It’s not until he feels rough hands grabbing at him that he remembers the fight. He feels a knife slide through his ribs as they try to drag him back. He thrashes wildly, scrambling for any weakness he can exploit. They’re not going to take him away from Buck. He’s not leaving him alone. He’s not—
A single shot rings out and the man Eddie was fighting falls.
Eddie turns back to Buck who is sitting up with a gun in hand.
Eddie scrambles over to him, pulling him close, feeling the side of his head to make sure he’s whole.
“Eddie, we need to catch up with the others,” Buck urges, already back in the game. How can he be so calm? How can he be so steady? “Eddie. Eddie.”
“Your birthmark grew back.”
Buck’s face grows soft for a moment, letting out a puff of breath like it was punched out of him. Eddie can feel the wound on his side healing, but he ignores it, busy feeling the pulse of Buck’s heartbeat where his hand rests on Buck’s neck.
“Eddie, we have to keep going.”
“You weren’t waking up. You took so long to wake up.”
“I’m here, Eddie,” Buck insists, resting his forehead warm and whole against Eddie’s. “I’m here. I’m not leaving you, okay? I won’t leave you. Now let’s go.”
Eddie goes with him because there is no other option. He doesn’t want to be anywhere without him.
It doesn’t doesn’t get any easier to watch him die, but Buck always comes back to him. He has to believe he always will.
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jadethest0ne · 4 years
In need of Refueling, Chapter 2 - Silken Web
Summary:    “You?! Why would I trust you? You have brought me nothing but failure. Time and time again; nothing but disappointment!”
His father’s words might have been a result of his possession by the White Bone Spirit, but whether or not they were his true thoughts, Red Son vows to prove them wrong. To do so he seeks to attain a power strong enough to destroy his father’s immortal enemy. After all, he’d much rather throw fire at his problems.
Word Count: 1384
Ratings/Warnings:  Teen and up; injury, burns, angst and hurt/comfort, toxic thoughts caused by toxic parents
Notes: Time for another villain to appear! Big thanks to @painted-arachnid and @simplyfornardo  for helping me bounce ideas off of them. And also thanks to @lemonsqueazie for providing me with “Journey to the West” lore. I don’t know much about the original novel or other iterations, but I still tried to keep some things compliant with the lore. You should check all of them out, since they’re really great content creators with neat ideas!
Read on AO3
Red Son stands in front of a decrepit market stand. Shriveled brown excuses for vegetation dust the bottom of containers labeled as produce and cooking ingredients. But the demon he is looking for is nowhere to be seen. He peers into the tented area covered by curtains with an unimpressed glare. Still, the spider insignia on the stand’s sign is unmistakable, so he calls into the gloom with a demanding, authoritative voice. “Spider Queen! I have come to have some words with you. I am looking for something and I think you have the information I seek!”
At first there is nothing. But a soft wind picks up around his ankles and a sultry whisper drifts out of the stand. “Come in…” it says.
Red Son glances around the area, then slips inside the curtains.
“Farther inside…” the voice calls.
Red Son knows a trap when he sees one, but he continues on without fear as he looks around for any traces of trickery. It is dusty and the area seems untouched, except for the circular disk that he just stepped on.
“Right there…” says the voice, and Red Son can hear the smile in it as the disk drops down revealing a trap door.
Red Son gives a tired sigh as he falls and activates flames underneath his feet, slowing his descent on his way down the sudden hole in the floor.
He lands smoothly and kicks up flames around his feet in a circle to push back any potential enemy waiting for him below. It is dark, and he can hardly see anything. He hears some drip of water echo, giving a hint of a cavernous area. A scuttling noise bounces around him.
Red Son holds his palm upward in front of him and brings a ball of flame to life, lighting up his surroundings. He is indeed in a cave, as he thought, and it is covered in spider webs. The webs rustle and bounce as a result of quick movements that Red Son forces his eyes to follow despite them still adjusting to the light. The scuttling and the web movements sweep around him, and he twists around adjusting into a defensive stance as he prepares for what is facing him.
As he turns around he finds who he is looking for directly in front of him. If one weren’t paying attention, one might mistake her as an attractive human woman with long black hair and sparkling green eyes. But her greyish-purple skin and sharp fangs reveal a more demonic nature. Her spider-like body, complete with eight spindly legs with sharp ends come into the light, and she lifts herself high above Red Son, looking down at him with the ease of someone who knows how much power she holds.
“Spider Queen,” Red Son says with as much control as he can, despite an uptick in his heart rate. He takes a bow.
“My, what a polite boy,” the eight-legged spider demon drolls amusedly in an earthy accent. “To whom do I owe the pleasure of visiting me down in my Silken Web Cave?”
Red Son straightens himself up and introduces himself. “I am Red Son - the son of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan.”
“Yes, and a fire demon it seems,” she says eyeing the flame in his palm warily. “Spiders like us do not take kindly to fire like that…” Her mouth twitches in a hint of a grimace, but the smile never leaves her eyes.
“I did this so I can see, not so I may harm you… as long as I don’t have to…” Red Son says keeping his expression cool, but a smile of his own twitching at the corner of his lips. “I have come to request your assistance.”
“Assistance?” Spider Queen says with a tittering laugh. “That is amusing! What would I be assisting with?”
“Information. I want to know of any artifact or power source strong enough to kill an immortal.”
The Spider Queen quirks an eyebrow. “Might you be looking to destroy the Monkie Kid? I hear he has been causing you trouble. But I also hear that he is not indestructible. Your flames or a good enough whack should do the trick, I’d say,” she says clicking one of her legs harshly against the ground for emphasis.
“Not the Monkie Kid. The Monkey King!”
“Oh, is he still wandering around these parts!? I suppose that makes sense given that the Monkie Kid has been giving us demons a hard time.” She crosses her arms and looks up, tapping a finger to her cheek. “Well… I don’t know of any specific artifact that could destroy someone as powerful as that…” She again, eyes Red Son’s flames. “Buuuut… I do know of a way to power up your fire in a way that might allow you to gain the upper hand in a fight against him.”
Red Son’s eyes light up and the fire in his hand flares with his excitement. “Really!? Magnificent! Tell me! I must know!” He grins widely and wickedly, barely containing himself.
“Hahaha, you lose your manners so quickly when you are excited it seems,” Spider Queen laughs without joy. “Why would I give you such information without anything in return? What do you have for me?”
Red Son’s grin doesn’t falter, spreading further to show his teeth. “Oh, I hear that you’re looking for rare and powerful ingredients, and I have some for you right here.” Red Son pulls a pouch out of his pocket and opens it to reveal dark hairs sticking out of it. “The Monkie Kid’s hair, leftover from his defeated clones. I’m sure that's worth a little bit of information, now isn’t it?”
Red Son can tell he’s got her interest by the way that her eyes glimmer with no help from the flame he wields.  She stretches out a hand, and two of her all too sharp legs reach toward him as well. “Yes!” she says, as if entranced by the sight of the hair.
“Uh, uh, uh!” Red Son tuts as he brings the bag close to the fire in his other hand, causing the Spider Queen to stop her advance. “I want my information first.”
Spider Queen’s smile tightens, and this time it doesn’t reach her eyes. “You’re a shrewd little boy. But yes, I will tell you.”
Red Son smiles and listens intently.
Her posture straightens and with a flick of her wrist she spools out a strand of thread that begins to take shape into an abstract picture of a flame. So skilled is the puppetry of her silk webs, that the false flame seems to dance. “The power you are looking for is called ‘The True Fire of Samadhi.’”
As she weaves her story, so does she weave pictures into her web. She creates the image of a ring of mountains around a taller one. “You must seek out the Flaming Mountains surrounding the Monkey King’s own Flower Fruit Mountain. He knows not that his own weakness lies within the very fires that seemingly protect his solitude.” The abstract map-like picture shifts to a mountain to the left, with an opening about midway up. “In the tallest eastern mountain, there is a cave that leads to a shrine that can only be revealed by the rising sun. In there, you will find the power you seek.” Spider Queen releases her webs, letting them dangle, lifeless. She shifts her stance and her speech from storyteller to businesswoman in a second. “Is that enough information for you, sugar?”
Red Son nods enthusiastically and hands over the pouch. “I will be on my way, now.”
Spider Queen picks her finger through the hairs in the pouch as if counting gold coins. She certainly handles the pouch as if it were just as precious. “Oh, and one more thing, sweetie,” she says, waving an errant hand over her shoulder. “A warning, since you seem like quite the impatient type. The power there is as old as the mountains themselves. It has the power to overwhelm if found in the wrong hands.”
Red Son scoffs, barely giving her words a second thought. As if there were any fire that he couldn’t handle. He leaves, having gotten what he came for.
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rkxjongsuk · 4 years
Final Post ||
I spent most of yesterday evening and this morning just kind of mentally processing the actual closing of rookies after seven years. Seeing the amazing plans that would have come to fruition makes me a bit sad but also kind of happy that rookies ended where it ended. Thank you to the mods for prolonged effort to keep this rp running as long as it did and I am glad to have been here as long as I was. 
I first joined rookies six years ago on the 15th of October, 2014. 2014 and subsequently 2015 had been a chaotic formative years for me. At the time, I was in my third year of college, constantly questioning whether or not I should be doing my degree, watching my parents get divorced in the summer of 2015 and moving out of the house where I’d lived for twelve years. Rookies (at first through Sungjong in October and then through Kevin in March (03.04.2015) and Kris in April (04.29.2015)} was a writing escape and somewhat of a comfort. Over the years at rookies, I have grown, graduated from college with a business degree and ended up completely a different person then I was five years ago.  
My writing improved a lot and I can confidently say that it was mostly thanks to Rookies. I had been completely scared off writing after an English teacher bitched at me for my skills but thanks to rookies, I got more confident in my own skills. Sure, there’s been other rps before rookies and at the same time as rookies, but they had never lasted quite as long. Through the years, I have made some incredible friends through rookies and I am glad to have them in my life. You guys are genuinely the best and I’ll always love you. I have no intentions of ghosting any of you and hopefully, we’ll write again together somewhere else. 
Now, onto what everyone actually wants: rkmuses future and taking in the ideas and everything set out by Bianca in account, where they would end up?
rkxjongsuk: the trc vocal king, easter bunny, princess diva of youtube fame - formerly rkkevin 
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I know I always used to say that I wanted him to debut the most since he’s my oldest muse,  but in all honesty, he would have never fit in the idol bubble. Going off the ideas set out by Bianca, however, his future would have been pretty satisfying. 
He would have ended up staying in TRC (since he had signed his contract for the second time back in may) and debuting as part of the rkmonstax group with the other trc boys in early 2021 (most likely as their main vocalist). Jongsuk would have felt pretty accomplished by this, and had been ready for the idol life. However, he was not ready for the rules and restrictions that would come into play with the group.  
he’d always had a kind of laissez faire approach to everything and so the idol life is kind of shocking to him. it wasn’t what he’d fantasized it would be. so, jongsuk would probably become the first member to officially leave the group before their six-year contract would expire citing personal difficulties and mental health issues (three years and a bit after debut) 
During those three years with the group, however, he’d make a name for himself as the King of OST. He would have gone on to King of Masked Singer (making it to R2 and shocking everyone with the high note octaves), gone on to be one of the trainers on the Voice of Korea partnering with Dynamic Duo, and make multiple appearances on Immortal Songs (a la Kyuhyun). Simultaneously, he’d also be collabing with idols across companies, most notably fellow former mga 3 contestant Gyeoul of And*Roma and Jiyeon of HEARTZ. 
Upon his departure from the group, he moved back to San Francisco and resumed his Youtube life and career. He would still support the rest of the boys, as an international fan and would always buy up a lot of their cds to support and tell his followers to stream. However, being back in his element, Jongsuk would feel a lot more relaxed and a lot more comfortable. 
A few months after his return home, he’d gain a collaboration with Smashbox or Morphe for a makeup line and he’d release an eyeshadow palette, two lipsticks and three eyeliners with the branding Smashbox x Stark: Rave on Mad (an homage to his youtube name: starkravingmad). He’d most likely send it in packages to his best friends in Korea. Jongsuk would find success in other fields outside of music and delve into what made his channel tick and what made him the happiest.  
Eventually, I think, he would have found love (maybe in the form of another tall actor who was in school 2013 with him) and been a happy youtuber, taking constant new challenges all over the place and always stepping to his own beat. 
As for his friends, he would have definitely gone back to Korea for Kangjoon’s eventual wedding and Jiyeon’s eventual wedding as well. The invites to visit him in San Francisco, California would have been extended to all his friends and even in his busy schedule, he’d always find time to show them all around the city that he’d been born. He’d even always be happy to see his former groupmates if they came on tour to California and would always be the first one for the backstage/VIP passes. 
rkxrm: the kt chaebol, nsg’s main rapper and actor extraordinaire - formerly rkkris, rkkmh, minhyukxrk
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namjoon had always been the unwilling debut, since I honestly never saw him actually debuting before jongsuk and instead, here we are. he’s the established idol. 
With NSG’s debut having just happened, he would probably stick around as the rapper before KT began shoving him into acting everywhere. Most likely, would have ended up as leader of another subunit (maybe?) in the future putting that leadership expertise to the good use. After the first two successful comebacks, he would have gone into acting officially with the first main role on a web-drama as Cha Gihyun on A-TEEN. 
His charisma would have definitely shined and stolen the screen time since he’s a former actor already. Following initial drama success, he would have tried his hand in modelling and endorsement, with Honda and Skool Looks. He would have gone further in modelling and acting, eventually becoming more known as the actor Kim Namjoon than the rapper of nsg. 
He would have had his share of crazy fans (mostly noonas, pretty girls and drama grandmas) and even probably taken the top bias spot for quite a few people when they would have found out his past. Of course, during the course of promotions (I envision this would happen during Regular-Irregular promotions), it come to light that he’s an actual chaebol (he’s never hidden it but netizens think this is a big deal) and the heir to Kim Securities with a former Canadian award winning actress as his mother. It also comes to light the dysfunctional family dynamic that he’d always had with them.  
It caused some hardship between him and his family but he had the support of nsg behind him (his ride or die brothers and family) but in the end his family did began treating him a lot better and he eventually gained their support. 
He would have stayed with NSG all through their first contract, but probably wouldn’t have renewed and most likely would have either gone to acting agency where he could focus on acting or go back to that chaebol life and actually fully embrace it as a future heir. 
In terms of his love life, he would have officially asked Jiyeon to date him at the Halloween party and they would starred in a few dramas side by side (Cinderella and the Four Knights being their first). They would kept secretly dating and eventually after their mutual dating ban was over, would probably reveal it in a cute couple shoot for Ceci or Dazed and Confused (like E Dawn and Hyuna). After Joon would have left NSG (post contract non renewal), he would have probably still kept acting and modelling alongside Jiyeon. NamYeon would have been a lot like the Rain/Kim Taehee acting and visual power couple. 
He would have definitely still kept in close touch with the rest of nsg (since they’re like brothers) and even with all his former kt friends, loving the time that he had spent in the company. 
rksxngyeol: nova’s artist, the mangaka 
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sungyeol had been an incredibly refreshing muse to write. he’s always been someone who actually doesn’t want to debut and he just wants to draw. i initially got him because minhyuk (joon) and jongsuk were getting really exhausting.  
there’s not much to say about sungyeol’s future. his contract with nova would have expired in november and he would have left the company on his own terms with the two years behind him. he learned a lot during those two years at nova and even realized a lot about himself. 
following his contract expiry, he would have asked his boyfriend (myungsoo) to move in with him over christmas with a key in a box  attached to a black butler keychain. if the other said yes, then the new year would have kicked off with the duo moving and cooking together and spending time with each other. 
sungyeol would have resumed drawing manhwa and mangas, combining his webtoon comic into a more professional looking five volume manga series with the same title. eventually he would have gotten an anime deal again and even a live action deal on his works (if your muse would have wanted to be in the live action of the Princess’s Sword, go for it). That would have propelled his family to actually recognize him as a talent and he would have been reinstated into the family. 
This would have led to myungsoo officially meeting Sungyeol’s family. His parents would have loved him to bits and his grandparents would have been iffy on it, but  his grandmother would end up dying three years after of heart attack and his grandfather would have followed her a year later of old age. 
After having dated Myungsoo for about five years, Sungyeol would have proposed to him and they would have most likely gotten married on the beach while on vacation somewhere warm. (we love a happy ending ;.;)  Also, he would have moved into a bigger house and brought Haebin with them so that they could be a cute happy family. 
Eventually, he would have come back to work for Nova as a producer and creative direction artist under Wendy as CEO (if that would have happened), and if not, he would have taken over his family’s company despite the lack of education and simply learned on the job. (Can I say that he would have been Myungsoo’s sugar daddy at some point even though they would be married or engaged at this point???) 
Thank you for reading to the very end and I love you all. Let’s stay friends and meet again in another rp. 
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