#you stand awkwardly waiting me to finish so you can buy your illegal tobaccos
tobacconist · 3 years
i dont actually have a specific recipe for my illegal homebrew vaccines each batch is unique so as to be impervious to the scientific method, but essentially the protocol is to take infectious matter from a diseased person (you can focus on one disease or mix-and-match) and expose it to sudden extreme environmental fluctuations (temperature, acidity, pressure, etc) you must do this as the moon wanes culminating on the new moon (were talking pints of blood/phlegm/lymph here along with reagent) and you must continually scold the germ as you do this, telling it how wicked and evil it is. on the new moon, you must let it sit in a dark place undisturbed to think about what it has done. in the next stage you  add very strong spirits, or ether; and a fair splash on vinegar in an equal volume to the already prepared matter. at this point we may introduce the botanical extracts to the mix - this is largely a matter of taste, but i like to use a reliable blend of opiates and cannabis extracts, along with the juices of the grapefruit, ginger, and garlic, and also maybe some crushed up aspirins and a special chinese tea blend; anything you have in really. you can also add legitimately produced vaccines to the brew if you have access, which will increase its power, especially the expired doses which the hospitals throw away. some people like to test it on some foetal cell cultures at this point. dont do it. the vaccine may be administered intravenously in three doses or just one for the childrens and it will ferment and improve with age kept in a household refrigerator. this preparation will protect you from all variants of the covid19, as well as influenza, measles, gunshots, ebola, tuberculosis, lightning, aids, depression, autism, impotence, the plots of your enemies, slander against your name, the witches of the night, and diverse other things also.
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