#you should be fine sending asks to your own leisure tbh. you dont come off as weird for this i prommy 👍
p2ii ¡ 11 months
hello again !! okay i am SO glad becayse the majority of ppl on the ex muslim tag are terfs which . no thanks ! which also answers ur other question noo i am not a terf and PROUDLY !!! pro palestine ! im js on anon because i am ridiculously shy ;( anyway how was ur day !! -shaan x (ps just lmk if u want me to not send any asks or back off becuase i might come off as super weird or smth idk .. you should expect the autism tho this is the autism site)
Yess it's just a disappointment constantly having to be vigilant in what should be a safe space because some people decided to jump from one extremist beliefs system to another 😭 it's definitely gotten better over the years tho it was... Really bad around 2019 but the current active exmuslims bloggers that have been vocal about trans right (and more recently anti-zionism) have made things so much better and I'm very greatful!
And DW about not wishing to DM! I get the want for animosity just letting you know the option is open if you ever do, no pressure :>!!
My days have been pretty repetitive lately cause of school tbh XD. If I'm not trying to catch up on work it's manga and fanfic to cope but I have been having a blast with my current series of interest (one piece) so it's not all bad! Currently on ḥaiḍ so prayer/quran isn't a worry for me this week which is also pretty sweet >:)
How are things going with you? (Share as much or as little as you wish I won't be offended if you choose not to)
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fictional-scenarios ¡ 6 years
can I please request a bnha scenario where reader is best friends with midorya(and secretly in love with him) and she has a very abusive father but she hides it from him until he stars treating her worse and one day hurts her so bad that she runs away without even thinking why, and that when midorya finds his best friend and crush bloodied on his door in the middle of the night. a lot of fluff if you can please? thank you so so much! I hope its not too weird, Im just going through some stuff tbh
don’t you let me go tonight 
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pairing: midoriya / reader
a/n: this is such a… deep request, im sorry for whatever you’re going through and please know im here for you and dont be afraid to reach out! i hope this imagine finds you in good health and while it’s only a story, i hope it in some way can make you feel just a little bit better!
warnings: violence, abuse, please beware!
“Oh man, that must have been some tough training.”
It’s hard to see who is speaking to you with the sun glaring in your eyes, but you didn’t need to look to know just who it is. 
“Hah, yeah. Gotta train the best to be the best, y’know?” As you stand back up straight, you tug your sleeve down over your arms. Midoriya seems happy today, fired up with his fingers balled into a tight fist. He grins at you.
“Definitely,” his eyes, no longer able to wander over the countless bruises littering your arms, catch yours. “But don’t overwork yourself!”
You laugh, shoving your hands into your pockets. “You’re starting to sound like Iida.”
He falters before he loosens back up, rubbing the back of his head. “I guess I do. But seriously, those look kinda bad. Shouldn’t you go see Recovery Girl?”
“Again?” You raise a brow at him. “I just saw her last week- I don’t really want to get lectured for training too hard.”
“Exactly,” he’s starting to get worried again, it makes you nervous. “You’re in almost as much as me.”
“I’m fine, Midoriya.” It’s hard to assure him at this point. It used to be so easy- just a quick, ‘trained too hard’ and he would be all too happy to carry on. Now, things are different. He’s starting to ask questions, he’s starting to suspect things. There’s a longing in his eyes when you hide your wounds from him. 
“Alright,” he backs off reluctantly, sighing. “If you say so.”
It bothers you to the core to lie to him like this, but… It’s better than telling him the truth. A hero should never tell lies, especially not to those you care for the most, but you couldn’t bear the thought of him finding out just what was actually the source of your bruises, your cuts. They’re easy fixes by Recovery Girl, but you’ve visited her so many times that even she is starting to get antsy. Surely, you can’t be this reckless, she’d said, an odd look in her eyes. Since then, you’ve been reducing your trips. You didn’t want her to know. You didn’t want anyone to know.
Whether it was because you despised the pity or the embarrassment, you weren’t sure. 
After all, what kind of hero allows themselves to be struck by their own father?
What kind of hero comes that kind of family, anyways?
Midoriya has always been so helpful to you, the perfect lifeline, whether he knows it or not. The times you spend with him leisurely, not having to worry, to hide or fear, were your favorites. Even now, his eyes full of concern, you can’t help but feel… Safety.
But you can’t be with him forever, as much as you’d like to. Your phone vibrates in your pocket, and you pull it out and fight the grimace that threatens to show.
5:05 PM: Get home right now.
5:11 PM: Can you read?
5:15 PM: If you’re not home in 10, I’m coming to get you. 
You feel like you’re choking. Somehow you missed his messages. Somehow you didn’t hear your phone going off, a sound you’d trained yourself never to miss specifically for times like these. If you weren’t in public, you’d be bawling your eyes out.
“Everything okay?” Midoriya asks like he knows what you’re hiding. You press your lips into a tight line, force down the anxiety, and smile at him cheerily. 
“Of course. Dinner time.” Your voice wavers and you pray he doesn’t hear it. 
“Text me when you’re done!” He beams, and you can feel it in your chest. He’s just… The sweetest. The best you know. You want to tell him everything- let your words vomit and spill, but you can’t. He handles enough on his own. 
Though you’d rather die than leave knowing what’s waiting for you at home, you pull your bag over your shoulder and wave goodbye. As you turn your back on him, you take a good look at his face. He’s still happy, a bright but tired smile on his lips. He’s been working so hard lately to get control over his quirk, the one that seemingly came out of nowhere. 
Something feels different in the world when he leaves your line of sight. Everything feels heavy, like doom. Your stomach hurts on the way home as you leave your safety net. It even takes you a moment to get inside, standing at your own front door, terrified to open it. 
Maybe he’ll be in an okay mood. Maybe it really is dinner time, maybe tonight things will be fine.
You take in a deep breath before you grasp the doorknob, turning-
It flies open before you can even try to open it. 
“There you are,” his voice turns your blood cold. “When I tell you to come home, you come home,” he reaches out, catches you by your arm, yanks you inside. The world around you is gone in a blur. “Got it?”
You’re thrown onto the floor, your nose colliding with the tile. The door slams shut behind you as you scrabble to your knees. 
“What took you so damn long, huh?” There’s a hand grasping the collar of your shirt, yanking you to your feet roughly as you’re gagged by the force. Your father isn’t mad tonight- he’s enraged. When you’re face to face with him he grabs the fabric of your shirt, lifting your feet off the floor. “Explain!”
“I-I was just training-” He shakes you as you speak. “I’m sorry!”
“Training?!” You’re dropped to the floor, terror racing through you. There’s no one home, just you and him- there’s nothing stopping him. “This stupid U.A. bullshit again! It was with that green kid again wasn’t it?”
When you don’t respond he gets even angrier. A boot plants itself on your shoulder and-
You scream. 
You swear something cracks beneath his weight. 
“Keep your mouth shut, brat!” There’s fingers in your hair. “I ought to kill you!”
“Stop!” You howl, tears racing down your cheeks. You hate him, you hate him, you want to fight back but you can’t. He’s so much stronger but being lifted by your hair is agony-
Before you can stop yourself, your nails catch the skin of his hands. 
You hit the floor before you can even realize it. His shadow covers yours. You can’t see his face, he just stands silently. It’s the most terrifying thing you’ve ever witnessed. 
When he reaches down and catches you by the throat, you think of Midoriya.
You soon realize why the world felt wrong when you left him.
The sun had long since set by the time Midoriya finally wandered home. His muscles are blissfully exhausted, his stomach grateful when he opens the front door and smells pork cooking. His mother chose a late dinner tonight knowing he would be busy training with his friend.
“Izuku! Is that you?” She calls, and he slips his shoes off. 
“Yeah, it’s me!” He shuffles into the kitchen, slipping his jacket off and hanging it over the arm of the couch. “That smells great, mom.”
“It’s your favorite!” She lifts the lid off of a pot, and when the steam clears, he sees that delicious sizzling meat. He almost drools at the scent, but she has him shaking out of it when she speaks again. “How was training with ___?”
“It was good. She had to go kinda early though so I just stayed alone for a few hours.”
His mom frowns.  “Aw, here I was hoping she’d be coming back with you. I even made extra.”
Midoriya laughs graciously. “I’ll save her some. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it for lunch tomorrow.”
“Why don’t you ask her if she’d like to come over tonight?” Inko says, stirring some of the cooking rice. “You guys haven’t had a sleepover in a while.”
Midoriya scratches his cheek. “I don’t think her dad wants her to anymore.”
Inko seems to tense up for a moment, a strange look in her eyes. “Oh, right.” 
There’s a memory that flashes through his mind. It was so long ago but he remembers it so clearly. He’d walked you home after playing, just two kids having fun at the playground, but it was shortlived. Her dad had called her in and Midoriya, being the good friend he was, walked her to her doorstep. When she went inside, he got a good look at your father. A civilian, but in that moment, staring up at him, he swore he saw a villain. You were yanked inside before you could even say goodbye properly, and the door was promptly slammed shut in his face. 
He came home crying that day, and Inko had a less than enjoyable phone conversation with him. Since then they kept their interactions at a minimum, and you only ever came to Midoriya’s, never the other way around. 
“I’ll put some in a box for her,” she tries to bring her tone back up, but she can’t shake the uneasiness. “I hope she likes it.”
Midoriya pulls his phone from his back pocket and glances over his notifications, a heaviness settling in his gut. Something feels a bit off, as though something was going to happen at any moment. You never got back to him, and while that wasn’t the first time you’d gone radio silent after heading home, it didn’t feel right. Tonight, strangely, he felt like he needed an ‘ok’ from you. 
are you okay? 
He clicks send and waits, sitting down on the couch in silence while his mother absently fills the one-sided conversation with something nonchalantly. After ten minutes, his eyebrows knit. You haven’t even looked at it yet. Eating dinner felt oddly hollow, like there was something wrong. He goes to bed with that same feeling.
The first time he hears the sound, he thinks he’s dreaming. Soft sounds, almost like distant pounding, at his front door. He sits up with bleary eyes and yawns, glancing at the clock. 
3 a.m. 
Slowly, he gets out of bed and makes his way to his living room. There’s a set of frequent knocks and, yeah, he heard them that time. It makes him pick up the pace, a worried frown apparent when he finally pulls the doorknob and yanks the door open. What he sees has him stuck in his place, his eyes wide, his hands tight in fists.
It’s you.
One arm is slung around your gut, your open hand splayed over your stomach, while the other reaches out to support your body weight against the frame. You aren’t looking up at him, your head hung low, but already he can see the obvious pain you’re in. 
“___?” He whispers.
You slowly find the strength to look up at him. There’s blood everywhere he looks. It drips down your nose, paints your lips. It smears down the side of your head, and splits the bridge of your nose. 
“Izuku,” you sputter, and he hasn’t heard you say his first name like that before. “I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t even know what to say. You’re in so much pain. 
“___!” Midoriya’s arms find you in a split second, catching you as you lose your grip, holding you up as he brings you inside. The door slams shut as he leads you to his couch and sits you down on the cushioning. He slides the coffee table away just so he can sit on his knees and reach up to touch your face. The way you flinch away breaks his heart in two. “What happened to you?!”
“I-” you can barely even fucking speak. He cradles your face in his hands and he can’t stop the tears that prick at his eyes. Of all the people he never wanted to see in this state, so broken, it was you. And he doesn’t even know what to do. There’s nothing he can do. 
“___, wait here,” as much as he doesn’t want to leave you there, he needs to clean you up. His mind races as he grabs whatever he can find- mainly items he cleans himself up with. A rag, antiseptic, bandages. When he comes back, you’ve fallen on your side, hands holding your gut. He has to stand there for a moment- he has to register it. 
He crouches before you, reaches out, and touches the side of your head. Your eyes open, and finally, his tears fall. 
“What happened.” His voice shakes, your hair is damp against his palms. 
“I can’t do it anymore.” God, you sound pitiful. “I can’t.”
“Do what?” As he sets down the items, his eyes never leave yours. You aren’t crying anymore, you’re just… 
He presses the rag to your nose and your eyes scrunch shut. He swipes it across your cheekbones and you whimper. 
“I’m sorry,” he tries to say as evenly as possible. “But I have to get this off of you.”
“I didn’t know where else to go.” Your voice sounds far away, almost as if you were talking to yourself. “I have nowhere else to go.”
“It’s okay.” Midoriya isn’t even sure if you can actually hear him, but he says it anyways as he wipes his eyes fervently. “It’s okay.”
He wants to hold you. He wants to reach out and pull you against him and heal every single last wound on your flesh, but he can’t. He doesn’t know where it all hurts, he doesn’t want to move you, he feels like if he presses too hard, you’ll break. 
You deserve so much better.
“___,” he reaches out and carefully, oh so softly, touches the side of your face. “Can you hear me?”
Your eyes flicker to his lips, and then his eyes. When you nod, he lets out a breath, not that it makes him feel any better. At least you’re lucid still. 
“Can you sit up?” He hates talking to you like a medic, but he needs to help you. You’re still bleeding, your breaths are coming out in wheezes. He wants to know (though he has a good guess) but he can’t focus on that. When you nod, he’s so gentle in helping you upright. Every flinch makes him want to let go. “Please tell me if you want me to stop.”
You don’t tell him yes, but you don’t tell him no either. The condition you’re in makes him feel like he’s going to be sick.
It takes time, but he wipes the red from your face in smooth motions. He can see the worst of it now- split lip, scuffs and bruises surrounding your once bloodied nose. He knows these wounds well, and it makes him want to throw up every last bite of his meal. 
You’re watching him with a certain kind of fear. Not quite directly, but definitely there. You aren’t afraid of him, and that’s all that matters. 
He wraps you up to the best of his ability, your arms looking more mummified than anything else. You’re not shaking, you still aren’t crying. You stopped meeting his gaze the moment he wrapped your purpled wrists in shame. 
“___,” he comes to sit beside you, terrified. “Are you listening to me?”
He reaches out tentatively, wraps an arm around your shoulder. “___?”
You… Fall against him. Your head takes a spot against his shoulder limply, and he latches onto you. 
Finally, the tears fall as you shake against him. 
“I can’t do it,” you sob feebly. “Every day Izuku, I can’t do it.”
“Everyday what?” There’s urgency in his voice. You cry harder.
“I don’t even know what I do wrong anymore he’s just so-… He hates me so much.”
Midoriya remembers seeing him, that darkness in his eyes. His eyes narrow at nothing, his fingers bringing you closer. Despite the agony you try to become closer, you try to hide against him, and he lets you. You weep openly for the first time with your face buried in the crook of his neck.
“I can’t, I can’t, he’ll kill me if I ever come back-” Midoriya’s arms wrap around you. “He hates me so much- He- He said if I come back he won’t hold back-”
“You’re not going back.” He presses his lips to the top of your head and he holds you so fucking close, he shakes just as hard as you do, he feels rage and fear and everything under the sun beneath his skin but he doesn’t dare let you go. “You will not go back to him, do you hear me?”
When you pull away to see his face, he’s crying too. They’re angry tears, he’s furious, but he’s more terrified than anything else. 
You feel exposed when his arms leave you but soon enough those scarred hands are on either side of your face, they’re holding you, thumbs swiping softly against your damp cheeks. He doesn’t even bother wiping his own eyes. 
“I will never let him hurt you again,” he’s been dying to say it since he connected the dots. “Ever. He’ll have to come through me.”
The way you just crumble to pieces cuts him to the bone. Your wails threaten to wake his mother but he can’t find it in himself to care. Let her wake. Let her see the damage your father has done, let her burn him to the ground. 
“I’m sorry,” you sputter, fingers digging into the fabric of his night shirt. “I’m sorry.”
He’s sure that you don’t even know what you’re apologizing for. For never telling him, for lying, for showing up like this, none of it matters to him but it matters to you and he wishes he could take it all way. 
But all he can do is pull you against him, chest to chest, wrap his arms around the trembling muscles of your back, and cry, “It’s okay. It’s all okay, don’t you dare think it’s not for even a minute.”
You’re both babbling to each other, you with apologies, him assuring that it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re safe now, he will never touch you again.
Over your shoulder he can see the clock on the wall. It’s 4 now, the two of you have class in the morning, but there isn’t a thing in the world that could pry you off of him. His hands hold too tightly, his arms locked in place. 
“Izuku,” you hiccup, and he feels it in his heart. “I don’t wanna go back.”
“You won’t. You’re staying right here.” He buries his face into your hair. “For as long as I’m here I won’t let him hurt you ever again. I love you too much to see you like this.”
I love you too much to see you like this.
At many points of his life, he’s imagined how he would confess to you. Under a sky full of stars, at a beach during fireworks, in the schoolyard on a warm spring day. Never like this, but yet… It feels right. You nod against him, you hear him, still crying. 
“Thank you,” you cry, “Please don’t let go of me.”
“Never.” His eyes shut, his hands press flat and smooth over your bruises. “From now on, I’ll always have you. Please just… Just don’t hide from me anymore.”
You shake your head. “Never again. I’m sorry I never told you, I was so scared.”
“Of what? That I wouldn’t believe you?”
“I don’t know, I just…” You sniffle, trying to breathe. “I didn’t want you to know. I didn’t want you t-to worry, or to think lesser of me.”
Midoriya shakes his head. “I will never think lesser of you.”
You pull away and wipe your eyes, and then you reach out and wipe his away too. “Do you promise that?”
He nods. “I promise.”
Your head falls, but it’s not tragic. You’re so fucking tired, and he knows this, he knows you’ve been through hell and back. He knows you still have miles of darkness to go. He doesn’t want you to wallow in that, so he reaches out again. It’s not easy maneuvering to lay down, you beside him, on the length of the couch, but he gets it done. Never once do his fingers let you go, even then, tugging against him protectively.
“Your stomach, does it hurt?” He asks, dragging the blanket from the back of the couch. 
“Yeah, but…” You shift against him, sniffling once more. “I don’t think anything’s broken. It’s been worse.”
If not for your safety against him, in his arms and on his couch, he would have felt the rage like adrenaline. Just that one line was stronger than any plus ultra move. His lips quiver but he bites it down.  
“You’ll be okay,” he whispers as you tuck your head under his chest. “I’ll make sure of it. This will never happen again.”
You murmur a thank you with the quietest voice he’s ever heard. In the morning, he’ll have so much to face. Recovery Girl will have to be filled in, no matter how much you want to move on without a sound. His mother will have to know, though she likely guessed it years ago when she met him. 
Midoriya’s hands find the small of your back, and the way you finally relax against him makes him breathe out a sigh of relief. He’ll skip school tomorrow, see Recovery Girl with you, do everything necessary for you to never return to that home ever again. 
But for now, he just holds you. He pets the tremors out of your skin, and he matches his breathing with yours, until finally it softens into quiet snores. He kisses the top of your head, and he vows that from that point on, you will never feel this pain ever again. 
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