#you say ooc i say its his yearly genuine smile day
jellomphetamine · 2 months
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he had a good day
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livwritesfics · 1 year
Req if you're up for it, just a romantic get away for Marco and Ace, on an island where no one knows them. Could include going out to eat or a picnic or something. Just... fluffiest fluff.
Hey! Thank you so much for writing this request! Sorry for the wait. This will also be posted on my Wattpad and my Ao3. Hope you enjoy ┏( ゜)ਊ゜)┛
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Ace knocked on their bedroom door enthusiastically, "Hey, are you ready to go now?" Her voice dragged out at the end.
Marco stifled a laugh. He couldn't stop the smile that was growing on his face at his lover's impatience. "You asked me that five minutes ago, yoi."
Ace groaned dramatically, pulling at her hair.
This was a yearly tradition for them. Every year right before Christmas, they'd go for a romantic get away - celebrating Marco's belated birthday in October, and celebrating early for Ace's birthday in January.
"C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!" Ace pulled Marco out of his thoughts by yanking on his arm harshly.
"If you keep doing that, you're gonna make me go slower, yoi"
Marco was always doing the planning. This year, he wanted to surprise Ace. He picked a tropical island where there aren't a lot of people. Quietness was its middle name.
Eventually, Marco was ready to leave. The best part about traveling with Marco was that Ace got to fly with him. It made her feel like the freest woman in the world. Soaring though the sky, touching clouds, she loved it all.
They walked hand-in-hand to the deck, where everyone else was waiting for them. They all wanted to say goodbye.
Once everyone saw them there, they turned to them.
"Well my children, it seems you are ready for your trip?" Pops asked knowingly.
"Yes! Marco took so long though!" Ace groaned at the end. Everyone laughed at this.
Marco turned to Ace unamused.
"Yeah, we're ready Pops. We'll be back before Christmas." Marco stated reassuringly to his father. He turned into his phoenix form, ready for the voyage.
Ace hopped on with their baggage. "Bye everyone!"
Everyone waved goodbye to them crying and shouting.
The couple has been flying for a while. Ace asking the occasional 'are we there yet' question.
Finally, they arrived.
Marco slowly landed the both of them safely on the deck. He turned back into his human form and stretched.
"Here we are my love, Crescent Island". Marco opened his arms dramatically with his announcing tone.
Ace looked at the beauty of it all. It was a hot sunny day on the island. She could tell because Marco was sweating. Or that could be from him flying them all the way here.
"You like, yoi?" Marco asked from behind him. Ace turned around smiling genuinely at him. Marco always knew where to go. The perfect places for just the two of them.
"I love it!" She hugged him tightly and gave him a cheek kiss. The older partner hugged back just as tightly.
"Let's go get a hotel room, yoi, then we can... have dinner?" Marco wiggled his eyebrows suggestively making the younger one laugh.
Ace noticed something weird about this island. No one was looking at them. Two well-known pirates walking hand in hand on the street. No disguises were worn. And for some reason... nobody, absolutely nobody was paying any attention to them.
Ace smiled at this change. She was treated like a normal person. She could get used to this.
They got to the hotel and Marco told the woman their names.
"Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix?" She questioned, an eyebrow raised questioningly.
Ace's head snapped back to Marco. Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix? Phoenix Ace. Phoenix D. Ace. Ace didn't mind the new name at all.
It had a sweet ring to it.
Marco verified with the woman. "Yep, that's us, yoi." He smiled at Ace who still had a look of shock.
"Okay, here's your key. I hope you enjoy your stay with us." She handed the key to Marco and they walked up to their room.
If Ace wasn't already flustered, she definitely was now. The steps were creaking with both of the lover's weight on them. It really did make Ace feel as if he were in a cliché romance movie where the couple is going 'up the stairs'.
With luck, they found the room. Much to Ace's surprise it was the 'romance suite'. What Marco planned for them was beyond Ace but she knew that this entire trip was well planned.
"Marco," she whispered in awe. She stepped inside and dropped her backpack on the king sized bed. She turned around and covered her mouth with her hands.
Marco just smiled smugly as he watched his partner's reaction.
"You really do know how to make a woman feel special, don't you?" Ace murmured to him.
They hugged and hugged for a few minutes until Marco pulled away.
Ace walked out of the bathroom wearing a nice red button down and a pair of black slacks. She looked up to where Marco was already dressed and waiting for her on the bed.
Marco looked up from his book. He stared intently at her. He sucked in a breath as he eyed his partner.
"Wow," the older one started, blush creeping upon his face unconsciously. "You look..."
Ace's heart stopped when Marco paused. Ugly, ugly, ugly-
"Beautiful." He finished, interrupting Ace's thoughts.
Oh. Not what she was expecting. But, she'll take it. Ace tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down at floor. Looking at it like it were the most interesting thing in the world.
What did she ever do in her life to deserve a loving boyfriend like the man staring at her lovingly.
"Thank you, Marco" she said under her breath.
The two of them walked down the creaky stairs hand-in-hand and left the hotel room behind.
Another thing that was nice about this place was that everything was five minutes away! And so close together too! Like in Foosha Village. Ace smiled at the memories. She looked up at Marco as she was grinning like a cheshire cat. She loves this man so much.
Eventually after a bit of walking they come to a fancy restaurant. Marco smirked down at Ace giving the younger one goosebumps. They walked inside and they were seated.
Marco pulled out a chair for Ace before seating himself down. The two of them were at their best. Nobody could take them away from each other.
Together they ate, talked, and laughed as they relived some memories or telling stories. They gave gentile touches from across the table.
"Ace?" Marco interrupted the other's thoughts and held her hand.
"Sorry... Yes?"
Marco chuckled a bit before saying, "Nothing. I just... love you is all." He said the last part in a small voice.
"I love you too... chicken" Ace laughed hard at the end. She just had to.
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