#you said this was hurt comfort you fucking LIARRRRRR
aratakatism · 4 months
Every Word
A hurt/comfort Keith “Two-Bit” Mathews fanfic
(set 10 months before Curtis parents died)
“Alright! Alright, catch ya later, Steve! Wha- yeah, yeah, you’re one to talk with your big ugly mug! Haha!” Two-Bit called out as he closed the door to his house, and all was quiet. He had just spent a long afternoon with Steve while Soda was working. It was filled with catcalling random broads that either Two or Steve fancied, sneaking into the back of the diner and stealing most of their fries, and ending it with a Mickey Mouse marathon at the Curtis’s. Two-Bit definitely had the time of his life and was smiling ear to ear.
The redhead’s footsteps echoed through the small, quiet house. His mother was working late, and his sister was sleeping over at a friend’s house, so Keith had the place all to himself. He excitedly jumped onto the red couch in the living room while it squealed and groaned in protest. Careful not to lay on the exposed springs, Two-bit leaned over to turn the knob on the TV.
The screen flickered to life and began displaying a re-run of one of Two-Bit’s favorite episodes; the christmas special. Seeing as December was steadily approaching, it didn’t seem out of the ordinary to the greaser. He kicked his muddy shoes up on the peeling coffee table and sighed contently. This was nice.
“Good golly, Minnie! You shouldn’t have!” Mickey Mouse’s voice came from the TV as Minnie offered him a present under the tree. Everyone was there, laughing and joking and drinking hot cocoa. Two-Bit frowned and switched off the TV.
An empty, lost feeling began to form in his chest as he stared at the blank screen. This feeling wasn’t new, but it definitely wasn’t welcome either. It was weird; he hadn’t had a problem with this episode before. But now, seeing the scene of everyone sitting together as a family and sharing kind words flashed in his mind and only deepened the pit in his stomach. He wanted to feel loved like that.
What was he talking about?? He was loved! Steve wouldn’t spend time with him for nothing! The Curtis brothers wouldn’t keep letting Two-Bit in the house because they hated him! Dallas wouldn’t be swiping cigarettes and beer for him because he wanted him dead!
But still.
Keith stood up from the couch and walked over to his room. It was a complete mess in there; clothes strewn all over the place, trash cluttering the corners of his room, and a weird smell that nobody could seem to identify. And yet the redhead still knew where to look.
He crouched down to peer under his bed, brushing out some crumpled wrappers and bottle caps in the process until he found what he was looking for. An old, cobweb-covered shoe box. The redhead pulled the box out from under the bed and gently ran his calloused fingers across the uneven cardboard before opening it.
Inside were hundreds of pieces of paper, ranging from birthday cards to homework sheets from years ago. Two-Bit rummaged around at random before pulling one out. It was an old test from the third grade which he, surprisingly, got a C+ on. The greaser’s fingers gently touched the fading red pen of his old teacher’s calligraphy.
“Great job, Keith! :) Keep up the good work!
  -Mrs. C.”
It was the first time Keith had ever gotten a good grade on a test, let alone a C+. His mom was ecstatic when she got home; Two-Bit even stayed up past his bedtime to show her. He giggled softly at the memory before rummaging around in the box again and taking out another sheet of paper. This time, it was a note his mother left taped to the door one day after he walked home. 
“Hey sweetpea!
I just wanted to let you know that I’m gonna be working very late tonight and I won’t be home by 12. There’s some lasagna in the fridge if you’re hungry. 
Love ya bunches!
   -Mom. ♡”
The redhead slowly traced his mother’s handwriting; the loops on the J’s and the Y’s, the ovals on every dotted letter, and the little heart at the end. That was a great lasagna, Two-Bit thought with a soft smile that grazed his expression. He was already feeling a lot better, but a small patch of need was still nagging at him.
He once again placed his hand in the shoe box and pulled out a post-it note. This one was creased and torn in different places, aging quite horribly, but when the greaser boy saw it he felt his breathing pause.
“Hey kid. Happy 6th 8th birthday. Sorry I can’t make it. See you soon.”
Keith didn’t even notice he was crying until a tear dropped and fell onto a note inside of the box. He wiped his eyes and murmured softly; “Thanks, love you too.”
The redhead placed the notes back into the shoebox, shoved it back under his mattress and crawled onto his messy, unmade bed. Even still, thoughts swarmed around Two-Bit’s head like flies.
Why couldn’t he make it to Keith’s birthday party?? He was his dad’s son, after all!! Why’d his dad wish him a happy birthday if he was gone anyways? How come his dad signed off with “love” even though he left?? Why can’t there be a spot next to his mom’s bed that’s a little bigger than hers and smells like cologne that Two-Bit could hop into and cuddle up into the scent like Pony or Soda could??
Two-Bit finally closed his eyes and let hot, salty tears stream down his face and into the fabric of his bedsheets.
He knew his dad wasn’t coming back, but he could dream.
you said this was hurt/comfort in dms you LIAR!!!!!(/silly)
“An empty, lost feeling began to form in his chest as he stared at the blank screen. This feeling wasn’t new, but it definitely wasn’t welcome either. It was weird; he hadn’t had a problem with this episode before. But now, seeing the scene of everyone sitting together as a family and sharing kind words flashed in his mind and only deepened the pit in his stomach. He wanted to feel loved like that.
What was he talking about?? He was loved! Steve wouldn’t spend time with him for nothing! The Curtis brothers wouldn’t keep letting Two-Bit in the house because they hated him! Dallas wouldn’t be swiping cigarettes and beer for him because he wanted him dead!”
where’s that one imagewait
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“The redhead slowly traced his mother’s handwriting; the loops on the J’s and the Y’s, the ovals on every dotted letter, and the little heart at the end. That was a great lasagna, Two-Bit thought with a soft smile that grazed his expression. He was already feeling a lot better, but a small patch of need was still nagging at him.” I LOVE THE DMALL ADDITION OF HIS MOTHERS HANDWIRITNG OUHMY GASH…… i’m sorry i love this sm it’s just a nice detail ykyk??
“ “Hey kid. Happy 6th 8th birthday. Sorry I can’t make it. See you soon.”
  -Dad.” “
DUDE IF THE GREASER PARENTS (besides curtis and ms mathews) HAVE NO HATERS IM DEAD . this is gen so sad the crossed out 6th is so AUGHUAUEBWOWBEUAHBEIWHEJWJEIWIE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this hurts so bad idk just AUGHHHH of course your useless ass can’t make it 😒😒😒
“Keith didn’t even notice he was crying until a tear dropped and fell onto a note inside of the box. He wiped his eyes and murmured softly; “Thanks, love you too.”” two-bit…. two-bit no….. his ass does not deserve that!!!!!!!!!!!
Why couldn’t he make it to Keith’s birthday party?? He was his dad’s son, after all!! Why’d his dad wish him a happy birthday if he was gone anyways? How come his dad signed off with “love” even though he left?? Why can’t there be a spot next to his mom’s bed that’s a little bigger than hers and smells like cologne that Two-Bit could hop into and cuddle up into the scent like Pony or Soda could??
Two-Bit finally closed his eyes and let hot, salty tears stream down his face and into the fabric of his bedsheets.
He knew his dad wasn’t coming back, but he could dream.”
chat… chat you said this was hurt/comfort… CHAT…… dude this makes me so fuckign SAD PLLLSSSSS THE DETAIL ABT PONY AND SODA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?????! reminder that two-bit has a sister cought cough FUCKING HSELESS ASS FATHER!!!!!!!!! BUT SERIOUSLY J LOVE YOUR WRITING WHENS YOUR AO3 ACCOUNT COMING BBABYGIRL 😞😞
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