#you people act like the Palestinian people spawned out of nowhere aftrr israel was formed
Where the fuck was I justifying genocide? Im asking you not share ahistorical bullshit that tries to post-hoc condemn a bunch of fucking farmers fleeing pogroms acting like they came as invaders to a region where they're ethnically outnumbered 25 to 1 guns drawn looking to start trouble, rather than tenuous relations between two groups breaking down over 30-40 years. The region has changed hands multiple times through the millenia and the Palestinians were there long enough to be considered Natives to it but they were still ultimately tenant farmers on Ottoman land and cruel as it is it was their right to sell and evict them from it. Outside of isolated incidents, violence did not start flaring up between the two groups until the late 10's/early 20's. You can say Fuck Israel till the red cows come home but keep it to post-'37 if you want to condemn them for initiating violence (Irgun terror attacks) or Post-'48 ('48 War and Nakba) for expulsion and land seizure.
Some relevant Wikipedia articles (no links because Anon is dogshit)
"Pogroms in the Russian Empire"
"Labor Zionism"
"Odessa Committee"
"First Aliyah"
"Second Aliyah"
"Jewish land purchase in Palestine"
"List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine"
"List of Irgun attacks"
anon discovers what sharecroppers are and why some people might not like being regulated to being second class citizens in their own ancestral homelands by western powers.
and the whole “tensions between the two groups didn’t start flaring up until the last 20 years” is just not true, but I appreciate you trying to play based nuancer, you fucking nonce.
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