#you need me to assist sir? glad to be of service
thatruperson · 6 months
I'm Glad It Started Raining
Happy Holidays to @hananono !! I was your Secret Spirit gifter this year! I hope you've had a great year and an even better one next year! You asked for for tft SeriRei, happy/silly Serizawa and fun outfits! I tried to combine them. I hope you all enjoy this little ficlet. :) Thanks for hosting @mp100secretspirit ! ~~~~~~~~
The rain came on unexpectedly and they ducked into a shop, cursing their luck, not really paying attention to what it was. He looked around curiously. Odd clothes and accessories littered the place, along with rolls and rolls of cloth stacked atop each other and photos of families and couples. Before he could ask Reigen what he thought the place might be, an employee appeared and gave them her best customer service smile. “Welcome to Photopalooza! We’re having a Rainy Day sale, 20% off all our photo packages! Would you be interested in looking them over?” She hands them each a pamphlet. 
“Er…” He says as he blinks down at the shiny laminated sheet in his hand. He’s five seconds away from apologizing and saying they’re there by mistake when he sees Reigen bouncing on his toes. “Ooooh, Katsuya, check this one out!” And then there’s a pamphlet that is way too close to his face. He pushes Reigen’s hand back a bit so he can see the one he’s pointing at. “Fantasy Playplace Package: Be the Hero or Villain of Your Own Story!” He reads it off dutifully. He blinks. “What?” When he meets Reigen’s eyes he has that gleam that tells him he’s excited by whatever this place is and the man waves a hand around dramatically. “Forget the movie! We can see that anytime. This is fate, Katsuya! We don’t have any photos of just the two of us! Let's fix that here and now!” That is true…Most of their photos together included the kids or clients or his Mother. He takes another look around the shop with new eyes. He smiles, warming up to the idea. “Yeah, sure, why not!”
Ten minutes later a very pleased employee, happy for her sales commission, shows them to a room. There are a few heavy looking trunks and she explains that they’re filled with various costumes and props. She then cheerfully explains how to change the backdrop and the various buttons to press to change the camera settings and timer. “Just call for me if you need assistance, sirs. And remember, if you break anything it gets added to your bill.” With that said, she’s gone. 
“I’ve never done anything like this before.” He says, thrumming with excitement as he pulls out a costume from one of the trunks and looks it over. “Neither have I!” Reigen says, holding up a pink, flouncy princess dress to himself with a grin. “I definitely want to see you in one of these.” He snorts a laugh. “I haven’t worn a dress since I was seven, ‘Taka, that’s all yours. Besides, I don’t think they’ll carry one of those in my size.” “These things don’t count as dresses.” Reigen scoffs. “It’s a costume! Theater!” He strikes a dramatic pose. “Is the size thing the only thing holding you back?” He chuckles at Reigen’s antics. “Well, when you put it like that, I suppose so…” “Great!” The blond replies and is sticking his head out the door and calling for help before he can change his mind.  Soon enough, the employee has brought them an equally pink and somehow even frillier dress than the one Reigen had held up earlier. “Wow, you really do have one in my size…” He says in surprise. She laughs and hands it over. “Of course! The only demographic that rivals little kids in wanting to wear one of these for photos are grown men having a good time!” His smile broadens as Reigen says, “See? What’d I tell you!” He places one hand on his chest and throws the other up in the air. “Theater knows no gender boundaries!” They quickly pull the dresses on and help each other zip up. They take one good look at each other in the cheap, plasticky dresses before collapsing on each other in laughter. “Oh my gosh, we look like off brand Barbies.” Reigen wheezes against him and they spiral into laughter again. They complete their looks with conical hats that strap beneath their chins and take a few pictures like that, acting regal in one, undignified in another, before he tosses his off and puts on a dragon suit and chases Reigen around the room, the other man shrieking in as high a pitch he can manage. Things quickly devolve from there.  “Oh my god, ‘Taka.” He pulls out a lightsaber from one of the trunks. “We gotta do this one.” They bicker for a while over who is going to play the sith and who will play the jedi. Katsuya refuses to play rock, paper, scissors as he still hasn’t figured out how Reigen always wins that game. But Katsuya wins in the end with his superior puppy eyed look and gets to play the jedi like he wanted. They don their robes and set the camera to take multiple pictures as they recreate their favorite scenes, yelling and whacking each other with the cheap lightsabers. It turns out Reigen is scarily good at laughing like Emperor Palpatine and he feels justified in making him play the sith. After that they take a stab at being mimes, completely failing at being silent. “What are you doing?!”
He laughs at Reigen’s exasperated face. “I’ve lasso’d you and I’m pulling you in, obviously!” Reigen rolls his eyes but grins and pretends to be pulled into him. Katsuya rewards him with a kiss that would have continued longer had the timer signifying the end of their booking not gone off. They stand at the front of the store in their normal clothes once again, the sun shining in through the window as if it had never rained at all. They laugh as they browse through the photos they took and choose their favorites, adding silly special effects before printing them out to keep. They choose one of the classic photobooth strip layouts, and print out three copies. One for each of them and one for the office. He thinks the professionalism of them dressed as princesses and things is debatable but Reigen disagrees and says it adds a fun element to their office and well…he can’t really deny that. He can still feel the residual joy bubbling up inside him as they leave the shop hand in hand. He brings their joined hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to Reigen’s knuckles. “I’m glad it started raining.”
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funnimysteryman · 3 months
Kind Sir,
I am writing to you now to provide an offer. I have read many of your works - carefully dissecting your criticisms of investigator Albert Henckels and I must acknowledge your bravery at undertaking such a task.
I think we both understand what may happen to you in the case that your identity escapes to the public, and I would hate for such a fate to be bestowed upon you. As an avid enjoyer of your works I would like for you to continue making them.
Because of this, in the case that your identity does slip - I am offering you my personal services. I left the field of law a long time ago but I am offering an exemption to you if you ever need it. I know the ins and outs of criminal defence, and if ever need be I may show face to represent you in court (provided you recieve such a gracious opportunity).
take this as an offer aswell for my partner and I's other services if they happen to interest you at some point…
I expect these offers to remain private.
With best wishes to your writing career, Jaques.
To my highly distinguished ally,
I must admit that your offer strikes me as a plentiful deal. On top of this, I am very glad to know that my works have indeed intrigued you as well as many others. In the case that I ever do succumb to what has been coming for quite a time now, I would be grateful to have you by my side. 
Personally, I have heard of your cases various times before and am also impressed with how you have held yourself within the court. Your cases, as well as many others, have assisted me in finding ways to combat the power-hungry officials that have begun to arise in our once beloved land. 
You are one of the few faint glimmers of hope I see in today's society. 
Much gratitude,
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lulubelle814 · 5 months
Regards, Loki - Chapter 12
Master List
It was mid-Saturday afternoon before she crawled out of bed.  Looking in the mirror, her eyes were swollen from crying but had run out of paracetamol.  Pulling up the site, she ordered a few things including paracetamol, chocolate, and ice cream before ordering takeaway as well.  All arrived within an hour.  
Loki: How are you feeling?
Sigyn: I’m alive.  I have a massive headache.
Loki: I’m so sorry.  Is there anything I can do?
Sigyn:  You’ve done so much already.  I wish I knew how to thank you.
Loki: No thanks needed, darling.  Get some rest.
And that’s exactly what she did for the rest of the weekend.
The only good thing that came out of this entire ordeal was that she felt more comfortable reaching out to him first.  While James was glad for that, he was not at all happy as to how it came about.
The moment he landed at Heathrow, he had to hold himself back from texting her, reminding himself that she needed rest and resolved to reach out to her in the morning.  While he did not have her address, the driver from the club did.  So without breaking confidentiality, he reached out to his friend to get that driver’s information.  It only took 15 minutes for his friend to get back to him, providing the driver’s name and contact information.
Not hesitating for even a moment, he gave Bruno a call.
Bruno: Bruno speaking.
James: Hello Bruno.  I believe you took a friend of mine home from the club earlier tonight who had been attacked?
Bruno: Yes, sir.  She was visibly upset, but I got her home, not leaving until she was safe and locked in her apartment.
James: I wanted to give you my gratitude.  I would have been there myself, but I was on a flight.
Bruno: It’s not a problem, sir.  Despite the situation, she was very kind.
James: I was wondering if I could ask you a favor?
Bruno: How may I be of assistance?
James: She and I are in an…..unusual situation.  Would you be willing to act as a go-between?  I would pay you for your time and services.
Bruno: I would be happy to, sir.  Your friend at the club speaks very highly of you.
James: That’s very nice to hear.
He spent a few more minutes on the phone with Bruno who didn’t question the unusual arrangement, especially calling him by a pseudonym.  Once the conversation concluded, James saved Bruno’s information and vice versa.
Louisa woke up late the next morning to someone knocking on her door.  Before opening the door, she looked through the peep hole to see her savior from the night before and promptly opened the door.
“Bruno!  What are you doing here?”  His presence was confusing her, especially since he was holding a basket full of things she couldn’t quite see from her current angle as well as some flowers.
“Good morning, ma’am.  I wanted to check to see how you’re doing this morning.  Mr. Loki also asked that I bring you this.”  He proffered the basket.  “If you’d like, I can bring it in for you?”
She moved aside to allow him in.  Once the basket was placed on the coffee table, he turned back to her.  “I’m glad to see you’re doing better this morning.  Again, if you need anything, please call me.”  And with that, he departed.
She was stunned.  What was going on?  Looking at the basket, she saw there were a number of things in there.  Sitting down, she started sorting through it, finding chocolates, the softest blanket she’d ever touched, and other delicious goodies.  In the midst of the basket, there was a keychain mace.  
It was unbelievable!  No one had ever sent her something so kind.  
Sigyn: Thank you so much for the flowers and the care basket!
Loki: I hope I didn’t overstep having Bruno bring you something directly?
Sigyn: You are too kind and generous.
Loki: Not at all.  I just wish I could have been there to save you myself.  I spoke with my friend at the club, and the malefactor has been charged with assault.  Is there anything you need?  Anything I can do?
Sigyn: You’ve done more than enough.  I don’t even know how to thank you properly!
Loki: No thanks needed.  As I said before, it’s what any proper gentleman would have done.
Sigyn: I don’t think most gentlemen would send a care basket with pepper spray.
Loki: Everyone should have something like that readily available.  I feel a bit better knowing you have it now. 
Sigyn: You really are such an incredibly kind man.
LokI: Not at all, darling.  Just doing the right thing.  Any plans this weekend?
Sigyn: Not really.  I’m going to stay in and curl up on the couch with this amazing blanket and watch a movie.
Loki: That sounds lovely.
Sigyn: I have a random question for you.
Loki: What’s that?
Sigyn: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Loki: I went through phases, I suppose.  At one point, I wanted to be a cowboy, an astronaut, and a race car driver.  When I was a teenager, my dad suggested going into the military, train to become SAS like him.  I didn’t know what I wanted, but I knew that wasn’t it.  I figured out in university that I had a knack for business.  So that’s where I landed and ended up running my own company.
Sigyn: That’s amazing!
Loki: I like to think so.  What about you?  What did you want to be when you grew up?
Sigyn: I wanted to be an archeologist.
Loki: An archeologist?
Sigyn: Yep.  I was about 7.  Then I looked at a book and found out how big dinosaurs were, and I freaked out and abandoned that desire.  To be fair, my tiny brain back then didn’t put 2 and 2 together to realize dinosaurs were extinct.
Loki: Haha I can only imagine.
Sigyn: At one point, I wanted to be a ballerina, but mum said no.  I had absolutely no coordination, and I used to be much more accident prone.  The last thing I remember wanting to be was a baker.  I used to bake with mum growing up, but eventually I became a teenager and such, and it all just faded away.
Loki: I understand that.  I suppose that’s how it is for most people.
They texted back and forth for a while longer before starting her film.
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renee-writer · 11 months
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What If It Were Brian Chapter Twenty -nine
Murtagh and Fergus enter the ship first. Finding her captain, they confirm the previous arrangements.
“Aye, my crew aren’t going to be telling tales. Half of them be running from the bleeding British themselves.”
Their cramped legs made it hard to get out of the wagon. Six days hidden in such a cramped space, plays havoc on muscles. Still, it is worth it to be heading to freedom. They work the pins and needles out as Murtagh and Fergus unload the wagon.
“You wouldn’t happen to know someone who would buy the wagon and team, would you?” Murtagh asks around to the deck hands assisting them.
“Oh eh, me self. I be heading home. Me wife be newly delivered of me son. Wish to see the boy fore he gets to big.”
“Congratulations on the bairn.” Murtagh slaps his back. They walk off and make the deal. The bloke is so anxious to get home, it doesn’t take much haggling.  The young deck hand is soon off to meet his son as the Fraser’s enter the ship.
Murtagh and Fergus share a bunk room while Jamie, Claire, and Brian do the same. They are small but bigger then the cramped wagon. Here, they are also free to walk about. 
Claire is shown her surgery.  The room consists of a small table, a small desk, and a tiny bunk. She has worked with worse.
“We are sure glad to have you, ma’am. We haven’t a ship’s captain in a year. The last caught a fever and passed. We buried the poor bloke at sea. “ The first mate tells her.
“I am happy to be of service.” She smiles at him. Brian, standing by her side, also grins at him. This whole thing is a huge adventure for him. Being on a ship, traveling across the ocean, it is something that he couldn’t imagine doing when they were still with father. No, he doesn’t wish to think of him.
“Hey, little man. Are you going to learn to be a sailor and sail the high seas when you grow up?”
“I don’t yet know sir.” He says, “I may suffer from sea sickness like my daddy.”
“Such wonderful manners. You may just be to civilized for a sailor.” He bowed to them and slipped out.
They set sail a few hours later. Claire prepares a tea for Jamie’s  sea sickness. He is started on it before they set off.
To all their relief, Brian has his mama’s  constitution. He can and does, stand at the stern, laughing as the sea winds lift his curls around his face. Murtagh or Fergus remain by his side. Claire is busy with patients.
“I ken it be bad, Mistress, but there was none to see to it.” The sailor explains as he shows her his severely infected arm, cut on a mast head a month previous.
“Bloody hell.” She says, “This is going to hurt. I must get the inflammation out of it.”
He nods stoically. “Do as you must.”
He is offered a shot of liquor before she takes her sterile knife and slices across the weeping wound. He lets out a shriek before passing straight out. Her liberal administration of liquor to the now open wound wakes him back up. This time he utters a whimper. The wound is left open, covered with linen strips soaked in garlic and then covered in honey.
He is the worst, thank the Lord. Over the first week, she treats her husband’s sea sickness, many cuts and a few rope burns, and a memorable case of constipation. This sends her to talk with the ship’s cook.
“This man needs fiber. They all need vegetables and fruit to prevent scurvy.”  Her family gets it. She, unfortunately, doesn’t have enough to share.
“Fibrous fish is all I have on board. I do serve fruits and vegetables, in the fish stew, are the vegetables. We have raisins and other dried fruit.”  
“That will have to do. Do you have any porridge or oatmeal?”  He looks at her as if she has two heads.
“No, for the men will no eat such.”
“I have. I will simply have to make some for my patient.”
“As you will, Mistress. You will pay hell getting any of these sailors to eat it.”
She confronts him. “You are severely backed up. You have two choices. Either eat the porridge or I shall have to clean you out.” She stands, hands on hips, and stares at him. The poor lad, only sixteen on his first sail, turns white.
“I shall eat the porridge.”
Her own lads keep busy helping the sailors. With time, Jamie’s sea sickness lessens and his color returns. Brian’s spends half the time with his daddy and the other lads and half the time with her. He learns so much, even if he can mainly just watch.
“I learned to scrub the deck today, mama! It was something I could help with. They said I was perfect for getting under the rigging where they couldn’t. I am a true sailor now!”
“How brilliant, my love.” She smiles at him. He is tucked in a tiny berth each night. It doesn’t take long for him to fall asleep, as active as he is throughout the day.
Jamie looks at her curiously that night. Three weeks into the voyage and he is feeling more like himself. There is something though, about his wife. A type of weariness beneath her eyes.
“Claire, are you alright?”  She sits, brushing her hair out.
“Yes. Why?” He gets it then. The candle reflects off her bosom as she turns. With the limited space and the constant presence of their son, they hadn’t been intimate since they left Lallybroch. Still, he sees the changes reflected in her shift covered chest.
“You haven’t your cycle, have you?” He is starting to grin. She frowns as she lowers the brush.
“Good Lord!” She shakes her head in disbelief. “How could I have not… you, still keeping track.”
He comes up and kneels beside her. “No, this time it was the changes to your breasts that I noticed.”
She is laughing and crying. “I am pregnant! On a bleeding ship.”
“Aye.” He lays his head over where their child lays. “You are.”
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seventeensbabye · 2 years
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《ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ》
◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆ :*:◇:*:◆:*:◇
◆ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs/ɴᴏᴛᴇs: ᴄᴜʀsɪɴɢ (ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏғ ʀᴇᴀᴅ!)
◆ sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴏʙ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ, ʏᴏᴜ’ᴅ ʙᴇ ᴀ ғɪɴᴇ ᴍᴀɴs ᴀssɪsᴛᴀɴᴛ.
◆ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.3ᴋ
◆ ɢᴇʀɴᴇ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ᴊᴏʙ/ᴡᴏʀᴋ/ʙᴜsɪɴᴇss ᴀᴜ!
◆ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: sɪᴍ ᴊᴀᴇʏᴜɴ x ʏ/ɴ (ꜰᴇᴍ)
◆ ᴍ.ʟɪsᴛ
◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆ :*:◇:*:◆:*:◇
its 4:30 am on a saturday. i dont really work on the weekends but today, my boss asked for me to come in. jennifer usually takes the weekend shifts with him because she wanted to still be able to be his assistant but today was different. i got a call from my boss. the phone rang loudly, waking me from my sleep. i'm glad i went to bed early last night. i picked up the phone and put it to my ear after i answered.
“ hello? ” i said sounding as tired as ever.
“ i need you to come in today. ”
“ do you need anything before i get there? ”
“ my coffee and food. also, i need you to be here in the next 45 minutes. come any later and we’ll have a problem. ” i cant express how much he scared me.
“ okay, i’ll be there. ”
“ good. ” after saying that he hung up.
i was upset, i had plans today and now i have to cancel. what can i do? all i can do is listen and go work. i got up and quickly got ready taking maybe 10 minutes in total. i hurried and grabbed my things hurrying to the car. i got in the car and drove to the coffee place that, i thought, had his drink. when i got in there i asked for the iced vanilla coffee and the donut but they didnt have any vanilla cream. i bought the donut and walked out thinking of other places who had the coffee. starbucks! it was five minutes away and i had 26 minutes left to get to work. i sped to the starbucks and ran in. they had his coffee so i ordered. it took 8 minutes to make it. after they handed it to me i ran to my car and started to drive to work. i have 18 minutes left and it takes about 20 minutes to get there so i started speeding. ensuring that i got to work on time. i didnt want any problems, he honestly scared me. luckily i made it to work 2 minutes early. i hurried inside the building making it to his office exactly on time. as usually, i knocked on his door and instead of opening it myself, he was standing next to the door to open it for me. i bowed to him, he stepped to the side allowing me inside. i walked inside and sat his drink and donut on the table. “ you made it on time, you got lucky. ” he walked over to his seat and picked up his coffee.
he took a sip of the coffee then put it down. “ my other assistant wouldn't have made it on time. thats why shes not here. i told her not to come. ” i was shocked. he told her not to come because he knew she wouldn’t make it on time and called me instead. “ oh.. ” he sat down and opened his computer. “ sit and pull out the notebook. ” i sat down doing exactly what he asked. “ write this down, i need you to get a ticket so we can fly to tokyo. february 22nd, first class, i have the money and i will write the check so you can get the tickets and the rooms. ” i slowly nodded. “ so i’m going and not your other assistant? ” he looked up at me as if i disappointed him. “ i said we, not me and her. yes you’re coming with me. dont ask dumb questions like that. i dont need her to come with me plus you need experience and this is the easiest task you can do for me right now. ” im so dumb, why the fuck did i ask that? “ my apologies.. i wont do it again. ” he sighed. “ i know you can do decent make-up and hair so i dont need a stylist for this trip, you can do it for me. you have to be up early though and dont worry about the coffee on the trip i’ll just get room service. ” i continued writing as if it was a essay. “ also, you need to look nice and bring a good selection of clothes because you be out with me the majority of the time. ”
“ okay sir. ” he closed his computer, crossing his hands. “ stop calling me sir, im not that old, just say mr. sim. ” i nodded nervously. “ lastly we have somewhere to go today. ” i already got the room and things like that. ” he stood up from his desk, putting away his computer. “ pack up your stuff and wait outside my office door. ” i packed up everything and got up out of my seat, proceeding to walk outside his office. i stood there for 2 minutes wait for him to come out. when he did he walked past me without saying a word and walked outside to the escort. i followed behind him. a man was waiting outside of the car door holding it open for jaeyun. he walked to the car then got in, using his fingers to get me to hurry up. when i got in the man closed the door and we waited for him to get in and drive. “ mr. sim, may i ask.. where are we going? ” he pulled out his phone. “ i have a few meetings i have to go to for the next few days and i won't have time to go home so i got a room so i dont have to worry about that. ” he was on the phone seconds later, talking and making orders. i sat there in silence fiddling with my hands. wait.. is it one room? i dont have any clothes..
i didn’t bring any makeup. what if i mess up his schedule? fuck. fuck. FUCK. what do i do? i became extremely anxious. scared at this point. i was shaking for maybe ten minutes straight. “ whats wrong. ” his question brushed past my ear as if he never asked. his hand then was placed on my shoulder causing me to jump. “ yes! ” i yelled out of nervousness. “ im sorry.. yes? ” i looked to my feet. “ are you okay? ” he kept his hand on my shoulder. “ yes.. im fine.. my apologies. ” he removed his hand and sat back. “ you’re breathing way too hard for you to just be okay. ” i looked out the window trying to keep myself distracted. “ im sure. im fine really, i was just overthinking. ” he chuckled. “ if you’re thinking of ways you could possibly fuck this up, you can’t. i have everything ready for when we get there, i got stylists and things of that sort to help us prepare. i have clothes you can sleep in, the only way this could go wrong is if you dont wake up on time but i’ll be there to wake you up. ” hearing him say all of that calmed me down. it made me worry less. we finally got to the hotel and got out of the car, walking inside the building. it was nice and huge. we got the key to the room and headed to our room. there was so many people here.
we made it in the room and it looked like a suite. it had a kitchen, sadly on room but i was willing to sleep on the couch. i put my purse and bag down on the kitchen table. “ i need you to start working on getting the tickets and room. ” i sat down and pulled out my computer, quickly getting to work. i worked for hours, starting at 6 am and not ending until 5 pm, we were busy the whole day, well at least i was. i got the tickets and the room and started to work on whatever else he assigned to me. it was a lot. i had to make reservations, look at files, figure out exact locations for things, i was stressing. i kept choosing the wrong locations and looking at the wrong files but i chose not to say anything about it. i was in and out after 6 pm. i had to go make sure the locations were right, i had to go get things for tomorrow, it was hard. when i came back at 8 i still had files to look at and work on, i didn't get any rest. i was up until 11. mr. sim walked in the the dining room and sat next to me. i didn’t notice, i continued to work on everything that needed to be done, looking at what he assigned to me i realized that i forgot to get his suit for the tokyo trip but the place to get it was closed. this scared me to death, what do i do? i had to get it by tomorrow or i would struggle to get it while there in tokyo. i checked his schedule to see if i had enough time to get it during the day but his whole day was booked up i would have to be up by 6 am to go get it. dealing with this gave me a headache. i pushed everything away from me and put my head down. i couldn’t take it anymore. he closed my computer and rubbed my back. “ stop stressing yourself out, i’ll make a call and have the suit be brung here, okay? just because you’re my assistant doesn’t mean that you cant ask for help or get rest. i’d prefer if you communicate with me rather mess things up and stress yourself out. ”
i didn’t expect him to care, not even a little. i brung my head up. “ im sorry, i just didn’t expect this to get so stressful. ” he started to organized everything on the table and put it in my bag. “ it’s not supposed to be stressful, its just stressful to you because you didn’t ask for help. you need to eat and get rest so i’ll order food and you go take a shower, i’ll put clothes on the counter for when you get out. ” you see luckily i always bring extra pairs of underwear everywhere so i dont have to worry about that. i tried to help him pack everything up. “ no, i got it. go shower, you need to relax. ” i didnt want him to think i was lazy but instead of helping like he said, i got up and walked to the bathroom. turning on the shower as i waited for it to get warm. i closed the door leaving it unlocked, taking off my clothes before getting into the shower. my shower was about 45 minutes long. when i got out as told there were clothes on the counter, his clothes. a oversized white tee and a pair of sweats that surprisingly fit perfectly. the clothes that i took off were gone. i think he must’ve put them somewhere. i walked out of the bathroom and headed to the dining room where he sat with food.
fried chicken, spicy ramen, spicy tteokbokki, and water. i sat next to him and he handed me the plate. “ i made everything but the chicken so its fine if you dont like it, i cant cook anyway. ” he laughed. after he handed me my chopsticks i started eating, i was starving. all i had to eat today was light snacks and water. surprisingly his food was actually pretty tasty. he ate with me until there was no more left. when i seen that we were done i got up and grabbed the dishes to wash them out. “ why do you always feel the need to rush and overwork yourself with everything? i could’ve wash them out, im still a regular and normal person. ” he got up and started throwing things away. while i washed them. “ well i knew you’re a regular person but it feels weird being your assistant and seeing you do things on you own. thats why im here to do things for you. ” he stood next the the wall and leaned against it. “ thats not what you’re here for. other people would love to have you as a assistant but i need you here to do everything i dont have time to do. like the files, getting rooms, tickets, and things of that sort. also i just need someone here to keep me interested. being alone gets boring even though i am the boss of people. ”
so is he saying he doesn’t have friends or a girlfriend? thats shocking seeing how attractive he is. “ thats was the other reason i needed you to come and not jennifer. she bothers me, badly. she wont leave me alone for shit. she annoys me and i wanna fully get rid of her and replace her for you but i dont want to hurt her feelings but i cant take this shit anymore. she’s basically useless, she’s more worried about me, she forgets to do the work i assign to her. then she flirts and talks to all the friends i work with like mr. park and it’s like why are you here? ” i can tell by his tone of voice and face expressions that it was irritating him. “ what do you think i should do? should i just get rid of her permanently? ” i put the dishes away and turned facing him. “ i dont know but i dont want to tell you to get rid of her and have her be upest with me, she already doesnt like me because you made me your assistant. she’ll just be even more rude to me when we work together. ” he looked confused. “ instead of being upest with me, she’s mad at you because i chose you to be my assistant? ” i nodded. “ alright, it’s settled. i’ll fire her from working with me at all. she can go work with mr. park, he likes her anyway. i’ll make the call and let him know tomorrow. ” i was shocked. “ y-you’ll.. fire her? ” he lightly smiled, “ yes, i dont want her having problems with you or anyone over a choice that i made. ”
i scratched my head. “ dont worry, i wont let her say anything to you. dont feel bad either, she deserved it. ”
ᴇɴᴅ. @seventeensbabye
◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆ :*:◇:*:◆:*:◇
© seventeensbabye: all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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unityblair · 2 years
Master Eddie Munson Fanfiction Part 6
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Melissa (Made-up female character)
Word Count: 0.8K
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Drug mention, Sex Mention, Poverty Mention
Story's premise: Mel comes to Eddie’s trailer to make a deal, but then everything spins out of control.
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Mel’s pov 
Me having nothing to do with Eddie lasted until I was arrested for suspicion of grand theft auto. And by the way, there were Riffer Rick’s drugs hidden under the rug in the back of the van.
Old Munson showed up to the police station and reported his nephew’s car stolen right after he came home to an empty driveway and saw a young boy not wanting to say a word to him. 
He of course assumed the worst, so he went to Sheriff Powell for assistance. 
Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out well for me. I was busted at the county border, while I was driving around, trying to calm down and come out with some type of plan. 
Scared and lost, I sat calmly in the corridor, both of my hands cuffed. I felt glad that they didn’t cuff me to one of the chairs. If I wanted, I could make a clean escape out of there. But then I’d be wanted. It would be like an admission of guilt. I wanted them to be fooled by my facade. 
Melissa Salewski, she’s a good girl next door, right? She wouldn’t hurt a fly! She’s a good student and an outstanding cheerleader. She’s living and breathing the American Dream. She’ll go to college and then come back, marry a highschool quarterback and bare him six little nuggets. 
Fuck that shit! I’d rather die - I thought to myself, as I heard someone storm into the station. 
“Where is she?” Eddie asked a woman at the reception desk. 
“I’m here” I wanted to wave to him, but I forgot my hands are still cuffed. So I got both of them above my head in an attempt to signal to him my location.
“She’s waiting for an interrogation now” Woman shouted after Eddie as he ran to me, taking my face in his hands. He seemed terrified seeing me in cuffs. 
“Whatever it is, I’m not pressing charges” he said as he looked deep into my eyes, all of the sorrow deeply visible in his features. 
“You’re not?” I was surprised. 
“No, baby, I’m taking you outta here asap” He kissed the top of my head “Uncuff her right the fuck now” 
“Okay, but sir… Your uncle said some things and now we can’t give you your car back” The woman explained as she emerged from behind the counter with a set of keys. 
“We need to process the evidence. Your car may be linked to an unsolved case”
“What case?” I asked, feeling my throat go dry. 
“I can’t disclose that kind of information,” She explained. “Not at this phase of investigation”
“Jesus” Eddie shook his head, trying to process all of this bullshit “Just uncuff her and we’re leaving for now”
“We can’t let her go, sir” the woman stopped him, as he tried to make me go with him “Her parents or legal guardian must pick her up” 
Shit - I was drop dead at the spot. 
“Is there any other way?” I asked hopefully. 
“Child protective services” 
“Hell nah” Eddie scoffed. 
“Have you called my aunt yet?”
“She’s not picking up but we’re trying to reach her”
“Please” I started to beg her, tears pricking in my eyes “Please don’t call her”
“Why don't you want to go home?” Police woman quizzed. 
“I-I… I just don’t want to disappoint her” I told only half of the truth. In reality I knew she'd probably beat me black and blue if she ever found out. 
“Baby, I’ll find a way to get you outta here” the boy cupped my face in his hand. Cold metal of his rings almost made me shiver at sudden contact.
And for a moment there wasn’t anyone there. Just us, two quarreling lovers making up after the great thunderstorm. Hearing nothing, but the beat of his heart - I said “Master, can you make me invisible for this one night?”
“I wish I could” he whispered, gently kissing my forehead. 
“They say I did something bad?” I looked up at him, his puppy eyes watery from infirmity.
“I’m not pressing charges, they are just waiting for Linda to pick you up” He explained, leading me to a chair. “I wish you were older” He sighed, ruffling his hair. He relaxed, but his face stayed tense, as he was bouncing his fingers on my thigh. 
“I wish you were less stupid” We both laughed at that. “That’s not how I imagined our evening” I admitted after sitting in silence for half an hour, smirking at the ridiculousness of my thoughts. 
“I wish we were naked in my trailer” he sighed, masking the excitement in his voice. 
“Yeah we shouldn’t have left for this stupid practice” 
“I’m sorry, I said what I said” He squeezed my hand “No lies from me, sweetheart. I’m so bewitched by you and our secret was so hard to carry… I know you’re mad, you have the right to, but I want everyone to know you’re mine”
“You’re crazy” I gasped, feeling the air becoming heavier with each breath we took. 
“You can call me crazy, dumb, a complete psycho. You can call me names, that’s fine with me. But please never do that again because without you I feel like my soul is incomplete”
“You’re in love…” I heard a familiar voice say. 
We quickly looked up to find my aunt staring at our joined hands in disgust.
“Auntie…” I began, gently removing my hand from Eddie’s. 
“I knew you were trouble, young Munson” She concluded sternly. 
“Yet we aren’t here because of me” he snapped.
“Eddie stop, please. Auntie let’s go home” I turned between them, to keep them away from ripping each other's throats out.  
“Mel you don’t have to leave with her if you don’t want to” he took my hand, the fear in his eyes crushing my spirit. 
“But I have to…” I looked away because my voice was shaking. “I’ll see you in school”
Just like that, his castle crumbled overnight. He could do nothing against a person who was older and respected in the community. He didn’t have any proof that she was hurting me or doing anything illegal or straight up bad, so he sat still, feeling his legs grow concrete and his eyes go blurry as he watched me go.
And I felt like entering oblivion as he disappeared from my sight.
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voxxisms · 2 months
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@papermint-at-your-service is at the blood ball ! // cont.
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Papermint jumped a fraction out of his skin when Vox spoke, previously having lost himself in watching people dance and laugh so he wasn't exactly aware of the others approach until he spoke.
"Oh! Sir! I uh...well..." He gratefully took the glass of wine from Vox, liking to be able to have something in his hands to play with. "So, I've made contact with a recently fallen sinner called Adam. He was pretty nervous about coming to the event, probably hasn't made many friends in his time on Earth so may be worried about people recognising him since he's also looking to change his name. I gave him my card so he could contact me when he needs help, possibly could rope him into working for us but don't yet have a grasp on what position would be a good fit for him yet."
Finding more employees for Vox was fairly high on his personal to do list since that meant more space between himself and the lowest earners, which was a category he did not ever want to find himself in. One of the reasons he made sure to collect and gather as much information as possible so he always had at least something to give Vox. Trying to make himself indespensable so to speak.
"Also spoke with Husk, thought that perhaps it would be useful to try to get close to him to see if we can get more information on the Radio Demon. Then also made an aquaintance with Cain Morningstar which might get us an in with the king." He took a sip of wine.
"How has your evening been Sir?"
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VOX WAS already making little mental notes about each tidbit that papermint shared. someone named adam, possibly a friendless sap that they could exploit. a prime target, possibly, even for a contract, something he would never turn down trying to follow after. a position would not be the hardest to find, certainly could move him around if he was so interested.
he nodded in approval easily at the mention of gathering more information on alastor, something he most definitely had a personal interest in, finding it pleasing that papermint had made an effort to lean into that. the mention of making acquaintance with a morningstar, though, that peaked his interest the most. his viligant worker had been busy indeed.
❝ very good. i'm glad to see you take it as seriously as you should. might even be points towards a quarter bonus this time. ❞
a slight comment, made very casually. he did mean it, though; the other was proving himself to be more && more useful the longer he kept him around.
❝ it's been well. i'm mostly listening in on things, trying to get a sense of what all might be good to dig into. if you keep up the good work, i doubt i need to do much more than that. ❞
his own glass was sipped from, though the path of the wine from his psuedo - mouth was purely visible as he drank, until hidden by his collar. miasmic skull turned to observe his assistant for a long moment.
❝ anything or anyone who's caught your personal interest? ❞
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shankothepervyclown · 11 months
Coach wants you on the team part 3 (CNC Gay fantasy)
The next day was Wednesday and you didn't have football practice after school but you hung around the gym at every opportunity and after school you sat outside the gym for a bit before heading home. There was no signs of coach. But tomorrow you had practice. And again the next day you hung around where you thought you might run into coach but never saw him.
All through practice he seemed completely indifferent. When practice ended he didnt even give you any extra laps, he just left. But you stayed and ran laps. All the while thinking what you did to make coach upset.
Then on friday at lunch you decide that you are going to coach's office. So you walk down the hall past the gym, past the change rooms to the end of the hall. On one side is the girls gym teacher's office and on the other is coach's. You knock on his door.
"Come in." You hear him say with a touch of annoyance in his voice.
You walk into his office and close the door. You look for a lock to the door but there is none. You quickly move a chair to block the door.
"What are you doing here?" He demands.looking at you sternly.
"I want to know what I did wrong...I'll do anything you want Coach." You say getting down on all fours and crawling towards him. He pushes his chair back from his desk to talk to you but you crawl closer and get under his desk directly in front of him.
"This is not the right time." He says but you start rubbing the crotch of his pants. You undo his belt and unzip his pants. Taking out his massive package. You start eagerly sucking his cock and massaging his balls. You feel him move his chair closer to him and put his hand of the back of your head.
"Mmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmm" you are trying to turn him on but you are also super horny. You have been dreaming of this man using your mouth again none stop. You are deepthroating him and looking up at him and he looks like he is loving it.
"Mmm baby." You hear him moan softly. "That's my good girl" finally those amazing words you couldnt stop repeating again and again in your head. You do not stop taking his big dick all the way down your throat until you can feel that hes getting close. You start to suck and lick the tip while stroking his cock with you hand. You could probably have used two hands but your other hand was still massaging his manly balls.
Coach is laying back in his chair. "Keep going. Ahhhhhhhhhhh......." and you can feel your mouth completely fill with his steaming hot cum. You hold it in your mouth for a moment savoring its salty sweet taste you, were now clearly addicted to it. Looking up at him you swallow and smile at him.
"Am I still your good girl Coach?" You ask still kneeling on the floor still half crammed under his desk.
"Yes your my good girl" he said kind of quietly. Moving his chair back to let you out, you crawl towards him.
"I think should be the coach's assistant from now on. So I can help you whenever you need." You say looking into his eyes.
"Yes. You're now my assistant." He agrees. Nodding his head as he finishes tightening his belt and straightening out his clothing.
"Coach I think I need you cell number. So you can reach me any time." You say as you finally stand up. Your coach writes his phone number on a post it note and hands it to you.
"For the record, I was not mad at you. Things are....stale with my wife lately." He says trying to not make direct eye contact and instead looking towards the trophy case.
"I'm glad I could be of service to you Sir. And for the record I'm sorry I'm not in uniform. " you tell him before going and moving the chair from the door.
"I guess I'll see you at practice after school Sir?" You asked eagerly.
"Thunderstorms all this afternoon and this evening. Its already raining outside. Practice will be canceled. " he says looking disappointed. "Lunch break is over in 3 minutes so you better hurry out." Coach says motioning his hand towards the door.
You leave and after school you go home disappointed. Your first practice as Coach's assistant, canceled do to rain. You would have to wait till Monday to get another chance with Coach.
But you text him Friday evening after dinner to make sure that he had your number and you tell him that he can contact you anytime.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Maddi: How it feels being a player, MC? *her voice filled with concealed anger*
MC: It's been a while since I've played, my lady. So I don't really know how to answer that.
Maddi: *shots them a glare before looking at Lucifer* *smiles* I'm glad to see you here.
Lucifer: You have sent me an invitation.
Maddi: That's true. However, I didn't expect that you would bring a lowly maid.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: *looks at MC*
MC: *paying her no mind*
Lucifer: They're an acquaintance. And it wasn't mentioned in the letter that you were expecting someone else.
Maddi: No need to worry. I will let this slide for a while. *gives her wineglass to MC* Fill this up for me.
MC: As you wish, my lady. *leaves*
Lucifer: ...
Maddi: *slings her arm around Lucifer's* We should go to somewhere private. We have a lot of things to talk about.
Lucifer: I don't think—
MC: I'm back with your wine, my lady.
Maddi: *walks up to them, grabs the glass, and about to spill its contents over MC's head*
MC: *swatting her hand away*
Maddi: You dare to disrespect me?
MC: I apologize, my lady. But I don't see why you would be pouring an expensive wine over my head.
Lucifer: ...
Maddi: Ha! And now you're talking back!
MC: I can't let my lady talk on her own.
Maddi: You low-life-!
Lucifer: MC, I need to talk you. Miss Maddi, please excuse us.
Lucifer: It seems like Maddi has a deep hatred on you. What did you do?
MC: She was my previous employer.
Lucifer: Oh. But why did she call you a player?
MC: It rooted from a misunderstanding, sir.
Lucifer: A misunderstanding?
MC: Yes. Someone played a prank on her and they used my name as a way to fool the lady.
Lucifer: What kind of prank?
MC: ...
MC: That I was deeply and madly in love with her and that I would make her as a queen for all eternity, sir.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: Now I understand why she would be angry. However... What's with "all the eternity"? It sounds like you will never die.
MC: *looks at him* ...
Lucifer: ...
MC: ...
Lucifer: ...
MC: It was just an expression, sir.
Lucifer: *feels disappointed* Is that so?
MC: By the way, sir. I think we should head back. It seems that everyone is having a commotion.
Maddi: Search for that lowly maid and bring her to me!
The guests: ...
One of them: Miss Maddi, you're drunk—
Maddi: *turns him into a frog*
The guests: ...
Maddi: *screams in anger*
MC: Sir. *giving Lucifer some earplugs*
Lucifer: ... Thank you. *puts them in his ears*
MC: *approaches Maddi* My lady.
Maddi: Where have you been, huh? *caresses their face*
MC: ...
Maddi: No one has been taking care of me nor waking me up in the morning. No one can do services like you.
MC: I appreciate the compliment, my lady. But I would have to dismiss you for now.
Maddi: You can't dismiss me. *pulls their face closer*
Lucifer: Wait—
MC: *has covered her mouth before she could kiss them*
Lucifer: ...
MC: I will ask someone to assist you to your room, my lady.
*Maddi's maids come to get her*
Maddi: Let me go! *struggles and wanting to break free*
MC: ...
MC: My lady.
Maddi: Huh?
MC: *comes closer to her and whispers something to her ear*
Maddi: *relaxes* Okay.
MC: *bows their head*
Maddi: *goes with her maids without fighting*
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: MC, what did you say to her?
MC: I said that I will meet her in her room at midnight.
Lucifer: You're staying?
MC: No, sir. We're going home.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: You're a cruel one, aren't you?
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prof-redactedverse · 2 years
what's sweeter than baking with a sweet werewolf bf
summary: when babe mentions wanting to bake more, asher encourages them by offering to be their baking assistant in the kitchen and eating whatever they make. do they finish anything before they start making out on the kitchen counter????? questionable.
asher/babe domestic baking fluff for the soul (with a little spice)
~ click here to read on ao3 ~
It was a rare Saturday in the Asher/Babe household where the two of them were home at the same time. Asher didn’t have any pack obligations to take care of, and Babe didn’t have any errands to run that they would usually let pile up over the week. When he woke up with them still clinging to him and fast asleep, he was surprised and let out a happy sigh. Normally, one of them would have to wake up earlier than the other, making sleepy morning cuddling a rare occurrence. After taking a breakfast run, they had settled into the couch with their food, when Babe managed to persuade Asher to try watching a couple of episodes of the Great British Bake Off.
“I’m glad we got food first. Seeing all these cookies is making me hungry again.” He said, watching one of the contestants meticulously put their cookies into the presentation they had planned out.
“God, right? They look so good. I wish I had time to bake more, so maybe I could try something like that one day.”
“Baaabe, you never told me you wanted to take baking more seriously! I mean, you’ve made a couple of things, but they’ve only been for special occasions.”
“Yeah, that’s literally the only time I can find to do it. You know how busy work keeps me.”
“Well, why don’t we make that a thing that we do sometimes? Like baking date nights or something?”
“Really? You would want to do that?”
“Of course. I like doing anything with you, but adding sweets into the mix makes it even better. I know you don’t really like having anyone else in the kitchen while you’re doing your thing, so I’ll just be on standby if you need any help. How does that sound?” They looked up at him with wide eyes, then gave him a loving kiss.
“I don’t offer my expert services for free, though. It’s gonna cost ya.”
“Not even for me?” They said, giving him their best pouty face.
“Nope, not even for you. Sorry, babe.”
“Name your price.”
“Umm…at least three kisses per hour and free access to taste anything you make, baked or unbaked.”
“Hmm, I suppose that seems reasonable.” They gave him their hand to shake. “You’ve got a deal, sir.” Asher shook their hand, then took the opportunity to gently pull them into him with a smile.
“So, it seems that my contract goes into effect immediately. You might want to get started on your payment there, babe.” They got up from their seat next to him to straddle his hips and gently run one of their hands up and down his arm in the way they know he likes. It made them smile to see him shiver a little.
“Oh gladly.” They said before crashing their lips into his, the show playing on the TV in front of them long forgotten.
“I’m home! I’m home.” Asher almost yelled as he opened the front door to their apartment a little too forcefully, causing it to slam against the wall. Babe was in the kitchen, and the sound made them jump and let out a surprised yell. He peeled off the outer layer of his work clothes and made his way to the kitchen, where he wrapped his arms around his mate’s waist. He covered their cheek and neck in kisses and apologized after each one.
“What are you apologizing for? Scaring the shit out of me? Because that’s new.”
“Well, partially yes because this time it wasn’t intentional, but I’m mainly apologizing for being late for our first baking date night. The event ran a little late and then traffic was a mess.”
“It’s okay, love. You’re not that late. I was just getting all the ingredients and stuff out anyway, so you didn’t miss anything. Now you gotta let go, so I can actually start this.”
“You got it, babe.” He said, unwrapping his arms from them. “Oh, wait! Before you start! I have something for you! Or I guess technically for both of us. I’ll be right back.” Asher disappeared into their bedroom, then came back to the kitchen with a box covered in cupcake wrapping paper. He held it out to them. “Open this first!”
They decided not to comment on his…acceptable…wrapping job as they took the box from him, and ripped it off.
“Ash! No way, what are these?” They pulled out two aprons with curly lettering that read Head Chef and Sous Chef.
“Since we’re gonna be in the kitchen more often, what could we need more than a set of aprons? So the fun thing about these is that we could switch them depending on who's doing the cooking. Like if you’re baking, you’ll be the head chef, but if I’m grilling I’ll have it on.” When they looked back up at Asher, he looked proud of himself, but he was clearly waiting on their reaction to get confirmation that he had made the right choice.
“Baby, this is so cute. I love it.”
“I knew you would like it!” He picked them up in a big hug and spun them around. “Okay, I won’t hold you up anymore. Let’s get to the baking part, so I can get to tasting already.” He said, putting them back down on the kitchen floor. They put the head chef's apron over their head and turned around.
“Hey Ash, could you tie my apron in the back?”
“Of cooourse.” Asher took the strings and tied them in the shape of a bow. “There! Now, you look even cuter, babe.” He punctuated his sentence with a kiss on the top of their head.
“Th-thank you…um… Time to start the recipe!”
In the beginning, Asher was content with watching his mate flitter about the kitchen from afar, measuring things, combining and mixing (or was it whisking?) different ingredients together. This didn’t last long. He started to get bored and made his way closer to the kitchen, trying to see if they needed any help. They were too focused on the task at hand to notice. Asher saw that the bowl of cookie dough was left unattended, then picked up the wooden spoon that was left in it and licked off the leftover dough.
“Asher, what are you doing over there?” They said, without turning their attention from their own bowl in front of them. Their voice startled him, and he froze like he had been caught red-handed.
“I’m sorry, babe. The cookie dough was calling to me. I couldn’t resist.”
“Just please make sure to leave enough to actually put some cookies in the oven, alright?”
“You got it, boss!”
Later on, they called Asher back over to help frost the cookies after they had cooled.
“So you’ve got free rein, and you can just frost them however you want. This is kind of a test run, because I want to see how they taste and if I got the flavors right and stuff.”
“Talking like that, you sound like a real professional,” he said, running a finger along the side of the frosting bowl.
“I didn’t say anything that complicated… Hey, get your fingers out of there! We actually need that. I didn’t make any extra frosting.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll offer my services to help make more when we run out.”
“We won’t run out if you listen to me and stop eating it straight from the bowl.”
“Oh no, I think we still might.” He took advantage of the fact that they were back in focus mode to swipe some frosting on their shoulder. They broke their focus to look at their arm.
“Wh- how’d frosting get on my arm?”
“I dunno, babe. Here, let me help clean that up.”
“Thank you. Wait, Asher, what are y-” Before they could finish their sentence, he was pressing his tongue flat onto their skin, cleanly licking the frosting off and finishing it off with a soft peck on their shoulder.
“There, all good.”
“Th- that’s not what I-” They inhaled sharply as Asher swiped some more frosting on their cheek, their neck, and then their collarbone. He dragged his tongue up from their chest, to their neck, causing their eyes to close and their head to fall back. Finally, he licked the frosting off their cheek and gave that a kiss too.
“Oh god.” They breathed out, wondering why they had thought the night would stay at some level of wholesome. Asher got more frosting on his finger and brought it up to their mouth. “You want a taste, too? It’s not fair that I get to have all the fun.”
They took his finger in their mouth and sucked in, swirling their tongue around it to taste the sweet buttercream frosting they had made.
“Mmm… I think I did a good job with the frosting, huh?” Asher closed the distance between them until they felt the cold of the kitchen counter against the small of their back.
“Oh, you did a great job, baby.” He then lifted them by the hips and set them on top of the counter, haphazardly shoving the baking materials to the side.
His touch made them let out a giggle before bringing their hands to his face to get a hold of his cheeks. They felt a warmth rise in their chest as they held his gaze. If it was possible to have heart eyes in real life, they thought to themselves that this must be what it would feel like. It was impossible to not plant a kiss on his lips when they were pulled into that dorky smile he always had on his face. Soon the only sound in the kitchen was the sound of their lips pressing together as they fell into their familiar rhythm of sharing soft and sweet kisses between them.
“Mmm…you’re such a bad influence,” they said in a low voice when they pulled away. “We need to finish this.”
“Aw, you always say that, but you never try to stop me.” Asher laughed as they rolled their eyes. “Come oooon! You know it’s true.”
“Well, it’s not a fair fight when you know all my weaknesses.”
“I’m beginning to think your weakness is just me, babe.” They rested their arms on his shoulders and gave him a straight face.
“I will neither confirm nor deny that statement. Now, I’m putting my foot down. I want to actually eat these tonight, and I know you do too.” Asher gave them one more kiss with a loud MWAH before letting them hop off the counter.
“See, you know my weaknesses, too: food…and you.”
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
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Requested By Anon "King" -- Cooking au, enemies to lovers, inspiration from Hell's Kitchen
Pairing: Lisa x Fem!Reader
AU: Chef (Lisa & Reader are chefs)
Word Count: ~ 5,904
Warnings / Misc. -- Bickering / Rivalry, Fluff, Suggestive Scene
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Helllloooo, peeps! I hope all of you are taking care of yourselves and having great days / nights, wherever you are :) Special thanks to this anon for being so sweet in their request -- I love cooking shows, too, so this was a fun one to write. Thank you for requesting! You're welcome in my inbox anytime ❤ Hope you guys enjoy this one :)
♡ Happy Reading ♡
"Three sirloins, dying on the pass!" You shout out to your fellow chefs, shaking your head in disapproval. Service has been running fairly smoothly tonight, but a recent influx of celebrities coming from a nearby award show is slowing things to a halt. 
You give attention to the pans in front of you, stirring each of them in the pattern you've set and keeping a steady rhythm. Consistency is key, and you're one of the only chefs who hasn't lost focus yet. 
The other? Lisa Manoban. 
"Side dishes heading to the pass," she announces, setting the pans down for your head chef to plate and approve of. He does so without a second thought, and you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. 
The cocky smirk on Lisa's lips soon falters, though, when he gives her a warning. "You were almost too late, Manoban. Speed things up. Y/N is keeping the pace set, and you need to follow suit." 
"Yes, chef," she nods, though you can tell she's annoyed. You snicker quietly, and thankfully the sounds of the kitchen conceal your little noise. If your manager were to hear you you'd surely get reprimanded, and Lisa doesn't deserve the satisfaction of seeing that. 
She returns to her station across from you, briefly meeting your gaze as a competitive fire flashes in her eyes, ignited by the comment from your higher-up.  
This is the routine that the two of you have settled into ever since you were hired five months ago. Both of you had applied for the same position, and you quickly worked your way up to where you are now. Every time you were promoted, she was never far behind. The tense nature of your relationship (if you'd even call it that) is rooted in who can put out the best tasting dishes and receive the most recognition and praise for their work. It's childish, but you'd be lying to say that part of you doesn't enjoy it. 
Especially when you win. 
Tonight is shaping up to be one of those nights, and your confidence builds with every compliment you receive. You don't let it go to your head, though; if anything, you use it as a reason to push yourself harder. 
Lisa isn't discouraged in the slightest, and she produces some of her best work right alongside yours.
"Chef, table 15 has requested for the cooks who prepared their dishes to come out to their table. They want to thank them properly," the server informs your manager, cocking his head to the side to motion towards them. 
After recognizing them as a pair of world-renowned fashion designers, he decides to sacrifice some of his best cooks' time on the line and grant their wishes. 
"What dishes did they have?" 
"Both ordered the sirloin and asparagus with potato purée, sir." 
Your head shoots up at that, excited by the confirmation of what you had been hoping for. Your senior nods to the server, turning around at the pass to look at you. 
"Y/N, Lisa; head out to greet our guests, please." 
"Right away, sir."
"On it, chef."
Both of you inform your assistants of the time left on your respective components before following after the waiter. Lisa not-so-subtly elbows you in an attempt to walk in front of you, but you step on her foot to prevent her from doing so. 
Pushing and shoving each other like schoolgirls until you're in line of sight of the customers, you follow the waiter up to their table. He leaves shortly after dropping you off.
"Good evening, ladies," you greet with a smile, watching as their faces light up. 
Lisa steps forward and extends a hand to one of them, making a crimson blush rush to her cheeks. A new feeling blossoms in your chest at their interaction, and you don't know how to take it. Deciding to just move on, you ask about their meals. 
"I hope dinner was everything you wanted it to be."
"Oh, absolutely. The sirloin was cooked perfectly. Which one of you is responsible for it?"
A proud smile forms on your lips at that, and you bow your head lightly. "Me, miss. I'm glad you enjoyed." 
"I'll have to come back more often, then. Cute and skilled? Count me in." She smirks at you, eyes taking in the sight of you in your uniform as she shamelessly flirts. You blush under her gaze, but hide it with a smug smile of your own.
"We'd be lucky to have you back anytime." 
You shoot a glance at the other girl as well, making sure to keep her feeling included. Lisa's eye roll goes unnoticed by you, as does the dejected look that threatens to show on her beautiful face. 
"My favorite part was the side dishes. The sirloin was great, but that purée was delicious. And don't even get me started on the risotto from earlier," the other woman gushes, praising Lisa's work for the night. The Thai girl perks up at that, her confidence on its way to being fully restored. 
"Ah, you're too kind." She attempts to sound humble, but you know the truth; she lives for this sort of thing. The rush of cooking and serving up dish after tasty dish is thrilling, but nothing compares to getting compliments from the customers. 
"I'm just stating facts..." she leans forward in her chair, obviously eyeing Lisa's chest as she reads her name off of her chef coat, "...Lisa." 
"Oh, yeah? How about I whip you up another batch, then? Any side you want." Your rival offers, a bruisingly sexy smile on her face as she gazes down at the woman. It isn't new for either of you to flirt with the customers and schmooze your way into their hearts (and wallets), but something in the way Lisa admires the diner makes you jealous. 
Her eyes scan over the menu as if she's looking through the options again, but she turns back to bite her lip and toy with Lisa some more. "Are you on the menu?"
She chuckles at the line, clearly not expecting that; she should've, though; it's one of the most overused pick-ups that you've ever heard. 
"I can be--"
Just as Lisa goes to lean closer to her, the waiter comes back. For some reason unknown to you, you release a breath of relief, thankful for the interruption. 
"I hate to break this up, but our chefs are needed back in the kitchen." He informs, linking his arms behind his back respectfully. 
"Ah, that's too bad. Maybe we'll stick around until service is over." Lisa's fan says, looking to her friend with a shrug of her shoulders in a silent request for her opinion. 
"Maybe, if that's alright with you."
Your customer looks up at you with hopeful eyes, though she attempts to hide it to some degree; she's not as brazen as her counterpart. 
"Of course, darling," you decide to play into it. "You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. I do recommend getting some dessert, though; pass the time a little faster. I'll be making the sweetened soufflé, if you're interested." 
"Sounds delicious; I'm sold." She smiles at you, looking you up and down one last time. 
"Enjoy the rest of your evening, ladies." You nod, bidding both of them farewell as you turn to follow after the waiter. Lisa does the same, and you can feel her hot on your trail shortly after. 
"Back to your stations, both of you," your executive chef says upon your arrival, as if you had other intentions. 
"Yes, chef," both of you respond, heading back without a second thought. 
After pushing out a few more main dishes, you're instructed to rotate positions as the desert course kicks off. Other chefs will handle the remaining entrées now and allow you the opportunity to take over with the sweets. 
Once you've buttered and coated the soufflé dish with granulated sugar, you combine the appropriate ingredients in the bowl that rests on the countertop in front of you, making sure to keep an eye on the milk as it heats up on the stovetop. Once both tasks are completed, you stir some of the milk into the batter you made, tempering the mixture. After you're satisfied with the consistency of it, you add the rest of it back to the pot on the stove and carefully whisk the ingredients together. 
As that mellows out, you beat the egg whites required for the dish and add in the different extracts that the recipe calls for. Before long, you've folded both components in with one another and the dessert is ready to be baked. 
"Nice work, Y/N. Keep it up." Your head chef encourages, making pride swell in your chest again.
You continue on with that steady pace, and all of your soufflés come out as tasty as ever, receiving plenty of praise from your happy customers. Lisa works just as hard, though, and her toffee puddings are a major hit with the diners. 
Two hours later, dinner service is finally over. 
Lisa finishes cleaning up her station as she sneaks a glance over to you, feeling her heart beat a little faster at the way you push your hair out of your face. A few drops of condensation tumble their way down the bottle of water that you're drinking from, clearly exhausted and hot after working so hard for so long, and she bites her lip. You're too attractive for your own good, and Lisa reprimands herself for admiring you in such a way. 
You're practically enemies, after all; constantly striving for better positions and more attention, it's a never-ending battle of who can come out on top. She loves the game, if she's honest; keeping you on your toes is one of her favorite pastimes, and the banter is always a plus. 
Especially when it gets heated. 
She loves the way your brow twitches and your lips press together when you're forced to bite your tongue and keep the bickering to a minimum. You're too mature to play into her games most of the time -- not wanting to piss your head chef off -- but sometimes she gets you to break and fire off another reply, not caring what he'll say. 
She loves it. Nothing will ever compare to getting you riled up like that. 
"How's my girlfriend doing out there?" Lisa asks the server with a smile, tilting her head forward to motion to the dining room. 
"They're the only ones still here. I have to hand it to them; they're dedicated." He chuckles, clapping Lisa on the back as he passes her. "They've been talking about both of you all night." He concludes, looking between the two of you before retreating to the break room to change. 
Lisa laughs at that, and you curse yourself under your breath for enjoying the sound. 
"Come on, let's go see them before they storm the kitchen," she plays, winking at you as she pushes the swinging door open. 
At The Table, A Few Minutes Later
"I saved you a bite," your customer says, smiling at you as she reaches for a spoon that hasn't been used yet. Her friend catches the uncertain look in your eye, and she decides to ease your fears. 
"Don't worry, she didn't slobber all over it. She cut that piece out before she started eating earlier." 
You nod, thankful for the clarification. The woman turns back to Lisa, satisfied with her good deed for the day, and the two begin flirting again. 
After the woman in front of you scoops the tasty dessert up, she holds the spoon out in front of your lips. A knowing smile spreads across your cheeks, and you open your mouth for her to feed you. 
She's cute, you must say. Her auburn hair falls across her shoulders in perfect waves, complementing the velvety color of her leather jacket wonderfully. A pattern of freckles runs across the bridge of her nose, and a single, deep-set dimple presses into the soft skin of her right cheek. 
The sound of her laughter carries out across the room as you attempt to take the whole piece in one bite -- she offered way too much at once for a single bite, but you never back down from a challenge. 
Lisa subconsciously grips the tablecloth a little tighter when she sees her put a finger to your lips, preventing the food from spilling out and making a mess everywhere. You giggle and chew it up, eventually managing to swallow it without getting choked. Your fingers wrap around the customer's wrist, gently pulling her hand away from your lips as you rub her tender skin. 
The woman in front of Lisa sighs, clearly wanting attention. 
"Sorry, what were you saying?" She shakes her head, willing her envy to go away so she can flirt some more. 
"I was asking if you have plans tonight. You're probably tired from working, so I figured I could treat you to some R&R." Her tone drops lower than normal, and a suggestive look shines in her eyes as she gives Lisa another once-over. 
"Hmm, sounds like just what the doctor ordered," she leans in a bit closer, egging the girl on. They don't call Lisa a playgirl for nothing. 
"Your place or mine?" She whispers into her ear, sounding desperate to get the chef alone. 
Lisa's response is abruptly cut off by the sound of a muffled noise of surprise from you, and she looks across the table again to find the other customer's lips pressed against yours. Your shoulders relax after a second as you return the gesture, but you eventually pull away to put some distance between the two of you. 
Fuming, now too jealous to think straight, Lisa unceremoniously stands from her seat and steps around the table to you. The fact that she was just a few minutes away from taking her customer home and doing much more than kissing is lost on her -- seeing you in such a position with the other woman sparked something in her. 
"If you'll excuse us, my colleague and I have to get going." She announces to the women, gripping your arm to pull you up from your chair. Her hold is firm, and the way her fingertips dig into your forearm sends a chill down your spine. 
"Don't wait up." She adds, dragging you behind herself as she slams the kitchen door open. She's much more bold now that the head chef has left for the night -- clearly she pays little mind to being loud or rough. 
"What the hell, Lisa?" You bite back, attempting to shake free of her grip. 
She only tightens it, saying, "Quiet, L/N."
After stepping out into the deserted hallway and ensuring that the coast is clear, Lisa opens the door to one of the utility closets and pushes you inside. You stumble a bit, feeling the unforgiving edge of one of the metal racks dig into your back as you collide with it. 
"What is your problem?" You hiss, spurred on by the stinging sensation radiating across your back. 
"You," she says, turning around to lock the door behind herself. Your brows furrow, but she's quick to explain.
"Out there kissing that customer, letting her put her hands all over you… it's pathetic." 
You scoff, shaking your head in disbelief. "Pathetic? Look at yourself, for Christ's sake; two minutes later and you would've been screwing that girl in the back of an Uber." 
She tuts at you, stalking closer. "Don't go telling lies now, Y/N/N. You know I would've taken her home on my motorcycle and then got her in bed."
You groan at her cockiness; it exudes from her in waves, irking you to no end. Sometimes you wonder if she was made to annoy you. 
"Whatever, Lisa. I'm leaving," you shoulder check her on the way to the door, but she's quick to react. Before you can move to unlock it, she has your back up against the door and her hands on your hips, keeping you pinned there. Her lips are on yours in a flash, urgently working against them in a show of how eager she is for you. 
You worked her up out there more than you realized, and she couldn't take it anymore. 
You mumble against her mouth in shock, taking a second to decide what to do with your hands. Should you push her away, or pull her impossibly closer? The choice is made for you when she parts your legs with her thigh, sliding it between them and pulling your hips forward so that you brush against it. 
A groan slips out of your mouth at the new sensation, though it's muffled against her lips. She smirks, letting go of your hips to reach around behind you and untie the apron that's secured around your waist. She praises you as you rut against her leg again, sliding her tongue across your bottom lip to ask for entrance as the material falls to the floor with a quiet noise of impact. 
Her fingertips undo the buttons of your top with haste, and she helps you slide it off your arms. It remains pooled at your waist, still tucked into your pants. 
"Tell me if you want me to stop," she whispers against your lips before pecking them one more time, leaving a trail of kisses down your jawline and towards your collarbone. 
Asking for consent is sexy as hell; especially coming from the goddess in front of you. 
You curtly nod, bringing your hands up to her back. Your nails drag along the material of her uniform, encouraging her. 
"Not so vocal now, are we?" Lisa teases, tilting your head back to grant herself more access to the sensitive skin of your neck. 
"I can walk out this door right now, you know?" You say more than ask, the syllables mixing with moans as she leaves yet another darkening love bite on you. 
"We both know that isn't true," she chuckles lowly, making you weak in the knees. You'll be damned to let go of your pride, though. 
Gathering up all of the self control you possess, you shove her away and pull your shirt back over your arms, beginning to redo the buttons. You suppress the smirk begging to make itself visible when you notice the smug expression on her face fall. Smoothing the material out, you run a hand through your hair and readjust it before unlocking and opening the door. 
The second your left foot makes it through the threshold, she's wrapping her arms around you and tugging you back in. A wave of relief washes over you at that -- you were praying she'd do exactly what she did. You hadn't imagined yourself making it down the hall, and you're not sure if you would've had the self restraint to do so.
"How the hell are you so stubborn?" She asks, letting you take over now. You drag over one of the folding chairs you spotted earlier, commanding her to sit in it with a mere glance. 
"Letting you win isn't an option, Lis. Somebody has to wipe that stupid grin off your face and put you in your place; it might as well be me." 
"How selfless," she holds her hand over her heart, face shining with mock proudness. "I'm touched." 
"Shut up already," you laugh, straddling her waist as you sit on her lap. Her hands instinctively go to your thighs, running up and down them to get you going. She can feel your warmth through the material of your pants, and the feeling is intoxicating. 
You cup her jaw and pull her closer, kissing her at a slower pace now. This one isn't as rough; it holds a whole different type of sensuality, and the occasional roll of her hips lets you know it's doing something to her, too. 
"I've wanted this for so long," she says in between kisses, gently undoing the fasteners on your jeans. 
"Really." She confirms, untucking your shirt now and running her hands up your back. The cold air of the room slides under the material, ghosting over your newly exposed skin to make goosebumps appear.
"I'm surprised I held out this long," she admits, remembering all of the times she's had to stop herself from making her feelings known. 
You kiss her again before leaning back on her thighs and taking your coat and shirt off, left only in your bra. The lacey material begs to be touched, and Lisa traces the intricate patterns with her fingertips after receiving a nod from you. 
"Jesus," you moan, feeling her other hand palm your ass as she keeps you steady on her lap. 
"So beautiful," she sighs, admiring the way your cheeks have gotten flushed and how your chest rises and falls at a quicker pace now. Her hand guides the movements of your hips, and she can feel her own arousal spread to her thighs at the sight of you. 
"Who's capable of doing this to you? Making you such a needy mess?" She asks, clearly wanting an ego boost, and she squeezes your breast a little harder when you take longer than she likes to answer. 
"Y-you, Lisa." 
"That's right, baby." She kisses you again, a silent action of approval. Your movements stutter as she moves her hand to the inside of your thigh, slipping past the material of your open jeans. 
"Stop teasing already," you huff, resting your forehead against hers as you reach down to lead her hand closer to where you need her most. 
"Fine, but under one condition," she quickly caves in, sliding the thin material of your panties to the side in order to appease you. 
"Shit," you both say at the same time. In any other circumstance, you probably would've laughed at something like that, but now the atmosphere is entirely different. 
Your slick coats her fingers, and she moans at the feeling of what she's done to you.
"What's your condition?" You husk out, pressing your hand to the door behind her to give yourself better leverage to rock against her. 
"Come home with me after. I don't want to stop anytime soon." She kisses your jaw as she waits on your answer, feeling her warm breath fan out across your already heated skin. 
"Deal. Now come here."
She meets you halfway, angling her head up to capture your lips in a searing kiss as she increases the intensity of her ministrations. The sound of the chair's legs squeaking against the floor with every combined roll of your bodies makes you smile, and soon the room is filled with filthy noises of pleasure from the both of you.
The Next Morning
The sound of your phone ringing abruptly pulls you from your dream, making you blindly reach for it. Not daring to expose your eyes to the harsh morning sunlight that's pushing its way past the curtains, you stretch your arm out until your fingers brush against the smooth surface of your screen. 
You shield your eyes as you check the caller ID, only to nearly have a heart attack when you read it. 
"Good morning, sir. I'm sorry for making you wait so long." You apologize, cringing at the fact that you almost missed a call from your manager. It was probably only one or two rings away from going unanswered. 
"That's alright, Y/N," he says, sounding generous. He must be having a good day. "I'm calling to ask if you can come in. I have something I'd like to discuss with you." 
Your heart drops at that, irrationally thinking he must've somehow caught you and Lisa at the restaurant last night without you knowing, but you try to remain calm. 
"O-of course, sir. I'll be there in 30 minutes." You respond, already throwing the cover off yourself and moving to stand. 
"Thank you, Y/N. See you soon." 
He ends the call, and you try to decipher his tone. It was level and calm, holding no quality to tell you if he was angry or happy. You sigh, hoping it's nothing bad. 
You stand up and stretch the remaining tension from your body, attempting to work out the kinks Lisa made in your muscles during your tiring night together. It was everything you'd ever hoped for, and your inability to walk properly is a testament to that. 
You find a note waiting for you on the countertop in her bathroom, complete with a lipstick stain kissed onto it. You smile, picking it up. 
Morning, beautiful 
I had to leave early to take care of some business, but there's some toast waiting for you in the kitchen. It's all I had time to make. 
Help yourself to anything else you want in there.
Xoxo, Lis
In an attempt to rid yourself of the annoyingly giddy feeling warming your heart, you take your clothes -- more specifically, the pajamas that Lisa gifted you -- off and step into the shower. The steam doesn't take long to fill the room, fogging up every surface in sight. 
You look down at yourself, watching as suds trek their random paths down to your legs, and you see just how many marks Lisa really left. Your inner thighs are covered, as are your hips, neck, and abdomen, all painted in beautiful shades and designs. She was an animal, and you lived for every second of it. 
Now that you think of it, though, you'll have to dedicate a good chunk of time to covering them up with makeup before you go to the restaurant. You vow to kill her if she makes you late. 
At The Restaurant 
Releasing one last, steadying breath, you knock on the door to your boss's office.
"Come in," he says, sounding pleasant. 
When you walk in and find Lisa sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk, you do a double take at her. She sports the same confused expression, but you hide your surprise and shut the door behind yourself before sitting in the seat beside her. 
"Right," he starts, linking his fingers together authoritatively as he nods. "Now that you're both here, I'd like to discuss the latest promotion available." 
Is he really going to make one of you watch while he hands the position to the other? That'll be torture -- especially if you lose. Having Lisa win like that would surely only make her teasing worse. 
"You know we need strong leadership here, and I see those qualities in both of you. I'm willing to offer you both the position of sous chef, if you can agree to work together and continue keeping your standards high. If you get too busy bickering with one another, I'll be forced to choose. You're both talented, so don't make me do that."
Lisa looks over at you, and you smile, completely taken aback. To say you're surprised is an understatement. 
"Thank you, sir." You say, snapping back to reality as you extend a hand for him to shake. 
He smiles back, looking proudly between the two of you. 
"You're welcome." 
He shakes your hand before giving the same treatment to Lisa, making her look like an excited teenager with the way her cheeks pull back in a wide grin. After talking a bit longer and working out a few specifics, the two of you leave, allowing him to attend a phone conference in peace. 
"Eee!" Lisa squeals the second you're out the door, picking you up in her arms to spin you around. You laugh at her sudden outburst, happy to have another sweet moment like this and break the tension that always seems to be swirling around the two of you. 
"I'm gonna kick your ass during service tonight," she says, smirking evilly as she sets you back down. 
"You wish. I'll wipe the floor with you." 
"Oo, kinky. I think that's the only thing we didn't try last night," she teases, tapping her chin as if she's actually thinking about it, causing you to roll your eyes and blush. 
"Shut up, Manoban. I'm sore as hell today, and I still haven't forgiven you yet." 
"Aww, does my girl need some TLC? I can help you with that, you know." 
You try not to think too far into the titles she's been giving you, but that one stands out for some reason. She likely doesn't mean anything deeper by it, but it doesn't stop you from pretending. 
You're tired of the knowing look she's sending you, so you decide to do something about it.
Sneaking a glance around the two of you, you push her against the hallway wall and kiss her. You thread your fingers through her hair, pulling on the strands to give yourself more access to her mouth, just as you did last night. She enjoyed it then, and you're hoping she likes it just as much right now. Clearly, your plan works; as you pull away from her, you're rewarded with a view of her dilated pupils, blown wide as her arousal comes back without warning. 
"That's cruel," she pouts, knowing full well you have no intention of finishing what you started. 
"Think of it as retribution." You cheerily nod, ignoring the heat pooling in your stomach at the way she's eyeing you. 
"See you tonight!" You blow her a kiss before walking away, hearing her frustrated sigh bounce off the walls.
Dinner Service
"Risotto to the pass, please!" You shout, practically begging for the line cook that you're now overseeing to do his job properly. 
"I'm a minute out, chef." 
You shake your head, but choose to ignore his incompetence for the time being. You're keeping things running smoothly, but they can easily be stalled by people like him. 
You focus on plating the entrées of another table while you wait for him to finish, and Lisa slides over the side dish that you need to add. "Thank you," you say, totally in the zone. 
"Welcome," she responds, equally as focused as you. It's definitely a quality that you admire about her; she's playful and fun, but she's serious in the kitchen. You'd clash and this whole arrangement would fail if she were any other way.
"Risotto approaching, chef." 
"Finally," you clap, ready to approve of it and send it out. Thankfully it's cooked well, and the line chef is saved from your wrath -- at least for now. 
Two waiters step forward following your call, and they load the large trays into their arms before heading to the dining room. 
You get back to work on the next set of orders, reading the new tickets off to your cooks and listening for their confirmation of hearing you. 
"Try this, Y/N. I think it's missing something." Lisa says, grabbing a plastic spoon to allow you to taste test the soup waiting to be sent out. She brings the utensil up to your lips and throws it away once you gather up the liquid. 
"Basil. Tell Amanda it needs basil." 
Lisa nods, listening to you for once without question. She barks the orders out to the young chef, and the girl fires off a couple apologies as she brings the missing ingredient over. 
"Thank you, Amanda. Get back to work, I know you can do it," you encourage her, not wanting to crush her spirits too badly in the first week of her job. She's a newbie, and you remember being in her shoes once. 
Pierre, your host and main waiter, approaches the side of the pass that borders the dining room. You raise an eyebrow at his sudden presence, wordlessly asking what he needs as you stir some pasta in the pot in front of you, twisting it around your tongs to plate it. 
"We have a guest requesting to see Lisa." 
Confusion flashes across your face for a moment, but then it sinks in. Your eyes land on the woman from last night, finding her standing near the front door with her arms crossed and a smirk on her lips. She waves to Lisa in greeting, and you bite your tongue to stop yourself from saying something out of line. 
You can feel Lisa's gaze trail over to you, but you don't look up. 
"Tell her I'll be there in a minute." She orders Pierre, quickly thanking him as he heads off to do as she asked. 
She wants to say something to you, but she doesn't know exactly what. Her feelings are still jumbled from last night, and she's not too entirely certain on where you stand with one another. 
You subconsciously hold your breath as she approaches the girl, getting pulled in for a tight hug as if she's known her for years. Was that the "business" she had to take care of this morning? Who knows. 
They continue their conversation for a few minutes, and you distract yourself by focusing on pumping more food out. 
"Good job, team. Keep it up," you praise them, happy to see everyone working well together. They thank you for the encouragement, and promise to keep their momentum going. 
A few minutes later, as things begin to get a little hectic, you sneak a glance up at Lisa. She locks eyes with you, as if on cue. 
You can see her trying to politely leave, but the woman puts a hand on her forearm, stepping forward to flirtily whisper something in her ear. She eventually manages to get her to back away, and she points at the door. The customer glares at you over Lisa's shoulder, leaving you confused but delighted. Seeing her unhappy is a treat in and of itself. 
As Lisa turns around and starts to walk back to the kitchen, you quickly jump back into action, narrowly avoiding getting caught staring. Lisa has a sneaking suspicion that that's exactly what you were doing, but she doesn't speak on it as she rounds the corner of the pass. 
"Well?" You nonchalantly ask, glancing at her in your peripheral. Your hands arrange a new set of plates on the tray between you, and her fingers brush against yours as she adds a side salad to it. 
"She wanted to finish what she started last night." She informs, pausing before she finishes telling you what happened in order to build suspense and torture you some more. 
"I said no, of course," she assures you, smiling when she notices you sigh in relief. "I've got my eye on someone else now." 
"Yeah?" You ask, turning to look at her with a soft smile. Her change in demeanor makes your heart flutter. 
"Yeah. Amanda's looking pretty good, isn't she?"
"Hey!" You shout, a little too loud for your own good, making Lisa laugh. You apologize to the guests and staff before punching Lisa in the arm, ready to get revenge later. 
"Kidding, babe. You think I'd let you go after last night?" She cocks her head to the side, sounding genuinely confused that you could think such a thing. "Not a chance," she smiles, leaning to the side to kiss your cheek and bump your hip with her own. 
Who would've thought you could end up here with her?
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shotorozu · 3 years
getting non-existent feminine products
(tiktok prank)
character(s) : amajiki tamaki, bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, but they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : crack, fluff (x reader)
note(s) : i choose tamaki because i’ve been lacking with him lately but NWNDNWKX please this trend is so funny 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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amajiki tamaki
the fact that he even has to get you feminine products was enough to make him blush
yeah, even though he had to get you feminine products in the past— he’s still quite shy about getting them in the grocery store (it’s the stares, not the concept)
“tamaki, could you buy me more feminine products?” and he stops in his tracks, and a blush spreads on his cheeks “s-sure. what do you want me to get?”
“cooch pouch version 2.”
he blinks, and it looks like he has to pass out, “c-come again?”
“cooch pouch version 2. it’s in purple and pink packaging, tama!” the fact that you’re not even the slightest bit of embarrassed, makes him shake.
“okay, bunny. just stay here.” he sighs, and gets out of the car— and that’s when tamaki set off to get you ‘cooch pouch version 2’
he was looking around the feminine product isle, and he was literally about to ditch everything, run back to the car and cry himself to sleep, when he couldn’t find ‘cooch pouch version 2’
“may i help you, sir?” an employee finally decides to offer their services, when they noticed that tamaki was stuck in the isle for quite sometime.
okay tamaki. you’re a part of UA’s big three. there’s no need to be nervous because of this. he reassured himself first, before asking “d-do you have c-cooch pouch version 2?”
the employee blinks, “uh. cooch pouch version 2?” they ask again, and tamaki— very reluctantly, nods.
the walk back to the car felt shameful. “so? did you find it?” you discreetly film his reaction, and he shakes his head, absolutely mortified
“they,, didn’t have it.” tamaki whispers, a very aggressive blush on his face was evident. “i’m so sorry, bunny. they were nice, and i really tried—”
you just laugh. “no, it’s okay tamaki. you don’t have to look anymore.” you reassure him, patting him on the shoulder
you had to reassure him on your way back home 💀 he was just so mortified. you just agree to yourself that you’re never going to do that again
but on the brighter side, the tiktok did well, gathering 800k likes and 2.5M views. the comments were laughing at him, but they also felt REALLY bad
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bakugou katsuki
katsuki’s already your errand boy, when it came to feminine products. he’s practically desensitized to it. even though he acts like he’s so annoyed by it
he’s so confused when he hears ‘super jumbo tampon deluxe; ribboned edition.’ and he’d like to say that he isn’t judging you
but he is, and it’s hard. “the hell’s that?? what are you even putting down there??” and you chuckle at his reaction
“don’t tell me you’re wussing out— on feminine products,” you tease, and he knows that. but he still rolls his eyes
“shut up. i’ll go get them, you’ll see.” he claims, opening the car door and marching off the to store
when he enters the feminine products section, he practically scans every single row for the packaging that has super jumbo tampon deluxe; ribboned edition on it’s front
but then there’s none. so then, that’s when his ruby red irises scan again, and again.
and of course, katsuki radiates intimidating energy— so no one dared on asking him what he was looking for especially in the feminine products section
katsuki— wanting to find the product, hesitates on asking for help, but he does anyway.
the employees blink, but they don’t want to question his motives— the expression on his face was enough to make them search the entire isle
afterwards, katsuki angrily marches back to the car— a slight blush showcased on his cheeks, most likely coming from shame
“so?” you have your phone in one hand, but it’s not very obvious that you’re filming him. “did you get it?”
“you.” he opens the car door, and slides right in, “you. humiliated. me.”
you laugh at his expression, “so i’m guessing that’s a no?”
“DUMBASS, SUPER JUMBO TAMPON DELUXE; RIBBONED EDITION DOESN’T EVEN EXIST. I LOOKED LIKE A FOOL.” he exclaims, irritated and humiliated by the entire encounter
and when you revealed that it was a prank, he,, wasn’t very pleased.
katsuki takes away your kissing privileges, and he’s in a rather silent mood for the rest of the day— but he says he’ll forget about it, if you’ll cook him dinner
you posted the tiktok after you got home, and everyone just assumed you passed away in the hands of your boyfriend 💀 at least you’re tiktok famous now
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shinsou hitoshi
again, also very desensitized to the idea of getting you feminine products— since, it’s not something that you can CONTROL freely
and he’s not in the right place to judge you anyway
he won’t make a big deal out of it, hitoshi will just get your products, and then camouflage it with things from the snack isle
so, hitoshi’s questioning you— when you asked him to buy ‘urethra padding cleanser’ since he’s also familiar with the feminine products isle
he wasn’t aware on what THAT even was, it’s pretty obvious— due to the fact that his eyes were wide like saucers.
“kitten, do you need to go to the doctor?” he asks— he’s half joking, but he’s also half serious because wtf is a urethra padding cleanser??
“no,” you shake your head, “you said you wouldn’t judge.” you fein being bashful, and this seems enough to trick him
“right, sorry kitten. it’s just very concerning that you’d need something like that”
you blink, and he raises his hands up in defeat “i’ll,, try to find it.” even though he isn’t very convinced that he’d find it
he enters the isle, and he scans every single row— and to no one’s surprise, he can’t find it
hitoshi decides to look around again, and when he turns around— there’s a clerk there, smiling at him, and also at his assistance
“hello! do you need help in finding something?”
thank you, store employee. he’s glad he doesn’t have to ask “i,, guess you could say that. uh, does this store have a ‘urethra padding cleanser’?”
the store clerk looks at him like he’s gone mad. “uh,” they look through the isle once again, “i’ll be right back, we’ll need some assistance.”
it doesn’t take long for him to realize that ‘urethra padding cleanser’ doesn’t. even. exist.
he decides that it’s probably best for him to buy some snacks— because leaving the store empty handed feels weird to him.
the tall man apologizes to the staff as he leaves, and the walk back to the car is basically one long walk of shame
“it doesn’t exist,” hitoshi’s quick to say, placing the snacks in your lap— “urethra padding cleanser doesn’t exist. i should’ve trusted my gut.”
you snicker, and you’re glad that you’re filming his reaction— because the look on his face is just priceless. “did you ask for help?”
“i did, actually. they looked at me like i was on some weird shit,” he turns his head, and he’s now facing you “i’m never doing that again.” even though he actually goes back your next cycle, and gets you everything
when you finished recording the tiktok— and also when you revealed that it was all a prank, hitoshi looks SO done
“who would’ve guessed,” he sighs, laying his head on your shoulder “you got there, Y/N. i’ll give you that.” and you’re lowkey lucky that he loves you a lot to not even care 💀
you upload the tiktok in the following hours, and it does great. the comments were mostly laughing at his reaction at the end and they were also sympathetic for him
it somehow managed to get to kaminari’s fyp— considering that he sent you a video of him laughing hysterically the tiktok 🗿
needless to say, hitoshi will ask you if it IS a real product, the next time you make him buy products with,, weird and questionable names
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
The Sun Sets With You
Chapter Five: Just A Man
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Summary: A simple yet despondent farm life suddenly sparks with new hope when an unusual traveler makes your town his latest stop and brings with him intriguing and promising viewpoints and no one to share them with. Until he meets you.
Pairing: Ezra Prospect x f!Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Fluff! (It's getting cute y'all!), death of a parent, grief, smoking, food, Silas🤢, a little sad Ezra in this one
W/C: 4k (made it a little longer to make up for the wait! 🥺)
A/N: We are back! I'm so so so sorry this took so long to get out! What can I say, life happened & kept knocking me down & I couldn't find the strength to write for this fic. I'm still not even completely happy with this chapter, but after reading it so many times, I think it's okay lol a huge thanks to everyone for being so patient & lovely to me ♥️ okay, I'll shut up, hope you enjoy!
Series || Main || Taglist || AO3
Chapter Four || Chapter Six
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As the days and weeks passed, Ezra finally felt comfortable enough to join you and Pa for meals at your family table, sitting and eating quietly until responding to a thought or question of Pa’s. It felt nice. It felt…warm and natural. As opposed to the slight coldness you’ve felt sitting with Pa, without your mother. Though it was still as quiet as your meals alone with your father, the silence now was more comforting.
You realized shortly after that last evening under the tree with Ezra what exactly ails you when near him, why exactly your pulse quickens and you feel heat flush your neck and cheeks. It was a startling conclusion, given that you have been inexperienced when it comes to the term ‘love’, outside of the love you felt for Ma and Pa. This, with Ezra, contrasts immensely.
It had caught you off guard, a small infatuation with the man that you realized must have taken hold of your heart from the first moment you met him, when you simply could not remove your eyes from his face. You now find your eyes lingering on his features longer, learning the curve of his smile, the fine wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, memorizing the tone of his voice and his laugh to be replayed in moments of silence.
It’s strange; a simple emotion that you had witnessed your whole childhood into adulthood from your Ma and Pa, an emotion you carry in your heart for each of them, though the way you experience it now, the strength in which it has grasped onto your very being – and so suddenly – has been enough to make the room spin whenever you lay your eyes on him. The idea of taking a husband has never been one of priority. Up until now, at least.
“Many thanks for the delicious meal, miss. I am grateful you have welcomed me into your home as such,” Ezra says as he stands, helping you take the soiled dishes to the wash basin.
“You have always been welcome, Mr. Prospect. I am glad you now feel comfortable joining us,” you say with a gentle smile, looking up at him as he approaches you with the dishes. You catch a faint hue of pink spreading across his sun kissed cheeks.
“Would you care for a pipe, Mr. Prospect?” Pa calls out as he sits in his chair by the fireplace, beginning to pack away tobacco in his own pipe.
“I very much appreciate the offer, sir, however I do not smoke,” Ezra replies kindly as he turns away from you to face Pa and you begin washing.
“Good man; do not start the nasty habit until you become old and worn as I am now,” Pa jests.
“I only see a wise man, years of strength and kindness the only evidence that you have lived a wonderful life thus far,” Ezra compliments and Pa releases a hearty laugh.
“As I said: ‘old’,” Pa replies and both Ezra and you laugh along.
The genuine and natural lightheartedness of the conversations Pa and Ezra shared tonight warms your heart and you realize tonight has been one of the few nights you’ve smiled so freely, so frequently, since Ma’s passing and you strongly sense her spirit surrounding the three of you. Almost as if you could hear her laughing along with you all.
Although a feeling of sadness lingers in your heart that she cannot be here physically, you remember Ezra’s kind words and let them ease you. The comfort you feel wash over you leaves you pondering if it’s a sign of acceptance from above, from Ma, that she welcomes Ezra’s presence amongst you and Pa.
“Can I be of any assistance, Sunflower?” Ezra turns and asks quietly, out of earshot of Pa and addressing you by his personal endearment he has bestowed upon you.
“Thank you for offering, Ezra,” you reply just as softly. His given name had nearly slipped from your lips on more than one occasion tonight, but you felt it best to remain coy in front of your father. “I’m nearly finished now.”
“Perhaps tomorrow night. I will not miss my chance then to be of service,” he smiles and the inside of your cheek stings from the bite you dealt to keep from grinning widely. “I will take my leave for the night. The lovely beasts I room with will be missing my presence, I fear,” he says, loud enough for Pa to hear as well and Pa chuckles at his statement.
“Always a pleasure to have you for dinner, Mr. Prospect,” Pa says and stands to shake Ezra’s hand. “Daughter, would you be so kind as to walk Mr. Prospect to the door?”
“Yes Pa,” you nod, abandoning the soapy dishes for the time being and you wipe your hands to dry on your apron as you head towards the door with Ezra.
Pa smiles again in Ezra’s direction as he walks past and takes his seat once again, watching the flames dance and flicker. Ezra opens the door, allowing you to walk through and step on the porch and he follows suit, shutting the door behind him.
“Shall I walk you to the barn?” You offer.
“No, Sunflower, I would prefer you to stay. The dark of night may carry with it many dangers lurking around the corner.”
“All the more reason I should walk with you,” you grin, wrapping your arms around the wooden support post as you watch him step down into the dirt.
“Then I would intend on escorting you back here and we will only find ourselves repeating the action for one another until daybreak,” he chuckles. “Until tomorrow, dear Sunflower.”
“Tomorrow,” you smile and nod. “Good night, Ezra.”
“Good night,” he bows his head in farewell and turns on his heels to head toward the barn. You linger a moment longer to assure he is well on his way, waving when he turns back to steal another glance at you.
You take a deep breath to calm your galloping heart and turn to walk back inside, Pa sitting quietly as he continues smoking. You head back to the wash basin to finish the chore, rinsing, drying, and putting away the dishes before heading over to sit next to Pa, grabbing a new book from your small collection.
You decided to leave Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland to read with Ezra under the tree and the image of the two of you lying in the grass as you read to him brings a contented smile to your face. After quite a bit of comfortable silence, you feel the curiosity inching through your brain like an insect and decide to give in to the itch.
“H-how are the crops faring, Pa?” You ask while picking at the corner of your book.
“They grow fine,” Pa replies simply. “Each and every week another inch to their lives added.”
“And… Mr. Prospect has been much help?” You continue carefully.
“Oh yes, he has taken on the majority of the labor. We are blessed that he sought to help us.”
“Yes,” you smile softly as you lower your head slightly, gathering the courage to continue the conversation. “And… How do you feel about… Mr. Prospect?”
“What do you mean, child?”
“The townspeople think him...odd.”
“They must reflect on themselves before passing that judgement onto an innocent man. Especially the four hens, as you like to call them,” you giggle and look up at Pa, a slight smirk hidden beneath his thick, grey beard as he lets out a deep chuckle.
“Yes, but… What do you think of Mr. Prospect?”
“Why the curiosity, daughter?” He asks, though no irritation is found in his voice; instead, a light-hearted tone, one of knowing. Knowing why you insist on finding out his opinion.
“Merely curious, Pa,” you say quietly, just loud enough for him to hear over the crackle of the fire.
“Hm,” he hums as he inhales smoke through his pipe, taking his time to retrieve an forthright answer from his mind while you gaze at him in anticipation.
“He is an honest man. Good and kind. A hard worker. I believe he is fit to be a lawful husband to any girl who seeks his affection,” he finally says, looking deep into your eyes and his words go straight to your fast beating heart.
You catch the smile on your face growing, evident in the strain you feel across your cheeks and you put your head down to face the book in your lap.
“That's nice,” you reply once you've cleared your throat and regained control of the muscles on your face.
“Yes. Yes it is,” Pa smirks as he inhales another puff from his pipe.
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Today is as exhilarating as the rest; you attempt to sort through the inventory of the shop, taking note of which supplies are dwindling while also marking down new items the townspeople have requested, such as candles and playing cards for the children. As you walk toward the back of the shop, beginning your count of products there, the shop bell dings and you hear boots stomping from whoever has stepped through the door.
“Just a moment, please,” you call out to the customer from over your shoulder, hoping not to lose track of the count in your head.
“Please, do not rush, Sunflower,” a gentle, familiar voice replies and you feel your heart thumping faster in your chest now as you turn quickly, inventory be damned.
“Ezra,” you greet the man standing meekly at the front of the shop. He takes a few steps forward to meet you beside the counter. “What brings you to town? Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Oh, no thank you, Sunflower. I needed to send a letter off at the post and thought that my day would be much brighter were I able to visit you as well,” he says with a soft grin and you lower your head to hide the bashful expression on your face.
“Well, my day has brightened now, too,” you reply, gaining the courage to look up at him again, the apples of his cheeks reddening. “I trust you were promptly taken care of then?”
“Yes, Mr. Williams is a kind man,” he nods. “The elderly woman who works there as well – she is quite the conversationalist,” he releases a soft laugh.
“Ah, yes. Mrs. Williams,” you shake your head. “She actually does not work there, just adores to be in the center of it all,” you jest and Ezra chuckles. “I do hope she was not too overbearing.”
“Only slightly,” he shrugs. “After you and your Pa, her and Mr. Williams have treated me the kindest since my arrival.”
“Oh Ezra,” you share a perturbed look. “I am truly sorry for the way the town has behaved.”
“Sunflower, you have no reason whatsoever to apologize for the actions of others. Unfortunately, this town has not been the most unpleasant I’ve come across. I was very lucky to have found you. And your Pa,” he rushes the last phrase and you smile knowingly, his mouth curving slightly as well.
You open your mouth to continue the conversation, the innocent coquetry between you, yet no sounds are released from your mouth before the shop bell dings again and you sigh at the interruption. You turn your head and your racing heart, caused by Ezra’s presence, races faster, only in anger now.
“And what do we have here?” Silas’s booming, uninvited voice resonates through the shop. “What business could a queer like you have to conduct in town?” He looks at Ezra and you step in front of him.
“I told you not to call him that, Silas.”
“It does not seem he’s made any purchase,” he says, making a show of looking in Ezra’s hands for any paper bag. “Yet he is allowed to stay and converse while you toss me in the dirt.”
“Go away, Silas.”
“Sunflower-” Ezra calls gently from behind you, unable to finish his thought.
“‘Sunflower’?!” Silas laughs. “She does not need a freak to endear her, not when she has a real man. Like me.”
“Silas, he is more of a man than you could ever hope to be,” you spit out.
Of all the times you had the opportunity to speak your mind to Silas, you held back. Though, now that it is directed to Ezra, you feel that innate protectiveness for him wash over you again, no matter the cost or consequence.
“You dare say such a thing to me, girl?” Silas takes a menacing step forward.
“She is not a girl and you will not speak to her as one,” Ezra moves to stand in front of you now. “And I do believe she has requested for you to take your leave.”
“And exactly who will force me out? You?” Silas puffs out his chest, as if he were attempting to assert his role as an alpha, and frustration grows on his face at Ezra’s lack of response to the tactic.
“If I must.” Ezra replies simply and calmly, the tone of his voice even, though underneath lies a hidden message that he would not back down from a brawl, if it were to come to that.
“Ezra, please, he isn’t worth it,” you say softly, reaching out to hold his forearm.
“Oh, aren’t I?” Silas scoffs.
“I will summon Sheriff Wilson here to collect you himself if you do not leave my shop right this instant,” you hold your unyielding gaze to Silas’s, raising your chin slightly so as to challenge him to defy your wishes.
Silas hmph’s, his thick brows arching menacingly as he glances down at where your hand rests firmly on Ezra’s arm, clearly displeased at the contact. You feel Ezra’s form tense next to you, and you use your free hand to lightly press against his back in an effort to calm him.
“Fine,” Silas finally says harshly as he turns his back to you and Ezra and stomps to the door.
He looks over his shoulder one more time at the two of you and something about his animalistic eyes sends a nasty shiver down your spine. Before he can see you falter, he rips the door open, walks through, and slams it shut, rattling the frame as he leaves. You exhale shakily and Ezra turns his body to face yours, his hands gripping onto your upper arms as his eyes rake over your face in concern.
“Are you alright, Sunflower?”
“Oh Ezra,” you gaze at him thoughtfully. “It should be me asking you that same question.”
“Please, don’t worry about me. My only concern is you,” he continues, his eyes trying to follow yours as you look away from him. “Does he come here unannounced often? Has he bothered you before?”
“Ezra, he has always been a thorn in my side, but it is nothing for you to concern yourself with. I promise,” you look in his eyes, hoping to convince him, but you suspect it does not work and his hands fall from your arms.
“Sunflower… I did not appreciate the way he looked at you and spoke to you.”
“It’s alright Ezra, it is not anything I can’t handle,” you smile and grasp one of his hands in both of yours, squeezing it gently as reassurance.
You’re unsure of what to say. What could you say? That up until now you have been cowardly when it came to Silas Taylor? That it was not until Ezra’s arrival to town that you have come to know a stronger side of yourself, willing to risk your already frail reputation to defend this man’s name?
Ezra sighs heavily, staring into your eyes a moment longer before looking away. You watch his eyebrows crinkle together, the worry wrinkles along his forehead becoming more prominent as he reflects on the situation that just passed.
“Are you alright? Please… Do not take anything he says to heart,” you say softly and your kind voice pulls him back from his thoughts and to this moment with you. He smirks and huffs a chuckle through his nose.
“No fear, Sunflower. It is not a trial I cannot handle,” he cocoons your hands in both of his and squeezes lightly, as if to reassure you he is alright. “I will go now, Sunflower.”
“I understand,” you nod. “Then… I will see you back at the farm for supper.”
He smiles to acknowledge your words, releasing your hands and heading to the door. He turns once more to nod his goodbye, places his hat back on his head, and walks out the door. You walk to the front of the shop to watch him through the window, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders slumped forward as he walks swiftly to leave the area.
Your head feels on fire, ready to blow steam at any moment as you watch the townspeople around staring at him. They turn to each other, presumably whispering gossip amongst themselves about him. Unfortunately, as you have come to know Silas, you know he will be spreading word of the ‘threat’ he felt from Ezra, which you surmise will only result in the townspeople turning their backs on Ezra even further.
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Ezra had not shown up for supper that night or the night that followed. You had wanted to take supper to him, but Pa advised against it. He had heard on his last trip to town what transpired between you, Ezra, and Silas. You prepared yourself to, once again, defend Ezra, however, Pa’s unabated rancor of Silas all but guaranteed Pa would not believe a word from his mouth.
Pa informed you that when he returned and asked Ezra about the situation, he assured the man that he was not at risk of losing the job at the farm, and while he was grateful, he did not wish to speak on it further. Pa told you to leave him to gather his bearings and you complied.
On your way to the oak tree, you pick two apples as you had done the Sunday prior, and to your earnest disappointment, you do not see Ezra as the tree comes into view. You look left, then right, hoping it was possible he had just walked along the riverbank, but you were alone.
Heaving a sigh, you turn to face the way you came as you debate on heading back. Your weekly tradition almost seemed silly to continue alone, after having been in Ezra’s company the past few weeks. It almost felt...incorrect to spend time here without Ezra now. You take a few steps forward, now under the shade of the tree, sparing another moment in case you missed him.
“Sunflower,” his elated voice from above frightens you and you quickly turn your head to follow the sound, seeing his bright smile from where he sits on a thick branch.
“Ezra! You startled me!” You chuckle as you take a few breaths, covering your racing heart with your hand.
“My apologies,” he chuckles. “I did not hear you walk up otherwise I would have made my presence known sooner.”
“I did not expect to see you in the tree today,” you smile up at him.
“Come, join me,” he smiles, patting the bark to the side of him.
“I have not climbed a tree since I was a child, Ezra. I will fall,” you shake your head.
“I will never let you fall, Sunflower,” he smiles and your now settled heart begins to race again. “It’s simple, really. Nothing to it. I will guide your steps.”
You take a deep breath, pondering for a moment if the risk was truly worth it, but there’s an excitement in this small adventure that you feel your soul reaching for. You smile at Ezra and nod, removing your bag and placing it at the base of the tree.
You follow Ezra’s voice commands as he tells you where to step up and you use more muscles in your body than you have in so long. You heave yourself upwards, careful that your boots do not miss any section of the tree that will have you flying all the way back down.
Finally, you make it far enough for Ezra to take hold of your arm, using his strength now to help pull you up until you’re close enough to attempt to sit. He scoots over, keeping his hand tightly grasped on your arm to make sure you don’t fall. Though, at this point, if you were to fall, Ezra would certainly fall with you.
You plant your bottom firmly onto the branch, breathing heavily and smiling widely at the accomplishment and Ezra chuckles along with you. You try to settle yourself further and suddenly get the sense of falling, reaching out instinctively to hold onto Ezra’s arm and you practically glue yourself to his side for support.
“You will not fall, Sunflower,” he reassures and you feel him lean closer into you to comfort you.
“Pardon me,” you giggle, feeling steady enough now to remove yourself from him. You take a deep breath and look out ahead at the river and the grassland, spotting the other farms in the distance. “Wow,” you say breathlessly. “It’s a beautiful sight.”
“Yes, it is,” Ezra responds softly. You turn your head to him where you already meet his gaze and turn away again as you smile.
“Oh no,” you gasp as your eyes meet your bag down below. “I left the book… And the apples,” you turn to frown at Ezra.
“Do not fret, Sunflower,” he smiles. “I enjoy your company regardless.”
“Maybe...you could read me more of your prose?” You prod gently, hoping he will be willing.
“Yes,” he says wistfully as he glances down at his journal. “I do like when you read to me, however.”
You smile as he passes his journal to you and you cradle it with care in your hands. You move to open it and the binding opens automatically to one page, clearly still stiff from where he had it open, this addition to the pages only written just recently. You clear your throat and let your eyes dance as they pick up the words in his neat handwriting.
“‘A being from a different universe desires to live amongst the men in peace on Earth, for his purpose to be written in the stars. A nomad, an outcast on the run, desperate for a residence more suitable than his dreams. Soon, he will find home, and soon, he will find life’,” your voice trails towards the end of the passage, your heart wrenching at the meaning behind it.
“Ezra…” You call softly once you notice his head has lowered.
The silence stretches and you can almost visualize it expanding across the lands in front of your view, any helpful or comforting words escaping from your reach. The only conclusion your mind seems to come to is just to place a hand softly on his thigh. You feel his muscle twitch at the contact and he glances over at you, a light tint of pink beginning to spread across his cheeks.
You suddenly feel embarrassed to have placed your hand there and you immediately think to yourself that perhaps it was not welcomed, though before you can remove your hand, Ezra places his own, large and warm, over yours. Your mind settles while your heart beats rapidly. You still do not know what to say, but it does not seem Ezra is expecting for you to say anything at all.
“I’ve missed you at supper, Ezra,” you whisper and grin softly.
“Forgive me for my absence, I was not… I did not feel…” You sense him struggling as he lowers his head again and you place your other hand on top of your intertwined ones.
“I understand; you have no need to apologize.”
He looks at you again and you give him a reassuring smile and he returns the gesture. You two say nothing and let the comfortable silence blanket the air around you while you gaze out to your surroundings again, your hands not leaving each other’s grasp.
“Sunflower?” He calls and you turn to face him again.
“Yes, Ezra?”
“I’ve missed you as well.”
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Chapter Four || Chapter Six
Series || Main || Taglist || AO3
Tags: @the-ginger-hedge-witch @asta-lily @honeymandos @pascalpanic @aliwritesfic @mandocrasis @hnt-escape @winter-fox-queen @sarahjkl82-blog @day-off-inkyoto @pedrocentric @astoryisaloveaffair @amandalovess @foli-vora @lucrezia-thoughts @chasingdreamer @quica-quica-quica @pedro4ever @mishasminion360 @wardenparker @librariantothejedi @fan-of-encouragement @javierpinme @writeforfandoms @ew-erin @you-got-me-starry-eyed @beskarboobs @andiesturgss @maryfanson @princessxkenobi @castleamc @magpie-to-the-morning @pbeatriz @radiowallet @stevie75 @honestly-shite @bison-writes @amneris21 @disgruntledspacedad
Ezra Prospect Tags: @quietpainter @grogusmum @tenderwhat
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one-real-imonkey · 3 years
Hi! I saw you were open for prompts/asks and stuff, and I was wondering if I could ask for more of your Coruscant Guard au? I absolutely love your writing and that au is just fantastic.
Thanks for the ask, I'm happy to write more, and glad you're enjoying.
Despite the advice to rest, the next morning Fox was up in full armour and ready to go. There were things to do and he was going to make sure they got done.
First rule of the Guard, vode protect each other. He wasn’t going to stop now. Not when there was so much to do, not when Palpatine was still a threat. The chips were gone, but they hadn’t been the only way that monster had been in their minds, like oil through cracks seeping in and staining. It was one of the things they only spoke of at night, in the pitch black with the lights off, and often when Hound, their youngest, was fast asleep. They’d always hoped Hound’s never bringing it up and tendency to be far away from the main Senate building would be enough to keep him safe…
With that looming threat in mind, he spared one last look at Hound’ika, still unwaking, almost peaceful in his rest, the rest he hadn’t been allowed in years, and then at Thire, who’d swapped out with Pup at some point while he’d been sleeping. Thire smiled, and turned back to their vod’ika, petting Grizzer curled on Hounds feet.
Hound would be ok, he’d wake up and he’d be fine. It just might take some time.
He stepped out of the Healing Halls, and couldn’t help but start for a second. He’d never been in the Jedi Temple before, but it was beautiful. This was an entrance hall to a medical wing, and yet the walls had columns and intricate carvings and paintings. Like the art and architecture in Lintel’s book.
"Commander Fox?"
It was one of Cody's boys, though he had no idea which.
"Are you alright, vod'ika?"
"Uh... Yes sir, I'm fine. I... I just wasn't expecting to see you so soon."
"See me?"
"The commander asked me to wait, said you'd try to escape and that when you did I should take you too him. Sir."
He almost laughed, Cody had given up trying to keep him in bed and was asking for him so he could keep an eye on him, and they called Fox sly.
He stared in more wonder than was professional as the vod who finally introduced himself as Wooley led him through the Temple to the Council antechamber, where Cody was pacing. Wooley made a quiet retreat, and Cody broke his paces to stride forwards, stopping half a step short of hugging him, and placing a hand on his shoulder. There was something in his eye that almost made Fox shy back. Cody didn't know where they stood, Fox hated that he wasn't sure either.
"Fox, are you sure you should be up and working, you can take more time."
“Vod the Guard hasn’t had a seconds rest in three years, we can go a little longer. The galaxy won’t end. I'm going to protect my brothers, all of them, no matter the cost.”
Cody looked almost grieved at that, and he was almost glad one of the Generals made their entrance, breaking the moment. He wasn't ready for that conversation, not that this one was likely to be much easier. Ponds stuck to his General’s side, and for a second looked like he was going to say something, before looking away.
Vode an, ha, he wouldn't even look Fox in the eyes.
"Commander Fox, we're glad to see you awake."
"Thank you, General."
"The war is over, commander, and we're going to do everything we can to keep it that way, so you don't have to call me General."
"...understood Gen... Master Windu."
"We would also like to thank you and your vode in the Guard for the service you've done for the Galaxy. And apologise, that we did not realise the true threat Palpatine presented, to the galaxy and to you."
"Sir," he paused, almost looking to his brothers for strength, then steeling his shoulders, "you could not have known. He was a Sith of a line who specialised in hiding from the Jedi, he bragged about it Sir, how could a Jedi have found him. We only did because he did not think we were capable of... anything damaging... because he didn't really care to hide it. Not from us."
"That does not change that you and your brothers were manipulated and abused, and that it should not have happened. If not Palpatine, the other Senators."
"The ones who treat you the same way, Sir, who don't see you as any more sentient than us, who saw you as tools for their use, the same as us. They drafted you, something you could not refuse. If you had, you’d have been imprisoned and then vanished by his hand. It was a trap for your people, one designed perfectly to work without your knowing. Sir, none of us blame you. We may not trust you yet, and some of my vode will likely fear you, but we cannot blame you."
"I understand, and I hope with time, we can rectify these oversights. It is not the Jedi way to be feared, nor to ignore suffering. We have failed you, and while that may not have been our intention, we will make up for our oversights."
"Thank you, sir. And thank you, all, for protecting my vode in the wider GAR as best you could. We are grateful they had people who valued their lives watching their backs."
"Your vode mean a lot to us, it was our honour to fight with them."
"Sir," deep breath Fox, you can do this, "Palpatine is still a threat, I would like to offer my assistance."
"Your offer is appreciated, Commander, but the situation is hardly safe, and Palpaine has done enough to you and your vode in the Guard already."
"General Windu, you need proof, because for some Hound's work was not enough. I know that bastard’s files better than anyone, the things I've seen, I want to help. I want to make sure none of them can ever go anywhere near my vode again, and especially not him. Not near our bodies or our minds."
Even focused on Windu, he could feel Ponds and Cody flinching away from what he was saying, away from the truth. It didn't matter, he had to focus on what was important. He could deal with his vode's guilt later, right now he had siblings to save.
Rule one of the Guard, vode protect each other.
Palpatine wouldn't be a threat for long, not if there was anything he could do.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. This AU is fun to write and play with.
I'm always open for asks and headcanons and whatnot, dark and sad or lighthearted and silly.
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My Rumsfeld and Cheney story.
I am in my late 20s and have been at my job in the White House for several months. Despite my age, I have been handed the task of helping to organize and arrange the administration’s new initiative to expand the humanities in America’s schools. I have an Ivy League education but I know the real reason I have the job. It is because my father has been lifelong friends with the President and is one of his closest advisors.
But being this is Washington, my father has enemies. At the top of the list are Donald Rumsfeld and his acolyte Dick Cheney — notorious for their scheming, ruthlessness and ways to grab power at the expense of others, and they are eyeing up putting a knife in my father’s back.
I am walking down the hallway. There are two things in my mind. The first is career preservation. If my father is forced out by them, then my career goes down the toilet.
But the main reason is because of something I have finally admitted to myself — that they are both incredibly attractive, and I want to submit to them.
I see Rumsfeld’s hatchet face of a Secretary. She buzzes. I wait for a few minutes, hearing him laughing on the phone. Finally, he has me sent in as he peers over some files and is writing something on a notepad, not paying me any attention, giving me a terse, “How may I help you? I’m not sure I can be of any service to your program.”
I shiver.
“Well, Mr. Rumsfeld,” I say. He perks up a bit hearing the deference in my voice. “I did not come specifically to ask you that. I came today to tell you...” I gulp. “I came to tell you that I know you are coming after my father. And I want to tell you that I know you are going to push him. And that my full loyalty and allegiance is with you.”
He stops writing and looks up.
“I see,” he says, with no emotion at all. “You see, I know my way around Washington. And this is something that I find highly dubious. Some kind of trick. So, you may go, even though you are correct about your father’s fate.”
I knew he would doubt me. So I have him a file.
“Well, in advance of that, I prepared a briefing document for you. It is a lot of information you may find useful to destroy him. Not that you need my assistance.”
He opens the file, adjusts his glasses, and chuckles.
“Well, I know some of this already. But this... I will say, that this could be useful in making my job that much easier.”
He leans back and steeples his fingers.
“Of course, I still do not quite believe you yet.” He swivels his chair. “Come here now and kneel before me. Denounce your father and your entire family and beg me to accept your loyalty.”
I pace around the desk and get on my knees.
“I denounce my father and an ashamed of my family’s name. Mr. Rumsfeld, Sir. I beg you. Please accept my allegiance to you. I promise I will serve you in any capacity that you wish, Sir.”
He lets out a Cheshire Cat smile and laughs.
“Very good. That is a good boy.” He then stands and beads to his belt. “Now there is one more chance to show your utmost loyalty. If you do this, and do this well... I will allow you the chance to serve me, as you put it.”
His pants and shorts drop with my assistance. He sits back down kingly, and I begin to take him in my mouth. His hand quickly moves to the back of my head, the weight of his Princeton class ring evident, as he steers me at the pace and depth he wants.
“That’s it. You’re starting to prove your worth to me. I assumed you were as worthless as your old man. But I can see what you think of me. Look up at me and tell me you worship me.”
I pant and look up at his smirking face.
“Mr. Rumsfeld, Sir. I worship you like the superior person you are, and have done so since the first time I heard your name, Sir.”
He nods and forced my mouth over his cock again, now gripping my hair snugly and fucking my face. I am moaning as I suck away. Finally, I can hear him gasp a bit. Moaning, and I sense what is coming. He explodes all over my face, and then laughs.
“Let me look at you. The son of my arch-enemy, dripping in my cum.”
I let him look as he smiles at his trophy. Finally, he nods to the tissues, and tells me that I may clean myself up, he will be in touch, and I may take my leave. He then heads right back to his work, paying me no mind.
I head to the door and pause.
“Mr. Rumsfeld, Sir. May I please say something before I leave?”
He looks up, nods, and tells me to be quick.
I walk towards his desk and am opposite it. I kneel once again, and this time cup my hands like I am praying.
“Thank you so much for letting me suck your cock, Sir. I know how lucky I am to be able to breath the same air as you, let alone to know I can pleasure you. I hope I have shown my allegiance to you, Sir.”
He looks at me with a stern and serious gaze, pausing as he does.
“You recognized your place and chose wisely to admit it. You’ll be able to rise up the ranks here so long as you remember that you are beneath me and you live to do as I order. Now you may take your leave.”
It is a few weeks later and he has finally been in touch. 7 pm. That night. His estate.
I arrive promptly. A maid answers the door. I head him laughing, and I am not sure who. The maid tells him that the guest has arrived.
I walk in and am paralyzed with fear. Flanking him to one side is Dick Cheney. To the other is his wife, Lynne.
“Well, there he is! The ambitious young man who will be a big help to us that I told you about.”
Their mouths drop a bit. Dick just stares at me coldly.
“Surely this is a joke,” Lynne says, hoping it is not the case. Rumsfeld tells her it is not, and then directs me to tell them both what I think about my father, especially in comparison to him, and what I wish for out of my life.
“My father is a pathetic excuse of a man and not even fit to shine your shoes, Mr. Rumsfeld, Sir. The only thing I wish for out of life is to be your faithful servant.”
They both stare at me incredulously, although evil grins cross both of their faces. Rumsfeld smiles widely and orders me to tell them what I did to serve him. So I told them how I sucked his cock and was lucky to wear his cum.
“Now, boy. I want you to know something. It is very hard in DC to find people you can trust and actually respect. Dick and Lynne are the only two people alive I call friends and consider as my equals. And that means that you serve them, too. Do you understand that?”
“Yes. I understand that I also serve Mr. and Mrs. Cheney.”
“Oh, let’s see about that,” Lynne says, grinning as she leans back in her chair.
Lynne and I have crossed paths a few times in my past. I am tasked with the humanities project. She is in charge of the agency that issues our humanities grants. She does not like that I am running this program and let me know about this and has done all she can to prevent me from enacting it unless it meets her goals.
I turn to her.
“Now, I told you that you did not deserve the job you have. You probably thought it is because of your age or who your father is. But that’s not the reason why.” She pauses. “Tell me if you agree with me... but the reason why is because you are an idiot.”
I hear Rumsfeld stifle a laugh. But I have no choice, even though I hesitate.
“You’re right. I’m an idiot, Mrs. Cheney.”
She laughs and nods.
“I am so glad that we cleared that up. I am sure that from now on, you will do as I say. I will tell you the programs I support and how much I want them supported financially. You are going to meet with me once a week with a draft of succinct reasons why you now support exactly as I want, which you will then defend to the president. Of course, I know you lack the intellectual capabilities to perform something like that up to my standards, so you can expect me to red mark your work with a pen like a kindergarten teacher.” She smirks. “And I am sure your father will be in the room, too.”
“Now, there is more than just that. One thing I want you to do — anytime you enter my office, you will show me proper respect by kissing my feet. Why don’t you do that now?”
I steel myself, press my lips to her shoes, and then thank her as she laughs as loud as she ever has in her life. She tells me to stand up and then ask her husband what he thinks.
He just smiles at me. Before I can even say anything, he starts to speak.
“I am so glad that you have recognized this about yourself. It is not easy to admit you are inferior. But I have always seen a lot of potential in you.”
He continues to smile.
“It won’t be too long until your father is back home in Wisconsin where he will be buried. Once that happens, and I inherit his job, I am going to have a need for a chief aide. Usually, this job is in an advisory capacity. But for your role, I envision it more fit for your capabilities. Having me coffee ready. Shining my shoes before any important meetings. Not saying anything beyond ‘Yes, Sir,’ and ‘No, Sir,’ unless I tell you to speak beyond that. Any sort of errand or task me or Lynne or Don want, it gets done. Got that?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Now, your peers and people who have worked for your father for a very long time are going to see you hold my coat or wipe off my desk for me. What do you think they will say about this?”
“They’ll mock me, Sir.”
“They will. But deep down inside, they are going to be jealous because each and every single last one of them wants to be in the position you find yourself in — dominated by your superiors.” I can see Rumsfeld not in agreement. “Now, you will also perform the same tasks that Don had you do... only I will not be so gentle. And I will also make sure Don keeps you on his calendar as well so you can continue to serve him as well, being that he made you his toy before sharing you.”
“And don’t worry. I will still find the time and ways for you to correct your work so you can try to come up to even half of our level.”
I meekly say “Thank you.”
Rumsfeld stands up, as does Lynne. He slaps me on the back,
“Just think that your epitaph is going to read about how you were the faithful servant to the most powerful three people who ever lived.” He and Lynne head to the door. “Now get on your knees before Dick.”
I do, and he chuckles and heads to his belt.
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Long Flight (Taeyong x you x jaehyun)
SUGGESTIVEEEE YAHOOO (sorry idk what’s with me, I made this into suggestive fic and the idea started when I took a long flight across Pacific Ocean) 
tagging @neopalette and @yutahoes
a/n : do not proceed if you’re young (innocent) other than that, just go lol i know we’re all thirsty. daddy dom and master kink 
jae is your colleague cabin crew (and your daddy), Taeyong is a famous designer taking first class flights who happens to get you as his stewardess and oh a fun night is about to happen in this long flight 
Long flights are a literal pain in the ass. For lee taeyong, long flights are inevitable especially with his business trips that require him to fly from Korea to the Free land of the United States. He is lucky as a designer to be called from one runway to another. Attending photoshoots, ending the runway of his collections and of course after parties.
Though he is never fond of the jetlag and morning flights plus the 12 hours butt pain, he finally meets you. From one of his shittiest flight. He needs to rush to New York but his plane got canceled and that’s how both of you meet. You're in charge of the first class passengers and importantly, him. You're trained to give the best service, making sure his seat is comfortable and his bed ready if he really wants to lay down.
“A long flight ahead sir,” you greet him after keeping his suit on the hanger and helping him with his stuffs.
He looks coy with his fitted bomber jacket and eye glasses. His fragrance reminds you of the forest with deep musk coming out from him.
“Yes and my flight got canceled. I was moved here.” He rumbles, though he is sort of happy because he got upgraded to the first class. His invitation earlier was only for business class but here he is now on the second floor with a nice personal stewardess and of course a bed.
“I am so sorry about that, but i'm here to help you enjoy your flight.” You smile nicely to him.
“For now do you want some drinks?” you take out the menu sheet you’ve prepared.
He takes a glance and smirks “Surprise me? I’m in for an enjoyable flight with you (y/n).” Taeyong winks to you.
You blush, “My pleasure, Lee Taeyong-ssi" you bow before leaving him to take the drink and calm your heartbeat.
You know him, he is famous for his designs and cool godly handsome face. Gosh he really looks handsome!
Your light steps bring you to the bar in the lounge and your fellow mate, Jaehyun, is already busy making orders for the other passengers.
“What may I help you with?” Jaehyun playfully smiles at you and winks. You're used to it, you share almost all of your trips with Jaehyun and you won’t lie, both of you share some nights together.
Your eyes scan the liquor collection and hum while you think “I'll just get him some gin and tonic.”
Jaehyun nods “Who is the special guest tonight?”
You gulp “Lee Taeyong, the famous designer.”
Jaehyun smirks, “Lucky you! Guess I'll be alone tonight and the night after.” He steps out of his cubicle and playfully slaps your ass. You glare at him but he just pushes you the drink and kisses your cheek “Goodluck, heard he was a bad drinker.”
You professionally go back to the narrow hallway and stop just in time to see Taeyong taking off his jacket.
“Here's your drink and please let me help you with your jacket.” You reach out your hands and he gladly passes it to you.
“Hmm gin and tonic, simple but best for me.thanks" he winks and gulps down half of the drink.
His face turns red and you clearly knows tomorrow an apple juice might be a better option.
“Did I turn red?” he asks with big eyes while touching his forehead and cheeks to check his heat.
You nod “A bit sir, but you still look great.” You blurt out and turn shy suddenly when he smiles and runs a finger over your arm “Aw thank you, heard that a lot but it sounds better from your red lips. I wonder why you don’t end up on my runway but here instead in this small airplane!”
He sure is not hearing himself, you know he's more humble than this. Must be the drink.
You just smile and nod “Well, I am glad I can serve you tonight. Now, we'll take off soon. Please fasten your seatbelt and ring me up if you need anything. Enjoy your flight sir,” you bow before returning to your seat so the plane can take off.
Taeyong keeps his eyes on you as you exit the aisle and he can’t help but bite his lips when he sees how perfect you walk in a heel and how beautiful your legs are.
“I should probably start making stewardess uniforms.” He giggles to himself before feeling fuzzy and closes his eyes to sleep.
“So, any sign he's into you?” Jaehyun asks after the plane is steady in the sky and you're not called over yet. You sit on the stool and lean your chin on your arms.
“What? No way. He's out of my league.” You look to your arms and feel Jaehyun staring at you.
“Huh? Don’t you see how he looks at you when you leave him?” Jaehyun asks while his hands are still busy making drinks. The bar is empty, the passengers are still mostly sitting on their compartments.
You raise a brow “You were stalking me?”
He wiggles his brow “Gotta make sure you are working and not flirting with him.” He pulls your chin and blows over your lips “I know how naughty my little baby can be.”
You feel heat creeps into your core and cheeks. If both of you are not in duty, you'd play along and ask for drinks already.
“Stop teasing me, I am working.” You cough and try to remain professional though Jaehyun's deep stare is not helping you at all.
“We’re going to stay in New York for two nights, where do we wanna go?” Jae traces random lines on your arm and you hold your breath “I don’t know, guess we can have a night of sleep and the other one for fun.” You wink and his smile blooms “Fun? Are we thinking of the same fun?”
You want to answer him but a bell chimes and you glance to the intercom to see Taeyong's request for your assistant.
Jaehyun sighs “Tough competition I smell here.”
You tap his shoulder “Aw don’t be sad. I'll be right back, promise.” You blow him a flying kiss and tidy up your uniform before marching to Taeyong.
“Yes, how may I help you?” you nicely check on his stuffs, and he looks at you with clouded eyes. Gosh how many alcohol did Jaehyun put earlier? Is Taeyong this light headed?
“I- I want some snacks.” He looks at you with “that" gaze.
You gulp “Oh right, I can do that. We have-" you almost recite him the snack options before he pulls you onto his lap and snakes his arm around your waist.
“Not that snack, come on I know you know it.” He boldly presses his nose on your neck taking a whiff of your scent
You shiver and breathily moan “Sorry sir, I'm on duty.” You remind him but your hands are already touching his hard abs and thigh
Taeyong giggles next to your ear “On duty? baby I saw you flirting with that bartender guy right there. Didn’t you promise me you'll serve me well tonight?” his tone sounds sad at the end and you never like to hear someone sad because of you, so you quickly look around and whisper back to him
“I- I am-" you stutter when he runs his hand closer to your core “You're what princess?” he grins smugly
He sure is drunk. But he's super hot and you're super aroused!
“I am Sorry sir,” you whisper and he smiles with satisfaction.
“Good girl, now after dinner when the bed time is near, I'll ask you to prepare for my room and princess, be ready." He presses a small kiss on your nape and you gasp. Taeyong quickly presses his hand over your lips “uh oh we don’t want to get in touble right?”
You nod and when he taps you back, you get up and return to work like nothing happens.
Dinner is served and you notice the first class passengers are just few tonight. Only Taeyong and three other people. You notice Taeyong's bed is also far from the other's rooms.
He requested for a glass of red wine on dinner and when you collect his plates, you notice he finishes all of it. Wow, just how drunk is he planning to be?
“Baby, just remember you owe me one fun night,” Jaehyun whispers next to you when he sees you fix your face and tidy your appearance.
You roll your eyes “You look more interested into him, do you want to join us?” you tease him
Jaehyun turns red and he growls “Baby, try to remember all the wrongs you make today. We'll see if you can get as much spanks as your faults, daddy will reminds his baby about her attitudes.” He palms your breast and you clasp your mouth when you see the light for your duty lights up.
“Duty calls, gotta go-" you lean next to his ears “Daddy,” you kiss him quick and walk to Taeyong.
“Evening sir, tired already? Do you want me to prepare your bed?” You ask the standard procedure and he nods.
“Alright let me take you there, master.” You whisper before kissing him quick and following him to his cubicle.
“You're such a good kitten aren’t you? So ready for your master.” He grins when he sees the small bedroom already tidied up and shone in dim lights.
He goes into the room and after making sure no one sees, you enter and lock the door.
“I am glad I got to do this in first class, not in the lavatory.” Taeyong sounds drunk and confused to which you mentally slap yourself.
“Whoops sorry, ruined the mood. Come here kitty, master can show you how great he is when powered with wine!” he unbottons his shirt and you climb to his lap
“Tell me sir, do you want the soft kitty or bad kitty?” your fingers already play with his hairs and you lightly grind on his lap.
He groans when you touch his hardness and from his hooded eyes he makes his request “Both kitty, both.”
“Greedy, but as you wish master. Your words are my command.” You tie your hair up before diving to a deep desperate kiss with both of your hands roaming wildly around each others curves.
Your breathy moans could be heard if anyone is standing right in front of the door, you don’t mind it though. The room is locked, Taeyong rocks you so well and he is wild on bed. It's like having the best wildest fever dream and you're reaching cloud nine on a plane!
He was a great man in bed, a great master who puts you back in place and a great one to teach your soft side more about the wild fun.
You slip out of his hug when you notice he'd fallen asleep. Gently you tuck back your heels and uniform. Your under garments are broken but you'll skip them
With one sticky post it left on the bedside and a kiss, you slowly creep out from his room to meet your cabin crew.
“last night you were both wild and loud.” Jaehyun already greets you on the bar and you pause in track
“You were eavesdropping?” you turn to look at him
He shrugs his shoulder “Someone ordered a drink, I happened to pass by you and your master.” He playfully scans your body.
“Where did your bra go baby?” He walks closer to you and calmly pulls your chin up to face him.
“Look at daddy when you want to answer.” He warns you when you're about to answer.
Your eyes shake as you lock eyes with his fiery one.
“Broken, i'll change into another pair.” You gulp suddenly feeling small and vulnerable to Jaehyun.
“Don’t bother wearing one. I want to see them suffer in cold.” Jaehyun flicks one of your nub and you shudder
“Yes daddy.” You gulp “Anything else?”
“Oh, no touching yourself until I got to be the one touching you. Also, once we land… you're taking a room with me.” He takes your neck and pulls you into his chest “I want all of his traces gone by the time we're together.” He growls next to your ear “Understand baby?”
You nod “Words" he coughs and you mumble “Yes daddy.”
“Good, now don’t forget all the things you did and good luck finishing your errands.” He pats your ass and pushes you lightly.
“Good morning sir, how's your sleep last night?” you go back to your daily routine like nothing happened last night.
Taeyong looks sober already and his stomach is rumbling “Good. I had a good sleep, lucky me for I have to catch up a runway this afternoon.”
You nod “Coffee or tea for breakfast?”
He smiles “Coffee, without alcohol okay" he winks and you smile “Alright one coffee coming to you along with your breakfast sir.”
He turns red “calling me sir just makes me turns hot again princess.”
You wink “I'll be right back sir.”
:”Wait!” he holds your hand and you pause in track “Here take this,” he fishes something out of his bag and hands you a nice invitation
“Come to the gala, walk to the backstage pass and meet me for your dress.” He puts on his sunglasses
“I am invited? Well thank you sir, it's such an honor.” You smile widely
He shakes his head and peeks from his shades “Invited? You're my guest of honor. You'll walk the runway!”
You stare at him in disbelief and he quickly taps your arm “Now go princess, prepare me your best breakfast and i'll see you later.”
Oh yeah this will be the greatest experience and oh no tomorrow is gonna be the longest night with Jaehyun.
end, yow any great smut writers if you see this and want to  make the hot scene TAG ME I WANNA READ :D thanks!!
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