#you might have been going for a twilight-esque au nonny
teecupangel · 6 months
Desmond as one of the sparkle-pires from 'Twilight'.
Desmond wakes up in a cave, thirsty and rock hard. Literally, his skin is diamond solid and when he walks out into the sun he glitters...
So obviously he waltzes into an old rundown town, realises he's time traveled, accidentally seduces three wenches, two widows, a beggar and a cat. Walks right back out because half the people in that town smelt DELICIOUS and the other half had STDs and wanted to share.
It's hard going anywhere during the day when you're in a constant state of bedazzlement...
Obviously Desmond becomes a little despondent when he realizes the only thing he can ingest is blood, he can't stand to be in the company of humans without going feral and 'again' he glitters.
Well at least he doesn't have the ability to change other assassin's into sparkly vampiric creatures.
Cause that would be terrible.
It’s me so I’m going to add more problem to Desmond by making the blood of his ancestor smells divine. It’s much harder to keep himself ‘human’ when they’re near so he deliberately stays away, takes over a small piece of land with a trash lord no one would miss. He takes care of the people in his land, gives jobs to the three wenches, two widows and one beggar that followed him, made them promise never to call him ‘god’ ever again. Simply because he sparkles doesn’t mean he’s a divine being.
This sort of thing reeks of Isu bullshit but he can’t even research freely because of his ‘conditions’.
He’s reminded of the Twilight movie he watched back in New York when he had been so bored on a day off that he didn’t even want to have (his boss insisted after he went without any day off for a while, switching with other people just to get more money for that motorcycle he was eyeing).
Of all the possible truths hidden in this world by the Templars, sparkling vampires were not even in his list of ‘possible conspiracy theories that Shaun would say could be true’.
Did it mean then that the author of Twilight had Templar connections???
Was a Templar herself?
Or worse…
Had some kind of Isu-related device or item???
Desmond would just have to make do with what he has right now.
The three wenches wanted to offer their blood to him. A rotating shift of some sort to make sure none of them would feel any severe side effect. The beggar turned out to be a doctor who lost everything after a battle between the armies of two men with too much power and money and little care for the life of those ‘beneath’ them incinerated his village and left him without a money to his name. Desmond made him the castle’s physician and he took that to mean that he could assist the wenches (ladies of the castle, there are rumors of them either being Desmond’s ‘mistresses’ or sisters) in trying to make Desmond understand that they wish only to help. The two widows stay away from all of these, taking care of the orphans in the orphanage Desmond created when he became a lord.
The cat, of course, did what cat did.
Realized they are the true master of the castle and demanded to be treated as such.
It was a peaceful life, all things considered.
Desmond could survive on animal blood. It takes bland and Desmond is reminded by the idea of eating cardboard every month when he drinks from an animal he had hunted himself before bringing back to the castle so the cook may use it for dinner.
Human food taste like nothing but he can swallow it, pretend to be normal while eating with his court.
His ‘sisters’ and the court physician.
The townspeople under his rule see him as benevolent and understanding.
They also believe that he suffers from an ailment that leaves him weak under the sun’s light.
Some joke that he is a demon but the pain and suffering they went through with the previous lord made them loyal to Lord Desmond.
If he turns out to be a demon, then they will become devil worshipers. The Church turned a blind eye on the previous lord because of the ‘donations’ he had given, after all.
The Church doesn’t like him though but they ignore him, his land being of no political or strategic value to them.
A hooded man appeared in the castle, hiding in the shadows to observe the strange lord who held no power to change the political strife plaguing across the land but having rumored to be strange.
Maybe strange enough to be hiding something of grave importance…
The Assassin believed that he had hid well, that they would not be seen.
But then…
The lord’s head immediately turned to his direction.
And his light brown eyes glowed gold with surprise, dread and…
… hunger.
(Desmond has been trying to find info about why he’s sparkling and if vampires are ‘real’ or if he’s an anomaly. This, in turn, gets the Brotherhood’s attention. Who the Assassin is is up to you guys. The main point is he has to be an ancestor of Desmond. It would be easy to make it Altaïr or Ezio but Ratonhnhaké:ton is also an option and he traveled somewhere where religion still has a high hold on politicians. Hell, it can be Edward or even Giovanni, tbf XD)
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