#you may think the bar is low but that's more than anything catra has ever done for adora ever
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agalychnisspranneusroseus · 3 months ago
Sasha is like Catra is she was well written
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kuro99kaede · 5 years ago
Catradora fanfic (2)
15 years old. The Horde.
Catra was forced to move backwards and to be separated from Adora. She couldn´t see her because Shadow Weaver was facing her.
Shadow Weaver: You...
Catra: Shadow Weaver,...what´s up?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A few moments ago: 
Adora and Catra were panting because of the training.
Adora (smiling): Hey, you finally beat me, huh?
Catra offered her a hand and Adora got up.
Catra: Pfff, of course I did. You should have a little more faith in me, you know? You made it very easy for me this time.
Adora: Show off.
Catra: I mean it, though. You're not behaving like my Adora lately. (Adora blushed but Catra didn't noticed.) You're distracted. What's up with you? Are you eating correctly? Is it your period? Was it Shadow Weaver? Is she pressuring you? It has to be her.
Adora: Leave Shadow Weaver alone. I'm fine, Catra. (With a more seductive voice): Thanks for worrying, though.
Catra: What?! I wasn't- I'm not worried. Get over yourself.
Adora: Sure. Come on. We stinck, we should go and change.
Catra agreed and was already waking away.
Adora: And, hey...congratulations.
Adora put a hand on her shoulder and draw near Catra's face. Adora was kissing her cheek. Catra was surprised with this misterious...proximity.
Catra: What was that?
Adora: I...uhh...I-I don't know. I just wanted to do it. Did you...like it?
And then Shadow Weaver appeared...
Shadow Weaver: You shall never kiss Adora ever again!
Adora intervined and came between the two of them.
Adora: Shadow Weaver, it was me who did it.
Shadow Weaver: (To Catra) She's always protecting you, isn't she? (To Adora) Adora, my child, can't you see Catra and I are having a conversation?
Adora: But...Shadow Weaver, if I may, I am the only responsable here. I-I swear I won't do such things again.
Catra: (Speaking to Shadow Weaver with her arms crossed and without looking at her) Why is it so bad, though? Why do you care?
Shadow Weaver: Careful with that tone, Catra. I care more than you think. It's for your own good. Adora must focus, and you, too, of course. But you know how important Adora is and whatever is going on between you two is interfiering with the Horde's plans. You are allies, cadets. There can´t be something more between you two because there's nothing more, do you understand?
Adora: Something more...? We can be more?
Shadow Weaver: Adora, you must promise me, for your own good, for Catra, for me, that you shall never cross any boundaries. We would be ruined! We believe in you Adora, we believe you'll follow the right path, isn't that so?
Adora: Yes, Shadow Weaver.
Shadow Weaver (caressing her cheek): You make me so proud, Adora. I want to trust you Adora so don't let this incident happen again. 
Adora nodded. Shadow Weaver left the room and both girls were inmediatly headed to the showers.
Adora: I'm so sorry, Catra. The last thing I wanted was to get you into trouble.
Catra: Meh, I had worse.
Adora: But this was serious, Catra. I'm so sorry.
Catra: So...does this mean you won't do it again?
Adora looked at her astonished.
Adora: (nervious) Do you want me to?
Catra: I...didn't say that.
Adora: (ironically) Of course you didn't...
Catra: Shadow Weaver said it was something called a “kiss”. Is it possible to kiss someone in other places?
Adora raised and eyebrow.
Catra: Don't look at me like that. I'm just curious. I want to know what all the fuss is about. Can kiss another people?
Adora (frowning): Another people? Why would you like to kiss another people?
Catra: I just want to know how it works, Adora. Wait,...are you...jealous?
Adora: Don't be ridiculous, Catra.
Catra: Oh, I'm sorry, my bad. So would it be okay to you if, I don´t know,...Rogelio and I kissed? Or Lonnie? I will find her right away!
Adora stopped walking and crossed her arms. She was mad.
Catra: Adora? You okay? I...I was kidding.
Adora: You were?
Catra: Yeah.
Adora: So you aren't going to kiss anyone else?
Catra: No chance. Gross.
Adora: Do you think I'm gross...?
Catra bit her lip and her face reddened. "Fuck, she'll be the death of me".
Catra: I didn't mean that...I...you are...hmmm...Anyway, Shadow Weaver said we shouldn't.
Adora: We could be punished...
Catra: (whispering) If we get caught...
Adora: What?
Catra: What?
Adora: Are you willing to try it again?
Catra: Okay...but just one time! I'm only doing it because you are being so inmature and needy. Maybe this will shut you up.
Adora: Excuse me? You want this too, right? Don't blame me!
Catra: You were the one who couldn't control her impulses and kissed me. I mean, yeah...I'm hot but you should really control yourself, Adora.
Adora: (burying her face in her hands) You are unbelievable. I can't believe I like you.
Catra: You what?
Adora: I- hmm...I didn't say anything.
Catra: Yeah, you did.
Adora: When?
Catra: Just now.
Adora: You obviously must have misunderstood-
Lonnie was hidding behind a tank.
Adora: Lonnie, what the fuck? I had everything under control, thank you very much.
Catra: Sure you dork.
Adora: I'm not the dork here,...dork.
Kyle: (whispering) Hey, Lonnie, what's going on? Why are we whispering?
Lonnie: Keep it down, Kyle. Adora just basically confessed to Catra.
Kyle: Oh, that's cool. And what did Catra say? Is she into her, too?
Lonnie: I don't know let me just ask her. HEY, CATRA, DO YOU LIKE HER TOO OR NOT? I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!
Catra: Seriously, guys? Me? Into Adora? Please. Have you seen her hair poof?
Kyle: Oh, come on!
Lonnie: Buuuuu!
Adora: That was low. Even for you.
Catra: What? It's the truth.
Lonnie: IS IT?
Kyle: Denial...
Catra: Why are you guys here, anyway? I didn't ask for your opinion. Not everyone has a thing for Adora, okay? I mean, yeah, she's funny, trustworthy, skilled, smart, kind, pretty, damnit! She's perfect. But that's old news and it doesn't prove anything.
Lonnie: IT DOESN'T?
Adora: (she took her hand) Hey...
Catra: Hey...?
Adora: It's okay I get it, you don't feel that way about me. And I won't drag you into this...kissing thing. It was my fault, I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place, I shouldn't have...I shouldn't want...I shouldn't feel...I'm sorry.
Catra: Adora?
Adora: Aha?
Catra: Just...once.
Adora: Really?! I-I mean...Are you sure? Won't it be weird? Do you want me? I-I mean...do you want to do this with me?
Catra: Yeah, why not? Let's just pray Shadow Weaver doesn't find out.
Adora: Yeah. But hey, I don't know if it is a good idea, though.
Catra: Hey, don't let Shadow Weaver scare you. We'll be fine. We could find a place to hide, far, far away from her and I will kiss you there. Does that sound good to you?
Adora: Y-yes, but, Catra, I just...I think it will feel...special at least to me. But that's the thing...you won't feel a thing! It won't be special anymore.
Catra: Dork.
Adora: Catra, I'm s-
Catra: I'm serious, too, Adora. You get it all wrong.
Adora: I did?
Catra: Yeah. I want...you to kiss me again, I want to kiss you, I want us to kiss. I want you, okay? Is that what you want me to say?
Lonnie and Kyle clapped.
Adora: And why didn't you say so?
Catra: I'm saying it now. I freaked out before! I don't know what this is Adora but I...want to feel it. I want what Shadow Weaver doesn't want me to want: you.
Kyle: Auch. That lady gives me the creeps.
Adora: Oh...
Catra: So...yeah...hehehe, I just...I just came out to you, thanks for nothing, guys!
Kyle: You're are welcome, Catra!
Lonnie: Whenever you want, girl.
Catra: Shit, I can't believe what I just said. Is it hot in here or it's just me? Damn...
Adora: It's you. It's definitely you. Now, come on! We must clean ourselves.
Catra: Water...?
Adora: Catra, we talk about this already.
Catra: But-
Adora: No buts. Fine, if you do this,...you'll get your kiss soon.
Catra: How soon?
Adora: Soon.
Catra: Adoraaaaaa! I want iiiiiiittttt.
Adora: Well, look who's needy. So, I don't know about you but I'm headed to the showers. See ya'...naked. Or not. Your choice. Maybe Lonnie would like to join me, right Lonnie?
Catra: Alrightalrightalright. Lead the way, ma'am.
Adora: That's my kitty.
Catra: Adora, we've talk about that nickname...
Adora: We did?
Catra: Ugh! Adora...
Adora: I'm sorry, baby...
Kyle: Do you think they will be okay? Shadow Weaver won't be pleased.
Lonnie: Aren't you paying atention, Kyle? Shadow Weaver doesn't have to know-
Kyle: But what if-
Lonnie: Kyle! Let them be.
Kyle: I-I want to let them be put that's the problem. In here...there's no such thing.
Lonnie: Are you complaining about the system, Kyle?
Kyle: What? No, I'm not.
Lonnie: Hahaha yes, you are. Well, let's hope everything turns out right for them.
Kyle: Shadow Weaver is going to find out soon, you'll see.
Lonnie: Wanna bet? The one who losses will get the other ration bars. Sounds good to you?
Kyle: The brown kind or the grey kind?
Lonnie: What do you think?
Kyle: Oh, man! Fine! I say they will only last a week.
Lonnie: Pfff! A week? I would say a whole year, maybe more if they are willing to be together.
Kyle: No way.
Lonnie: You are not paying any attention, aren't you? 
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wombathos · 5 years ago
here’s some more of that She Ra role reversal AU, this time with a conversation between Glimmer and an imprisoned Catra. POV Glimmer, 2,2k words
“You ready to talk?”
All Glimmer gets in response is a baleful look from the huddled figure in the corner. She balls her fists. It’s ridiculous, the way the nameless stranger is behaving: she has a perfectly nice bed with fluffy blankets and pillows and all sorts of comforts. Instead, she’s lurking in the corner, knees tucked close and head propped on folded arms. If her eyes didn’t shine so brightly, Glimmer wouldn’t be sure whether she were paying attention at all.
“Look, we didn’t attack you,” she says in what she hopes is a reasonable tone, but probably comes out a bit irritable. She takes a deep breath, ignoring the voice in the back of her head telling her she should’ve taken Bow with her. No. She can do this. “They did. Bow and I protected you from them.”
No response.
“And you helped us.”
“No, I didn’t.” The voice is muffled but unmistakeable and the tail that has been furled around her figure loosens to languidly slap against the carpet of the cell, allowing their guest to shift and look properly at Glimmer. “I was protecting myself.”
“You stopped them from hurting the villagers.”
“They just got in the way.”
Glimmer is about to snap that of course that’s what an evil Horde soldier would say, then stops herself. “It doesn’t matter,” she says, more to herself than anything else, but this gets their nameless guest’s attention.
“What does that mean?”
“It means,” says Glimmer, “that I don’t care what you were before. What matters is that you’re here now.”
A low chuckle. Glimmer tries to be encouraged by this hint of humour, but it’s not particularly encouraging. “How generous of you.”
“I’m trying,” she responds, and she knows there’s an edge to her voice now. Keep it together, Glimmer. Keep it together. “I don’t think you’re our enemy.”
“I’m from the Horde. You’re a princess. Of course we’re enemies.”
“But you’re not with the Horde any more, are you?”
No response. Again.
Glimmer thinks back to the confrontation with their dreck in the Whispering Woods, that horrible moment when her heart had nearly stopped, when their prisoner had run towards the Horde soldiers. When they started firing… Glimmer doesn’t think she’ll ever forget her prisoner’s face before she had pulled her aside. Hurt, yes. But not surprised.
“You know you can’t go back to them,” says Glimmer. She doesn’t know that, not really, but she suspects well enough to think their guest has come to the same conclusion. Maybe it was the soldiers seeing her as She Ra that had done it, or perhaps it was just guilt by association or… or who knows how those people justify anything.
“I’ll find a way,” says their guest and it’s obvious to both of them that she doesn’t believe it. Maybe she’s just going through the motions, clinging on to this pretence.
“The Horde is evil,” says Glimmer. “You’re better off without them.”
The guest responds with a snarl. “Don’t pretend to know what’s better for me, princess. You and your precious friends will be overrun soon by the Horde. You’re no match for them.”
Glimmer knows she’s being provoked. Gets provoked anyway. “At least my friends don’t try to kill me!”
“Adora wasn’t there,” says their guest in an entirely different tone, like she’s not really answering Glimmer’s barb but has just remembered something. “Maybe she will…” She trails off and something in the mingled hope and hurt in her voice can’t help but tug at Glimmer’s heart.
What did they do to you? “Who’s Adora?”
No answer.
“Your friend?”
Still nothing.
“Do you think she can save you?” It doesn’t feel great, prodding at the guest like this, but she told her mother she could get through to her and she can’t leave before she does. “Do you think you could go back? With her help?” And, in all honesty, she’s genuinely curious.
There’s a pause, there, but a weighty one that Glimmer thinks might be better not to interrupt. She can’t tell what her guest is thinking, but she thinks that there is some thinking going on, intuits it more than anything else. The stranger will have to come to her own conclusions eventually. All Glimmer can do is show the way.
The figure in the corner turns even further, so that a ray of light from the barred window finally makes it to her face, shimmering where it meets her right eye. She’s considering Glimmer, all suspicion and wariness and with an assessing gaze that makes her think she’s being judged - in what way she does not know. It’s odd, just how closed off this stranger is. Glimmer is used to saying how she feels - not in public, perhaps, but behind closed doors. She’s not used to having to pry quite this far, except perhaps when talking to her mother, when asking about her father.
“What do you want?”
Well, they were always going to come to that eventually. Glimmer hesitates, biting at her lower lip. She’s standing in the centre of the room, the cell, but she takes another step towards their guest. There’s no real reaction, but Glimmer imagines she spots a slight tensing in their visitor. “I want to help you.”
“No you don’t,” immediately comes the sneering response, and Glimmer knows her answer was a mistake.
Still, she protests. “I do! You’ve escaped from the Horde and -”
“I’m your enemy. You were willing to beat me down and interrogate me. You’ve locked me in a cell.”
She clenches her fists even tighter. “We’re only keeping you here until you agree to help us!”
“You said it, princess. You need my help. So don’t pretend to be here for my sake.”
Glimmer’s next words get caught in her throat because the stranger has outmanoeuvred her with embarrassing ease. She clamps her lips together before she can say anything else and silently seethes at the guest. It’s hard to tell from here, but she seems amused.
A surge of hopelessness briefly threatens to overwhelm her and she wants to start screaming at their horribly uncooperative prisoner. She wants to leave. She’s not getting anywhere, is she? It’s sheer stubbornness that is keeping her here now, because she doesn’t want to admit to Bow or her mother or anyone else that she was wrong. And she still doesn’t think she is.
Right then. Change of tactics.
“You’re right,” says Glimmer, firmly enough to get the stranger’s attention, lingering just a moment before continuing. “We do need your help. And the Horde is coming. They’re advancing further and further and one day they’ll attack Bright Moon. I know that, which is why I was in the Whispering Woods in the first place. I know that if we don’t do something, we’ll lose everything.” It’s easy to let passion creep into her voice because it’s entirely honest. She takes a breath. “But I also know that the Horde is evil. I want to protect people from it. And… that includes people who live in their horrible base. People who used to live there.” The stranger is watching her closely now - and she’s sneering and her eyes are narrowed but she is listening. So it’s time to take a gamble. “I think you hate the Horde too. And I think you know you’re not going back. So what I’m offering you is a chance. The chance to defeat them. You can’t do that without us and we can’t do it without you. We need you, yes, but… you need us too.”
She’s taken another half-step forward and she’s tempted to cross the rest of the distance between them, but she pauses there, having said her bit. The silence that follows is tense and it’s hard not to shiver, or fold her arms in an attempt to stay warm. It’s not cold in here but…
Come on, she silently wills her prisoner. You want this too. I can tell.
Who wouldn’t? That’s where she struggles - with the horrific nature of the Horde so abundantly obvious to her, it’s hard to imagine how anyone wouldn’t want to fight it. It’s why she was so angry at her prisoner at first, why her seeming disregard made Glimmer rage at her. But now, with the veneer a little cracked, now that she can sense a little better just what the Horde might be like for its soldiers, she thinks maybe her prisoner isn’t so unaffected as she appears. Selfish, yes. But if that’s what she has to rely on, then so be it.
“Nice speech,” says her prisoner dryly. “You’re smarter than you look, princess.” It’s an obvious provocation and for once, Glimmer doesn’t let herself fall for it. Instead, she waits, and surely enough the prisoner continues. “I don’t care about your rebellion.”
“I know.”
“Then how could you trust me?”
It’s hard not to smirk, because this is the first sign she’s gotten that her appeal may be working. For now, Glimmer controls herself. “I don’t have to. Not yet.”
That gets a laugh. “Not much of a fighting force if there isn’t any trust.”
“Was there a lot of trust in the Horde?”
A pause. The bright eyes twinkle at Glimmer. “Don’t talk of things you don’t know about.”
“I know that they were prepared to shoot at you.”
“Because they think I’m some kind of princess hero. That I’m… She Ra.”
“You are She Ra. And maybe you’ll be a princess hero too.”
“Not gonna happen, glitter.”
“Whatever. If you wanted a hero, you should’ve gotten someone else to be She Ra.”
“Not like I got a choice in the matter,” says Glimmer and it’s way too harsh. Why is this prisoner so good at getting to her?
“Wish you’d been chosen, sparkles?”
“I told you, the name’s -” She bites her tongue and takes a moment to glare at her prisoner. She’s just drawing you out. This is a waste of time. “I don’t want to fight this war without you, but I will if I have to. You can stay here and rot, or you can help us fight and destroy them.”
“And why would I do that?”
A moment of silence is followed by a burst of laughter that sounds very nearly genuine. “You’re not what I expected from a princess.”
Well, it’s not like Glimmer feels particularly comfortable with this. But she’s gotten this far and she thinks she may be getting through and she really doesn’t want to admit defeat. “I told you I want to defeat the Horde. If you want to do that too, then I don’t care why.”
“You don’t.”
“Obviously I’d prefer it if you were doing it out of the goodness of your heart,” says Glimmer before she can stop herself. Her temper’s getting the better of her even now.
“You’re right,” says the figure, surprising Glimmer in turn. “I do want revenge on the Horde. I want to destroy them.”
“Great!” The word bursts out of Glimmer too fast and she immediately clamps her lips shut - her prisoner hasn’t agreed to help yet and she doesn’t want to scare her off. She waits.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, princess. You think everyone will be as convinced as you by my motivation?”
“It’ll take time. But we’ll get there. If you help.”
A pause. “I have one condition.”
Glimmer pauses in turn, trepidation rising quickly in her. “What’s that?”
“There’s one person in the Horde I won’t allow you to harm.”
She hesitates. “Your friend? Adora?”
“Adora,” repeats the figure. “None of you touch her. Don’t even go near her.”
“Is she dangerous?”
“She’s the best.”
“She’s mine,” hisses her prisoner. The venom in her voice startles Glimmer. It makes her wonder whether this is really a good idea, but she firmly dismisses the thought, clamps down on the trust. They need this.
“So you’re prepared to help us?”
Her prisoner lets the silence drags and Glimmer wonders whether she can hear her heartbeat. It should be loud enough. Practically booming in her chest.
The cat-like shape unfurls and straightens up and proceeds to approach Glimmer with languid steps. Her eyes don’t leave Glimmer’s all the while, still shining brightly even as they are increasingly lit up by the light from the window.
When her prisoner reaches Glimmer, she still doesn’t stop, instead opting to prowl around her in a circle, examining her closely. It’s hard for Glimmer not to bolt, hard for her to subject herself to this examination while keeping her breathing steady and calm. Is it going to be this difficult all the time?
“I’ll give it a try,” says her prisoner - and she’s right behind Glimmer, whispering into her ear. Even though it’s creepy and she has to shiver, she’s exhaling with relief and excitement at the same time and almost wants to sprint away right then and there to tell her mother.
Glimmer nods, turning so that she can face those bright eyes head-on, watching her ever so keenly. She lets herself smile, trying to be encouraging, hoping this won’t remain an alliance of convenience. “I’m pleased to hear it,” she says, going for a kind of gentle authoritativeness. Her guest snorts. “I’ll go tell the others, then we can discuss our next steps.”
“Right,” drawls her guest, withdrawing smoothly. She’s slinking back off to her corner when Glimmer calls after her.
“Can you tell me your name?” She tries not to let on that she considers this courtesy long overdue.
Her new ally looks back at her, giving her a mischievous half-smile. “Catra. Look forward to working with you, sparkles.”
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