#you may say 'um weirdo why don't you just make her food and let her eat it?'
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xoxoemynn · 7 months ago
Feeding Daphne is so easy! I just have to grind up and combine all her supplements in a bowl and have two spoons (a large one and a baby one) at the ready, wait 30ish minutes so she's not suspicious, wait until she's seated in a good, easy to approach spot, sneak into the kitchen, quickly and quietly grab her food from the fridge, use the big spoon to scoop her food on top of her supplements, and then very casually approach her with the bowl and the baby spoon! From there I just have to spoon feed her with the teeeeeeeniest tiiiiiiiiiiniest bites because she's just a baby and has delicate sensibilities. Usually after about 15 minutes she remembers she likes the food and will take bigger bites! And if she keeps spitting out that one capsule, it's okay! I just have to keep trying, and if it gets too difficult I can smoosh that too. Super easy to do that with a tiny rolly capsule and a little baby plastic spoon.
idk why I ever complained.
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lexacoolfox · 4 years ago
I saw your bio about angel of death too!! May i request nagito X s/o who's like zack!!:D I hope i don't bothering you and have a nice day^^♡♡
Yes finally! Also your not bothering me, and thank you for wishing me a nice day! Your such a sweet heart adelia-Chan!
Nagito with a S/O like Zack!
Now it is modern time, you probably aren’t a murder but you can be, um…problematic.
You liked to beat people up when the looked to happy or mad. It made you feel good.
You obviously laughed like a mentally insane person when you did.
Now on the first day of school you saw a boy with white hair looking way to happy, he looked like a good target.
He noticed you right away and introduced himself with that smile, he sounded so joyful while doing it. That just made you want beat him up even more.
“Hello I’m Nagito Komeada!”
“Hey Komeada. I’m S/O. You got three seconds to run.”
The last part you said with a dark tone. He looked at you confused.
“Um…why would I need to run?”
“Cause you look way to frickin happy, makes me want to beat you up! I like to give people a fair chance to try to run away. As long you beg or scream for me not to hurt you to bad! I love seeing fear on my victims faces! Gets my blood bumping!”
He softly chuckled.
“Oh I’m not going to run away. I’ll let you do it. Come hit me! An ultimate like you hitting trash like me is an honor!”
You stumbled back and leaned by a nearby trash can and threw up.
“Man is something wrong with you. That’s the most messed up thing I’ve ever heard. You not running away or begging for your life. it makes it no fun. See ya later weirdo, I going to class I guess.”
Unfortunately (or fortunately) you both had the same class.
So you really couldn’t escape him, you had to listen to him insult himself and his thing on hope. Which kinda annoyed you.
You interested him and he wanted to get to know you. Like what your hobbies, your goals, or why do you like to beat up people who look happy.
“Is there a reason why your following me like a lost puppy?”
“Your interest me. Just pretend I’m not here.”
You saw a group of girls. They were laughing at another girl. They poured milk on her and laughed even louder. This brought back a memory from your childhood. A very bad memory.
You feel into a rage. You ran and proceeded to beat these girls to the point where they were knocked out. You turned to the girl who they were bullying you held out a hand for her to grab. You helped her getting up, patted her head then walked away.
Nagito followed close behind. You forgot he was following you. You went somewhere quite with a low chance of other students walking by. Then you grabbed him by the neck and shoved him against the wall.
“You better not tell anyone about anything you saw! Or else your gonna end up worse then those girls!”
“Oh I was never going to tell anyone anyway!”
“You better not be lying! I hate liars more than anything!”
“I’m not lying.”
You looked at him in the eyes. He was completely honest. You let him go.
“I thought it was kinda cool to see you standing up for that girl.”
“I wasn’t doing it for her. I was doing it cause it reminded me of something. Something I’d rather forget.”
“Even though, your speed and strength was amazing to see in action. You also held such passion in your eyes.”
You started angry mumbling not because he was annoying you but your were honestly embarrassed, you weren’t used to hearing much praise.
One day your class decided to have a party, you don’t know how they convinced you. But they did, you didn’t listen to the details just the time and place.
The party was a bonfire party.
Once you arrived you were the last one to arrive, they started off the fire. To where you started internally freaking out. Also frozen in fear.
At some point you were escaped into the back of the woods, Nagito noticed and went to follow you. He heard you near by. You found you punching a tree while yelling. You hade to stop cause of your hands
You wore bandages all over hands, shoulder, arms, and up your back a little, from a incident from a long time ago. You heard a twig snap.
“Who’s there! Show yourself!”
“Oops looks like I’ve been spotted.”
“Ugh! What’s with you and following me!”
“Well I noticed you left the party. I just wanted to know why.
He said sitting on a tree stump. You lean against a tree.
“Don’t tell anyone this. But. I’m scared of fire.”
“Oh. Well, how about we go to a near by gas station. We can get some snacks!”
“I don’t have any money.”
“Don’t worry I’ll pay.”
You weren’t saying no to free food. You guys got a couple of snacks and went to a nearby park to sit on a bench.
You actually had a nice conversation with Nagito. You actually were laughing a lot. For the first time ever somebody smile didn’t want to make you beat them up. Nagito smile made you smile.
You developed a crush on Nagito.
You treated him different from then on.
No threats were thrown his way from you. You didn’t mind when he talked to you. Anytime somebody gave him a nasty look for saying something. You punch your hand against your palm as a sign. You often lean against him when he talks to somebody. Anytime he says an insult to himself, you put him in a headlock and start giving him noogies while saying “why do you keep saying that! Do you got some screws loose Huh?!” You could say it’s tough love. Everbody knew you had a crush on Nagito. But you were to dense to notice your own feelings and Nagito was to oblivious to notice your change in behavior. Surprisingly you and fuyuhiko had a kinda Frenemy thing going on. You two acted like you hate each other, which you do. but you two had a lot in common so sometimes you got along. He’s the one to point out your feelings
“When you going to tell Nagito you like him?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“It’s so obvious you have a crush on him. Which is kinda weird.”
“What’s a crush?”
He gave you a shock looked. Then called you an idiot. He explained a crush and then it made sense to you.
“So…how do I tell him.”
“Just tell him. Unless your a chicken.”
“Shut up! I’m not a chicken! I’ll go tell him right now!”
You stomped away looking for Nagito to tell him. You found him being Ganged up by some guys. You beat all of them up. Some puked from your punches, some passed out, some ran away. You picked up Nagito and threw him over his shoulder and started walking away with him.
“Um s/o can you let me down? I can walk on my own.”
You went back to your place and threw him on your couch.
“Thanks for saving me back there. I didn’t think you would save me like that.”
You flicked him in the forehead.
“Of course I saved you. I love you dummy.”
He blushed at the sudden confession.
“I love you too.”
You blushed and pulled him to your chest. You cuddle him, so you guys are now a couple.
Here somethings you do now your a couple
You are always touching him in someway, simple hand hold, hugging, leaning against him, just anything works.
Your like his own personal bodyguard.
He helps you with your bandages when you need to change them.
He comforts you when there’s fire.
You give him random small kisses.
Everybody and anybody is too scared to flirt with Nagito.
When you two are anywhere like a booth at a restaurant. You have you arm wrapped around Nagito shoulder.
After a long time. You told him things about your childhood, which he understood and helped you deal with your trauma.
Bonus: for this to make sense. I ship fuyuhiko and Peko.
You noticed how fuyuhiko acted around peko. You and Nagito decided to play match maker.
Nagito invited fuyuhiko to a cafe to hangout. While you did the same with peko.
They arrived at the cafe both texting you asking where you were. Both of you texted something came up with your significant other so you couldn’t make it. They spotted each other and decided to hangout. Just according to plan. you and Nagito where wearing disguises to watch them. Nagito went up to their waiter after he took their order, saying he’ll pay for them.
When they learned that somebody payed for them and the waiter pointed who. They realized it was you two. You practically grab Nagito and made a mad dash for the exit.
Later that night you got to listen to a mad fuyuhiko, while receiving passive aggressive text from peko.
“Why you so mad? I’m just helping you out. I mean you helped me and Nagito get together. I’m just returning the favor.”
“What?! Are you implying I have a crush on peko! What gave off that idea?!”
“A lot of things gave off that idea. C’mon you like her. Don’t be a chicken.”
“I hate you!”
“The feelings mutual. Just go for it.”
“You don’t tell me what to do-“
You hung up. You put your phone on silent and went to sleep. Luckily it was Friday so you didn’t have school the next day. So they couldn’t bother you about it.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years ago
It's Gonna Be Me (Part 1)
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: A bit angsty. Not too much though
This starts off as basic as possible, but I swear it gets better soon lol...
Hope you like it!!!
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You might been hurt, babe, that ain't no lie
You've seen them all come and go
I remember you told me, that it made you believe in no man, no cry
Maybe that's why
Peter Parker knew a lot about hopelessly waiting.
Years ago, he'd hopelessly waited to not be the helpless, lanky nerd of the school anymore. That's when the spider came.
Months after the blip, he'd waited for any luck with MJ. That's when the Europe trip happened.
It seemed that every time he'd hopelessly wait for something, he'd always come to find out that maybe the situation wasn't so hopeless after all.
Which was why this particular situation bothered him. Because this one really was hopeless.
It'd always start the same.
"[Y/N]- hey, what's wrong?," Peter asked, furrowing his eyebrows, though he already knew the answer. At this point, the entire school knew the answer.
It had actually lasted longer than Peter had expected. But what mattered now is that his best friend was at his doorstep and in tears.
"Timothy was cheating on me, Pete. H-he doesn't love me... I'm so stupid."
"C'mon, come in." He ushered her to the livingroom. They sat on the couch. "It's not your fault, [Y/N]. Don't blame yourself for his crap."
Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. He hated to see her cry.
"Why do I always pick the bad ones?," she wept softly.
Peter pulled her into a tight hug, giving his friend the best comfort that he could give. He softly told her a rendition of what he said each time something like this would happen.
"[Y/N], listen. You are beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have someone as smart and as loyal and as funny as you -And Timothy? Screw him. He doesn't deserve you. What matters is that you have MJ, Ned- heck, even Aunt May..."
He let her go, looking away as a blush crept onto his face. "A-a-and me..." He looked back at her, with a boyish smirk on his face.
She smiled back softly. "Thanks Pete." At that, she went in for a hug. "You're the best friend a girl could ask for..."
They sat for a while. She cried on his shoulder. She ranted. He gave consoling words. She spent the night on his couch.
This wasn't the first time this had happened. In fact, her tears that night weren't even a drop in the bucket compared to others.
[Y/N] had always had bad luck with guys.
She'd had her heart broken more times than she could count.
And Peter was always right there by her side, waiting to console her. Every time.
Every. Damn. Time.
And frankly, he was sick of it.
"What's wrong, bud?," Ned asked the next day at school.
"Nothing," Peter mumbled, staring death glares into the lines on his desk.
"Let me guess..[Y/N] found out about Tim?"
Peter blew out a sigh. "Yeah."
"I feel bad for her," Ned said. "I mean, has she ever really had a relationship that's lasted longer than a month?"
Peter twisted his mouth in distress and scratched the back of his head. "Uh, I think maybe when she was with Hank... -yeah that one lasted a bit longer."
"What happened to that one anyway?"
Peter rolled his eyes, clenching his fists. "They were going good up until he stood her up for prom last year."
He thought back to what [Y/N] had cried that night.
'Why do I always pick the bad ones?'
He clenched his jaw. 'Yeah.. why do you?'
Ned's eyes went wide. "Wow. She's really got bad luck doesn't she?"
Peter went silent as he attempted to watch the smartboard in front of him and Ned immediately knew to be quiet. He knew he wouldn't be able to focus but it would still beat having this conversation.
Still, there was only one thought that was stuck in Peter's mind as he held his pencil so tight that he could feel it ready to snap.
'She wouldn't if she had me...'
"Okay guys, [Y/N]'s in the lunch line getting her food," MJ announced to the table that afternoon. "And we all know she just found out about Timothy so- you know, when she gets here..try not to be.. yourselves."
Ned nearly spat his food out. "What?!"
Peter swung his head around.
"Come on guys." MJ rolled her eyes. "You both- especially you Ned- you guys have a habit of making insensitive jokes and not realizing until it's too late."
She gave them the meanest death glare, but Peter wasn't having it. "Says you Miss. 'I Like It When People Are Sad'."
MJ scoffed. "Not my friends, weirdo."
"Shh! She's coming!," Ned whisper-shouted.
They watched as their friend [Y/N] walked up to the lunch table. But something was different from the last times.
She didn't look like she had been crying. She wore her regular clothes, not something that looked thrown together. Her mascara was perfect and not running at all. She looked like she hadn't been cheated on at all.
She looked good.
[Y/N] dropped her plate onto the table. "Okay, attention guys!"
"You feeling okay, [Y/N]?," Peter asked, concerned. "I know last night-"
"Last night is over, Pete," she said proudly. "And I am now here to announce that I am officially done with guys!" She stuck her chin up dramatically high.
Evidently, she had yelled that too loudly, because Flash, from another table, quickly yelled out," Yo, [Y/L/N]'s going lez!"
The majority of the lunchroom turned to her.
"What? No," she laughed back. "Not what I meant, Flash..."
He looked her up and down, biting his lip. "So does that mean...?"
"Okay shut up, dickhead," MJ yelled, standing up. "Back to your food, people. Nothing to see here!"
[Y/N] turned back towards the table and composed herself before speaking again. "Anyway, so yeah, I'm done with guys," she said with a big smile on her face.
MJ looked to [Y/N], Ned, Peter, and then back to [Y/N].
This was a problem. A big one. Because MJ knew that a simple fact. Peter liked [Y/N]. Anyone with a brain could figure that out.
"What do you mean?," Ned asked. "Does that mean Peter and I have to leave?"
[Y/N] laughed. "Haha! No, Ned. Of course not!" She lowered her chin a bit. "I'm just sick of getting hurt, ya know? There's only so much heartbreak a girl can take..." She sadly chuckled a little.
MJ furrowed her eyebrows. She looked to Peter, who held a lost expression on his face. "What do you think, Pete?"
Suddenly breaking out of his trance, he started to speak. "U-uh, um, maybe y-your going about this the wrong way, [Y-Y/N]?" He ran his fingers through his hair. "I-I mean..." He looked away. "There are lots of great guys out there who w-would.. kill to have you, [Y/N]."
Obviously, [Y/N] didn't pick up what the young superhero was attempting to put down. She rolled her eyes. "Well, my stuttery friend, until those 'great' guys make themselves known, I'm done."
Peter shrunk into himself, looking anywhere but [Y/N]'s face. "Y-yeah..I guess."
MJ scoffed. Was this really going over [Y/N]'s head? Her and Peter didn't work out but she could still admit, he was a great guy that deserved a chance. That's why they stayed friends afterward. "Isn't this a little extreme, [Y/N]?"
"Not extreme at all," [Y/N] clucked her tongue. "Just necessary."
Suddenly and frantically, Peter stood and practically ran to the trash can to throw away his food and leave.
"What's his deal?," [Y/N] asked, popping some gum into her mouth.
"Seriously?" MJ's face was incredulous. "Learn to read a room, man..."
Every little thing I do never seems enough for you
You don't wanna lose it again
But I'm not like them
--------------------------------------- This one was a bit of a set-up, sooo... hope you enjoyed!!!
Tell me if you would like to be tagged!
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krazycakes · 3 years ago
'I can't believe it's today! I almost overslept, good thing I didn't put my phone on silent!',
Another lovely morning, for a hopeless romantic. Although today, she will finally get a date after years of pining. Getting ready for a date is no joke, especially when it comes to being a the woman. Makeup, nice clothes, nice hairstyle, nice perfume, there's just too many to count.
On the other hand, the guy barely takes any effort in dressing up. A nice suit and some gel to the hair, I guess.
Anyway, while the girl is so worked up for it, the guy feels annoyed. There were many events of them bumping into each other, the girl just being all awkward and the guy not seeming like he cared at all.
'Ahh! What if he won't accept my feelings again?! What if I stutter too much?! What will I do afterwards?!', She slaps herself softly.
You see, the said girl HAS been pining for a while. A long, long while she watched him have girlfriends and seen him dump them. It's pitiful, even she knew what she was getting herself into. But she just had to cling to that little ball of hope, that he'd actually try to appreciate her this time.
'Ugh, I hope it ends fast, Clarissa needs me after two hours.',
He always has noticed the girl.
But he chooses not to.
It's how he was taught to view others, like silly little ants running around to make sure nothing in your work is done wrong.
Like some servants you can step on, just order around, no care for their well-being, no care for their feelings.
As she arrived at the place they agreed to meet at, she felt butterfkies in her stomach. No, those aren't butterflies, that's pure anxiety.
She's familiar with the feeling. But she continues to push the doubt, and tries to convince herself that she doesn't look like an idiot in the middle of the crowd that seemed to be gathering in front of her.
The crowd appears to be looking at the guy who just got out of his car. He walks towards the girl with such confidence, the girl can only envy it.
"Let's go?" The guy asks, holding out his hand.
"Uhm! Okay?!" The girl panics, chest tightening during the contact of her hand and his.
'This girl is weird.' he paused, 'but then again she always has been weird around me, those notes were also probably from her anyway.',
He led her to a restaurant known in town. Known for couples to stay in, funny.
The crowd lessened in number when they got there, probably to give him and her privacy.
The food and such aside, it was finally time for her to confess. But wait, why did she feel so hesitant?
Why does she look so scared?
Why is she---shying away?
Isn't this why she took all of her courage to ask him to go hang out?
Come on, you weirdo, just say it!
"Um, hey, so uh..."
"Hm?" He looks up from his plate, toying with his food.
"So uh, the real reason why I asked if I could have some of your time was because I really wanted to tell you something important." She gulps a little, heart beating faster.
"Mhm, yes. I saw that coming, but do continue." He slowly wipes a paper towel on the side of his lip, even though he barely ate.
"Alright, so, as you know...
I've worked at your company for a solid 3 years now, and I'm one of the oldest employees there, even before Clarissa.
Although you may not have noticed me much, I have noticed you. How diligent and smart you are, how clean you are---as a person! I swear it's not in a creepy way as in I'm creeping around and knowing about your personal hygiene!"
"Okay.. Alright.. go on." The guy slowly gets annoyed,
'What the hell is taking her so long?'
"Um okay, yeah that, s-so um, uh.." She pauses, unsure of how to continue.
"Are you just here to waste my time?"
"Huh? What?"
"I said, are you here to waste my time? If you were trying to say that you like me, then no, I don't accept your confession."
"You see, I'm just not good at relationship things, and also? I'm not interested in girls that make themselves look pathetic. You want me to love you? At least have some sense of self worth, if you think you're useless then others are probably going to notice that too. It's not a nice trait to see on someone, being insecure and being in a relationship just ruins it. " He walks away, leaving the girl heartbroken.
"You could at least just have told it to me quietly, I'd get it pretty easily."
He stops mid-walk, and turns around slowly to face the girl, "I'm sorry, come again?"
I just lost my feelings the moment you decided to state it, loud and clear for the whole restaurant to hear.
And you, next time, if you want someone to love YOU, at least tone it down a bit, because if you just want to pick at others' flaws just because you want to make them feel like shit, you're never gonna get yourself someone who really does. You're also just showing that you're insecure, only lowlifes pick on others. "
"Save it, you cunt."
The girl walks out, what she thought would be a day of just hurt and sadness turned out to be the day that gave her the worst headache ever.
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