#you make me sound waaay more put together and responsible and awesome than I am lol
marvelingjules · 7 years
Hello, love your posts and being a follower of you, I get tons great content from this place here. I was just wondering how you get all your work done for school and still have a decent amount of time to do other stuff? And how you can motivate yourself to start working on an essay or homework? Sorry if this is sudden, and thank you!
Awww, you’re so sweet, thanks! :D I’ve been feeling a bit guilty because I haven’t been putting stuff out at even close to the rate I was before, recently, so this kind of just cheered me up on that front a bit! :)
I’ll be honest - I have pretty bad insomnia. Like, if I’m lucky I fall asleep before 2am, but more often I don’t sleep until more like 3am (and then get up at 9:35 to quickly get ready for work for the day, which ends at 6pm). So when I can’t sleep, I tend to write or read fanfic, lol. That’s a part of it, I’d guess.
(Read more below - it got a bit long, sorry!)
If I’m doing really good on things - anxiety induced procrastination, writers block, etc - I try to do my homework so that way I finish it a few days before it’s due. Since I’m only taking two classes (a normal one and my thesis project class) this has been a bit easier so far, and I usually finish my homework in the middle of the week for my normal class, which has work due on Sunday’s if it’s small and Friday’s if it’s a large assignment. (Dumb, I know. But also nice in that I then have two days where I can’t even access the next week’s work, so I have to take a break.)
If it’s a bad spell… well. In those times, I try to just do “something”. I tell myself “just do this piece of it” and I take FOREVER to do it, but I get that bit done - and sometimes, once I get started, it’s actually easier just to keep going a bit more.
I have certain routines, I guess. They help me focus. I do my homework not at my house, I put in earphones (sometimes not even listening to anything, just to muffle sound? idk, it works for me), and I typically play movie score soundtracks because it gives me noise and drowns out DISTRACTING noise. (I like the Transformers 2 soundtrack. And the Winter Soldier one. There’s a playlist on youtube that has the first three Transformers soundtracks and I usually put that on shuffle and repeat.) So that helps for me. I establish a routine, and I stick to it for my studying. An order I do things in, a place I do it in, and certain things I do. (I’m also that person that has folders and notebooks color-coordinated for different classes.) So even when I’m having a bad time, doing those things can at least get my brain going in the “homework time” direction, even if it’s more of a struggle to do the things.
When I have BIG things to get through, or a lot to do at a time, I take breaks. I had a teacher once suggest to take a fifteen minute break every 45 minutes. I usually do it like “every chapter” or “every section” or some other way of splitting my work, and then I give myself fifteen or so minutes to do something I WANT to do - read some of a book or fic, fool around on Tumblr, etc. Usually on those times I think of it as “rewarding myself” - and I bribe and reward myself a lot to do things I don’t want to. I go “Hey, Jules, IF YOU DO THIS, YOU CAN REWARD YOURSELF WITH THIS THING YOU WANT.” and somehow I trick myself into this working. I feel like I earned the thing I want, so I can’t feel guilty about letting myself have it, you know?
Sometimes, I do these “Q&A” posts, and it’s cool when that works out for me? Because I can come on here and say “okay answer the questions you have and then back to work!” and it keeps my free-time limited, but it’s something fun that I enjoy to do. And it kind of feels like everyone’s helping me out, too, in a way, which I then feel encouraged to keep powering through.
So that’s how I… make myself do my homework and get it all done in time - sometimes barely but you know, it gets done. Honestly, I usually power through assignments in their entirety if I can. The most I’ve ever “worked ahead” on a big assignment were my finals in the spring, where I made myself complete basically a page of each of them, a week for about a month ahead of time. That was probably the least-stressful week of finals ever lol. But it did mean less free time to relax leading UP to said finals. So…? *shrugs*
Since I typically push through an assignment in one go - for example, for each of my competency essays for my thesis project, I can get one done in a few hours, typically, and the feedback I’ve gotten so far has been “passing - B grade” which means they’re OKAY but still need a bit of work (perfectionist, I’ve gotten As in all my classes so far I’m damn well not gonna get less than that this final semester!). This means if I plan ahead well enough, and I sit down and power through stuff, I tend to have free evenings or weekends.
Or sometimes, I just… accept I need a break. Will it put me a bit behind on getting things done in a more reasonable and timely manner? Sure, but… sometimes it’s just better to do that. I try to plan things out ahead of time and give myself time, but I also know me enough to plan for that NOT to happen. So if I keep to my planned schedule, I’m doing GREAT, but if not, I usually know to give myself a bit of wiggle room.
(I also type super fast - 96 words a minute as of a typing test about four years ago…)
I hope this helped? Even a bit? Sorry it’s kind of rambling, it’s a bit after midnight here and I had maybe five or six-ish hours of sleep last night, and I was running errands for like five hours this afternoon, too. If you have any more questions or want me to elaborate on anything or what-have-you, don’t hesitate to send another ask, or hit me up with a message! I’ve got a bunch of little homework and studying tips and tricks I use myself, and am more than willing to share them! :) Mwah!
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detroitbecomehummus · 6 years
Hi! Could I please request a Markus x human reader? A little bit of angst at first and then fluff? Maybe they're having their very first argument/fight an neither one of them likes it. They sort it all out and it ends up making their relationship stronger. I think you should decide what the argument should be about. >.
I’m waaay too nice to do angst, I needed to look up some ideas cuz I was really tempted to try and only do fluff because Markus deserves best.Hope this is alright.On a side note: I love you - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - -
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For the past handful of weeks you’ve been staying back at work later and later. You keep mentioning how you’re staying back to work with ‘Ethan’. There was always an excuse why you weren’t able to do anything when he was available. It always involved ‘Ethan’ and work one way or another.  With each work day you stayed back later and later. Some nights you didn’t return home and stayed at Ethan’s as his place was closer to your work.
Markus couldn’t visit you or pick you up after work like he used to as you told him not to. All he wanted to do was sit down and talk to you. He just wanted to relax. He just wanted to stop for at least five minutes. He pre-constructed many variations of how he should talk to you they all seemed to end badly. Markus paced back and forth around the lounge room. He noticed how his core temperature raised to almost double the normal temperature.
The door jiggled then he heard someone sigh and a thump on the door. You must be home. Markus took large steps to the door and opened it for you.“You’re home.” Markus said in an almost surprised tone. You looked at Markus tiredly yet you smiled.“It’s so good to see you.” You walked inside your home and closed the door walking towards your bedroom. “I never want to go to work again.” Markus walked behind you figuring out whether or not he should question your whereabouts with Ethan. You disrobed your works clothes and just flopped onto the bed with a sigh of satisfactions.
“Will…will you be needing to see Ethan tomorrow?” He asked hesitantly.“Only if he calls.” You said with a big yawn at the end. You were beyond exhausted and Markus didn’t even need to scan you, the bags under your eyes told him everything.“If he calls, you’re gone?” It sounded like you would drop everything to be with Ethan. You rolled over onto your back and stared at the cieling.“Yeah, kind of have to be. He’s done the same for me.”“Oh…” You were too tired to pick up the dejected tone from your boyfriend. Markus watched as your eyelids slowly fell as you let your much needed sleep consume you. Markus adjusted you so you were on your side of the bed and he tucked you in and he hoped in on the other side. As much as he didn’t require sleep like you did, he enjoyed the intimacy of the activity.They were only moment that the both of you know and can remember.
It was 9:30 in the morning when your phone rang. You practically chucked your arm onto the bedside table grabbed it and checked who it was. You groaned very loudly into the pillow before answering.“Hey Ethan, what’s up?“ Oh, it’s him. Of course. “When do you- ten o’clock, okay. Give me thirty. See you then.” You sat up and glared at the wall.“How long will you be gone for?”“I don’t know.” You shrugged almost sadly.“Is it just going to be you and Ethan?”“Yep.”“Will you be coming home?”“Hopefully.” You were worried at how Markus was pushing for questions. He usually just left at ‘How long will you been gone for?’. “Is something wrong?” Markus wasn’t even looking at you. “Markus?”
You watched Markus as he stared off into the distance, you couldn’t read him at all. You’ve watched over the past few months how much Markus has changed and opened up. He often talks about the artist he used to take care of in a fond matter, he has yet to take you to meet Carl. Now he seems almost as closed off as he was when you first met him.“Is this about all the time I’ve spent with Ethan?” You asked gently. You waited a few moments and got no response. “Markus sweety, it’s purely business matters.” You moved to sit beside him and rubbed his back soothingly.“If it’s business matters as you say, why are you spending so much time together? You work late every day, and spend most of the weekend with him.” Markus listed off the most likely things that could be why you’re spending so much time away.
“Recently Ethan was offered the job as CEO. I won’t get into the nitty gritty, but we need to re-organize the staff. Fire the pointless and look to hire new staff as well as take in some interns. Also the old CEO used some of the company’s money for personal expenses rather than expanding. I’m trying to help him as much and as quickly as possible so that way he can spend more time with Diana and their two-month old daughter. They have yet to have their honeymoon.” You just started to ramble and ramble. Something you did when you were nervous or really tired. As you kept listing off everything as to why you haven’t been around much it made more and more sense and Markus just started to feel like an idiot. “You know what, I’ll call Ethan and cancel.” You grabbed you phone and went to call Ethan back but Markus took your phone before your could dial.“Don’t, you should go.” Apparently Markus has been watching too many drama shows as he’s mastered the sad puppy look.“Nuh-uh. I’m staying home with you. Besides, it’s been weeks since I had your waffles and I am in desperate need of waffles.” Markus rolled his eyes, you’ve made you decision he can’t stop you. Besides you’ve already put one foot in his face and another on his chest so he couldn’t stop you.
You sat on the island bench swinging your legs eagerly as Markus cooked away and prepared a variety of toppings.“Oh that reminds me! Ethan wanted to know what insurance company would be best for androids. We’ve look through all the details on way too many companies and they’re really shit. Some only offer second-hand parts. Also some insurance companies only provide for the latest models.”“You’re hiring androids?” Markus actually sounded surprised at the comment.“Of course! Lots of androids are jobless, also so many of them actually show interest in the industry.” Markus smiled and gave you your much desired waffles breakfast. Just as you were about to put a piece in your mouth Markus kissed you. Just as the utensils were about to fall out of your hands he parted from the kiss.“I’m sorry about earlier, I love you.”
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