#you know. how an actual professional interviewer should? be serious 😭
meowmeowmessi · 2 years
https://twitter.com/BarcaTimes/status/1627562485950586881 this shit again, wallahi romero is such a weirdo 😭😭. i bet he's taking credit for the extention not being signed yet as if leo waiting to see how the ucl pans out wasn't always a given?? like he wants to win the ucl, it makes sense???? some people tried to be like "oh you can't say he's wrong bc he only talked about the extention, not messi going to barca" but first of all yes he did, second, he's doing it again now lol. this man has zero access to and no relationship with messi and he's talking about what leo's supposedly saying to his entourage???? and some people are even blaming kun saying he's telling romero stuff just bc they do business together 🤡. it baffles me how its the exact same pattern of catalan outlets or even laporta himself "reporting" on a messi return just to end up making him look bad and like he's turning barca down and people still buy into it. if he truly wants to go back and laporta grovels for it (a personal request) then good for him but romero??? drunk twitch streamer on laporta's payroll quit speaking on the world champion challenge 😐
gerard romero my detested oh my godddd
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i swear the culers who are desperate to have messi back choose to turn a blind eye to the fact that he's infamous for being laporta's lapdog just bc it suits their agenda. i don't think i have much to say regarding this entire transfer saga bc you've succinctly explained everything already, but might i just mention what a fucking clown romero is? i didn't see his interview with araujo myself but i saw twt posts about it, and the fact that he tried to bait the kid into saying something potentially offensive about vinicius (obviously for the clicks) by showing him memes instead of asking him, you know, actually relevant questions is so telling. araujo literally sat there like 😐 you could tell he was feeling like he'd been put on the spot (but thankfully he handled romero's prodding with grace). what's wild to me is how culers were getting a laugh out of it too like bro what happened to shame 😭 i swear these people get the kind of "journalists" they deserve actually
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michellezagenda · 1 month
i've been thinking about your post on how women use faux feminism to shield themselves from genuine criticism and how it relates to what's currently going on with blake livly.
she's under fire for basically promoting her new movie (it ends with us) as a rom com. she wears bright, floral prints to the premieres. she gets her husband to jokingly hijack the press interviews. she promotes her hair care line and her alcohol buisness. you would never know that her movie is about domestic violence....
it is genuinely disgusting to me. absolutely abhorrent behaviour. she won't even use the word abuse when talking about it.
all the faux feminists are defending her and claiming that a woman doesn't have to be lectured on understanding domestic violence and that she, as a female knows plenty about abuse.
if she didn't want to talk about abuse, she shouldn't have made a movie about intimate partner violence.
they don't realise that she's the one doing harm to women. she doesn't give a rats ass about victims. she's exploiting them for financial gain.
but, to these women, if you criticise her you're the problem.
like this is a grown woman in her late (?) thirties. she's not a child.
it doesn't help that her lead co-star is being serious about the movies themes. you know, like a professional does.
and now people are saying that it's misogyny to praise him for speaking up about dv while putting her down for not doing the same.
like... the movie is about abuse. she should be talking about the abuse her character faces. any real actress would.
now there's also rumours that her male co-star might have been an asshole on set (there's evidence to suggest that her and her husband were actually the problem) and people are using that to prop her up.
even if he was a pos, that doesn't change what she's doing. how does him possibly being a bad person erase her minimising domestic violence?
sorry, i just needed to get that off my chest.
they do it all the time with female celebrities. these women don't gaf about you guys 😭😭they openly support abusive men without any guilt because they don't care. the woman who worked with woody allen a few years ago isn't your feminist icon 😭😭
lots of women are male apologists..i didn’t know this was going on but how incredibly weird and disgusting. I’m so tired of the state of feminism….we will never be free fr
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