#you know. a lot like dedede that once time he was actually an antagonist. remember that?
kirbysmooch · 2 years
thinking about magolor got me thinking about marx, the original rando jerk who tricks kirby into helping him attain power. they both took the same path to power, but marx doesnt strike me as someone who has delusions of grandeur. he just wants to be able to do whatever he wants, like a schoolyard bully if one suddenly came into crazy superpowers. it makes him charming in entirely different way. he lacks the utterly unearned self importance that defines magolor. in a way it makes him feel more innocent.
honestly i feel like marx is closer to dedede as a villain, if dedede was a lot more reckless and wasnt a big softie at heart. I mean marx didnt even have evil intentions, just selfish ones.
unfortunately for him, kirby is the type to shoot first and ask questions later. and has surprisingly little compunction about murder.
big oopsie moment
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