#you know when you're reading a series but you get to a particularly boring arc and it's really hard to continue?
idontdrinkgatorade · 8 months
i keep forgetting that i'm still in the middle of reading senyuu.....
#too much to keep up with#i'm also in the middle of servamp#you know when you're reading a series but you get to a particularly boring arc and it's really hard to continue?#that's what happened with servamp#i need to get caught up with the latest aoex chapter too#and with the latest csm chapters#and the latest knk chapters#i think i might actually continue my break from knk though. not bc the series isn't interesting#but bc i think i'll retain it better if i read more at once#same with the int manga#uhh i am staying up to date with the sgdlr manhua though#but that's easier i think bc it's like. a side thing compared to the whole story#i need to reread parts of talentless nana bc i uhh kinda forgot what happened in the middle arc#i only remember the monk kid and the girl who gaslit herself into thinking her self-made illusion was her twin sister#whenever sachiko appears in the current arc i'm like 'i literally don't remember where you came from'#wait..did i get caught up on fool night or did i just stop in the middle of it???#fuck#i need to finish hirogaru sky as well. not a manga but an anime#i'm doing fine i just find too many things interesting#i also need to finish doki doki precure.........#it's okay hirogaru is more interesting anyways#i like the art style for hirogaru sky better at least. and i feel like the precures are more fleshed out than in doki doki#i like the doki doki villains a little bit better though. ira and marmo my beloved#although the hirogaru villains are pretty likeable. that's why i said a little bit#i think precure in general makes some likeable villains. but i haven't seen enough precure to make an assumption for the whole franchise
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markantonys · 8 months
My hot take is that the show is closer to the books than people think they're just moving the order of events around and using different scenes and concepts in different ways to fit the new medium but since it's not a beat for beat recreation of the books people are mad
can something be a hot take if it is simply the truth? you're right and you should say it!
i'm also not particularly invested in "how close to the books is the show?" concerns in the first place because, to be honest, to me, The Books Aren't That Good. i read them all, and i don't regret it, but i have no desire to ever read them again because i didn't enjoy them that much. i'd say of the total time i spent reading the books, i was enjoying myself for about 30% of it, but was irritated for 30% and bored for 40% (granted, if we only looked at EOTW-LOC, it would probably be more like 70% enjoying it, 20% bored, 10% irritated - when i look back on ACOS-AMOL i honestly just remember being bored or pissed off almost the whole time except in elayne, egwene, and gawyn chapters since they're the only ones that didn't contain any characters that infuriated me or any plotlines i found insufferable. if you look at my liveblogging posts, you'd probably notice they took a turn in the second half of the series towards me just complaining about everything and suggesting ways the show could fix it!)
the show, meanwhile, i have watched again and again and again. i love the bones and heart of the story of WOT, and what the show's done is taken that story and retold it in a way that is, frankly, SO much more enjoyable to me than the books. characters i hated in the books, i like in the show. arcs that bored me in the books, i find compelling in the show. the show is better than the books to me and i don't care at all how much it deviates. there i said it! and so whenever i get into discussions of "how faithful is the show to the books?" i default to "pretty faithful in all the *important* ways" because i know that's what most readers want to hear, but in my heart my true answer is "it's way more fun to watch than the books were to read, so i genuinely don't care how faithful it is"
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theclearblue · 8 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
I have, but luckily I enjoy gushing about some of my favorite characters aksjdklkgl so I'm happy to answer again! Last time I just listed some but this time I'll 1. Do a limit of one per series and 2. Give an actual description of why I love them. Also I'm so sorry this will be mostly animanga characters just because these characters stick in my head easier for some reason? My memory is truly awwwwful. (Also also this is by no means a definitive list or order, just some that I really really like).
Zoro (One Piece)
I feel like I've talked a fair length about Sanji and Robin and why I love them so much, but I have a little bit of a difficult time with Zoro. Fun fact before I started watching one of the few things I knew was that he was a fan favorite an was determined that I wouldn't like him that much, he's the "cool and badass and broody" one and I thought he was gonna be the kind of character similar to Megumi (JJK) or maybe Bakugou (MHA) both who I like but it's not favorite archetype. But then I realized. He's just a Guy. a Silly Guy. My man is stupid in such interesting and unique ways ajfdklsl. But what I REALLY love about his character is , yeah, he is kind of broody and reserved, but it seems more like a burden he puts on himself in order to protect the people he loves rather than a true reflection of himself. He cares SO much about the people that he loves and it's clear to me that his greatest fear is not being strong enough to protect them. His "I need to get stronger" attitude honestly seems to stem a looot from his anxieties and maybe even trauma around losing Kuina at such a young age. Ok I could talk forever about him and it's actually not difficult to pin down why I love him but I'll end it there.
2. Kenjaku (JJK)
I've kind of built a bubble within my online presence where I don't really see the vitriol, but I know this is REALLY not a popular opinion, and a lot of people are confused as to why I really like them (biggest offender is my sister who gives me shit for this constantly lmao). And I get it! Kenjaku is genuinely vile in what they have done (particularly as Kamo Noritoshi) and what they're trying to do with the merger. By all means he shouldn't (isn't) supposed to be likeable. But they REALLY captured my attention when I caught up to JJK back in August and read the Culling Games arc in full. For starters, silly guy, and I love silly guys (see above example). They're pretty unique where they fall into this "mad yet cold scientist" trope but...they're playful? They're genuinely excited about sorcery and will be kind of annoying where, for the life of them, they CANNOT read the room that everyone just doesn't care or actively hates them (which makes me a little sad honestly lol)? Little bits of information were just constantly intriguing (their relationship to Tengen, being a foil to Yuki, and not to even start on them being Yuji's mom). What really cemented it for me was the Takaba vs. Kenjaku fight though. Kenjaku before this seems driven to keep going for scientific curiosity, but it's clear to me that they're bored, disappointed, and even seem depressed a little bit ("And yet...there must be more to human potential"). But then Takaba comes along. And they honestly have an instant connection while also pushing each other in ways nobody has before. Isn't that insane on Kenjaku's part? They've been alive for over 1000 years!! They find someone who understands them, they might be enemies but they are a duo. Gahhh I could talk about Kenjaku forever they have so many layers and they just fascinate me SO much.
3. Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
One of my favorite protagonists of all time, without a doubt. And I didn't even like her in the beginning (you're not supposed to really). At the beginning of the series, she's honest to god, a spoiled brat. She whines, she complains, she's incredibly weak and takes people for granted. But good god, this is one of the best character arcs I have ever seen in my life. When her entire world is thrown upside down and she's betrayed by her childhood best friend, and has to go on the run with Hak, she just matures and grows into herself so beautifully. She travels around her kingdom for the first time and sees the complexity of the situation where, yeah, she lost her father because of Soo-Won, and that hurts still, but she understands why because it becomes kind of clear that her father was pretty incompetent as a ruler. If I picked one character on this list that just has the best character development, Yona sweeps I'm sorry.
4. Killua (HxH)
Ugh this really should be both Gon and Killua but if I had to choose one it's Killua. Another great example of amazing character development. At the beginning he's already a fun character to watch, he's easygoing and quippy and just cool honestly. But with his upbringing as an assassin he's clearly not very...well adjusted to what a normal life looks like. He's raised to be a cold and ruthless killer and nothing more, and that's reflected in the Hunter exam arc when he swipes a guy's heart from his chest without a second thought. But then he meets Gon, and for the first time in his life he gets to just be a normal 12 year old boy? And as he goes on this adventure you can just see him become more human to the point he can't ever return to how he was at the beginning of the series. And to have that parallel with Gon (particularly in the Chimera Ant arc) where Gon is losing his humanity while Killua gains it?? UGH I want to give this kid a hug so bad I love him.
5. Riza Hawkeye (FMA)
On this list because she sent me into my first gay panic (at least, the first one I was consciously aware of LMAO). God, what a woman. She is incredibly hot but I do love her character as well. It's hard to talk about her without also talking about Roy (and vice versa) because they are just SO intertwined, but god if there were ever soulmates, it's maybe them. Just the level of respect and trust they have in each other is unlike anything I've ever seen, where they both are so haunted by their pasts but they keep each other going and are able to so easily rely on each other? Ugh they're just so amazing, and with Riza seeing how strong she is where her own father uses her to protect flame alchemy, and her just 100% trust in Roy to burn the tattoo?? Wowowowowow she just. She changed me.
6. Anatole (The Great Comet of 1812/War and Peace)
Ok so um. My big secret is that I'm a Musical person. I really don't talk about it much here lmao, but when I tell you I was like. Obsessed with the musical The Great Comet of 1812 for a solid two years that's no joke. Which is just. If you don't know a musical that adapts about 90 pages from the novel War and Peace (stick with me here). And my even bigger secret is that I'm obsessed with Anatole, who is the villain/antagonist. Um he's not even particularly deep I don't think, he just sucks. But he captured my heart by being a silly guy. This man is an arrogant piece of shit man but also kind of a coward, and him singing the line "Just as a duck is made to swim in water, God has made me as I am" to justify him cheating, I-...it changed something in me. Never before or after have I wanted to dissect a character's brain so much in my life. He's maybe the first silly villain that I just really loved lmao, maybe there's a Anatole -> Kenjaku pipeline (this pipeline only exists for me and no one else in this world).
7. Toph (Avatar the Last Airbender)
God choosing between Zuko and Toph was difficult for this entry, but I want to talk about Toph lmao. Just. What a unique and refreshing female character where I still think her writing is ahead of it's time. Just on the surface she's so fucking cool right. What an introduction where she's soloing all these musclehead earthbenders and putting grown men into the dirt. And such good representation of a disabled character where she's clearly not incapable and the things she can do well, she does really really well! But she is faced with the reality of needing help sometimes and she's not ashamed to ask for it, and I think there's this really good balance struck with her character between these two factors. I think she also just blends into the gaang seamlessly while also challenging them in new ways, and vice versa, and they really don't seem complete without her.
8. Eurydice (Hadestown)
Ok oooonnnnneee more musical character and this is definitely more justified lmao. Another big secret is that I love Greek mythology, was obsessed with it as a kid and still am. And Hadestown twisting the Orpheus and Eurydice story into this grim early 20th century industrialist/capitalist setting with jazz elements?? I'm a history major I'm such a BIG nerd for shit like this, and this is the best iteration of Eurydice to me. In the original myth, she gets sent to the underworld because a snake bites her, there isn't any agency to it, it's just bad luck essentially. In the musical, she CHOOSES to go down with Hades to the underworld, and that small thing does wonders for her character. She obviously loves Orpheus, but the fact is, she's going hungry and growing cold, and where before she would run away, she stayed for her love of Orpheus. And then Hades slips in to offer her food and shelter for the exchange of labor, and she leaves to the underworld, not realizing the colossal mistake she just made. She's such a flawed character but you understand why she makes the mistakes she does, and her character is just so incredibly human.
9. Mob (Mob Psycho 100)
This kiiiiiiid. God I love him. Apologies to Gojo but this is just the best instance of an "OP" character. This kid has busted ass psychic powers, powers that people literally worship. Unfortunately this doesn't save him from any of the horrors that middle school presents. He can't talk to his crush, he kinda sucks at sports, and he has little to no social skills. And on top of that he feels the need to suppress his emotions due to the consequences of his powers? GAHHH I just think Mob is maybe one of the relatable characters ever, you can be the best at something but that doesn't save you from the growing pains that being a teenager presents! And just his journey of self acceptance and kindness and love is so heartwarming to see, the way he resolves his insecurities throughout the series just healed something in me too.
10. Sophie Hatter (Howl's Moving Castle)
HMC isn't even my all time favorite Ghibli movie (top 3 though), but it's certainly the one I've gone back to the most and that's in large part due to Sophie. At the beginning of the movie, she certainly isn't in a bad place in life but there is this...melancholy? sadness? to her where it seems life is more happening to her and she has zero self esteem. When the curse is placed on her and then we can literally see her character journey and the ups and downs being reflected in her appearance, it's just so unique and realistic. It's so satisfying to see her start to actually live her life, to gain confidence in all of her various states, and how she helps both her new found family and how they help her as well. Another character where her development is just unmatched.
Thank you for sending this ask, I had a lot of fun rambling here <3
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