#you know when a task at work just has you wanting to go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
leam1983 · 2 years
Creeping Terror
It's not every day your shift ends with your boss asking you to take a really weird CSI ticket...
To summarize:
Client's this sweet English teacher in Outremont, West of Montreal
Just kindness distilled. You'd sell your soul to her, really
She tells me that an embattled Mazda dealership usually meets her needs, but that one Customer Service Rep has obvious issues
Poor girl left her lights on overnight, her battery went kaput, she had to call the dealership to have guys ship her a new battery
The one rep associated to her case blew up in her face, saying they knew she'd been abusive toward her car, somehow
She asked how and why, and the fucking bonkers idiot says they've put cameras in her car. He goes on a full-on Orwellian rant in front of her and five other customers.
The whole while, he's calling her names and bringing her to tears
I jot down the related details and call up my BF, who can pull up bills of service or other CSI requests
He calls me five minutes later and passes the dealership's Head of Sales
Dude sounds exasperated beyond belief - and familiar with this particular Service Rep's rigamarole.
I learn that some dealerships, including this one, sometimes work with the cops for gang and drug busts and can sometimes get commissioned to mount cameras in a car that's going to be used for a sting operation. The camera-obsessed Service Rep apparently Hasn't Been The Same since he's tasted of the power of court-order-sanctioned breaches in privacy
The fucko thinks "You've got cameras up the ass, fucker!" now works as a dissuasive practice against customers who'd want to file a complaint
He apparently genuinely thinks that some of the routine mechanic-related stuff he does now involves slipping spy cameras into customers' vehicles.
There's a long, loooong silence on my end.
"Tell me the guy's on meds. Please."
The dealership's Head of Sales sighs. "He's been at Philippe-Pinel a couple times. That was Joe's last offense, as far as I'm concerned. I'm firing him tomorrow morning."
For context, the Philippe-Pinel Institute is Canada's most widely-known specialized psych institute, a bonafide nuthouse that's almost as historical as Montreal's oldest buildings.
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leahseclipse · 3 years
Thnks fr th Mmrs - (Event Fic)
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: Not that I am aware of. (Please let me know if something should be added later on.)
Summary: Just two idiots in love, but none of them have the guts to say it. Eventually one of them will do it, a bit late tho- but, better now than never.
A/N: HELLO!! Here I am, roughly one month after my last fic, this work got all of us busy, which lead to a bit of panic on the last days, but (I think) we made it all in one piece.
This work is part of the Fic Swap organized by @imagining-in-the-margins, with the help of @sunlight-moonrise! I’ve had the opportunity to write for @spencer-reid-in-a-pool- which is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I love her so so so so much. This was awesome to do. (And yeah, for those who got the ref, the title is from one of fob's songs. I had NO other idea and found this one cool.)
Word Count: 8.7k
        As much as I wished for it not to haunt me another day— I still had this one problem, written into my brain with bright red ink, unwashable, as it seemed.
I hated to recall that it still remained there, as if it was an unsolved case that someone would have put into archives and brought back up when they were clearing out the shelves.
Unfortunately, it didn’t get lost, I just forgot it was there, and my brain had the wonderful idea of presenting it back to me.
I appreciate it. That was— quite nice.
It wasn’t that I hated it, I just didn’t like the thought of having to deal with it at barely eight in the morning, just before actually dealing with the problem itself— in person.
That problem—couldn’t be someone else but the only one Spencer Reid, the resident genius of the team, or the baby sibling for some of my co-workers.
Once again, I do not dislike him, on the contrary, he’s one the closest person I have in my life to this day, I wouldn’t imagine my life without him.
The problem is mainly directed towards the love, sentimental kind of problem.
Especially when the concerned person isn’t aware of it.
It gets complicated when you can’t even hide your feelings when they’re near.
I get all nervous and weird when he’s in sight, the proofs are right there.
 I remember them all, from the time I broke a mug when I tried to reach it as he was talking or when I almost fell down the stairs when he came in to work one day, looking like a literal god— and wasn’t even aware of it, the list keeps going on for miles.
And I’m still there, sitting with my feelings, waiting for something to happen.
I’m not even sure that he feels the same way. 
I’m here, admiring him, thinking about what could happen if I could resolve myself to talk about it, if he felt the same way, but strangely and for an unknown reason; I can’t.
This issue has been happening all week, the last one, and probably the whole month.
It took me time to figure it out myself.
I only saw us as two good friends at first; we’d hang out together, had the same hobbies, have long conversations without caring about the time, to the point that people would think that we were together.
But I guess that I never realized that he could be more than just a good friend.
And as it couldn’t be more complicated, in these cases, if none out of the two dares to make a move, or talk, it won’t go much further.
Which is exactly what’s been happening at this moment..
I’ve been liking him for a while now, and my brain doesn’t know to do anything else but attack me with as many questions they can come up with at the same time whenever I dare to think about it. 
What if he does like me, but only as a friend? 
Is it going to be awkward between us?
Am I going to lose my friendship with him because of that?
What if he says no? 
What am I left with? My stupid feelings that will keep wandering around, reminding me of my love failure?
If all of these are the things waiting for me till I decide to stop bottling it up, I better have to solve that, soon.
But at the same time, if I take a glance at the negative side, I’m just thinking that it’d be better to keep our friendship as it is, and just pretend as if he’s only a good friend I’m quite close with, not a possible lover.
Since when did I allow myself to see him as that? I wasn’t doing that before.
What caused my feelings to suddenly appear?
He’s always been nice to me, as with everyone else he’s close with, and as far as I’m aware of it, no one’s been in my situation.
If it ever happened, I’m sure that it was purely platonic and didn’t go as far as I’m at.
It’s as bad as a math problem.
Kind of ironic, considering I both suck at figuring out how to say I love someone, deal with feelings, all that love stuff; and at maths.
But, as I think about it further, he didn’t do anything to keep me from crushing on him either, even if he probably didn’t do it because he liked me.
There’s a 50% possibility.
He’d take me in his arms to reassure me, help me with paperwork when I was tired, offer to drive me home, re-filled my mug for me, act close, and by close- not as close as he is with the others.
A different kind of close.
So...who wouldn’t think that way, that he could like me?
He could possibly like me, but about that, I don’t have a single clue to know if he really does.
I do want to try to ask him, in one way or another, but the thing is that , if he doesn’t like me, what is going to happen next? 
Awkward silence? 
Is he going to try to reject me as nicely as possible to not hurt my feelings?
It could be really nice if anything would help me to make all of this mess any clearer.
I don’t want to end up drawing away from him because I can’t help but be in love with him whenever I look at him, but at the same time, I can’t say that I am, in case he’s not in love with me.
Spencer’s one of the most important people in my life; I wouldn’t imagine a day where I wouldn’t talk to him, and even if we’re busy, I try to say hi to him, at least.
I can’t quite imagine not having him ramble about his favorite subject, happy as hell because I’m interested, listening to him, and even participating in it.
I don’t want all of this to stop because of a mistake I could cause.
So, this week will be the one.
I’ll somehow resolve myself to bring up the subject.
I’m sure he’ll understand, he knows me better than anyone else in the whole team, has always been there when I needed someone, he’s always listened when I needed to talk, he helped me out with a lot of issues.
He’s always been understanding, whether the issue would concern him or not, so this shouldn’t be a big problem.
It’ll be fine.
I just have to relax sometimes.
I’m stressing out too much, and I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t stress that much about that, or any subject he might think about.
I even wonder if Spencer already noticed the changes in my behavior and is just waiting for me to talk about it because he doesn’t dare to talk about it as well.
He could feel the same way.
He could.
There’s a chance, a good one, I guess.
It can end well, and I have to keep thinking about the good outcome.
There’s no way he’d react badly, I know him,— Spencer is not the kind of guy to do that, in general.
I trust him on that.
So, today...or later, will be the right one.
It’ll go well.
It’ll be win or lose, basically.
I sighed as I looked at myself for the hundredth time for the past ten minutes, finally resolving myself to leave the apartment before I’d end up being late.
Which isn’t something I’d like to happen.
My ‘love problem’ counts as at least ten problems more than getting yelled at by a superior (if I’m not overreacting, at least) so I don’t really need that to happen, on top of that.
I have never been delighted to walk into the office, only to find paperwork from last week waiting for me.
We usually had the whole ‘Garcia runs into the office and throws papers at us before we gather in the conference room and immediately go on a jet at whatever unpleasant hour’ or just purely lazy days where none of us have the strength for any kind of celebration.
But today happened to be a calm one, we just had to do whatever task we had left to do before we can allow ourselves to go back home to either sleep all day to fix our long broken sleep schedule, or do whatever event we might come with, such as dates or trying to find a guy in a party, for some of us.
It’s nice that we don’t have to worry about when we’ll be able to come back to work, we just go in, do our task and go home at whatever hour, a decent one.
I’d say that this happened to be more than convenient -in a way- for Spencer and I.
More time for talking, hanging out together, mostly what we do when not on an active case.
If I’m not mistaken, I think that I may have heard one of them saying that we were dating because of how frequently we’d be found together.
I did want to say we were dating as a joke, but I was afraid that it’d end up being awkward after that if- as said earlier when I woke up-, he didn’t feel the same.
But at the same time, whether he feels the same way or not, I don’t really have a reason to think about that as Spencer wouldn’t react badly.
Knowing him, he’d probably play along.
At my arrival at the bureau; everyone was scattered a bit around; which wasn’t to be seen on a case day, usually.
We just had to hope we wouldn't have a surprise case to ruin it all.
As I greeted everyone before settling at my desk, I noticed one person missing.
Spencer wasn't usually late, so...I didn't really know what might make him late.
Knowing him, he may have woken up late because he had watched tv till 2AM, and ran to the coffee shop to not look dead at his arrival. 
Yep, that’s him.
Let’s hope he won’t break a bone when he’s going to attempt to run to not be late, it’s...yeah.
So, don’t rush Spencer, it’s calm as hell here, you don’t need a trip to the ER so soon in the morning.
“Oh, hey!”
I turned around to be faced with Spencer, papers in hand. “When did you get there? I didn’t see you when I arrived like...five minutes ago. I thought you weren’t here yet.”
“Oh, I was doing copies. I’m sorry if I worried you, I should have sent a text.”
“No- It’s okay, don’t worry. You’re here...now.”
“Yeah, I’m here. Do you have a lot of paperwork? Figured out we could talk in between.” He asked.
“No, I don’t have a lot, and...sure, I could use a talk- I mean uh...talk, yeah.”
That was a shitty save.
“I’m glad, I didn't want to bother you if you were busy.”
“Even if my whole desk was covered in papers, you know I’d always find a minute to talk. I get easily distracted.”
Please don’t take it the ‘love’ way, or just...don’t think I get distracted by you in a ‘not-a-friend’ way— gosh, I’m not gonna be able to save it with whatever sentence.
“You know that’s the same for me. I always have a hundred subjects popping up just when I try to focus.”
“Yeah, same. It’s a bit...annoying.” 
“Depends. It’s not really when you’re in them.” Spencer admitted.
Is this an attempt at killing me right on the spot? You’re really going to kill me by being so damn nice.
“Oh...really? I didn’t know.”
That was shit.
“Well uh...now you do that it’s not always annoying up there and that’s your part of the non-bothering stuff.” He pointed out.
“That’s the- same for you, yeah.” I answered, slightly nervous.
“Didn’t know we had that too in common, that’s funny.”
Not so sure about the other detail you don’t know about-
“We learn new stuff everyday at least. I guess it’s...useful to know? I don’t know.” I chuckled.
“Yeah, there’s not much to do with that information, it’s more of a...fact thing-y. You know I like that stuff.”
I raised my eyebrow. “Who doesn’t?”
“Yeah, everyone does at this point, but that’s a quarter of what they know, I think that you’re the only one that knows the most about me, not everyone.”
You have to stop before I drop dead on the floor right now.
“I have to remind you that it’s kind of the same for you.”
“People are definitely thinking we’re together at this point, we’re pretty close so they have every right to believe that.”
“Does it...bother you?”
“Oh, no, not really. You’re a pretty girl so that’s kind of...nice that they think that a nerd like me could be in a relationship with you.”
Okay, I just stopped functioning right now.
What am I supposed to even say? You’re a literal god, you’re handsome as HELL- 
“Oh- you’re uh- good looking so, that’s...normal I guess.”
“You think so?” He asked, unsure.
Oh, please. Tell me you’re kidding, it’s impossible that no one hasn’t told you of your AMAZING handsomeness, the fact that you’re amazingly-
Yeah, we got it y/n. 
“Yeah, really.” I confirmed.
“Thanks, I guess.”
“No problem, Spence.” I said, as we both went to our respective tasks.
At least I avoided a heart attack, that’s what matters, he just has to stop being so cute and pretty, all the time because I’m gonna have trouble acting like I’m not in fucking love with him if he keeps going.
Just- breathe, and focus on your work. 
We’re gonna talk together, and it’s gonna be okay.
There’s no reason that a problem would occur, I just had a talk with him, and it went...almost perfectly smooth. 
The ‘almost’ part is when I almost had a heart attack, which isn’t the first I’ve had with him, and won’t be the last.
If he would just stop being so handsome all of the time.
I sighed, reading the paper all over again as I lost focus...again.
As I was reading, my pen in hand and the tip of it slightly touching the sheet— I didn’t even realize that I had been scribbling on the paper, as if I was in middle school and bored in class all over again.
It was kind of….fun. 
I didn’t get to do that everyday, so I’d say that it was diversifying compared to any other stressful day where these...doodles wouldn't even happen or to be thought about because of the amount and importance of the work.
I still think about him, even when I’m busy as hell though.
He’s always in my thoughts, I don't know how he does it because I’m pretty sure I don’t do that with anyone else in the bureau. 
Is that kind of over thinking considered as an obsession or not at this point? I’m not quite sure of it anymore, but...it's not "psychopath, stalker-like", he's just an important person that matters to me.
I just really like him, that’s all.
He also told me that I tend to be in his mind often, so...I guess we're even.
I guess so.
“Hey, is everything...okay? You’ve been staring blankly for a...while. Is that my-” He started to point out.
I panicked, quickly hiding the papers with other ones. “What? Oh, uh...I was-” I blurted out. “...thinking.”
“You’ll probably have to...print out new ones. I don't think Hotch will accept papers with scribbles, you know. I can print out some copies for you, if you want?”
“No- It’s fine, I can go, thanks for asking! It’s nice of you but uh- I’m going.” I answered, as I abruptly clicked back on the software to print out copies, and walked to the breakroom after...awkwardly waving.
Why the hell was I scribbling down his name like I was...a middle schooler having a crush on her classmate?
I have no idea why, but this was...kind of embarrassing at the moment.
I seriously have to stop worrying about each thing that happens.
He probably didn’t care as much as I did.
I shook my head as I arrived in the breakroom, now empty as Luke and Matt had previously left from what I saw a bit ago when I looked in that direction.
I didn’t mind, at least I’d avoid embarrassment because of how weird my expression probably looks.
So, everyone, please don’t come now, wait until I pick up my papers, that’d be more than appreciated.
Should I call Spencer?
I don’t want to be a bother, I know he enjoys spending time alone off work.
Would he be happy to hear me?
I don’t know.
I’ll call him later, if I’m settled on it.
I’ve been pacing in that small apartment of mine for at least the last couple of minutes, or maybe an hour, I don’t have the habit of noting the duration of my nonsense usually.
I don’t even know why I’m pacing again and again just to decide about a call.
I’m sure he doesn’t even do that.
Does that mean it makes me...crazy?
Not necessarily.
It could.
I’ll just- whatever.
Do something useful like cleaning your apartment and answering emails, and you’ll see if you have a minute to spare to call Spencer.
That works that way.
See, you can stop stressing.
Just do another task to distract yourself and have less things to worry about, so it’ll be easier to decide about the ‘call matter’ thingy.
I did not call him, if that’s what anyone wondered.
The only call I made was with Penelope, after she called me numerous times to ask me about the books we’ve been yelling about for a few weeks.
I had supposed she had also wanted to talk about Spencer, as the whole office had been conspiring about our possible relationship.
But, she held it off, and cut the call after saying ‘I better hang up or I’ll be talking about the book for another decade’.
Kind of looks like me and my thoughts with Spencer.
I hope I’ll get to let all of those out, if we ever have the chance to have a talk about the feelings matter.
I never had that many ‘things matters’, I’m even inventing some new words along the way.
Crazy what love can do, if that’s what started it.
I can’t recall that either, I’ve been more focusing on the matter itself than the name of it.
Love will do, I guess.
“What are you up to?” I asked, peering over Spencer’s desk.”
“Well, technically...nothing new. I’ve been reading that for the past week, I tend to do that with books I really like.” He closed it, looking at me. “Is that weird?”
“Not at all. I’m doing the same with shows and movies, and even- who cares if it’s weird? If we like doing that, we don’t have to worry about what others might think about it.”
“You’re right, I shouldn’t worry that much.”
“I worry about small things too, you’re not alone on the ride.” I pointed out, sitting back at my desk.
“Glad to know I have someone I’m sure won’t judge on that.”
“I would never judge you on anything, well- aside from the ‘sugar’ matter we’ve been having for a while, nothing else.”
“You’ll be debating about it for a while then. I’m not about to stop having my ‘sugar with my coffee’, as Morgan says.”
“The amount you put in it is disgusting.”
“Not to me.”
“Well it is to me, and probably everyone else. How do you not get sick?”
“No idea. I’ve been doing that for years and never had problems of any kind. Maybe you’re all the ones that are weird.”
“Hey! You’re weird too. If you wouldn’t be, I wouldn’t be talking with you.”
“I’m less weird than you, at least.”
“Pff. Just get back to work, weirdo.”
I love you, weird genius.
No, I didn’t get to talk to him about the…’love matter thingy’.
We did spend a lot of time together but I didn’t get the nerve to find a way to ask, instead of going straight to the thing.
I have no idea if I was imagining things or if it was real but...he did look a lot like me, and...his look wasn’t the kind of look you’d give a friend.
He also seemed...nervous, I guess?
Would it be wrong for me to think that he could possibly like me, as well?
That’s better than always thinking he doesn’t, a little hope doesn’t hurt, it’s always nice to think on the bright side for once.
Maybe I could be right.
I kind of hope I am.
I didn’t think till now that it would be such a relief to see my whole desk cleared from most of the papers.
 I’ve turned in most of my reports- and that kind of sounds like I’m talking as if I’m in school and turning in assignments at the end of the day to be honest.
All of the papers that laid around were gone, and it kind of seemed like the work day had reached its end.
It kind of was a nice day, it’s nice to have days like that from time to time to take a break from all of the stress and shit from cases.
As I had gathered back all of my stuff, and all that was in mind was to walk out of here and rush to my apartment.
Just as I turned around, Spencer was standing in front of me; I didn’t even see him come by.
“You- gosh, you really scared me. Speak up next time.” I said, nervously laughing.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to- Did you uh...get hurt?”
“No, I didn’t have- get anything. I’m okay, thanks- Are you going home too?”
“Yeah, yeah, I am and...I also-”
“You also…?”
“I wanted to talk to you...again, about something.”
I feel like that ‘something’ might be the ‘something’ I’ve been wanting to talk to you about for weeks.
“Uh, go ahead, I guess. I can’t really start the conversation as I have no idea what it’s about…”
“Okay, uh...I’ve been uh, wanting to ask, for a while, if you wanted to hang out, sometimes. I know we do, pretty often, but I’d be like...hanging out together, maybe dinner...” He looked elsewhere, searching for his words.
“...you mean a date? Is that...what you want to say?”
“Yeah, that! I just- I thought I’d be weird to ask you, just like that. I mean...it’s kind of random and I thought that- you understood the thing.”
Please, that’s what I’ve been thinking about for a decade, how could I not understand that-
“It’s not weird, I’m just...surprised?”
“Oh, I’m- glad? I just...didn’t think you’d accept and...I was kind of afraid that I’d make a fool of myself by asking you that.”
“Wait a minute though-  You’re really asking me out, right now? I’m not making fun of you, it’s just still...wow.”
I just thought you would never do it, or that I’d be the one asking and receiving a negative answer.
“I swear that I’m not. I’d never joke about that, especially to you, and since I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I guess I was afraid of the answer.”
“Please don’t laugh, or anything but...kind of the same thing was happening to me, about you.”
“So...we’ve been thinking about it, and none of us knew? Wow, that’s...I didn’t think that was happening all this time.”
“Seems so.”
“Have you been uh...thinking about it for a while, like me?”
“Kind of...yeah. I’ve...liked you for a while but, didn’t think you’d be interested. I’ve had a lot of male friends that were acting like you, but weren’t interested in me, so I thought...that was the case.” I admitted.
“You have no idea how much I appreciate you, and not only in a friendly way. I’ve liked you for a bit, and as I said, I was afraid of what you’d say, so...I told myself that waiting for the right moment would be better.”
“....yeah, same. I don’t think we’d ever get to have a conversation about it but- did you uh...resolved yourself to do it because of…”
“..the paper thing? Yeah, and no. It’s been on my mind for a bit. I just thought this would...kind of- be the right moment. I know that it's not the ideal place, but I just thought, it’s now or never.”
“At least...it’s cleared out?” I asked.
“Yeah, it is. I’m glad we know about...the feelings stuff and all.”
“You have no idea how I am. This is- wow, sorry, this was kind of sudden, and I...didn’t think that’d happen. Just this morning I thought about talking about it somewhere this week and now- did you read my expression or something and guessed or…? Because just as I thought about it, you talked to me.” I explained.
“I guess so. I’ve been thinking about it for a bit, and...I didn’t want to wait more as I wouldn’t have ever talked, as for you.”
“Would you have waited another week for me to tell it or would you have stepped in before?”
“I think it would have depended on where we would be. Because, if we were outside, I think that I would have preferred something nicer than a bureau, you know. Even if I like it, to be honest. But, I wouldn’t say it’s the best setup to ask someone on a date?”
I shrugged. “Not the best, but, it’s better than- I don’t know...a grocery store or something?” 
“Yeah- it’s better.”
“At least you’ll get a better shot at asking me out on another date after that one.”
“I’ll definitely do better.”
“I trust you on that one. But- I want to home right now though, I kind of miss my couch...and my fridge, maybe.”
“I’m with you on both ones- after you.” Spencer offered, as the elevator opened, stepping in after me. 
“Be careful with the whole gentlemen thing, you’re gonna have to bring me coffee everyday soon.”
“I’m already doing that with mine, bringing yours won’t hurt. You’ll probably have a bill at the end of each month.”
“In your dreams, Reid.”
The care that had been put by Spencer on our first date was truly amazing.
It looked like he planned it months ago, it could almost be seen as a kind of proposal if someone else would see it.
He insisted on picking me up himself, did not tell me a single thing about where we were going till we were there, which was weird...but made it exciting and fun.
I have to say that I was...quite nervous too.
I never even thought that I’d be here, on a literal date with Spencer Reid himself; I’ve had dreams about it, thought about it, but never thought it’d actually happen.
None of this was a joke, he was more than serious about it.
I don’t think that even one thought I had looked like this moment, he insisted for it to be an awesome first date we’d both remember for a while, and I wish it could have lasted longer.
Time went by, way too fast that when we both saw the time, it was already 10PM.
As we could have work, and that sleeping early would be convenient if we happen to be called in early, we decided to end the night there, even if none of us really wanted to.
“We should stay in next time. That way we won’t be tired, you know. It’s kind of late.” Spencer pointed out, as we walked to my place.
“You sure? It’s gonna be Grey’s Anatomy or whatever cheesy tv show I watch for the night.”
“I don’t mind. I’ll probably try to point out the mistakes, it’ll be like...a game night you know.”
“Oh, yeah. It could. But, I think I’m gonna be the one to lose as the only ‘medical knowledge’ I have from that show is from that show. And, as Google isn’t to be trusted, I’m gonna lose.”
“It could also include a...spot cheesy moments thing.”
“Season one is full of it. We’re gonna have a lot to talk about. I would have proposed Star Trek but apparently, there’s not much scientific errors, it’s pretty accurate from what I heard. We could settle on Doctor Who if we can’t decide.”
“Would you like it though? You told me you don’t watch it usually.”
“You could tell me about it, it could be good. We could also try Supernatural, it’s kind of mystery stuff with paranormal stuff?”
“Ghosts, spirit and the whole heaven/hell thing?”
“Yeah, there’s a lot going on. And...it's kind of in the title. I’d have to warn you though, I’m kind of obsessed with the main leads, so don't get jealous or something.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t judge you. It’s a judgement free-zone.”
You raised your eyebrows, staying silent for a split second.“...you judged me when I didn’t add any sugar in my coffee.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Spencer, please- you looked at me weirdly, as if I committed a crime.” 
“Not in a mean way- I just put a ton, so, seeing someone putting none was weird.” He admitted.
“I’m judging you on that then. You’re putting way too much in that. It’s sugar with liquid at this point, it's melted candy.”
“I hate the strong taste.”
“Then drink tea.” I proposed.
“It’s too light.”
“Just end up drinking water.” I said, running out of ideas.
“No, I prefer to stay with my sugar with liquid.”
As you wish.” I agreed, as we came to a stop.
“So...we’re there.”
“Yep, we are. I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked.
“Yeah, tomorrow.” Spencer repeated, coming forward to plant a kiss on my cheek. “Have a good night.”
“Spencer, you missed. You kissed my cheek.”
“Oh I- are you fine with it…?”
“Just kiss me, Reid.” I replied back, while one of his came on my left cheek, the other laying on my waist as he stepped forward once again, kissing me on the lips.
All of it was perfect.
It was only the two of us, the world around us had froze.
My arms ended up winding up around his neck as he brought me close, his warmth, smell invading my emotions, my whole thoughts.
I had totally forgotten about everything else, he was the center of my attention, I couldn’t allow myself to go on another track when he happened to be near me, this close.
Never have I thought that months ago, as I was crushing on a man I thought wouldn’t like me, would actually like me, and kiss me.
We were literally starting to date.
This better be real, I better not be in a coma after whatever accident I might have had.
Because this— this is way better than a dream, than I imagined.
I would be so mad if that wouldn’t end up to be real— but it is.
All of the things I’d feel, whether it was him, his hand on my cheek radiating his warmth on me, his breath, his lips slotting against mine, his arm enlacing my waist, the grip on my waist gentle, the feeling of the fabric of his jacket against my fingers, or even my own feelings, all of the memories, thoughts floating around, there was just way too many things to describe, but I could still list them all of a sudden if I were to be asked about the aftermath of it.
I couldn’t wish for a better moment like this.
I think that the fact that this moment was probably totally unexpected made it even more special for the two of us.
Neither of us will forget, ever.
This moment totally replaced the message written in bright red ink that reminded me that I still had these feelings laying around that I kept pushing away by fear of rejection.
The rejection seemed long gone, for me, he happened to be having similar feelings, probably fearing a negative event as well.
Turns out nothing bad happened for the both of us.
Only our truest desires, what we wished for but didn’t dare to as the bad ones were stronger.
The bad pushed the joy we could have really lived if the feelings were mutual.
And now, it is.
We both know that the other likes us, that the bad is long gone behind us.
I could tell that, from my side, because of this moment.
I didn’t want it to stop, ever.
I wished to live this kind of event that could give the chance for all of these amazing feelings to fill my whole mind.
No more fear, pain, sadness, just calm, reassuring, soothing feelings.
The ones that make you feel that nothing can hurt you anymore, that make you feel safe, happy, this is all I’ve ever wanted.
I didn’t even count how many minutes that lasted, I was too focused on...the wonderful person in front of me and all the feelings that came with it.
It was quite the overwhelming one, and for once, it wasn’t an unpleasant overwhelming, it made me feel happy.
Mostly because I’d never thought feelings could be so deep, numerous, amazing to think about, and then, even more happy feelings would pop up again, and again.
I’d almost forgotten we were still in front of my building, and that it was...really late.
I almost think that I didn’t remember the world had kept moving, that people walked by to see two people making out in the street.
I guess I sort of apologize, but don’t really care.
I was in my moment and did not care if anyone saw us.
When we both slowed down in our movements, ceasing after a few seconds; I slightly stepped back, letting his hand rest on my cheek for a little bit more when I put mine on his.
I simply didn’t want the feeling of his warmth to ever stop.
I did not want any of what this moment made me feel to ever stop after I had to experience it with no one but a person that deeply matters to me.
The only person I’ve ever wanted to feel this kind of amazing feelings with.
I didn’t want it to stop.
Not yet.
Not ever.
It was amazing.
He was amazing.
As we both started to take our breaths back, when his hand dropped from my cheek to my waist, joining the other, the feeling of looking in his eyes once again was astounding.
It was just a glance.
But, when you happen to be in total love, it isn’t just a simple glance, it’s always a special one.
What you feel about it won’t ever change.
I’m sure of it, in my case.
I wish I could be looking at him forever.
But...not that I want to ruin the moment but, it was really late, and windy.
Not the best time to look at each other for hours.
After a certain amount of time, Spencer had been the one to briefly break contact, before maintaining it once again, but with a different emotion plastered on his face this time.
“I’m sorry for...before, I panicked and I-”
Okay, here goes nothing.
“I don’t want you to go yet.” I admitted. “That's kind of the reason...I said and did that too. I wanted to kiss you but, it was also to feel you close a bit more, a four hour date wasn’t enough and I don’t think it’ll ever be.”
He seemed surprised at my confession.
Just say something, I hate it when there’s a blank.
Especially when I just said this to you.
“...if you want me to stay, just tell me.” He said. “I’ll be here as long as you’ll have me, as long as you want. Even for a whole week, a month, hell- forever, let’s be crazy.”
“You’d do that?”
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?”
“I just feel like I would be bothering you.”
“You’re not. I’m actually happy to get to stay more. It’s not bothersome at all, on the contrary. I’m happy to stay.”
I’m happy too.
“Thanks for that. I really...appreciate it.” I admitted.
“The pleasure’s mine.”
“Wow, you’re playing it ‘gentleman-like’ now?”
“I guess so. I would also say it can be because I’ve seen a bit too much of Miraculous Ladybug when I was babysitting kids. Cat Noir’s nice.”
“You know lines of Cat Noir?”
“Yeah, I picked up a few one.”
“Really? You’re gonna say them all the time now?”
“Of course, my lady.”
“I’m never gonna get used to that. It’s weird hearing you say that.”
“But it’s romantic, there’s a lot in the TV shows you watch. The characters do that too.”
“But you’re not one of the characters, you’re Spencer Reid. You’re yourself. You don’t need to throw Cat Noir lines to charm me or something. Just you...is enough.”
“You sound like ladybug...and also Marinette.”
“We’re kind of them- well- kind of, as what we deal with isn’t...close to a kid’s show, but, we save people.”
“Oh, we should-”
“No, I’m not dressing up as ladybug for halloween.”
“...can’t say I didn’t try.”
“There’s no way I’m dressing up in a suit-” I argued.
“We would have been equal, I’d be in one too.”
“I’m not doing it-”
“...guess I’ll have to come up with something else then.”
“Yeah. We have at least six months to think about it so...that’s enough for me, I guess.”
“It’s short. We’re gonna end up one week before.” He complained.
“Stop worrying about that- just get inside with me, it’s getting cold.”
“I could give you my sweater and jacket, I don’t mind.”
“Just- get inside Reid.”
“I was joking!”
“Sure you do. Do you think I’d stay outside for another hour?”
“I just thought it was because you were cold-”
“I’m gonna check if you don’t have a fever when we get up- you’re out of your mind.”
“I’m perfectly fine.”
“Nah, you’re a bit tired, from what you said.”
“I didn’t actually mean it.”
“Sure, let’s get you to bed, grandpa.”
"I'm 32-"
"I don't see why you call me grandpa."
"You don't have the reference? The meme, you know?"
"No, I don't."
"You're disappointing, Reid."
“Is it going to get worse in later seasons? It’s too calm.” Spencer pointed out.
“Uh...possibly. Season one is pretty calm, not- entirely, but...okay compared to later ones. There’s a lot going on in Supernatural, and it gets pretty hard when you get attached to the characters. The writers like to hurt us.”
“They’re taking all of the pain of the fans on twitter as inspiration.”  
I snorted. “I’m really starting to wonder if it’s not the case at this point.”
“I noticed they tend to do that at the end of seasons too. They throw in a cliffhanger where you think that the character is going to die, and then, they make you wait months...just to show they had a scratch on the arm.” He explained.
“It’s true...they did that a lot of times. I’m afraid of what’s going to happen after season one though. I bet it’s only going to get worse.”
“Probably. I bet they won’t be extra nice with letting them live peacefully.”
“You…” I stopped in my sentence, yawning. “...said it. Sorry- I’m a bit tired.” I said, rubbing my eyes.
"Oh you should probably- go to bed, yeah. I'll leave the bed to you, you know."
"Why would you sleep on the couch?"
"Uh...well, uh...I don't know."
"We're sleeping in the same bed, it's not the end of the world."
"...are you uh- sure?"
"I guess. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
“I just figured that...it’d be sort of embarrassing, or even awkward for you.”
“I don’t get why it would be, it’s okay. Plus, you deserve to sleep comfortably if you’re tired as well.”
“Okay, then.”
I paused for a bit, thinking about a detail. “...It’s probably stupid to ask, but...which side do you usually prefer? Just so that, there aren't any problems if you sleep on a specific one, you know.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be taking you side or anything, as you said, if you prefer a specific...one.”
“Why did you think I asked? And, in case we prefer the same, we’ll just settle on one, that's all I can think of.”
“...it wasn’t stupid to ask though.” Spencer reassured.
“Really? I...it’s not everyday that I ask that kind of stuff, especially as this situation doesn’t happen everyday. But, at least, I can say that I’ve already done it. It’s...something.”
“Yeah, same. It’s just...I don’t know, what would you call it?”
“Half stupid, half nice? I have no idea as well.” I admitted.
“...we can just leave it there, we’ll never find it.”
“True- Are you coming, or doing a whole routine like drinking water, going to the bathroom, tidying up everything, checking mails and all of the possible stuff that you could do?”
“Do you really think I could be doing that?”
“Kind of. Wouldn’t be surprising if you were doing that. But I’d say it’s a waste of time, if it’s 10PM, you end up going at 11:30 something. The least I’d do would be...water and bathroom. But again- I won’t criticize, it’s fine with me. Just don’t make hella noise.” I detailed.
“I just...check mails...a lot, yeah. Also uh...I make sure everything is ready in case we get called in so I don’t rush; so, I do a lot of stuff. But as if it’s a calm week, I guess I can skip getting the bag ready, and probably mails as I answer them later.”
“That’s...good to know at least. Less stress before going to bed.”
“Kind of. I tend to do all of the stuff I forget all day at night, which causes me to do a lot of stuff, being afraid that they won’t be done on time, so...it’s nice to have less stress.”
“Really nice after what you said.” I pointed out. “Are you sure you’re okay though? We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world, if that’s the thing that bothers you.”
“No, you’re not….it isn’t- It’s not the problem. I just, never really...did it, and...I have no idea why I’m stressing over that. It’s kind of stupid as we’re just gonna sleep.”
“You’ll be out like a light in two minutes Spence, it won’t be a problem if that’s what stresses you out. Also, it kind of is...the feeling you can’t describe, and me neither. It’s like...stress, awkwardness, a mix, you know.”
“Exactly, it’s kind of that.” He agreed.
“Didn't know we were thinking the same about that. Well, I guess we’ll see. We should go before it’s too late.”
“Yeah, we...probably should.” 
“Relax up a bit. Just chill.”
“I’m perfectly relaxed.” He argued.
“No you’re not. Stop lying, I don’t even need to profile you to know. You’re like a balloon ready to explode.”
“I really don’t see what you’re talking about, y/n.” He muttered.
“Did anyone tell you that you’re very convincing? Turns out they were lying, genius.”
“I think I’m the one freaking out now.” I admitted, out of the blue.
“I’m not really freaking out anymore. I guess I gave all of my stress away to you.”
“It’s quite thoughtful, thanks.”
“Maybe you’re just hot, who knows. I’m fine on my side.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m not hot, it was freezing cold outside, so it is inside. I know when it’s hot and when it’s not.”
“Uh then...try to take deep breaths? I don’t know what you could do.”
Why don’t you try to be less handsome, huh?
“I think it’s the awkwardness and stress mix kicking in, as I said earlier.”
“Do you want to talk for a bit? Maybe it’ll calm you down.”
“Sure, why not.” I agreed, turning to the other side to face him.
That guy has to realize that his face is what’s distracting me.
“What did you think about today?” He asked.
“It was...really fun. Quite more than I expected I think. I guess I’d be down for other ones.”
“I can’t guarantee I’m not going to slide one or two essays in it though.”
“I’m fine with it. You know listening to you...never bothered me. I don’t think it’ll ever bore me. Who doesn’t like a few facts?”
“Even when it’s all about science or pagan rituals? The cop looked at me weirdly and even asked what kind of doctor I was. Someone else had to talk to revive the conversation.”
You bet, not everyone’s used to it.
“I do remember that one. You looked pretty...proud about it when you finished the sentence. I swear that I would have revived it first or would have kept going. I know a bit about it. What did you say to creep him out?”
“I think that...there was candle wax on the tree, and I said the usual stuff, as a matter of fact, it was used to protect the birth day celebrants from demons, and that the celebration got rejected by Christianity as a pagan ritual’. That’s when he asked.”
That totally explains.
“It wasn’t embarrassing, don’t worry. He just...wasn’t used to that. That almost happens with every new person you meet. I’m out of the ‘almost’ I guess. I was surprised, but got kind of interested.”
“Again, that was surprising. Not everyone would have reacted like you did. I know the others try not to hurt me and listen to it until it’s enough.”
“It’s distracting sometimes, you can always keep going. But not too late, 2AM essays aren’t my thing. Sleeping at 2AM is.”
Getting to sleep at 2AM doesn’t even matter anymore, I’m just glad to be able to sleep.
“I’ll try then.”
“You better.” I warned, pulling my jacket closer to my body as I felt a few chills.
His gaze hadn’t left my figure, hence, he noticed. “...you’re still cold?”
“A bit, I guess.”
“Do you uh...want to...get closer?”
“If you don’t mind, I don’t know. I don’t want it to be embarrassing.”
“It’s not, I swear. I just don’t want you to freeze, I guess.” He admitted, raising one of his arms.
“Okay, thanks.” I slowly got closer, not wanting to invade too much.
“I said you could get closer, that is barely closer than before. Come here.” He pointed out, which I responded to with a sigh as my head ended up resting against his chest. “I told you it wasn’t weird.”
“I thought it’d be for you.” I answered.
“It’s not...anymore. It’s actually fine...now that you’re here.”
“...really? You were kind of stressed about it just a bit ago.”
“Don’t remind me, it’s embarrassing again now. Do as your brain is a computer and delete the file.”
You’re the computer, I’m not.
“It’s fun when you react like that, why would I stop?”
“That’s offending.”
“You, offended? I don’t think so. You don’t sound like it, you’re acting.”
“That hurted my feelings even more, I think my heart might die because of such cruelty. You should be careful with your words, my lady.”
“You’re starting to look like Cat Noir. It’s cheesy. I didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings.”
“Maybe I am Cat Noir, who knows.”
“Guess you’re gonna have to give back your power, you’re not supposed to say it.”
That shows how many nights I’ve spent babysitting kids, especially Matt’s, they watch it way too much.
“Never said I was.”
I kind of wish you were, it’d be fun to see you in that costume.
“Spencer, you sound like him now. You’re definitely him, can’t change my mind about that.”
“I just sound like him, doesn’t mean I am.”
“I have the last word, stop.”
“Okay, I’m stopping. But you have to sleep first, I’m not sleeping until you’re asleep.”
“...bossy.” I spat.
“I’m taking care of you, I’m not bossy.”
“Whatever, right.” Spencer repeated, hesitating for a bit before putting his lips on my forehead, softly kissing it a few times. “I totally agree with you.”
“Mhm.” I lazily said, growing a bit more tired.
“Good night, y/n.”
Nothing much had been planned for today; so when I had woken up, I really didn’t need to feel stressed about rushing into work as most of it would only be paperwork.
Spencer was still asleep. He had stirred up a bit when I stood up, but it didn’t wake him much. He was sleeping as a baby, even when I accidentally banged my foot against a shelf, nothing woke him up.
I exited the room with a chuckle, heading to the kitchen aisle to fill up a glass of water; sitting on the counter when I had the glass in hand.
It wasn’t really late, just about 8AM, I could still head to work around 9 or 10 as our work hours were to be chosen by us when nothing urgent was to be done; but, the limit was still about 10AM, the hour to be chosen more freely was around the end of the day.
Too bad we can’t head in somewhere in the afternoon.
I hate that work just for that.
I slightly jumped from the counter, peering over the bedroom to see Spencer still sound asleep, only his position had changed.
As I looked in the room, his sweater had been messily put on one of the chairs in the corner, almost at the edge of it.
Time to make jokes and steal a sweater. 
I slightly laughed, walking to the chair as I grabbed the sweater, heading back outside when I had the item in hand.
In a few seconds, I had put my head in the top hole, then my arms in the sleeves, arranging the sweater afterwards.
Good luck to get it back, Reid.
“Hey, did you-”  Spencer asks, before putting his eyes on me. “Is that my sweater, or am I having hallucinations?”
“That is your sweater, indeed. You’re not hallucinating.”
“Is it being rude to ask why you’re wearing it?”
“I don’t know, I like it.”
“And...is it possible to get it back later?”
“Not sure….no.”
“At least you were clear.” Spencer chuckled, sitting on the couch as I joined him after a minute.
“Last night was really nice. I appreciated the forehead kisses.”
“I just...felt like it would be reassuring, glad to know that. I could do it often if you’d like to. I don’t mind.”
“Every night, no matter the situation. If we leave and don’t see each other for a few hours, forehead kisses, even if we don’t sleep at the other’s place, forehead kisses- basically every time we have to separate for a bit. But- you can also do it when we’re together, so...correction, all the time.”
“Gotcha, all the time.”
“I may give you back your sweater at some point if you keep your promise.”
“I don’t actually mind, you can keep it. Just tell me when you take my clothes so I don’t think that some alien stole my clothes in the night.”
“I’ll send you a text every time I’ll be taking one. You might receive a lot though…”
“Just try to leave two or three shirts and some pants so I don’t have to go out in the street naked.”
“I will- don’t worry.” I said, laughing.
“Too bad I can’t take yours in exchange. I’m not a fan of...tops.”
“You know what? That’s not a bad idea. I’m gonna take everything in your closet and only leave pants and that top. Thanks for the idea!” I thanked, getting up from the couch as he tried to catch me when I started to run.
At least now, I can’t say that I had a bad week.
It was better than expected;
For...probably the both of us.
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howggswouldreact · 4 years
🎼 You Are the Music in Me | Chuu
Request: Hi! Can i request a high school!au with loona’s Chuu where she and the reader are in the same music class. Chuu has a crush on the reader, and when they’re paired up for a project they start hanging out after-school etc. (e.g something like Chuu’s web drama: Dating Class)
Plot: Jiwoo has music class with her crush, Reader. The teacher put them paired up in a project and their feelings grow stronger as they spend some time together. 
Words: 3,809
Genre: fluff, high school!au 
Notes: i am in love with it! !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! enjoy your reading!
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Walking down the halls of the school towards the rectangular room hugging her notebook was something Jiwoo was already used to. Her black shoes already knew the path naturally as they hit the smooth beige and somewhat slippery floor. There were few people heading in that direction; most were going on Spanish or Geography classes, and they would be just a little bit late. But Jiwoo knew you would be there.
Her hand reached for the doorknob and she slowly opened the door, realizing that you were already with the teacher, both with your respective guitars. You were very focused and didn't notice Jiwoo's arrival. She closed the door, went to one of the last chairs in the room and sat down, all in a very quiet way so as not to bother you. She knew you were improving a lot on the guitar, every day you arrived early because the teacher knew your potential.
And every day Jiwoo arrived early to be able to see you for a while and, who knows, to talk a little more with you, always using music as an excuse to start it. It was a beautiful day, she realized as she looked out of the room's large window decorated with musical symbols made of cardboard and hand painted in black.
"You are getting better in fingerstyle, Y/N. I am really proud of you, keep practicing.", the teacher said, praising your effort and realizing that you were really dedicated to the lessons.
"Thank you." you said, smiling and getting up to take a seat while the other students arrived.
Everyone sat in different places and you sat next to Jiwoo, turning to her, still smiling and supporting the guitar on the wall behind you.
"Hey, how are you?", you asked. "Writing new songs?" you pointed to her notebook.
Jiwoo gave one of those huge smiles that would even make ice melt. She was genuinely happy that you were talking to her.
"Yes. I'm just having a little trouble finding a melody."
"What are they about? And if you want, we can work on it together."
"They are about-"
"Hello, guys. Can I have your attention?", the teacher asked, interrupting Jiwoo and everyone turned to him, silently. "Great. As you know, I like to propose different activities for you throughout the classes. And, as this class is already fixed, I know I can bring you good tasks, since you are such dedicated students.", some clapped their hands and everyone agreed. "So I had this idea for the end of this semester's project: covers."
Everyone was excited about the professor's idea. That was really cool, wasn't it? Everyone doing covers of different songs, who doesn't like covers?
"So, I'm going to divide you into pairs and one person from each pair will come to my table...", he turned, took a hat. "And will take a paper from inside this hat. Each one contains a different song. There are famous soundtracks, classical music, pop music, etc. I want this duo cover to have your identity, the signature of your art, together. Shall we start? ", he looked across the room and started forming pairs.
You approached Jiwoo, leaning on her table.
"Imagine this: Dowoon and his duo take a paper that has some Whiplash¹ music. It would be great, wouldn't it?", you said, excited.
"It would be awesome. But I'm a little worried, what if the teacher joins two vocalists?"
"Ah, he won't do that.", you said, quietly. "I'm sure he will bring the right people together."
"Y/N.", the teacher said, making you look up. "What do you think about being a Jiwoo duo, since you've been talking since the beginning of class?", your faces flushed. "Okay, one of you come over here, time to find out what song it will be."
You got up, gave Jiwoo an embarrassed smile, and went to your teacher. He held his hat full of small folded papers and all the students in the room were anxious to know which song would be selected.
You put your hand on the bottom of the hat and took what you believed was the last folded paper. You pulled it out and unfolded it. You gave a light laugh, not believing that the teacher selected that song to be part of the project.
"Say the name of the song.", some student said.
"Ahm... You Are the Music in Me, from High School Musical 2."
Some students laughed, others were a little jealous. But that had been unexpected. If the first song selected had been part of a teen musical, many surprises were hidden in that hat. The teacher smiled at you and asked you to sit down.
You went back to your chair and handed the paper to Jiwoo.
"Fortunately my partner has an incredible voice. Ready to perform with me, Jiwoo Montez?"
"Yes, I am, Y/N Bolton!", she replied, excitedly.
But in fact, Jiwoo was in a mix of excitement and nervousness. Having you as a partner for this project could be one of her greatest wishes, but it was also something that made her afraid. What if she screwed it up? What if she ruined the whole project that you seemed so excited to start? Anyway, Jiwoo would do anything to make this duet perfect. She was getting what she wanted: spending more time with you.
While she smiled, hiding her nervousness, her fingers tightened on the sides of the composition book. All of her songs were there. And they were all about you.
"So you're going to sing a High School Musical song, a romantic song, and you are really trying to convince me that this doesn't sound like a cliché musical romance movie?"
Jiwoo sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Okay, all right, Hyejoo! It looks like a musical romance movie cliché."
"I knew it. Come on, look at you, she texted hello and you're already excited."
Jiwoo and Hyejoo, her friend, reached their school lockers with red doors that stood side by side and opened them.
"I like Y/N.", Jiwoo said, taking out her geography book. "You understand what I mean, you're at the theater club because of Chaewon, not because you love acting."
"Hey! Speak louder, I don't think they heard you in Canada yet!", Hyejoo got angry.
"But you understand what I'm saying because you feel the same way. Y/N texting me, being my partner on a project and saying hello to me... this is a lot and... she's so amazing.", Jiwoo closed the locker’s door and was startled.
"Jesus Christ!", Hyejoo almost shouted.
You were leaning against the wall next to her with a smile on your face and holding the books for your next class.
"Good morning!", you said to the two of them and then turned only to Jiwoo. "I found the perfect place to rehearse. Before lunch, I'll pick you up. Class of...", you looked at her book. "Geography. I'll be waiting for you at the door, will you go?"
Jiwoo nodded. You said goodbye and she turned to Hyejoo, her eyes wide with concern.
"Do you think she heard me?"
"It would be surprising if she didn't."
You picked her up at the classroom door and you went to the place that would be great for practicing when you couldn’t do it at home. You learned from another student that, for some bizarre reason, the acoustics were perfect behind the gym's bleachers. When you arrived, you sat down on the floor and started talking.
"We have a month for that. I think it's a good time to develop a good cover.", you said, taking out from your backpack your notebook and a pencil. "Any idea?"
"I was thinking about being a cover more of the voice and guitar type, you know?"
"This is great, very natural and suits us. I think trying to use other instruments would get in the way. And your voice is very good, it will hold everyone's attention.", you praised her.
"Hey, don't say those things.", Jiwoo scolded you, cheeks flushed.
"It's just the truth."
"But you will sing with me, right? It's a duet..."
"Ahm...", you weren't sure about that. "It's just that I don't know if it will sound good..."
"We practice together, I help you, okay?"
You nodded.
Jiwoo was feeling so good, every time she was in your presence it was as if her heart had finally found some peace. For Jiwoo, you were the personification of the most beautiful song.
"What if it was like... fingerstyle?", you suggested.
"It looks great to me. I heard the teacher praising you while playing, I know you got better with it."
You were a little embarrassed but you smiled at her, thanking her. You talked for a little while longer and decided it would be cool to rehearse after school too. The next day would be Saturday so you would go to her house with your guitar and it would be a very productive day for training the song and for you two to get along.
With the end of classes, you decided to take Jiwoo to her house, so you would know where she lived. Luckily, she didn't live very far from you, not even from school, so you could walk and it wouldn't take too long to arrive. When you left her at the door, you said goodbye with a hug.
Jiwoo entered and went straight to her bedroom. She dropped her backpack on the floor and threw herself on the bed, like a girl in love. But that was exactly what she was: a girl in love with you.
She hugged the pillow, remembering the hug that had happened just a few minutes ago and remembered the compliment you gave to her voice. She kept smiling for a long time.
Saturday came and brought an afternoon of clear skies and fresh wind. You texted Jiwoo, telling her you were going to her house, and anxiety took over her heart. Would you like her bedroom? She arranged everything, even though everything had been organized since the previous day. She prepared snacks for you, left the notebook and pencil nearby for you to write down the ideas in case they came up and waited for you.
When the doorbell rang, she practically ran to the door and opened it for you. You came in with your guitar, introduced yourself to her parents and you went up to the room, excited to start rehearsing.
"Being honest, it’s been a long time since I listened to this song, I had to keep listening to remember the lyrics.", you confessed, laughing.
"Me too, it seems that I knew nothing but the chorus."
Jiwoo told you to sit on the bed and you sat down, she sat next to you and you took the guitar, tuning it quickly while she warmed up her voice.
"You have a beautiful voice, Jiwoo. I am delighted every time I hear you."
She smiled at you, melting your heart. And you started to rehearse.
You decided that the song should stay calm until the end, like a ballad, and when you started the first chords, Jiwoo noticed that you were playing in the appropriate tone for her voice. Did you pay so much attention to her or was it simply because she had warmed up in front of you and you noticed it at that moment? Ah, she didn't want to be fantasizing in her head, but it was impossible. She was in love with you.
After a long time rehearsing and adjusting some things, improving a way of playing a chord or another, remembering the lyrics together, you thought it would be cool to take a break.
"Do you want to eat something? An ice cream, cookies, sandwich...", Jiwoo offered, sliding her hands on her jeans, trying not to look so nervous in your presence.
"I think I will accept the ice cream, Jiwoo."
She went to the kitchen and you stayed in her room, you could see how that room had all her energy and personality concentrated so perfectly. There were pictures of her with her friends, pieces of music written on post-its spread over a single wall and you got up so you could read them better. Everything vibrated there, a positive energy that emanated with strength, making you feel good, just as Jiwoo's presence did.
On the desk, there was a picture of her with her parents and also her notebook of compositions. You knew you shouldn't get it without her permission and you didn't. You would wait her to come back. But when she came back, you ended up talking about other things while eating chocolate ice cream and the notebook was still left on her desk.
The weeks passed and the bond between you was growing stronger and stronger. Jiwoo didn't expect you to get so close, but for her it was great and being around you didn't make her as nervous as before. Of course, the butterflies in her stomach weren't silly at all and with every smile you gave in her direction or even the simple fact of calling her by her name woke up those damn butterflies. But the nervousness of being around you, the nervousness that had sometimes prevented her from talking to you about simple things, was gone. And, in its place, there was a feeling of comfort that made everything in your presence better, with the smell and taste of chocolate, and as good as only you could make her feel.
You felt the same. It was good to be with her, even a little addictive. Jiwoo's aura was very good and whenever you met in the halls or had similar classes, you made sure to spend some time talking; sometimes they were even making you get late. But it wasn’t too much, it was good for you and you found yourself thinking about here more and more. And her voice... you were sure that if angels really existed, they would be jealous of Jiwoo's voice.
With so many rehearsals being done almost daily, the harmonization between your voices was perfect. Every detail of this cover was perfectly aligned and you were sure that the A was guaranteed with this project before the summer holidays. You both made a last rehearsal on Wednesday, but it couldn't be at Jiwoo's house because it was her cousin's birthday and she and her parents were going to visit her. So, in order not to be too much work, you went behind the bleachers in the empty gym.
When you sat down and started what would be the last rehearsal before the performance, Jiwoo noticed that she never felt that kind of happiness before. She sang that song with her heart.
"You are the music in me...", she ended the song along with the last chords on your guitar, your fingers over the strings and the satisfied smiles on your faces.
You were looking at each other for a long time and Jiwoo wanted to tell you everything she felt, that seemed the appropriate time to finally talk about what filled her heart.
"Y/N, I...", the unspoken words were interrupted by the ring of her cell phone, a call from her mother, and she answered.
The mother said it was for her to hurry or they would arrive very late at her cousin's house. Jiwoo ended the call and stood up, somewhat frustrated at being interrupted and knowing that now the moment was gone.
"What were you going to say?”, you asked getting up, the guitar in one hand.
"Nothing important. Just that tomorrow we will rock!", she squeaked as she said the last word.
"Yes, we will!", you hugged her.
Jiwoo was afraid that you could feel her heartbeat beating against your chest, it was so strong, and it was due to the hug. She was loving being in your arms and realized that it was lasting longer than a normal hug, but she didn't want to let go. However, she should go, so she slowly released your shoulders.
"Let me know when you get home.", you said, fixing her bangs.
"Oookay!", she said, smiling from ear to ear and waving at you as she left.
You didn't know what was going on, but you felt like your body was screaming with joy. It wasn't just the feeling of being with Jiwoo close to you that made you feel good. Even the simple thought related to her already made you smile. And you knew. You were in love.
The day of the presentation came and everyone in the class went to the auditorium, as usual. The teacher gave the initial considerations and you were sitting in the tenth row, alone. For some reason, Jiwoo hadn't shown up yet and you were worrying because it was a long month of preparation, lots of rehearsals, a lot of closeness and affection. Was she okay?
You were about to take out your cell phone when she sat next to you, a little breathless. She had run over there.
"What happened?", you asked in a whisper as the first pair started to introduce themselves.
"I was doing something.", for the first time you were watching a Jiwoo with a serious face. "I need you to promise me that you'll read this but only after the presentations are over.", she held up folded paper in your direction.
"Okay. What's going on?", you were going to catch the paper but she moved away from you a little.
"Just promise. Please."
"I promise, Jiwoo."
Seeing the sincerity in your look, she handed it to you and you kept it in your jeans’ pocket. You didn't understand what was happening and you knew she didn't want to tell you; whatever it was, it would be on that piece of paper.
When you both were asked to perform, you went on stage to the applause of your classmates, Jiwoo took the microphone and looked at you with a big smile as you took the guitar.
"1, 2, 3 ...", you mumbled while playing the first chords.
All the rehearsals were worth it. You two sang as if you were in Jiwoo's room, as if there was no one else there but you, and looked at each other while you sang. The presentation was perfect and in the end you received applause followed by applause. The teacher praised you so much that you knew that the maximum grade would not be enough for the presentation you had just given. Everyone was delighted, including you two.
When all the presentations were over and the class was over, you turned to Jiwoo but she was already leaving for the next class. You wondered if you had done something wrong but did not find an answer to that question. You remembered the paper in your pocket then picked it up and unfolded it, noticing Jiwoo's beautiful handwriting and her name at the top of it. It was a letter.
What you didn't know is that it was actually a love letter.
"Y / N,
I'm saying this in a letter because I didn't know if I would have enough strength to get dumped right in my face. And I donn't know how your expression is now, but during the time that I'm in love with you, I notice many details on your face and would know if you were disapproving my feelings for you.
So that there are no problems, I wrote this letter.
You may not have noticed, but when I look at you, I smile. When we talk, I feel so nervous that it makes me uneasy. Sometimes, I can't sleep and that is because I think about you a lot. And the way you call my name makes it sound new every time you call me. 
The truth is, I'm in love with you. And I am not sure when it started, but I know it is strong.
I hope I haven't ruined our friendship. I will be very happy if you want to remain my friend. 
You couldn't help but smile at the letter. Both for knowing that Jiwoo was in love with you, and for the little face she had drawn at the end of it. You folded the letter and put it in your pocket again, took a deep breath and knew that even though you were late for class, you needed to find Jiwoo.
You ran through the halls looking for her but they were already empty, everyone was in class and you should do the same, so you did. You didn't dare to pick up your cell phone since the professor could collect it, but you kept thinking about that letter and what you would like to say to Jiwoo.
Jiwoo was putting the books in the school locker, worried about you showing up, so Hyejoo was watching the place to warn her if you arrived. She just didn't count on her friend being distracted by a conversation with Chaewon, who came by to ask something about the next play.
"Why did you run away from me?"
Jiwoo closed the locker’s door with a surprise and you were there beside her, staring at her, waiting for an answer.
"Oh, no, no, no!", you could see a certain despair in her voice. "Please don't hate me."
"What? Jiwoo, I would never hate you. In fact, I feel the complete opposite of that. I feel the same way as you, Jiwoo. I'm in love with you. I was looking for you to say that, but you ran away from me... "
A slight silence as Jiwoo's beautiful smile appeared on her face.
"Are you serious?", you managed to notice a sparkle in her eyes as she asked.
"Totally. We can be a pair. If you want, of course," you suggested.
"Of course I want to.", she hugged you tight, without worrying about her heartbeats, as yours beat strongly against hers.
You took her home as soon as school ended, hand in hand, and when you arrived at the door, she asked you to wait a moment while she opened her backpack. You watched as she pulled out the notebook full of lyrics that she was composing herself. Jiwoo handed it over to you.
"Take it home. I need your help with some melodies.", the smile she gave and the confidence she had in you were enough to make you feel radiant.
"Wow, that's quite a responsibility. All of your music..."
"Do not worry." she opened the door and went into the house. "It's all about you.", Jiwoo closed the door before you could answer.
You smiled, putting her notebook in your backpack and walking towards your home. You were looking forward to being able to rehearse more songs with her.
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