#you know what would be cooler? a graphic novel series. an audio drama version. a single 45 min ep on a bigger show of a therapy sesh
zenodotus-xxiv · 10 months
....yeah, absolutely not. A damn SHOW? About a diary series like this? Made by cis guys, with murderbot played by some random white guy? No. Frankly, I think any medium but books is going to fuck up Murderbot so badly, especially a series made by APPLE, one of the biggest tech companies in the world, and a huge face in digital surveillance tech. THIS is who's producing a show about a book series BASED AROUND ANTI-CORPORATE SURVEILLENCE themes? Look. A casting isn't a definitive greenlight, especially in this day and age, and I'm hoping it just dies out, but if it doesn't... well, I'm not fucking touching it, and I hope y'all can stand with me on that.
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