#you know what it reminds me of is when everyone dunked on twilight fans
xx-meat-clown-xx · 4 months
i find it so strange how people discuss hazbin fans
and im not even talking about fandom discourse topics from people who can't discern that people can consume media critically.
im talking about how its so strange how people will make up very bizarre lies such as, "hazbin fans think that hell in real life is like that"
is the hazbin fan in the room with us right now bud?
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multismileee · 5 months
Osan's Love -- 7/10, I know this is a remake, but truthfully I haven't watched the original. Therefore, this is solely based off of the trailer. I love EarthMix, but ngl I was hoping for a more advanced and mature theme for them, they absolutely DEVOURED in Moonlight Chicken. I'm also not a fan of love triangles so yeah, that also played a factor in my rating. The overall plot seems okay, it seems like a silly light show.
Leap Day -- 9/10, OKAY POND AND WIN, I am so excited to see Pond's acting in this, and I already know Win is going to kill it. The overall plot seems so interesting, I am intrigued. There's mystery, thriller, action vibes and I'm here for it. ALSO GUN??? His character seems so interesting, and I just know his acting is going to be A1!! It's reminding me of when he acted in The Gifted, which I absolutely loved. I don't know the girl actress, but her acting all seems excellent! Anyways, super excited to see how this one goes.
Heart Killers -- 9.2/10, FIRSTKHAO + MAFIA???? We all cheered, Jojo the director you are, always hearing what the fans want. They're giving me Yok and Ayan vibes, and I absolutely here for it. Joong and Dunk's series were usually not my favorite, but I'm so glad they FINALLY moved on from the college campus stories. 😭 The trailer is enticing, I feel like all four of them are going to eat up this concept, it is just so good.
Perfect 10 Liners -- 7.5/10, The cast is super good, I love all of the couples. The trailer kind of makes the plot look basic and boring ngl. Out of the three couples, surprisingly I find PerthChimon's characters to be the most interesting. I'm hoping that the show is more interesting than the trailer is making it. Just like EarthMix, I was hoping ForceBook showed a mature character, especially since we just got that in OF. Then again, this is giving me ABAB which is not awful. I was also looking forward to JuniorMark after Cherry Magic, so I hope they do amazing.
Hide & Sis -- 7.5/10, I can't really explain this one. I think the plot is interesting, it's giving me murder mystery which is drawing me in. However, I hope the show gives us more than the trailer because the trailer was kind of mediocre. I am super excited for my girly Lookjun to be in this, hopefully she kills it (ha ha, pun intended).
Thame Po -- 7/10, I don't know how I feel about this one. I think it's cool that they're using the members of LYKN, and I recognize one of the members for being another drama but the overall plot seems kind of basic? I don't know, I'm not sure if I will watch this one.
Break Up Service -- 5.5/10, this one just doesn't seem interesting to me, I'M SORRY. I wish Off was in another series that really showed off his talent (Preferably something like the masterpiece that Not Me is). This is giving me the same vibes as "Catch me Baby" with NetJames, and it just doesn't reel me in like the rest of the series.
Revamp -- 7.8/10, BOUNPREM AND SANTA JOINING GMMTV AND GETTING A SERIES RIGHT AWAY??? I am a sucker for vampires so this was already pulling me in, but I do hope that they don't go with a basic vampire story and add some extra elements. I feel like because vampire stories have been done before, it will take a lot to impress me, but I have high hopes. I also hope that BounPrem get to show their talent, because ngl Between Us was not doing it for me. Excited to see Mark in something a little more mature than Cherry Magic and Perfect 10 Liners.
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist -- 7.5/10, Everyone expected MarkOhm to get a series, and I'm glad they both seem so happy. (I haven't watched Last Twilight so idk how their chemistry is, so I'm excited to see it). The plot of the show seems lighthearted and cute, but it also seemed a little basic? There was nothing that was making me want this series to come out quicker. Excited to see how the show goes though!
The Dark Dice -- 8/10, I'm so excited to see Gemini and Prim's acting!! The plot being centered around being trapped in a board game is so interesting!!! Pr*m (idk how to feel about him) looks like he is going to be a good villain, and the other girl seems like a good actress too. I'm excited to see how they pull off this genre!!
The EX-morning -- 6/10, everyone is freaking out about KristSingho (I don't really know about them, all I know is that they are returning after a long time) but the overall plot seemed boring imo. Idk maybe it will be more interesting after the first episode, I don't mind giving it a try. I do like second chance romances, so that element of the plot is interesting.
Scarlet Heart -- 10/10, I know that we got absolutely NOTHING in the trailer but the genre and cast? This cast with this genre is *chef's kiss*! TU THE WOMEN YOU ARE, She is finally back. Win, Nanon, Phuwin, Fourth, Force!!! I'm super excited to not only see a mini F4 reunion, but also to see how Fourth acts in this. I know this show a remake, but I haven't read the book, watched the chinese drama, or the Korean one; I'm going in completely blind (other than the fact that it's heartbreaking? I'm not going to focus on that, for my mental health LOL). I can't wait to see how this goes. I also think that the trailer showing us absolutely nothing, is a hightale sign that we're about to get a masterpiece.
And before you guys say "What about _______" blah blah, I was not interested in the others. I don't usually watch GLs and the other drama just didn't speak to me, and I don't think i'll watch it.
Also about the people who are sad that Gemini and Fourth have separate series, I think this is good for them! They can grow as actors and then come back together. I feel like romance/ couple dramas limit how much they can expand their experience tbh. Same goes with Pond and Phuwin, I'm glad they have their own dramas.
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ordonianhero · 4 years
Dawn of a new Adventure
A Linked Universe fan fiction. No real warnings needed other then a bit of language. its 2,408 words. Angst/fluff. Little bit of everyone involved. 
Synopsis: The weather get really bad and they just need to find shelter. However the more they journey the worst their moral and mood get. Things get testy. will they find shelter?
Authors note: this came about with our own stormy winter weather blasting through where I live. I hope you enjoy. feel free to create art from any of this or any of my other writings. I would love to see what stuck out to all you creators out there. I love the whole family platonic like bond like thing...so for the life of me don’t go turning this in to LINKCEST or anything NSFW.  The Creator Jojo has requested so and I am with them on that. thank you. Now enjoy. 
Wind: dang we missed the before the story stuff.
Hyrule: well someone had to take their time.
War: excuse me?! I can’t just go walking out in plublic in nothing but lounge wear.
Legend: SHHHHH shut up you three. the story is about the begin.
loud popcorn crunching comes in the direction of Wild. Everyone angrily looks at him. Twilight take the bowl away.
story begins- loud sounds of Hyrule entertainment played by kudzus, by fairies. Time having to swat them away. “Enough!”
  "It's raining sideways!" grumbled the Veteran. The rain blasting at them all as they trudged through a storm. The hair dripping and sticking to their faces. "Surprised its you who is complaining and not our Captain." The smith stated, his hood over his head. The heroes all had experienced unwelcoming weather. However it never makes for an easy journey. The leader of the group was equally not in a pleasant mood with such weather. The cold temperature and soaked clothing seeped into his sore joints from old injuries. He kept his mood to himself, however I knew they best find some sort of shelter. Cloaks did nothing to protect them with the wind blowing harshly, and Rain blinding them with every step they took. Their boots muddy and soggy. If they didn't find shelter soon, they were bound to catch a cold from it.
 They all halted under some Trees for some cover after some time. The rancher blew into his hands attempting warm part of himself up. The wind picked up again, the Trees creaked and moaned. The rain pounding ever hard. This was some storm that had happened. It being winter, that'd be expected. The leader of their group rubbed his sore joints. "So do any of you know which Hyrule we are in?" asked the captain, attempting to ring out his royal blue scarf. Pointless really. They all looked at each other. None of them knew. The young sailor seem to cling to Sky, as he shivered. "only if we had a map or something to show us a place for shelter." The smith stated shaking out his boot. Wild has been quiet, he had done on his warm doublet and his hood, however now even those were failing him.  The rancher shook out, rain water getting ever, a useless thing to do. however it helped him at least be able to see things better. The water droplets had started to form on his eye lashes. "I am sure if we keep moving we will find something." He then suggested. Standing around getting more soaked wasn't going to fix their situation. They all nodded. "so would you like to take the lead then?" suggest the Leader. Rancher looked over at them and then over the rest. "I can take over." He replies, adjusting his sword and pelt. The leader came over and placed his hand on his shoulder. The rancher could tell the Old man was hurting bad. The rain was starting to slow down enough. "Okay, let's get going then." he states as he turned to lead them down the path more. He wasn't very comfortable taking lead. The captain stuck closer to the old leader then, while the wild one and traveler joined the rancher in the front. ********  They had wonder for hours it seemed, as the rancher lead them through the dense woods. It only provide them with some protection from the raging storm going on. The mood in the group had started to get very unpleasant. Some grumbled under their breaths, some whined, and some just stayed quiet. Their mind filled with images how much a warm bath would be nice or a warm fire, with a warm drink. A bed for comfort. It's amazing how weather can make one romanticize little things other's take for granted. Even Wild, who enjoyed the outdoors was thinking about the comfort of a good shelter. His Hyrule always being unpredictable with the weather. The rancher even was thinking how much he would give anything to have a bowl of warm soup. That also reminded him of the time he visited the yetis. Dunking warm baked bread in to a bowl of soup. All their minds were swimming with wishes and images of comforts. So much so that they were all so lost in thought. As the rain once more came down hard. Big, hard, Fat rain drops. "Okay, Could Hylia please let up on us for once." Grumbled the Veteran and in a what would of been comical moment, they all seem to slip and fall like dominoes in the mud. The young sailor sat up and slammed his fists into the puddle he fell in and sob, "I can't do this. This is fucking miserable. I would take being flung out of a canon then this." Sky came over and helped the young sailor up and held him. The captain helped the Older leader up. "probably best we find a cave or something." he tried gently suggesting. "too bad the wild child's stupid slate cant bother work or we wouldn't be this stuck." the veteran angrily says trying to get some of the mud off his tunic.  
 Wild looked down, his wet hair covering his face. Rancher turned and snapped, "Hey, that aint his fault. We're all in this. Sorry we don't have some 'magical' tool that will just go 'hey, there's a good shelter over there!' " his finger pointing out in some random spot. He bore a face which the veteran has never seen. the rancher rarely snaps and is often more comforting or stern. However never snippy or angry. If he was, he never let it on or turn on other. The veteran now felt guilty for lashing out. The rancher was often protective for sure. he knew he picked the wrong person to go after. "Okay let all take it easy." said the Older leader, rubbing his side he fell on. "Getting snappy won't get us anywhere. we got to just got to keep a look out."  They all stood quiet for a bit, the young sailor was still buried into sky, softly sobbing and shivering.
 The rancher turned and closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh. His breath could be seen in the cold that was creeping in more. He placed his hand on the back of wild and rubbed it gently before moving forward. The other's then followed in step. It was only when they walked a few more miles, they all saw in the distance, illuminated by light among the dark woods. "A CABIN!"  Squealed the Traveler. "wonder if anyone live there?" questioned sky as they all made their way towards it. "who'd want to live way out in the middle of nowhere in thick forest?" stated the Captain. The older leader stayed quiet. "some just do." replied the rancher. The veteran snored, "right." As they approached there was a sign that sated, "Traveling camp cabin."
 "oh! it like the cabin's I came across in my hyrule. It's a place for travelers of all sorts to take shelter in." wild explain. "Is that so?" said the smith. "Yeah. see- they have a place where you can even house your horses." they all looked. "well that mighty nice." the rancher said with a smile. They opened the cabin door. The room was semi large. a single bed, a old wooden table where a leather book laid open. A fire place with cooking pot and kettle hung. Wood off to the side of it. It looked unvisited for some time. the room floors creaked and the building smelt of smoke from previous visitors. A few spiders had made their home there in the odd corner of the building. Rancher tended to making sure Epona was set up in the side horse stall with fresh water and food. Dry bedding and a warm blanket over her back. After he dried her off. He then brought in everyone's packs. Wild had gotten a fire started.
 The group respectfully left their muddy boots by the door. Then they each shed their soaked clothing and put on dry ones. Placing the soaked ones to hang on a well placed wire. One of them brought in some water from the nearby stream, placing some off for cooking and the rest was to wash the mud and grime. it wasn't a warm bath, but it would do in the mean time. They had all agreed the Older leader could take the bed. The rest placed their bedding off to the side for when they would go to sleep. Wild made work on making some hearty soup and Traveler went about making tea. They stayed quiet for some time. some took to doing a bit of work on their items. Such as patching up hole in their clothing, placing new chainmail links and removing damaged ones. Traveler came around handing them a nice herbal tea. To sip on while food was still being work on. The Moment the warm liquid touched their lips, there a unison sigh from everyone. The tea hit the spot in helping in warming their cold bodies up and the warm fire heating up the space.
 The smell of the food wild was preparing was also welcomed. Just a simple soup of creamy meat soup. which consisted of whatever meat wild had on hand, milk, herbs and vegetables. There was a little rack above it for warming bread, which he did. The Rancher had his blanket over his head as he stared down at his chainmail and made work with getting all the broken rings off and putting in new one. The young sailor looked over his shoulder and watched in awe. The Veteran also doing so. The Captain, Old leader and Smith worked on their weapons. Sky stuck with Traveler and Wild, helping where he could. When the rancher spotted the little Sailor watching him, he motioned them to sit beside him. He asked if they wanted to learn how to work on chainmail. The sailor nodded. There was a soft chuckle that came from the Veteran. Rancher paid no attention be then gently started teaching the young one the trick. then hand his chainmail over to them. The nervously looked up at the rancher, who placed a hand on their shoulder. The sailor then fidgeted be felt unsuccessful, so the rancher shifted his sitting spot and placed his hand over the sailors and helped them till they finally were able to do it on their own. in which the rancher praised them. The room filled with warm laughter when the sailor enthusiastically whooped that he did it. The fact they were out of the rain, warm shelter, and food on the way improved everyone's moral.
  Once food was ready, they each got a bowl with some honey wheat bread. "MMM. I am so going to food coma after this." Moaned the Veteran. "Oh please do. Think we had enough salt for the day." the Captain joked, with a mouth semi full of soup and bread. "Zing. One point for Captain. what you going to do about it Vet?" laughed Rancher. with a dead pan look at Captain and replied. "Throw salt at them."
"Oi, no thro-" The Old leader was about to say.
 The Veteran placed his bowl of food down and leaped across to tackle the Captain, who had to quickly put his own food down before he was toppled over. "OOF." Everyone in the room chuckled. "Ah now I get it." said Sky, softly chuckling. "wait- were you like the old man and thought he was going to literally toss salt?" questioned Traveler. "well you never know in this group. Sometimes it takes a bit to realize things- like the Old man's horrible dad joke." chuckled the Smith. The room erupted in laughter. "I think my jokes are rather dadtastic." the old leader said with a gently laugh. "okay, say that when you're around your wife next time." The Vet teases as he was getting off the caption and returning to his own food. There was another roar of laughter from the group. Once after several helpings of soup and all of them had finished their food, a few helped with clean up.
 Bed rolls were laid out ready for sleep. The old leader took to reading a few letter his wife sent. The more younger members took to watch as Captain was once again losing to Rancher in a game of poker. "I for the life of me have no idea how you do it." captain said smiling back at the Rancher. There was a smirk on the rancher's face as he shuffled the deck. "He just that good. You maybe a strategist in this group, but he is the one to read through you bullshit talk and look." Sky chuckled. "Oh is that so, country? predicting my moves are you?" the Captain smirked with a flashy smile. The Rancher didn't reply but handed out the cards again. Then he just smirked once more up at the Captain. The played at least one last round. Which resulted in the Captain fling his cards at Rancher and everyone chuckling.
 Wild made some warm honey and cinnamon milk to help the younger ones to fall asleep easily. Which they drank and fell in to warm milk drunk sleep stage. Everyone else crawled into their bed roll and laid down to sleep. a few snuggled up with certain members. The rancher was last one up. He tossed in two more logs to keep the fire going a bit more before heading to his bed roll. He then caught the eye of the Older leader, who quietly motioned him over. He quietly made his way over. The old leader shifted and motioned for him to sleep beside him. Rancher joined him and curled up in their arms. Soon falling asleep in their arms. "I am so proud of you." whispered the old leader as looked over his blood. Then softly fell asleep himself. The only sound left, was the sound of the heavy rain falling, soft breathing of nine sleeping heroes and the crackling of the fire. Safe and Sound, snug and warm, and forgotten memory how the day first was. *****  When they woke, the warm sun streamed through the window. The fire was out, but the ambers still smoldering, and could be seen dancing in the light. The resident birds chirped. Only a few still not woke. Not shockingly sky being one, but the Old leader and Rancher. Who were known to be early birds in the group. by habit. The Captain suggested to let them sleep in a little more, while getting sky to wake, but grudgingly not ready to get up. Wild set to work making some breakfast. Veteran and Wind went about feeding Epona and giving her some attention. The Traveler Stretched and lout a yawn. "A Dawn of a new day. New adventure awaits us." -Fin.
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