#you know I'm a nika and daminika fan
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byghostface · 1 year ago
Bring out a life/death cycle to each other. Plus they don't have healthy relationships with their families.
Have you ever considering Daminika? They're right there. And the personalities you describe in your post are just Damian and Nika.
When Damian killed Nika with an aggressive kick unexpectedly, he held onto Nika's wrist and stayed there and didn't let go until she came back to life. That's a life/death cycle and a meaningful one to Damian for him to realize that he actually cares about her and his passion to live the life he wants and needs his friend's and family's support while he still has it.
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-[Robin(2021)#7]-Artist: Gleb Melnikov-
Nika cares about Damian a lot too and cares enough to steal back the shojo manga that he owns from XXL and then read it trying to understand him(during his disappearance on island), found the chance to speak to Damian when he's back on tournament and return it to him . And talk to him first about her family's views on her and the backstory of her becoming Lord Death Man's sidekick.
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-[Robin(2021)#6 and #11]-Artist: Gleb Melnikov-
Then Damian chose to open up a bit to Nika about his family issues when Nika brought up the shojo manga again. And she told him her name. You can't tell me they don't have something going on and no build up, no chemistry.
And you want to take his development and Nika's importance to him away? Why? Just like how every time Damian gets the character regression treatment when he has changed to a new writer? Y'all just want Nika to be gone, and throwing excuses to erase her without sounding like a hater, when you clearly have fumes with her.
I said it was because people start shipping that crap bc this post so stop lying to yourself if it's not started by Damijon shipper out of spite, and you all flock to it.
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Like, can you imagine if like things don't work out between her and Damian(🤞) and now one of the Super Son's enemies are his ex and his half-brother who hates his guts. Like imagine ALL THE ANGST!
Please for the love of god leave Nika and Respawn alone and stop spreading lies that will only bring indirect hate to the characters, you are mean to them by putting them as made up toxic characters in your head. You don't care about them both, leave them alone!!! You just want to use them as tools to fuel your own ship when you don't need to doing all that.
Like I said shipping Nika with Damian's half-brother and calling it angst is plain foul, what do you mean by that when Nika in canon clearly cares about Damian and the only direct interaction she had with Respawn is her being annoyed by him jabbing about her and Damian. Or maybe you just don't bother reading the actual comics to learn their characters and started pulling nonsense out of thin air.
I DO NOT hate Flatline by any means. In fact, I feel like she's pretty cool! Fun, actually! I think she has so much potential!
If what you said is true than maybe read the comic that had featured Nika. For example, in the newest #6 issue of Batman and Robin where Damian develops his relationship with Nika onwards. And learn more about her from her creator-Joshua Williamson who is the writer of this run same as Robin(2021)
Daminika just started to develop their relationship, so maybe you can see what Damian and Nika had in store in the current comics run and nourish this instead of pulling your hardest to talk over what they actually had and put them in the wired situations and pretend you're not doing it with bad intentions.
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-[Batman and Robin(2023)#6]-Artist: Nikola Cizmesija- (look how cute they are, the bright light shines behind them and the bats flying around them…They both smiling, blushing and so happy to see each other again<3)
Respawn it's a character I feel pity for in his situation but don't like as a character that affects Talia and Ras' character( the reason I only drew him with Rose's interaction so far ). He is like Damian's half-brother and Rose's half-brother, and the proshipper already acting gross with that fact alone. Not to mention Damian and Respawn are almost like twins. And as a twins myself, I'm so sick and tired of the sh!t ppl made up in media about twins, and the gross proshipping always acts up about it (plus the sick side of fetish of a love triangle involving twins, and brothers, sisters in general). And then I have to sit there thinking to myself should I bother to draw Damian and Respawn as cute brothers with Rose, or would the harmless siblings art I could make would backfire on me with the damn porshipper showing up in my notifications? I think not, no thank you. And the sad fact that I do have fanart of Respawn for his character lore(not for shipping reason unlike some ppl), but thinking about the weird ppl in fandom towards the sibling characters just makes me more depressed and don't want to post it at all.
Then again if you don't like daminika I need you to stop your weird imagination of them breaking up and pulling sh!t onto their fresh developing relationship and leave my girl alone‼️( Damian I'm sorry I can't save you, the already existing fandom is rotting with proshipper for you😞)
Also, I woke up to a damira3 fan artist drawing Raven over Nika in the comic hug panel on Twitter(x) ( drawing over other people's art with the whole other character is disrespectful to the original artist. AI art type of mindset if you ask me, take things away and twist it then said you fixed it, you didn't!!!)
You ppl never normal about Nika always had some sh!t with my girl, BACK OFF YALL WEIRDOS YALL DOING TOO MUCH‼️‼️‼️
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(and god forbid me to speak up and defend Nika, cuz some of you will still twist my words/speak over me regardless)
Thanks for reading if you're still here. I'm probably can go on venting more, but I want to go and focus on my art now bye.👍
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Also what is respawn x flatline ship I see on Tumblr here, make her a cheater in your sick head when she never was one, plus ship her with respawn who was supposed to be Damian's half-bother is plain foul. Just said you hate Nika stop pretending‼️YOUR PROJECTING HATE OF FLATLINE IS SHOWING‼️‼️YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT HER OR RESPAWN BEFORE + ONLY CARE ABOUT THEM JUST FOR THIS SPITE SHIP
Anyway steal this from my twitter(x) tl
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annakabeybeh · 8 months ago
I'm writing this because I want to vent and this is a good place to do so (for me at least).
I've never felt so unwelcomed in a fandom before and I have been in so many in my life. I'm a kpoper so I know how toxic fandoms can be. There a few I can name from the top of my head right now but the DC one is absolutely baffling to me. I've done nothing, NOTHING at all and I feel like I'm being hated just by the sole fact that I ship something.
As a fan I'm a multishipper, I can ship my fav character with 10 other character because I just find happiness in their happiness, but in this instance that seems like a big no, no. Starting with the canon shit. Damn it, I thought as fans we can agree that sometimes what authors do might not be of justice of a character, they can be shitty things and asasinate the character. We can love something but hate some parts of it. I mean critical thinking much?
Also, the aging up/down of a character discourse feels like bullshit. "If you age down a character to ship it, you're doing character assasination" or the "if you age down a character to be shipped with another you're being disgusting" ones are absolutely the most weak and disgusting ones as the canon universe have done it SO MANY TIMES it just feel like they want to hate on something. Why they can age up Jon to be with Saturn Girl or age down Barbara to be with Dick but I cannot age down Jon to the age he should be to ship it with Damian. Also the fact that Damijon shippers are called names just for the fact that they ship something is awful. I understand there are people whose awful, disgusting discourses are being loud enough to taint the name of a ship but they keep giving them voice, just for the fucking reason to hate on the whole ship.
They say one person is being disgusting but they keep looking at their tweets to hate, dude, block and ignore so you don't give the attention they are absolutely and disgustingly looking for.
I have a rule, I get far away from things I don't like and I do not criticize (something I might be doing at this very moment but the whole ordeal has been absolutely too much for me to not vent at this moment), and I hope the same actitude towards the things I like.
I'm not saying the people here on tumblr had been like that, no, of course not, I found here so much love towards the characters an the ships and respect to one another (maybe my algorithm hadn't pushed me to the ugly side and I'm glad of it) but twitter. Twitter fans are mean, angry and hateful. All of the one I have encountered have been prejudice. I ship damijon but also Daminika, I love Nika and I wish they could give her own solo title, she's an interesting character to be reduced to only Damian love interest.
So in their opinion because I ship Damijon, I hate Nika, wrong! I like her, such a fun interesting character that deserves more spotlight to be more loved. Also it seems that by proxy I hate Talia, I love her and hate the racist characterization the writers did to her (again, not all authors do right, they make mistakes and we can just pass through them because they're awful in many ways) or I hate even Jay, oh no, on the contrary I like him and his design and the relationship he has with Jon. I can also say many of that hate can come from homofobic views in relation to Daminika (it works because it is a straight couple) but also with Jon and Jay because they aged up Jon to be with Saturn Girl but it was wrong to age him down to be with Jay.
I know there are shippers that doesn't seen the characters outside their ship, I'm not one of them and the fact that I'm a shipper and they think THAT COULD BE ME, it's insulting but I've seen there's so much prejudice around it. I like the characters by itself and as an asexual person I could ship but it's not everything a character can be, I seem them outside romantic relationships, as their own person and that's why I like them, I don't like them to ship I like them for what they are. Starting with Damian, Jon, Flatline, Dick, Kory, Babs, Bruce, Talia, Selina, etc.
I cannot get my head around all the hate towards people only trying to enjoy something they like and don't get me started on how some creators are being hated because their content ain't canon and they have to state it in everything they post so they don't get insults from people.
I love headcanons, I love AUs in which you can put the character into setting outside their own world but well narrated and well characterized but also... does all comics are well characterized, absolutely not but is canon so people just accept it? It shouldn't.
I end this rant because I need to work and I don't want to keep fueling my anger.
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byghostface · 1 year ago
Look I dunno what this Daminika shipping drama is all about. (I followed you because I like your Rayllum art).
but it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
We should only call the actual crime of pedophilia that and not use the word like a petty insult. Also all this rage gave me the impression that Jon/Damian was like a super twisted ship or something but I googled it and they are 17 and 13 y.o. which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia. they are both teens and people draw them looking the same age in fan art anyway.
If you are not in the dc fandom then maybe don't speak on something you think you know.
But it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
Damian and Jon always have 3 years age gap, even before dc age up Jon, they are like 13 and 10, And after age up(Jon is stuck in space had lived through years and is back on earth) they are now 14 and 17. In most of the fan art, you see people who draw them looking the same age pre-age up, because Damian is really short at 13. And people started to ship them when Jon is 10 year old child. You don't date a child when you're a teen, or date a 14 year old teen and being a college student, that is weird.
In the current comic Jon Kent has a boyfriend-Jay Nakamura(Gossamer) whom he met in college and still happily dating.( then there are racist thing ppl would said about Jay on twitter just bc he is a Japanese character and the other shipper use that to attack him too bc they doesn't like Jayjon as a ship )
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-[Action Comics v1 1059 (2024)]-Artist: Marguerite Sauvage-
As an asexual, I mostly headcanon Nika and Damian as nonbinary and asexual. And a lot of the ppl who like Daminika see them as trans for trans too.
You said you followed me for my rayllum art. So you don’t know what the characters I’m talking about, have been drawing about in dc fandom. In my previous vent post is referring to the weird age gap ship, and the maturity of different ages and mentalities when characters are being ship together. And that ship's shippers + incest proshippers are being misogyny towards Nika relentlessly. It's not about against mlm ship, or being homophobic like you claimed.
Maybe you are young and see the fanart and can't think clearly what the issue is. That I can understand, because a few years ago(when I was young and dumb!! and didn't/unable to use my brain to think clearly!!!) I used to think the weird age gap was nothing but now I'm looking back and regret the weird ship I used to ship and draw (Toph and Sokka), I don't ship them anymore + Suki x Sokka superior!!
I have deleted some of Toph and Sokka art and the remaining ones have changed titles and tags to platonic sense. I didn't delete them all because they are still part of my (dumb and reckless!!!) art journey and the things that I'm now getting over and will not ever draw as a ship again.
Which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia.
You admit that would be weird irl and yet tired to dismiss me when I express my uncomfortableness and wanting those ppl to leave the characters(Nika & Respawn) I care about alone. If you are the type of proshipper that says fictional doesn't affect reality… then stop talking to me + invalid opinions‼️ (don't affect reality?? Of course it is! You are a person in reality who argues with me about fiction and conception/representation that affect all of us)
Like I said in my vent post, I never want to interact with them and I don't go into their page or cross ship tags and comments on things or anything related to their ships before. And this is the first time I have spoken up and tried to defend Nika here on Tumblr. Because I'm the only one constantly making contents about her and love her as a character and the only person here on Tumblr who wants to talk about/express my love for her through my art for nearly three years.
And I can't speak up when they want to tools Nika and Respawn for their own ships and set them up as toxic made up characters in their head?!? And I should let that kind of blunt lies disguise as "playful! fun even!!" fanon and let it slip and damage Nika and Respawn's character!?!?? And let that MISOGYNY energy towards Nika fly into fanfic further misconception both of their character and personalities?!??? Similar things that had happened to Talia being constantly demonized through racism and misogyny by fanon?!?!?? A reappear theme by shipper/yaoi incest proshipper tools her as a bad Asian mom to make a sad and twisted background for Damian to need to be protected by the characters they ship him with?!??
Not all of the shippers/fic writers do this but still, I'm meant by the misconception fanons that spin out of control… then SOMETIMES THE ACTUAL COMICS WRITES(different ones/weird ones) WOULD MAKE IT CANON AND DAMAGE THE CHARACTERS‼️IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE‼️‼️
I know the shippers and the fandom will always be there because of the internet. And I can't control it, so I set up boundaries now by speaking up and defend my favorite characters while I still can.
You can comment under this post if you still disagree with me(unless you're a proshipper then stop interacting with me‼️), and don't hide behind anonymity before you understand what I'm talking about and don't twist my words for your own comfort.
(Again, sorry if you are not in the dc fandom and catching strays of my discomfort and anger. But I love Nika too much so I had to speak in my page)
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byghostface · 9 months ago
Hey. I’m on anon right now but I’m not here to hate or anything so I’ll probably take it off. Edit: I will now, knowing I’ll make my account vulnerable, but if you don’t agree then please just don’t awnser the ask, I don’t want to get hateful things in my inbox for this. Please?
You’ve mentioned things that I’ve said in the past and things that I was actually wrong about and yeah, I’m sorry about that but can I be honest? I’m tired. I’m tired of fighting all the time. I’m sick of disourse and this constant war between Damijon shippers and Daminika shippers.
I am so over it. Daminika shippers are mean and Damijon shippers are mean. We are both mean, why? Cause we’re extremely defensive. I’ve seen what you guys have to put up with on twitter by Damijon shippers and I hate it. I hate it so much and because of that, Daminika shippers will migrate from twitter to tumblr with the same idea that Damijon shippers are the same way, we aren’t but with that idea, came attacking, and having to stay on defensive constantly. It’s exhausting, I got bitter and hateful, I know I got bitter and hateful and a lot of you will get bitter and hateful too.
We should both be allowed to nurture safe places on the internet where we share content of the ships we like without feeling the need to diss each other or be at each other’s throats or feel like we’re doing something wrong.
I’d rather that. I have attacked people in the past. I have been rude, mean, on the defensive and I am spent. I don’t want to do this forever, it’ll do some serious damage to both of our well beings and online drama should never be worth that.
So I’m asking for a truce? At the very least, we stop being on the offensive and stay on defensive, we stop generalizing each other and start leaving one another be? Or we could stop posting about the other ship entirely or make both our spaces welcome to the other ship.
I like your art. I reblogged some of it and wanted some of it on my page and some of my mutauls who ship damijon reblog it as well but you stated you don’t want Damijon shippers interacting with your page, and honestly I respect that so I stopped and told my mutuals to stop as well… but… still we both tend to be hostile to each other, I think it’s just really sad to try and seek community where other people like the same things you do and find this instead. This type of culture is toxic. A good friend of mine is a Daminika shipper and they hate Damijon but I still love them so I know it’s possible, no ship is good enough to have to put up with this constantly, not even Damijon after years of shipping them. I just want some sort of common ground. So truce?
I still stand by what I said, I don't want damijon shippers to interact with me, and I don't want to surround myself with people I do not feel safe or unclear and trouble me for days.
We are both defensive, you are in a pre-existing fandom. And I'm in a new fandom. I want Flatline's fandom to be good and progress naturally with more supportive fans without overlapping big fandom to keep coming in dunked-on/talking over the content we have and enjoy, with the far-fetched fanon that doesn't even make sense with her character in the comic.
Most of the Flatline fans/ daminika fans are from Twitter because they found out about Nika through there and how we keep talking about her positively and defending her daily since 2021. They are already discouraged/intimidated by Tumblr people and how forgivable this place is by the large amount of ppl with proshipping, with "complex relationships" fanon that overshadows/damaged characters. I just happened to post art here from the beginning to stick it through and stay in my tags.
You said I generalized things, and you do the same by putting yourself into the said generalized things to defend them and create tolerate ground and bring more people from your space to talk over daminika shipper and being annoyed that we want to talk solely about the canon content or any problems we have.
People with different ideas exist. And not everything is about you, if you don't do the bad/hateful things then maybe let daminika shippers speak about our frustration without the need to come in to beat us down and gloss over the issue like it doesn't exist (when we do have ppI here seen the hate towards Flatline is real and constant from damijon shippers). It's your side of the fandom that constantly caused problems for us, and you still vouch for all like it was nothing.
Now, Nika is in the process of a relationship with Damian, as a daminika shipper I enjoyed their interaction while I could and created fan content for them. But it's not so enjoyable when some of you talk like they are going to break up in the future(so Damian can date Jon Kent). Like why do you want Nika to fail so soon in your own fanon? And villainize her when she is just a 15-year-old girl currently trying to figure out things? Like what was the reason?? (want Damijon to eventually happen that's why). When you could just write your damn fic and live in your own fanon without including her, since you will still prioritize damijon and tools her(for canon validation) in the end.
I hate it when ppl mix around the characters just for shipping out of spite and do not consider their age and current circumstances. Like the respawn x flatline things damijon shippers created months ago, and now I see ppl want to ship jondaminika…like give me a break for fuck sake. Why is a college student squeezed between two high school freshmen? Like get his grow ass out of there, I don't need ppl pushing their damijon thoughts onto Nika just so they can cope with that damijon ship is not canon and with canon age gaps!!
All I ask for is to leave Nika alone and let her have time to grow and wait for the comic to explain itself (I trust Williamson because he is her creator and clearly still have plans for her).
I'm tired too. These ship fights are too early for Nika. She's not even breaking up with Damian. Damian is not yet getting a second canon love interest any time soon, Nika is not developed enough to get her own second love interest, and I'm here fighting with none-canon shippers with pre-existing fandom. Trying to save a space for ppl who just want to root for Nika or enjoy daminika contents.
Like I can not stop what you want to ship but how hard could it be to ship different ships separately and look at them in different worlds without interfering with one another? And how hard could it be to leave me alone when you disagree with me personally when I speak my frustrations?
I really don't know how you managed your fandom cuz I never went into or tagged damijon tags, and you had me blocked for months before this(for your safety or my safety I genuinely don't know). You said you respect my boundaries and I'm grateful for that but I have heard something you have done to other fandom and see some of your post screen shots from my friends about how you talk about them. You've done a whole lot before I can even finish a drawing.
I do hope you have changed cuz you said you don't want to do this hateful things forever(so am I) and you like my art, but I need you to hear this: I do not feel any comfort with you or any of your friends around me. I think it's best for us not to interact with each other, and this is just me speaking.
Let's keep our social distance, stay six feet apart and stay in our own ship tags, the best truce I can think of.
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ceristhefallen · 8 months ago
I can't believe I haven't seen this post till now but let me start with this—I'm very sorry this happened to you. I may not have the full length of what you experienced but I can tell you this-
It is BEYOND insane how RABID fans get.
I warned myself not to go on Twitter. I've watched videos and read commentaries on how toxic that space is. But did I know better? Nope. Instead, I entered the cite as a silent observer.
And I've been silent since I peeked in the app. Simply put: I never made a single post or commented on others. I'm a little afraid to try. And this is ironic from ME when I once slapped back at a Daminika stan who tried to harass one of my mutuals when we formed constructive criticism about the ship and the writing involved for Robin 2021 and Batman & Robin 2023.
Do I hate Nika? No. Do I like Nika? Sorta..? Sadly, I feel like Nika is an overhyped character who Joshua Williamson shoved into Damian's stories so quickly (and assassinating parts of his character) to keep her relevant. And that she really doesn't show or face the consequences of her "flaws". Like, I get character complexity but that doesn't excuse poor writing/execution.
I also had thoughts on Damirae. I loved this pair! This was one of my first and favorites! But I grew out of it when I did research on both characters. Not only are they kinda too similar in personality but on Raven's characterization specifically- I don't see her keeping a relationship.
But Mother Nature forbid- we can't make constructive critiques or like/dislike something- without stans attacking like blood-thirsty dogs!
Like- c'mon, no one asked if you had to like it. Either take the opinion or skip it! Leave them be! And if you really want to add your own critique, just be civil about it. Why isn't that an option?? Don't you think harassing/downgrading others of different opinions will do yours less justice??
😅 I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to sound like this is being directed at YOU but I had to express my thoughts on this (even if I previously did before on occasions-😆). You're welcome to add onto this. Again, I'm deeply sorry about what you went through and I hope even after that, you have a wonderful week. ♥️
I'm writing this because I want to vent and this is a good place to do so (for me at least).
I've never felt so unwelcomed in a fandom before and I have been in so many in my life. I'm a kpoper so I know how toxic fandoms can be. There a few I can name from the top of my head right now but the DC one is absolutely baffling to me. I've done nothing, NOTHING at all and I feel like I'm being hated just by the sole fact that I ship something.
As a fan I'm a multishipper, I can ship my fav character with 10 other character because I just find happiness in their happiness, but in this instance that seems like a big no, no. Starting with the canon shit. Damn it, I thought as fans we can agree that sometimes what authors do might not be of justice of a character, they can be shitty things and asasinate the character. We can love something but hate some parts of it. I mean critical thinking much?
Also, the aging up/down of a character discourse feels like bullshit. "If you age down a character to ship it, you're doing character assasination" or the "if you age down a character to be shipped with another you're being disgusting" ones are absolutely the most weak and disgusting ones as the canon universe have done it SO MANY TIMES it just feel like they want to hate on something. Why they can age up Jon to be with Saturn Girl or age down Barbara to be with Dick but I cannot age down Jon to the age he should be to ship it with Damian. Also the fact that Damijon shippers are called names just for the fact that they ship something is awful. I understand there are people whose awful, disgusting discourses are being loud enough to taint the name of a ship but they keep giving them voice, just for the fucking reason to hate on the whole ship.
They say one person is being disgusting but they keep looking at their tweets to hate, dude, block and ignore so you don't give the attention they are absolutely and disgustingly looking for.
I have a rule, I get far away from things I don't like and I do not criticize (something I might be doing at this very moment but the whole ordeal has been absolutely too much for me to not vent at this moment), and I hope the same actitude towards the things I like.
I'm not saying the people here on tumblr had been like that, no, of course not, I found here so much love towards the characters an the ships and respect to one another (maybe my algorithm hadn't pushed me to the ugly side and I'm glad of it) but twitter. Twitter fans are mean, angry and hateful. All of the one I have encountered have been prejudice. I ship damijon but also Daminika, I love Nika and I wish they could give her own solo title, she's an interesting character to be reduced to only Damian love interest.
So in their opinion because I ship Damijon, I hate Nika, wrong! I like her, such a fun interesting character that deserves more spotlight to be more loved. Also it seems that by proxy I hate Talia, I love her and hate the racist characterization the writers did to her (again, not all authors do right, they make mistakes and we can just pass through them because they're awful in many ways) or I hate even Jay, oh no, on the contrary I like him and his design and the relationship he has with Jon. I can also say many of that hate can come from homofobic views in relation to Daminika (it works because it is a straight couple) but also with Jon and Jay because they aged up Jon to be with Saturn Girl but it was wrong to age him down to be with Jay.
I know there are shippers that doesn't seen the characters outside their ship, I'm not one of them and the fact that I'm a shipper and they think THAT COULD BE ME, it's insulting but I've seen there's so much prejudice around it. I like the characters by itself and as an asexual person I could ship but it's not everything a character can be, I seem them outside romantic relationships, as their own person and that's why I like them, I don't like them to ship I like them for what they are. Starting with Damian, Jon, Flatline, Dick, Kory, Babs, Bruce, Talia, Selina, etc.
I cannot get my head around all the hate towards people only trying to enjoy something they like and don't get me started on how some creators are being hated because their content ain't canon and they have to state it in everything they post so they don't get insults from people.
I love headcanons, I love AUs in which you can put the character into setting outside their own world but well narrated and well characterized but also... does all comics are well characterized, absolutely not but is canon so people just accept it? It shouldn't.
I end this rant because I need to work and I don't want to keep fueling my anger.
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